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The 2010 Draft (Evaluation)



  • Registered Users Posts: 36,180 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic

    it's late in the day...but here is a very brief background to my roster, just to give you a flavour of where everyone is coming from prior to my run of TV and PPV.

    also, just to clarify, I won't be putting up full TV shows, but rather just a run down of how the relative feuds panned out, probably similar enough to Flah's style. i think it'll be less time consuming than putting out 4/5 weeks of full TV. my effort will probably be quite shameful compared to Flah's, as well as the rest of you guys' efforts (it really has been a phenomenal standard), but sure, here goes...

    P.S...I'm not going to put up a million photos, just for the title holders. i'll be honest, i don't have the inclination right now to find all the suitable ones!



    SWF Champion – Antonio Inoki


    TV Champion – Rick Rude


    Tag Titles – Nasty Boys


    SWF History:

    Since arriving in the SWF, Antonio Inoki has been a dominant force. 3 PPVs ago, he won the SWF World Title off Batista, the brash, uncaring, money loving bully of the company (for lack of a better word!), in a 30 minute ‘I Quit’ Match, the culmination of a 4 month, 4 PPV feud, when he synched in his patented ‘Kimura’ armbar on Batista for 6 minutes! Batista passed out rather than quitting, and hasn’t been seen since.

    With his array of technical and MMA skills, he has proven too much for all, to the delight of the fans. An affable character, he always has time for them, and wrestles with a smile on his face.

    A new challenger for SWFs headline PPV of the year, ‘Absolution’, which takes place in 6 weeks time, has not been revealed.

    Ricky Steamboat is the other top babyface in the company. A former World Champion, he is the epitome of All-American good-natured morality. A family man, a supremely talented athlete, he held the title before Batista, eventually losing in the culmination of that feud, when he barely lost the Last Man Standing Match. He has since been feuding with Kevin Nash.

    Rick Rude is the TV Champion. A man in love with himself, who will go to any lengths to prove how much better looking, and more talented he is, than everyone else, he nonetheless had a stellar series with Davey Boy Smith, which culminated in him winning the title he now holds, after a 30 minute IronMan match.

    Davey Boy Smith is the big, powerhouse mid-card babyface, and has recently joined again with Dynamite Kid to reform The Bulldogs. No more than a month after their reunion, and after overcoming ‘The Gangstas’, they are now No.1 Contenders for the SWF Tag Titles, currently held by The Nasty Boys.

    The Nasty Boys are the current champions. The name of their game is, as expected, win by any means necessary. Pool cues, megaphones, TV monitors, brass knucks, metal chains, anything...they don’t do clean victories. They’ve recently come off an epic 2 PPV feud with The Briscoes.

    Barry Windham and Chris Candido have just come off a 6 week feud, with Windham winning the blow off. Windham is a former TV Champion.

    GM Slick has promised surprises over these next few weeks...the types of surprises that can only come as we home in on ‘Absolution’...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj


    Gregory Helms © Vs CIMA Vs Hayabusa Vs Dragon Kid

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    Build up:
    Helms has shed his Hurricane gimmick and turned on the fans. The NWA has imported the best high flyers from across the world to make his Junior Heavyweight Title a much sought-after commodity.

    Why I booked this feud/match:

    Every show should start off with a hot, spot filled opener to get the crowd on their feet. I like the idea of a heel champion being chased by a number of popular, spectacular faces. CIMA in particular is someone with the charisma and in-ring ability to get over with a Western audience. Seeing a well known WWE cruiserweight, an ECW/FMW legend like Hayabusa and the Dragon Gate guys in one ring also makes for a totally unique and intriguing spectacle.

    Match outcome:

    I would give this 12 minutes and get these four to go balls to the wall to start the show off with an insane spot-fest. Under the elimination rules I’d like to see it come down to Helms vs CIMA as I’ve built a little animosity between the two. I would have Helms retain here, but build CIMA with a very strong showing getting the pinfalls on Dragon Kid and Hayabusa. This would establish CIMA as Helms’ biggest rival for a long feud going forward.

    Winner and STILL NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion, Gregory Helms in 12.00
    Backstage Segment:The participants to the Main Event are shown arriving at the arena. DiBiase arrives in a massive white limo, surrounded by his cronies in the Millionaires’ Club.

    Masato Tanaka vs Mike Awesome

    Masato_Tanaka.jpg VS 17991309_117193164197.jpg

    Build up:
    Awesome has been lording it over jobbers for weeks, inflicting as much pain as possible and generally being a bullying asshole. His oldest enemy Tanaka has taken exception to this, but Awesome refuses to fight him, saying he has moved on from their feud. However Tanaka gets his attention by putting him through a table with his own finisher, setting up the final and absolute last match up of this feud.

    Why I booked this feud/match:
    This is one of those feuds that never gets old. These men have practically killed each other in promotions all over the world , even stealing the show at WWE’s One Night Stand. They’ve never had a bad match with each other. I see the NWA as a fitting place for them to finally settle things for once and for all and put closure on one of the great modern day rivalries. It continues the fast paced opening that the cruisers gave to the show and keeps the crowd on their feet.

    Match Outcome:

    These guys are the kings of the ten minute brawl, and this is no different. Basically they beat the sh*t out of each other like only they can. NWA’s normally strict rules have been relaxed a little in order that their issue is settled for once and for all. The amount of punishment Tanaka takes is ridiculous. Eventually Mike gets the win by resorting to an insane Awesome Bomb from the top turnbuckles through two tables on the concrete floor.

    The men shake hands in the ring after the match, signalling that their seemingly never ending feud has reach completion. This win would be a platform used to push Awesome towards an eventual run at the Main Events as I see him as someone with bags of unused potential, while Tanaka’s reputation is also enhanced by his gutsy display.

    Winner by Pinfall: Mike Awesome in 10.54
    Backstage Segment:
    Cameras are directed backstage as a major situation is developing! New Money Inc who challenge for the tag tites later are seen attacking Dusty Rhodes’ knee with a crowbar as Ted Senior laughs maniacally in the background. To add insult to injury, DiBiase throws a fistful of dollar at Dusty “To help pay for his ambulance ride.”

    NWA TV Title: “Dr Death” Steve Williams (c) Vs Stan Hansen

    z40hwzqikj050ltvs0gt.jpg VS hansen.jpg

    Build Up:
    Williams has become increasingly arrogant as his record breaking two year run as TV champ shows no signs of slowing down. Hansen, his friend and intermittent tag team partner has tired of his new found cockiness and Williams’ claims of being “Best Wrestler in the World.” He has vowed to beat some humility into Williams by taking what he treasures most, the prestigious TV title.

    Why I booked this feud/match:
    Of all the matches on the card this is the one I’d actually look forward to most. I’m an unashamed mark for both these guys and would put them both in my all time top 10 every time. They are a perfect match up for several reasons. They have a history of tagging together in Japan. They both had arguably the greatest success of their careers in Japan and their hard-hitting Puroresu style would make for an incredible match. They also have never faced each other in a high profile match on American soil before.

    Match Outcome:
    The match would see Hansen’s physically overbearing style clash with the mat wrestling skills of Williams. Given the animosity that has built between them, the exchanges are stiff and not for the faint hearted. After 15 minutes of incredible action, Williams gets the win under dubious circumstances, pinning Hansen with his feet on the ropes for leverage. Post match an enraged Hansen flattens Williams with his fearsome lariat to gain a measure of revenge. The issue between these two is far from over it seems.

    Winner by Pinfall: “Dr Death” Steve Williams after 15.32
    Backstage Segment:
    Medics are shown tending to Dusty Rhodes’ ankle in his dressing room. Worried NWA officials fear that his leg may be broken.

    The Taliban (The Iron Sheik & the Original Sheik) Vs The Steiner Brothers

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    Build Up:
    The Taliban have shocked the world and made newsreels everywhere with their anti-US rhetoric. Time and time again they have crossed the line, desecrating the American flag and insulting the NWA fans with their ill founded bile. Scott Steiner, proud American and renowned xenophobe has taken this more than personally. His mood has been worsened by the fact that his brother Scott is currently on a tour of duty in Iraq, the Sheik’s home nation. With his brother returning to America, he now has the back up he needs to battle the evil Taliban at Starrcade.

    Why I booked this match/fued:
    Only a fool wouldn’t book Steiner and Sheik in a programme together. Two of the most unpredictable loose cannons in wrestling history with live microphones makes for comedy and TV gold IMO. Greatest back and forth promos ever, surely. Add in a good old fashioned anti-USA heel group, with the Original Sheik the perfect partner for the Iron Sheik and you have a firecracker of a storyline. The Steiners, two All American stars and top babyfaces are ideal foils for the heels and pitting against such heated foes only gets them over more. The fact that both Steiner and Sheik are accomplished college and amateur wrestlers adds more intrigue to the mix and is a good storyline tool.

    Match Outcome:
    A naturally heated and tense affair sees the crowd hugely behind the Steiners. They come to the ring dressed in full military regalia and “Born in the USA” by the Boss as their theme tune. The Taliban use everything ion their evil amoury to put the brothers away, including the Sheiks patented spike, but all to no avail. The teams are evenly matched throughout but the faces prevail to a thunderous reception, as Scott murders the original Sheik with a Steiner Screwdriver.

    Post match, the Steiners force the Taliban to stand to attention as the “Stars and the Stripes” is played over the speakers.

    Winners by Pinfall: The Steiner Brothers after 13.45.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj


    Backstage Segment:[Dusty Rhodes is seen being stretchered through the backstage area, sceaming in agony.

    NWA World Tag Team Championships: The Horsemen (Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard) vs New Money Inc (Ted DiBiase Jr and IRS)

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    Build Up:
    The match was signed after the Horsemen screwed The Million Dollar Man out of $20,000, which he had paid them to break Dusty Rhodes’ leg in the run up to Starrcade. The Horsemen took exception to the notion that they, the best tag team in the NWA were anyone’s “paid help”, labeling the Millionaires’ Club as wannabe Four Horsemen. To gain revenge new Money Inc used their influence with crooked GM Larry Zybyszko to sign a tag title match at Starrcade.

    Why I booked this feud/match:
    The Horsemen were an obvious choice to book as tag champions. I liked the idea that the Millionaires’ Club were such a detestable bunch that even the Horsemen, (well known themselves for plenty blagguarding in their time) wouldn’t associate with them. Pairing Ted Jr with IRS I saw as a nice modern twist on the old Money Incorporated team his father had with Shystyer. The ankle breaking angle I thought was a good old school plotline that was actually used by the Horsemen back in the day and fitted in nicely with the general old school vibe of my shows and roster.

    Match Outcome:
    The Horsemen would dominate proceedings from the start, with New Money Inc stalling for all their worth in true heel style. Shockingly, the heels would take the massive upset win with IRS distracting the referee long enough for Ted Jr to waffle Blanchard with the tag belt for the pinfall win!!!

    Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: NEW MONEY INC!!!!! in 14.12

    The Millionaires’ Club are shown celebrating in their dressing room, delighted with their night’s work. Not only do they now hold the World and Tag Titles, but they also appear to have taken Dusty Rhodes out of tonight’s Main Event!!!

    No Holds Barred Fistfight: Cactus Jack vs Floyd Mayweather Jr

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    Build Up:
    Foley takes exception to Mayweather’s assertion that wrestlers aren’t real fighters and challenges him to a match. Mayweather agrees but then reveals that he has joined the Millionaire’s Club faction. They proceed to hand Foley the beating of bhis life. Such is the beating that Foley retires from wrestling, only to resurrect his more vicious alter ego Cactus Jack to battle Mayweather at Starrcade.

    Why I booked this match:
    Mayweather, being an incredible money spinning draw in his own right deserves a top billing against a Main Event level star, such as Foley, one of the biggest names in wrestling. Given Foley’s brawling talents, having a straight up fist fight between him and Floyd seemed a good fit. Putting Mayweather in the Milionaire’s Club seems a really natural move given his brash persona and money-oriented persona he has built for himself. The No Holds Barred Fistfight stip suits both Foley’s hardcore style and Floyd’s boxing background.

    Match outcome:
    Ring entrances are done in the style of a boxing match, including name announcements. Similar to a boxing match, the only way to win is by knock out if your opponent fails to answer a 10-count. Cactus has a deranged look in his eyes. Match takes an unusual course. Cactus simply stands in the middle of the ring and allows Mayweather to rain punches down on him. The harder that he hits him the more Cactus smiles as he screams in Mayweather’s face that “this wrestler can fight too!”

    Mayweather finally gains the upper hand with a sly kick to Cactus’ balls, finally taking him off his feet. He proceeds to attack Cactus with everything he has, using a chairs, bling-encrusted knucks and various other weapons on his opponent. He uses a chair to cleverly attack cactus’s punching hand to nullify his offence. Nothing, however keeps Cactus down. Time and time again he beats the ten count in a remarkable display of bravery.

    Finish comes as Cactus yet again beats a ten count. Unable to use his injured hand to punch, he headbutts Mayweather over and over, bloodying both their heads in the process. Mayweather, unused to this style of vicious attack fails to answer the 10 count.

    Post match, Cacrus spits on the unconscious body of his opponent, smiling a deranged smile from behind a lurid crimson mask.


    Winner by KO: Cactus Jack after 13.57


    NWA World Heavyweight Title

    “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase Vs “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes STEEL CAGE MATCH




    Word reaches the commentators that Dusty Rhodes has been taken to hospital. However DiBiase makes his way to rungside in full wrestling gear and orders the cage to be lowered to the ring as normal. He stands in the ring with the mike in his hand.

    “*Typical Million Dollar Man belly laugh.*

    Well, Rhodes, here I am ready to fight for the world title. All these people have paid good money to see us finally go at it. Yet here I am ready to fight, but you, or should I say your ankle appears to have cracked under the pressure!”

    He directs a referee into the ring.

    “Ok, lets make this official, ring the bell and count that yellow bellied son-of-bitch Rhodes out. I’ve fulfilled my contractual obligation Dusty, I’ve showed up for our match, but as long as I hold this title I’m never going to face you again!”

    The arena fills with boos and rubbish is thrown at the ring as the referee slowly counts to 10. But as he reaches 8…….9……..

    Dusty’s music hits and the arena explodes with cheers. He hobbles to the ring, grimacing with pain to fight for the title!

    With Rhodes barely able to stand, it seems that his bravery will not be enough to get him through this latest challenge. DiBiase, the clever and skilled wrestler that he is attacks his damaged leg with gusto. Leaving Dusty writhing in pain. Howevber his natural arrogance prevents him from getting the easy win. With Rhodes incapacitated he starts to mock the crowd in attendance, taking dollar bills from his trunks and tearing them up much to their fury.

    Dusty uses this opportunity to get his second wind and with the cheers of the crowd in his ears he launches an unlikely comeback, stunning the champ with his patented combination of punches. The title appears to be his as he covers the champ, only for the Millinaires Club climb to the top of the cage , distracting him enough for DiBiase to kick out. The Horsemen run to ringside, still fuming at their tag title loss and remove DiBiase’s cronies from ringside.

    With DiBiase all out of help, Dusty summons one last burst on energy. With a glint in his eye, he locks in DiBiase’s own patented Milion Dollar Dream sleeper hold. The crowds cheers reach a crescendo as three times the referee lifts the champion’s hand only for it to fall to his side! DiBiase gets his comeuppances, embarrassingly for him with his own finisher!

    Winner and NEW NWA Heavyweight Champion: “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes in 25.34!!!

    Post match Dusty collapses in the ring in tears as the locker room empties. They carry him shoulder high to the locker room, as the crowd roars its approval!

    After years of being held down and screwed by Ted DiBiase, he has finally realized his American Dream!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt


    A live performance from ACDC opens HVW’s Thunderstruck in the Beaver Stadium in Pennsylvania.

    There’s no better place to be than one of the largest stadiums in the world to see the most electrifying action known to the Sports Entertainment world. As the crowd settle down they are treated to footage of Terry Funk entering the building with a 2x4 wrapped with barbed wire in hand. He looks incredibly focused and secure in the knowledge that he’ll be in his element tonight.

    Our ring announcer tells the audience that the opening match is for the HVW Tag Team Championship. General Manager Jimmy Hart has added that the titles can indeed change hands via a disqualification.

    Match One: HVW Tag Team Championship Match

    The British Invasion v Don Muraco & Cowboy Bob Orton

    A promo is played of Orton and Muraco walking out as champions and then losing the belts to the British Invasion. We are brought back through the drama of them not being on the same page and finally up to last week’s Wired when they appeared to have patched things up properly.

    Magnus and Williams run their mouths to massive heat, claiming to be the best tag team pairing in the world and that tonight they’re going to prove their superiority by beating the hell out of a couple of headless chickens. Orton and Muraco come out to a huge ovation and get straight to work, there’s a brief brawl before the bell actually rings.

    Invasion have got to stay composed. Perhaps they were banking on these two not being on the same page but Ultimate Warrior’s words of wisdom appear to have reunited them. They’re back to doing what they do best together; causing pain through a rough, dogged style of wrestling and having a laugh together. Muraco turns Williams nearly purple with an impressive Bearhug but some how he gets to the ropes. The champs are struggling big time until Orton misses with an elbow. Magnus is tagged in and the champions demonstrate their intelligence by keeping Orton in the ring near their corner. It finally comes to a head and Muraco manages to enter the fray. To no avail however as he succumbs to a schoolboy from Williams who was actually the legal man, not Magnus who Muraco had left decimated with a piledriver.


    Winners and still HVW Tag Team Champions: The British Invasion

    As the British Invasion wheel off to celebrate long in to the night. Don Muraco looks distraught with his genuine bad luck. Orton gets back into the ring and stares at him in disbelief shouting ‘is that all it takes to beat you Don? How F*cking magnificent is that?’ Muraco turns to leave the ring but Orton attacks him and beats him down, leaving him motionless in the ring.

    Backstage we are treated to a classic Ultimate Warrior interview for the ages. Warrior compares the Barbed Wire to the entrapment of a gladiator with a pair of lions but he’s going to conquer it. The rest isn’t really making much sense to anybody but as per usual he’s uber compelling and seriously psyched.

    JR and Michael Cole discuss the main event a little bit and both agree that the momentum seems to be with the current HVW Undisputed Champion Brock Lesnar. They then turn their attention to tonight’s second match. A match that was made only a few days ago on Wired but a match that has plenty of emotion and quite a lot at stake for the two competitors involved. A clip plays of the developing relationship between Hardcore Holly and Chyna. It’s shown in a way that while Holly is often ridiculed by her and shown to be her bitch, he’s head over heels. Of course the ‘harmony’ didn’t last as Chyna was caught doing the dirt with none other than his cousin Crash (with a little bit of assistance from Butterbean). The flashback of Holly seeing the footage mid-match and then getting laid out is shown and he’s clearly circling the drain.

    Match Two: Hardcore Holly v Crash Holly, Eric ‘Butterbean’ Esch as special guest ring enforcer.
    Crash Holly looks quite smug in the ring and rightly so. Butterbean is as intimidating as ever. However, Hardcore Holly doesn’t look worried. He cuts his music and says that while he acknowledges that he’s been screwed harder than anyone’s ever screwed that slut Chyna, he’s going to make sure that no one else screws him, especially with his career on the line. He says that he’s brought an enforcer of his own. Out comes Pat Patterson to a huge ovation, the crowd are delighted to see the first ever IC champion back to full health and his first order of business appears to be to help Holly.

    The referee calls for the bell to begin the match up. The cousins contest a decent match up until Hardcore Holly knocks the referee down inadvertently. Butterbean enters the ring, immediately cancelled out by Pat Patterson. It looks like all hell is about to break loose but Patterson turns and bitch slaps Hardcore Holly, he’s then dealt a knock-out blow by Butterbean. Crash ploughs his Cousin’s head into the mat with a double-underhook DDT and the referee comes to, counting to three.


    Winner: Crash Holly

    The three men take their turns in dishing out punishment on Hardcore Holly. Crash has now taken his place on the HVW Roster and poor Bob must retire. Crash grabs the microphone and tells his cousin that he was always the more hardcore of the two and then tells him to watch this. A table is set up and Crash drives an elbow through the table on his cousin. It all appears to be over for Bob Holly but his worst nightmare is only just beginning. Crash informs his cousin that there’s one more man who wants to say goodbye to him. Brock Lesnar walks cockily towards the ring and akin to all those years ago, powerbombs him leaving him with a badly injured neck. Hardcore Holly is stretchered out of the ring.

    At ringside, JR expresses his disgust at the treatment of Hardcore Holly, saying that he always thought that Crash and Pat Patterson were decent guys. He concludes that Lesnar has no remorse and no conscience, worrying that the Barbed Wire ring just might be him in his rapture.
    In the back, Terry Funk is watching the drama unfold on a flatscreen. He shouts ‘You’re a coward Lesnar’ at the TV screen and punches a hole in the it.

    We now turn our attention to the HVW Women’s Championship. Chyna makes her way to the ring to a chorus of boos but she really couldn’t care less. This appears to leave Dump Matsumoto as pseudo-face in this match up and she seems to have a good section of the crowd behind her despite her treatment of her former friend Bull Nakato.

    Match Three: HVW Women’s Championship Match

    Chyna v Bull Nakato

    Chyna is rarely phased by an opponent of either sex but she has trouble coming to terms with Dump. However, she’s gone right back to the days of being a bodyguard for DX as she fights dirty. She succeeds in keeping Dump on the ground to a large extent but it’s like trying to stop the tide. Dump is a machine in the ring and her sheer ruthlessness is very frightening. So much so that Chyna tries to leave the arena but Dump puts a stop to that. Back in the ring Chyna manages to turn the tide having gotten to her feet before Dump. She fails to lift her up for a powerbomb, instead being tossed over Dump’s shoulder. Dump plants a leg drop before crushing her with a Bonzai drop for the win.

    Winner and new HVW Women’s Champion: Dump Matsumoto

    General Manager Jimmy Hart arrives to the arena and congratulates Dump on her victory but informs her that her first defence will in fact take place right now against none other than Bull Nakano. Nakano is back with a bang. As a wary Chyna makes her way up the ramp with intenions of leaving, Bull clotheslines her on her way to the ring. Bull’s freshness prevails and connects with a German Suplex early on to claim a huge victory.

    Winner and new HVW Women’s Champion: Bull Nakano
    Revenge for Bull as she stands over her former friend with the HVW Women’s Championship held aloft.

    Brock Lesnar is being interviewed briefly backstage about the upcoming main event. He dismisses both of his opponents saying that Funk is too gone in the had to mount a serious challenge as he showed last Monday on Wired. He says that Warrior is the most talentless spastick he’s ever encountered in a wrestling ring and that he’s going to make sure that he never soils the squared circle again.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Our commentators look back on the night as a whole so far. We’ve already had two betrayals and some sweet revenge. Things are starting to get serious here in the Beaver Stadium as we look ahead to our next match, a match that will determine the future of High Voltage Wrestling. The build up to this one hits the screen. Cody Rhodes winning the HVW Title, Booker T becoming no. 1 contender and then recruiting Harlem Heat 2000 as well as various beatdowns that Booker T has had his henchmen carry out. It switches to a promo of a young, enthusiastic and talented HVW Empirical Champion, Cody Rhodes who remains undefeated in singles Competition. The winner of this match of course becomes the number one contender for the HVW Undisputed Championship.

    Match Four: HVW Empirical Championship

    Cody Rhodes (c) v Booker T (w/ Ahmed Johnson & Stevie Ray)

    The mind games and intimidation of Booker T’s gang seems to be playing on the mind of Rhodes but all he can do is compete. The bell rings and the match is underway. Rhodes rises quickly to his feet as Booker is attempting a spin-a-roonie and nails Cross-Rhodes but it only gets a two count. This seems to throw him off a little bit and from then on there was only going to be one winner. The two are evenly enthusiastic about becoming part of the main event scene but Booker T’s experience prevails without any real need for Stevie Ray or Ahmed Johnson. A Scissor Kick keeps Rhodes down for the three count.

    Winner, new HVW Champion and no.1 contender for the HVW Undisputed Championship: Booker T


    The arena turns a lurid orange. Booker, Ahmed and Stevie Ray parade the title around the ring as Rhodes makes his way back up the ramp. His day will come but Booker now looks firmly placed among the higher carders here in HVW.
    *promo video with deep, dramatic voice*
    They were friends, they were partners, they were even Tag Team Champions once upon a time… But now, for some reason, a change in personality has led to one of the most passionate, brutal feuds ever seen in sports entertainment. Now the two collide in a No-Holds Barred Match. Pedro Morales… Bob Backlund. Only one with leave with air in their lungs, only one will leave with pride intact.

