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Night Of Champions aftermath

  • 22-09-2014 9:27am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 21,296 ✭✭✭✭

    Thoughts on the show?
    BaconStrips here! Grab a beverage and let's enjoy the show!


    Preshow is live

    Nothing much to mention. All of the matches were hyped (especially the John Cena/Brock Lesnar match).

    There was a Peep Show segment featuring Christian and Chris Jericho, but I was away from my screen during that segment.


    Show is LIVE

    Opening video highlighting some famous WWE Champions in history. This segues to hyping Lesnar/Cena.

    Open pyro, and we are officially live!


    The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) vs The Dust Bros (Goldust and Stardust) (WWE Tag Team Championship)


    Goldust has a new face paint scheme (RIP Darth Goldust)
    Goldust and Jey Uso start. After some tussling, the Usos take control despite Stardust being tagged in.
    The Dusts take control after Goldust lands a cheap shot on Jimmy Uso.
    The Usos retake control when Jey gets hot tagged in, but this momentum is quickly reversed when Goldust lands a huge powerslam on the outside.
    Stardust does an awesome job in reversing a Samoan Drop into a neckbreaker. Around this time, referee John Cone puts on gloves. Jimmy's busted open, but I can't tell where.
    Jimmy throws Stardust shoulder-first into the steel ring post. He goes for a tag, but is stopped by Goldust. However, Jimmy is able to get free from Goldust after a couple Enziguri attempts.
    Jey and Stardust are tagged in, and Jey has the hot tag. He starts working on Stardust's leg.
    Awesome segment in the ring: Jey lands the running butt (no idea what else to call it) on Stardust, superkicks Goldust, but gets Reverse DDT'd by Stardust for a two-count
    The action is really picking up. Goldust lands his apron-to-outside senton on Jimmy, and Jey lands his suicide dive on Stardust.
    Jey gets Stardust in the ring and attempts the Superfly Splash. However, Stardust is able to get his knees up. Stardust then rolls up Jey for the win
    Result: The Dust Bros defeat The Usos by pinfall to gain The Cosmic Key

    Great opening match.


    Byron Saxon interviews Dolph and R Ziggler backstage. Dolph cuts a promo against The Miz and his "Moneymaker"


    Sheamus vs Cesaro (United States Championship)


    We start with some chain wrestling that ends in a stalemate. This leads to Cesaro slapping Sheamus, angering him.
    Sheamus takes control with a high knee and a rolling senton for a two count. Momentum is traded when Cesaro hangs Sheamus' neck from the top rope.
    More tussling ensues, and Sheamus drags Cesaro to the outside where they start trading strikes.
    Sheamus retains control until Cesaro lands a huge uppercut on Sheamus, sending him tumbling off the top rope.
    Cesaro tries to make Sheamus pass out with some sleeper holds, but to no avail. Sheamus attempts a comeback, but is cut off by Cesaro.
    Despite a couple huge uppercuts, Sheamus is able to land two Irish Curse Backbreakers for a two count. He follows the pin attempt with Ten Beats of the Bowery, but Cesaro is able to counter out.
    Sheamus does some reverse double-arm powerbomb thing on Cesaro (who was sitting on the top rope) for a two count.
    Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but Cesaro dodges and hits Swiss Death for a two count.
    More back-and-forth until Sheamus lands a powerslam for a two-count.
    Another Brogue Kick attempt is countered into a Tiger Driver for a two count. Cesaro attempts a Neutralizer, but is flipped over Sheamus' back. Sheamus attempts ANOTHER Brogue Kick, but Cesaro dodges and hits an Alphamare Waterslide for a two count.
    Cesaro starts beating the hell out of Sheamus, and Sheamus keeps asking for more. Cesaro goes back to oblige him, but Sheamus is able to land a Brogue Kick for the win.
    Result: Sheamus defeats Cesaro by pinfall to retain the United States Championship



    Commercial for WWE 2K15

    Mark Henry is pumping himself up backstage. Big Show comes in and reminds him about what he's fighting for. He also tells Henry that he has 318 million tag team partners in his corner. Big Show then pulls out an Americanized singlet for Henry, and continues his pep talk.

