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  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Fireworks and pyro go off from a sell-out crowd at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta as we welcome you to Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania. There will be 7 emotionally epic matches on show – 4 of which will be championship matches, including our main event – while one match will determine who will wield power in the company going forward. Without further ado, let us get the show under way...

    Tag team match: If Finlay's team loses he joins British Invasion
    British Invasion vs Finlay & Fibber w/Old Donal

    Back-story: Finlay has this year been involved with the first ever Irish Boot Camp season on Monday Night Grappling. Coach Finlay brought three rookies an opportunity for a place on the roster but only one could take it. That man was Fibber, a big 6 foot seven, 350 pound behemoth. He has a handler - a white-haired old man with a tin whistle - Old Donal – whose Irish rebel tunes soothe the monster’s rage.

    Sadly for Finlay, the British Invasion – Magnus and Doug Williams - have pestered him throughout the season. They want Finlay to join their group and believe with him in their ranks, no one – not even the Four Horsemen – will cross them. They challenged Finlay to put his Irishness quite literally on the line, and he has.

    As a result, if Finlay’s team loses, he must swear allegiance to the British. In this intriguing match-up, the question is…will Finlay be able to rely on his young rookie Fibber, or will the British invasion prove too strong? What colours will Finlay be wearing by the night’s end?
    The Match: Finlay puts on a clinic early on using his superior technical skills and brawling style to dominate. He tags in the rookie Fibber but the big man does just as well throwing Magnus and Williams about with big suplexes.

    As the match seems to be going the way of the Irish, Magnus turns his attention towards Fibber’s handler – Old Donal. He grabs the seventy-odd flutist and shoves him into the steel steps. Fibber goes crazy. He begins bashing his head on the turnbuckle and cradling the unconscious old Donal. Finlay tries to calm him; however, only Donal’s flute can calm him.

    British Invasion take over and begin double-teaming Finlay who needs a tag – but Fibber is of no help. As Magnus hits his finisher it looks like the Brits have it won – but suddenly the sound of ‘The Rising of the Moon’ plays. Old Donal has awoken. Fibber gets up and looks pissed. Finlay tags him in and the big man hits his finisher – the Fibberman Suplex – on Doug Williams for the 1….2…3.

    Winners: Fibber and Finlay

    After the match the two men unfurl an Irish tricolour as the two Brits stumble up the aisle. It’s like Paddy’s Day all over again.

    Why I went with this feud: I wanted to do a created wrestler Tough Enough type show this year, and Fibber was the creation I liked the most. It made sense to have Finlay be in the role of the trainer and the two British wrestlers (which were drafted for me by Liam O) they turned out to be very handy opponents.

    Why I booked it this way: I felt the rookie wrestler Fibber had to get the win in his first match. It would have been silly otherwise. I toyed with the idea of turning Finlay heel and have him join the British, but I think it would be too early for that. If I had time I’d do that a few PPVs down the road.
    Backstage interview with the World Title challenger

    Alberto Del Rio: "The past few weeks Ric Flair…you tried to destroy me. You took away my dream to be World Champion in the show premiere; you took my money; you tried to take my number one contender opportunity from me by threatening me with bankruptcy; and you even took my new wife, Rosa. But Alberto Del Rio has not been destroyed.

    "These people have kept me going. The only debt I have is to them – and I will repay them: by kicking your ass, perro. Tonight you discover what it’s like to lose something important. Tonight, you lose your World Title."

    Purpose of promo: Get fans psyched for the match and for Alberto.

    Tag team Elimination match
    Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs Kharma & Aja Kong

    Back-story: Beth Phoenix and Natalya thought their dominance was unquestionable. They believed no one could stop them. Weren't they the most dominant divas in the industry? Not even Aja Kong shook their conviction.

    Aja Kong quickly found herself at a big disadvantage as the two powerful women targeted her. There would be help for Aja, however – in the form of a returning Kharma. With Double Kong reunited, suddenly the Divas of Doom had their authority challenged in the biggest way imaginable.

    In this elimination match only one woman can be left standing. Only one team’s pride can remain intact. Who will last the distance? Who will fall? Tune into Grapplemania for one of the most interesting women’s tag matches in history as the Divas of Doom meet Double Kong.
    The Match: Kharma starts off against Natalya and Kharma gets the better of things early on. Kharma invites Beth to make a tag but Beth seems reluctant. Aja tags in and also does well but Natalya targets her leg.
    Flashback: On the last show, Beth and Natalya hurt Aja’s leg.
    It becomes clear Aja Kong is not 100% and Beth tags herself in and works over the leg. They isolate Aja and stop her making the tag. Beth locks in the ‘Pin-Up Strong’ submission move that the duo love to use while Natalya knocks Kharma off the apron. Fearing a broken leg, Aja submits.

    Aja Kong has been eliminated

    Now things look bad for Kharma who is in a handicap situation. She motions to Beth to bring it, but Beth steps out of the ring and lets Natalya (who isn’t pleased) deal with her.

    Kharma begins to dominate some more and Natalya tries for the tag but Kharma prevents it and hits her Implant Buster finisher for the 1…2…3.

    Natalya has been eliminated

    The fans begin to cheer. Now at last we’re going to see it: Kharma vs Beth Phoenix.

    Beth comes in and the two women exchange shots. It becomes a very physical match up and both women have busted lips.

    Beth begins to gain the advantage and goes for the Glam Slam, but it seems Kharma is too big. Kharma instead hits her Implant Buster for the 1…! Beth kicks out. Kharma is shocked.

    Kharma tries again for her finisher but Beth counters, trips her and locks in Pin-Up-Strong. Will Kharma submit like Aja? No – she makes it to the ropes.

    Fans start duelling chants: ‘Let’s go Beth’; ‘Let’s go Kharma’

    The finish sees Kharma try for a bulldog and Beth crotch her on the turnbuckle. With Kharma sat facing away from her, Beth takes the opportunity to grab her into the Glam Slam – perhaps the biggest one ever given. She covers Kharma for the 1…2…3.

    Kharma has been eliminated.

    Winner of the match: Beth Phoenix

    After the match, fans applaud both women. Beth places her foot atop Kharma and screams she is the dominant diva.

    Why I went with this feud: I think most fans wanted to see Kharma vs Beth at Wrestlemania, but it sadly wasn’t to be. I realised that I could not only put that together,but also turn it into an interesting tag situation seeing as all women have been involved in powerful tag teams.

    Why I booked it this way: I went this route because I wanted a very strong, dominant heel woman wrestler in Beth. I also felt a loss for Kharma and Aja would be less damaging than it would be for Beth, seeing as Kharma and Aja are significantly larger and by their sheer size will always be a credible threat.

    No Holds Barred match: MNG Legends Championship
    Rush vs Magnum T.A. (c)

    Back-story: What a journey it had been for Magnum T.A.: returning to the squared circle and in the process claiming the MNG Legends Championship.

    Unfortunately for Magnum, not everyone approved. The young, cocky former CMLL star Rush has said Magnum’s time is past and it is his time now.

    This violent match-up features one of the oldest stories in wrestling – the respected veteran versus the brash young upstart – but when these two lions hit, will it be the old or young lion who walks away with the prize?
    The Match: Rush comes to the ring with his arm taped.
    Flashback: Del Rio kept his armbar locked on Rush after the bell in the last show.
    Magnum came running down in his street clothes and the two immediately began brawling. Rush managed to grab a chair and used it to knock down Magnum. He hit some hard shots with the chair and took control of the match.

    Magnum later would target Rush’s arm and pulled off his belt and began whipping Rush in the arm and back.
    Commentators: Rush is getting whipped like a government mule!
    Highlights of the match included Rush hitting a DDT on a chair for a two count, Magnum hitting a piledriver on a chair for a two count, and Rush kicking out of Magnum’s belly to belly finisher.

    The finish of the match saw Rush bring a table into the ring and set Magnum down on it. As Rush went up top to hit a big splash, Magnum sprang up and hit a belly to belly suplex on Rush through the table. He then covered the youngster for the 1..2..3.

    Winner and still MNG Legends Champion: Magnum T.A.

    After the match Magnum T.A. helped up Rush and extended his hand. The commentators put over the class of this gesture. Rush shook the hand and it seems an uneasy sign of respect has been made here.

    Why I went with this feud: I felt there would be good chemistry between these two. Rush as the brash and cocky youngster; Magnum as the respectable, lucky veteran. It was a simple story of the ‘young lion vs the old lion’.

    Why I booked it this way: Magnum T.A. recently won the title so I thought it was a bit early to take it off him. I would let Magnum have the title a good while longer and slowly tease a Rush babyface turn.

    Backstage interview with the World Champion


    Ric Flair: How fitting it is! Tonight live in Atlanta, GA! (fans woo) A city full of have-nots and know-nothings (fans boo);a city where the Braves continue to prove they don’t have what it takes to be champions (fans boo louder), that the Nature Boy comes into town to show you what a real champion looks like.

    Unfortunately, Del Rio, your lovely new bride and one of my many girlfriends, Rosa Mendes, has not been cleared to be here due to the injury she sustained last week.
    Flashback: Rosa got hurt in a match with Lita.
    Flair: But Rosa has urged me to win the match for her. And Ric Flair never lets a lady down, brother!

    Del Rio, tonight you may have to go sixty minutes with the greatest wrestler in the history of our sport. Like I’ve told countless others over the years – to be the man – Woooo! – you gotta beat the man.

    You say tonight that I will discover – me, Ric Flair - that I will discover what it’s like to lose something important? No, Amigo. Tonight YOU discover what Rosa Mendes found out a long time ago…in order to experience greatness you must get on top of Ric Flair! Woooo!

    Purpose of promo: Try to stop the Atlanta fans being too much on Flair’s side and get over the importance of the match.

    Women's Championship
    Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita

    Back-story: The presence of Lita in the company initially seemed to be no problem for Trish. The two women appeared to be on friendly terms. This however proved to be a front when Trish Stratus walked out on her partner and allowed her to be attacked.

    Trish Stratus revealed that, as far as she was concerned, the two women could not co-exist. She intends to prove to the number one contender Lita that it is Trish who is the dominant diva of their era.

    When these two stars of the last decade clash, only one can emerge with the number one title in women’s wrestling. Which of these icons will it be?
    The match: The former friends get in each other’s face as the bell rings and each one slaps the other. It breaks into a brawl in the early going and both women roll around the ring. The friendship has turned into vicious hatred.

    Trish gets the better of things in the early going and begins playing up to the crowd as they try and will Lita back into it. In a moment similar to their famous Raw main event match a few years back, Lita tries a suicide dive on Trish to the outside, but, on this occasion, she connects.

    As the match reaches its finale, both women use their best moves. Lita hits a twist of fate but Trish kicks out at two; Trish hits a Chick Kick on Lita but she likewise kicks out at two. Trish goes outside and brings in the belt but the referee takes it from her. Lita then hits a big DDT and goes up for the moonsault. She hits in on Trish for the 1..2…no, just two.

    Lita can’t believe it and goes up to hit another moonsault, but this time Trish rolls out of the way. Trish picks her up and hits Stratusfaction for the 1…2…no, it’s just a long two count.

    Fans are cheering both women at this point and the two women exchange punches. Lita goes for a hurricanrana but Trish blocks it and turns it into a sharpshooter.
    Commentators: This is the move Trish used on Lita to win her retirement match in 2006.
    Lita looks like she will tap. Some of the fans want to see her submit, whilst others chant her name in encouragement; it works – Lita makes the ropes.

    Now it’s Trish who looks frustrated. She drags Lita back to the ring and goes to apply the sharpshooter one more time – but Lita turns it into a cradle for the 1…2…3.

    Winner and new MNG Women’s Champion: Lita

    Trish’s face is stunned as the fans erupt at the conclusion of a great match. Lita celebrates in the corner as Trish slinks away up the aisle in a state of shock.

    Why I went with this feud: I liked the idea of these two women having one more big match to settle the score. I had a few big women’s match-ups I could have gone with, but this one felt like the one that would have garnered the most interest.

    Why I booked it this way: The plan going forward from here would be a feud between Lita and Beth for the title, so Trish had to lose this one. I would do a feud with Trish and Kharma following this PPV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    World Tag Team Titles
    The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c)

    Back-story: The holders of the Tag Titles, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, made a huge statement on their first night debuting with the other Horsemen.

    This involved taking out The Fabulous Freebirds: Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy and leaving them both in a pool of their own blood. The Freebirds would later earnthe right to become number one contenders and are eager to settle the score.

    Both teams have acknowledged that the history between the two groups has never been properly settled. Two of the greatest teams in wrestling history will collide at Grapplemania, but which one will emerge with the gold?
    The match: A contest that went thirty minutes or so which had the fans on the edge of their seats. Hayes and Gordy looked to be in control in the early going but some crafty double-team work behind the referee’s back saw Arn and Tully take control. They successfully isolated Hayes and began working him over as Gordy desperately wanted the tag.

    On one occasion, Hayes made the tag but since Arn had the referee distracted, he didn’t see it and so the referee refused to allow it. The fans at ringside were fuming.
    Commentators: The fans obviously aren’t happy but you have to admire the skill and experience of Anderson and Blanchard.
    The finish saw Hayes finally make the tag and Gordy came in and cleaned house. The Freebirds then began to get the upper hand and hit some double team moves of their own.

    Gordy hit his powerbomb on Blanchard but suddenly there was a commotion and the fans began standing – Barry Windham was up on the apron.
    Commentators: Damn it. Damn it. These Horsemen won’t stay away.
    Hayes knocked Windham to the outside and began brawling with him as the referee tried to break it up. Arn Anderson meanwhile had grabbed a belt and clocked Gordy. Blanchard slowly recovered and both he and Anderson hit a double-team spike piledriver on Gordy as the fans were furious.

    Anderson told the referee to turn around and with Blanchard covering Gordy, the ref counted the pin for the 1…2…3.

    Winners and still MNG World Tag Team Champions: Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard

    Hayes came into the ring with a look of shock on his face as Arn, Tully and Windham backed up the aisle smiling. Windham held the arms of his friends high as the Horsemen celebrated.

    Why I went with this feud: A big match between these two was crying out to be done, and I think great action would be guaranteed.

    Why I booked it this way: It seemed a bit early for a title change. I think there is more mileage in this feud and a title change would be better down the line.

    I Quit Match for control of the company
    Dusty Rhodes (G.M.) vs Barry Windham

    Back-story: When Barry Windham entered the company he thought he had it all. He was the holder of the Legends Championship and the other Horsemen selected him to be the G.M. of the company.

    The arrival of Dusty Rhodes changed everything. Rhodes revealed he had signed a contract to be the G.M. and refused to resign his post. He also placed Windham in a title match against Magnum T.A. - which Windham lost.

    Windham’s lust for power – and a charge of cowardice - drove him to accept this I Quit match. With so much control at stake – and two proud men set to do battle – which man will be driven to say the two dreaded words?
    The match: Rhodes came out first to a huge ovation. He got on the mic and said if this is his last act as G.M., in light of what happened in the last match, there is to be no interference in this match from Anderson, Blanchard or Flair; furthermore, in the main event tonight there is to be no interference from Anderson, Blanchard or Windham. The fans cheered this announcement.

    Windham came out looking pissed off and carrying a piece of 4X4. Dusty – not to be outdone – went under the ring and got a steel pipe. Both men beat on the other in the early going and Dusty got the better of it at this point.

    The match was similar to the Magnum/Rush bout earlier, but this one was more violent. Both men bled – Dusty from a chair shot; Windham from Dusty pulling out a cheese grater.

    Dusty got a mic as he brought the grater over Windham’s forehead:
    Dusty: Say it. Say the words, Barry.
    Windham: Kiss my ass.
    They brawled some more. Windham brought Dusty up on the Spanish Announce table and went for a piledriver – but the table broke before he could hit it in a scary spot. Windham grabbed the mic:
    Windham: Quit! Quit, you son of a bitch!
    Dusty: I’m just getting warmed up, daddy.
    The fight continued. It moved into the ring where Windham hit a piledriver and dropped a bionic elbow on Dusty as the fans booed. Windham asked the question but Dusty refused to answer.

    The finish saw Windham go under the ring and bring out a bag – there were thumbtacks in it. He poured it over the ring and signalled the end. He tried for a gutwrench supplex but Dusty blocked it. Windham hit him with vicious shots to the back. Now Windham signalled for a powerbomb on the thumbtacks.
    Commentators: If he hits this, it’s over.
    As he got Dusty a little way up, Dusty blocked and instead hoisted Windham up and over him and onto the tacks. The fans erupted as Windham screamed in pain. Dusty ran off the ropes and hit a bionic elbow into Windham on the tacks as Windham howled. Dusty grabbed the mic...
    Dusty: Do you quit? I said, Do you quit?!


    Dusty: Damn it, DO YOU QUIT?!

    Windham: Yes! I quit, you son of a bitch!
    The bell rang as the fans got to their feet. EMTs came down and helped Windham to the back as Dusty danced and posed in the ring.

    Winner and still G.M. of Monday Night Grappling: Dusty Rhodes

    Why I went with this feud: I felt I needed a one-on-one match that would be nearly guaranteed to deliver an awesome match and these two I feel would deliver it. I think this match would be a contender for best match on the show.

    Why I booked it this way: It’s Dusty’s first match back so he couldn’t lose this one. He also recently got the G.M. job so it would be too early to change it. Also for reasons connected to the main event...

    (It was announced the Georgia Dome attendance had set a new record.)
    Backstage segment as Windham is carried to the back

    Windham approached the Horsemen locker room and told the EMTs he could take it from here. The door opened and Arn and Tully stepped out.


    Windham: Gimme a hand, will ya?

    Blanchard: You dropped the ball, Barry.

    Windham: What?

    Anderson: He said you dropped the ball. And not for the first time.

    (They begin to crack their knuckles.)

    Windham: Hey, what is this? I helped you win your match tonight. Come on! We're all Horsemen!

    (Blanchard and Anderson then begin beating down on Windham and leave him lying unconscious in the hallway. The commentators wonder what Ric Flair will make of this.)

    Main Event
    World Heavyweight Championship
    Alberto Del Rio vs Ric Flair (c)

    Back-story: After the dramatic events of last year which left the company without its champion, Monday Night Grappling fell on hard times. It was Alberto Del Rio who pumped huge sums of his own fortune into the company to keep it alive. He signed talent, and left much of his business dealings to his girlfriend Rosa Mendes.

    On the Week 1 show Del Rio planned to introduce a new World Title. In a battle royal for the new belt, Del Rio prevailed, and thought he was the new World Champion...

    Until Ric Flair arrived with the Four Horsemen. With him, the Nature Boy carried the World Championship that had left the previous year and Flair revealed it was HE that was the champion.

    The Horsemen planned a takeover but Del Rio revealed he had already asked Dusty Rhodes to be the General Manager. Rhodes then decided Del Rio was the number one contender to Flair’s gold – but Flair had an ace up his sleeve.

    On the Week 3 wedding special, seconds after Del Rio and Rosa exchanged vows, Flair revealed Rosa had been working with him all along. She had been using Del Rio’s money to finance the Horsemen while Del Rio was struggling to stay afloat. Flair demanded Del Rio give up his title shot or he’d see him on the streets. Rosa then left Del Rio and planted a kiss on Flair before his eyes.

    There was to be a final twist, however: Dusty Rhodes revealed the fans and wrestlers had chipped in to help Del Rio’s debts. The debts were paid off and Del Rio signed the contract. He also revealed plans to secure an annulment.

    When a man has everything taken from him – his money, his bride, and more importantly his dignity – can he find redemption? That is the question Del Rio must answer at Grapplemania. Can he restore his pride and win the World Title – or can Flair once again deny Del Rio his moment?
    The Match: Del Rio came out to a big ovation. He was wearing the dark MMA-style trunks he had taken to wearing in the last show. It was a modest, humble entrance.

    Flair, in contrast, came out in a limousine and had two beautiful women on both his arms. Spectacular pyro went off behind him as he walked to the arena with a big smile on his face.
    Commentators: Flair doesn’t seem the slightest bit perturbed by the in-fighting between the Horsemen.
    As the challenger and champion were announced, Del Rio had most support but Flair had a sizeable, vocal, loyal following.