    JR comments that many fans have been anticipating this match up more than the main event itself. It’s the Crossface Chickenwing against the Boston Crab.

    Match Five: No Holds Barred Match

    Pedro Morales v Bob Backlund

    Backlund arrives first and tells the crowd that people need to dismiss of their inferior ‘friends’ if they are to succeed in life. He rambles on without actually making any racist comments but it’s all implied. Morales’ entrance is met with the loudest of pops and he wastes no time, he’s going straight for Backlund. This contest takes place in the ring for all of ten seconds as they go at it in typical No-Holds Barred fashion. The match moves through the crowd out into the back and eventually back out to the entrance of the arena. Both men are busted open. Backlund locks in the Crossface Chickenwing on the ground near the edge of the stage. Harshly, both men fall off but Morales lands on top of Backlund. He scrambles to his feet and makes his way back up to the stage. Backlund is motionless. Morales takes the high risk and connects with the Carribean Cannonball. It’s more than enough for the three count as well as the restoration of his pride.

    Winner: Pedro Morales

    Morales’ hand is raised high. He’s finally put Backlund in his place and can now focus on making his ascent up the ladder here at HVW.

    The main event is just about to begin and we are again treated to a build up.

    The staff have securely fixed the barbed wire around the ring. The setup has no real safe way into the ring only to carefully go over the turnbuckle or under the wire. Like the heavyweights they are, none of our competitors really seem phased by it. They’re all in the zone with their eyes firmly on the prize.

    Match Six: HVW Undisputed Championship Match – Barbed Wire Ring Match

    Brock Lesnar (c) v The Ultimate Warrior v Terry Funk

    Funk has brought the 2x4 with barbed wire to the ring with him. Warrior already has scrapes on his back from carelessly sliding into the ring and Lesnar looks as pumped as ever. Lesnar is double teamed as soon as the match begins. He rolls out of the ring to recover as Funk and Warrior take on each other. He gets back in the ring with a steel chair but is met with dropkick by Funk, sending him plummeting into the barbed wire. Retribution of the highest form is just around the corner though as an overhead toss sees Funk land with on the Barbed Wire, ripping the skin from his back. Warrior doesn’t care that it’s barbed wire. He still proceeds to shake the barbed wire profusely until his hands are cut to pieces. He spreads the blood on his chest like a new form of body paint. He charges for Lesnar and begins a furious rage of clotheslines, again ignoring the barbed wire and feeling no pain. Warrior hits the splash: One, Two, wemayhaveanewchampion, oh no he kicked out at two. Warrior looks a little frustrated but decides to press on and climbs to the top rope. Unfortunately for Warrior, Lesnar catches him in mid-air, lifts him to his shoulders and nails the F-5, sending Warrior’s head on the Barbed Wire. He’s sizing him up for a second but Funk turns him around and hits him with the 2x4. Everyone’s lost a lot of blood at this stage. Warrior is up and grabs Funk, throwing him out of the ring. He hits the big splash on Lesnar this time and it’s enough to keep him down.


    Winner and new HVW Undisputed Champion: The Ultimate Warrior
    The crowd are going insane. The reign of Lesnar has come to an abrupt end and the reign of the Warrior has begun.

    High Voltage Wrestling Round-Up

    Thanks to everyone who’s kept up to date with and commented on my shows. I’d like to talk a little bit about where I see things progressing.

    Jimmy Hart – Would remain in the general manager’s position as a super-face for the foreseeable future. His megaphone, in your face gimmick never gets old for me.

    Brock Lesnar – Still arguably the biggest and the best that HVW has to offer and will be furious at his loss. He will be determined to get his title back and does boast a rematch clause. He will always be the main heel in HVW.
    The Ultimate Warrior – I would allow Warrior to hold the title for a few months before losing it, probably to Lesnar again. He will continue to be a fan favourite but may struggle to sustain main event suitability with the progression of others.
    Terry Funk – Having failed to win the title It is likely that he will embark on a feud with someone in HVW. Acting as a face, he will most definitely be in the main event picture again.
    Booker T – Now the number one contender for the title. I would have him lose to Warrior and fall out with Harlem Heat. This would lead to a grudge match with his brother. He would come out of this feud better and stronger than before.
    Cody Rhodes – Needs a heel turnr as the babyface thing hasn’t really gotten him over. I would pursue an Orton like growth for Rhodes where he attempts to make a name for himself by beating bigger and more established stars.
    Pedro Morales – A stonewall future champion. He’s the original champion of the people and one of the biggest draws in Wrestling history. As Warrior fades into obscurity in a few months time he would step into the limelight.
    Bob Backlund – Would be in the fray for the HVW Empirical Title. Still operates the heel role but I feel it may be time to wind down his career now and have him get others super-over alá Diesel.
    Pat Patterson – I would have him the leader of a heel faction and get rid of the camp element of his character. He would contest the upper-mid card with a chance at getting higher.
    Crash Holly & Butterbean – Would operate under Patterson in his faction
    Cowboy Bob Orton – The stage is now set for a rivalrly with Muraco. After that he would need to align himself with someone else for a shot at the tag team titles.
    Don Muraco – After feuding with Orton I would turn him heel as well. He’s the perfect bully.
    The British Invasion – Would remain a formidable tag team but are in dire need of competition. This would be the main thing I would address, to ensure a healthy and competitive tag team division to give me a fully rounded roster.
    Chyna – She’ll be the main female heel in my show. She’ll also stick with Crash and Butterbean to help Pat Patterson along the way.
    Dump Matsumoto – Forms part of a strong women’s division and is next in line for a title shot.
    Bull Nakano – I felt I needed to give her the title in the end. She’s not really ideal for the face role so that’d more than likely fall on Dump at some stage or another.
    Stevie Ray & Ahmed Johnson – After Stevie Ray’s feud with Booker is finished I would like to see these in a cameo, jobberesque role. Stevie Ray would develop a drug problem which would invariably cost them matches as they fade away into lower-card obscurity.

    I hope that you have all enjoyed my writing, I know I’ve enjoyed the draft this year. I like to think that I have presented my roster in a strong way with talent in most areas. I hope that people appreciate my attention to detail and will to give the fans what they want. Of course feedback is always welcome.
    Vote HVW as your number one :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Part 1:


    LIVE from Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan, the D.W.O proudly presents, only on PPV, D.W.O Annihilation

    A promo is shown highlighting tonight's card and how, for the first time ever, the D.W.O Heavyweight Title will be on the line in the finals of the Championship chase tournament. Also, the D.W.O Unlimited title will be on the line in a ladder match. The promo ends with all 4 competitors left in the chase saying "I'll be champion".

    The Annihilation screen is shown (brought to us by Castrol oil) followed by a massive pyro display from all angles of the stadium. The official theme song of Annihilation (Hazen Street's "Are you Ready") is playing as we are LIVE at the PPV

    Our first match is the 1st Semi-final of the D.W.O Championship chase.

    Match 1 - Undertaker vs. Yoshi Tatsu - Semi-Final in the D.W.O Heavyweight Title chase

    Yoshi comes out first and prepares for the biggest match of his life. Taker makes his entrance as the crowd in Ford Field are going wild for him as he makes his way down to the ring. Yoshi bows out of respect for Taker just as the bell rings. Taker takes early control of Yoshi and controls the majority of the match. After 10 minutes of solid wrestling with both men gaining close calls, Yoshi goes for "Kar-ay-tay" on Taker but misses. The momentum from the miss makes Yoshi an easy target and Taker hits the "Last ride" for the 3

    Winner and advancing to the final of the D.W.O Heavyweight Title chase - The Undertaker


    Taker gains the win and will feature in our final later in the evening. The commentators notice how Yoshi make a mistake by adding too much momentum on the kick and it cost him. Yoshi gets a good applause and appreciation as he leaves.

    We see that backstage Gory is giving advice to Eddie before his match when Justin Gabriel walks in. He comment's on how strong Undertaker looked and is literally "a shoe-in" for the title. Eddie gets up and slaps Gabriel. Gory tells Gabriel to get out as fast as he can and get ready for his match or he will have the "worst night of his life". Gabriel leaves but Eddie begins to show fear.

    Match 2: Fatal-4-way match where the winner goes into the ladder match for the D.W.O Unlimited title later in the night - Evan Bourne vs. R-Truth vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Kevin Thorn

    Evan gets a loud pop and Truth works the crowd over during his entrance by singing his theme song "What's Up". Gabriel gets a huge pop while Thorn comes out spitting blood, which freaks a lot of people out. The match starts off with Truth and Gabriel fighting on the outside while Thorn and Bourne are left in the ring. Bourne hits a flip of the top rope onto Gabriel and Truth followed by Thorn climbing the turnbuckle to the top rope. Thorn looks very hesitant and jumps off, landing on the 3 of them but somehow he traps his arm underneath them. Thorn looks to be in agony and medics come down. Bourne hits Truth with a spin kick followed by a running high knee. Bourne goes to the top rope but Gabriel hits him. Gabriel then hits a hurricanrana off the top rope with Bourne being the victim. Truth lifts Gabriel up and hits the "Lie detector" and goes for the pin only for it to be broken up by Bourne. The trainers and medics are bringing Thorn to the back with a "suspected broken arm". It looks like this match is now a triple threat. Back in the ring, Truth looks to be in control. He hits a leg drop on Bourne for a 2. The finish comes as Gabriel charges at Truth only to be thrown over the top rope. Truth shouts "What's Up!" as he climbs up to the top rope, he then shout's "watch this" and goes for a corkscrew dive from the top rope. He hits it and goes for the pin. 1....2... Thorn runs in (with a cast on) and hits Truth with it, knocking him out. Bourne get's up only for Thorn to hit him with the cast. Gabriel sneaks in behind Thorn and hits a basic armbar lock. Thorn screams in agony but gets to the bottom rope. Gabriel quickly ascends the top rope and hits the 450 splash for the 3.

    Winner and gaining a spot in the ladder match for the D.W.O Unlimited title - Justin Gabriel


    We see the finish and Gabriel celebrating.

    *Promo for Revolt on Wednesday night*

    We are back for the 2nd Semi-Final match

    Match 3 - Eddie Guerrero vs. Dolph Ziggler - Semi-Final in the D.W.O Heavyweight Title chase

    Dolph comes out focused on the challenge at hand. Eddie comes out just as serious and this match is underway. Chain wrestling from Dolph is reversed by Eddie who counter's into a suplex. Eddie tries to build some sort of momentum while Dolph is trying submission/rest holds. Eddie eventually quickens the pace up and goes for the "3 Amigo's" but Dolph blocks the third one. After 12 mins, the finish comes when Ziggler (who's in complete control) goes for a Zig-Zag to finish but Eddie avoids it. Ziggler tries for the sleeper but Eddie powers out of it. Eddie throws Ziggler into the corner and while the ref tries to break them up, Eddie hits a low blow on Ziggler, killing all momentum Ziggler had. The ref doesn't see it as the crowd go mental. Eddie smirks, hits the "3 amigo's" followed by the frog splash for the 3.

    Winner and advancing to the final of the D.W.O Heavyweight Title chase - Eddie Guerrero


    After the match, Eddie beat's down on Dolph leaving the Latino Heat boil up. Eddie grabs a chair and goes to hit Dolph when Yoshi runs down to help Dolph. Eddie hits Yoshi followed by Dolph. Eddie then does the Undertaker pose only for the light's to go out... *BONG*.... The light's come back on and Eddie looks frightened.

    *Highlights of last week's Revolt*

    Match 4 - 15 minute Iron-Man match - Hernandez vs. Monty Brown - Winner gains entry into the ladder match for the D.W.O Unlimited title later tonight.

    Monty Brown gets a huge pop being the home town guy. Brown goes 1 up after getting the 3 off of a "pounce" within a minute. 5 mins in and we're tied at 1 as Hernandez hits the Border toss for a 3. With 4 mins to go, Monty Brown locks in a cobra clutch and Hernandez taps instantly, not wasting time. 2 mins to go and it's now 3-1 to Brown as he hit's the Alpha Bomb. Hernandez
    hits a northern light's suplex off the top rope to make it 3-2 but time runs out.

    Winner and gaining a spot in the ladder match for the D.W.O Unlimited title - Monty Brown


    The crowd goes wild as Monty Brown has a chance of winning some title gold in his home town at the biggest show ever produced by the D.W.O.

    *Next month's D.W.O PPV, D.W.O Deception, takes place May 9th, only on PPV*

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Part 2:

    It was announced earlier on that the 4 Way womens elimination match has now been changed

    Match 5 - D.W.O Women's title - Angelina Love (c) vs. Velvet Sky vs. Trish vs. Lita - a 10 Championship Scramble match

    2 Women will start the match. After 2 mins, a new entrant comes out and after 3 minutes, the final entrant comes out. All 4 women will be involved for the final 5 mins. Out to start are Trish and Velvet Sky.

    Trish starts off the match attacking Sky and trying to gain the momentum. Trish hits the chick kick on Sky after a minutes and is the current Women's Champion. Trish goes on the offensive after the 5 seconds wait and pays for it and Sky gets the roll-up and now she's the Current Women's champion.
    - Entrant 3: Angelina Love. 7 minutes to go and Love enters the match and immediately attacks Sky. Love and Trish attack Sky and begin to work as a tag team.
    - Final entrant: Lita. 5 minutes left and Lita enter's the ring. Love hit's the "Light's out" on Trish from outta nowhere for the 3 as Lita entered the ring. Current Womens Champion: Angelina Love. In the final minute, it's complete pandemonium as everyone's trying to get a pinfall. Lita hits a moonsault on Sky to get a pinfall. Current Champion: Lita. Velvet Sky hits the Beauty mark on Trish while Lita hits the reverse Twist of Fate on Love. Sky hits a spike DDT on Lita and goes for the pin. 1....2..... Time runs out.

    Winner and new Women's Champion: Lita


    Sky can't believe what happened. A replay shows the ref's hand about to hit 3 when time runs out. She goes beserk and hits Lita from behind. Sky gets out of the ring and finds a hairspray can underneath the ring. She sprays it at Lita and hits a spike DDT on the title

    *The offical attendance tonight is 79,957*

    Up next, the D.W.O Tag team titles are on the line, Beer Money/Lethal Consequences (who have beaten 2 teams in this match up)/Hart Dynasty/Hart Foundation 2.0.... 1 of these teams will walk away with the belts.

    Match 6: 4-Way match for the D.W.O Tag Team Titles - Beer Money Inc vs. Lethal Consequences vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. The Hart Foundation 2.0

    Major pop for both the Hart Dynasty and, the new boys in the D.W.O, The Hart Foundation 2.0. Beer Money come out wearing "WECWF" shirts with a pic of Scott Hall, beer and money on the back of it. The rip the shirts off and they're wearing D.W.O shirts with a lot of beer and money and the phrase "Who need's Hall when we've got these??"

    The match starts off with Storm and Teddy Hart. Storm can't take Teddy seriously and is just laughing at him. Teddy hits a cradle DDT and then an Armbar. Jay Lethal makes the tag in and begins to beat down on Storm. Roode comes in as does everyone else. All 8 men begin brawling as the ref tries to stop them. Order is restored after a minute. This match has a load of spots including Teddy and Jack Evans doing flips everywhere, Lethal hits a diving elbow drop on Tyson Kidd, Lethal Consequences hitting a vertical suplex/crossbody combination for a close call. The finish comes after 15 mins when Beer Money hit the D.W.I on Smith only for Kidd to break it up. Creed runs in and eliminates himself and Kidd over the top rope. Lethal hits the Lethal combination on Roode but Storm throws him outta the ring. Jack Evans climbs to the top rope and hits the 630 splash on Roode (legal man) but Roode kicks out. Teddy Hart tags in and hits the Open Hart Surgery on Roode. Tyson Kidd looks on as the ref counts to 3.

    Winners: The Hart Foundation 2.0 (Teddy Hart and Jack Evans)


    We see Kidd leave the ring and gets a Canadian flag with the word "Hart" on it. He presents it to Teddy and Evans as DH Smith comes into the ring. They cut a promo and presents to us, "the all-new Hart Foundation" and claiming to be "Better than the best!!".


    Match 7 - Ladder match - Homicide (c) vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Monty Brown for the D.W.O Unlimited title

    Brown clearly is the crowd favorite here but Gabriel gets a very good pop compared to him. The match starts when Brown charges at Homicide who moves out've the way. Homicide and Gabriel form some sort of makeshift tag team to take out Brown. Homicide hits a slam on Brown and Gabriel runs over and hits a standing shooting star press onto Brown. Homicide and Gabriel both get ladders and set them up at opposite corners of the ring. During the 18 mins of action, Gabriel did a flip off the top of the ladder to Brown on the outside, Homicide hit the 187 on Gabriel from the top of the ladder and Brown squashed both Homicide and Gabriel in a ladder sandwich before hitting the Pounce on them. The finish came when Homicide and Gabriel both climb up ladders at the corners of the ring (nowhere near the title), Homicide sees Brown on the ground and hits an elbow drop while Gabriel jumps and somehow managed to grab onto the line that holds the title. Gabriel is swaying on the wire that holds the title. The line steady's and Gabriel looks at both men, the title and then the crowd. Gabriel lets go of the line and hits a beautiful 450 splash from 20 feet onto Brown!! Brown is laid out as is Gabriel as Homicide slowly begins to climb and unhooks the title

    Winner and still D.W.O Unlimited title - Homicide


    We see a replay of the 450 splash from the wire a couple of times as well as some of the high spots from the match.

    *The D.W.O thanks Hazen Street for "Are you Ready?", the offical "Annihilation" theme song*

    We see the build up to the final of the D.W.O Heavyweight Title Chase showing both men's paths to the final with David Robidoux's "Heavy Hitter's" playing in the background

    Match 8 - The Undertaker vs. Eddie Guerrero - Final of the D.W.O Heavyweight Championship chase

    Eddie comes out to a lot of heat as red, green and white balloon's fall from the roof here at Ford Field. Taker comes out with a triple-pyro display. Eddie starts to take control of the match early on but Taker begins to regain himself. The action spills to the outside where Eddie takes control, throwing Taker into the barricade and knee's first into the steel steps. Eddie then slingshots Taker into the ring post. Taker is clearly hurt as Eddie rolls him into the ring. Eddie locks in a leglock as Taker is in agony. Eddie hold's onto the ropes which put's more pressure on the hold and is an illegal move. The ref spots this and breaks the hold. After 20 mins, both men are exhausted. They've put everything on the line to become champion. Taker goes for old-school but Eddie counter's into a vertical suplex. Eddie hits 4 more suplex's and wearily climbs to the top rope. Eddie jumps but Taker rolls out've the way. Eddie misses the frog splash as Taker sits up. Taker can barely make it to his feet but he manages to lift Eddie up and set's him up for a tombstone. Eddie reserves the pressure and flips the move around so that Eddie gives the tombstone to Taker. Eddie hits it 1......2...... Taker barely kicks out at 2 and 7 eight's. Eddie climbs back on the top rope and hits the frog splash. 1.....2..... Taker somehow manages to get the shoulder up. Eddie is begining to let his Latino Heat show but tries to play it cool. Eddie lifts Taker up only for Taker to catch Eddie by the throat and hit's the chokeslam. 1........2.......... Eddie kicks out. The atmosphere is electric and the crowd are on their feet, applauding each move while in awe of what's happening in the ring. Eddie is keeping his temper and hit's the 3 amigo's. 1....2.... Taker again kicks out. Eddie climbs to the top rope and hits the frog splash. 1........2.......3

    Winner and NEW D.W.O Heavyweight Champion - Eddie Guerrero


    A great match between 2 legends of the business. The crowd were the real winner's here having witnessed such a match. Eddie lifts Taker up and, in a fitting show of respect, raises Taker's arm while holding his Title. Pyro's and streamers go off and the entire D.W.O roster come out to celebrate. At this moment in time, rivalries don't matter, this is a moment.....for celebration:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 3 - Part 1


    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment Presents

    Friday Night Fights


    The show opens with new current GM Donald Trump coming out to the ring

    He says last week Sting won for him so he now has control of LWE.

    He says LWE have a PPV coming up soon Frenzied Fury and he wants to make it the one of the best ever. He says LWE has a great roster and he hopes all will be participating in this PPV. He says that tonight since it his first night in charge he wants to have some title matches.

    This brings out JBL who is not happy about losing his GM role. He says Trump tricked him by having Sting fight for him while he had a old timer who was well past it. Trump tells him that he should just face it he not that good at business. JBL asks for a title match against The Rock tonight but Trump refused instead he makes JBL and Beth Phoenix against Marty Jannetty and Sherri Martel. JBL then asks for the WHC title match at the PPV which again Trump refuses, He says he hasnt decided who will be facing The Rock at the PPV and that at the end of the show tonight he will make his decision. JBL is furious in the ring. Trump tells him its best he leaves the ring and gets ready for his match. Trump also announces Tony Atlas and Rocky J will get a tag title match tonight against current champions of Tyler Black V Christopher Daniels.

    The Rock is shown arriving for tonight's show.

    Up next is Cruiser X Champion Paul London V Psicosis for the title.
    Tyler Black comes out to watch the match and join the commentary team. Tyler says he had to part ways from Jimmy Jacobs as he was holding him down he needed a better tag partner and now he sees he can also try for another title maybe the Cruiser X title. London and Psicosis both see Black at the name and it kinda throws them a bit. London wins with the Shooting Star Press. Black congraluates him and tells him he is going to take the title soon.

    Rocky J goes to see Trump and asks for a rematch tonight with Sting. Trump reminds him he has tag title match tonight with Tony Altas but Rocky J dont want instead he wants Sting in a match. Trump asks him to leave it with him. Tony catches on up with Rocky J and tells him they get their tag title shot tonight but Rocky J tells him he dont want it that he only wants Sting in a match tonight. Rocky J walks off. Tony is puzzled Trump arrives and tells him if he gets another partner he can still have the tag title match.

    Up next is Beth Phoenix and JBL against Marty Jannetty and Sherri Martel.

    tbc ..........................................

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Welcome everyone to Bloody Sunday, Live in Croke Park, in Dublin, Ireland! “Up the Premier!”

    Green pyro flies all around Croke Park as we are welcomed to tonight’s festivities by one night only ring announcer, The Memory Man himself, Jimmy McGee. He introduces the great Damien Dempsey to sing Amhrán na bhFiann. 92,000 people join Damo in belting out a soldier’s song, as they anticipate the battles that are ahead of them tonight. As a chant of “Damo!” rings out through Croker, we are taken to a video package that highlights the upcoming matches for tonights show. Croke Park goes into a frenzy on sight of their own Sheamus on the big screen.

    We go ringside to Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh who is providing commentary for the night, as it is now time for the first match of the evening. As we go to ringside, we hear what sounds like gunfire in the distance from Croke Park…

    Match #1 – Kensuke Sasaki vs Roderick Strong

    A battle of genuine legend against a man who believes he is a legend. This is a very hard-hitting battle to open the show, as the crowd joins in the festivities with a loud “WOOO” whenever a chop is serves up. Strongs cocky attitude looks like ends up costing him the match, as the veteran Sasaki manages to win the battle of the chops, and ends up dropping him with a shop. As Sasaki goes for the pin, Strong kicks him in the bollix, and covers him for the 1-2-3.

    Winner via pinfall in 10:39 – Roderick Strong

    Strong celebrates, as we hear the sound of gunfire and rattling get very close to Croke Park.

    *PA Announcement* - “would the owner of a 1990 Nissan Sunny please attend to it, as the Brooklyn Brawler is trying to jump start it. Thank you”.

    We get a shot of the crowd - Irish Boxing champion Bernard Dunne is in attendance. A small child bumps off the back of his head, and Dunne is KO’d.

    A camera is seen making its way outside Croke Park, as two armoured cars and a Tank pull up. Could this be the much anticipated arrival of the black and tans??

    Match #2 – Grudge Match – El Santo vs Blue Demon Jr.