    "YOU TEAR HIS HEAD OFF!" - Big Show


    The country group Florida Georgia Line are introduced. They proceed to join the commentary table.

    They announce that they are going to join WWE for their Tribute to the Troops show this year.


    Dolph Ziggler (with R Ziggler) vs The Miz (with Damien Mizdow)


    First thing first: Can someone remind the commentary team that there's a match going on?
    Anyway, we start with some tying up. Miz takes control and attempts an early Figure Four, but Ziggler is able to battle out. Ziggler then lands 9/10 Heart Attack Elbows on Miz.
    Miz rolls out before Ziggler can land the tenth elbow. As Ziggler follows Miz, Miz hits a cheap shot and takes control of Ziggler.
    Miz keeps control until Ziggler counters an attempted corner clothesline. The momentum then shifts in Ziggler's favor as he hits his comeback moves.
    After Ziggler works over Miz outside the ring, Ziggler throws Miz back into the ring. As the referee is distracted, Mizdow cheapshots Ziggler. Mizdow then assaults R Ziggler.
    Mizdow starts bragging to Florida Georgia Line about his interference. This leads the duo to get up and shove Mizdow down. R Ziggler then chases Mizdow backstage.
    Inside the ring, Ziggler lands a superkick on Miz for a two count. Ziggler goes for a Famouser, but is countered into a Figure Four.
    Ziggler is just able to reach the ropes after a long time in the Figure Four. As Miz attempts to reapply it, Ziggler is able to fight out and land the Famouser for a two count.
    As Ziggler gets ready for the Zig Zag, Mizdow comes back out and distracts Ziggler. Ziggler superkicks Mizdow, but Miz is able to use a dirty roll up for the pinfall
    Result: The Miz defeats Dolph Ziggler by pinfall to gain the Intercontinental Championship


    Recap of the WWE Network update on Roman Reigns' hernia surgery. He is supposed to be out of action for several months.


    Seth Rollins comes out to the ring.

    He cuts a promo about how life can change in a mere blink of an eye. He talks about Roman Reigns' hernia and uses it to generate some good heel heat by not accepting it as an excuse to skip out on his match.

    However, Rollins decides to give Reigns ten seconds to come out to the ring and face Rollins. He instructs Charles Robinson to ring the bell and start the ten count. At this moment, a huge "We want Ambrose" chant starts.

    Charles Robinson counts to ten, and Rollins wins by way of forfeit.

    Rollins continues his promo. He issues an open challenge to anyone in the locker room.

    Who answers the challenge? A VERY PISSED OFF DEAN AMBROSE ANSWERS!!!

    Ambrose enters and beats the hell out of Rollins. The two brawl into the Nashville crowd.

    As they brawl, The Authority brings security and attempts to keep the two apart. This doesn't stop Ambrose, as he lands a cross body on a bunch of guards and continues his assault on Rollins.

    As Ambrose attempts to main Rollins with a chair, security is able to catch up with and apprehend Ambrose.


    We go to the preshow panel to recap what has gone on so far.


    Mark Henry vs Rusev


    more hoss, More Hoss!, MORE HOSS!!!
    After Henry enters, the ring, Lillian Garcia excellently sings The Star-Spangled Banner.
    Henry and Rusev brawl from the opening bell with Henry getting the upper hand on Rusev.
    Rusev gets the upper hand after getting a second wind. He takes control after ramming Henry back-first into the ring steps.
    Henry attempts a comeback, but cannot lift Rusev due to his bad back. Rusev then hits a spinning heel kick.
    Rusev tries to lock Henry in The Accolade, but Henry is able to get up before the hold is cinched.
    Henry hits the World's Strongest Slam out of nowhere, but he cannot take advantage due to his damaged back and Rusev rolling out of the ring.
    Rusev reenters and hits DAT KICK. He is then able to lock in The Accolade for the win.
    Result: Rusev defeats Mark Henry by submission.