    As the bell rang, Del Rio went on the attack and hit Flair with MMA-style kicks and shots. Flair backed away to the corner and pleaded for mercy but Del Rio was having none of it. Flair hopped out of the ring and took his breath as most fans booed.

    Ten minutes into the contest Flair turned the tide with a rake of the eyes and by targeting the legs of Del Rio. He worked over the leg and began to strut in the ring.
    Commentators: Flair's starting to feel it now, it would seem.
    The pattern of the match became Del Rio having a flurry of offence before Flair would cut him off, usually with some dirty tactics like a sly low blow. Once with Del Rio in an abdominal stretch he pulled on the ropes behind the ref’s back. He also used the ropes in pin attempts. Del Rio’s fans were furious; Flair fans would woooo.

    Around the thirty minute mark, Del Rio turned the tide. He sent Flair into the ring post and Flair bled. His hair became soaked and matted with blood and he began to back off from Del Rio.
    Commentators: Flair’s bleeding like a stuffed pig; his face: a crimson mask.
    Del Rio like a shark smelling blood took control. Highlights included him hitting a big cross body on Flair to the outside from the top turnbuckle, as well as hitting a backstabber on Flair in the ring that resulted in Flair’s famous delayed flop fall.

    The final stages of the match saw Del Rio go for the moonsault – but Flair rolled out of the way. Del Rio clutched his knee and Flair locked in the figure four on Del Rio.
    Commentators: Is this it? Is it the end for Del Rio?
    Del Rio writhed in agony and when the ref wasn’t looking, Flair grabbed the rope for leverage. The fans were standing now and many were furious. Del Rio however turned Flair over in the move and forced Flair to break the hold.

    A dropkick brought Flair to his knees and Del Rio connected with a huge superkick.
    Commentators: The move that Shawn Michaels used to retire Flair!
    Del Rio crawled to the cover as the ref counted…



    No! Flair got his shoulder up. Fans were still standing as woooos filled the arena. Del Rio now began chanting ‘Si! Si!’ as he signalled for the armbar but as he went for it, Flair reversed it into a cradle for the...



    No! Del Rio kicked out. Del Rio himself, quick as a cat, hit a sunset flip on Flair…



    Not enough. Flair kicked out. Duelling chants now started. ‘Let’s go Flair!’ ‘Del Rio!’; ‘Let’s go Flair!’ ‘Del Rio!’

    Both men began punching each other which quickly descended into a chopping contest. Both men’s chest went red with welts from these chops.

    Del Rio tried a kick but Flair caught it and flipped him off. ‘**** you!’ he screamed. Del Rio then hit an enzugiri that floored Flair. Del Rio climbed to the top rope as fans cheered. Del Rio this time connected with a moonsault and that resulted in the…



    No! Flair got the shoulder up. Del Rio looked to the skies and wondered what it would take. The duelling chants came again, louder. Del Rio picked him up and went for an Irish Whip but Flair reversed it and almost sent Del Rio into the ref as Del Rio had to stop himself.

    From behind, Flair quickly hit a schoolboy cradle but Del Rio countered it into the armbar.
    Commentators: Del Rio’s finisher is locked in here! Will Flair tap? The fans are on their feet!
    Flair screams in pain and desperately reaches for the rope. His hand comes out – but he doesn’t tap. Flair manages to squirm sideways and get a leg on the rope to break the hold.

    As we approach the forty-five minute mark, Del Rio again goes for the armbar but Flair pushes Del Rio forward and into the referee – this time Del Rio can’t stop himself and the ref is knocked down.
    Commentators: Flair sent Del Rio into the ref. I don’t think that was an accident!
    From behind, Flair got to his knees and prepared for a low blow – but Del Rio turned and spotted it. Flair shook his head and backed away and screamed for mercy. Del Rio locked in the armbar this time and Flair tapped out!

    …but the referee was down. Fans curse in frustration. Suddenly they are on their feet booing as someone runs down the aisle.
    Commentators: What? That’s Rosa Mendes. Del Rio’s wife. What the hell is that Jezebel doing here? Flair said she wasn't here!

    As Del Rio has the armbar locked in, Rosa Mendes-Del Rio takes off her shoe and clocks Alberto in the head with it, breaking the hold. Flair instructs her to revive the ref which she does, whilst Flair has Del Rio rolled up in a pin attempt (holding the tights unbeknownst to the ref). The ref counts the fall and this time it's...



    Thr – no! Del Rio kicks out. Fans erupt in surprise as Flair comically shakes his head in disbelief. Flair tells Rosa to grab the title belt and as she tries to come into the ring with it, the referee stops her. Rosa then kicks the ref in the ghoulies and slaps the referee down. Fans are irate.

    Del Rio meanwhile hits a DDT on Flair and turns his attention to Rosa. Fans cheer as Del Rio scowls at the woman who is technically still his wife, and he tosses Rosa into the ring and locks in the armbar on Rosa; she screams and taps out. Del Rio releases the hold and pushes her outside the ring.
    Commentators: Wait – Flair has the title belt in his hands.
    Flair prepares to hit Del Rio from behind with the belt but Del Rio ducks and hits the armbar again on Flair.
    Commentators: But Rosa took out the ref. We need a ref out here, damn it.

    Fans cheer as Dusty Rhodes is seen running down the aisle, bandaged up from his earlier match. He pulls the referee top off the ref and sticks it on himself (it’s a tight fit but it’s on).

    Dusty goes over to ask Flair the question – but then drops a bionic elbow on Del Rio.
    Commentators: Wh-? What the hell? What the hell was that? What was that? Dusty just hit an elbow on Del Rio.
    Fans are in disbelief as Dusty hits repeated elbows on Del Rio who is lying in the ring motionless. Flair then rolls over on Del Rio as Dusty begins the count.



    3. It's over.

    Winner and still MNG World Champion: Ric Flair

    Fans are standing in stunned silence as Dusty raises the hand of Ric Flair. From the aisle Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard come down and they all exchange hugs in the ring and make the Horseman sign.
    Commentators: I cannot believe my eyes, ladies and gentlemen. What are we witnessing? It seems Dusty Rhodes has just become the newest member of the Horsemen. These fans are stunned.

    After everything Dusty has been through with them - why, Dusty, why?

    Flair grabs a mic as he struggles to stand over the unconscious Del Rio.

    Flair: I told you all along, brother. The Horsemen always get the last laugh! Dusty Rhodes didn’t come to this company to be G.M. because you asked him to – he came because I asked him to. Those debts you think Dusty helped clear for you? They are still there, brother. Just like this World Title is still right here. Barry Windham was too much of a hothead for this group. He dropped the ball too many times. We needed an upgrade. And boy oh boy did we upgrade. Woooo!

    He passes the mic to Dusty Rhodes.
    Dusty: I’m tired, Alberto. I’m tired of pretending to be a common man. A common man like all these pitiful people here in Atlanta. (fans begin throwing garbage)

    I am not a common man, daddy. I am special. I am Dusty Rhodes! I asked myself – why work for a guy like you who will pay me peanuts, when I can wine and dine with kings and queens – just like the Four Horsemen.
    The show goes off the air with fans throwing debris as Flair, Anderson, Blanchard – and now Rhodes – make the four horsemen sign. The commentators ponder what this means for the company’s future as the Horsemen now have all the power.

    Why I went with this feud: I liked the idea of a Del Rio/Flair feud from the beginning since it is a fresh match-up with styles that I think would work well together. Flair has a history of making guys look like stars and I think he could do it for Alberto.

    Why I booked it this way: The straightforward option would be for Del Rio to beat Flair and have the happy ending; but this concerned me because Dusty had to defeat Windham, and two big PPV losses for the Horsemen would make them seem really weak. It meant on the next show Del Rio would be champ and Dusty would be a babyface G.M. That made the Horsemen seem a joke.

    I felt therefore Flair had to retain in a way that made Del Rio retain credibility. By Dusty turning heel to help Flair, it gives Del Rio’s hunt for revenge a new dimension and keeps Del Rio as a credible contender.

    I also loved the idea of Dusty joining the Horsemen. That would have generated major headines back in the day, and with my roster having big babyface stars like the Freebirds and Magnum T.A., I felt there was the opportunity to pull it off, especially since Dusty has been used primarily as a mouthpiece on my shows anyway.

    Going forward the big feud from here would be the The Horsemen vs Del Rio, the Freebirds and Windham with the babyfaces now having to wrestle power as well as titles away from the Horsemen.

    That's it from me this year. Thanks to those who read the shows and to TSC and others involved for their work with the game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    The penultimate stop on the road to Spongemania leads us to the SWE Tag Team Championship Match between the legendary Legion of Doom and the team of Matt Morgan and Test.

    Week 1
    During his opening speech, Jim Cornette adds that the SWE Tag Team Championship will be decided over the next two weeks. Firstly this week there would be two semi-final matchups with the winners of both matches meeting next week to decide the SWE Tag Team Championship.

    The first semi-final match is between the greatest tag team of all time Legion of Doom and the Latin Connection Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. The Legion of Doom gets a massive reception. Every move made by Hawk or Animal in the ring is cheered by the crowd. Hawk is in the ring with Hernandez and every show of strength ends in a stalemate. This changes when Hernandez comes off the ropes and is tagged by Chavo which is not seen by Hawk. Hernandez ducks the attempted clothesline by Hawk and is subsequently hit from behind by Chavo. This allows Chavo and Hernandez to control the match through several tag ins and double teams. One double team attempt had Chavo and Hernandez throw Hawk against the ropes but Hawk comes back off the ropes and gives his opponents a double clothesline. All three men are on the mat and Hawk struggles over to his corner. He just reaches and tags in Animal to the cheer of the crowd. Animal is going crazy hitting both Chavo and Hernandez. This is allowing Hawk plenty of time to recover and when he does he clotheslines Hernandez over the top rope. This leaves Chavo in the ring on his own and allows Hawk and Animal to give Chavo the Doomsday Device to get the win and advance to the final of the SWE Tag Team Championship tournament.

    The second semi-final match is between Matt Morgan and Test against Matt Hardy and MVP. The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase is ringside to support his bodyguards Matt Morgan and Test. Matt Morgan locks up with Matt Hardy. Hardy has the better speed and a few shots to the legs get Morgan off his feet. A few quick tags between Hardy and MVP seems to have them in control but Morgan is able to push MVP away to get back to his corner to tag in Test. Test overpowers Hardy to gain control. He lines Hardy up for a Running Big Boot but Hardy ducks and as Test turns around hits him with an inverted DDT. This gives Hardy time to tag in MVP.As MVP has Test set up for the Ballin’ Elbow, he comes off the ropes but Dibiase grabs his foot. MVP turns around to confront Dibiase and Hardy comes into the ring to complain. The ref stops Hardy and ushers him back to his corner. This allows Matt Morgan to come into the ring and hit MVP from behind behind the ref’s back. Test rolls up MVP for the quick pinfall and Matt Morgan and Test advances to the final of the SWE Tag Team Championship tournament.

    Week 2
    The final of the SWE Tag Team Championship tournament is between the Legion of Doom and Matt Morgan and Test. The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase is ringside with Morgan and Test. The match is very even as both team’s power cancels each other out. Matt Morgan and Test get control when Dibiase grabs Hawk’s foot and the distraction allows Morgan to knock Hawk down and keep him down. Test and Morgan continue to dominate Hawk. Morgan has Hawk set up for the Hellevator but Hawk reverses it and sends Morgan flying. Hawk is on the mat and the crowd are urging him to get to the corner and tag in Animal. He gets the tag and Animal now starts his assault on Morgan. After a few successful hits Animal attempts to come off the ropes but Dibiase grabs his foot to prevent Animal coming off the ropes to hit Morgan. Dibiase pleads innocence but that doesn’t stop Hawk rushing at him. Dibiase pulls Test in front of him and it’s Test that takes the brunt of the hit from Hawk. The ref sees Dibiase’s involvement and sends him backstage, much to the crowd’s pleasure. Morgan is in the ring confused at what’s happening and as he turns to get back into the match Animal hits him with a leaping shoulder block and this allows Hawk and Animal to hit the Doomsday Device to get the win and be crowned the new SWE Tag Team Champions. The crowd are ecstatic.

    Week 3
    The SWE Tag Team Champions Legion of Doom has a tag match against Dan Severn and Steve Williams. Hawk squares off with Steve Williams when the crowd start chanting “You are bonkers” repeatedly. This is agitates Williams and Hawk and Animal capitalise to quickly finish off Williams with their Doomsday Device finisher for the victory.

    The Legion of Doom are in the locker room when in comes the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase followed by Matt Morgan and Test. Dibiase demands that his bodyguards Matt Morgan and Test get a rematch for the SWE Heavyweight Championship and that he’s willing to pay whatever it takes to make it happen. Animal replies saying that the Legion of Doom cannot be bought but if Dibiase’s lackeys want another ass kicking then they will get it at Spongemania.

    Week 4
    The main event of the show is a six man tag match as Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez face off against the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Matt Morgan and Test. The Legion of Doom come down and stands ringside to check out their opponents at Spongemania. The match starts with Chavo locking up with Test. Chavo’s speed is too much for Test to start with but as Chavo comes off the rope he is hit by Morgan and this allows Test to take control. Dibiase is tagged in but Chavo escapes and rushes back to tag in Eddie. Dibiase immediately runs back to his corner to tag in Morgan. Morgan comes in and locks up with Eddie. Hernandez distracts the ref and this allows Eddie to give Morgan a low blow. The Legion of Doom laugh and Test confronts them to get them to leave the arena. With Morgan in agony in the ring Eddie gets to the top rope, gives Morgan a frog splash and pins Morgan for the win. Dibiase is very angry outside the ring and himself and Test chase Eddie, Chavo and Hernandez as they retreat up the ramp. Morgan is just coming around in the ring and both Hawk and Animal get into the ring to confront Morgan. Morgan is on his knees pleading with the two to leave him alone and this allows enough time for Dibiase and Test to get back in ring and attack the Legion of Doom from behind. The beatdown continues until security comes in to rescue Hawk and Animal.

    Week 5
    The Legion of Doom are in the ring with the mic. They say that what Matt Morgan and Test did to them last week was a mistake and they are in for one hell of a beating at Spongemania. Matt Morgan and Test come out to the stage with a mic. They say that their time as legends is over and after Spongemania all the Legion of Doom will be fit for is the scrapheap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    The last stop on the road to Spongemania is the SWE Heavyweight Championship Match between the champion Eddie Guerrero and the "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase with special guest enforcer Iron Mike Tyson.
    Week 1
    The show starts with GM Jim Cornette in the ring outlining his plans for the SWE in the run up to Spongemania III. He announces that at the end of the show he plans on crowning the new SWE Heavyweight Champion and shows the fans the title belt in a glass case.

    Later in the show in Cornette’s office Ted Dibiase along with his bodyguards Matt Morgan & Test and give Cornette a brown envelope hinting at an undisclosed favour.

    At the end of the first weeks show Cornette is in the ring with what appears to be the glass case covered by a dark curtain. Cornette announces that the new SWE Heavyweight Champion will be the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. The crowd boo as their suspicions of bribery are confirmed. Dibiase comes out with his bodyguards Matt Morgan & Test and his son Ted Dibiase Jr and are celebrating at the announcement. Cornette uncovers the curtain to present the belt but the glass case is empty. There is confusion in the ring followed by anger as Dibiase wants to know what happened to the belt. “I lie, I cheat, I steal” comes over the arena and out to the stage comes Eddie Guerrero with his Latina gang members Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez. Eddie has the championship belt over his shoulder and the crowd are cheering. He has the mic and tells the group in the ring that he just found this belt lying backstage and decided to claim it for himself. He goes on to further claim that since he has it he may as well be declared champion. Dibiase & Co in the ring are visibly upset as the show ends.

    Week 2
    The show starts with GM Jim Cornette in the ring stating that Eddie Guerrero has ignored all requests to return the SWE Heavyweight Championship belt and wants Eddie to come down to the ring to hand back the belt. Eddie comes down to the ring with Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. They circle Cornette in a threatening fashion. Eddie replies that the belt looks too good around his waist and he is not giving the belt back. The only way Cornette will get the belt back is by pinfall in the ring. Cornette, feeling that he is about to be attacked says fine and then there will be a title match later that night between Guerrero & Ted Dibiase.

    Later in the show Ted Dibiase appears in Cornette’s office accompanied by his bodyguards Matt Morgan. Dibiase is upset at Cornette’s attempt to get the belt back and indicates that he’s not getting value for money. Cornette lets Dibiase know that he will guarantee the result of the title match that night.

    The main event of Week 2’s show is a match for the SWE Heavyweight Championship between Eddie Guerrero and Ted Dibiase. Dibiase’s bodyguards Matt Morgan and Test are ringside along with Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. The match is very even from the start but an attempted interference from Test distracts Eddie enough to allow Dibiase to take control. Dibiase even manages a few customary laughs as he beats down Guerrero. Dibiase is ready to finish it and applies the figure four leglock on Eddie. Eddie is in agony but is saved when Chavo hops up on the apron which distracts the ref enough to allow Hernandez to pull Guerrero to the ropes to break the hold. Dibiase is angry and argues with the ref. He goes to finish off Eddie again but gets a poke to the eyes and now Eddie can get in some offense. He continually weakens Dibiase and is ready to finish it off. Eddie makes his way to the top rope ready to frog splash Dibiase. Morgan however has other plans and gets up on the apron to distract Eddie. This is successful as Dibiase stumbles over to the ropes to knock Eddie off his feet and he falls off the top turnbuckle. Chavo then pulls Morgan off the apron and Morgan’s head collides with the apron to knock him down. The ref goes over to give out to Chavo. Test grabs a steel chair from ringside and slides it in the ring behind the ref’s back. Hernandez sees this and confronts Test over it. The ref goes to the ropes closest to them in an attempt to stop them. This allows Dibiase a chance to pick up the chair but as he does so Chavo grabs his foot and prevents Dibiase picking up the chair. The distraction gives Eddie enough time to pick up the chair. Instead of using it himself he slams it against the mat and chucks it to Dibiase. He then throws himself to the mat in apparent agony. The noise of the chair causes the ref to turn back to the action in the ring and all he sees is Eddie rolling around the ring as if he was hit by the chair and he sees the chair in Dibiase’s hands. He instantly calls for the bell and gets the announcer to declare the winner of the match by disqualification and still SWE Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero. Dibiase is in disbelief as Eddie, Chavo and Hernandez make their way out of the arena with the belt.

    Week 3
    The Million Dollar Man along with his bodyguards storm into Jim Cornette’s office and is visibly upset at what went on last week and the fact that he still doesn’t have the SWE Heavyweight Championship belt. He demands to know what Cornette will do about it. Cornette sheepishly replies that the issue was taken out of his hands by the chairman of the board Mr. Spongey and that he has fixed a match for Spongemania III between Ted Dibiase and Eddie Guerrero for the SWE Heavyweight Championship. Dibiase is again upset at this revelation but calms down and starts laughing as he starts plotting how to make sure he wins that match. Cornette reluctantly adds that Mr Spongey has also appointed a special guest enforcer for the title match. Dibiase gets angrier and demands to know who it is. Cornette adds that he doesn’t know who it is but that it will be announced later in the show.

    Jim Cornette is in the ring and is joined first by Ted Dibiase, Matt Morgan & Test and then by SWE Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. They are all waiting on the announcement of who will be the special guest enforcer. Cornette announces that the special guest enforcer is Iron Mike Tyson. The crowd cheer as Tyson comes out and slots himself between the two factions. The two factions look like they are about to get into an all out brawl but Tyson intimidates both factions into backing down.

    Week 4
    The show starts with Mike Tyson in the ring. He tells the crowd that he is privileged to be chosen as the special guest enforcer at the SWE Heavyweight Championship match at Spongemania. He adds that he will make sure the match will be have no interference from anyone to make sure the main event at Spongemania is a classic that the SWE universe deserves. At that point GM Jim Cornette comes out to a chorus of boos. He has the mic and says that he understands why he was appointed special guest enforcer but questions his integrity to be impartial during the match. He directs Tyson to look at photos on the main screen in which Tyson and Eddie Guerrero along with Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez all looking very friendly. Cornette points out that a picture tells a thousand words and these pictures tell everything we need to know and demands Tyson withdraws from the main event at Spongemania. Tyson laughs at the request and acknowledges Guerrero’s attempts to butter Tyson up but says it did not work. He also adds that Guerrero was not the only one to attempt to butter Tyson up. Cornette pleads ignorance at this but Tyson directs him to the main screen and shows a video taken from a mobile phone of Ted Dibiase treating Tyson to an all-expense paid trip to the strip clubs of Las Vegas. Cornette has his head in his hands in embarrassment. After the video Tyson finishes off by saying he can’t be bought with strippers, hookers or drugs and he will enforce the SWE Heavyweight Championship match with complete impartiality.