    Santo is given a hero’s welcome, half way across the world from him native Mexico. There is much bad blood in this match, as Blue Demon Jr. is out looking for revenge for his incapacitated father, the original Blue Demon, who had feuded with El Santo for years. The first every Lucha Libre match to take place on Irish soil goes down a treat, as these two legends put on a clinic. Santo eventually manages to overcome the Demon, and hits him with the diving head butt for the pin.

    Winner via pinfall in 12:26 – El Santo

    Santo celebrates this historical victory to the delight of the packed crowd,

    We go back outside and see the two armoured cars and the tank parked up. Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch get out of the two cars, and Paul Birchill opens the top of the tank and says “we’re here lads”, as Croke Park turns into a frenzy. They laugh, but quickly stop and ask “what do you want, mate?”. We see Gay Byrne enter the screen. He says that those cars are not safe to be driven on Irish Roads, and calls them pups. Birchill gives Byrne the C4 on the bonnet of one of the cars. Storm then mocks Gaybo’s Harley Davidson, calling it “well bad”, as we return to the stadium for the next match.

    Match #3 – Christian vs Austin Aries

    Both competitors here consider a victory vital to their hopes of one day winning the PWF World Title. This match is considered a huge stepping stone, as it will either help the veteran Christian break through the glass ceiling, or help and give Aries the last boost he needs to gain a title shot. Lots of back-and-forth action between two incredibly talented men. After a very competitive match, the finish comes when Aries puts Christian down, and ascends to the top rope to hit the 450 splash. However, Christian manages to jump to his feet just as Aries leaps into the air, and is able to turn the 450 into the unprettier!

    Winner via pinfall in 15:00 – Christian

    Christian is over the moon, as he now knows that somewhere down the line, he will get his title shot.

    We get a shot of the crowd – Pat Kenny is in attendance. He doesn’t realise the camera on him and continues to pick his nose. What a plank.

    We go backstage, and see the Black and Tans making their way through the arena. Fleisch says he prefers Wembley by a mile. They see a storage room. Storm schnakes in, and robs three “proper messed up cricket bats”. GAA president Christy Cooney sees this, and tells them to put those Hurleys back – “ye have as much right picking up those hurleys as a Kilkenny man does kicking a football, ye bastards”. The Black and Tans beat up Christy Cooney with his own hurleys, and march on their merry way with no remorse. They come across a catering area. They eat all the food. They are now literally taking the food off our plates. Something will have to be done.

    Back in the ring, PWF owner Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic. He says he wants to thank everyone for making Bloody Sunday the success it has been, and thank everyone for showing up. He says this is a great day in Ireland, and hopes everyone enjoys the rest of the show. He is interrupted by Takeshi Morishima and Matt Striker. Striker tells Heyman to stop wasting valuable airtime and get out of the ring, as a star is about to be born in Takeshi Morishima!

    Match #4 – Takeshi Morishima w/ Matt Striker vs Bruno Sammartino

    Huge ovation for the Living Legend’s first ever appearance in Ireland. People in the audience are comparing seeing Bruno in the flesh to seeing the pope in the flesh! This is a very old school, physical match between two warriors. Strikers wisdom at ringside is being put to great use by Morishima, as it appears that Strikers foresight has saved Morishima more than once tonight. Bruno manages to get on the offence, but as he goes to clothesline Morishima, is tripped by the devious Striker at ringside. The referee sees this, and orders Striker to leave the ringside area! Striker is livid, and cannot believe this. As he slowly leaves, Bruno locks the bearhug onto the enormous Morishima and he taps out.

    Winner via submission in 13:17 – Bruno Sammartino

    We all know what this means – That Striker has to spend 5 minutes in the ring with Sammartino. Bruno summons Striker to return and immediately beats him down with a flurry of punches. He begins to toy with Striker, spanking him to the delight of the crowd. After 4 and a half minutes he locks in the bearhug and puts Striker to sleep, as the audience roars in approval. Bruno grabs the mic and says “Young people…. Of…. Ireland… I Love You” and waves, as he leaves

    We get a shot of the crowd – Shane MacGowan is in attendance. He is asleep, with a huge pile of empty Druids cans beside him.

    Backstage, the Black and Tans and seen jumping the counter in a stall that sells hotdogs and cans of coke. They push the women out of the way, and steal the money from the register. They say they are going for a pint of magners with their newly inherited money. Someone at the bar in a strong Tipperary accent shouts “It’s ****in Bulmers boy, **** off home if you want magners”. The Black and Tans ask “is you avin a laugh mate?” before putting him through a table. Bastards.

    We get a shot of the crowd – former taoiseach Bertie Ahern is in attendance. He is taking bets on the main event. He is giving odds of 1/2 for Sheamus, and evens for Shawn Michaels.

    Match #5 – No Holds Barred for the TV Championship – Bam Bam Bigelow © vs Shane McMahon w/ Tito Ortiz

    McMahon cuts a promo on the way to the ring claiming the McMahons don’t even know what the word recession means, saying he would sell his arms and legs before he would take social wefare payments (a huge cheer goes through Croker at the mention of the dole). Bam Bam runs to the ring to beat some manners into the spoilt brat. The match immediately leaves the ring, as the two warriors brawl though the crowd. They find themselves at the foot of hill 16. Shane low blows Bam Bam, and orders Tito to hold him down, as Shano climbs up the goal posts. Shane McMahon does a huge jump from atop the Cross Bar onto the Giant Bigelow as the crowd goes insane.

    They eventually make their way back to the ring, beating each other with anything that will move, including one of MacGowans cans of Cider. When they return to the ring, they are both exhausted. Ortiz enters the ring, and goes for the take-down on Bigelow. Bigelow is too big, but manages to get a burst of energy and powerbombs Ortiz, and then himself falls with exhaustion. McMahon sees this, and crawls across to cover him. Bigelow kicks out at two, and manages to slam McMahon with all his power. He drags himself to the top rope and hits a HUGE moonsault for the pin.

    Winner via pinfall in 19:56, and still TV Champion – Bam Bam Bigelow.

    Bigelow is exhausted, and shakes the hand of an unconscious Shane McMahon before leaving. Perhaps McMahon does deserve a spot on the PWF roster.

    Backstage, the Black and Tans are walking down the corridor. They see a door with a sign on it that says “Weak and Vulnerable people support group”. They all laugh, and kick in the door. The door is closed behind them, and we hear lots of kicking and punching. This has gone too far! After several seconds, the rooms goes silent. The door re-opens, and we see Sheamus leave the room, with the Black and Tans all unconscious in the room!! Sheamus has saved us from the Black and Tans, as Croke Park erupts in a roar of both passion and joy.

    We see a video recap of the fued between Sheamus and PWF World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels.

    Match #6 for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship – Shawn Michaels © vs Sheamus.

    Sheamus enters first to a cheer that could be heard all over Dublin, an perhaps even beyond that. The Champion, Shawn Michaels, enters to potentially the loudest jeering he has ever faced. He realises he is at war tonight, and his game face is on. Jimmy McGee does the introductions, when both competitors are in the ring. Sheamus isn’t letting his reception affect him – he is here to win the PWF World Title. Michaels is jeered ferociously, and is hit by a half full can of Druids, as MacGowan is ejected from Croke Park. Michaels is lapping up the hostility, taking it in his stride and using it as a positive to boost him. They do the “boo-yay” back and forth spot for a while, until Michaels takes over the offence for a while.

    Chants for Sheamus encourage the big man to get back on offence. The action spills outside the ring. The ref seems to be letting the action go in this match. They brawl over towards the commentary booth. Michales puts Sheamus on the table and beats him down. He climbs to the top rope, as 93,000 people are on their feet. Michaels flies through the air and drives Sheamus through the table with a huge elbow!

    After they recoup, Michales throws Sheamus in the ring and goes for the pin. Sheamus had enough time to recover and kicks out at 2. They trade back-and-forth action for some more time, until Michales hits his trademark flying forearm and nips up! He signals for Sweet Chin Music, Sheamus is slowly getting up. Sheamus gets to his feet, and turns straight into a huge superkick! Michales covers him 1…… 2……. Sheamus kicks out at the last minute! Michaels is getting frustrated and the energy the crowd is pumping into Sheamus is annoying him. He signals for another Superkick. Sheamus drags himself up by the ropes, with the crowd in unison chanting his name. He turns, and manages to duck out of the way of the kick, and as Michaels turns, Sheamus hits Michaels with a Pump Kick of his own!! The crowd erupts, and Sheamus quickly picks HBK up for the Razors Edge! He drrrivvvvesss Michales to the mat with a huge Razors Edge 1…… 2………. 3!!!!

    Winner via pinfall in 27:36, and NEW PWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, SHEAMUS!!

    Sheamus collapses in a pool of tears as many of the members of the crowd shed tears of joy for the Celtic Warrior! Green Fireworks once again are flying all over Croke Park in celebration of this huge victory for the Dublin native. Sheamus eventually comes to his feet, and is presented with his belt for the first time. The screen flashes images of Michael Collins, Padraig Pearse, Thomas Clarke, James Connolly, Wolfe Tone, Robert Emmett and the final image of the show is the image of the new Irish Hero, Sheamus!

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Show 3 - Part 1


    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment Presents

    Friday Night Fights


    The show opens with new current GM Donald Trump coming out to the ring

    He says last week Sting won for him so he now has control of LWE.

    He says LWE have a PPV coming up soon Frenzied Fury and he wants to make it the one of the best ever. He says LWE has a great roster and he hopes all will be participating in this PPV. He says that tonight since it his first night in charge he wants to have some title matches.

    This brings out JBL who is not happy about losing his GM role. He says Trump tricked him by having Sting fight for him while he had a old timer who was well past it. Trump tells him that he should just face it he not that good at business. JBL asks for a title match against The Rock tonight but Trump refused instead he makes JBL and Beth Phoenix against Marty Jannetty and Sherri Martel. JBL then asks for the WHC title match at the PPV which again Trump refuses, He says he hasnt decided who will be facing The Rock at the PPV and that at the end of the show tonight he will make his decision. JBL is furious in the ring. Trump tells him its best he leaves the ring and gets ready for his match. Trump also announces Tony Atlas and Rocky J will get a tag title match tonight against current champions of Tyler Black V Christopher Daniels.

    The Rock is shown arriving for tonight's show.

    Up next is Cruiser X Champion Paul London V Psicosis for the title.
    Tyler Black comes out to watch the match and join the commentary team. Tyler says he had to part ways from Jimmy Jacobs as he was holding him down he needed a better tag partner and now he sees he can also try for another title maybe the Cruiser X title. London and Psicosis both see Black at the name and it kinda throws them a bit. London wins with the Shooting Star Press. Black congraluates him and tells him he is going to take the title soon.

    Rocky J goes to see Trump and asks for a rematch tonight with Sting. Trump reminds him he has tag title match tonight with Tony Altas but Rocky J dont want instead he wants Sting in a match. Trump asks him to leave it with him. Tony catches on up with Rocky J and tells him they get their tag title shot tonight but Rocky J tells him he dont want it that he only wants Sting in a match tonight. Rocky J walks off. Tony is puzzled Trump arrives and tells him if he gets another partner he can still have the tag title match.

    Up next is Beth Phoenix and JBL against Marty Jannetty and Sherri Martel.

    Show 3 - Part 2

    JBL meets Sid out his way to the ring, Sid just laughs at JBL.

    First out to huge crowd reaction is Jannetty and Sherri. Out next is JBL and current women's champion Beth Phoenix. Beth and Sherri start the match off. Beth gets the upper hand on Sherri and gets her into her corner and tags in JBL who taunts Sherri. He sets her up for a sleeper hold but Jannetty breaks it up. Sherri hits JBL with a low blow which the ref doesnt see and tags in Jannetty who rolls JBL up for the surprise win. JBL and Sherri leave quickly. JBL is in shock in the ring and is complaining to the ref as is Beth. JBL pushes the ref. Sid comes out and powerbombs JBL, Beth leaves the ring scared of Sid.

    Out next is the WHC champion The Rock to a huge crowd reaction. He opens with saying finally he is back in Atlantic City. He says last week he was locked in by Sid and he wants to know why. His father was put in a match with Sting to detemine who would run LWE it could be JBL or The Donald. Sting won so we now have the man with really should fire his hairdo Donald Trump. He says tonight he wants Sid or Sting or both in a match and he will stay in the ring until he gets them. Out comes his father Rocky J and he explains that he has asked Trump for a rematch with Sting tonight. The Rock smirks and asks his dad why, he replies that he needs and wants this rematch and that last week he offered himself to JBL to compete and that sometimes it not all about The Rock and what he is cooking. Trump comes out and says that tonight for the first time ever it will be The Rock and his father Rocky J teaming up to take on the team of Sting and Sid Justice.

    Up next is the tag match between Tony Atlas and his partner against current champions of Tyler Black V Christopher Daniels. Out first is the tag champions and then Tony comes out and introduces his tag partner Luke Gallows who quickly gets in the ring and goes after Daniels. The bell rings and the match starts. Gallows is working over Daniels who is trying to make a tag to Black. Out of the audience comes Jimmy Jacobs who takes out Tyler Black they are battling up the ramp into the back. Daniels is left in the ring by himself with Gallows and Atlas outside waiting to tag in. Atlas hits a blind tag and enters the match. Gallows knocks out both Atlas and Daniels. Gallows takes Daniels's IC title from the table and leaves. Atlas is up now and he applies bearhug on Daniels and picks up the win. Atlas is presented with both tag titles.

    Stephanie McMahon visits Trump and offers her services. She says could be a useful asset to him in building up LWE. She says JBL was a bad choice to run the company and that Trump will be much much better. Trump asks her about her daddy how he is doing she says she dont know or care. He teels her that Sherri has requested a match with her. Stephanie tells Trump she prefers to work outside the ring in a more administration side of things. He tells her he will put her in a match and if she wins she will join his team if not she is fired. Stephanie is livid and leaves.

    The refs are separating Black and Jacobs backstage. Trump tells them it will be settled in the ring and announces Black V Tyler in a street fight at the ppv.

    Atlas is backstage with both tag titles when Generation Me come up and congratulate him. They tell him they want a tag match in the future and that Trump has promised them. They ask Atlas if he will be defending the titles on his own for their match. Atlas walks off.

    Up next is the tag match the Rock/Rocky J and Sting/Sid Justice.

    tbc ..........................................

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  • Registered Users Posts: 685 ✭✭✭Cactus Colm

    First off, apologies for not being able to put up any shows. I'm presenting my PPV here, with a bit of history behind the matches. However as I feel I cannot do justice to how the matches themselves would turn out, I won't be giving match reports.

    Cactus Championship Wrestling presents

    Match 1
    Tito Santana Vs Jimmy Snuka

    Match 2
    (Television Title Match)
    Rick Martel (Champion) Vs Ray Stevens

    (Strike Force Vs Stevens & Snuka)

    Strike Force have been feuding with Stevens and Snuka on and off for several months, with both teams holding victories over the other. The trouble started when tag team champions Snuka and Santana imploded. Snuka, feeling that Santana wasn't pulling his weight, attacked Santana, disolving the team, and vacating the titles. A tournament was held for the titles, which Snuka looked good to win, having re-united with former partner Ray Stevens. However a last minute entry to the tournament prevented gazzumped Snuka's plans. Upon winning the titles Strike Force removed their masks to reveal Santana, and new partner Rick Martel. The following month Strike Force dropped the titles to The Midnight Express, in a hard fought match, after interference from Snuka and Stevens. At the following PPV it was Strike Force's turn for revenge, when they interfered in a Ladder match between the Midnights and the Snuka And Stevens team.

    While Snuka and Stevens were chasing the tag titles, Martel managed to win the Television title. After a coin toss it was decided that Stevens would challenge for Martel for the championship, winning a contenders match thanks to Snuka. To try keep the Television Title Match free from interference a match was made between Santana and Snuka to keep their minds occupied.

    Match 3
    Ladie's Division Title Match
    ODB (Champion) Vs Manami Toyota (with Akayo Hamada)

    (Return of a legend)

    Manami Toyota is on top of the Ladies division. AT the CCW ppv 2009 she faced her toughest opponent in a loser leaves the promotion match. ODB defeated Toyota in a tough 30+ minute match, through the use of a foreign object. However the decision was reversed after ODB repeatedly hit Manami with a steel rod, breaking her neck. The aftermath of this match resulted in ODB being forced out of the promotion, and Manami Toyota retiring from the ring due to her extensive injuries. Over the last six months Toyota has coached her protoge Akaya Hamada to the Ladies' title. Finally winning it from Daffney, and climbing tothe top of the Ladies' division mountain. After failing to win back the title a month later Daffney departed the promotion, and to everyone's shock was replaced by ODB on the roster. ODB straight away challenged Toyota to a match, however Manami wouldn't return from retirement.

    Taking another strategy, ODB seemingly concentrated on dominating the Ladie's division. Destroying opponent after opponent with her brutal style, she eventually earned a shot at the title. ODB overpowered Hamada and claimed the Ladies' Division title. She was still unsatisfied and challenged Toyota again, but still she said no. Hamada wanted her title back, and challenged ODB. ODB agreed, but stipulated the match would be a no dq fight. Against Toyota's wishes Hamada took the match. Despite a spirited offence from Hamada, ODB dominated, eventually able to handcuff Hamada to a pole, she repeatedly struck her with a steel rod, demanding that Toyota finally accept her challenge. In order to save her devasted protoge Toyota finally relented and agreed to tonights match.

    Match 4
    War Games
    Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire(US Champion), Chase Stevens*, Andy Douglas* (*Tag Team Champions)


    Afa, Sika, Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton

    Special Referee: "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

    (The corruption of the Midnight Express)
    While tag team favourites were embroiled with their long time enemies the Wild Samoans, a new force appeared in the promotion; Sean O'Haire (playing his devil's advocate gimmick) along with partner / enforcer Chuck Palumbo. O'Haire quickly engineered a title match for the US title, and won it, his first taste of gold in the promotion. O'Haire made it his business to provide fellow new arrivals The Naturals with advice, guiding them through their first steps in professional wrestling. But from the outside it seemed that this advice benefitted O'Haire and Palumbo more than it did the Naturals. The Naturals rose in prominence, and were never to be seen in or out of the ring without either O'Haire or Palumbo by their sides.

    O'Haire would often step into the ring during shows to espouse his personal philosophy, backed up by Palumbo and The Naturals. A loose stable, they were often referred to as the Advocates, or Devil's Minions. After suffering a defeat to the Wild Samoans in a tables match, O'Haire appeared to console Condrey and Eaton. Again it seemed that O'Haire would appear more and more with the Midnights, similar to how he acted with the Naturals. Apparently through O'Haire's guidance the Midnight's achieved a chance at the Tag Titles against Strike Force, which they won after interference from Snuka and Stevens. The Midnights claimed the title win to be as much O'Haire's as it was theirs.

    O'Haire's ring lectures would become more frequent, now with Palumbo, The Naturals, and The Midnight Express joining him in the ring, listening intently to his lessons, and preventing anyone from interrupting. Until finally enough was enough, and the Wild Samoans stood up the Advocates. Surprising everyone in the ring with steel chairs the Samoans cleared the ring. They were sickened by what the Midnights had become, and appealed to their true natures, to return into the same ass kicking wrestlers they had been before. Something got through, and the Midnights started questioning O'Haires teachings. Seeing what way the wind was blowing O'Haire organised a match between The Naturals and The Midnight Express. Betraying the Midnights O'Haire and Palumbo interfered, giving The Naturals the victory, and the titles. The Midnights were free of O'Haire's control and looking for revenge, with their new allies The Wild Samoans, a four on four war games match has been organised.

    Match 5
    Hell In A Cell
    Macho Man Randy Savage
    Bruiser Brody

    Macho Man finally married his manager, and long time girlfriend Ms Elizabeth at last year's ppv. The two enjoying something of a fairy tale romance. However, like a number of fairy tales, this one includes an ogre. That ogre came in the form of Bruiser Brody. Jealous of the perfect love between Savage and Elizabeth Brody brutally attacked Mrs Savage. In particular Brody attacked Elizabeth's face, and head, leaving her unconscious and bloody. Savage distraught has been chasing Brody ever since, but Brody has been able to avoid meeting him in a match, enjoying Savage's hurt, taunting him at every corner. Ms Elizabeth returned to the promotion last month, using a mask that shields half her face. Her looks may have seemingly disappeared, but the romance between her and Savage hasn't. Seeing this has enrage Brody, and finally he has decided to accept Savage's request for a fight, Hell in a Cell.

    Match 6

    World Title Match
    Rob Van Dam (With Liberace)
    Ric Flair (champion)

    One Month ago, Rob Van Dam managed to win a 30 Man over the top rope battle royale to make him the number 1 contender. Since then, RVD and Flair have been engaged in a battle of wits and promos. With Flair attacking RVD several times, but RVD managing to maintain the upper hand. The highlight of this feud was last week, where RVD had scheduled a one on one interview with the berobed one. Upon hearing Flairs entrance music play, nobody was surprised to see a sparkly robed entertainer make his way, however, a great number of people were surprised when he made his way to the ring, and was eventually revealed as Flairberace. Acting as Flair, Liberace was interviewed by RVD, replying to all answers with a bit of song accompanied by piano. Flair was unimpressed to say the least, and after the last match, made his way to the ring, with a bloodied, limp, liberace and destroyed him, threatening to do the same to RVD when he got his chance.

    Liberace, not to be bullied, has bravely agreed to acompany RVD to the ring tonight.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Finally with exams finally out of the way, I can bring you my TV build-up and PPV! I think the best way to get my feuds over is to go out Flah style (:D) and push the PPV matches by recapping the relevant parts of the weekly TV shows.

    wBw Ringside : Match Buildup #1


    WK 1 :
    The Miz cuts a promo in the ring, saying he should be in the main event, because he's the biggest star in the biggest company in the world. He notes that he's a better wrestler than Angle, a bigger heart-throb that BxB Hulk, and carried mizfits like Morrison and Big Show to the high point in their careers. He challenges any wrestler in the back to a match. Senshi obliges and squashes him with the Ki Krusher (fisherman Driver) and Warrior's Way (Diving double foot stomp) in under a minute! Backstage Morrison mocks him.

    John Morrison vs BxB Hulk (with dancers including Stacy Keibler)
    Both wrestle as a face in a stunning 22-minute encounter, teasing each other's finishers. In the end, Morrison gets the pin after hitting a springboard insigiri and starship pain. Afterwards Morrison celebrates in the ring, as Stacy tends to BxB Hulk in the entrance way.

    MotorCity Machine Guns (Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin) vs Sonjay Dutt & Delirious
    MMG (dressed in what can only be described as "Japan's take on an anime robocop" wrestling attire) enter the ring; and Shelly gets on the mic. He proclaims The Guns as the best tag-team in the world today (to a big pop); and intend to prove it on this tour. He mentions that they have the killer instincts of killer instinct, the devoted darkness of Dexter and their will is stronger than any metal endoskeleton or mimetic poly-alloy.
    "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt come out, clad in sanctimonial orange robes over his wrestling attire, goes around shaking his tamborine, looking for dollars from the crowd, and makes Delirious go into the crowd to look for more donations.
    The match goes 15 minutes and is a fantastic display of the Gun's multiple tag team offense, and Dutt's incredible athleticism and comedy heel character. Delirious breaks up the fast action with a slower wrestling style. The Guns get the pin after a double-team power-bomb & neck-breaker on Dutt, who blames Delirious for the loss.
    WK 2 :
    The Miz cuts a funny heel promo about last week; saying it was a blip; and that he can kick anyone's ass that isn't Senshi.
    KENTA's music hits as the Miz laments and tries to leave the ring; only to be caught with some stiff kicks, a roundhouse, and the GTS to a huge pop. KENTA gets the win in about a minute.

    Backstage Morrison ribs him about the how long he can last, and tells him to "buck up, Janetty". Miz replies harshly, but Morrison laughs it off, telling Miz to watch him have another classic later on tonight.

    John Morrison vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
    The two have an 18-minute stunner; showcasing the talent of both JoMo and the New Japan leader. After the entrances, The Miz decides to come on a do commentary. He talks up Tanahashi. After 16 minutes of this hotly-contested match, the Miz tries to interfere, distracts Morrison, but Tanahashi intentionally doesn't seize the opportunity. However Tanahashi is able to hit a devastating brain-buster and gets the win.