    Recap of Michael Cole's interview with Brock Lesnar.


    Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton


    We start with some brawling that Orton gets the upper hand in. Despite this early advantage, Jericho is able to take some early control and sends Orton outside into the Spanish announce table (knocking over a Diet Mt. Dew in the process).
    Orton is able to regain control on the outside, and this control continues as they reenter the ring.
    Orton maintains control for a long time, and is able to keep control despite an attempted Jericho comeback. He is able to do some major damage to Jericho's back with a superplex and a couple back suplexes on the barricade and announce table, but this only gets a two count.
    After a long time, Jericho is finally able to mount a comeback. The comeback continues until Orton hits a beautiful powerslam for a two count.
    Jericho comes back again and attempts a Lionsault, but Orton evades and hits his backbreaker. Orton attempts the RKO, but Jericho is able to counter and land a Lionsault for a two count.
    Orton attempts the rope-hung DDR, but Jericho slips out and tries to apply the Walls of Jericho. Orton is able to get out and drive Jericho shoulder-first into the steel ring post.
    Orton tries for a punt, but Jericho is able to dodge and lock in the Walls of Jericho. After a long time, Orton is able to fight out of the hold and kick Jericho out of the ring. He is then able to land the rope-hung DDT.
    Orton lines up for the RKO, but Jericho plays possum and hits a Codebreaker. However, he only gets a two-count.
    Jericho climbs to the top rope for a diving maneuver, but is countered into an awesome RKO for the pin.
    Result: Randy Orton defeats Chris Jericho by pinfall


    Video package for the Divas Championship match featuring Paige absolutely killing it.

    Backstage interview with Brie Bella. She talks about the match, and hopes that her sister does not become Divas Champion. She instead puts over Paige and AJ. She also drops the obligatory "BITCH" bomb


    Paige vs AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (Divas Championship)


    Paige and Nikki attempt to gang up on AJ, but AJ is able to counter with a double dropkick.
    AJ tries to mount offense on Nikki, but Nikki locks in a headlock and starts swinging her around.
    Nikki takes control of both AJ and Paige. Nikki locks Paige in an ARMBAR, but Paige is easily able to escape.
    AJ and Paige have a staredown after Nikki is dispatched. AJ is able to take control of Paige and nails her with a huge kick for a two count.
    Momentum keeps shifting in this match. AJ attempts a top rope maneuver, but Nikki is able to shove AJ off of the turnbuckle and attempt a pin.
    Nikki does some catfighting on AJ, but Paige is able to throw her out of the ring. Paige then revives the frenemy schtick.
    After Paige nails AJ with her signature knee strikes, Nikki shoves Paige off of the apron. Nikki attempts to nail AJ with a slam, but AJ is able to counter into the Black Widow, but Paige breaks the hold.
    Paige sets AJ up for a superplex. As they set up, Nikki runs over and executes a Tower of Doom spot. All three women are down after that move.
    Nikki lands the Rack Attack on Paige, but AJ is able to break up the pin. This pisses off Nikki and she starts beating on AJ. However, AJ whips Nikki to the floor.
    AJ locks Paige in the Black Widow. Paige tries to break it, but AJ really cinches it in, forcing Paige to tap
    Result: AJ Lee defeats Paige and Nikki Bella to gain the Divas Championship


    Brock Lesnar vs John Cena (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)