    The main event of the show is a six man tag match as Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez face off against the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Matt Morgan and Test. The Legion of Doom come down and stands ringside to check out their opponents at Spongemania. The match starts with Chavo locking up with Test. Chavo’s speed is too much for Test to start with but as Chavo comes off the rope he is hit by Morgan and this allows Test to take control. Dibiase is tagged in but Chavo escapes and rushes back to tag in Eddie. Dibiase immediately runs back to his corner to tag in Morgan. Morgan comes in and locks up with Eddie. Hernandez distracts the ref and this allows Eddie to give Morgan a low blow. The Legion of Doom laugh and Test confronts them to get them to leave the arena. With Morgan in agony in the ring Eddie gets to the top rope, gives Morgan a frog splash and pins Morgan for the win. Dibiase is very angry outside the ring and himself and Test chase Eddie, Chavo and Hernandez as they retreat up the ramp.

    Week 5
    Iron Mike Tyson is in the ring with a large container covered by a curtain. He tells the crowd that enforcing the SWE Heavyweight Championship match at Spongemania is going to be harder than expected. Therefore he is recruiting help for the big match. At that stage the Million Dollar Man along with his bodyguards Matt Morgan and Test come to the ring followed by the champion Eddie Guerrero along with his nephew Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. The two groups look ready to brawl right there in the ring. Tyson adds that he doesn’t want this to turn into a bar fight and to ensure that doesn’t happen he will have a friend ringside. He pulls back the curtain covering the container to reveal a cage with Tyson’s tiger in it. Everyone jumps back in terror and clears the ring. Tyson releases the tiger from the cage but holds him back by the leash. Tyson declares that if there is any interference from anyone in the title match at Spongemania then they will answer to his pet tiger.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,628 ✭✭✭Ando's Saggy Bottom

    Flah Out Wrasslin Ltd presents


    Main Event

    Losers leave town

    The Ultimate Maniacs (Warrior & Macho Man) vs The Corporate Giants (Andre the Giant & Vince McMahon)

    World Title

    Ravishing Rick Rude (c) vs Sid Justice

    Tag Titles

    The Heavenly Bodies (c) vs Rock n Roll Express

    US Title

    Chris Masters (c) vs King Kong Bundy

    Ladder Match for a Tag Title Shot

    The Young Bucks vs Tiger Mask Alliance ( Tiger Mask and Tiger Mask IV)

    The Self Appointed Inter Gender Champion of the World Andy Kaufman vs Chyna

    Junior Heavyweight Title

    Jushin Thunder Liger vs Veteran no hoper Jerry Lynn

    Top heel stable are "Flawless" - Rick Rude, Chris Masters and Heavenly Bodies.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    I've been away doing charity work in Darfur and if you don't believe that I'm sorry for being too lazy to do write ups in the last 15 years since my revious show.

    Back with bang. Last week we were mere sentences away from crowning the new Gráinne Seoige World Heavyweight Champion. Then a power outage occurred. And no, we checked to make sure tinkers weren't using our electricity again. Out Comes José. He thinks he has it all figured out. Out comes the world's tallest ginge and the world's formerly strongest man. They've fire coming out of their eyes. Sheamo claims the Ra were involved. False accusations involving the Ra bring out CM Punk, a known Sinn Féin supporter. Nobody noticed but Samoa Joe was there the entire time. A fatal four way is expected to be announced until BOOM. Mr Batista is here. In the Whitney Houston Memorial Dome.


    The Special One announces a five fear fumble in an elimination match. Last one surviving wins (you'd have to be thick not to know that).

    If you remember there was a shooting last time. No, we didn't have our show taking place in America. It was pissed off metal Inoki. He comes out (not of the closet, more on that later) and has some words to express. He says Big Kev is too injured to compete so he'll make it a fair fight. There's another show before the big PPV and that Nash better turn up at the PPV. He then shoot himself in the kneecap. Fair is fair.

    Homophobia is alive and well on the show. Sabusome are here (I couldnae think of a better name). After the baytin they gave Raven and Dreamer they want the new tag titles. They say they'll beat anybody who'll try them (especially you, reader, they hate you the most). They face n00bs Juventud & Psicosis. Before the Mexicools hit their finisher (they definitely have a finisher) Sabu batters Juve with an Easter egg. Just before Sabu forces Juve to eat the Easter egg the crowd goes bananas. Juve is a sufferer of diabetes and if he eats any chocolate he'll explode. LA PARKA makes the save and clears the ring. La Parka stares down Sabusome.

    Zeke Jackson debuts next week. He does that weird flex thingy.

    Finally we have the big one. As CM Punk makes his entrance he is brutally attacked by Samoa Joe. The Gardaí have to separate the two from each other. They are both DQ'd from the match by José. Sheamo doesn't agree and wants to win by fair means. He is blindsided by Henry and hit with the WSS. He is ELIMINATED!!! The crowd go ape. Everybody was distracted. Batista and Henry stare each other down. Batista looks mad. He spears Henry out of the ring. But Henry grabs the GSWHT!!! He does a legger with José. They were working together the entire time!!!!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    The show with no name returns!! To cool down the tension form the last show we're having a bikini contest. The winner is a lovely young cailín by the name of Flahavaj whose prize is a dinner, fully paid for, with Babs Keating. Lucky girl!


    Batista arrives. Doesn't raise hell. Stays. He was screwed out of the most prestigious belt in all of fantasy booking. He'll murder Henry and his butler Mourinho. He says he has a plan up his sleeve and if he doesn't get a title match at the PPV he'll reveal it tonight. And it'll make Mourinho ****e himself.

    Sheamus is trying to squash the beef between Punk and Joe. Neither of them want to talk about it. A poll on the Diabhal Daily says the issue is probably relating to lover's tension. Our readers are damn good at making broad assumptions.

    We get medical reports on both Inoki and Kev Nash. Both should be grand for the PPV but Kev tested positive for that infection that turns peeps into zombies in the Walking Dead.

    Big Zeke is having his debut. La Parka is his opponent. La Parka wins a competitive match with a wristlock. After the match he is jumped by Sabusome (once again, sorry for the name). Mexicools make the save. Surely they're destined for a match in the next post.

    Finally. The big announcement. Is on the way.

    Sheamo is up next. But he's taken out by Punk and Joe. They're working together???? Must be that time of the month.

    Mourinho is here to make some announcements for the PPV. Nash v Inoki is on. The Mexicools and Parka v Zeke and Sabusome is in a STEEL CAGE. Sheamo will need a partner to face Punk and Joe. Finally, The Special One pussies out and gives Batista his Gráinne Seoige World Title match v Mark Henry.

    Batista makes his way down to the ring. He says he's going to reveal his big surprise for José. The Russian national anthem sounds. IT'S ROMAN ABROMOVICH. The crowd goes mental. Abramovich announces a Lampard on a Pole match as the main event.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC



    The show starts with Dave Shadow standing on a balcony looking out over the arena. He announces that tonight, Cena and Ryder will be able to pick each other's poisons, as they will be choosing their enemy's opponents tonight. Furthermore, neither Ryder nor Cena are allowed to lay a finger on each other tonight, ahead of their clash at the pay per view.
    Zack Ryder (w/Deuce N' Domino) vs Akebono
    Starting the show off, the monster takes on Long Island Iced Z, who looks very nervous all of a sudden, his usual cockiness completely absent in the face of the Sumo. He tries using his speed to gain the upper hand, running circles round the giant, hitting him in the back, but nothing can take him down. The camera backstage shows Cena watching, amused at the sight of Ryder trying to fight Akebono. Eventually, Bono grabs Ryder and starts throwing him round the ring. At one stage, Akebono throws Ryder through the ropes to the ground outside.

    Deuce and Domino grab chairs and start to move round the ring towards Akebono, wanting to come to Ryder's aide, but the ref stops them. They provide ample distraction, however, as three men come through the crowd. Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Roode and Monty Brown start attacking Akebono, with Jarrett nailing the sumo with a guitar shot to the head. They grab Ryder and roll back into the ring before disappearing off into the crowd again.

    The ref slides into the ring, spots Ryder in it and Akebono down outside it, and starts to count. The monster cannot wake quick enough to beat the count, and as soon as the ref counts to ten, Ryder runs away.
    Winner: Zack Ryder

    After coming back from a break, the camera shows Akebono backstage, destroying anything he can get his hands on, still upset after the loss to Ryder. Brodus Clay and Zema Ion approach him, and tell him that he needs to vent his frustration on something worthwhile.

    Also backstage, Killer Kowalski is shown backstage. Delirious walks up to him with Hallowicked behind him, ready to act as interpreter. Delirious talks some nonsense, as Hallowicked tells Kowalski that he's being challenged to a match. Delrious wants to prove to the veteran that he can take anything he throws at him. Kowalski laughs and agrees, but only on the condition that it's a first blood match, saying that if Delerious wants to prove himself, he's got to be willing to shed blood. Delirious agrees, and they shake. As they do, Kowalski slaps Delirious hard across the face and walks off.
    Deuce N Domino vs Goldberg and KENTA
    It's pay per view opponents turned tag team tonight, as Goldberg and KENTA team up against the greasers. The two are obviously way out of the league of Deuce N Domino, and they take turns showing each other their strongest moves, demonstrated on the slimeballs. Goldberg hits the jack hammer on Deuce. KENTA hits a running knee on Domino when he tries to interfere.

    Goldberg teases hitting a spear on KENTA, but as KENTA turns, Goldberg hits it on Deuce instead. Not wanting to be outdone, KENTA hits the Go 2 Sleep on Domino, and they both pin their opponents at the same time.
    Winners: Goldberg & KENTA

    After the match, the two shake hands. As they do, KENTA pulls Goldberg forward and lifts him on his shoulders, teasing the Go 2 Sleep. Goldberg fights out and lands behind KENTA. He spins him round and goes for a Jackhammer, but Kenta fights out of that. At a stalemate, the duo look at each other, grinning from ear to ear, before realising that they are evenly matched, as we go to commercial.

    Coming back from commercial, Deuce and Domino are only getting back up after their ass kicking. At the commentary desk, JR and Jerry Lawler are revelling in their pain. JR is sporting a bruise on the side of his head. Deuce and Domino spot the commentators laughing, and move over to them, screaming at them. Lawler stands up, ready to fight and even blocks the first punch of Deuce, clocking him in the side of the jaw first. This further enrages Deuce and Domino, who grab Lawler and push him down, ready to attack him.

    However, before they can, Chuck Norris comes out, and warns them to stop. He says that if they are so desperate to fight, they can do it at the pay per view. Norris offers Lawler the chance to have a match against Deuce or Domino. Lawler looks to JR who stands up beside him. Lawler grabs a microphone and says that he wants both. Lawler asks for a tag match; Deuce N' Domino against Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jim Ross. Norris agrees, and tells Deuce and Domino to leave the arena right now.

    We see Zack Ryder approach Santino Marella backstage, as Ryder tells him that he's chosen him to face Cena tonight. Ryder achknowledges he could have chosen someone tougher than Santino, but he knows that Santino can appreciate Ryder's desire to prove himself. Santino says he can appreciate the sentiment, but not the actions. He tells Ryder that he is not the friend he once was, and that Ryder has let himself, and his cult following, down. Ryder says that it's too bad Santino feels that way, but wishes him luck regardless.

    Finally, we cut to another dressing room, where Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Roode and Monty Brown walk in, laughing and joking with each other. They stop dead though when they notice the room has been thrashed, all of their stuff lying broken on the ground. They start to get angry when Akebono appears at the door (not in it, because he's bigger than it). Clay and Ion are behind him. Akebono stares them down, daring them to retaliate. Realising they won't, Akebono speaks some words. He informs them that the match at the pay per view will be a Falls Count Anywhere elimination match. He smrisk and leaves.
    John Cena vs Santino
    As Santino makes his way out, it is clear he's taking this match seriously. There's no comedy walk down the ramp, there's no gesturing to the crowd. Just a man with a point to prove.

    Still, he is obviously outclassed by Cena. Santino gets a few shots in here and there, throwing the odd strike whcih connects, but Cena still dominates. Cena looks like he doesn't want to damage Santino, respecting the fight he's putting up, but Cena holds the advantage on numerous levels.

    Reluctant to continue the match, Cena goes for a pin but Santino kicks out. He tries again bu Santino refuses to give in. Cena picks him up, and nails him with an Attitude Adjustment. Santino rolls over onto his stomach, and Cena looks at him, wondering if he should go for the STFU. Deciding that a tap out would be too much, Cena rolls Santino back and covers him for the three count.
    Winner: John Cena

    After the match, Cena helps Santino up and offers a handshake. As he celebrates, Santino claps his hands. Suddenly, Ryder, Deuce and Domino come running down to the ring, three men ambushing two who are tired after a match. Ryder beats down Santino, knowing he cannot lay a finger on Cena, leaving Deuce N Domino to that task. But Cena fights back, throwing them out of the ring. He moves to Ryder, but Ryder simply encourages him, knowing that if Cena strikes him, there'll be reprecussions. Cena is tempted. So tempted.

    Dave Shadow walks out with a microphone and says he's decided to lift the no contact clause. Cena punches Ryder before the sentence is finished, and Ryder bails, running up the ramp. Shadow says that he wants to make sure there's no outside interfernce at the pay per view. He says if Ryder wants to find out who is the better man, if he wants to prove himself, he can do so inside of a roofed Steal Cage! He wants Cena. He's got him. No tricks. no traps. No escape. Just man vs man. Ryder looks scared and Cena, for the first time in weeks, looks giddy with excitement.

    Pay Per View Card

    John Cena vs Zack Ryder

    Goldberg vs KENTA

    Akebono, Brodus Clay & Zema Ion vs Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown & Bobby Roode

    Deuce N' Domino vs Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross

    Killer Kowalski vs Delirious

    Also on the card...
    Chuck Norris
    Naomichi Marufuji
    Santino Marella

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut


    Bret Hart was fired after failing to gain his no.1 contendership after the Shield (Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns) attacked Bret in a match against the Big Show. The Rock insulted the fans. Bret Hart appeared from the crowd and attacked The Rock. The following week Bret attacked The Rock while he was filming Hercules. Last week Bret and Viscera joined forces driving into the arena and forcing Gorilla to sign Bret vs Rock for the PWF Title and Viscera vs Gorilla Monsoon. In return, both Bret and Viscera agreed to leave the PWF once and for all if they lose their respective matches.

    The 2MB Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal lost the tag team belts to the Natural Disasters, who will defend against The Shield (Rollins/Reigns) tonight. 2MB split up leading to a match for the vacant television title tonight.

    Muhammed Hassan attacked Val Venis; then Marc Mero attacked both of them the following week. The following week Venis take an atheist stance while Hassan took an Islamic stance and Mero took on a Christianity stance, setting up a triple threat match with Hassan's Intercontinental Title on the line. Just before this PPV, it was announced that this would be a ladder match.

    The Shield attacked Mick Foley in a match against The Big Show. The Big Show denied any involvement with The Shield. The following week Mick Foley (and the camera) saw the shadow of a very tall man giving orders to The Shield, and again accused the Big Show of being involved with the Shield before an all-out brawl took place. Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose was announced as The Shield stood tall at the end of the show. Then last week the Shield attacked The Big Show, leading to Shaquille O'Neal coming out and being revealed as the tall man in charge of The Shield. This led to a grudge match between Shaq and The Big Show being booked for tonight's PPV. In addition, Mick changed into Cactus Jack and only accepted the match with Ambrose on the condition that it would be Hell-In-A-Cell.

    The Bella twins had a falling out over Val Venis and the first ever PWF Women's match was booked with the new Women's title on the line.

    PWF Presents Battle-Mania!!

    Commentator: Hello, and welcome to Battle-Mania!!!!!!!!!!! What a night this is going to be.

    Battle of the rock star egos: Heath Slater vs Jinder Mahal (PWF Television Title)

    "It's the one-man band"

    Commentator: First up a match for the vacant Television Title! Heath Slater is gone solo again, he is once more the one-man band.

    Jinder Mahal's old mystical music hits.

    Heath: I don't need this. This city sucks and I didn't get all my rider demands met. I had to eat Burger King!! Everyone knows I only like McDonalds!!! I got some hit singles you know. Show some respect coz I'm the one man band, baby!!


    Heath: Oh, it's like that? Then I'm out of here.

    Commentator: Heath Slater must think he's Axl Rose. Jinder attacks Heath Slater from behind and the bell rings. Looks like Heath has no choice only to compete.


    Commentator: Heath Slater with a flying clothesline...showing some real athleticism...can he get the And Heath is annoyed with the referee...turns around...dropkick from Mahal. And now Jinder's got the Camel Clutch locked this one over?

    Commentator: Heath still struggling here, he's gotta tap. Oh, but he's showing some fight, he manages to break out...and..........hurricanrana...I haven't seen Heath do that before...he might win over this crowd. And a big DDT...think he calls that the Smash Hit! 1......2......3 He got it. Heath Slater has defeated Jinder Mahal and that match was about as good as could possibly be expected in all honesty.

    Announcer: The winner of this match and new PWF Television Champion...Heath Slater!

    Commentator: Heath storming out of here with the title, he's not happy with this crowd at all. Tough crowd is normal in the Rock N' Roll business, Heath. You got to get used to it.


    Backstage, Brie Bella is talking to Cactus Jack.

    Commentator: Looks like Cactus Jack is giving Brie some advice on how to be hardcore. I don't know if that's a good idea. But at least she isn't taking advice about how to be hardcore from Chyna.

    No disqualification match for the PWF Women's Championship: Brie Bella vs Niki Bella

    "You can look but you can't touch"

    The Bella Twins music plays. Out comes Brie Bella.

    Commentator: Well up next, another...ahem.. potential classic as the Bella Twins fight each other for the new PWF Women's Championship. What is unique is that this match is No DQ and both girls have promised a street fight. Pretty sure this is Brie, could be wrong though.

    The Bella Twins music plays again. Out comes Nikki Bella.

    Commentator: And Nikki going straight after Brie, I think. Honestly I can't tell them apart. Nikki whips Brie into the corner and a big knee to the gut. This match has started brutally. Top rope....Nikki lands on Brie. 1....2...kickout. Nikki now throws Brie out of the ring. Nikki is on the outside now picking Brie up by the hair. Oh but Brie counters and back body drop onto the steps...that was sickening. Nikki is in agony. And Brie now heading towards our announce table. Hey Brie you are looking nice dare you push me!!! Hey, gimme back my chair. Brie Bella just took my damn chair...what the...oh goddammit... she just slammed Nikki right across the back with my chair...this is sickening.

    Commentator: Now Brie throws Nikki back into the ring. Goes for the!! Nikki kicked out. Now Brie is back on her feet and she throws Nikki out of the ring. Oh but Nikki caught that top rope, she's on the apron, and she's fighting back and Brie is down. Now where is she going? She's on the outside. She's got that chair. Oh no...somebody stop this! Back into the ring. Turn around Brie.......oh my god.........chairshot straight across the forehead. What in God's name has gotten into these girls? And look at their parents in the audience they are pulling their hair out.

    Commentator: And now for the cover....1...2....kickout. How the hell did Brie kick out of that. This is amazing!!

    Commentator: Nikki is on her feet but look at that she's busted open. And Brie now showing some sympathy I think...oh no she just threw Nikki out of the ring. This is the most insane Diva's match I've ever seen. And now, Brie....why are you coming towards me again. Oh no she threw Nikki on top of this announce table. Don't do this's not worth it. She's climbing up herself. But Nikki fights back, kick to the gut. Wait a minute...Bella Buster...and the announce table God!!!!!!!!!!!

    Commentator: Both of these young women are out cold. This is......I've never seen anything like this. Here comes Gorilla Monsoon..the president of the PWF...about time. Somebody needs to stop this match before these two ladies kill each other. Nikki Bella is back on her feet and the blood is pouring from her forehead. Gorilla Monsoon talking to the referee I think he's telling him to end the match...oh but kick to the balls..Nikki just kicked Monsoon right where the sun don't shine...she doesn't want this match to end. She has Brie on her feet, back in the ring. God how the hell did Brie kick out of that????