    MotorCity Machine Guns vs BxB Hulk & The Brian Kendrick
    In a 20-minute stunner, it's the seasoned tag team that outsmart the DragonGate USA clan.

    In-Ring segment
    Morrison calls out the Miz, who chastises his appearance at ringside. Miz contends that he lost all by himself and that losing isn't sweet. The Guns come out and tell them that at one point, they were WWE's most dominant tag team, but never got to face The Guns, and so challenge both of them to a match at the PPV. After bickering, they say it's on, after they get things straightened between themselves first. Morrison agrees and asks what match they want next week. Miz replies that he wants a "Barbershop Window match", and leaves, smirking.
    WK 3 :
    Jay Hunter announces that part of being a tag team is being competitive and still a cohesive unit, and since The Miz and John Morrison are wrestling each other, so must Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin. He warns them of any shennanigans or he'll sick Vince Russo on them.

    Alex Shelly vs Chris Sabin
    Fantastic 20-minute match - a mirror-match of sorts - as the two really know each others moves, and do parts of their double-team offense singly. After a real back and forth match, building up to a lot of false finishes, Shelly picks up the pin after countering the Cradle Shock.

    The Miz vs John Morrison (Barbershop Window Match)
    Before the match, the Miz cuts a promo on Morrison and the Guns, and explains that the winner of this No-DQ match throws the loser through this babershop window; signifying the ascention of one wrestler, at the expense of the other. The set is just like Beefcake's Barbershop back in 1991. The two start wrestling in the ring, the first 10 minutes are in the ring, before it moves to the outside, and then the barbershop set itself. After a couple of close calls, Miz temporarily blinds Morrison with some shaving foam and throws him through the window, and celebrates accordingly. Afterwards, The Guns come out together, and clap sarcastically.
    WK 4 :
    It's go-time for both tag teams, as both Miz/Morrison and the Guns are in tag-team action.

    The Miz cuts another killer promo on the Guns, and exclaims to Morrison that if we're to stand a chance against The Guns, he'll have to listen to the leader of the team (The Miz), that they have to work together and face the toughest wrestlers in wBw.

    Miz & Morrison vs KENTA and Senshi
    As you can imagine, the match is stiff as hell! Morrison is able to withstand it a bit better than Miz, but use their fantastic tag-team skills to control the majority of the match. In the end the Miz is able to push Senshi so that he Warrior's Ways KENTA instead of Morrison, shoves him out of the ring, and gets the pin on KENTA. The Miz picks up a mostly lifeless Morrison and celebrate their huge win.

    MotorCity Machine Guns vs Devitt/Shingo
    In a fantastic 23-minute bout, much like MMG vs Devitt/Taguchi from NJPW Circuit (July 2007) Devitt and Shingo get the win after Morrison distracts the ref and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Shelly. After the match, both teams shake hands and get a standing ovation.
    WK 5 : PPV


  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Show 3 - Part 2

    JBL meets Sid out his way to the ring, Sid just laughs at JBL.

    First out to huge crowd reaction is Jannetty and Sherri. Out next is JBL and current women's champion Beth Phoenix. Beth and Sherri start the match off. Beth gets the upper hand on Sherri and gets her into her corner and tags in JBL who taunts Sherri. He sets her up for a sleeper hold but Jannetty breaks it up. Sherri hits JBL with a low blow which the ref doesnt see and tags in Jannetty who rolls JBL up for the surprise win. JBL and Sherri leave quickly. JBL is in shock in the ring and is complaining to the ref as is Beth. JBL pushes the ref. Sid comes out and powerbombs JBL, Beth leaves the ring scared of Sid.

    Out next is the WHC champion The Rock to a huge crowd reaction. He opens with saying finally he is back in Atlantic City. He says last week he was locked in by Sid and he wants to know why. His father was put in a match with Sting to detemine who would run LWE it could be JBL or The Donald. Sting won so we now have the man with really should fire his hairdo Donald Trump. He says tonight he wants Sid or Sting or both in a match and he will stay in the ring until he gets them. Out comes his father Rocky J and he explains that he has asked Trump for a rematch with Sting tonight. The Rock smirks and asks his dad why, he replies that he needs and wants this rematch and that last week he offered himself to JBL to compete and that sometimes it not all about The Rock and what he is cooking. Trump comes out and says that tonight for the first time ever it will be The Rock and his father Rocky J teaming up to take on the team of Sting and Sid Justice.

    Up next is the tag match between Tony Atlas and his partner against current champions of Tyler Black V Christopher Daniels. Out first is the tag champions and then Tony comes out and introduces his tag partner Luke Gallows who quickly gets in the ring and goes after Daniels. The bell rings and the match starts. Gallows is working over Daniels who is trying to make a tag to Black. Out of the audience comes Jimmy Jacobs who takes out Tyler Black they are battling up the ramp into the back. Daniels is left in the ring by himself with Gallows and Atlas outside waiting to tag in. Atlas hits a blind tag and enters the match. Gallows knocks out both Atlas and Daniels. Gallows takes Daniels's IC title from the table and leaves. Atlas is up now and he applies bearhug on Daniels and picks up the win. Atlas is presented with both tag titles.

    Stephanie McMahon visits Trump and offers her services. She says could be a useful asset to him in building up LWE. She says JBL was a bad choice to run the company and that Trump will be much much better. Trump asks her about her daddy how he is doing she says she dont know or care. He teels her that Sherri has requested a match with her. Stephanie tells Trump she prefers to work outside the ring in a more administration side of things. He tells her he will put her in a match and if she wins she will join his team if not she is fired. Stephanie is livid and leaves.

    The refs are separating Black and Jacobs backstage. Trump tells them it will be settled in the ring and announces Black V Tyler in a street fight at the ppv.

    Atlas is backstage with both tag titles when Generation Me come up and congratulate him. They tell him they want a tag match in the future and that Trump has promised them. They ask Atlas if he will be defending the titles on his own for their match. Atlas walks off.

    Up next is the tag match the Rock/Rocky J and Sting/Sid Justice.

    tbc ..........................................

    Show 3 - Part 3

    JBL is shown coming on Trump's office not happy. He passes Jannetty in hall and catches him and throws him through a door and walks off. Jannetty is left lying there.

    Up next is the tag match the Rock/Rocky J and Sting/Sid Justice.

    Out first is Sid Justice and then Sting with his baseball bat. He leaves the bat on the announce table. Out next is Rocky J who waits outside the ring for his tag partner. The Rock is out next and the crowd is wild. The Rock asks his dad if he ready for this and both enter the ring. Sting gets a mic he says before the match starts he has to say that last week Trump put in a match and he won that match but he respects both The Rock and Rocky J. He also says he wants a shot at the title with this Sid grabs the mic and he also says he wants a shot at the title and that locking The Rock in last week was about getting rid of JBL only. Rocky J grabs the mic and throws it out and immediately goes after Sting. The bell rings and the match starts. Rocky J is taking it to Sting but he wont tag in The Rock for any part. The Rock blind tags himself in and his father is mad. He pushes The Rock. sting has managed to tag in Sid will The Rock and Rocky J are arguing. Sid takes them both down. Rocky J rolls out of the ring. Sid stands on The Rock and laughs at the crowd. He sets Rock up for a Powerbomb but Rocky J enters and takes him down. Sting enters also and all four men are in the ring now. JBL runs out and also enters the ring. The ref calls for the bell. Marty Jannetty comes out bandage on his head and goes straight after JBL. Rocky J rolls out of the ring and grabs Sting's baseball bat. He comes back into the ring and takes out Sid, JBL, Jannetty and Sting. The Rock looks at his dad in shock and also impressed. He goes to hug his father but Rocky J hits him with bat. The show ends with Rocky J standing in the ring with the bat looking at the carnage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1


    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment Presents

    Frenzied Fury PPV

    Current GM Donal Trump just announced live from Trump Plaza the card for the PPV

    Frenzied Fury will be coming live from Madison Square Garden in New York

    Cruiser X Title Match
    Paul London (C) V Psicosis V Super Crazy

    Street Fight
    Jimmy Jacobs V Tyler Black

    Womens Title Match
    Beth Phoenix (C) V Sherri Martel V Stephanie McMahon
    (Stipulation if Stephanie is pinned she is fired if she wins the match she wins a job with Trump and the title)

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Christopher Daniels (C) V Luke Gallows V Jesse

    Tag Title Match
    Tony Atlas (C) V Generation Me
    (Tony can find a tag partner if not he must still compete)

    Eimination Chamber Match for the WHC Title
    The Rock (C) V JBL V Sting V Sid Justice V Marty Jannetty V Rocky Johnson

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    wBw PPV Build Up #2
    The Wrath of Russo


    Vince Russo, the most infamous name in wrestling history, and legit 1-time WCW champion, has come to wBw! He promises new and innovative things and to steer wBw in the right direction! What does he have in store for the wBw roster? Hit-and-Run angles? Magic Rings? Lock Boxes? Tune in this Sunday to find out!

    WK 1 :
    Tanahashi & Prince Devitt vs Raven/The Brian Kendrick
    Blue and black strobes flash the ring, and the lights return with Raven in the ring. About 7 minutes into the match, Raven starts reaching under the ring and throwing out hardcore weapons. Russo comes to ringside and immediately throws out the match. He says there is no place for the old ECW and that hardcore is passe. He exclaims that Raven is living in the 90s and is out of touch with the current fans (to a huge chorus of boos)

    WK 2 :
    Raven vs Delirious in a Reverse Battle Royal Mask vs Haircut match
    Raven and Delirious just work a normal match; and 5 minutes in, Russo enters the arena and demands that the wrestlers re-start the match with the rules in mind. Raven ignores him and returns to working over Delirious. Russo, fuming, says that there will be huge repercussions.

    WK 3 :
    Raven vs Kendrick in a Electrified Fish Match
    The match never gets started as the wrestlers knock over the "props" and work a normal match. Immediately Russo comes out and demands they comply. Kendrick reluctantly exits the ring and picks up a fish, while Raven refuses to do so. Russo says do it, or you'll be fired. Raven tells him to pick on some other punks in the back; while Russo retorts that all you ECW scumbags are the same; going into business for yourself, and blames him and others for bringing down their wrestling company. Raven is flabbergasted at what he's hearing. He tells Raven to pick up the damn fish or he won't be seeing black and blue, he'll be seeing pink, reading his terminated contract. Raven tells him to go *^%£ himself! Immediately, Russo fires him! Blue and black strobes turn off and on, and the lights return with Raven is nowhere to be seen. Russo, a bit shaken, then smirks, and leaves under a hail of boos.

    WK 4 :
    Russo cuts a promo saying he's done everything by the book, for the good of the fans. The lights flicker and go down, bathed in black and blue strobe (signifying Raven) but when the lights return, no-one appears. Russo gloats that he has the power, and he has something special in store for Sunday's PPV.

    WK 5 : PPV! Tune in to find out what Russo has got up his sleeve? Will other wrestlers feel the wrath of Russo's pen? The "WCW catabolist" promises big things this Sunday!

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    wBw PPV Build-Up #3 & #4


    Chapter 1 (Las Vegas, NA)
    Gail Kim vs ODB
    Gail Kim was victorious in a really an impressive 10-minute encounter.

    John Morrison vs BxB Hulk (with dancers including Stacy Keibler)
    Both wrestle as a face in a stunning 22-minute encounter, teasing each other's finishers. Morrison hit the starship pain for the win. He celebrated in the ring as Stacy tended to BxB Hulk in the entrance way.

    Prince Devitt & Tanahashi vs Raven/The Brian Kendrick
    A fast-paced technical match, with more methodical work by Raven. About 7 minutes in; Raven starts grabbing hardcore objects from under the ring. Russo comes out and throws out the match.

    Chapter 2 (Detroit, MI)
    Gail Kim vs Stacy Keibler
    Before the match gets started, Daffney comes out from the crowd, incapacitates Kim and beats up on Stacy. It turns deadly serious as she breaks out a cinder block and wedges Stacy's leg between the ring post and said cinder block. BxB Hulk storms to the ring and stops Daffney. In all her goth glory, she tries to woo Hulk, moving his hand from her neck down her chest. Hulk pulls his hand away after, pulls Stacy out and leaves with her, confused.

    Backstage, Gail Kim is seen giving out to Prince Devitt about Daffney injuring her poor friend Stacy.

    BxB Hulk & The Brian Kendrick vs MotorCity Machine Guns
    In a 20-minute stunner, the seasoned tag team outsmart the DragonGate USA clan. After the match, Daffney tenderly tries to cajole BxB Hulk, who less convincingly fobs her off.

    Prince Devitt vs Dutt vs Shingo
    Devitt wins the triple threat in an excellent 12-minute encounter, hitting the brainbuster on Shingo.

    Chapter 3 (Dublin, Ireland)
    At the top of the show, Devitt answers the call to face Kurt Angle tonight, in his hometown of Dublin, Ireland!

    On the one-hour mark, Gail Kim calls out Daffney, who is blind-sided and handcuffed (both hands) to the ropes, her back facing the ring. Daffney takes a drink from her goblet of "blood" as it drips from her mouth. She looks under the ring, searches successfully for a kendo stick, as Devitt runs to ringside to stop her. She turns on her Zombie charm and then knees Devitt in the groin. She gets ready to swing for Kim's back as BxB Hulk makes the last minute save. Daffney gives him a big nasty wear, getting blood all over his mouth, and rubs him suggestively. She then slaps him in the face really hard, smiling, and hands him the Kendo stick. Hulk thinks, as the crowd give conflicting advice (cheers and boos). Devitt, getting to his feet, is greeted with a crack over the head from Hulk's kendo stick. With Gail pleading, Hulk continues to wail on Devitt's back. He turns his attention to Kim, giving her a crazy look. He looks into the crowd, as the crowd jeer him on, as security swarm the ring. Daffney holds them at bay with another kendo stick, lashing out at anyone trying to enter the ring. At this point, Daffney notices that Devitt's head is bleeding, as she goes on all fours in a contorted manner, sickly interested. She then shoves Devitt out of the ring, and the security tend to him. Hulk makes up his mind and smashes Gail Kim's back with a kendo shot as the sick crowd cheer, then is engulfed by boos. Security enter the ring and de-weaponise the two.

    After the replay, Schwarzanegger announces that Kim and Devitt can get their revenge in 2 weeks at the PPV, and to ensure fair play, announces that Daffney and Hulk are banned from ringside during tonight's main event between Angle and Devitt.

    Prince Devitt vs Kurt Angle
    Devitt, a little shaken, enters first, and is greeted with a heroes ovation. Angle dominates the opening ten minutes but is able to turn the tide after Angle misses his trademark moonsault. Angle gains control as the match hits full swing; Devitt kicking out of an Olympic Slam and a few more close pinfalls. At the 22-minute mark, he escapes a very long Angle lock, retaliates with a cheap low-blow, but is unable to get the pin. A few more excellent reversals later, Angle hits the Olympic slam and the pin.

    (After the show, Devitt is still at ringside, as the crowd starts chanting for him. Someone throws him the Irish flag. He hesitantly goes back into the ring, and the crowd get louder, and holds it up to a big pop; and chorus of "ole! ole! ole!")

    Chapter 4 (Toyko Dome, Japan)
    MotorCity Machine Guns vs Prince Devitt/Shingo
    After the video package hyping this match, the ring announcer tells us that Daffney and BxB Hulk have been located and are locked in a specific part of the arena for the night. Devitt is able to get the previous weeks out of his mind and focus on the match at hand. 23 minutes of blistering action is marred by Miz & Morrison costing the Guns the match.

    Later on that night, Gail Kim (sporting a lovely welt on her back) gives an impassioned promo with bruised Devitt and Stacy by her side. She tells us Devitt and herself are going to relish getting sweet revenge at the PPV, and they will be 100%. Daffney appears on the titantron, somewhere in the bowels of the arena. She tells Kim that she will bloody her gormless face and mangle her whitemeat body. Daffney disingenuously thanks Devitt for helping her get what she wants; a killer. She directs the cameraman with her to go deeper into the darkened arena, as Daffney laughs and screams. The camera (lit by only it's light) looks around slowly and out of nowhere BxB Hulk's face in front of the camera, pale and weathered. Sporting dyed black hair, goth clothes and bandaged arms, Daffney exclaims that this is KILLER HULK! She promises that the PPV will be a Nightmare to Remember.

    The Final Chapter : PPV (MSG, NYC)
    Will Gail Kim be able to exact revenge on the Scream Queen, Daffney? Unpredictable and twisted, Daffney is the most formidable opponent Kim's ever faced. Prince Devitt, who has been diverted down this dangerous path, must now face the vicious incarnation known as KILLER HULK! Whose blood will be spilt? Can Devitt overturn the new Hulk? Tune in this Sunday to find out!



  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    wBw PPV Build Up #5

    The time for crazy shenanigans has ended; it is time to showcase the match-ups of the greatest wrestler of all time, Kurt Angle!


    Kurt Angle has only had one goal in life, to be the very best wrestler in the world today, and intends cement that legacy on this tour! Introducing the Kurt Angle Invitational - Each week, he has pledged to face the best that a wrestling company has to offer, in a straight wrestling contest. Brash and cocky, the only Olympic Gold Medallist in pro-wrestling history can back it up in the ring. His self-adulation and conceit has earned him the jeers of the crowd, but no-one can deny his God-given talent.

    Chapter 1 (Las Vegas, NA)
    Kurt Angle states that since Nevada has never produced a worthy wrestler; he issues an open challenge to anyone who has made a living wrestling all over the world. After minutes of goading, the ravenous crowd pop when KENTA's theme hits! KENTA says he represents Ring of Honor and All Japan ProWrestling, two companies built on tradition and respect, something Kurt Angle has forgotten. Angle mocks KENTA, saying his kicks are no match to his hands, and will see him in the ring for the main event.

    Kurt Angle vs KENTA (representing ROH/AJPW)

    After a thrilling 25 minute enounter, Kurt emerges victorious after KENTA spends an excrutiating 2 minutes in the ankle lock. After Angle leaves, a dejected KENTA gets a round of applause in the ring for his efforts.

    Chapter 2 (Detroit, MI)
    Kurt Angle opens up the show by deriding the performance of KENTA last week, saying that he's got talent, but he's no Kurt Angle. He issues a challenge to anyone from another wrestling company that is here tonight. He runs down the current wBw roster; taking shots at Tanahashi, The MotorCity MachineGuns and says he'll even make Gail Kim tap twice if she wants. Senshi's theme hits as the World Warrior, the street fighter storms the ring! Kurt smack talks him while Senshi gets in the ring, who immediately attacks him, hits the Ki Krusher, and ascends to the top rope, but Angle rolls out of the ring, saying he's not the Miz (who fell victim to Senshi last week), and will not go down so easy. Kurt vows to make the World Warrior tap out, or he'll break his ankle.

    Kurt Angle vs Senshi (representing TNA/Zero-1)
    The two go to war with stiff kicks and punches, with Senshi leading the early offense. As time wears on, Angle gains control of the match, with Senshi having to make comebacks, only to be bested by the seasoned main-eventer. After Senshi misses the Warrior's Way and tweaks his knee, Angle pounces on the injury like a shark, putting on the Ankle lock in the dead centre of the ring. As the crowd bow for blood and also willing for Senshi to reach the ropes, Angle pulls Senshi back into the centre of the ring and lies down, grape-vining his leg in the process. Senshi has no choice to tap out at 22:30.

    Chapter 3 (Dublin, Ireland)
    Schwarzanegger comes out, and thanks everyone in attendance and praises the viewership of the programme. He has a big announcement, but is cut off as Angle's music hits! Angle tells him to get his last action hero ass out of his ring, this is a place for real athletes, not phony movie stars. Security flood the ring and usher Schwarzanegger out of the ring to a chorus of boos.

    Kurt Angle says that since he's invincible, he's inviting anyone for any promotion to take the mantle and best him at his own game. He offers his paycheque for the entire tour to anyone who can beat him in the middle of the ring. He says that he wants to face someone he's never faced before, who is respected in every nation. The Dublin crowd erupt as Ireland's own, Prince Devitt, answers the call! Devitt says that as a representative of NWA and in front of his countrymen, he wants to put Angle in his place. He says that Angle's been all over the world, but he hasn't been battled hardened across Europe with NWA, and built into a machine by the grueling New Japan Dojo. Angle says that the Irish are nothing but drunks and louts, and that they can't get those 6 counties back, and they certainly can't beat this American. (Angle gets massive heat). He vows to embarrass Devitt in front of his home crowd, and Devitt mouths off in irish, finishing with "pog mo thon" :D

    Kurt Angle vs Prince Devitt (representing NWA)
    Devitt enters first, and is greeted with a hero's ovation. Angle makes the crowd wait before his theme hits, and is hailed with boos and "you suck" chants. The two are announced and lock up. Angle out-wrestles Devitt at the start, gloating, and the crowd jeer him. Devitt gets in a few moves but it's really Angle who dominates the opening ten minutes. Devitt is able to turn the tide after Angle misses his trademark moonsault. Devitt teases the brainbuster but Angle manages to escape each time! An exhausted Angle hits the Olympic Slam but is unable to cover straight away. Devitt kicks out before 3 and the crowd go nuts! After a few more close pinfalls, Angle is able to counter and lock in the Ankle lock. The crowd erupt, willing Devitt to reach the ropes. Angle quickly converts it into a grapevine as well; Devitt tries to power out, and after an eternity of pain, changes tactics and quickly counter-rolls and reaches the ropes! Angle is forced to break as Devitt slowly reaches to his feet, hobbling. As the ref tries to separate them, Devitt mule kicks/low blows Angle, but only gets a 2-count. Devitt is countered into an Angle Slam, which is countered, and re-countered into a slam, and pin for the 1-2-3 after 25 minutes.

    Angle celebrates to a chorus of boos, we are given some breathing space with replays. Angle gets on the mic and tells the world that there is no wrestler that can best him. Schwarzanegger comes out at the ramp. He congratulates Angle on his victory; and says that he's on the top of his game. But he's found someone who wrestles a perfect game - he's signed Angle's opponent for the PPV in two weeks - Mr. Perfect! The crowd go mental!

    Chapter 4 (Toyko Dome, Japan)
    Angle runs down Curt Hennig, saying that he is only an athlete of the bygone era, and that all the Ico-Pro in the world wouldn't compare to his natural talent. He says that since he's in the land of the rising sun, he asks for any homegrown talent Japan has to offer. "High Energy" hits as Hiroshi Tanahashi answers the call! He says he's climbed the highest mountain in New Japan, and challenges him to the main event in the land of the rising sun. Angle replies that it'd be a pleasure for this ganjin to kick his ass in front of his family.

    Before the main event, we see Tanahashi walking backstage, being wished well by the wBw roster members, such as KENTA, Prince Devitt, Shingo and The MachineGuns. Cut to Angle, walking backstage by himself, game-face on.

    Kurt Angle vs Hiroshi Tanahashi (representing NJPW)
    Angle and Tanahashi have a fantastic, stiff, exciting match, that lasts 24 minutes. In the end, Angle gets the Olympic Slam and the victory.
    Inevitably comparisons are made to their classic NJPW bout at NJPW's Resolution 2009. (watch their excellent bout in NJPW here)

    Afterwards, Angle gets on the mic and guarantees that Mr. Perfect will tap out this Sunday on PayPerView. Then, a picture of Mr. Perfect appears on the titantron! The still fades into a live video, as Perfect looks straight into the camera and at Angle! He says that Angle may have beaten the best of those federations, but he's never wrestled Mr. Perfect! He says that Mr. Perfect is coming this Sunday to PPV to out-smart, out-class and out-wrestle Angle. Why? Because he's simply Perfect! The crowd go mental!
    The Final Chapter : PPV (MSG, NYC)
    In his first match in wBw, "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig looks to overcome the ruthless dominance of Kurt Angle! He must wrestle a perfect game to overcome the best wrestler in the world today! It's Olympic Gold vs Perfection in this Sunday's Main Event!


  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    wBw PPV Final Build Up (#6)


    KENTA vs Senshi : Battle of the World Warriors!

    Both KENTA and Senshi share a lot of similarities, a stiff style, insurmountable work ethic and dedication to their craft. Never has the term "the body is a weapon" been so apt in describing these wrestlers; their deftly-placed kicks are heard throughout the arenas the world over!