    As soon as the bell rings, Lesnar charges Cena into the corner and does some shoulder blocks. Lesnar attempts a German Suplex, but Cena blocks it. Cena then lands an Attitude Adjustment, but barely gets a two count.
    As Cena goes back to Lesnar, Lesnar locks the Kimura Lock in, but Cena reaches the ropes.
    Lesnar takes control of Cena with some huge knees to the midsection. Lesnar then hits a German Suplex. Cena is able to charge back, but Lesnar locks the Kimura in again. Cena reaches the rope again.
    Cena tries to mount some offense, but Lesnar hits German #2 for a two-count.
    Lesnar hits the Three Amigos on Cena and attempts a pin, but Cena's shoulders do not hit the mat.
    Cena attempts some more offense, but he cannot maintain it due to a huge clothesline from Lesnar.
    German #3
    Cena hits a 2nd AA, but doesn't even get a two-count. He then locks in the STF, but Lesnar is able to power into another Kimura. After a while, Cena powers Lesnar up and rams him in the corner to break the hold
    Cena hits a 3rd AA and locks in another STF.
    Cena hits a 4TH AA, but as he goes for the cover, Seth Rollins comes in and hits Cena with the briefcase for the DQ.
    Result: John Cena defeats Brock Lesnar by DQ

    Seth Rollins cashes in his Money in the Bank, but Cena assaults Rollins, sending him scampering to the back (note that the bell NEVER rang for Seth's cash-in attempt). After Rollins leaves, Lesnar hits Cena with a F-5 and leaves him laying in the ring.

    End of show.

    Rating 35 votes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,053 ✭✭✭✭CSF

    Typical of WWE lately. Good wrestling/bad story development.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker

    Yup, can't add much more then that.

    Making Lesnar look so weak was truly mind boggling. He's been really damaged now, maybe more so than the Extreme Rules defeat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,096 ✭✭✭✭the groutch

    You could even give Ryder a title shot now and you'd think he had a chance of winning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Deadlie

    The US title match was a lot of fun, with both men looking incredibly strong in it. The commentators were full of praise for the two involved, which really made it feel huge. Highlight of the night for me. The IC match on the other hand was a disgrace. It was a glorified ad for two douchey bumpkins. The first half of the match was a rundown of their discography and new releases. Shambles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,544 ✭✭✭savemejebus

    Didn't see the show but according to the recaps, Lesnar threw cena around the place, stopped most of his offence and kicked out of 3 finishers at or before 2.

    How is that making him look weak?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker

    Didn't see the show but according to the recaps, Lesnar threw cena around the place, stopped most of his offence and kicked out of 3 finishers at or before 2.

    How is that making him look weak?

    Because Cena tossed him around at will towards the finish and he had the match won if only for outside interference.

    This is the same man Lesnar decimated one month ago, and now he barely escapes with the title.

    They tried to spin it in such a way that Lesnar was a badass for withstanding the assault. It didn't work. He looked bad imo. And Rollins looked like a complete idiot too. He came out and attacked Cena, ran to the outside and attacked him some more, then went back in and almost like a lightbulb over his head, HEY I HAVE THIS CASE I CAN USE, RING THE BELL!

    Just a horrible mess of inconsistent booking, all done to make Super Cena look good and **** everyone else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Deadlie

    Dunno about that. Lesnar had Cena beat and could've pinned him at any stage in the first half of the match. He was out to make a point and make him tap. Brock looked and acted like an animal throughout.

    Cena rallied towards the end, but was going for the pin instantly each time. His AA's were getting no more than 2 counts and his STF had to be applied three times just to keep Brock in place. He wasn't there to 'Beat Lesnar's ass', he was there to scrape a victory and I felt it made Cena look more vulnerable than he has in ages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,023 ✭✭✭seandotcomm

    Deadlie wrote: »
    His AA's were getting no more than 2 counts

    You know what happens when you get more than a 2 count, right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,544 ✭✭✭savemejebus