    Commentator: Nikki looking underneath the ring...wait a, come on!!! She has that 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. I assume Cactus Jack left that there for his match. No come on don't do that!! That's your sister, goddamit. Argh!!!! She's hitting her own twin with it...this is sick!!!! How much more punishment can these two girls take. And now going up top. Wait a she going to jump off with that 2x4????? Oh but Brie is somehow back on her feet. She climbs the turnbuckle. Superplex!!!! And Nikki landed on that chair from earlier. Brie manages to make the cover.....1.........2........3. She got it!!

    Announcer: The winner of this match and new PWF Women's champion, Brie Bella!!!!!!!!!!

    Commentator: I ain't ever seen a woman's match like that before. Scratch that, I don't know if I've seen any match like that before. Both these young ladies are busted open. And look at their poor parents...crying like babies. This is shocking stuff here!


    Ladder Match for the PWF Intercontinental Title: Muhammed Hassan (c) vs Val Venis vs Marvellous Marc Mero

    Val Venis music hits.

    Commentator: Val Venis getting somewhat of a mixed reaction. We got the news today that this triple threat much for the Intercontinental Title will now be a ladder match. The Intercontinental Title has been hung above the ring.

    Val: Hello Ladies.......You know I might not have God in my life like my two opponents today...but if you come back to my hotel tonight, you might just get a little taste of heaven!

    Marvellous Marc Mero's music hits.


    Mero: Leviticus 20:13. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. You bleeding heart liberals, supporting Gay marriage, you make me sick. Why don't you watch God's hand helping me climb up this ladder to victory here tonight. How very symbolic.

    Muhammad Hassan's music hits.

    Commentator: Here comes the Intercontinental champion.

    Muhammad: I am going to beat the living **** out of both of you American assholes, inshallah!


    Commentator: How very holy of Muhammad Hassan.

    Marc: You will surely please your God today because I am gonna make you a martyr!

    Commentator: Tough words from Marc Mero. This crowd evenly divided between all three men as if there are no good guys and no bad guys. And now we get under way. Mero going after Hassan here in the opening. Meanwhile Val Venis sitting back. Look, he's talking to some broads in the audience. Well why should he expend energy and get hurt, when he can let Mero and Hassan do all the work?

    Commentator: Hassan with the upperhand, but wait a minute, out of nowhere...TKO!!! Marvellous Marc Mero countered with a TKO. And both
    men are down. And now Val Venis, who hasn't been in the action grabbing a ladder. And he's got a cigarette..he's smoking. Look how confident this guy is. Setting up the ladder and now he's gonna climb. He's got the title in his grasp, but can he take it? But there's Mero...he pushes the ladder and the Big Valbowski just landed on the top rope. I guess that will ruin the taste of heaven. Now Mero picks up the ladder and hits Venis with it, and Val falls to the floor. And now Mero setting up the ladder in the middle of the ring. He starts to climb but Hassan is up and he's climbing on the other side. Mero is touching that he belt, can he grab it. Both he and Hassan fighting like crazy...DDT off the ladder!!! Hassan just DDT'd Mero off the ladder. All 3 men are down. What a match here.


    Commentator: Venis setting up a ladder on the outside. What's he doing, he can't get the title from out there. He climbs up. He's going for it...Money Shot...he hit the Money Shot on Marc Mero...I don't know if that was wise but this crowd loves it. And now Muhammad Hassan trying to climb up. Val Venis manages to stand up and pulls Hassan off.....not in a sexual way, you sick minded people!! And he throws Hassan out of the ring. He cliimbs the ladder. Marc Mero is up now. They are both on top of the ladder. Now Venis slamming Mero's head into the top of the ladder and then he punched him...Mero fell all the way to the ring. And now Venis continues to climb. He's got the title.

    Commentator: He's done it. Val Venis is the new Intercontinental Champion.

    Announcer: The winner of this match....and new Intercontinental Champion...Val Venis!!!!


    Commentator: Another great match and it looks like God was too busy tonight because neither Mero nor Hassan got the help they needed.


    Viscera's music hits.


    Gorilla Monsoon vs Viscera (Viscera's career on the line)

    Commentator: These two 400-pound behemoths about to collide. Viscera is a victim of Monsoon's rule here in the PWF and he got sacked, along with Bret Hart but both men managed to force Monsoon to give them matches here with the chance of getting their careers back on track.

    Gorilla Monsoon's music hits.


    Commentator: This crowd doesn't like Gorilla Monsoon one bit.


    Commentator: Gorilla Monsoon trying to lift up Viscera....can he do it. Yes! Gorilla Slam!! Absolutely amazing. And Gorilla Monsoon against the ropes....Manchurian Splash! 1........2............3. Gorilla Monsoon has defeated Viscera, which means Viscera has to retire. The crowd are booing. You may not like Gorilla Monsoon's actions here of late...but he proved tonight he can still get it done where it the middle of that ring.


    Weeeeeeeeeeelllllllllll, It's The Big Show!!!

    14-feet of terror: The Big Show vs Shaquille O'Neal

    Commentator: This next match has been over four years in the making after both Shaq and The Big Show first met in 2009 on WWE Raw.
    Shaq no longer the crowd favourite after it was revealed he was the man financing The Shield, in some twisted attempt to take over this company. When we found out that the leader of The Shield was around7 feet tall we all thought it was The Big Show. He got blamed and everybody hated the friendly giant. Now that the truth is out The Big Show is looking to exact revenge but it won't be easy. Shaq is 7"1ft and 325lbs.

    Some rap music hits as Shaq comes out.


    Commentator: Here he comes, possibly the most dominating centre in NBA history, wearing his Miami Heat jersey, he won his last NBA championship ring with them.

    Big Show: I've got a suggestion. We add a little challenge before tonight's match, and the winner gets to choose the stipulation.

    Shaq: What kinda challenge?

    Big Show: Well, it relates to your forte, Basketball. You had a show called Shaq Vs, well think of this as like Big Show Vs Shaq at his own game.

    Shaq: Haha you want to challenge me to a basketball game?

    Big Show: Not exactly but its related to basketball.

    Shaq: You're on.

    Big Show: Ok, so how about a little free throw competition?


    Commentator: What? Everyone knows Shaq sucks at free throws. Big Show tricked him and Shaq is shocked. But somebody is bringing out to a basketball net on wheels, so I guess this is going to happen.

    Big Show scores 1 of his 2 free throws.

    Commentator: Can Shaq do it? No, he misses the first one. He goes again.....he misses again. The Big Show wins a free throw match against Shaquille O'Neal. But can Shaquille O'Neal win a wrestling match against The Big Show?

    Big Show: Who thinks white men can't jump now? I choose a tables Match!!!!!!!!!!!

    Commentator: Big Show clearly wants to hurt Shaquille O'Neal...and he's already hurt his pride.


    Commentator: This match is underway. Big Show with the upper hand so far. WMD!!!!!!!! Shaq is out cold. And now Big Show setting up a table. He lifts up Shaq. Is he gonna slam him through? Oh, Shaq manages to escape this time. And now Shaq fighting back...oh but Big Show has him by the throat....going for the Chokeslam through the table....Shaq managed to push the table out of the way just in time but he still got Chokeslammed onto the mat and he is out cold. The Big Show looking frustrated now.


    Commentator: Big Show runs against the ropes...oh but Shaq with a kick to the gut and look at the power...he's lifting The Big Show; this is amazing. And he turns around and jumps...and dunks The Big Show straight through the table on the outside...that was amazing.


    Announcer: The winner of this match.....Shaquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiille O'Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal!!!!!!

    Commentator: Who could have expected that...The Big Show's plan backfired on him. Oh but The Big Show is back on his feet....WMD!! But its too late now. The Big Show is walking out of here an angry giant.


    The stadium rumbles as the Natural Disasters theme is played and out comes Earthquake & Typhoon.


    PWF Tag-Team Titles: Natural Disasters (c) vs The Shield (Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins)

    Commentator: 846lbs of humanity; these guys are two absolute monsters. This is going to be a massive challenge for the Shield to pull off this one.

    Sierra! Hotel! India! Echo! Lima! Delta! Shield!


    Commentator: Here comes Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. 497lbs...they are relatively tiny compared to their opponents but you gotta believe that they have enough skill to pull this one off. Dean Ambrose is here as well....why?

    Roman: You may be wondering why Dean is here...well when we win tonight, we will be defending the tag titles with the Freebirds rule, any two of us will be able to defend it! So he has every right to be here.

    Commentator: Well you would think Ambrose should be preparing for his Hell-In-A-Cell match later.


    Commentator: Earthquake throws Roman Reigns to the outside. Meanwhile Seth Rollins and Typhoon, going at it. The referee is distracted. And now Dean Ambrose attacking Typhoon. But wait a minute, here comes Cactus Jack, and he's attacking Dean Ambrose. Looks like they want to start their match right now!!


    Commentator: Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, knocking Typhoon down. And now they've got the legal man, Earthquake. And a massive double powerbomb. Wow!! Seth Rollins going for the pin...1....2...3. He got it.

    Announcer: The winners of this match...and new PWF Tag-team Champions....The Shield.

    Commentator: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns have done it, but let's go backstage now, to where Cactus Jack and Dean Ambrose are still fighting. And now Ambrose, throws Cactus Jack straight into that food stand. This is absolute carnage!


    Commentator: Cactus Jack is back on his feet. And now here's the PWF President, Gorilla Monsoon. Trying to get these guys into the ring to start their match. And now Cactus Jack on top, hitting Ambrose and now finally Ambrose falls from backstage onto the entrance ramp. And Cactus Jack has that chair. Oh, my God, slammed straight onto the back of Dean Ambrose. And now, no wait a minute, don't do it...piledriver onto the chair. Ambrose it out. But Cactus can't win this one out there, he has to get Ambrose into the ring. And now he carries Ambrose towards the ring. Oh, but Ambrose fighting out...Suplex. Right onto the concrete outside the ring. And both men are down. Here comes the referee, now he's trying to get these guys in the ring...oh but he's at the receiving end of a punch from Cactus Jack.

    Commentator: Cactus Jack going to whip Ambrose, but Ambrose reverses and throws Cactus Jack into those steel steps...both men are down again just outside the ring. And now the cell is coming down. That's probably the only way they can keep these guys locked in.


    Commentator: Ambrose throws Cactus Jack into the ring and follows him in. And finally the bell rings to start the match.

    Hell In A Cell: Cactus Jack vs Dean Ambrose

    Commentator: And now, one of the referees around the ring is closing the door to the cell. But Ambrose whips Cactus Jack over the ring and through the door before it could be locked!! This is insane. Ambrose climbs the turnbuckle - and a flying elbow drop onto Cactus Jack. Both men outside the cell. Ambrose up straight away and throws Cactus Jack straight into that cell face first. And now Ambrose has a chair. Ambrose is unstoppable; he's on fire right now. Cactus Jack is up.....and a chairshot to the head of Cactus Jack. Ambrose showing his brutal side.


    Commentator:Cactus Jack is busted open. Foley might lose his other ear. And another shot by Ambrose straight to the head...this is sickening. And he's going for another one...oh but this time Cactus Jack blocks the chair and kicks it back into Ambrose who falls down. Cactus Jack now using the cell to climb to his feet. He's climbing up the cell, and an elbow drop. Both men are down.


    Commentator: Cactus Jack now with that 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire he took from underneath the ring..and he is driving it into Ambrose's face...disgusting. Ambrose is busted open now. But he grabs that chair again and hits Cactus Jack again....desperation move to get that 2x4 out of his face. Ambrose is climbing the cell to get away from Cactus Jack again. Ambrose is on top of the cell! And he's holding that chair and inviting Cactus Jack up. I think he is mocking Mick Foley who did the exact same to the Undertaker at the beginning of their match at King of The Ring 1998, before falling off the cell minutes later. Remember that one of Ambrose's biggest problems with Mick Foley is that he is more famous for his big falls than in-ring ability which made him a bad role model for young wrestlers. Now, Cactus Jack is only too happy to climb up after Ambrose. Cactus with that 2x4 still. Ambrose goes to hit Cactus with that chair. But Cactus manages to hit Ambrose in the leg with that 2x4 wrapped in Barbed Wire. Ambrose is limping away now. Cactus manages to climb onto the top of the cell. Piledriver! Cactus Jack just hit a piledriver on Ambrose on top of the cell. Wait a minute, what's that Cactus has? He just lit the 2x4 on fire...oh my god!!

    Commentator: Now he's hitting Ambrose with that weapon. This is crazy. Ambrose is struggling here but somehow's he on his feet. He promised earlier today that Cactus would make his final big fall tonight. But now he's fighting back, and out of nowhere a big powerbomb...Ambrose with the big move on Cactus Jack on top of the cell. The cell broke slightly but just managed to support both these men...I don't know how! Ambrose up now, and he's dragging Cactus to the edge of this cell by the arm. Oh no...Mrs. Foley's baby boy might be going for the ride. This is bad. He's got him...oh but Cactus fighting back out of nowhere...AND FOLEY THREW AMBROSE OF THE CELL INTO THE CROWD...absolutely insane!!!!!!!! Ambrose might just be dead!! Even Mick Foley looks shocked and he has seen it all.


    Commentator: The medics are still working on Ambrose and the fans who he landed on...absolute carnage here at ringside. And here comes Cactus Jack. Oh and he knocked Ambrose off the stretcher. Showing no mercy. The medics are trying to stop him getting to Ambrose but Cactus Jack is fighting them off. What has gotten into Mick Foley? Now he has Ambrose on his shoulder and he's bringing him into the ring. Somebody needs to stop him...Ambrose needs to go to a hosptial. And he might get that chance very quickly as Foley covers him for the!!! Ambrose kicked out. I dunno if Foley got it...the referee says no. I can't believe this...this match is not over yet. Cactus is angry and now he's got the mandible claw on this referee. Another referee out. The crowd beginning to turn on Cactus Jack. Oh now he's looking under the ring again. He's got some thumb-tacks. No!!! Don't do that!! Now he's putting them all over the ring. He's picking Ambrose up...this is bad...but Ambrose counters with a kick to the stomach. How is he still standing? And now he's got Cactus up....Midnight Special. Onto the thumb-tacks...absolutely amazing!! Both men down. Ambrose drapes his arm across Cactus Jack. Can he do it? But there's no referee. Wait a minute. Here comes another one at last. 1....2.......3. He did it. Dean Ambrose has defeated Cactus Jack. He survived being thrown off the cell into the crowd and managed to come back and get the pinfall. I will never know how.

    Announcer: The winner of this match....Dean Ambrose.

    Commentator: Dean Ambrose has not only won this match...but he's also won over the crowd with an incredible performance. Both men are gonna need to get stretchered out I think.


    PWF Title: The Rock (c) vs Bret Hart (Bret's career on the line)

    Bret Hart's music hits.


    Commentator: Here comes Bret Hart, looking to prove that he can once again be the top man in Professional Wrestling. Possibly the most technically gifted performer in the history of the business, but can he deal with the never-say-die attitute of his opponent? If



    Commentator: Here comes the PWF Champion and he means business. These two fought just once before, way back in 1997 for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. That match ended in a countout. Let's hope this one doesn't. PWF Championship and Bret's career on the line and these fans want to see a winner!!


    Commentator: The bell rings and both men trade punches. Now The Rock has Bret Hart in the corner. But Bret Hart recovers and hits a backbreaker on The Rock. 1...2...and The Rock kicks out.


    Commentator: Both men trading big moves. And now The Rock has Bret in the corner. But now Bret pulls the leg of the The Rock and wraps it around the ring post in a figure four leg lock....amazing!!! Will The Rock tap? Oh but finally he manages to kick Bret Hart to the mat. The Rock joins Bret Hart at ringside but he is favouring that left leg. Over here towards our announce table and The Hitman gets his head slammed into the announce table. Hey, Rock what are you doing?

    The Rock (with commentator's headset on): Get out of the way; The Rock has something to say. Bret, you must have some of these (points to his crotch), challenging The Great One to this match but The Rock says this; The Rock will take you down Know Your Role Boulevard which is on the corner of Jabroni Drive and check you directly into the Smackdown Hotel! No screwjob required, just the beatdown of a lifetime. Because The Rock is the best there is the best there was and there best there ever will be - now take this.

    The Rock slams Bret face first into that announce table again.

    Commentator: Now Bret is fighting back. And he's going for a suplex on the outside. Oh no...The Rock is holding his back. Now Bret throws him into the ring. Going for a piledriver, but the Rock with a back body drop. And now he's going for it, Bret's own finisher, the sharpshooter.

    Commentator: Bret made fun of The Rock for not being able to do the sharpshooter right but right now he seems to be a lot of pain. But if there is one guy who knows how to break out of the sharpshooter it's Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. And he does, and now he's locking on the sharpshooter himself...he got it. The Rock has gotta tap. He's getting towards the rope....will he tap? Oh and finally he makes it to the rope. Now, Bret picks him up...piledriver. 1.........2........and The Rock kicks out.


    Commentator: Both men are absolutely exhausted! And Bret goes for the Irish whip...Rock reverses...against the ropes. Rock Bottom!!! Rock Bottom, that's gotta be it.! Bret Hart kicked out. Unbelievable. The Rock is shocked. And now The Rock lifts Bret up, goes for another Rock Bottom...Bret counters and goes for the legs, going for the Sharpshooter again, but the rock kicks him off; Irish whip....Spinebuster. Here we go, the crowd booed him earlier but now they are on their feet. Off one rope, of the other...People's Elbow. 1.................2...............Bret kicked out again...unbelievable!!

    Commentator: And now Bret is on his feet. But the Rock, one punch, and another, spits on his hand, another hit, throws Bret against the turnbuckle. Now he charges towards the turnbuckle but Bret moves out of the way. Kick to the stomach...another Piledriver from the Hitman...surely that's it., the Rock kicks out. Now it's Bret turn to be shocked.

    Commentator: Bret's on his feet, but so is The Rock. Big dropkick by the Hitman. But the Rock kept his balance. Bret is back up and walks straight into a second Rock Bottom. Unbelievable. Both men are down. The Rock manages to crawl towards Bret and drape his arm over. That's gotta be it...1............2............3..............did he get it? No, the referee says 2, the Rock can't believe it. Bret kicked out of two Rock Bottoms and the People's Elbow, what has he gotta do to win this one?

    Commentator: Now The Rock whips Bret into the ropes...Spinebuster. Will we see another People's Elbow? Off one rope, off another; but Bret grabs the Rock's leg, gets up....Sharpshooter...amazing!! The Rock has gotta tap. Can he get to the ropes...he's almost there...and he's tapping, he's tapping. The bell rings and Bret has done it. Bret is PWF Champion!!!

    Announcer: The winner of this match, and new PWF Heavyweight Champion...Bret "The Hitmaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" Hart.

    Commentator: This crowd loves it. What a match. And what a night!

    PWF Title: Bret Hart defeated The Rock to become the new PWF Champion and save his career

    Hell In A Cell: Dean Ambrose defeated Cactus Jack

    14-feet of terror: Shaquille O'Neal defeated The Big Show in a tables match

    PWF Tag-Team Titles: The Shield (Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins) defeated the Natural Disasters to become the new tag-team champions.

    Career on the line: Gorilla Monsoon defeated Viscera so Viscera had to retire.

    PWF Intercontinental Title: Val Venis defated Muhammed Hassan and Marc Mero in a Ladderr match to win the PWF Intercontinental Championship

    PWF Women's Championship: Brie Bella defeated Niki Bella to win the PWF Women's Championship

    Rock star egos: Heath Slater defeated Jinder Mahal to become the new PWF Television Champion.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    VaVoom Lucha BeatTV1.3 Live from Georgia Dome, Altanta Georgia


    The show opens with a promo of BeatTV1.2. We get a viewing of the Lucha VaVoom entrance promo but tonight it is different. We get flickerings of the new darker influences “taking over”. Over the sounds of dogs barking we get a reminder of the savage attack by the British trio of The Dynamite Kid, Davy Boy Smith and Paul Burchill. Over the sounds of pumping techno music we get a further montage of the world champ TAFKA Goldust’s wacky antics and finally over the menacing laugh which we heard at the end of BeatTV1.2 we get clips relating to the puzzling occurrence at the end of last week’s main event. The clips flash of the University’s return to valour which was bizarrely cut short by the abduction of “The Dean” Shane Douglas. With these many dark clouds falling over 2VL wrestling, the fans and viewers and roster all await with interest as to what in god’s name is going on?