    At the wBw PPV, both men with lock horns in Mortal Kombat! Out of combative spirit and respect to their disciplines, they have agreed to fight in a specially-constructed Dojang! Here's how the match came together :

    Chapter 1 (Las Vegas, NA)
    After The Miz trash-talked the roster, Senshi quickly destroyed the multiple-time undisputed WWE tag champion with a flurry of fierce kicks, Ki Krusher and Warrior's Way.

    KENTA vs Kurt Angle
    KENTA main-evented the show with a sterling but ultimately unsuccessful 25-minute performance against Kurt Angle. (A more detailed recap can be found here)
    Chapter 2 (Detroit, MI)
    After The Miz issued an open challenge to anyone but Senshi, KENTA stormed the ring and promptly destroyed The Miz, ending his short torture with the GoToSleep.

    Senshi vs Kurt Angle
    Senshi main-evented wBw's 2nd show with Kurt Angle. Wrestling with tons of heart and a near perfect match; Senshi tapped out at 22:30 to the vicious ankle lock of Kurt Angle. (A more detailed recap can be found here)
    Chapter 3 (Dublin, Ireland)
    Senshi vs Sonjay Dutt, KENTA vs Delirious
    Both Senshi & KENTA had something to prove this week as they faced others in singles matches. Senshi faced Sonjay Dutt; besting Dutt convincingly in 8 minutes, and KENTA rolling over Delirious in a similar time and fashion.

    After KENTA's match, Senshi appeared and challenged KENTA to a match at the PPV, no tricks, no shortcuts, to see how was the real world warrior. KENTA replied that it would be an honor, and proposed the match take place in a Dojang; no ropes, just mats and mortar. Senshi agreed and shook hands, and both were applauded.
    Chapter 4 (Toyko Dome, Japan)
    KENTA and Senshi vs The Miz/John Morrison
    KENTA and Senshi were the surprise opponents against Miz & Morrison on the last TV show before the PPV. Although working well together; the well-oiled machine of the former Undisputed WWE tag champions managed to steal the victory; as Miz diverted Senshi into giving the Warrior's Way to KENTA, which allowed a dazed Morrison to get the win.

    After the match, Senshi half-heartedly apologised, but the two exchanged stiff kicks! KENTA ducked a flying roundhouse and turned it into a GTS on Senshi, which was countered and Senshi left the ring. The two menacingly smirked at each other.

    The Final Chapter : PPV (MSG, NYC)

    It's SENSHI and KENTA in a fight bourne out of mutual honor, respect and competition! The match will be contested in a specially-constructed wBw Dojang in the arena! The match will brutally test the true mettle of the kombatants! Whose kicks are more vicious? Who will rightly claim themself as the more dedicated warrior? Tune in this Sunday to find out!

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Featured attractions on wBw's PPV, live this Sunday!


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Show 1
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    Show 3
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    BWE: Re-Awakening
    Welcome to BWA Raw

    After a recap of what happened at BWA: Re-Awakening the Show begins with the enitre new Japanese faction making their way down to ringside as the commentators talk about their clean sweep and impressive competitive debuts here in the BWA.

    Rikidozan and Aja Kong both have mics as Aja translates their leaders words for the the western audience. He says that they have backed up everything they said by getting a clean sweep at BWA: Re-Awakening and taking two title belts in the process (The Intercontinental and womens championships). They said that they would take the respect they deserved at that PPV in their competitive debuts and prove just how good they are, and with that done and the BWA now realising how seious they are, he says it is time he delivered on something else he has stated. That he says is when Kenta Koashi & Mitsuharu Misawa intend on being the next BWA tag team champions but that first he has promised that he would be the next BWE champion, so Hulk Hogan he says" I'm calling you out!"

    after a few seconds the unexpected sound of The Big Show's music hits and the 7'2 monster makes his way out to the ring. Show says he respects what their group achieved at Re-Awakening but that talk of facing Hulk Hogan is a little premature for such a little man he says. He states that he dominated Hulk Hogan in their match and that he was only a few seconds from not only becoming champ but killing Hulkamania with the worlds largest moonsault. He says that Hogan knows he got lucky against him and that he will be the next BWE champion so if these any asian midgets want to to get to hogan they will have to wait in line. This comment enrages Rikidozan who lets out a warcry in Japanese that is not translated but immediatley acted upon as Kobashi, Misawa and Toyonobori all get into the ring and surround the Big show who is staring down at Rikidozan.

    Just before they come to blows, the unmistakable sound of Rocky's "gonna fly now" plays and out comes the GM Sylvester Stallone. Stallone calms the situation down then addresses both mens desire to be the next no.1 contender. He syas that it is hard to argue with Rikidozan's case, he is the leader of an undefeated group which includes the IC champ and he has just beaten the self proclaimed voice of the BWA Rowdy Roddy Piper. He then states that Big Show has had a shot and therefore should have to earn another but oddly for once he says he agree's with Show's statements tonight, Stallone says he has never seen anyone take it to Hogan like Show did and that his moonsault set the world of wrestling wild so he admits he is kinda torn. Stallone therefore says that tonights main event will decide it all, it will be Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa vs The Big Show &...BWE World champion Hulk Hogan! Stallone then goes on to say that if Kenta/Misawa win both they will get tag title shots and Rikidozan will get a world title shot, but if Show and hogan win Kenta Kobashi will have to defend his newly won Intercontinental title next week and Rikidozan will have to face The Big Show for no.1 contendership.

    As we go to the commentators talk about all the implications of what has just happened not to mention the fact that the two men who only 24 hours ago main evented BWE: Re-Awakening against each other will be forced to team up

    ---Backstage Segment---

    Lacey von Erich is shown backstage warming up for her match with Kerry Von Erich talking her through what she is going to do. He then asks her if she is sure she has got the Von Erich Iron Claw because before her training she wasnt quiet locking it in correctly. She assures him all his and Kevin & David's avice is sinking in and that she will show him next. She then goes to head out of their lockeroom door but Awesome Kong is standing outside in her way. Kong laughs at the fact that someone like Lacey thinks she can cut it in the BWE but Kerry stands up for her and says that Lacey is a Von Erich and that tonight Kong should find a good spot to watch as she proves just what Von Erichs do in the ring.

    Opening Match: Lacey Von Erich w/Kerry Von Erich vs Cheerleader Melissa w/MsChif

    before this match begins a replay is shown of Laceys surprise elimination of Cheerleader Melissa at Re-Awakening. this obviously hasnt sat well with the cheerleader as she starts this one at a hellacious flurry of strikes. After knocking Von Erich down with a Forward Russian legsweep she continues the beatdown hitting anumber of big moves such as a german suplex and a missile dropkick before applying a cloverleaf but is shocked when Lacey reverves the situation and somehow locks in the Iron Claw and quickly makes her submit. Melissa is insenced feeling she was 100% in control of the match while Lacey celebrates.

    Winner: Lacey Von Erich

    ---backstage interview---

    Hulk Hogan is interviewed as he arrives at the building about having to team with The Big Show tonight and soon face either the man who nearly beat him at Re-Awakening or the man known as the "Japanese Hulk Hogan" Rikidozan. He says that he respects everything Rikidozan has achieved in his career and that defeating Roddy Piper was massive but like he said before retaining his title last night,be it The Big Show, Rikidozan or whoever Hulkamania is going to keep running wild in the BWA brother and the world title is staying around my waist. He also adds that it doesnt matter who he is teaming with or against tonight he says that all his Hulkamaniacs are in force and he will be standing tall when all is said and done, he then heads off down the hallway. Just then a white Limo pulls up and out steps Vince McMahon the new man in charge of MNG is here tonight on BWA Raw !

    Match two: "Pretty Wonderfull" Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma vs Kevin & david Von Erich

    Kerry Von Erich returns to ringside for this one as does Hercules Hernandes seemingly to even up the scores, however his influence at ringside is more of a negative influence than good as he and Paul Orndorff once more get on each others backs as the bickering between Paul Roma's two tag partners continues. It is this distraction that once again costs Pretty wonderfull the match as David Von Erich locks in his Dream Machine Sleeper hold on Roma whos attension is on Orndorff and Hercules at ringside and he eventually passes out. The 3 Von Erichs celebrate their victory as the battle between Orndorff and Hercules continues without Roma to break them up, eventually it is ended as hercules drives Orndorff into the ringpost a number of times leaving "Mr Wonderfull" lying batterd on the ground.

    Winners: The Von Erichs

    * a promo airs retelling all the interaction both on shows and in the media between the BWA, WECWF and MNG culminating with the announcement that tonights BWA Raw would see the contract signing for a cross promotional PPV between the three *
    ---Piper's pit---

    for the third segment in a row Kerry Von Erich has stayed out at the ring and is now joined by Roddy Piper who also invites Nigel McGuinness to join them. They talk about how yes, they failed to overcome their asian advisaries last night but that they should keep their heads held high, each one of them had a great match and on another night could have gotten the wins. He than says that tonight teaming together they will get back on track and next week before McGuinness adds that next wek after Hogan keeps his word and wins tonight he will get his rematch and win back his Intercontinental title. Their promo is interrupted by one of their opponents in their opponents tonight... King Kong Bundy.

    Bundy calls all of them losers and then singles out Kerry Von Erich and says that he knows all about losers having spent so much time with The Von Erich's down the years, afterall he was Fritz Von Erich's opponent for his 1982 retirement match. Bundy begins laughing as Kerry losers it in the ring and starts shouting at him as Bundy's partners are announced, Big John Studd & Muhammad Hussan

    Match three: King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd & Muhammad Hussan vs Roddy Piper, Kerry Von Erich & Nigel McGuinness

    A fairly even opening to this match ends as the face trio of Piper, Von Erich & McGuinness target Bundys legs and eventually keep the big man grounded. Eventually the match comes to its conclusion as Piper locks a figure four leg lock on Bundy and just when the big man looks like he is going to tap Muhammad Hussan hits the ring and Piper with a steel pipe in hand. The Ref immediatley calls a DQ victory for Piper, Von Erich and McGuinness, the latter two of which storm the ring in defense of Piper and charge Muhammad hassan out of the ring where he, Bundy & Studd laugh as if they have just one the match.

    Winners by DQ: Piper, McGuinness & Von Erich

    ----backstage segment---

    GM Stallone is in his office which he has summoned Hercules Hernandez to. He is irate with the big man and says he is sick of his constant interfering in Paul Orndorff & Roma's matches. He says that he has decided that next week Hercules and Orndorff will settle their differences in the ring, then as Hercules begins to smile Stallone orders him out of his sight and to the ring as he says he has booked a match for Hercules after his actions tonight and it is next plus he adds he has much bigger things to deal with tonight than him.

    Match four: Rikidozan vs Hecules Hernandez

    Rikidozan who is accompanied by Toyonobori for his first BWA Raw in ring appearance makes quick work of Hercules in this match. At first he frustrates the big man byevading all his big moves and reversing all locks he trys to apply before a Rikidozan Piledriver ends the contest for another impressive victory from the new japanese group in the BWA.

    Winner: Rikidozan

    ----Backstage segment---

    Just Joe enters the GM's office and tells Stallone that "the guys in the back have been talking and he thought Sly would want to know that not only is Vince McMahon here but that Eric Bischoff has just arrived. Sly gets up and borrowing a phrase from good ol Jr says business is about to pick up before leaving the room.

    Main Event: Kobashi & Misawa vs The Big Show & Hulk Hogan

    The two japanese wrestlers are are very cohesive team especially in comparison to their opponents whom they draw into their more fast paced style of wrestling as this one begins. They have the early advantage after hitting a number of big moves on Hogan including a Elevated DDT by Kobashi and a Release Dragon Suplex by Misawa. Each time they go for a pin though the big show breaks the pin. Eventually Show gets tagged in and the tables turn with a number of big clotheslines taking both men down. Surprisingly this doesent last too long however as Misawa catches Show with a Discus elbow smash and completely takes him aback. he quickly capitalises on it though and hits an impressive Tiger Driver on the big man. Usually that would be enough to put someone out but with The Big Show Misawa wants to be sure and heads to the top rope, from where he shows us his Tiger Body Press frog splash which he delivers cleanly. after a few seconds he is able to make the pin and looks certain to get the 3 count when Show surprises all by not only getting his shoulder up after a 2 count but by seemingly doing a press up with Mitsuharu Misawa who he then in a huge show if strenght tosses to the side of the ring. Misawa slingshots himself off the ropes and looks to hit another big elbow on Show as he tries to get back to his feet but Show catches him with a big punch to his gut. He then delivers a big military slam to Misawa in the centre of the ring. Then Show does something we have only seen once before and goes to the corner and begins climbing to the top rope. It looks like we are going to see that Moonsault once more, but no Kobashi has interfered and after a number of big rights is looking to give Show a big superplex off the turnbuckle. He struggles to lift show though and its only that split second that the big man needs to grab Kobashi around the throat and jump off the turnbuckle to deliver a flying chokslam to him dropping Kenta right on top of his partner and the legal man Misawa. Show lands hard on his knee though and is visably in a lot of pain though so without shows going for it the Hulkster tags himself in and quicly hits a big leg drop on the two men lying prone on top of each other in the ring before getting the three count pinfall.

    Winners: The Big Show & Hulk Hogan

    ---In ring segment---

    Stallone comes down to ringside before the victors have left the ring and reminds everyone of what the result of that match means, Kobashi will have to defend his Intercontinental title on BWA Raw next week and The Big Show will face their leader Rikidozan for the No.1 contendership to Hulk Hogans BWA world championship. He then tells them all to find a good spot in the back to watch this as the following is going to be huge for this industry.

    After they have made their way to the back Stallone introduces Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff come out to some minor boo's.After a brief verbal exchange between the 3 where they each try to suggest their promotion is superior (Bischoff cites the WECWF's cult following, Stallone talks up the BWA's record breaking ratings while Vince talks up his great international roster and corporate champion John Cena. Stallone cuts this short however and and say that this will not settle anything as to who is the best, he says the only way to settle such a matter in wrestling as all of them know is in the ring. At this point he then produces the contract for the upcoming tri-promotional PPV which he calls the Monday Night War and talks everybody through it.

    He says that all 3 of them have agreed to the an 8 match card including a match which Bischoff says could make the internet explode as the BWA & MNG champions Hulk Hogan and John Cena take on WECWF champion Taz in a triple threat main event. The contract signing goes off without a hitch and the show ends with all three men once more arguing over who will come out on top in just 3 short weeks as the commentators talk about how historical an event the one we have just witnessed is in terms of the Wrestling industry.

    The Monday Night War PPV card:

    BWA Champion) Hulk Hogan vs (MNG Champion) John Cena vs (WECWF champion) Taz

    BWA tag champs The Von Erichs vs WECWF tag champs The Eliminators vs a tag team representin MNG

    BWA No.1 contender match: Rikidozan vs The Big Show

    MNG No.1 contender match (Potentially Lou Thez vs Samoa Joe)

    WECWF No.1 contender match (Potentially Bryan Danielson vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger)

    BWA superstar vs MNG superstar (potentially Tiger Mask vs Nigel McGuinness)

    MNG superstar vs WECWF Superstar (Potentially Jack Brisco vs Scott Hall

    WECWF Superstars vs BWA Superstars (potentially The Dudleys vs Kobashi/Misawa) and will also cover the pre-show exclusive meeting between the BWA & MNG womens champions, will WECWF have a big name female wrestler to compete in this match by then, who knows, but if Bischoff can be believed they will

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  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Part 1


    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment Presents

    Frenzied Fury PPV - live from Madison Square Garden in New York

    The show opens with General Manager Donal Trump coming out and welcoming everyone to a sold out show with record attendance here. He says that tonight he has invited some of his friends to help him with the show. Tonight’s guest backstage interviewer will be none other than the man who puts Simon Cowell in his place every week on American Idol its Ryan Seacrest.
    The special ring announcer is Michael Buffer.

    The cast of the Glee perform the National Anthem

    Trump introduces Papa Roach to perform the theme tune to the PPV which is “Forever”

    The first match up is Cruiser X Title Match
    Paul London (C) V Psicosis V Super Crazy
    Out first comes Psicosis second is Super Crazy and out last is current champion Paul London to large cheer from the crowd. Both Psicosis and Super Crazy team up and attack London as soon as he enters the ring. The ref takes the belt and the bell is sounded to start the match. Super Crazy goes up to do a moonsault but Psicosis pushes him out of the ring. Psicosis goes for a quick cover and count but London kicks out at 2. Crazy is back in and now he and Psicosis are going at it. London goes out of the ring to recover. There are lots of high flying spots in this match. Crazy has Psicosis down so he goes up top to hit a moonsault, London enters and kicks Crazy and knocks him down. London hits Standing Shooting star press on Psicosis and picks up the win.
    Winner and still Cruiser X Champion Paul London

    Backstage - Tony Atlas approaches Luke Gallows who still has Daniels IC title about the tag match tonight. Gallows says tonight his only match is the IC title match and nothing else and walks off. Tony also asks Jimmy Jacobs but he tells him tonight all he wants is to destroy Tyler Black no matter how he does it. Tony approaches his former tag partner Rocky Johnson and asks him if he would partner him tonight. Rocky says no that tonight is the night that he becomes WHC champion. Tony asks him if he has spoken with The Rock since last week and he says he did what he did to prove he can. His says his wife has not spoken with him at all since last week but as he puts it “to quote my son it doesn’t matter”. He tells Tony that tonight no one will partner him as he is too old and can’t cut it in the ring anymore. He should just retire. Tony leaves. Ryan is standing with JBL and asks him about his match tonight. JBL looks at Ryan and says this is who Trump gets a Dick Clark wannabe who no charisma. He tells him he is not worth his time and walks off.

    Up next is the Women’s Title Match
    Beth Phoenix (C) V Sherri Martel V Stephanie McMahon
    (Stipulation if Stephanie is pinned she is fired if she wins the match she wins a job with Trump and the title)

    Out first is Sherri Martel to a huge crowd cheer. She takes a mic and says tonight she takes back her title and gets Stephanie McMahon fired now more could she ask for. Stephanie is out next, she is nervous to get in the ring and Sherri kinds makes a small run at her as she enters and Stephanie gets back out. Sherri goes back to her corner. Out next is the champion Beth Phoenix. She enters the ring and immediately her and Sherri start the match. Stephanie gets out of the ring and stays outside watching. Beth has Sherri down and now Stephanie enters and she teams up with Beth on Sherri. Stephanie goes for a cover on Sherri but Beth pulls her off and throws out over the ropes. Stephanie is down outside the ring. Beth goes to set Sherri up for the Glam Slam but Sherri instead rolls her up for a two count. Stephanie takes what looks like mace spray from her boat and enters the ring. She pushes Sherri into the ref. Sherri turns around and Stephanie sprays it into Sherri’s face. She then dropkicks Sherri. Beth goes for a cover but Stephanie pulls her off. Beth gets out and she too is sprayed. Stephanie kicks Sherri out of the ring. Stephanie dropkicks Beth and covers her for the win.
    Winner and New Women’s Champion is Stephanie McMahon
    Stephanie leaves the ring quickly with the title. As she near the ramp Donald Trump comes out and congratulates her on her victory. He says that while it was underhanded he admired what she did. He says he did promise her and job and he lives up to his work. He says as he has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, her job now will be to clean it daily. Stephanie is livid as Trump walks into the back.

    Backstage - Ryan is standing with The Rock and asks him about his match tonight and how he is feeling after his father’s betrayal The Rock said that he was shocked, betrayed and numb after what his father did last week. He says that tonight in the Elimination Chamber it will be hard knowing that his father could take his title but also that he might have to eliminate his father. He says his mother is in bits over this and that his father is only now thinking of his own ego now. He says his family have always been close and wished only the best for each other but never expected this. He then looks at Ryan and asks him is he after the Rock’s strudel which Ryan replies no. The Rock asks Ryan if he likes Strudel and he replies that he does, The Rock asks him if he sure as no one knows what he eats. The Rock says to tell Simon that he should be the new judge on American Idol. He says he can call them dog like Randy cry like Paula and wear fake teeth and his trousers high like Simon. The Rock starts singing pants on the ground and Ryan joins in. The Rock says tonight his opponents will be looking like fools when he whips their candy asses all over Madison Square Garden and leaves still the WHC people’s champion. The Rock walks off.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,919 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    We are welcomed to the Aviva Stadium for the biggest wrestling show to ever hit Ireland as the jammed packed stadium are up for FWA WRESTLEMANIA.

    Pyro goes off around the stadium

    Opening Segment:Terri comes out to welcome everyone to Wrestlemania and says they have broken a attendance at the Stadium with 70,000 fans. She welcomes Divide The Day to perform the Theme Song of Wrestlemania "Let It Roll"

    Opening Match
    Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley vs Kid Kash & Jamie Noble w/Joey Abs
    We open Wrestlemania with a bang with . Mahoney and Spike were looking for revenge after what happened last week on Revolutions. Spike started off against Kash both me showing off their cruiserweight skills against each other , lot of fresh tags are made while Abs cheering on his team. Mahoney was coming off the ropes as Abs grabbed his foot allowing Kash/Noble to hit a double dropkick and knocked Mahoney out of the ring. Abs would start to beat down on Mahoney but was chased off by Spike. Kash/Noble used this time to double team Mahoney as Spike looked on. Eventually Mahoney would break away and make the hot tag to Spike , Spike would clean house on Kash and Noble . He would set up Kash for the Dudley
    Dog but Abs would once again get involved but this time Mahoney would take him out with a massive flying clothesline off the apron. While this happened Spike would turn around and get hit with Dead Level as he made the pin Noble would hit a Moonsault from the turnbuckle to the outside to take out Mahoney as Kash got the win

    Winners:Kid Kash and Jamie Noble


    Backstage Segment:Team Laycool are shown backstage and they run into there good friend and GM of FWA Terri , she tells them good luck and hopes one of the brings the Womens Title to Team Laycool.

    6 Womens Battle Royal For The Womens Title
    Taylor Wilde Vs Michelle Mc Cool Vs Mickie James Vs Sarita Vs Layla Vs RoxxiThis match starts off with people trying to eliminate each other asap. 1st eliminated is Layla after she receives a double clothesline .

    Layla Eliminated

    Looks like Mc Cool is on her own with no backup. Next out is Sarita after going for a springboard arm drag but Roxxi throws her over the ropes.

    Sarita Eliminated

    Its down to 4 now but Mc Cool quickly gets out of the ring under the bottom rope so she is not eliminated but she is rolling around in pain (looks like she has injured her leg) so momentarily McCool is out of the match so now its down to 3. These last 3 women are not going anywhere soon but when it looked like Mickie and Wilde were going to double team Roxxi but Mickie turned on her and hit with a Mick Kick sending her over the top rope eliminating her.

    Taylor Wilde Eliminated

    Now its down to Roxxi and Mickie. Both women try to out do each other and out smart them but Roxxi would use her strength and power to over power Mickie. Roxxi had Mickie up against the ropes trying to push her out but Mickie was going nowhere , Mickie slipped over Roxxi's shoulders but as she was Mc Cool got back in the ring and ran towards Roxxi/Mickie but they seen her coming so they both used her momentum and sent her over the top rope to eliminate her

    Michelle Mc Cool Eliminated

    Mc Cool didnt look to happy to be eliminated but she would be soon joined by Mickie James after James turned around and received a massive Bicycle kick which sent James out of the ring .