    Ok so just watched the match and what I saw was:
    - Lesnar starts off pounding cena to paste in the corner
    - Suplex blocked and Cena gets a lucky shot and hits the AA
    - AA doesn't even get a 2 count
    - Next there is more Brock tossing Cena around like a toy, hitting german suplexes, the 3 amigos, multiple kimuras
    - Occasionally Cena gets a couple of lucky shots rocking Lesnar but each time Lesnar slaps him down and kills his momentum
    - During all this time the commentators talk about how Lesnar is killing Cena but Cena got in a lucky shot to the jaw that they keep coming back to (you see Lesnar removing gum shield a few times)
    - Cena elbows lesnar in the nose and gets slapped down again, more suplexes and corner thrashings from Lesnar
    - Cena gets a surprise AA and barely, not sure if he even got a 2 count (shoulder was coming up before ref hit 2)
    - Cena puts stf on Lesnar and has it reversed quickly and ends up with Lesnar putting Kimura on Cena
    - Cena powers out (which looked impressive btw)
    - 3rd AA from Cena and then STF (centre of ring this time)
    - 4th AA from Cena straight out of that STF and rollins hits the ring
    - Camera moves to show Lesnars shoulder coming up off the mat right as the ref should have counted 2 so even 4th AA wouldn't have gotten him
    - Lesnar hit with a curb stomp
    - A few seconds later Lesnar is up standing and hits Cena with an F5 standing over him to finish the show

    I still don't think Lesnar was made to look weak. He sold well but was never made look weak. I thought they protected him pretty well, any offence he sold was from Cena getting lucky rather than Cena outwrestling or overpowering him and he still mauled Cena.

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Deadlie

    You know what happens when you get more than a 2 count, right?

    Exactly. And 4 AAs didn't get anywhere near a three. The first one didn't even get a 1 count. The rest were no sold completely too. The only time I thought Lesnar looked remotely weak was when Cena lifted him up during the submission hold and he looked around in amazement.

    Brock was on top all night, he was toying with Cena. It was a well told story right up until the end, but I don't think Brock was made look a tenth as weak as Cena was.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    I'm usually quick enough to complain about Cena but I have no problem with that match last night.

    Things to remember; Cena is on God mode tier and makes everyone look weak. At Summerslam, Cena got caught by an F5 early and never recovered; that was the basis of his ass kicking. Honestly, I expected a more Cena-dominated match so was happy to see Brock still kicking his ass, eating finishers and brushing them off.

    I was more than happy with Rollins running in too, since it puts him on their level and keeps everyone strong imo. If they go Brock/Cena/Rollins/Ambrose inside the cell, I'll be ****ing thrilled. Probably just be Cena/Brock inside the cell but even that is smart booking; the cell stops interference.

    Overall, really enjoyed the show; Sheamus/Cesaro, Jericho/Orton, Divas title, Tag Match and Cena/Brock were all very good. Can't comment on Miz/Dolph cause I skipped most of it.

    But yeah. 8/10 for me. really enjoyed it for what it was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭A Rogue Hobo

    A solid 5 for me. Don't get me wrong there was nothing that stank the joint out and most matches were grand besides maybe the end of the main event being a bit of a farce and had a very predictable but slightly enjoyable segment with Rollins and Ambrose. It'd have made for a decent episode of Raw. Which in my opinion is a huge problem. These are meant to be the biggest most explosive 3 hours of programming each month out of roughly 32 hours of programming every month. I shouldn't even be thinking of Raw or Smackdown when watching these shows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker

    In fairness most of the matches were a step above your typical TV match.

    To clarify, the actual match was grand, it was the ending that bothered me so much about Lesnar/Cena. The match was really enjoyable, some awesome stiff shots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭A Rogue Hobo

    Moneymaker wrote: »
    In fairness most of the matches were a step above your typical TV match.

    To clarify, the actual match was grand, it was the ending that bothered me so much about Lesnar/Cena. The match was really enjoyable, some awesome stiff shots.

    I'd agree with that for Sheamus/Cesaro alone. Orton/Jericho, Rusev/Henry, Divas and Ziggler and Miz all fairly run of the mill and predictable. The Tag match was great for the last two minutes or so but the rest seemed just sort of plodded along.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    Really enjoyed the show.