    We open backstage to an utterly flustered University trying to compose themselves. Laurinaitis is power walking backstage flacked by his recruits. He asks “What the hell was that?”, “Who the Hell was that?” and “Why the hell was that?” Otunga tries to answer his boss with all answers falling on flat ears. Nowinski tries to calm down Laurinaitis but is told “This is no time for calm”. They stop abruptly just outside the dressing room of the 2VL World champ TAFKA Goldust. Laurinaitis paces up and down, rubbing his brow and fixing his tie as he informs the University
    Laurinaitis: “I’d had enough of this F*cking idiot’s crap. He has stayed out of our way until now but no he is barking up the wrong tree. He can’t do this to an esteemed member of our society. Perfect! Get the door!!”
    Joe Hennig grabs the handle pushing the door. The university all storm into the strangely decorated dressing room. It is all neon lights and freakishly placed mannequins all outfits which the many outfits of Goldust. The TAFKA Goldust is lying on a bed draped in two scantily clad models. Upon seeing his intruders he pushes the females off him reaching for a baseball bat ajar to the bed. Laurinaitis bravely walks with real intent towards to the champs. His lackeys directly behind, the trio seem much less courageous than their leader. Johnny is met with a “keep your distance” baseball bat rested on his chin. He bats it away violently.


    Laurinaitis: “Ok Dustin! You have had your fun. Now are you willing to tell me where is Shane is and what in the blue hell are you playing at?”

    Goldust: “Johnny. Johnny. Johnny welcome to my dungeon. Can I offer you one of my sweet little minions to ease your stressed little head? Now now now, you waltz in here throwing around accusations,*lifts up the bat again* Accusations which are all puzzling to me. As much as I loved the ghoulish bloodbath Mr.Douglas got, it had nothing to do with me. If you haven’t noticed I’ve been more than busy dealing with an old angry cowboy and a world title to be occupying myself with. Plus a gruesome bloodbath is so 90s. The only thing I’m covering people in isn’t blood*winks at the skank he just threw off him*. So if all you high and mighty saved by the bells would go back to playing Mr.Bellding and make your way out of my freak nest you won’t have to cross this violent, dangerous unpredictable individual and nobody will need to join Shane Douglas, wherever it is, he is”.

    The lights go down and there is a large banging noise. It sounds like steel on steel. There are shouts and even screams coming from members of the university. As the lights come back on we see the University spinning and turning with fear to see who is coming to get them. It is nobody. The racket is coming from Goldust striking the edge of his four poster bed with the baseball bat. He stops and grins at the University as they cower with fear. Pushing the bat into the chest at the nearby Otunga’s chest he gives a send-off to his accusers.

    Goldust: “Look out there. It’s a very scary scary place. Now please get the f*ck out of here and never EVVVER get up in my face”

    The University back out of the room with a stunned faces as they now look for the man,woman or thing that has their friend Shane Douglas. [/I]

    We join the white hot arena, the commentary team run down the card and quiz the encounter between The University and TAFKA Goldust. As the commentators talk about who could have possibly done what was done to Douglas? Brutas “The Barber” Beefcake’s, music hits and the crowd go wild. Brutus cuts and struts as he looks to face “The Ripper” Paul Burchill in a one fall match. Burchill enters moments later followed closely by his new mentors the British Bulldogs. Davy Boy rubs the foaming at the mouth Burchill’s shoulders as Dynamite harks orders and tactics at The Ripper. Burchill leaps into the ring and instantly catches Beefcake by the throat. He unloads on The Barber with perfectly placed punches. He is measuring Brutus as the Bulldogs applaud. Burchill chokes Brutus on the rope until the ref interrupts the Brit. As Brutus lies on the rope Dynamite grabs a fistful of hair and head butts the Barbershop host. Burchill starts to mock the Barber and starts to grab him by the hair tossing him to the corner buckle violently. Not allowing him rest he again grabs his hair and tosses the barber again. To make it a trilogy, he again grabs a handful of hair but this time instead of letting go he does a big swinging around the centre of the ring. This shockingly rips out some of Brutus’ hair. As the ref, quite rightly, stops Burchill from using the hair Beefcake lies in the corner. He grabs his shears and digs them into The rippers ribs. The ref calls for the bell and the Bulldogs hit the ring with pace. The Brits triple team The Barber hitting a plethora of high octane moves. A running powerslam from Davy, A diving headbutt from Dynamite followed closely by an impressive C4 from Burchill. As we see the brutal the tag champs enter to save the bloodied Barber. When the Bulldogs see the tag champs they laugh and continue to slap around Beefcake. They finally feed the carcass to their Rottweiler in training Burchill who picks up Bruti for a gorilla press and fires him at the champs on the ramp. The duo safely catch Beefcake and drop him into their arms. They point at the Bulldog who laugh at their dirty work. As we move to commercial the Dynamite kid makes the belt gesture to his waist.


    A “Don't try this at home” promo airs.
    We join the group of the Bulldogs and Burchill. They snatch the mike off interview and building on their destruction they fling the guy into the hoarding behind. Dynamite takes lead and with a bullish manner stares at the camera and rants.

    Dynamite: “YOU SEE THAT!!!!!? YOU SEE THAT!!!!!? All you idiot yanks are fodder for us hooligans from across the water. You paint yourself as the greatest nation on the planet. -Rah-rah-rah god bless the good old U S of A. Murica- The Lions of the earth with the strongest pride, that hold great pride. Well hate to point this out but it has taken little more than a pack of dogs to show you what you really are. A guitar playing fool, a camp barber and a blonde haired meathead sum up you yanks. In Europe man are man. The way we've steam rolled our way through the competition here in 2VL we've proven that. I must highlight that our unapologetic ways may seem brutish but we are in the fighting game. We are here to prove we are the greatest team in world. We're after Honky and Valentine's gold. Pure wrestling talent with fight, technical ability and a proud heritage to match that of our country. Our history doesn't involve a search for oil. Our kings and queens have led a countless courageous men and women as we conquered the world. The Bulldogs and Burchill will follow this tradition as we conquer 2VL and the north American wrestling scene.”

    He drops the mike and the trio storm off.
    Next up is The Von Erich's Vs Otunga, Nowinski and Joe Hennig.
    The Von Erich's come out to a huge pop. The very sombre grouping of The University come out to a chorus of boos. It is almost as if they are tip-toeing around and looking behind their backs. Once in the ring they seem to relax. As the University insist that their opponents be checked for foreign objects, Hennig spits out his chewing gum and flicks it at Kerry. Kevin jumps at the perfect one but is instantly hit my Otunga's TV title. The ref instantly call for a DQing bell for the University. All hell breaks loose and the pairing lock horns. Richard and Kevin go at Nowinski who calls for help from Hennig who only has interest in fighting the US champ Kerry. Otunga joins into the melee yielding his TV title. Kevin grabs the belt from Otunga and strikes the champion with his own belt. The wisethinking Otunga stalls out of the ring leaving Nowinski and Hennig fight. Nowinski hits a double thumb to the eyes and delivers two atomic drops to Von Erich brothers. He goes to help Hennig who is just about getting the upper hand on the Texas Tornado. The Harvard graduate and Mr.Perfect junior whip Kerry into the ropes who ducks the double clothesline only to he the University pair with a double clothesline of his own. The Georgia crowd go bananas.

    The beaten Alumni's group outside the ring just in front of the ramp, shouting abuse at the Texas natives. As the crowd start a heart-warming chant of “KERRY, KERRY, KERRY”, the lights go out and this sends them into a frenzy. The lights come back on and Otunga, Nowinski and Hennig have been treated to a bloodbath. As Otunga and Hennig wipe blood from their eyes, the cowardly Nowinski's head turns looking for the perpetrator. The arena again falls into darkness as the ghoulish laugh from last week rings out again. On the screen we see the White vampire-like face of Vampiro. He smiles at the self-shot camera and points at the University. He continues to laugh as he tells Otunga and his crew a little story.


    Vampiro “Hey Otunga? Otunga? You wondering what happened to your little friend Shane Douglas? Well I didn't take to kindly to you and your lot laughing at my small blip and surmised downfall. The Dean, Laurinaitis, Otunga, Nowinski. You think you are all so smart. You know about everything. Smarts about wrestling, business, politics and all that can give you the upper hand in life. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Well I was born with a big black dagger in my back. Given everything in life, I had to fight for all I've ever got. A pack of private school preppies? Well you looked down on the wrong guy. I'm man who's height of education is in the macabre. I unveil to you your beloved cronies.”

    With his arms aimed at the wall behind he shows the beaten and bloodied bodies of John Laurinaitis and Shane Douglas strapped up hanging from the wall. Vampiro laughs as the two learned men moan and groan with the pain of their wounds. He viciously grabs Douglas by the neck and screams loudly “SHUT UP!!!!”. Giving the camera a ding, ding, ding as if taunting the three men at ringside, he goads them to “Come get your precious leader”. Camera goes to black.

    Nowinski, Otunga and Hennig leg it backstage to make the save. Opening countless doors they try find their slain collogues. The camera turns to follow them as they stress and worry about Douglas and Johnny. They finally find the duo in their own dressing room. Skateboards and skulls dangle from the ceiling and in blight slime green the slogan is painted -DIE DYNAMIC DUDES DIE- Douglas musters a frail call for help. As the stooges make an attempt to lower down the two beaten men. As they place Laurinaitis to the floor the room falls black. When the lights come up Vamprio is standing beside the University. There is a short face off until Vampiro spits blood in the face of Otunga he steps back and throws fire at Hennig. The icing on the cake is an inch perfect superkick to Nowinski. As the defected University lie battered and bruise on the floor, Vampiro laughs and roaring in their faces shouts “WELCOME TO THE DARKSIDE!!!”


    We cut to the commentators who look on with shock and awe as they introduce the next segment, The signing of the 2VL Heavyweight Title match at Viva Los Lucha XIII between the legendary old schooler Stan Hansen and King of Danger, Violence and all things Bizarre TAFKA Goldust.

    First out is Hansen he is dressed in his casual clothes but in hand is his trusty cowbell and on his head his ever present cowboy hat. He looks extremely focused. For the past few weeks he has been looking to beat respect into the Artist Formally Known As Goldust. He has been disgusted by the son of his friend Dusty Rhodes bringing the sport of wrestling into disrepute. Moments after Hansen enters the rings we he the deafening screech of TAFKA Goldust's theme. He comes from behind the curtain being lifted on a throne carried by four moustachioed cowboys. Hansen goes nuts in the ring. Goldust waves at all his “supporters”. He blows kisses and throws roses. As he reaches the ring the security hold back Hansen. Goldust and Luna swap spit in a quite vulgar display. A display that is probably one of the reasons Hansen wants to beat his ass. As he throws Luna to the side she crawls back across the ring and grabs Goldust by the leg. Goldust starts to address the crowd.


    Goldust: “Welcome to my show. Time to sign my marriage certificate to this handsome little cowboy. In what is sure to be the greatest wedding in wrestling history. This is not a title signing this is a beautiful day where we celebrate the gorgeous of me and my rugged Texas Mr.Stanley Ha............”

    Hansen pushes Goldust and with vigor tells him he has had enough and just wants to get the contract signed. Throwing a pen at Goldust he then gripping his shoulders shoves him into the chair by the table. Brows cocked he aims the pen in Goldust's hand towards to contract. He fights the pressure and crudely draws a sexual picture at the top of the piece of paper. Hansen furiously grabs Goldust by the hair only to have it lift off into his hand(It's a wig). TAFKA Goldust stumbles to the opposite side of the ring and giggles at the wig in Hansen hand. Hansen runs at the champ and strikes him with a headcutting lariat. TAFKA Goldust lies prone on the ground as Hansen grabs a microphone and the contract, smashing into the face of Goldust. He joins Goldust on the ground and shouts at the man in Gold.

    HansenSee this? *points at the contract* this is it. This is the end of all your crap here in 2VL. You need to gain respect. You need to get stop all your ****. You need to get real Dustin. You need to get real.”


    He takes the cowbell almost caves in TAFKA Goldust head as he swings with a thunderous strike. He recoups the pen putting it in Goldust's hand and signing the PPV match. As he leaves Luna to help her man he again whispers in his ear “Get. Real. Dustin”.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    VaVoom Lucha BeatTV1.4 Live from The MGM Grand, Las Vegas Nevada.


    We join the 2VL on their last stop before they make their way to Viva Los Lucha XIII. Here in the MGM Grand we will find out what has happened with the University and their weird attack by Vampiro. How will things develop after Hansen laid out TAFKA Goldust and how will our tag team champions counteract the foreign hordes disrupting 2VL with their mental onslaught. It looks like opening the show we are going to see what was the idea behind Vampiro's attacks on The University members. The dark, dark character stands in the ring with his arms pointed outward as if to make to sign of cross. Looking up from upper his fringe he starts out with a drawlish commentary.

    Vampiro: “Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. You and your minions have been a poison in this federation for too long. The University are pompous, elitist and think they are so far above everyone here it is sickening. You think you know everything about everything, well with myself and my followers you know jack sh*t. You can't be schooled on the dark arts. My voodoo and evil never got that course in Harvard. I want Laurinaitis to see that shirts, ties and corporate cronies are all that is wrong in this world. The master of education Shane “The Dean” Douglas is a bigoted idiot who laughed at the wrong man many weeks ago. I want his heart on a plate. I want the university to feel my pain. The mind games are over recess is over Laurinaitis, Douglas, Otunga, Nowinski, Hennig GET.OUT. HERE. NOW!!!”

    A moment passes but all we get is an empty rampway. Vampiro strides back and fort in the ring awaiting a response to his request. Suddenly the University's theme hits and they are lead out by Otunga with a timid Laurinaitis and Douglas in tow. The Dynamic dudes obviously still recovering from their encounter with Vampiro last week. Otunga asks Vampiro “What the hell is he thinking. The University will destroy him with their numbers. As they all cockily strut towards the ring the lights go out. The crowd go bananas. Is this another bloodbath? As the lights go up the lone figure in the ring Vampiro now has some sort of voodoo stick. It has a flaming skull and is firing bolts of fire as Vampiro wands it. The University all backup down the ramp with immense fear in their eyes.


    As Vampiro goes crazy with the voodoo stick in the ring the five men retreat big style. Backing up backing up the University aren't going to mess with this mad man. That is until that back into the awaiting Von Erichs at the entrance way. Hennig stops as his back hits Kerry's chest. He gives a “WTF?”. Kerry turns him and hits a strong punch to the kisser. Kevin and David deliver headbutts to the Harvard two Otunga and Nowinski. The University all unwittingly run back to the ring only to be met by the crazed Vampiro. He sprays Douglas with the fire and then drops the voodoo stick and begins his assault on Laurinaitis. The brother from Texas all become involved with the rest with Texas Tornado and Hennig showing great interest in battling. Kerry knocks Hennig to the outside with a discus punch. As Kevin and David send Otunga and Nowinski with matching clotheslines. The University regroup at the ramp with tails firmly between legs. All the hatred being spewed by the wrestlers are being aimed at their PPV opponents. Vampiro has vitriol for the “Dynamic Dudes” and Kerry and Mr.Perfect look ready to have a war. We cut backstage as the University exit to the gorilla position.


    Backstage the “team” of Brutus, Valentine and Honky are sitting in their dressing room. They are working out in their USA adorned workout zone. Honky gives a cheesy wink to the mirror as he flexes his biceps. In the opposite mirror Beefcake is cut a strip out of the side of his pants. Valentine sees this and with a look at Honky rises an eyebrow. Honky takes a sip from his Coca Cola and then flicking his fringe decides to maybe approach Beefcake about his garb.

    Honky: Jesus H. Christ. Brutus what the hell is with you and your attire. Hey I'm going to put this best I can. You are a nice guy, a tough fighter and a legend of the sport, but you dress like a di*khead. Now you know we all have a match at the PPV against the Bulldogs and Burchill. If you are to be on our team you nned to get with the programme re: your style. We need to maybe USA you up a bit. Cause just in case you haven't noticed the chipendale look went out in 1985. Dude check out that wardrobe over there. We'll find you something we are then blessed with a fashion show by old Bruti. He wears it, Honky comments on it.

    Uwwwh too Austin Powers. We're suppose to hate the brits.

    Ugh man Fonzie. That means not so Happy days.

    OK Jackie Chan. That is velly velly tlagic.

    Dude that is U S of F'n A. Welcome to the team.

    As the show finishes Burchill passes the door and looks in. Laughing at the trio. He asked them “What the f*ck are you girls playing at? I hope you are going to fight us and not try “make us over. Pack of Blue Oyster f *gs”. As Burchill finishes his comment Valentine from behind the door closes it wildly on the face of Burchill. The brit gets knocked down and the USA three all start to attack The self-proclaimed rottwiler. Getting the upperhand Beefcake calls for thme to place him on the barberchair. Burchill try to power his way out but to no avail. They tie him down to the chair and “The Barber” shaves Paul's head. The ripper is roaring with fury as the team shave his head. The hair falls to the ground as Valentine, Honky and Beefcake leave him with a “see you at the PPV”.

    Burchill is left wriggling as he shout for help.

    We cut to commercial and we return to a **Don't try this a home**

    Returning with see Stan Hansen standing in the ring. He has a microphone and looks as though he has something to say. Hansen tips his cap and starts to speak.

    Hansen:” Last week, I proudly signed a deal, which I my mind, will return the 2VL to it's once great state. This federation used to be a place where wrestlers the world over used to come to gain skills and fight for best titles on the globe. But last year a man from a great wrestling family. The Rhodes were, and to some extent still are all that is brilliant about wrestling. My friend Dusty was a common man, a man of the people, a real life superhero. A role model that fought evil and could be a “company man” anywhere he went. Then we have TAFKA Goldust. The guy is loud, crude and a plight here in 2VL. Men like myself and his father moulded what pro-wrestling was and is, and I know you are probably sick to the teeth of me harking on about the history of it all but all this was built on respect, tradition and heritage. Now we have Goldust and his wicked witch Luna destroy his tradition and spiting in the face off all the went before. Goldust is a fake-Young Dustin has forgotten what is real.....”

    As Hansen say that a lone figure makes his way out to the entrance way. Hansen looks shocked as the figure dressed in cowboy boots and red trucks(leather strap in hand) with the 2VL title around his waist speaks silently and with intent into the mike “Is this real enough?”. OMG it's Dustin Rhodes. This isn't Goldust. This isn't TAFKA Goldust. This is Texas. This is Dustin Rhodes. The Natural Dustin Rhodes.

    Dustin runs to the ring and ducks an oncoming lariat. Dustin hits a forearm and a beautiful snap suplex. He gets Hansen and throws his head for a count of ten into the turnbuckle. Hensen hits a big boot that stuns the new man. He goes to snatch the leather strap for Dustin. Dustin counters with a thumb to the eyes. He start to lash the tough Texan. The blisters and welts start to show on Hansen's back. As the very cross Rhodes asked the cowboy continually “Is this real enough”. He wraps the strap around Hansen's neck and hit him with a bulldog, a curtain call and finally a shattered dreams. The tired and beaten Hansen is getting pummelled Dustin then flings Hansen over the top rope whilst holding on the strap almost hanging Hansen. As he coughs and chokes his friend and lets fly with a plethora of nasty chair shots. As Dustin clocks up the hits his father the American Dream Dusty Rhodes runs to the ring coming to aid of Stan Hansen. Dusty pleads and orders his son to stop the attack. Dustin throws down the chair and makes his way to the back, stopping only ,to have a look back at his dirty work. As Dusty helps up his old friend, Dustin with mighty smirk informs Hansen of his new stipulation he has had added to the title match.

    Goldust“Your choice Cowboy? You have a date with Goldust at the PPV. Texas Bullrope match, Dog Collar match or good old Leather Strap match. Bye Stan and bye Daddy dearest!!”

    Fade to black.