    Winner & New Womens Champion:Roxxi


    No Holds Barred Grudge Match
    Umaga Vs Rhyno
    Even on paper this match was going to be a massacre with the 2 biggest men in the FWA went at it . These 2 powerhouses were trying to destroy each other with anything they could find and it was not long till they ended up outside the ring. Both me were using whatever they could find they used to try and destroy their opponent . Rhyno had Umaga set up against the barrier and went for a Gore but Umaga moved out of the way and sent Rhyno straight threw the barrier. This was what Umaga needed so he used this to his advantage and started to beat down on Rhyno bringing him all around the outside of the ring throwing him into the steps , apron and the posts. He threw Rhyno back in the ring and took out a table and also put it into the ring. Umaga would keep going after Rhyno , Rhyno would try fight back but kept getting cut off by Umaga . While Umaga went up to hit a diving headbutt from the top rope Rhyno moved out of the way and hit a massive ddt when Umaga got back to his feet. Rhyno would use whatever he had left to get back the momentum and work over Umaga , Umaga would gain control again but as he was setting up the table against the turnbuckle he didnt see Rhyno getting back to his feet and Rhyno ran towards Umaga and hit the Gore threw the table for the 3 count

    Winner: Rhyno


    Post Match: As Rhyno would be celebrating Umaga would take his anger of losing out on Rhyno by attacking him with a lead pipe as the crowd boo's , the trainers would run down to the ring to somehow stop Umaga as Rhyno laid in a pool of blood as the EMT's checked on him


    Intercontinental Championship
    Drew McIntyre (c) Vs Joey Mercury Vs Chris Harris
    McIntyre walks down the ramp with a Scottish Flag and a microphone he cuts a promo "I notice that the Irish and Scottish get compared as similar very often but we are not, because the Scottish actually produce winners and champions like ME!!!!! the best ye can produce is a midget called Hornswoggle or dont even get me started on that Sheamus guy who i have beaten all over this little country and now he is still working the Indies while im on my way to becoming the greatest Scottish Champion in this business" (Major Boo's)

    The match starts off with Drew and Harris trying to double team Mercury but he kept fighting them off until Harris superkicked Mercury , Mc Intyre and Harris kept bouncing Mercury off each other as they beat him down. They would hit numerous double team moves but when Harris went for the cover Drew pulled him off and it looked like there team was over but not till after they threw Mercury out of the ring as it came down to Harris and Mc Intyre . Both men were trying to out each other and walk out of the Stadium with the IC Title , Drew would have the momentum for the most of the battle due to the fact Harris was being to cocky , but both men would notice Mercury trying to get back to his feet and into the ring but they would knock him off the apron. Drew would beat down Harris trying to get the quick win but Harris kept kicking out which got Drew very annoyed , Drew went for Ego Trip but Harris countered it into a ddt, both men were laying down as the ref started to count to 10. When both men were trying to get to their feet they were met with a double dropkick from Mercury as he came off the top rope. Mercury would use this extra bit of momentum to take out both men with clotheslines and more dropkicks , he knocked out Drew of the ring and went to work on Harris and hit Frankensteiner and went for the pin but Drew got back in the ring and stopped the count , they both the went at it which lead to Drew hitting a Future Shock and went for the pin but Mercury got his foot on the rope which nearly sent Drew in to meltdown but as he turned around he got hit with the Catatonic but Harris didnt have enough energy to make the cover in time but by the time he got to roll over Drew was able to kick out just in time .Harris went for another attempt at the catatonic but Drew countered it and sent him to the outside while Mercury was still laid out , Drew tried to lift him back in the ring he was hit by a beer bottle from Harris when the ref was checking on Mercury , but Mercury spotted what happened and hit a baseball slide on Harris followed by a jumping leg drop on Drew for the 3 count.

    Winner And New Intercontinental Champion: Joey Mercury


    Backstage Segment:Matt Hardy is interviewed backstage ahead of his match against MVP he says "Tonight it ends because what ever has happened before tonight is nothing compared to what i will do to you tonight , you made a big mistake in making me your enemy because i will go to hell and back to make sure you regret ever meeting me "

    Video Montage Of The Lead Up

    Street Fight
    Matt Hardy Vs MVP
    MVP comes out to a chorus of boos which doesnt seem to bother him as he walks down the ramp towards the ring for his match. Hardy is out next to a Massive Irish Welcome as he looks around the stadium as the crowd are on there feet. Both men stare down each other when they get into the ring . The bell rings as its go time for the 1st Main Event of Wrestlemania. Both men lock up and start the match off with some technical offense with MVP getting the advantage as he smiles. They got at it and once again MVP gets the offense but as he smiles Matt has enough and lays him out with a right hand which flattens MVP,Matt follows with a few punches to the face , MVP gets out of the ring quickly followed by Hardy (who has a plaster/bandage on his head after the chair shot from Revolutions) Matt doesnt let MVP away and beats him against the steps as the crowd count to 10. Hardy sets up MVP against the steps and runs towards him but MVP droptoe holds Hardy into the steps which busts Matt open.
    MVP uses this as an advantage and starts beating down on Hardy telling him to quit and stay down but Hardy keeps trying to get up. MVP sets up Hardy against the pole and hits a drive by and goes for the pin but somehow Matt kicks out as the fans cheer "Hardy Hardy Hardy" Mvp takes out a ladder and hits hardy with it and then sets it up in the ring. He throws Hardy back into the ring and hits a Playmaker but instead of going for the pin he places the ladder near Hardy and does a ladder version of "Ballin" but as he came off the ladder Hardy moved out of the way as MVP crashed landed onto the canvas. Both men are down but not for long as they both fight back as Hardy's blood is scattered all over the ring but he gets the upper hand and hits some good moves but could not put MvP away so he tried for a TOF but MVP wormed his way out of and started to walk up the aisle as Hardy looked on but Hardy didnt want to end the match like that so chased MVP up the ramp as they fought up the ramp and used the stage as a weapon and went backstage. Both men were using what they could find to hit each other with , they eventually came back to the stage area but not empty handed because as Hardy was chasing MVP , MVP had a chair and hit him over the head with , as hardy was on the floor mvp went for the cover but somehow hardy kicked out , mvp went backstage and pulled out another ladder and a table and set up each of them and put hardy on the table and once again walked up the ladder, As MVP was on the top of the ladder he posed at the top as the whole crowd burst into a chorus of boo's which lead to Matt Hardy somehow climbing up the ladder and let to a punching match with someone heading for the table , just as it looked like Hardy was going to fall of he used a set of Brass Nuckles on MVP which followed by MVP falling off the 20ft ladder threw the table as the crowd stood in "awe". But Matt was not done just as it looked like he was going to climb down the ladder he jumped off the ladder onto MVP with a Diving Splash which sent both men threw the staging area!!!!! 70,000 people shouting"HOLY **** HOLY **** HOLY ****" the ref jumped down and made the pin.

    Winner: Matt Hardy

    Post Match: No one is sure who won until Matt Hardy was pulled from the ruble and his hand was raised.


    Repeat of the previous match was shown.

    Build up to the Main Event

    Main Event For The World Heavyweight Championship
    Chris Jericho (c) Vs CM Punk
    Punk is out to a massive pop as he looks at the hole in the staging and says "How do i top that". Chris Jericho is out to the biggest chorus of boo's. Both men start off with each showing their technical skills trying to wear down their opponent. Punk would outsmart Jericho which angered him he then tried to go for punk but punk countered into a armbar which Jericho got to the rope quickly and went to the outside of the ring as the crowd booed him , he got back in the ring and hit a quick enziguri on Punk sending him to the floor Jericho would have the momentum as he hit a lot of backbreakers and scoop slams but still could not put him away . Jericho tried to lock in the WOJ but Punk somehow got the ropes. Jericho would go for a Lionsault but Punk seen him coming and move out of the way and let Jericho hit the mat , punk then hit a kick to the head of Jericho which knocked him to the outside. Both men were down but just as Jericho was getting to his feet he was greeted with a CM Punk flying over the top rope and hitting him with a massive crossbody. Punk got a new lease of life and threw Jericho into the ring and started to work over Jericho with countless moves but he still could not put Jericho away. Punk hit a running knee on Jericho in the turnbuckle followed by a bulldog , Punk then was waiting for Jericho to get to his feet to hit the GTS but as he had him on his shoulders Jericho escaped and locked in the WOJ as it looked like Punk was going to tap he slowly crawled over to the ropes as Jericho nearly didnt let him out before the 5 count. While the ref was checking Punk Jericho got the WHC and was looking to hit punk with it but te ref took it off him so Jericho exposed one of the turnbuckles ,as he did he was walking backwards with his usual cocky smile but didnt see Punk get to his feet and hit a GTS on Jericho as the crowd erupted but when punk went for the pin Jericho got his foot on the rope just before the 3 count. Punk looked shocked so he picked him up to try and go for another GTS but Jericho hit a drop toe hold on sent Punk flying into the exposed turnbuckle which was followed by a Codebreaker. Jericho crawled over for the pin but once again somehow Punk kicked out Jericho was very annoyed so he waited till Punk got to his feet and hit another Codebreaker and locked in the WOJ , Punk was in serious pain but kept trying to crawl to the ropes but Jericho would keep crawling back to the middle of the ring which left Punk no choice but to tap out

    Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho


    Jericho poses at the top of the ramp with the WHC with the GM of FWA as Punk looked on in pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Part 1


    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment Presents

    Frenzied Fury PPV - live from Madison Square Garden in New York

    The show opens with General Manager Donal Trump coming out and welcoming everyone to a sold out show with record attendance here. He says that tonight he has invited some of his friends to help him with the show. Tonight’s guest backstage interviewer will be none other than the man who puts Simon Cowell in his place every week on American Idol its Ryan Seacrest. The special ring announcer is Michael Buffer.

    The cast of the Glee perform the National Anthem

    Trump introduces Papa Roach to perform the theme tune to the PPV which is “Forever”

    The first match up is Cruiser X Title Match
    Paul London (C) V Psicosis V Super Crazy
    Out first comes Psicosis second is Super Crazy and out last is current champion Paul London to large cheer from the crowd. Both Psicosis and Super Crazy team up and attack London as soon as he enters the ring. The ref takes the belt and the bell is sounded to start the match.Super Crazy goes up to do a moonsault but Psicosis pushes him out of the ring. Psicosis goes for a quick cover and count but London kicks out at 2. Crazy is back in and now he and Psicosis are going at it. London goes out of the ring to recover. There are lots of high flying spots in this match. Crazy has Psicosis down so he goes up top to hit a moonsault, London enters and kicks Crazy and knocks him down. London hitsStanding Shooting star press on Psicosis and picks up the win.
    Winner and still Cruiser X Champion Paul London

    Backstage - Tony Atlas approaches Luke Gallows who still has Daniels IC title about the tag match tonight. Gallows says tonight his only match is the IC title match and nothing else and walks off. Tony also asks Jimmy Jacobs but he tells him tonight all he wants is to destroy Tyler Black no matter how he does it. Tony approaches his former tag partner Rocky Johnson and asks him if he would partner him tonight. Rocky says no that tonight is the night that he becomes WHC champion. Tony asks him if he has spoken with The Rock since last week and he says he did what he did to prove he can. His says his wife has not spoken with him at all since last week but as he puts it “to quote my son it doesn’t matter”. He tells Tony that tonight no one will partner him as he is too old and can’t cut it in the ring anymore. He should just retire. Tony leaves. Ryan is standing with JBL and asks him about his match tonight. JBL looks at Ryan and says this is who Trump gets a Dick Clark wannabe who no charisma. He tells him he is not worth his time and walks off.

    Up next is the Women’s Title Match
    Beth Phoenix (C) V Sherri Martel V Stephanie McMahon
    (Stipulation if Stephanie is pinned she is fired if she wins the match she wins a job with Trump and the title)
    Out first is Sherri Martel to a huge crowd cheer. She takes a mic and says tonight she takes back her title and gets Stephanie McMahon fired now more could she ask for. Stephanie is out next, she is nervous to get in the ring and Sherri kinds makes a small run at her as she enters and Stephanie gets back out. Sherri goes back to her corner. Out next is the champion Beth Phoenix. She enters the ring and immediately her and Sherri start the match. Stephanie gets out of the ring and stays outside watching. Beth has Sherri down and now Stephanie enters and she teams up with Beth on Sherri. Stephanie goes for a cover on Sherri but Beth pulls her off and throws out over the ropes. Stephanie is down outside the ring. Beth goes to set Sherri up for the Glam Slam but Sherri instead rolls her up for a two count. Stephanie takes what looks like mace spray from her boat and enters the ring. She pushes Sherri into the ref. Sherri turns around and Stephanie sprays it into Sherri’s face. She then dropkicks Sherri. Beth goes for a cover but Stephanie pulls her off. Beth gets out and she too is sprayed. Stephanie kicks Sherri out of the ring. Stephanie dropkicks Beth and covers her for the win.
    Winner and New Women’s Champion is Stephanie McMahon
    Stephanie leaves the ring quickly with the title. As she near the ramp Donald Trump comes out and congratulates her on her victory. He says that while it was underhanded he admired what she did. He says he did promise her and job and he lives up to his work. He says as he has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, her job now will be to clean it daily. Stephanie is livid as Trump walks into the back.

    Backstage - Ryan is standing with The Rock and asks him about his match tonight and how he is feeling after his father’s betrayal The Rock said that he was shocked, betrayed and numb after what his father did last week. He says that tonight in the Elimination Chamber it will be hard knowing that his father could take his title but also that he might have to eliminate his father. He says his mother is in bits over this and that his father is only now thinking of his own ego now. He says his family have always been close and wished only the best for each other but never expected this. He then looks at Ryan and asks him is he after the Rock’s strudel which Ryan replies no. The Rock asks Ryan if he likes Strudel and he replies that he does, The Rock asks him if he sure as no one knows what he eats. The Rock says to tell Simon that he should be the new judge on American Idol. He says he can call them dog like Randy cry like Paula and wear fake teeth and his trousers high like Simon. The Rock starts singing pants on the ground and Ryan joins in. The Rock says tonight his opponents will be looking like fools when he whips their candy asses all over Madison Square Garden and leaves still the WHC people’s champion. The Rock walks off.

    Part 2

    Up next is the Street Fight between Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black.
    Jimmy is out first to a huge cheer from the crowd. He gets in the ring and takes a mic. He says tonight he dont care if he wins or loses as long as he gets his hands on Tyler. Tyler is out next in street clothes. He stands at the top of the ramp with a mic. He says he isnt fit to fight tonight so will forfeit and goes to leave. The ref announced Jimmy as the winner. Jimmy leaves the ring and runs after him. Tyler hits him with a chair, Jimmy is down and Tyler continues with many more chair shots. Jimmy is bleeding now but again Tyler continues with chair shots. Trump and officials come out and pull Jimmy away. He is laughing as his former tag partner is bloodied on the ground. Medics are now checking on Jimmy. Trump warns Tyler to stop and leave. Tyler just laughs at Trump and asks him what he will do, maybe throw his toupee at him. Trump tells security to get him out.

    Winner Jimmy Jacobs by forfeit

    Backstage - Tony Atlas approaches Marty Jannetty and asks him about being his tag partner tonight but he refuses as he has WHC title match later on and he must focus on that. He wishes Tony all the best. Tony again goes to his former tag partner Rocky Johnson and asks him if he would partner him tonight. Rocky tells him to close the door as they need to talk.

    Backstage - Ryan is standing with Sting and he asks him about the main event match tonight. He says its will be first time in an Elimination Chamber match with five of the best in the business but he is not afraid he came here tonight to win the WHC title and he will. He asks Ryan has he ever been in an Elimination Chamber match and Ryan replies no. Sting tells him he needs to toughen up and stop acting like a boyband reject. Sting walks off and Ryan looks after him puzzled.

    Up next is Tag Title Match Tony Atlas and Generation Me. Out first is Generation Me to a good crowd reaction, the crowd are shouting ladders for them. Both of them go to all corners of the ring. Tony is out next with both tag titles. The ref asks him if he has a tag partner and he shakes his head with this The Rock's music plays and he makes his way to the ring. The Rock takes the mic and says that even though he is defending his WHC title later he will be happy to partner Tony tonight. The Rock and Tony shake hands. Tony and Max start the match. Tony has the upper hand and the crowd seems to be in favour of Tony now. Tony is loving the crowd reaction and takes his eye off Max long enough for him to tag in Jeremy who superkicks Tony. Max tags him and both double team on Tony. Tony finally manages to tag in The Rock and the crowd is on their feet now. He takes down Max and then Jeremy. Max rolls out of the ring. The Rock hits the people's elbow on Jeremy. Tony tags himself in and The Rock asks him why. He begs to make the pin so the Rock gets out and lets him finish the match. Rocky Johnson is up the top of the ramp watching the match and The Rock sees him and leaves the ring corners and goes up the ramp half way. Tony goes up to the top rope for a headbutt but misses as Jeremy rolls out of the way. Jeremy tags in Max who pins Tony for the win.

    Winner and the new Tag Champions are Generation Me

    After the match The Rock trys to get into the ring but is too late. The Rock gets back in the ring to help Tony. He tells him he did well and helps him up. He pushes The Rock away. The Rock goes to leave and Tony hits from behind. Tony hits military press slam. He signals to the back and out comes Rocky Johnson and the two are working away on The Rock. Rocky goes and picks up the title belt while Tony holds The Rock up so he can hit him with the belt. Out comes Sting to make the save and they leave the ring. He checks on The Rock who is down in the ring. A ref and medic come to check on him. Trump also comes out. The Rock is taken into the back.

    Up next is the Intercontinental Championship Match with Christopher Daniels (C) V Luke Gallows V Jesse.
    Out first with Gallows with Daniels's IC title, second out is Jesse who the crowd seems to be really putting over. Daniels is out last and as soon as he gets in the ring he takes down Gallows. Jesse pulls Daniels off and now he and Daniels are going at it. Gallows gets up and knocks both of them down with belly to back suplexs. Gallows has the upper hand now and he working on Jesse as Daniels has gone over the rope to the outside. Daniels goes over and takes the title. Gallows sees this and goes of the ring after Daniels. Jesse is down in the ring and the ref is counting now as Daniels and Gallows are going at it outside the ring. Daniels pushes Gallows into the steps and he is down. Daniels gets back in the ring and hits the best moonsault ever on Jesse for the win.


    Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion Christopher Daniels


  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Jay Hunter's wBw (World Brig Wrestling) PPV! :

    [Opening video package showing the build-up to tonight's PPV, centered around themes of respect and dedication [Senshi vs KENTA], pride [Machine Guns vs Miz/Morrison], deceit [Daffney vs Kim] and arrogance [Kurt Angle vs Mr. Perfect]. Tonight's theme tune is The Prodigy's "Invaders Must Die"]

    Pyro explodes to open the show!


    Schwarzenegger addresses the wrestling world!

    Arnold Schwarzenegger enters the ring and thanks everyone for coming tonight. He mentions how proud of the wrestlers he is, and Jay Hunter for getting this all together. He badly works in some of his catchphrases "Get to da choppa!" "it's not a toomah!" etc before hyping the main event and introducing tonight's announcer, The Fink.
    MATCH #1 : Sonjay Dutt vs Delirious

    Dutt and Delirious' gimmicks : Dutt is in full sneaky comedy-heel role in his con-man/spiritual prophet "Guru" outfit, collecting donations and enjoying pseudo-child-labour (he'd bring kids to the ring to garner more donations). He mis-uses Delirious' friendship for his personal gain (Delirious is portrayed as a savage; a gullible, loyal servant to Dutt --he only responds by says "BA! BA! over again; annoyed that people can't understand him)

    Build-Up Recap : Dutt has enlisted the gullible Delirious as his lackey, but hasn't enjoyed success in wBw. He blames his own failures on Delirious and is taking it out on him at the PPV.

    Thoughts about the match : The heel Guru had limitless potential for feuds and vignettes, but was never fully realised. I really wanted to showcase it. Too add to it, Delirious, as a comedy face sidekick, was the perfect fit. I thought Dutt would be best suited to open the show with a quick and enjoyable match.

    Booking : Delirious would initially be apprehensive to strike Dutt, but would counter a lot of his moves. An increasingly frustrated Dutt would eventually start punching him, which would send Delirious into a (comedy) rage. Although he'd use his multiple uniquely awesome offenses, Dutt would remain heel by excellently working the crowd. Dutt would control the match, with Delirious building up a string of offenses before being cut-off by Dutt. In the end Dutt cheats to win and maintains the status quo (Delirious remains and his lackey....which leaves a lot of room for future booking)

    Result : Sonjay Dutt cheats to win in an enjoyable light-hearted opener in 10 minutes.

    MATCH #2 : Tanahashi vs Kendrick vs Shingo

    Build-Up Recap : This match is really just to have a great match on the PPV using these guys.

    Thoughts about the match : Three immensely talented guys (I feel bad for not doing more with former NJPW Champion Tanahashi) to go out and do the business.

    Booking : 8-10 minute choreographed triple threat match (all 3 men in the ring, not WWE's one-in-one-out triple threats), with each man getting in their signature moves. Tanahashi definitely comes off as the strongest, as the other two frequently gang up on him. Kendrick hits the sliced bread on Shingo, only for Tanahashi to frog splash Kendrick and get the win in 8 minutes.

    Result : Tanahashi overcomes the mostly 2-on-1 Kendrick and Shingo in an entertaining 8 minutes.

    Daffney interview

    Cut to somewhere deep in the bowels of the arena, a cameraman tapes Daffney giving a cryptic, freaky promo on how in love she is with the new Hulk. She says her man has shed the dead weight but has kept his dead eyes, and hopes his opponent brought a body bag to the arena. Tonight she says she's going to bust open Gail Kim's perfect pretty little face. She lashes out at the camera and it turns to static.
    MATCH #3 : Killer Hulk vs Prince Devitt

    Build-Up Recap : BxB Hulk has been turned from a fun-loving, J-Pop guy with a dance routine, to a vicious darker alter-ego under the entrancing, contorting charms of Daffney. She sought to ruin Stacy Keibler and Gail Kim, who was saved by friend Prince Devitt. Caught in the cross-fire, Devitt must face the reassess his gameplan to contend with the much darker tone from Killer Hulk.

    Thoughts about the match : Both BxB Hulk in DGUSA and Prince Devitt in NJPW have really impressed me, so I really wanted to showcase their talents. With Daffney, the thought of using Hulk as the gothic heel persona was just too awesome to pass up. The storyline is to add further intrigue in what will already by an awesome match. Ideally i'd love to have this higher on the card, but the other matches are more important.

    Booking : Devitt would work a mat-based technical game, while Hulk would work a stiffer, smash-mouth style than the high-flying stuff we're used to.Both work a fast pace but sell the offense the right way. The crux of the match would be Hulk trying to injure Devitt, while Devitt would wrestle and occasionally go high-risk offense. The wrestlers put over the gimmick that Killer Hulk seemingly feels no pain (and so wrestles silently). Late in the match sees Daffney making an appearance, tending to Hulk. The finish sees Devitt going for the brainbuster, but Hulk countering that and hitting a devastating heart punch and the three!

    Result : Killer Hulk in a 15-minute story-driven match.

    Kurt Angle Interview

    Backstage, Kurt Angle is with JB, discussing his match with Mr. Perfect tonight. He says that Perfect the best technical wrestler of a by-gone age, and if Angle was around back then, he would've made him tap, just like would've done with Piper, Bret, Savage or any other wrestler that got in his way. He promises that tonight will be a night that the fans will never forget, smiling menacingly.
    Match #4 : The Miz/John Morisson vs The MotorCity MachineGuns

    Build-Up Recap : The Miz's selfish cockiness was his undoing, as he was squashed quickly by both Senshi and KENTA in the first two weeks; while Morrison put on two excellent performances against BxB Hulk and Tanahashi. When MMG proposed they wrestle at the PPV, Miz & Morrison were seemingly able to put aside their differences (after The Miz won the 'Barbershop Window match') and even overcome the team of Senshi and KENTA. This starkly contrasts the finely honed tag team of the Guns, who were wrestling perfect games until Miz/Morrison cost them their first loss right before the PPV. Under the bravado of Miz & Morrison's deriding one-upsmanship lies mutual respect and excellent tag team psychology. Both teams are in excellent form going into the match.

    Thoughts about the match :
    The first of the three big featured matches, with The Miz and Alex Shelly carrying the bulk of the promo-work. Seen in their respective times as the best tag team in WWE and in TNA, it was a no-brainer that they'd both have something to prove.

    First Morrison's theme hits, and he comes out, stopping at the rampway, and then The Miz's theme hits, he comes out and they continue to the ring.

    Miz cuts a promo


    Miz grabs a mic, saying that The MotorCity Machine Guns can only beat them in their crappy TNA videogame, and that spending their time setting their TiVo to record Dexter and Life & Times of Tim doesn't count as training. He says they'd never get hired by Vince McMahon because they already have a midget. Morrison laughs at the quips, and Miz finishes by spouting his catchphrase. The Guns' theme hits and they pose at the rampway, before clearing the ring and posing.