    Pretty good opener. Really fun Japanese Wrestling style match with Sheamus and Cesaro. The Divas match over delivered. Orton-Jericho was my taste but it was a pretty decent WWE style match. Cena-Brock was an exciting back and forward match. My only issue with the finish was prostituting Seth's Curb Stomp they could have just brained Brock with briefcase. 7/10 for me.

    Don't know how I feel about Sheamus transitioning from his goatee though:


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,870 Mod ✭✭✭✭Insect Overlord

    rovert wrote: »
    Cena-Brock was an exciting back and forward match. My only issue with the finish was prostituting Seth's Curb Stomp they could have just brained Brock with briefcase.

    PG sucks, booo! etc. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,176 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic

    there was never a visual pin or submission on Brock.

    the only people who think he now looks weak to are the ones who thought he should just completely destroy Cena again.

    that would be silly IMO. if Brock completely annihilates Cena, and everybody else, without having any real offense against him, if and when Reigns beats him at WM 31, it will hurt Reigns. nobody would believe that Reigns is the ONLY one in the company capable of giving Brock a match.

    also, they were never going to utterly decimate Cena twice with barely any comeback. just be thankful they didn't put the title back on him in a panic to try to convince kids to buy the Network.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,053 ✭✭✭✭CSF

    SlickRic wrote: »
    there was never a visual pin or submission on Brock.

    the only people who think he now looks weak to are the ones who thought he should just completely destroy Cena again.

    that would be silly IMO. if Brock completely annihilates Cena, and everybody else, without having any real offense against him, if and when Reigns beats him at WM 31, it will hurt Reigns. nobody would believe that Reigns is the ONLY one in the company capable of giving Brock a match.

    also, they were never going to utterly decimate Cena twice with barely any comeback. just be thankful they didn't put the title back on him in a panic to try to convince kids to buy the Network.

    But he didn't even win

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,176 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic

    CSF wrote: »
    But he didn't even win

    I didn't say it wasn't flawed...I just said he didn't look weak!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,922 ✭✭✭✭CastorTroy

    I thought it was grand overall.

    I think my problem with the ending is just it seems like they sent Rollins out there for no real reason. I mean who does he feud with now? Ambrose who he's already feuding with? Cena who he prevented winning the title and hit with the case? Or Lesnar who he curb stomped? All 3 should be after Rollins now.

    Otherwise the other matches were good to watch.

    I think Sheamus is growing the beard due to all the Daniel Bryan tshirts still available, so they need someone that has a beard. Sandow not allowed.

    Scariest sign of the night: "Make Raw 4 Hours"

    Finding it strange that Nikki seems to now be the powerhouse diva.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,089 ✭✭✭✭rovert

    CastorTroy wrote: »
    I think my problem with the ending is just it seems like they sent Rollins out there for no real reason. I mean who does he feud with now? Ambrose who he's already feuding with? Cena who he prevented winning the title and hit with the case? Or Lesnar who he curb stomped? All 3 should be after Rollins now.

    They are framing Seth as an eejit:


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,544 ✭✭✭savemejebus

    Seth is an easy fix, they can just say the authority sent him out to make sure cena didn't win and then he went into business for himself as an afterthought. Look at heyman as Sethbattacks Brock, he is reacting perfectly for that story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,085 ✭✭✭✭Liam O

    Like I said in the live thread I think the finish was good to progress the storyline and Cena's character arc. I would have had Brock kick out before Rollins came down and then deliver more of a post match beatdown but without Reigns they can't afford even a kayfabe injury to Cena for a week or 2 like I'd like to see. Both guys will probably no sell the match tonight and be at 100% which is not something you want to see when it was bigged up as Cena having to find a "dark place" but overall the match has progressed the storyline and added Rollins as a potential screwee and elevated him slightly imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    It was stupid, building the match around Cena having to become "a beast" what a few AA's and two piss poor looking submission movies? Lesnar didn't look beaten when Rollins came out.
    So you have Rollins looking stupid and pussying out on cashing in because Cena got in the way, Cena looking like he didn't really beat Brock, and Brock looking like a bad submission move and one move from Rollins might have finished him off. Who exactly was meant to come out of this looking good? It all came across as thrown together because of Reigns being out. And it was looking like an interesting arc for Cena too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭Blue_Dabadee

    It was ok show, so I will give it 6 out of 10.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,699 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Paige asking AJ was she ready was very noticeable :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,795 ✭✭✭Sirsok

    One of the better PPVs they have produced, enjoyed most of the matches and I feel they got all the decisions right tonight, Rusev winning being one of them. maybe wouldn't of having Paige lose but can't begrudge AJ the title.

    A lot of very solid matches, Miz v Ziggler the only one that let it down, Miz is such a redundant bland character, he truly sucks and generates xpac heat. Ziggler is better then that.

    Missed the Wyatt presence, they should of making themselves known during a match, even the Miz match, have Sandow join the family.

    But overall it was a 9/10 for me considering I have been let down by events I've looked forward to before and I wasn't expecting anything from this event.

    I like the whole Rollins thing also, such an arrogant heel should be pissing everyone off. Just cause he is fielding with Ambrose doesn't mean others can't feel the brunt of his behaviour! Walt didn't just fued with Gus in breaking bad!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭TOPDAWG2.0

    For someone not keepin regular tabs on WWE events i thought it was a solid PPV.
    IC and US Title matches were solid. US Title made to look really strong by commentators.
    Jericho Orton was the match to be expected from two seasoned veterans on a run of the milll ppv.
    Orton imo can be up there with HHH for a heel when it comes to level of heel-ness and us joe public thinking " **** that guys cool,i want to be that guy", who else gets to hit their finisher on a main eventer on a PPV AAAAAND get to strike their pose BEFORE the pin count!!!!

    ROLLINS and AMBROSE........... this is just money. PURE ABSOLUTE MONEY. This is a feud that if handled properly can be as big as Austin and Rock,
    My left-field brain is telling me... Reigns to return and take title from Lesnar at Rumble, Ambrose to win the Rumble and Rollins to cash in MITB before Mania for an ALL SHIELD MANIA Main Event.

    Cena Lesnar......M'ehhh. Someone has to beat Lesnar eventually.

    Disappointed at a lack of Wyatts tho.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,009 ✭✭✭kronsington

    TOPDAWG2.0 wrote: »
    For someone not keepin regular tabs on WWE events i thought it was a solid PPV.
    IC and US Title matches were solid. US Title made to look really strong by commentators.
    Jericho Orton was the match to be expected from two seasoned veterans on a run of the milll ppv.
    Orton imo can be up there with HHH for a heel when it comes to level of heel-ness and us joe public thinking " **** that guys cool,i want to be that guy", who else gets to hit their finisher on a main eventer on a PPV AAAAAND get to strike their pose BEFORE the pin count!!!!

    ROLLINS and AMBROSE........... this is just money. PURE ABSOLUTE MONEY. This is a feud that if handled properly can be as big as Austin and Rock,
    My left-field brain is telling me... Reigns to return and take title from Lesnar at Rumble, Ambrose to win the Rumble and Rollins to cash in MITB before Mania for an ALL SHIELD MANIA Main Event.

    Cena Lesnar......M'ehhh. Someone has to beat Lesnar eventually.

    Disappointed at a lack of Wyatts tho.....

    Rollins and Ambrose are good but to suggest they could have a feud to rival Austin/ Rock is ridiculous

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  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 24,783 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    Rollins and Ambrose are good but to suggest they could have a feud to rival Austin/ Rock is ridiculous

    I dont think so, it's similar to when rock and Austin were feuding for the intercontinental title and their feud was much more interesting than the main eventers feuds.

    Rollins and ambrose have a similar vibe of an early day rock/Austin, rock/HHH or a HHH/foley feud before any of them became main eventers!