    Confirmed matches for Viva Los Lucha XIII

    2VL Heavyweght Championship
    Goldust Vs Stan Hansen
    (In either a Leatherstrap Match, a Dog Collar Match or a Texas Bullrope Match. To be decided by Stan Hansen)

    Vampiro Vs Shane Douglas w/John Laurinaitis

    2VL Tag Team Championships (Freebird Rule)
    The British Bulldogs & Paul Burchill Vs Rhythm and Blues & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake.
    Fall Count Anywhere Elimination Match.

    2VL US Heavyweight Championship
    Kerry Von Erich Vs "Mr Perfect" Joe Hennig

    Kevin & David Von Erich Vs David Otunga and Christoper Nowinsk

    Lucha VaVoom 2013 Copyright

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    The Diabhal Beag PPV

    We open the show with a tribute to North Korea, which by the time of writing has been blown into space. R.I.P guys!


    José is frantically walking up and down a corridor. He looks as nervous as a man who rode on the rag the night before. Geoff Shreeves is here to ask the question on everybody's lips: "José, you do know Roman might murder you tonight, right?". José beats the **** out of Shreeves, John Hartson-style.


    Our first match is delayed by several minutes due to gay rights protesters. Not the first time this has happened but annoying nevertheless. Mike Awesome clears the arena of the gays while wearing a t-shirt that says "Keep Calm and Hate Gays". That tee would sell big-time in Navan. Sabu joins him, but he looks a bit nervous. Zeke is finally here after 5 minutes of flexing. The Mexicools and La Parka are here, defending queers, and proud of it. The cage is lowered. Hopefully this won't be so one-sided it'll be deemed a gay-bashing. The finish sees Awesome try to escape the cage but Raven and Dreamer slam the door on his homophobic face. Juve scrambles out of the cage to win the match. After the match Sabu and Awesome are crowd-surfed out of the Whitney Houston Memorial Dome by the large gay attendance.


    A lovely 09 Ford Mondeo turns up. A car that stylish and sleek can only be owned by one man. ROMAN. He tells the audience that he has a big surprise up his sleeve again.

    The Pádraig Nally memorial match is up next. Antonio "Frog Ward" Inoki makes his entrance. He looks very sluggish. Let me remind you both competitors were shot in non-Limerick related incidents. Big Kev is here. Despite having been shot he still found time to dye his hair black. Nobody is falling for it but it demonstrates commitment. In a quick match Inoki takes out his double barrel and shoots Nash in the chest. KO!


    In the crowd are newly weds Flahavaj and her man Babs Keating. Congrats on the nuptials you two!

    Everybody is wondering who Sheamus has in his corner for his tag-team match. Joe and Punk make their way to the ring. Sheamus announces his partner is a dangerous man. A half man half SUPER DRAGON! This shocks the other two. Punk and Joe win after Joe hits Sheamus with a triple rotation moonsault. You had to be there to see it.

    Our Gráinne Seoige World Title match is up next. Henry v Batista. Batista wins a competitive match with a wristlock. Very sporting match between two gentlemen. The type of men that would help an old woman across a pedestrian crossing.

    The main event. A match 10 years in the making. José v Roman. Lampard on a pole. There was only one way to get Frank to stick on a pole and it wasn't pleasant. José arrives. He looks quite cocky. Roman is up next. Imagine aJBL entrance in a stylish and sleek Ford Mondeo. Paul Galvin is shown standing and applauding Roman's choice of maroon chinos. An interference from Didier Drogba costs José the match. A heel turn for the man José loved so much.


    A single firework goes off (Recession).

    (sorry for this)

  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭lebowskilite

    Preview Post
    First Show
    Second Show
    Third Show
    Fourth Show
    *We see a dark arena in which every chair has a skull on it. The ring has a tombstone buried in the canvass, on which is carved “International Championship Wrestling”. A voice speaks:
    “The darkness will rise.
    The chill, that aches your bones and haunts your dreams, will spread.
    The plague that has struck a score of souls will strike again upon some new.
    The cold will be the signal of the coming virus. Death will reign once more, and souls will be taken. The soulless will fall… 1… 2… 3…
    You will see it very soon. There is no cure. There is no light. There will be no escaping it."

    Opening Credits
    We are live from the Scotiabank Place Arena in Ottawa, Ontario - 20’176 ICW fans in attendance! Our Celebrity Host for the night is Hugh Jackman!
    Announcers cover the developments of recent weeks:
    - Michael Cole’s attempts to gain credibility and control in his job
    - His introduction, winning and “defence” of the Monday Night Championship
    - His antagonism with Larry Zbyszko and Yokozuna
    - His war for supremacy (and his job) with International Champion Billy Graham
    - His Alliance with the League
    - The build-up to the Tag Team Turmoil Match, which will now decide the #1 Contender as well as the International Tag-Team Championships.
    - The announcement, last week, that Billy Graham’s International Championship would be defended throughout the pay per view in the style of a hardcore championship.

    Our celebrity host Hugh Jackman is in the ring.
    Wrestling fans! I have been given TWO major announcements to open the evening, my first time hosting Monday Night Games! Can I just say first that this is such an honour. Who would have thought in late 2011 that a slight bustup with a wrestler in another federation would land me a movie gig in one of the greatest biopics of the modern era… “Chin Up: The Nick Nemeth Story”… and that this role would launch me once more into the world of professional wrestling. Well, while I hope I don’t get into any fights tonight, I am very happy to be here with all of you in the great city of Ottawa!

    In advance of the Tag-Team Turmoil Match on Sunday, tonight’s main event match will be a triple-threat tag-team elimination match… the winners will enter Turmoil last, and the first team to be eliminated will enter Turmoil first. [ooc: this is a traditional match for the go-home show before Turmoil, so no surprises there]

    However, tonight’s opening match will be a championship match! [The crowd are somewhat excited, but many of them know what’s coming.] It will be a singles match, for the… [Hugh gets out a cue card as if he’s forgotten] …Monday Night Championship?! What the… I’ve never heard of that one. Is it a new one? I’ve been filming for the last few weeks, have I missed something? Who’s going to be defending it?

    A new theme song hits – and out walks “Chairman Cole”.
    He has a new video too!

    Chairman Cole is wearing a Mao-style worker suit with ICW logos on the lapels for the occasion. D’Lo Brown is by his side. Jackman is appalled that Cole is the champion who will be defending tonight, saying he initially thought Cole was one of the company accountants when he saw him backstage… before he put that thing on, anyway. Cole laughs it off, and says he supposes he doesn’t command enough respect around here anyway. His recent tit-for-tat battle with the International Champion proves that point, he says. But that battle is now over (at least in Cole’s opinion) - and now Cole can return to earning the respect of the ICW fans by defending his championship week-in, week-out. Cole says there will be a cultural revolution in ICW following Turmoil!, with the roster and fans alike recognising and respecting his importance to the survival and prosperity of the organisation. Even Hugh Jackman will learn to appreciate Chairman Cole, he says. Kris Logan’s music hits…

    Face Announcer predicts either a massive interference in Cole’s favour or that Logan has been bought off. Heel Announcer accuses him of slander and proceeds to ring a solicitor, who doesn’t pick up the phone. Face reminds Heel that 8pm generally isn’t office hours for solicitors before speculating on what changes the newly ego-boosted “Chairman Cole” is likely to make to the place.
    Match 1: Michael Cole (c) v. Kris Logan (Monday Night Championship)
    Logan actually makes a go of it, but Cole is basically avoiding him, sliding out of the ring, crawling back in, etc. It isn’t long before the tag-team champions, 1-2-3 Sparks, come running in from the crowd and attack Logan on the outside. Cole is distracting the referee with some accusation that he hasn’t polished the ring bell recently, “It’s filthy! I can see it from here!” Hardcore Holly roles Logan into the ring after the beating but the lights go out…
    …and when they come on, Hardcore Holly and X Pac’s are lying unconscious on the ramp, and Michael Cole much the same in the ring! Brown is in shock at ringside!

    Kris Logan awakens, seemingly not having been targeted, and pins Michael Cole for the victory! Cole is still knocked out as Logan celebrates wildly with the Monday Night Championship! His first win in ICW and his first title!
    : Kris Logan wins (via pinfall) after multiple interruptions
    Cole is helped to his feet by match officials and goes absolutely crazy when he finds out what has happened and tells the officials that they’re all fired with immediate effect. He screams Logan’s name as he heads back up the ramp. Announcers speculate as to whether it was Graham or Zbyszko or a combination of the two that did this.
    Ad Break & Trailer for “Chin Up: The Nick Nemeth Story” feat. Hugh Jackman as himself.
    We see a clip of Hugh Jackman punching a blond long-haired Jeremy Renner in the jaw.

    Hugh Jackman and AJ Styles are in the ring
    Hugh promotes his movie a bit and then asks AJ what he thinks about the stipulation Daniels put on their match last week. AJ says he was looking forward to being in a tag team for the Turmoil, maybe winning the belts, not fighting a paranoid wannabe who seems to think he’s better than everyone else but who must get stage-fright whenever AJ Styles is around because AJ always beats him: “I can count on one hand the number of times he has beaten me, and we’ve faced each other in hundreds of matches over the years. It’ll be another day at the office when I make him tap out on Sunday, and all the people in the audience better believe that I’ll be at Grandslam… maybe even in the main event after winning the Tag-Team Turmoil! match.” Styles announces his partner for the match as super flyweight veteran (let’s say, 3-time ICW SuperFly Champ?) Billy Kidman.

    As Kidman makes his way to the ring, Daniels appears behind him on the ramp with a microphone. Woah, he says, the Turmoil match? He might be doing twice the work on the night but he doubts AJ Styles is even going to be conscious after their fight, let alone be able to make the Turmoil main event! Daniels announces that he fully expects to win the International Championship, the Tag-Team Championships AND get AJ banned from Grandslam all in the one night. AJ simplys tells him that his words will come back to haunt him.

    Hugh Jackman suggests that the two of them should enter the main event tonight to see who’s team is better given that it is kinda likely one of them will miss the main event on Sunday having been beaten to a bloody pulp by the other. They agree to enter the match later on.

    The Announcers speculate about the possibility that these two will end up facing each other at the Grandslam main event if one wins the belt from Graham and the other wins the Turmoil! match. One of them also points out that Graham’s main event contract means he could still insert himself into that match and we might have a triple-threat main event in 6 weeks’ time. The Heel Announcer also thinks AJ Styles had something to do with Chairman Cole's mishap earlier.

    Backstage Segment
    Kris Logan is walking around with the Monday Night Championship like he won it in a 6-way Iron-Man Hell-in-a-barbed-wire-Cell (double guest referee) match against the world champions of the 5 largest feds. He signs his autograph for what he thinks is a loyal fan, before the man explains that he’s an ICW accountant and needed Logan to sign the expenses form, in order to reimburse him the $2.40 bus fare he took to get here from the hostel tonight. The accountant then gives him $2.50 and says he can keep the change but he’ll have to declare it as taxable. We hear Cole shouting “Where is he?!” in the distance and Logan bolts in the other direction.

    Matt Sydal and Tajiri are making fun of Funaki in preparation for their Double Steel Cage Match on Sunday. Sydal looks forward to ending Taka Michinoku’s reign at Grandslam after having crippled his life-long friend and tag team partner Funaki at Turmoil! - where they may also become tag-team champions.
    Match 2: Samoan Swat Team v. The League (Matt Sydal and Yoshihiro Tajiri)
    A competitive match-up as the announcers speculate which of these teams will go the farthest in the Turmoil Match on Sunday. Rikishi and Sydal show off the best they have to offer but it is Samu who pins Tajiri for the win.
    Samoan Swat Team win (Samu via pinfall on Tajiri)

    Regal appears on the ramp
    Well, well, I guess I wouldn’t have expected anything less from the man who sees fit to challenge me on Sunday. Sending in your partner to get the job done… well, well… it’s certainly not something you’d catch me doing. That said, I think I will need to take out just a bit of insurance on Sunday night. I suppose my good friend Mr. Yoshihiro Tajiri – since you’re not otherwise engaged until the Turmoil! match – might accompany me to the ring on Sunday to defend against any intrusions by this… Samu character...

    Rikishi and Regal then get into a verbal back-and-to, with Samu getting a word in about making sure the League doesn’t just steel the match like they do so many others. The Announcers argue over which side is bound to try and cheat, but they seem to agree that at least one will.

    Ad Break & Promo for the ICW Tag-Team Turmoil Match on Sunday
    In each round of the Turmoil Match, three teams will start in the ring.
    Competitors may be eliminated via pinfall, submission, countout, or by being thrown over the top rope. A team will be disqualified if an eliminated team member re-enters the ring or otherwise interferes in the match.
    A Round ends when both competitors from one team are eliminated.
    A New Round will start immediately with a new, randomly or otherwise selected, tag-team to replace those who were eliminated.
    The Final Round of three teams ends when two of those teams are eliminated.
    The remaining team are crowned International Tag-Team Champions.

    The Announcers say they can’t wait! long as it isn't interrupted by anyone turning out the lights, grumbles the heel.

    Chairman Cole is banging on the locked dressing room door, demanding Logan come out and hand in his resignation immediately. Hardcore Holly and X Pac arrive and ask Cole if he’s o.k. – they don’t know who attacked them earlier or what happened. Cole gives them an earful for their failure earlier tonight. Cole instructs them that they’ll be in the main event tonight and that if they lose they’ll be one of the first entrants in the Turmoil Match. The two walk off with their tails between their legs. [traditionally, the tag-team champions enter the match quite late].

    Cole goes back to banging on the door and it is opened to reveal Billy Graham in his shades, belt over his shoulder. The crowd pops. He tells Cole he was just thinking about what to say to the fans later about Cole’s newest attempt to bring him down, but he’ll give Cole a preview now… “If I don’t end your career on Sunday night, I will f--king end you. period.” It’s a menacing taunt, but Cole actually stands his ground, telling Graham that he should be worried about his own career, talking to the Chairman like that. He says that if Graham isn’t interested in the new culture of ICW, he should book a one-way ticket home after Sunday night and never come back. Cole walks off. Graham tells someone inside that the coast is clear and Hugh Jackman and Kris Logan leave the room together, “So, is Logan a stage name or were you born with it?” Jackman says as they head in the opposite direction to Chairman Cole.
    Match 3: Yokozuna v. Kaientai (Tag-Team Handicap Match)
    D’Lo Brown has joined the announcer team for this one, and he’s giving out about everyone who disrespects Chairman Cole, including Larry Zbyszko (who gives D’Lo the finger from ringside). D'Lo says he thinks Zbyszko was the one who turned off the lights earlier. The Face asks why he didn't go to the chairman's aid and D'Lo tells him to call the match.

    Zbyszko is calling out the names of holds to Yokozuna, such as “Reverse Chinlock!”, “Wristlock!”, “Right Angled Armbar!”, while the big man chops, slams and no-sells his way to domination. A justifiably worn-out Taka Michinoku is the legal man when he manages to connect a springboard dropkick to the back of Yokozuna’s head.
    Yokozuna is on the floor face down and as Taka tries to push him over Larry is screaming at him to get up, until D’Lo leaves the announcer table and clocks Larry in the back of the head with the American Championship! He says he’ll see Larry on Sunday and leaves for the ramp.
    Meanwhile Taka has Yokozuna over. Yokozuna is trying to get up but can’t. He throws Taka off him but still can’t get up. Taka goes back for the pin again. 1… 2…, Yokozuna reverses it! He locks in a guillotine choke – aka a Larryland – from the ground! Yokozuna’s shoulders go back on the ground and the referee counts 1 but Michinoku taps out frantically as his torso and neck are taking a monster-sized hammering.
    Yokozuna gets up with the help of the ropes and goes to celebrate his victory with Larry, only to find that Larry didn’t see it because he was knocked out. They never the less celebrate in the ring and the crowd are raining applause on the team for Yokozuna’s progress in “technical wrestling”. Funaki is applauding as well until Taka gives him the eye and they head back up the ramp.
    Yokozuna wins via pinfall (on Michinoku)

    Backstage Interview
    Hugh Jackman is hoping to interview The League in its entirety but William Regal isn’t there. He finally turns up with some paperwork for the League to sign – to officially enter the Turmoil Match on Sunday. Daniels and Regal will be on one team and Sydal and Tajiri on the other. Regal explains the importance of the League wining all of their contests on Sunday night. Daniels need to pin Billy Graham for the International Championship, Sydal needs to get one step closer to winning the SuperFly Championship, and they, The League, should have the tag-team titles. “Gentlemen, we know that we’re in a league of our own – but do the people out there? The fans, the ilk of Ottawa, etc..., no, they don’t. Because at the moment, my Overseas Championship is the only bloody proof we have!”
    Jackman asks if The League have any “arrangements” in place to ensure victory. Regal says that they will not cheat one bit, on his honour! However, they are leaving the “replacement” section of the forms blank so that any member of the League can join the other League team if someone gets injured in a prior match.
    Jackman then asks about the main event tonight. Daniels and Regal both brush it off as an easy victory.

    As the League exits to the left, we hear Kris Logan shouting that he's "found a pair that will fit" for Jackman, who looks pleased to hear it.

    Billy Graham in the ring
    [spot lickle Vince!]

    Graham starts on just how annoying Chairman Cole is, he’s never been so bothered by someone so short and puny before. He was angry to find out last week that he’d been put in a position that no International Champion or world champion anywhere has ever been put it – defending a championship all night like he was some kinda late-90s whackjob trying to prove himself to everyone. Graham says he has nothing to prove and nothing to gain on Sunday night – only to lose and probably do so in a pool of his own blood. Graham says he can’t promise the crowd anything on Sunday night. He might, by a miracle, leave with the championship, cost the Chairman his job and lead ICW onto brighter and better things… or he might lose championship, take a career-ending injury, and go home and paint birds for the rest of his days. But he does say he will try his damned hardest to rid this company of Chairman Cole as the feeling appears to be mutual. Graham says he’s glad someone interfered earlier in the show – at least now you poor folks can watch some real wrestling when you pay your money to come see the show! Graham implies that it wasn’t he that interfered though.

    Chris Daniels appears on the titantron but Graham tells the technical crew to “mute that damn thing, I don’t care”, which they do! Exit Graham.

    Ad Break & Promo for Turmoil! this Sunday.

    Main Event Buildup
    The 1-2-3 Sparks apologise for letting Chairman Cole down. They say rather than a punishment, this match is an opportunity to show their dominance, and that they will win the Turmoil Match, and that Holly will go on to win the International Championship at Grandslam. Holly says he also has a trick or two up his sleeve from his time with his cousin Crash in WWF – he knows how to secure the pin (even if he was his own cousin, Holly never seemed to mind attacking him).
    Main Event: 1-2-3 Sparks v. AJ Styles & Billy Kidman v. The League (Christopher Daniels and William Regal) - Triple Threat Elimination Tag-Team Match
    Rules: 1 man from each team is legal at any time. None of that “two-in-the-ring” triple threat stuff that goes on in WWE/TNA. Last team with a man or both men in wins. No top rope eliminations in this match.
    Daniels, Kidman and Holly start in the ring. With Holly against the ropes, Matt Sydal leaps from the barricade onto his back while the referee is distracted! Holding him there, it is Kidman who attacks the both of them, Sydal falling outside, Holly to the ground. Daniels pins Holly, 1 2 3, before tagging in Regal.
    Hardcore Holly Eliminated
    On the outside Holly gives Sydal a bit of a thumping before spearing him through a barricade! Holly then distracts Regal, whom X Pac attacks and pins.
    William Regal Eliminated
    A few minutes of Kidman and Styles relying on their advantage to outdo their opponents allows Styles to dominate X Pac and tag in Kidman who performs a BK Bomb and gets the pin.
    X Pac Eliminated: 1-2-3 Sparks will be in the first round of the Turmoil Match.
    Daniels won’t let Kidman tag Styles in and eventually lands the pin off an Angel Wings.
    Billy Kidman Eliminated
    The crowd pops for AJ against Daniels, but these two are already knackered and the remaining fight doesn’t last long. AJ Styles performs the flying armbar on Daniels but it is Daniels who minutes later gets AJ to tap out to the same move.
    AJ Styles Eliminated
    The League win (Daniels surviving) and will enter the Turmoil Match last.