    Booking : These guys have a hotly contested 25 minute stunner. Morrison responds to the Guns' multiple tag team offenses with high-flying moves of his own, while the Miz slows down to control the pace. The match initially is in the Guns favour, then Miz/Mor take control of the match. The match builds up into a crescendo of near falls again and again, eventually with The Miz taking the cradle shock and Sabin getting the pin. After the match, The Guns offer to shake hands, and is initially accepted before Miz/Mor kick them in the stomachs and beat them down. However the Guns reverse the moves and throw the Miz to the ropes, who is pulled out of the ring by Morrison. The Guns celebrate the victory in the ring as Miz and Mor leave, wanting revenge. Overall the match would be of similar layout to Beer Money vs MMG at Turning Point 2008.

    Result : Hotly contested 25-minute tag-team stunner, with The Guns coming out on top.

    Vince Russo addresses wBw!


    Build-Up Recap : Russo has taken exception to Raven and his hardcore antics. Trying to humble him, Russo put Raven in degrading gimmick matches (eg Electrified Fish Match) but he wouldn't break. It came to a head two weeks ago when he fired Raven, who hasn't been seen since.

    Thoughts about the segment : Vince Russo's the perfect foil to the wBw roster. I've selected wrestlers based on their mat skills and charisma, and Russo is the opposite, only knowing swerves and awful gimmick matches. I'd imagine the majority of people who'd watch the PPV know who Russo is and what he does; so I wanted someone who's been in the wrestling business a long time (preferably an ECW original) to give Russo his comeuppance. However Russo's segments/crazy booking had to be quarantined to one segment (so Russo wasn't actually running the show!)!!

    The segment itself :
    Russo comes out under a hail of boos, and even a coke hits him on the chest while he stands on the ring. He starts his tirade on the fans and the wrestlers, how he's misunderstood, and is the real reason everyone is here in the arena tonight. He says that like Charles Darwin, he changed the world he lived in, but will not be appreciated during his time. He continues on with his ridiculous assertions under a crescendo of heat, when the lights turn off bathe the crowd in blue and black, and Raven (wearing a WECWF shirt) appears!

    Russo says that he's got a restraining order against him and he'll go to jail if he puts his hands on him. Raven goes to punch him but hesitates, and so Russo gets a little of his nerve back. Russo gloats that he's untouchable, as the crowd pop, seeing the Dudley Boyz (in WECWF shirts!) come in the ring and beat up Russo! The crowd mark out and chant for a table. Bubba works the crowd, and then does his trademark "D-Von, Get the table!" with the crowd, D-Von obliges and they 3D Russo through the table.

    Result : Russo gets his comeuppance in a 10-minute feel good 'breather' spot.

    [The PPV has a 15 Minute Intermission before resuming for the final matches of the night!]

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,013 Mod ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Part Two of the PPV resumes with an interview with Mr. Perfect!

    Mr Perfect Interview

    Mr. Perfect cuts a big face promo; saying you can't be the best without attaining perfection, and nobody else in the world can claim to be perfect. He says if he wasn't so busy selling out arenas in the WWF with Bret Hart and Ric Flair he'd have won an Olympic medal. The fans have had enough of Angle running his mouth, and Perfect's the one to shut it!
    Match #6 : Senshi vs KENTA (Battle of the World Warriors!)

    Build-Up Recap : Both men are very similar in terms of wrestling style, offense, dedication and training. This is a match bourne out of respect and honor to see which one is better. The match will be held in a (makeshift) Dojang which was constructed beside the entrance way. (it'd be structured something like a miniature square Roman Colosseum)

    Thoughts about the match : One of my early "locks" for the PPV, this is a match is just really badly wanna see. Both wrestlers pride themselves on beating the tar out of their opponents in hard-hitting, high workrate matches. I reckon if they actually fought there would be a large portion of personal pride, to see who can work and hit the hardest, and who can sustain the most damage. And it'd be awesome.

    Booking : This is my KENTA vs Nakajima (NOAH March 2009) where I just let these two go at it! I leave them free to work out the match themselves, to add in a story and to make sure that neither looks weak at the end of the match. They batter each other for 31 minutes in possibly the match of the year. For the finish I'd have multiple counters but with KENTA eventually hitting the GTS -unsheathed knee- and getting the win. Since i only get one PPV, i put the gimmick match here; otherwise this'd be the third deciding match gimmick.

    Result : KENTA wins in an amazing holy **** 31-minute match with the two absolutely killing each other. Awesome.

    A video package shows interviews of wrestlers and promoters from WWF, WWE, WCW etc on their opinion of tonight's main event!


    (I wanted to include something to act as breathing space after the KENTA/Senshi match)

    Gail Kim interview

    Gail shows the camera her welt from the Kendo stick shots to her back. She tells Lauren that the pasty freak and her new corpse will pay for what they've done to Prince Devitt and Stacy Keibler, tonight!
    Match #7 : Gail Kim vs Daffney

    Build-Up Recap : Daffney has turned BxB Hulk into a vicious monster, and has focused her schizophrenic rage out on Gail Kim.

    Thoughts about the match : After KENTA/Senshi, I need a match for the crowd to rest up and get re-invigorated for the main event; hence the women's match. Although these girls can work, this is an 8-minute match that is solid, but nothing tiring.

    Booking : It's booked more like a brawl, with Daffney controlling the match (brawling outside), then Gail Kim taking the reigns for a few minutes, with eventually Daffney cheating to get the somewhat shocking upset victory (maybe spitting blood, then implant DDT, and three count)

    Result : Daffney looks weaker than Kim (by resorting to cheating) but wins the match; the feud continues.

    wBw MAIN EVENT : Match #8 : Kurt Angle vs Mr. Perfect


    Build-Up Recap :
    Kurt Angle has come to wBw to prove his belief that he is the best wrestler in the world. Shamelessly arrogant and disrespectful, he initiated the Kurt Angle Invitational. He has backed up his belief over the last 4 weeks, beating KENTA, Senshi, Prince Devitt and Hiroshi Tanahashi, who each represented the best of different wrestling companies. Tonight, he faces Mr. Perfect for the first time in wrestling history, who vows to end Kurt Angle's reign on top of wBw!

    Thoughts about the match : I really needed a big name to face Kurt Angle; but felt that KENTA wasn't a big enough name to draw in the WWE/TNA/old-school fans. So humbly I traded big to get the perfect addition (pun intended) to the roster, and a big enough beloved name to main event the PPV with Kurt Angle. I haven't met any wrestling fan who doesn't love Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig!

    Booking : It'd be a hard-hitting technical match, with the two working slightly above Perfect vs Hart (89 or '91) thanks to Angle's amazing workrate. After a technical showcase in the ring, the match would spill outside the ring, showing the tenacity of both performers (bit of Angle Jarrett here). After couple of spots, they'd go back inside. I'd have the two go on for about 23 minutes. I'd have each teasing their finisher but not getting it out. When they hit their finisher, they'd not be able to capitalise on it; and so get a 2-count. I'd have Perfect kick out of the moonsault, and escape the ankle lock! The finish would be Perfect catching Angle on the top turnbuckle, and giving a devastating top-rope Perfect Plex and the pin!

    Result : Mr. Perfect wins the match in a 23-minute excellent WWF-style main-event. After the match Angle throws a sobbing tantrum and leaves the ring. Perfect celebrates in the ring as the wBw roster come out and congratulate him. The crowd give Perfect and the wBw roster a standing ovation!

    The PPV is played out by Linkin Park with "We Made it"! It recaps the events of the night, ending with Mr. Perfect celebrating with the wBw roster.

    I hope you enjoyed the PPV! My initial focus was on pure-in ring awesomeness, but I've added some storyline flavour throughout the card to keep everyone interested! Good-night from Madison Square Garden!

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Part 2

    Up next is the Street Fight between Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black.
    Jimmy is out first to a huge cheer from the crowd. He gets in the ring and takes a mic. He says tonight he dont care if he wins or loses as long as he gets his hands on Tyler. Tyler is out next in street clothes. He stands at the top of the ramp with a mic. He says he isnt fit to fight tonight so will forfeit and goes to leave. The ref announced Jimmy as the winner. Jimmy leaves the ring and runs after him. Tyler hits him with a chair, Jimmy is down and Tyler continues with many more chair shots. Jimmy is bleeding now but again Tyler continues with chair shots. Trump and officials come out and pull Jimmy away. He is laughing as his former tag partner is bloodied on the ground. Medics are now checking on Jimmy. Trump warns Tyler to stop and leave. Tyler just laughs at Trump and asks him what he will do, maybe throw his toupee at him. Trump tells security to get him out.

    Winner Jimmy Jacobs by forfeit

    Backstage - Tony Atlas approaches Marty Jannetty and asks him about being his tag partner tonight but he refuses as he has WHC title match later on and he must focus on that. He wishes Tony all the best. Tony again goes to his former tag partner Rocky Johnson and asks him if he would partner him tonight. Rocky tells him to close the door as they need to talk.

    Backstage - Ryan is standing with Sting and he asks him about the main event match tonight. He says its will be first time in an Elimination Chamber match with five of the best in the business but he is not afraid he came here tonight to win the WHC title and he will. He asks Ryan has he ever been in an Elimination Chamber match and Ryan replies no. Sting tells him he needs to toughen up and stop acting like a boyband reject. Sting walks off and Ryan looks after him puzzled.

    Up next is Tag Title Match Tony Atlas and Generation Me. Out first is Generation Me to a good crowd reaction, the crowd are shouting ladders for them. Both of them go to all corners of the ring. Tony is out next with both tag titles. The ref asks him if he has a tag partner and he shakes his head with this The Rock's music plays and he makes his way to the ring. The Rock takes the mic and says that even though he is defending his WHC title later he will be happy to partner Tony tonight. The Rock and Tony shake hands. Tony and Max start the match. Tony has the upper hand and the crowd seems to be in favour of Tony now. Tony is loving the crowd reaction and takes his eye off Max long enough for him to tag in Jeremy who superkicks Tony. Max tags him and both double team on Tony. Tony finally manages to tag in The Rock and the crowd is on their feet now. He takes down Max and then Jeremy. Max rolls out of the ring. The Rock hits the people's elbow on Jeremy. Tony tags himself in and The Rock asks him why. He begs to make the pin so the Rock gets out and lets him finish the match. Rocky Johnson is up the top of the ramp watching the match and The Rock sees him and leaves the ring corners and goes up the ramp half way. Tony goes up to the top rope for a headbutt but misses as Jeremy rolls out of the way. Jeremy tags in Max who pins Tony for the win.

    Winner and the new Tag Champions are Generation Me

    After the match The Rock trys to get into the ring but is too late. The Rock gets back in the ring to help Tony. He tells him he did well and helps him up. He pushes The Rock away. The Rock goes to leave and Tony hits from behind. Tony hits military press slam. He signals to the back and out comes Rocky Johnson and the two are working away on The Rock. Rocky goes and picks up the title belt while Tony holds The Rock up so he can hit him with the belt. Out comes Sting to make the save and they leave the ring. He checks on The Rock who is down in the ring. A ref and medic come to check on him. Trump also comes out. The Rock is taken into the back.

    Up next is the Intercontinental Championship Match with Christopher Daniels (C) V Luke Gallows V Jesse.
    Out first with Gallows with Daniels's IC title, second out is Jesse who the crowd seems to be really putting over. Daniels is out last and as soon as he gets in the ring he takes down Gallows. Jesse pulls Daniels off and now he and Daniels are going at it. Gallows gets up and knocks both of them down with belly to back suplexs. Gallows has the upper hand now and he working on Jesse as Daniels has gone over the rope to the outside. Daniels goes over and takes the title. Gallows sees this and goes of the ring after Daniels. Jesse is down in the ring and the ref is counting now as Daniels and Gallows are going at it outside the ring. Daniels pushes Gallows into the steps and he is down. Daniels gets back in the ring and hits the best moonsault ever on Jesse for the win.


    Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion Christopher Daniels


    Part 3

    Backstage - Ryan is trying to get an update on The Rock and trys to speak with Trump who tells if he doesnt know of he will be in the match tonight and goes inside the medic's room. Ryan approaches Sid and asks him about the match tonight. Ryan tells him that The Rock might not be in the match and Sid smirks. He picks up Ryan and hangs him off a ceiling hook and walks off.

    Up next is the Elimination Chamber Match for the WHC Title
    The Rock (C) V JBL V Sting V Sid Justice V Marty Jannetty V Rocky Johnson

    Trump comes out and says that he has spoken with The Rock and despite he advising against that The Rock will compete tonight. Sting is out first and the crowd cheers loudly for him. Sting gets into his pod as the ref chains him in. JBL is out next and he gets in his pod. Rocky Johnson is out next and the heat on him is unreal, he gets in his pod. Sid Justice is next and he gets in his pod. Marty Jannetty is out next in his multi colour ring attire very bright. Finally The Rock clearly injured is out. The Rock and Marty start things off. Marty works over The Rock concentrating on his injury. The countdown clock hits and Sid's chamber opens up. Sid takes down both Marty and The Rock. Sid has the upperhand and is destroying both. The countdown clock hits and this time Sting comes out. Sting and Sid go nose-to-nose and Sting begins his onslaught both trading punches. The Rock is outside the ring down injured. Marty goes up top and knocks down both Sid and Sting. Marty goes for his finishing move but Sid powerbombs him and Marty is eliminated. Sting and Sid get back into it. Sting is thrown out of the ring onto the steel grid outside the ring. Countdown clock hits and this time Rocky Johnson is out. He immediately goes after his son on the outside. Rocky throw his son back in the ring and even mock attempts a people's elbow. Sid is outside the ring now with Sting. Rocky is attempting a rock bottom on The Rock but The Rock reverses into a ddt. Both Rock and Rocky are down. Countdown clock hits and this time JBL is out. He goes for a cover on the Rock but he kicks out. He then trys to cover Rocky but he kicks out also. Rocky is up now and he and JBL double team on the Rock. Sid is pushing Sting's face through the chain-links now and we can see blood from Sting's face. Sid is also choking Sting with it as well. Sid attempts a cover but Sting kicks out. Rocky attempts a cover on the Rock but again he kicks out. JBL hits a clothesline on Rocky and is going for a pin but the Rock breaks it up. The Rock is barely able to stand at this point. Sid is back in the ring now and he takes them all down. Sting is down outside the ring still. JBL sneakily rolls up Sid for the three count and he is eliminated. Sid is livid and wont leave. Another ref comes down to tell Sid to leave. Sid knocks the ref down. Trump comes out with some security and tells Sid to exit. Sid exits as he does he takes out Trump's security. Sid catches Trump the neck and pulls his toupee off everyone sees a bald headed Trump now. Trump kicks Sid low and runs backstage. Back in the inside, Sting is in the ring he takes down JBL. The Rock is also trying to get to his feet. He sees his father and goes after him both trading blows. The Rock hits a rock bottom on Rocky. Instead of going for a pin he picks him up and again hits a rock bottom on Rocky. He covers him for the pin and now Rocky is eliminated. Its down to Sting, JBL and The Rock now. JBL trys to gain the upperhand and takes down both Sting and The Rock. Out of no where Sting hits Scorpion Death Drop on JBL and he is eliminated. Now its between Sting and The Rock. Sting is up first and he suplexs The Rock. Sting goes up top for a dive but The Rock rolls out of the way and Sting misses. The Rock is on his feet now and he hits the rock bottom. The ref counts but Sting kicks out at 2. The Rock hits another rock bottom on Sting and covers him. The ref counts 1, 2, and 3. The Rock wins.


    Winner and still WHC Champion The Rock

    After the match the ref raises The Rock's hand and gives him his title. Sting is still down in the ring. The Rock goes over and trys to help Sting up. The Rock shakes Sting's hand and offers him a title shot anytime he wants. Sting raises The Rock's hand as the show ends.

  • Posts: 3,518 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    We are here in lovely Barcelona for the PDW Collision Course PPV.
    The PPV music hits as the sold out crowd take their seats.

    This PPV is sponsored by Heineken

    Edge walks slowly to the ring with the Heavyweight Championship. Accompanied by Ryder and Hawkins. He grabs a mic and talks about how his complete domination of PDW has led to Batista giving up and leaving. He says that AJ Styles could be the next big thing in Pro Wrestling in the future but not while Edge is still breathing. Edge says Hawkins and Ryder are the future World Tag Team Champs and then The Edgeheads will control PDW fully. He continues to talk about how he wants Shaq to come out here now that they aren't preoccupied with Batista.
    Shaq's comes out to a huge pop and walks to the ring. He towers over Edge and says that he better not lay Edge out because he has a match tonight. Edge says he's chickening out and that he should put himself in the match. Shaq seems to think about it for a while and just as he's about to speak Arquettes music hits. Arquette says that's not what the fans paid for. He says the fans want to see an actual wrestling match and not Shaq brawling with Styles and Edge. He says that a Triple Threat match is a good idea however and he has to make a phonecall.
    Arquette goes to the back followed by Shaq who pushes Edge on his way out.
    The Edgeheads leave the ring as the crowd boo them.

    First Match:
    Punjabi Prison Match: Great Khali V The Sandman
    Khali's music hits. He and his brother go to the ring while the crowd are fairly subdued. Enter Sandman hits and the crowd pops huge.Nobody sees Sandman until a huge Heineken Truck comes down the ramp. Sandman blares the horn while he throws cans to the crowd The crowd are going wild while Sandman parks the truck. He busts himself open with a can and grabs his Kendo stick from the passenger seat. He leaves the truck and throws some more cans to the crowd. The stewards take the truck and back it out of the arena while Sandman enters the ring. The Prison cage lowers and Sandman is standing with the Kendo Stick. The bell rings and he swings at Khali right off the bat. Khali stops it and grabs the stick from Sandman. He breaks it in half. Sandman looks on in disbelief. Khali grabs Sandman by the neck and throws him into the ropes, Sandman rebounds back with a big uppercut. Khali picks him up and hits a Samoan Drop. Sandman is in pain when Khali picks him up again with a Vertical Suplex. Sandman is in big trouble here as he tries to get up. Khali calls for the trap door to be open as Sandman looks out. Khali goes to climb out but Sandman grabs him and lays into him with some huge punches. Sandman grabs him and hits the White Russian Leg Sweep. Sandman tries to get out but Khali grabs his foot and drags him across the ring. He hits Sandman with a Khali Chop and throws him into the Bamboo cage. Sandman starts to the recover as the door closes. Khali goes to the Trapdoor he grabs the chain and starts to tear it off. He snaps the chain with one pull. Sandman runs over and goes to dropkick Khali to the knee. He hits it and goes towards the Bamboo. He grabs a stick of the Bamboo and pulls it clean off the cage. He smacks Khali across the back with it. He stripes Khali's back with the Bamboo and turns him over. He looks towards the broken trap door but turns Khali over instead. He goes towards the top rope and starts to climb. Khali starts to wind the chain around his open hand. Sandman jumps with a Diving headbutt but Khali hits a Huge Khali Chop with the chain. Sandman's eyes are rolling in his head as the blood pores over his face. Khali drags him towards the bars using the chain around his neck. He lifts Sandman onto the bars and wraps the chain around the bars and Sandmans arms. Sandman is still out as he hangs limp from the bars.
    Khali rips the trapdoor off and walks through. The bell rings as Khali lifts his arm toward the crowd. Medical Personel rush to the cage to help Sandman.
    Winner: The Great Khali.

    A Video promo of AJ styles is shown as the Prison is deconstructed and packed away.

    Match 2
    Rob Conway & Sylain Grenier V Nick Mitchell & Claudio Castagnoli
    Elimination Tag team match.
    Conway and Grenier come to the ring followed quickly by Nick Mitchell.
    Castagnoli comes out to a big pop and cuts a promo about how great it is to be in Spain. The crowd are eating it up as Nick Mitchell slips on his MMA gloves. The bell rings as Mitchell faces Conway first. Conway hits Mitchell with a clothesline and picks him up for the Ego Trip. He pins Mitchell at .20 seconds.
    Castagnoli is on his own now in this match as he gets through the ropes Conway hits a big kick to the head and then a suplex. They go head to head now with both landing big punches. Castagnoli grabs Conway's head and hits a big European uppercut. Conway hits the floor stunned. Castagnoli grabs his legs and gets a Giant Swing in progress. Nick Mitchell runs back out to the ring while the Giant Swing is near ending. He goes to the top rope and jumps for an elbow drop. He mistimes it and gets hit in the face by Conways head. He's busted open as the ref drags him from the ring. The crowd chant "You Suck" as he walks up the ramp. Conway is hurting as Castagnoli drags him towards the top rope. He lifts him onto the top rope and hits a Ricola bomb for a Pin at 4.22.
    He climbs the rope again as Grenier runs into the ring furiously. Castagnoli jumps at him and hits a huge Swiss Uppercut to Grenier for a 3 count at 4.33

    Winner: Claudio Castagnoli.

    Match 3
    Cruiserweight Title Match: Frankie Kazarian (c) V Mil Mascaras.
    Kazarian comes out in full Suicide attire but rips it off when he gets in the ring. Mil Mascaras comes out to his Sky High theme accompanied by a huge pop. He enters the ring and he and Kaz shake hands. They lock up as the bell rings and Mascaras gains control with a Wrist lock. Mascaras punches Kaz in the tricep and kicks him in the back of the knee. He rebounds off the ring ropes and hits a chopblock to Kaz's other knee. He grabs Kaz into a Surfboard stretch and locks it in tight. Kaz escapes and hits Mascaras with a heavy knee. Kaz gets to the second rope and hits a diving body slam for a 1 count.
    Kaz picks Mascaras up and goes for a Powerbomb. Mascaras counters with a 'Rana. He goes to the second rope and hits a frog splash for a 2 count. Kaz recovers,just dodging a running dropkick by Mascaras. Kaz gets up and hits an Elbow drop on Mascaras. He goes for a single leg boston crab but Mascaras rolls out of the ring and onto the padding outside. Kaz rebounds off the rope and hits a suicide dive on Mascaras. Mascaras hit the ground hard and Kaz is no better. The ref begins the count as they both squirm on the ground. both enter the ring at 7. Mascaras hits a rana on Kaz as they stand up and he lands hung over the second rope. A huge "Tiger Kick", "619" chant starts as Mascaras rebounds off the ropes and hits a 619. He then does a Springboard Shooting star Plancha for the pinfall.
    Winner @ 11.55 and New PDW Cruiserweight Champion: Mil Mascaras.

    Edge is shown on the backstage knocking on Arquettes office door. The door opens and a man walks out with a hoodie on and sunglasses. He bumps into Edge and walks past him. Edge looks on bewildered. He enters Arquettes office and asks him who the third guy is. Arquette tells him he just seen him. Edge says that whoever the loser was he should get ready to be beaten to a pulp.Arquette tries to shake it off and Edge says that he should allow Hawkins and Ryder to be at ringside for the match. Arquette mulls over the idea and seems to disagree. He agrees but only if Shaq is Enforcer Referee. Edge leaves and seems to be happy.

    Match 4
    Killer Kowalski V Jack Swagger for the International Championship.
    Kowalski and Swagger come out to some heat from the crowd. Kowalski cuts a promo saying how everytime Barca play here it's mediocre. So he's going to cheer the crowd up by showing them something magical.
    They lock up with Kowalski taking control. He punches Swagger with both guys landing bombs early. Swagger grounds Kowalski with a sleeper but Kowalski escapes. Swagger tries to pick Kowalski up for the Gutwrench but Kowalski pushes forward and escapes. Kowalski puts the claw on Swagger's abdominals. Swagger manages to roll away and outside the ring. Kowalski follows and Swagger manages to kick him in the gut. Kowalski is stunned for a moment as Swagger throws him into the steel steps.The Ref Kowalski tries to get Swagger with the Claw as Swagger starts to punch Kowalski but Swagger stops him. Swagger goes towards the padding and tears a lump of it up. Revealing the concrete base of the platform. He picks Kowalski up for the gutwrench and slams him hard onto the concrete. He drags him into the ring for the cover.
    Winner and Still PDW International Champion: Jack Swagger.