    Shows Ends with Daniels coveting the victory as Graham appears on the ramp and they exchange stares.
    Taka Michinoku is demanding to be put on the card for Turmoil!. Cole says he was left off out of respect so that he could defend his title at Grandslam instead. Taka conveys the point that he’s been on a losing streak recently and will defend his championship against anyone who walks past just to be on the card. Cole asks him if he’s jealous of Funaki’s recent success, as Hugh Jackman walks by. Cole asks Hugh if he’s seen Kris Logan. Hugh says no and walks off whistling, wearing a pair of Logan’s tights! Cole calls him back and asks him how much he weighs. About 200 pounds is the answer. Does he want to be in the Turmoil! ppv? Yes is the answer. Cole sets up the match, but Jackman clearly didn’t realise that that’s what he meant!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to CWA Revolution our annual PPV brought to you live from the sold out Madison square garden.
    The show opens with a video of the preliminary match between Brad Maddox and Briley Pierce, where Maddox pretended to clothesline Pierce who then went to the mat and allowed Maddox to pin him for the three count, they both left the ring laughing to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd...
    And here we go the first match of the night is The Iron Sheik vs Kevin Steen
    The Iron Sheik comes out carrying the Iranian National flag he gets into the ring and grabs a mic.
    Sheik: Before I snap the back of Kevin Steen I have a treat for the CWA universe, as the owners of the company did not hire anyone to sing the national anthem I have decided to sing it myself.
    The Iron Sheik then starts to sing the national anthem of Iran until he is interrupted by Kevin Steen who runs to the ring

    The Iron Sheik vs Kevin Steen

    Match started off with both men trading blows with the Iron Sheik getting the better of his opponent , The Sheik did his best to keep the match on the mat with some old school grappling, Steen on the other hand played the typical heel role and poked the Iron Sheiks eyes and this give him a opportunity to beat down on the Iron Sheik

    When Steen was to whip the iron sheik into the turnbuckle the ref took a bump, The Sheik was able to put in camel clutch and Steen tapped but the ref was out , The Iron Sheik got up and grabbed the ref to get him up but Steen but him in a schoolboy , the ref managed to get up and made the three count

    Winner: Kevin Steen
    Why I booked this way.

    I wanted to use The Iron Sheik as a comedy character but one who could back up his words with actions, I felt Steen would be his perfect opponent as they are both great talkers and they would have no problem beating the hell out of one another.

    I give Steen the win as I felt this would give Steen a name in the CWA universe that he could push on from leading to a feud down the line with Nick Bockwinkel.

    Backstage segment:
    Vickie Guerrero meets Brad Maddox

    Vickie: Brad what the hell was that tonight
    Maddox: I should be on the main card Vickie and since you wont put me into it, then SV2 will just have to take things into their own hands
    Vickie: SV2 what are you about
    Maddox: Oh you will see Vickie you will see

    Next up is the much anticipated tag team title match up

    Demolition vs Nasty Boys vs Road Warriors
    The ring is surrounded by steel chairs, ladders and tables each team face off and go straight at, Nasty Boys took advantage of Demolition and Road Warriors and battling one another by going outside and grabbing a chair and taking it to road warriors and demolition.

    There was some great spots in this match including Sags getting thrown over a top rope and into a table , Ax hitting a elbow on Hawk from the top of the ladder ( this got a 2 count ), Animal busting Smash open with a chair which took him out of the match, Animal then put Ax over the rope and power bombed Knobs into a table .
    Hawk got the cover as Animal took care of sags

    Winners: The Road Warriors
    After the match the Road Warriors would grab the mic and tell Hernandez and Test that what they have seen tonight would be nothing compared what is going to happen to them when they face other at SWE PPV

    Why I booked this
    These three teams would work very well together and a win for the Road Warriors would make them the dominant team in CWA but at the same time a good showing from the Nasty Boys and Demolition would mean a healthy tag team division going into the future

    Next up is a MMA match up between Quinton Rampage Jackson against Sakurba , before the fight a pre recorded interview with Sakuraba is aired [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]where he says Rampage Jackson is a disgrace to the world of MMA that he does not train correctly and does not give his opponents the respect they deserve and how after he defeated him in Pride he ran to the UFC with his tails between his legs and begged Dana White not to sign me, But tonight at CWA Revolution Jackson has nowhere to hide

    Jackson would try and make this a boxing match up with some powerful jabs that Sakuraba would take and return with some powerful leg kicks, Sakuraba managed to hit Jackson with a superman punch which really got the crowd pumped he took the fight to ground and got in some ground and pound until the ref stopped the match

    Winner: Sakuraba

    Why I booked this
    I felt that booking a big UFC name like Rampage Jackson against a well respected MMA/Pro Wrestler like Sakarbura would bring in the MMA fans and once they are in as a booker I would hope to keep them especially as I already have Lesnar on my card.

    Bruiser Brody vs Ray Stevens
    Stevens came to ring with Bockwinkel by his side and before the match up begins Vickie Guerrero was to come out and make this a hardcore match and tell Bockwinkel he is barred from ringside.
    These two guys went totally at it exchanging chair shots to one another which only made Brody smile,
    Their was not much wrestling in this match up it was purely a fight that even lead into the crowd when it eventually got back into the ring Stevens took control and picked up the win by piledriving Brody straight onto a steel chair.

    Winner: Ray Stevens
    Why I booked this
    Every PPV needs a good hardcore match and both of these men would be sure to put on a show and take plenty of bumps and by giving Stevens a win this would infuriate Brody and continue the feud well into the next PPV

    Next match is El Generico vs The Great Sasuke

    Who ever loses this match has to take his mask off , this is a fast paced match with both men using their high flying abilities, the crowd begin to chant lets go Generico lets go Sasuke as both babyfaces play to the crowd.
    Generico hit Sasuke with the Ole kick which brought a big cheer of Ole from the crowd, He then hits a standing moonsault and looks like the win is set up but Generico played to the crowd too much and Sasuke gets up a hits the suplex on Generico and finishes with the michinoku driver and pins for the win..El Generico gets up a unmasked


    then suddenly this music hits....
    Brad Maddox and Briley Pierce walk through the crowd in shield gear the commentator's say that SV2 must be Shield Version 2, Sasuke and Generico stand back to back and Maddox and Pierce rush the ring suddenly Generico turns to Sasuke and attacks him with the help of Maddox and Pierce , they attack continues until Sakuraba runs down with a chair to make the save.
    Why I booked this
    It give me the opportunity to unmask Generico and have him join Shield V2, This would also set up a feud between The Shield and the team of Sasuke and Sakuraba and down the road I would plan on having the Shield feud with the Road Warriors.

    It is time for the legends title as Nick Bockwinkel faces The Undertaker

    Bockwinkel puts on a great show as he does his best to keep Taker on the mat and lock in a arm lock but no matter how much punishment the Taker takes he just sits up, he put Bockwinkel into the corner and unleashes a flurry of punches

    Bockwinkel did very well against the Taker but after a chokeslam the taker took control of the match and finished it with a tombstone,
    He then left the arena to a background of Paul Bearer the commentators ask what will happen to the CWA legends title now

    Winner: The Undertaker

    Why I booked this
    I wanted to make it obvious that Taker was not a CWA wrestler and down the line I would plan a invasion angle with Lebowski where CWA talent would challenge the Undertaker to a match up for the legends title


    It is the main event of the evening as Brock Lesnar faces off against Ryback
    The Hell in a cell comes down and covers the ring both men stare down one another until Lesnar pushes Ryback and Ryback comes back with a push of his own and here we go folks , they go straight at it and Lesnar hits Ryback with a knee to mid section he took him outside and raked his eyes on the cell
    Ryback was able to through Lesnar onto the steel steps and started to kick down on him he picks up Lesnar and throws him against the cell this bust open Lesnar

    Lesnar brings it back into the ring and after some back and forth action he hits Ryback with the F5 and covers
    1...2...No..Ryback kicks out this makes Lesnar furious and he attacks Ryback who takes it and then unleashes a flurry of punches he gets Lesnar up and hits the shell shock but Lesnar kicks out of this.

    Lesnar throughs Ryback through the steel door and the battle eventually gets up to the top of the structure they take it in turns giving punches but Ryback is able to duck and pick up Lesnar for another shell shock , Lesnar nearly went through the cage but Ryback covers him for the pin and the three count

    The show ends with Ryback as the new heavyweight champion

    Why I booked this
    There is not many men out their who could legit face off against Lesnar and take the punishment that he could unleash while giving plenty back, But I think Ryback could and by giving him the win this would make him the face off the company, I would also put Lesnar out of action for a few months and let Ryback go through the card until eventually Lesnar would come back and interfere in a match starting this feud again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,661 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 4

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment presents

    Friday Night Ignition

    The show opens with the world heavyweight champion Mr. Perfect in the ring talking about how Bobby Heenan has lost it letting Drew McIntyre have a shot at his title at WrestleMayhem. Perfect says him and Heenan had a special relationship like father and son but since Heenan became the general manager he changed for the worse. Perfect says it should be Scott Hall for the title match and if Heenan was a decent honourable GM he would make Hall Vs. McIntyre with winner facing him at the ppv. Drew McIntyre comes out and tells Perfect that last week he won the elimination match so he earned his title match and thinks Perfect is afraid that he will beat him but McIntyre says he will prove himself again tonight and accepts the match with Scott Hall and leaves. William Shatner comes out and says that Bobby Heenan isnt there yet and as there is no second in command yet so he is acting GM and he tells Perfect he was wrong to touch him last week. Shatner says Perfect cant make any matches but since Drew has accepted his will allow the match tonight. Shatner tells Perfect he too will have a match tonight and it will be against Dean Malenko and that match is right now. Malenko comes out and the match starts. The match ends in a dq as Austin Aries comes out and beats down Malenko. Perfect stands back but stays in the ring and lets Aries continue his beat down. Justin Gabriel comes out to help Malenko but Aries and Perfect team up and beat him down. Tyson Kidd runs down and enters the ring and Aries asks him is he ready he says yes and he then joins Aries and Perfect in beating both his tag team partner Gabriel and Malenko.

    The Pope D'Angelo Dinero is backstage with Frankie Kazarian. He tells him that they have got it and at WrestleMayhem they become the tag champions. Derrick Bateman hears them from the side and walks off angry, He bumps into Daniel Bryan who tries to calm him and they walk off together.

    Layla is backstage with Wade Barrett and she tells him that she has a title match at WrestleMayhem now against Velvet Sky. He tells her not now and walks off. Layla is annoyed. Hall passes her and asks what is wrong and she tells him about her title match, he tells her she can retain just to believe like her does and he blows her a kiss and he leaves for the ring.

    Drew McIntyre beat Scott Hall despite Mr. Perfect being at ringside and still has his title match at WrestleMayhem.

    Heenan has arrived finally and is mad at Shatner and Perfect for the match between Drew McIntyre and Scott Hall happening. Heenan says Drew can now pick the type of match he wants and he will speak with him later.

    Frankie Kazarian Vs. Eddie Edwards is next and both The Pope D'Angelo Dinero and Davey Richards are at ringside. Kazarian gets the win with his legs on the ropes. After the match Dinero grabs a chair and attacks Richards outside the ring, he then enters the ring and him and Kazarian beat down Edwards. and Dinero beat on both Edwards and Richards. Derrick Bateman and Daniel Bryan run down and Kazarian and Dinero leave through the crowd. Heenan comes out and announces that now at WrestleMayhem the tag team title match will a triple threat. Bateman and Bryan start a yes chant.

    Drew goes to Heenan office and Heenan says sorry for the match earlier tonight happening but that he was glad he won and is looking forward to him main eventing WrestleMayhem as it is his time. Drew shakes Heenan's hand and says he wants an iron man match and Heenan agrees.

    Barrett passes Scott Hall backstage and laughs at his lose to Drew loser. Hall tells Barrett as he no match yet for WrestleMayhem so maybe he will challenge him for the IC title. Barrett hits Hall with the title and refs pull them apart. Heenan arrives and tells them they can settle this WrestleMayhem.

    Up next is The Shat Show and Shatner's guests this week is Stephanie McMahon and Michelle McCool who both want to be Heenan's assistant GM. Stephanie goes to speaks first but McCool knocks her down and they brawl. Shatner tries to pull them apart and gets knocked down to by them. Heenan comes out and tells them they will have a match at WrestleMayhem and the winner gets the assistant's job. Shatner is still down in the ring. Heenan enters and helps him up. Heenan calls him a nutjob but says he likes having him around now. He says that if Shatner hadn't sanctioned the Scott Hall and Drew McIntyre match earlier we wouldn't have our main event now for WrestleMayhem being an iron man match. Mr. Perfect comes out and enters the ring, he calls Shatner a joke and tells Heenan to watch his back that he has changed for the worse and goes to hit both with his title belt but doesn't and just leaves the ring as the show ends.

    WrestleMayhem PPV Card:-

    Austin Aries Vs. Dean Malenko - Submission Match

    The American Wolves aka Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards (c) Vs. Frankie Kazarian & The Pope D'Angelo Dinero Vs. Derrick Bateman & Daniel Bryan - Tag Titles Match

    Stephanie McMahon Vs. Michelle McCool - Winner becomes Assistant GM

    Layla (c) Vs. Velvet Sky - Women's Title match

    Justin Gabriel Vs. Tyson Kidd

    Wade Barrett (c) Vs. Scott Hall - Ladder Match for IC Title

    Drew McIntyre Vs. Mr. Perfect (c) Iron Man Match for WHC Title

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,520 ✭✭✭Hashtag_HEEL

    Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our inaugural PPV:
    Match #1 DUMPSTER MATCH For the nWo:Tag Team Titles
    New Age Outlaws(c) VS Team Rhodes Scholars
    First come team Rhodes scholars(With a new entrance theme) who look in disdain at the dumpster set up right beside the ring at the end of the ramp:

    Here come the champs, all fired up and ready to play dirty!

    As the outlaws begin the usual entrance schtick, they're pearl harboured by the challengers. The match begins:
    Sandow and Rhodes begin to stomp on the Outlaws as viciously as possible. Sandow signals to Cody to get something from under the ring, Cody does so. While Sandow's attention is diverted, Road Dogg hits him with a low blow, to even the odds. Cody throws a trash can and a kendo stick into the ring unaware as to what is happening to his partner. The can is placed over Sandows head and he is whipped into the corner by Dogg. Gunn begins to hit the can with the kendo stick.Cody realises what is going on and slides back into the ring. He is met by Billys Boot and he is knocked out.
    The helpless sandow is then pushed back and forth from Gunn to Dogg. They lift the can off of his head and he spins for a second and passes out from his dizzy ordeal. Dogg grabs him by his hair and tights and tosses him into the dumpster at ringside. Cody attempts to attack Billy but is instead met with a fame-asser. A groggy Cody stands up only to be met with a knock out punch from the Road dogg!
    The Outlaws shrug their shoulders, grab Codys arms and legs and swing him into the dumpster and slam the lid.

    Gunn then pulls a padlock from beneath the ring and locks up the lid. They call out some fans from ringside for help with moving the dumpster up the ramp. When they reach the top they pick up from where they left off on the entrance schtick
    As the crowd reply,the Outlaws each put a foot on the dumpster and roll it off the stage with their opponents still inside.

    **We See Pac backstage stretching in preparation for his ladder match later in the show**

    ** We get a video package of the rivalry between Chris Hero and "King" Claudio.This includes footage from their days as a tag team and the recent physical interaction between the two. **

    MATCH #2
    Chris Hero VS "King" Claudio
    King Claudio is brought out on his throne carried by several servants. He is wearing a red imperial robe and is carrying a scepter. He is using a theme fit for a king:

    The lights are cut and we see a spotlight pointing into the rafters. We see Chris Hero sporting a Guy Fawkes mask. He is then lowered into the ring:

    He removes the mask and gets up in claudio's face. They both begin trash talking, when the King slaps Hero across the face. Chris goes nuts and begins to pound on his former partner. The match begins:
    Hero is pounding on the King to great applause. Castagnoli reaches for his royal scepter and levels Hero with it. Chris becomes dazed and confused. King Claudio whips him over the ropes and to the outside. He jumps out of the ring and begins to kick Hero in the ribs hard,repeatedly. He begins to play up to the crowd allowing Hero time to recover. Chris swings his legs around and sweeps Claudio's legs from beneath him. He slowly makes his way to his feet as does Castagnoli. They begin to slug it out, trading punches up to the top of the entrance ramp. Hero hits the "Heros welcome" on the King. He goes for the cover and only gets two!
    Hero looks in disbelief. He heads towards the ring to grab a weapon to dish out more punishment. He takes out a chair and heads back up. As he lifts the chair he is met with a pump kick. As he goes down the chair lands on his face. Claudio stomps on the chair. Hero is busted wide open.
    Claudio begins to set up Hero for the neutralizer who then counters it into a hurricanrana. Chris makes his way off the ramp to the area adjacent to the stage and sets up a wooden table. He pulls Claudio onto the table from the stage. He then makes his way back up onto the stage to preform a splash on the king. As he jumps, Claudio moves and hits a european uppercut and Hero goes through the table. The King makes the cover and wins.
    WINNER: King Claudio

    As the fans watch in complete disbelief King Claudio grabs the mic:

    **WE SEE AJ and Dolph backstage discussing something.The segment ends with a good luck kiss and AJ skipping out of the Locker Room.**

    MATCH #3: Tables Match to crown the first Womens Champion.
    Sara Del Rey VS AJ Lee
    Sara comes out first to thunderous applause:

    Aj comes out to horrible boos:

    The match begins:
    AJ jumps onto Sara and begins to slap her and pull her hair. Sara pushes her off and lifts her leg and gets her in the back of the head. They then lock up with AJ moving into a bulldog. She gets a table from ringside and places it in the corner. They begin to tussle again. Sara puts AJ into a headlock. She hooks AJ up for the Royal Butterfly, when everyone hears "I'M HERE TO SHOW THE WORLD!" She drops AJ and walks towards the apron. When she turns back AJ Whips her against the table and spears her through it.

    She celebrates in ring.


    When approached by the interviewer who asks for his thoughts he says



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,191 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Intro to Fed here:

    A New Ice Wrestling Age

    Kazuchika Okada was signed by Ice Wrestling after he had already conquered Japanese Wrestling. On his first appearance he attacked the Worlds Most Dangerous man Ken Shamrock and entered into a feud that would make Okada into a big player in Ice Wrestling. Okada said he was here to show he is a global suprstar and where better to start than by taking down the Worlds most Dangerous man? In three battles he survived the enraged Shamrock and managed to claim three victories, taking advantage of Shamrocks moonlighting with another wrestling company. Okada went on a run of victories that set him on course for an historic run.

    Bray Wyatt Debuted as a loner, defeating locals with ease and delivering speeches to the fans where he vowed to rid Ice Wrestling of his sins and indiscretions. He spoke of a higher purpose, he spoke of his followers and how they would ascend to the top of Ice Wrestling.

    His first real feud was with the dancing Hip Hop Hippo -Sweet T (Tensai). T loved interacting with the fans and having a good time, he was the complete opposite to Wyatt until the bell rang. When pushed and prodded the Big Man the power and aggression to make any man suffer. Wyatt seemed to enjoy the pain and suffering would repeatedly engage in some dangerous, violent encounters. Wyatt told Sweet T he would break him, that his performing to fans made him look like a jackass when he should be more like the Freight Train he used to be.

    Wyatts speeches got inside T’s head, after another brutal match Wyatt would continue the attack - then Karl Anderson appeared and instead of helping his friend he would stand at Bray Wyatts side and deliver more rough justice to Sweet T. Anderson almost appeared to be in a trance as Wyatt gave him orders, over the next few weeks they continued to battle with T and eventually T shocked his fans by joining forces with Wyatt and Anderson, becoming Giant Bernard once again, reforming Bad Intentions becoming part of ICE wrestlings newest Stable - The Wyatt Family

    Bad Intentions would become the ICE wrestling Tag Team champions with Wyatt looking on like a proud father.

    While the Wyatt Family was rising up the Intercontinental Title was battled over by Buddy Rose (reigning Champion) and the Brutal El Mesias.

    They engaged in a best of 5 series to decide who would be the Champion, during the rubber match Wyatt and his family appeared distracting Rose long enough for Mesias to claim the gold. It quickly became obvious that the group was now 4 man strong.