    Edge comes out for the next match to huge heat with his title belt and The Edgeheads, He cuts a promo saying that even though he doesn't know who the other challenger is, he only has to pin AJ Styles to retain the Championship. Styles music hits and he comes to the ring to a massive pop. He says that even if Edge could get by the other contender then he won't pin him (AJ). Edge says that what's stopping Edge and The Edgeheads taking AJ out and having a normal match with the other contender. Just as he finishes the sentence Shaq's music hits. He says that if Hawkins or Ryder move an inch they'l never wrestle again. Ryder grabs the mic and says that he'l eat his half trousers if Shaq could ever beat him. Shaq takes the challenge and says they'l have a first blood match right now.
    Match 5:
    Shaq V Ryder
    A ref runs out to officiate the match and the bell rings Shaq goes straight for a big boot but Ryder ducks under it. Shaq rebounds off the ropes and Ryder hits a dropkick. Shaq goes to the ground and Ryder mounts him and starts to land brutal shots with the right. He stands up and rebounds off the ropes with a running leg drop. He tries to pick Shaq up but Shaq reverses it with a grip on Ryders neck. He lifts Ryder for a chokeslam and Ryder hits the ground hard. Shaq mounts Ryder and hits a headbutt. It hurts Shaq too though as Ryer starts to recover. Ryder hits Shaq with kick to the groin and then the Zack Attack. Shaq starts to bleed. The ref calls the match at 2.33.
    Winner: Zack Ryder
    Ryder cuts a promo on how he is on the rise now and will be a champion in a few months time. Ryder says that once he can help Edge defend the championship tonight he will fight for the International Championship.
    Shaq has gotten up by now and he looks Pissed! Ryder is still talking about how great the Edgeheads are and he turns around. Shaq picks him up and hits a massive double arm chokeslam.

    Shaq puts a referee tee on and calls out the next challenger.
    Some music hits and Dean Malenko enters the arena. He runs down the ramp to a massive pop. AJ Styles applauds and looks happy. Shaq pushes Ryder out of the ring as Malenko enters it. He applauds to the crowd and shakes hands with AJ. He passes by Edge without any emotion. Edge grabs the mic and says that he's not worried. Dean Malenko has never won a world title. and He probably never will. And he doesn't know why AJ is happy because AJ is now the least talented competitor in the ring. Dean Malenko takes a mic and says that he's wanted to beat on Edge and his Posse ever since he saw him on 3E. While they're talking Hawkins and Ryder jump into the ring and start to beat on Shaq. Edge tries to spear Malenko and Malenko side steps. AJ pulls Hawkins off Shaq and Malenko tries with Ryder. AJ is thrown from the ring as The Worlds Greatest Tag Team come to the ring. They take out Hawkins and Ryder and say they're here to help Dean Malenko. They throw Hawkins and Ryder into the crowd and keep attacking them. They move through the crowd and into the back.
    Shaq regains his composure and helps AJ up he asks him will he be able to wrestle and AJ says yes. Edge, AJ and Malenko are in different corners now. The Match is ready to begin.
    Match 6.
    Edge(c) V AJ Styles V Dean Malenko for the PDW Heavyweight Championship.
    The bell rings as Malenko and Styles team up on Edge taking it to him early. Malenko holds Edge's arms while AJ lays in with the punches. Edge kicks AJ and escapes Malenko's hold. Edge kicks Malenko in the gut and hits a neckbreaker. AJ clotheslines Edge and gets a 1 count. Edge gets up as AJ keeps hitting him. AJ goes for the rebound clothesline but Edge gets a Hiptoss. Malenko gets an elbow drop on him. AJ hits an dropkick on Malenko as Edge starts to recover, Edge picks Malenko up for a suplex and Styles gets the chopblock to his knee. droping Malenko and Edge to the ground. Malenko looks hurt. AJ goes to the ring Apron and hits the Superman on Edge. Malenko still isn't up as Edge kicks out of the 2 count. Styles drags Edge to the ropes and uses the first to choke him. Edge's face goes red as Shaq counts to 4. Styles releases the choke and Edge rolls from the ring. Styles turns around Malenko grabs his arm and pulls him to the ground with an Armbar.Styles is in pain as he grabs the ropes. Malenko releases and Edge grabs a chair from under the ring. Styles picks Malenko up and goes for the Powerbomb but Edge see's it and throws the chair under Malenko. Malenko is slammed hard onto the chair and AJ looks on horrified. AJ hits the baseball slide on Edge. He drags Edge to the ring as Malenko is still out. AJ lifts Edge up and hits the Pele Kick. Busting Edge open. Styles goes to the top rope and goes for Spiral Tap. But Edge rolls away and AJ hits the ground hard. Malenko is brought too by Shaq. AJ is covered by Edge for a 2 count. Malenko climbs on top of Edge with a Crossface. Edge manages to get out of the hold and AJ hits a dropkick to the side of Malenko's head. Shaq is throwing the chair outside when AJ throws Edge from the ring onto the announcing table. AJ follows up with a diving body slam onto Edge. Putting both of them through the announcing table. Shaq begins the count and both men jump in at 9. Edge is in a bad way. Malenko puts on a surfboard stretch, applying pressure to Edge's already hurt lower back. Edge is crying out when AJ breaks the submission with a Pele Kick. Malenko goes down as Edge falls. AJ lifts Edge and gets the Styles Clash for the pin @ 15.00
    Winner and New PDW Heavyweight Champion: AJ Styles.

    AJ Celebrates with the title and Confetti pours down. Shaq comes over and raises AJ's arm. Malenko shakes hands with him and leaves the ring. Edge walks up the ramp shaking his head and holding his lower back.
    AJ's music fades out and the PDW logo comes up to end the show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,465 ✭✭✭glenjamin

    In Your House and On Your Kitchen Table


    There is a huge crowd here at the Sugar Bowl Stadium for tonight’s PPV. The commentators announce that tonight’s main event will in fact be for the European Championship steel cage match between Owen Hart and Jeff Hardy.

    Also for tonight’s card sees wrestler turned celebrity turned wrestler Tom Lister, Jr also known as Zeus, return to the ring to take on World Heavyweight Champion Kane.

    But first we will kick things off with a match more highly anticipated that the Superbowl or the Champions League Final as Chavo Guerrero gets his chance to get revenge against Hornswoggle in a no DQ, falls count anywhere match.

    Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero

    Hornswoggle’s music hits with a chorus of boos louder than I’ve ever heard before. Some signs from the crowd read from ‘You’re gonna die tonight!’ to ‘Chavo’s gonna get your lucky charm’. Chavo comes out to a huge pop. No one has been waiting more for this match than Chavo.


    The bell rings and Chavo goes straight for Hornswoggle but the little bastard goes under the bottom rope and grabs a chair. Before Hornswoggle can hit Chavo with it Chavo kicks him in the head and takes the chair off him before beating him down viciously. Chavo goes for the pin but decides to break it at 2. Chavo goes rooting under the ring for more weapons and finds a kendo stick. Hornswoggle who can barely get back to his feet his head on the back of the head causing the kendo stick to snap. The fans are loving this and want more.


    Next Chavo sets up a table and ladeder covering the table with thumbtacks he got from a member of the crowd. Chavo puts Hornswoggle on it and climbs the ladder. Chavo using his uncle Eddie’s signature move, frogsplashes onto Hornswoggle putting him through the table in the process. The crowd start a ‘Holy Sh!t’ chant. Next Chavo smashes a glass full of honey over Hornswoggle’s head. Then a large swarm of wasps swoop down and land on Hornswoggle stinging him several thousand times. Unfortunately for Hornswoggle wasps can repeatedly sting unlike bees. Oh dear! Then out of nowhere a pack of police dogs come down to the ring and attack Hornswoggle mistaking him for a midget burglar. They rip off his arms and legs and run away to bury them or whatever dogs do with body parts. It’s really not Hornswoggle’s day. After much deliberation Chavo finally goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The EMTs finally comes down and rush Hornswoggle away in a stretcher. But once again Hornswoggle’s bad luck continues and the stretcher hit’s a pothole out in the carpark and Hornswoggle falls down a drain never to be seen again.


    Winner: Chavo Guerrero

    Backstage Yokozuna is preparing for his match tonight against his mystery opponent by eating several hundred raw eggs. Yokozuna tells his translator that once he is victorious is his match tonight he will treat him them to a all you can eat buffet and says that his next goal will be to become WorldHeavyweight Champions.

    Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman

    The next match begins with a video package all about the history between long time friends and now rivals Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman. The video shows the incident between the two last week on Superduperstars when after losing to T&A Shamrock lost his patience with Blackman and locked him into the ankle lock. Blackman has since swore revenge and promises to make him tap out to his Dragon Sleeper.


    Both men come out and stare each other down. You can see the look of hate in both men’s faces. As soon as the bell rings both men unleash a tirade of kicks and punches at each other MMA style. Blackman tries to lock in an armbar but Shamrock uses his years off experience and break the hold. Shamrock hit’s a belly to belly suplex and then a drop toe hold before trying to lock in the ankle lock but Blackman turns into his back and kicks Shamrock into the turnbuckle. Blackman proceeds to strike at Shamrock’s midsection and lands a bulldog before going for the pin but Shamrock kicks out.


    Blackman hit’s a neck breaker on Shamrock before he locks in a sleeper hold. Blackman’s got Shamrock locked in tight. The referee checks on Shamrock but the World’s Dangerous Man has no intention of tapping out. Instead Shamrock stands up and counters with a back body drop. Shamrock locks in a reverse armbar but Blackman who is also an experienced MMA fighter counters straight away with a T-Bone suplex and pin attempt. Shamrock powers out at 2.


    Blackman makes his way to the top rope and tries to hit a leg drop on Shamrock but he rolls out of the way. Shamrock pounces first time and locks in a ankle lock. Blackman is screaming in pain and finally taps to Shamrock. Shamrock refuses to break the hold and keeps Blackman locked in for several minutes more. Eventually he breaks the move and celebrates in the centre of the ring.

    Winner: Ken Shamrock


    The Big Boss Man is walking backstage with Al Snow’s Head in his hand. We are moments away from our Head vs. Hardcore Title Match.

    Al Snow vs. The Big Boss Man

    Al Snow comes out with the Hardcore title and is looking quite focused for tonights match. Big Boss Man comes out to boos from the crowd. He holds up Head to Al Snow and points at Snow’s Hardcore Title.


    The bell rings and Snow pounces on the Boss Man beating him down in the corner. Snow drags him back to the centre of the ring and keeps punching Boss Man is the head. Snow rushes to the outside and grabs a metal tray from under the ring. He strikes Boss Man it denting the tray with a Boss Man face implanted on it. Snow DDTs Boss Man onto the tray and goes for the pin but Boss Man kicks out. Snow throws Boss Man out of the ring before hopping out himself. Boss Man fights back with an uppercut to Snow. Boss Man grabs trashcan and puts it on Snow’s head. He then grabs a Kendo stick and beats Snow while he’s in the trashcan. Next Boss Man whips Snow into the railings around the ring. Boss Man hit’s a big boot on Snow and Snow falls to the ground. Boss Man takes the thrash can off Snow and beats him down with it. He throws Snow back into the ring and goes for the pin. Snow is able to get his shoulder up though.


    Boss Man grabs his trusted nightstick and hits Snow in the back of the legs with it before trying to choke him out. Snow is fading vastly and is desperately reaching around for something to strike Boss Man with. He eventually finds his long term friend Head and hit Boss Man in the head with it. Boss Man break the hold but Snow isn’t finished yet. He strikes him again and again with it until Boss Man can’t take any more and falls to the matt. Snow pins and gets the 3 count.

    Winner: And still Hardcore Champion, Al Snow


    Zeus is backstage on the phone when Teddy Long walks in. Zeus tells Long that he was just on the phone to Chris Tucker getting some advice. Long wishes Zeus the best of luck for tonight’s match but is interrupted by Zeus. Zeus says he doesn’t need luck and he will be going back to Hollywood with the World Heavyweight Championship in tow.

    T&A versus the Natural Disasters is up next.

    T&A come out first. The commentators say how T&A beat Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman to get a title shot here tonight. The Natural Disasters come out with the Tag Team Championship belts.


    It looks like Albert and Typhoon will start tonights match. Albert goes straight for Typhoon with rights and lefts but it seems to have no effect on Typhoon who just pushes him back. Typhoon runs at Albert but Albert dodges him and Typhoon runs into the turnbuckle. Albert tags into Test and they double team Typhoon. They eventually hit a huge double suplex on Typhoon and Test covers but only gets a 2 count.


    Test stomps away on Typhoon and drops two big knees on Typhoon’s face. Test again goes for the pin but Typhoon kicks out once again. Test picks Typhoon up by his hair and throws him into the corner. Test hit’s several elbows and tries to whip him into the opposing turnbuckle but Typhoon reverses it. Typhoon lands a big splash on Test in the corner and hit’s a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Typhoon tags in Earthquake who drops a huge leg drop on Test. Earthquake pick Test up and body slams him. Earthquake goes for another leg drop but Test moves out of the way. Test tags in Albert who clotheslines Earthquakes. Albert locks in a chicken wing but Earthquake quickly runs backward into the corner to get Albert to break the hold. Earthquake then hit’s a clothesline of his own on Albert. He tags back in Typhoon and the two whip Albert against the ropes before double clothes lining him. Typhoon covers but Albert kicks out.


    Albert really needs to tag in Test here. Typhoon again throws Albert into the corner and is about to hit another big splash on him. Albert sees him coming and blocks with an elbow. Albert makes his way up to the 2nd rope and hit’s a flying clothesline on Typhoon. Both men are down and in need of a tag. Albert and Typhoon are inching closer. Who will get there first? Both men get the tag at the same time but it’s Albert who hit’s the hot tag as Test begins to clear house. He knocks down Earthquake and throws Typhoon over the top rope. Test lines up the Big boot on Earthquake before nearly taking his head off with it. Albert dropkicks Typhoon to keep him from breaking up the pin attempt. It works as Test get the 3 count and we have new Tag Team Champions.

    Winners: And New Tag Team Champions, T&A


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,465 ✭✭✭glenjamin

    Yokozuna and his translator make their way out to the ring. The translator takes the mic and tells whoever Yokozuna’s mystery opponent for tonight is that he is making a huge mistake by challenging the future World Heavyweight Champion. The translator tells the mystery opponent then when Yokozuna’s through with him he will grind him up and have him more supper.


    The crowd desperately wait the arrival of Yokozuna’s mystery oppoent. When there seems to be no sign of him the whole arena goes dark and Bobby Lashley’s music begins to play. The announcers says that if anyone is going to be a future World Heavyweight Champion it’s this man.


    Yokozuna vs. Bobby Lashley

    Lashley dives onto Yokozuna and throws him to the ground. No one has ever done that to Yokozuna before just like no one has ever defeated him. Lashley hammers away on the 500+ pounder before dragging him up by the hair. What is Lashley going to do next? It looks like Lashley is going for a body slam. If he lands this this will be unbelievable. But Yokozuna is too heavy and Lashley can’t quite pick him up. Yokozuna heads a head butt on Lashley. Yokozuna hit’s a body slam of his own on Lashley. He drags Lashley over to the corner and climbs the turnbucke to hit the Bonzai Drop. It looks like Yokozuna’s undefeated streak will remain intact. But what’s this? Lashley is up and low blows Yokozuna. Yokosuna is still up on the turnbuckle though. It looks like Lashley is attempting to reverse this into the Dominator. And yes he does. Lashley hit’s a huge Dominator on Yokozuna and this could be it. 1, 2, 3 and Lashley ends the streak.


    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    Zeus is backstage walking to the ring. Can he become the first celebrity to become a world champion since David Arquette?

    Zeus comes out. He seems to have done a good job of beefing himself up for this match. A huge bang is heard. That can only mean one thing - here comes Kane! The Big Red Machine is officially the longest reining world champion in WTF. As tall as Zeus is he’s no where the height of Kane.


    Zeus vs. Kane

    The bell rings and Zeus begins circling Kane looking for the right spot to attack. Kane is watching every move though. Zeus pounces and lays into Kane. He backs Kane into the corner but Kane fights back with some big uppercuts. Zeus though looks set to take his chance and fights back again with a series of head butts. Zeus whips Kane into the corner and chops at Kane’s chest. The crowd chant anyway with 'Wooooooo' sounds every time Zeus lands a chop.


    Kane reverses and throws Zeus back into the corner. He hits some big elbows before dragging Zeus out and hitting a side walk slam. Kane covers but only gets a 2 count. Zeus begins to get back to his feet and low blows Kane. Zeus elbows Kane to the back of the head. He picks him up and hit’s a back breaker. Zeus climbs to the top rope and waits for Kane to get back up before hitting a powerful dropkick. He covers Kane but Kane kicks out.


    Zeus strikes at Kane’s head and kneels down to take his mask off. No one has ever before seen what Kane looks like!! Kane wants to make sure that remains the case and elbows Zeus is the throat. Kane is back to his feet and hits several more uppercuts and whips Zeus against the ropes. When Zeus comes back Kane hit’s a big boot. Kane then signals for a choke slam. Could this be it? Zeus is back to his feet. He turns round and Kane grabs his neck. Zeus though kicks Kane in the knee and picks him up for a power bomb. Zeus is struggling with trying to lift up the 300+ pounder and Kane is able to break free. Zeus turns back to Kane and walks right into Kane big right hand around Zeus’ neck. This time Kane hit’s the choke slam and gets the pin.

    Winner: And Still World Heavyweight Champion, Kane


    We are moments away from our main event between these two daredevils. And what a match to really show how high flying these two really are in a cage match.


    Jeff Hardy vs. Owen Hart

    Jeff Hardy’s music hits to an enormous pop from the crowd. Jeff has done some crazy death defying stunts during his time in WTF but never have we seen what he can do inside a steel cage. Owen Hart is out next with a similar pop from the crowd. This match may be for the European Championship but these two are both world of competing for the World title.


    Both men have entered the cage and the door is locked. There is only one way of winning this match and that is to climb over the top. No pinfalls or submissions. Both men take in their surroundings before locking up to begin tonight’s main event. Hart locks in a headlock on Hardy and whips him into ropes. Hardy comes back in and locks in a headlock of him own. Hart tries to hit a big back body but Hardy reveres and dropkicks Hart into the back. Hardy takes his chance and uses his speed to climb the cage. Hart is quick to react and grabs Hardy’s foot to stop him from going any further. Hart stands up on the 2nd rope and throws Hardy back to the canvas.


    Hart jumps from the ropes with a double ax handle onto Hardy. He picks Hardy up and hit’s a gut wrench power bomb on Hardy. Hart isn’t done with Hardy yet and picks him back up and hit’s a running shoulder breaker on Hardy. Hart tries to take his chance and climb the cage. Hart is almost to the top when Hardy gets back to his feet. Hardy begins to climb too. Hart is at the top when Hardy grabs his foot. Hart kicks Hardy but Hardy is not going anywhere. Hardy makes his way to the top of the cage too and both men get into a sparring contest. Just when Hart looks to have knocked Hardy back into the ring Hardy swings his foot and catches Hart. Hart falls back into the ring and Hardy knows he can win this is he climbs down. But Jeff Hardy has other ideas. Hardy stands at the top of the cage and looks down on Hart. I think the fans know what’s coming next. Swantom Bomb!!


    Both men are down. That move seems to have taken their toll on both men. Hart is barely moving, while Jeff holds his back in agony. It takes several minutes for both men to get back to their feet. Hardy begins to climb once again but Hart is quickly over to stop him. Hardy turns around and hit’s a hurricanrama on Hart. Hardy runs over to the turnbuckle and hits a moonsault on Hart. Hardy races to the top of the cage. As he nears the top his foot gets stuck. This could be Hart’s chance. Hart slowly gets back to his feet. He climbs up the side of the cage that Jeff is stuck on. Hart overtakes him and is at the top when Hardy gets his foot free. Hardy grabs Hart and climbs up beside him. Both men are punching away again. Hart stands up and kick Hardy. He then locks in the Sharpshooter on top of the cage. Incredible stuff!! Hardy is tapping but it’s no use. Hardy grabs the side of the cage and is trying to turn himself over. It looks like if he pulls this off he’ll be able to throw Hart back into the ring. Hart needs to break the hold and fast. Jeff nearly has broke the hold. Hart breaks the hold put it’s too late. Hardy throws Hart back into the ring. This time he goes for the smart option and climbs down the cage to become the new European Champion!

    Winner: And New European Champions, Jeff Hardy


    And that concludes tonight’s PPV. Be sure to vote if you liked this. From all of us here, good night.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 36,180 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic

    SWF Absolution Card:

    Nasty Boyz (c) v The Briscoes v The Gangstas

    Triangle Street Fight.

    The feud comes to a head after weeks of one-upsmanship between the 3 teams, culminating in the TV directly before, when a Jay Briscoe v Mustafa Saed match, with their respective partners at ringside, turns into a mass brawl as The Nasties come down and make their presence felt.

    At PPV, The Briscoes win when they hit a Frankesteiner off a ladder on Saed after 25:02.

    Mike Quackenbush v Chris Candido

    Quackenbush, the seasoned veteran, has the respect of the locker-room. Candido is bitter, and reckons he should be liked and respected the same way seen as he's won double the titles in every organisation he can think of.

    At the PPV, Candido wins the match after surprise interference by an old nemesis, Barry Horowitz, and a roll-up with a handful of tights after 14:43.

    Barry Windham v Kevin Nash

    Nash, sick of his losses to SWF Champion Antonio Inoki, takes exception one week on TV to Windham's parading around after a win against Chris Hero which made him Number One contender for the TV Championship after tonight. He beats him, tells the world that how wronged he's been, how he is still the most dominant force in this business, and has just proved it.

    The next weeks of TV show Nash consistently powerbombing our Windham in numerous altercations.

    At PPV, Nash wins with roll-up and feet on the ropes after a very even contest. Windham is p*ssed off after the match, while Nash is blowing hard and looking more relieved than anything.

    Dan Severn Invitational

    For weeks, Severn has bragged that at the biggest show on the SWF calendar, he will invite anybody to try to last 5 minutes with him in an MMA style match. (no cage). he's exhibited for the past 4 weeks of TV how he can beat hometown heroes within a minute of two.

    At Absolution, he calls for any TWO wrestlers to come out to try and beat him.

    Just then, Ali and His Gang Vs. Mr. Tooth Decay is heard, and with a thunderous ovation, out comes the man, who isn't due out until the Main Event, Muhammad Ali. He faces up to Severn, and tells him that it won't take two to beat him, just the single greatest sportsman to even live, the phenomenon...the man who floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, the man everyone came to see!

    They have a match, which ends after 4:42, when after sliding underneath the ropes with Severn on top of him trying to synch in the Rear-Naked Choke, Ali rolls in the ring, and knocks Severn clean out.

    'Ravishing' Rick Rude (TV Champion) v Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

    Typical clash of morals and ideals.

    The good, family man with wholesome values, versus the slimy, arrogant self professed God's gift to women.

    and these two can back everything they say up with their in-ring skills.

    At PPV, Steamboat wins at 22:43 with the flying splash off the top-rope after a masterful bout of storytelling artistry.

    The British Bulldog v The Dynamite Kid

    After weeks of feeling his partner hadn't been pulling his weight, and as a result Tag Team title shots going by the wayside, Dynamite snaps and blindsides his partner in the alley with a lead pipe as Bulldog leaves TV 3 weeks before PPV.

    Needless to say, a clinic insues at PPV, with Dynamite coming out on top, convincingly. After hitting Bulldog with the same pipe when the ref's knocked out, Dynamite spends the next 5 minutes slowly dissecting Bulldog, finshing him with the Diving Headbutt, with Bulldog seemingly bleeding internally.

    The Giant Baba v Antonio Inoki v Batista (Muhammad Ali: Special Enforcer)

    I'd have loved to have had time to flesh this out more.

    Inoki is champion. Batista thinks he's the reason everyone watches SWF. he is the 'money'. different cultures, different ideals, different outlooks on life, different style of wrestling, everything contrast.

    Inoki has a special guest visit him 4 weeks before PPV. The Great Baba; his teacher, mentor and former tag-team partner! They fight the Bulldogs that night, beating them with an Inoki Armbar on Bulldog after Baba incapacitates Dynamite on the outside.

    As Inoki is about to leave, Baba calls him back in, but as Inoki turns, Baba hits him with his signature Running Neckbreaker, and he simply gestures at wanting the title.

    Ali gets put into the mix 2 weeks later, when he in announced as the special enforcer, after Inoki is granted permission to name any stipulation he likes for his match, after beating Baba in a Beat The Clock Challenge, where he defeats Quackenbush quicker than Baba defeats Candido, and Batista beating Mark Briscoe.

    At the PPV, Batista wins with a Batista Bomb on Inoki, after Baba knocks him out and curiously leaves.

    New SWF Champion Batista!


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