    Wyatt controlled the group like a cult figure but recruiting Mesias and claiming more gold inadvertently found them a persistent and resourceful enemy. A man who would be a ‘Thorn’ on their side.

    Buddy Rose though was a proud veteran and he didn’t take his title defeat lying down, he demanded and received a rematch for the Title but the numbers game robbed him of his chance and the evil beings beat down the veteran after the match.

    Rose returned the next week with his over the top persona of Playboy Buddy Rose fully in gear! He challenged any two members of the Wyatt Family to a match against his mystery tag team partner. Rose found assistance in his feud from another new recruit to Ice wrestling - The Punjabi Playboy The Great Khali!

    Rose and Kahli would chase the Tag Team Championship and used his friendship with The Governing Body Jesse Ventura to force Mesias to defend his title against the undefeated Okada, and Ventura banned the Wyatt Family from any involvement. Unusually for Okada he was a fan favouite in this match and he would claim the gold by beating Mesias with his Rainmaker lariat.

    Mesias was ashamed of his loss and offered to leave Ice Wrestling but Wyatt refused to accept his offer and forgave Mesias for his sins. He told Mesias he would be allowed a chance to be reborn while Wyatt Dealt with Okada. That night they attacked the Playboys of Wrestling backstage, taking down Khali and brining Rose to the ring. They lowered the cage that was over the ring for that night main event (now cancelled), damaged the controls so it couldn’t be raised. They atrted to torture Rose and stopped anyone coming to Rose’s aid including World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. They demanded the presence of The Governing Body Jesse Ventura, they told Ventura what was happening to Rose was his fault for allowing his friend to make matches. If he wanted the torture to end he had to award El Mesias a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at the No 1 Contenders PPV. Faced with no real options and in fear Ventura made the match.

    Ventura got some revenge - Three weeks before the No 1 Contenders Tournament PPV a Survivor Series match was set between the Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, El Mesias, Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson) V World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, Intercontinental Champion Okada & The Playboys of Wrestling (Khali and Rose).

    Before the Match could take place El Mesias would kidnap Triple H’s family who were watching the show from the Ice Box, meaning Triple H could not take part in the match. The match became 3 on 3. The Playboys and Bad Influence ended up eliminated leaving Wyatt v Okada - then suddenly El Mesias appeared making a two on 1. They toyed with Okada and appeared to want to make him suffer when suddenly the Game also returned! He cleaned house and eventually chased El Mesias away from ringside with both men counted out we were left with Wyatt v Okada. When things settled down Okada nailed the Rainmaker for the win.

    After the match Wyatt recovered his senses and was furious that his plans were foiled and then he started laughing - with blood running from his mouth he stared at the camera and declared Okada would pay...................

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC


    Dave Shadow opens the show by welcoming everyone, thanking everyone at home for buying Castle Island Wrestling's first pay per view show. He gives a quick rundown of the card, before announcing that tonight, we're starting things off with a bonus three way day.
    Santino, Hallowicked and Marufuji take turns beating each other up, Marufuji showing his experience by controlling most of the match up. Santino does his part to get the crowd going, the three men raising the curtain with an action packed match. Hallowicked and Santino team up against Marufuji, but when he rocks Hallowicked with a massive clothesline, he manages to start pummelling Santino down.

    However, this match is all about getting the crowd going, and Santino makes a come back, nailing a hiptoss, and pulling the Cobra sock from his trunks, the crowd cheering. He goes to hit Marufuji with it, but misses. Marufuji in his attempt to dodge it though walks into a sitout spinebuster from Hallowicked. As Wicked stands up, Santino hits him with the Cobra, jamming his hand hard into his throat. Santino rolls Hallowicked up, and gets the three count, celebrating his first win in Castle Island Wrestling.
    Winner: Santino

    As Santino leaves celebrating, and Marufuji slinks to the back, Killer Kowalski makes his way down to the ring, catching Hallowicked unaware. He starts to beat down on the masked man, with vicious kicks to the head area. Delirious' music hits and he runs down, getting in the way of the beatdown. A referee slides in, and the next match is underway immediatly.
    The two men trade punches to each other, both trying to make the other bleed. They batter each other with punches and kicks, moving round the ring, brawling with each other.

    After a few minutes, they resort to grappling, realising that they need to tire each other out before going for blood moves. They hit supplex, throws and tosses on each other. Delirious looks to gain the upperhand, hitting his signature moves, but the end comes when Kowalski grabs him by the head, and applies a tight Killer Claw onto his opponent, squeezing and squashing his head, putting as much of his strength into it. He squeezes and squeezes, as Delirious passes out. He continues until blood starts to flow down underneath Delirious' mask, and the ref calls the match.
    Winner: Killer Kowalski

    He holds the claw in until the ref pulls him off. He walks out of the arena, leaving Delirious bloodied and unconscious in the ring.

    Backstage, John Cena is giving an interview. He asks Ryder if he's ready, because tonight is a case of "Be careful what you wish for". Cena says that tonight, he plans on kicking Ryder's ass, and there's going to be no escape and no help inside of a roofed steel cage. Just Cena against Ryder. Man verses man. Before Cena can complete his next sentence, Deuce and Domino run up behind him, club him in the head and start attacking him. He tries to fend them off, but the numbers game make it impossible. Deuce and Domino walk off, leaving Cena groggy on the ground.
    Lawler and JR have the crowd firmly behind them, but that doesn't change the fact they are facing men half their age, and that JR isn't even a pro-wrestler. Lawler starts things off with Deuce, obviously not wanting to have to get JR involved. He trades attacks with Deuce but the fact he and Domino make constant tags gives them a huge advantage.

    Lawler gets double teamed consistently for a few minutes before finally managing to drop both of his opponents. Out of options, he crawls to his corner and tags in JR, telling him to just get a cover and try and end it. JR runs and pins Deuce, but there's a kick out. Lawler pulls himself up and tells JR to tag him back in, but before he can, Domino hits a chop block. JR suddenly is in a perilous position as Deuce and Domino pull him back to their corner and start stomping him down.

    Lawler tries to get into the ring and the ref moves to stop him. But Lawler knows what he is doing; JR hits a low blow on Deuce and scrambles over to to Lawler and tags him in. Lawler has regained enough energy to hit a few punches, before going for a piledriver on Deuce. As he does, Domino takes down his knee. He sits Lawler up and Deuce hits him with a running boot to the face, as the Greasers pick up the win.
    Winners: Deuce N' Domino.
    Akebono and Brodus Clay make their way to the ring first, but as Zema Ion starts, he gets ambushed by the trio of Planet Jarrett, who drag him backstage again and start beating him down. His partners run to his rescue, and the ref follows too, as the match starts off backstage. The trio drag Ion around the arena, trying to keep away from the two monsters, pulling him into dressing rooms. Eventually, Clay and Akebono catch up with them, and all six men start to fight it out. There's weapon shots being traded, they are throwing each other into things.

    The first pinfall comes when Bobby Roode hits a strong lariat to the back of Ion's head, which bounces off concrete and knocks him out, Clay and Akebono not catching it in time. They continue to fight back through the arena, heading back to the arena and to the ramp. Admist the chaos, Brown hits a big POUNCE onto Clay which topples him off the stage and through a table below. Brown climbs down as Roode and Jarrett keep Akebono distracted, and pins him, making it a three on one match.

    Even as a monster, Akebono finds it tough against the combined powers of his three opponents. They take him back to the ring, and take turns attacking him. Akebono starts a comeback, hitting a big chokeslam onto Brown and a Samoan Drop to Roode, sending them rolling out of the ring. Numbers even, he starts attacking Jeff Jarrett, throwing him round and hitting him with shove to the corner, before hitting a running splash onto him. Brown slides back in and goes for the Pounce! But he barely moves him. Akebono hits a Bono Bomber sideslam on Brown and pins him.

    Roode attacks from behind with clubbing blows, and tries for a spinebuster...which fails completly, Akebono's weight being far too much for him. Akebono hits a chokeslam, drags Roode to the corner and connects with a Bonzai drop for a second pinfall.

    It's down to Jarrett and Akebono, as Jarrett looks very nervous all of a sudden. Brown and Roode decide to get back into the match though as they start mauling at Akebono from behind. Brown goes for another Pounce which rocks Akebono, and Roode hits a Lariat to the back of the head which staggers him. Jarrett moves in and hits the Stroke to take him down, the monster unable to resist three of the strongest finishers in the business. Clay and Ion stumble down to the ring, but Jarrett gets the pinfall anyway.
    Winners: Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Roode & Monty Brown
    The two men are all about respect today, and as they start things off, the two shake hands.

    Once the bell rings though, all formallities go out the window, as the two start going at it tooth and nail. They trade stiff blows to each other. Goldberg is bigger, more powerful, but KENTA is well used to being beaten up, and takes the chops to the chest like a champ.

    After a few minutes of going back and forth, KENTA starts to focus on Goldberg's knee, trying to cut him down to reduce some of the height advantage. He gets him down to the mat, and throws his powerful kicks in the direction of Goldberg's face. One connects hard with Goldberg's nose, and draws blood. When Goldberg feels it, he snaps and lifts KENTA up, slamming him down with a big powerslam, and starting to dominate the smaller man.

    Eventually, Goldberg signals for the jackhammer. He lifts KENTA up, but before he can slam him down, KENTA nails Goldberg with a knee to the top of the head. He drops behind Goldberg, spins him round and lifts him up....and hits the Go 2 Sleep, driving his knee into the now definitely broken nose of Goldberg. He tries for the cover, but Goldberg still manages to kick out, although he looks very shakey as he rises.

    KENTA goes for a running knee, but Goldberg spears him out of the air, crashing him to the mat. Wasting no time, he picks KENTA up and this time connects with the Jackhammer. He pins KENTA for the win.
    Winner: Goldberg

    After the match, Goldberg lifts KENTA up. Both men show signs of battle, especially Goldberg whose nose is running blood down his jaw. But they shake hands again, still respecting each other, and the celebrate together, before KENTA moves off and lets Goldberg have the spot light.
    Cena is first down to the ring, and enters the cage. He's still looking groggy from the attack earlier in the night, but if anything, it seems to have angered him more than hurt him, his pride more damaged than his body. Ryder makes his way down, the sight of Cena surrounded by the cage not exactly the most inviting for him. The roof on top means no escape once he enters; the only way he's winning is through pinfall or submission.

    As he climbs in, Cena rushes him, pulls him in and the ref shuts the door. The match is on. Cena throws Ryder round the ring, beating him up, his size and weight advantage coming into it's own. On many levels, it looks like Ryder is no match for Cena. Only....this isn't the playful goodguy Ryder any more. When Cena stops the beat down for a few seconds, Ryder connects with a powerful low-blow, driving his knee hard into Cena's crotch, before grabbing him by the head and running him into the cage wall. Ryder throws Cena into the metal mesh a few times, focusing on Cena's head, trying to knock him silly. Cena grows defenseless as Ryder just mounts him, throwing punch after punch into the forehead of Cena with a vicious seriousness not usually seen by Long Island Iced Z.

    After a few minutes, Deuce and Domino start making their way down the ramp to watch their friend dominate Cena. As they do, Cena starts to mount a comeback, but Ryder manages a second low blow. This isn't about a ring classic with Ryder; it's about proving his worth in a straight up fight. Deuce and Domino might not be able to get in, but they circle the cage like hyenas, shouting abuse at Cena.

    Eventually, Cena starts his comeback, hitting a shoulderblock and a protobomb. He stumbles through a five knuckle shuffle. As he does, Deuce and Domino start freaking at ringside, and move towards the door, ordering the referee to open it. When he refuses, they shove him out of the way. Cena braces himself for another fight, but he doesn't have to worry. Chuck Norris comes running down the ramp, hits a flying kick on Deuce and nails Domino with a roundhouse kick. Jerry Lawler follws him, and grabs Deuce, rams him into the cage wall and together, Chuck Norris and Jerry Lawler bring Deuce and Domino backstage, Cena thanking them as they do.

    As Cena turns back to Ryder, he gets nailed with a Rough Rider. The crowd, despite Ryder's antics, are on their feet and count with the referee, thinking it's over. Cena gets his arm up at two, and the crowd can't believe it. Ryder picks Cena up again, and hits a second Rough Ryder, and tries for another count, but again, Cena kicks out. Ryder is furious, and goes for a third, this time letting Cena rise on his own. As he charges Cena though, there's a dip of the shoulders, and Ryder eats an Attitude Adjustment! The crowd are in disarray as Cena pins him.

    BUT RYDER KICKS OUT! Everyone can't believe it, Cena top of the list as he looks down at Ryder. He thought that it would be over, but Ryder doesn't want to be beaten. Cena watches as Ryder stands back up, shaking on wobbly legs but giving Cena the "Come and get me" look. Cena picks him up for another Attitude Adjustment....





    NOOOOOOO! Cena kicks out and in the process, counters the roll up into the STF-U! Ryder is trapped in the middle of the ring, nowhere to go, as Cena applies pressure to his neck and back. Ryder refuses to tap and Cena refuses to release the hold. After a minute of trying to struggle out, Ryder goes limp. In his desire to not tap out, in his desire not to be seen as weak, he lets the move engulf him, and passes out. The ref calls the match in Cena's favour, and it's over.
    Winner: John Cena

    As his music plays, Cena stands in the corner. After a few moments, Ryder starts to come round and as the realisiation sinks in that he's lost again, he starts to tear up. Cena helps him to his feet. The camera moves in and let's the audience hear the words they exchange. Cena says he disagrees with how Ryder went about things over the last few weeks, but he says he respects the fact he threw everything he had at him. Cena slaps him on the side of the head "playfully", and leaves the ring.

    Ryder may have lost, but he gave Cena one hell of a fight. He threw everything he had at Cena, and Cena respects that even if he didn't like it.

    The show closes with Cena celebrating on the ramp, as Ryder shouts after him that it was close, and Cena hasn't heard the last from Ryder.



    Having demonstrated the danger of the claw, Killer Kowalski would have proceeded to be slowly built up as having the most dangerous move in CIW.

    KENTA would look to recover from his loss to one monster with a fight against another; Akebono. Their fight would not be about respect however, as the two would engage in stiff brawls, trying to utterly destroy each other.

    Deuce and Domino, unhappy with Ryder's display of respect with Cena at the end of the show, would have turned on their friend. Ryder would have moved back to the good side, but would retain his serious attitude, looking to build his credibility back, with the hopes that one day, John Cena would challenge HIM to a rematch, searching for a sign that he had reached the next level.

    Cena, meanwhile, would move towards another clash with Goldberg, their first match ending a few weeks back in controversy. Having both won at the pay per view, both would seek to prove their dominance as the top guy within CIW. However, with Planet Jarrett rising in power, the two would have to team up first to tackle the trio, Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Roode and Monty Brown wanting to assert their dominance.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,191 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Introducing Okada and the Wyatt Family

    Ice Wrestling No 1 Contenders Tournament. The Rules are simple, a series of one fall bouts would take place with the winner advancing to the next round. The winner of the tournament will face the World Heavyweight Champion in the main event of Ice Wrestling's biggest Show - the Amorphous (Wrestlemania equivalent) PPV.

    The opening match of the tournament would see the experienced Randy Orton take on the rookie Bo Dallas.

    Qtr Final 1
    Randy Orton v Bo Dallas
    The match is competitive at the start but Orton is in a determined mood tonight and he takes control before hitting the RKO for the win.
    Result: Winner Randy Orton

    Qtr Final 2
    Shamrock v Umaga
    This match put two of the favourites up against each other. On a recent episode of Ice Wrestlings Weekly TV show these men fought to a 30 minute time limit draw and no love is lost between these men.

    This match was again set with a time limit but it was not needed. The match opened with both men trying to strike their way to victory, each man hit some punishing blows but neither man was badly hurt, Shamrock changed tactics and tried to shot on the Big Man an Umaga’s defense saw both men end up on the outside of the ring.

    Both men started to use the environs around the ring to inflict punishment on each other, both men returned to the ring only to break the refs count before returning to the outside. Eventually the ref abandoned his count and tried to coax both men back inside the ring. They were not willing to listen and the ref threatened to call the match off but the boos of the crowd soon put an end to that idea.

    Eventually Umage threw Shamrock into Barricade, as Shamrock pulled himself up Umaga charged and drove both men through the steel and into the crowd. The ref was forced to all the match off and this time the crowd had no complaints.
    Result: No Winner

    Qtr Final 3
    Wyatt v Khali

    Gm Jesse Ventura made sure that iIf Bray Wyatt wanted to become the No 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship he would have to do it the hard way. He put Wyatt on the same side of the draw as three of his biggest enemies.

    First up was the Gigantic and pissed Great Khali. Wyatt though is a determined and resourceful soul and used every trick he could think of to take Khali down before eventually hitting the Swinging Reverse STO for the win.
    Result: Winner Bray Wyatt

    Qtr Final 4
    Okada v Rose

    This match up saw two people with common enemies forced into competition.

    The match starts with a handshake offered by Buddy Rose, Okada however smirks and refuses the gesture, an unpopular act with a crowd that were just getting used to shouting for Okada in his battles with the Wyatt Family.

    Okada used some more heelish acts but Rose was able to sue some of his extra bodyweight to take over the match. He tried to win it early and went for his DDT finisher Okada transitioned into a Ranhai pin combination for the quick win.
    Result: Winner Okada

    Semi Final 1
    Result: Randy Orton - bye to Final

    Semi Final 2
    Bray Wyatt v Okada
    This match was incredibly brief to the shock of all in attendance, Bray Wyatt made his way to the ring with Karl Anderson at his side and a microphone in hand, preaching about the power of his family, they they would hold the World Heavyweight Championship and the No 1 contendership after tonights events. As the bell rang Wyatt went to his corner to talk to Anderson but Okada wasn’t waiting for anyone - he grabbed Wyatt by the arm and nailed the rainmaker for the win.

    Winner: Okada
    The ref had barely finished his count when Anderson stormed the ring, but it was too late to make the save. He immediately attacked Okada, Wyatt got back his own bearings and joined in. As some refs came from the back Wyatt cleared them all out as Anderson continued the attack hitting a Gun Stun and locking in the Boston Crab. Wyatt then told Anderson to release the hold before positions Okada for a reverse Swinging Reverse STO - before any more Damage can be done Jesse Ventura supported by Kota Ibushi, Consequences Creed and Bo Dallas save Okada from any more punishment.

    Wyatt leaves very happy despite his loss.


    Before the next match can take place we learn that both Shamrock and Umaga have recovered their senses and it appears neither man was seriously injured earlier in the night.

    World Heavyweight Championship match
    Triple H (Champion) v El Mesias

    On the pre show we learned GM Ventura banned the remaining members of the Wyatt Family from the match and made it a No DQ.
    Triple H starts the match on fire after the events of three weeks ago when El Mesias went after his family. As it was a no DQ both men seemed to excel in the elements, everything from Steel Chairs to Tables and even a trusty Sledgehammer was used.

    Triple H eventually got the win with Two Pedigrees on El Mesias.
    Video Package of the Piper v Ali match set for Amorphous and a Pipers Pit Segment is announced for the next night on the weekly TV show.

    We hear from backstage sources that Okada will be competing in the main event despite some possible internal injuries.

    No 1 Contender Tournament Final

    Randy Orton v Kazuchika Okada
    The match starts with Orton in control. Okada is clearly hurt from Wyatts attack after the Semi Final and Orton is fresh from not having a Semi Final match up. Orton hits hits signature backbreaker then positions Okada on the middle rope for a DDT. Orton nails it and goes for the pin but Okada kicks out. Orton sets ups for the RKO but Okada is the one to strike with an amazing Drop Kick. When they get back to their feet Orton goes for the Olympic Slam but Okada blocks it and gets Orton up for the reverse Knee Piledriver and he hits it, going for the pin, as the ref makes the count Giant Bernard comes from the crowd and pulls the ref from the ring before picking up Okada and hitting the Bernard Bomb.

    Bernard makes his way up the ramp he is greeted by a smiling Bray Wyatt.

    The referee regains his senses as Orton gets to his feet. He sees Okada get to his hands and knees in the corner, he sets up for the Punt - But Wait! The sound of Hiroshi Tanahashi entrance Music fills the arena and Tanahashi runs out from the backstage area - he is Back - he is not due to return tonight! Tanahashi slows down as he nears the ring as he sees Okada rise to his feet behind Orton. He strikes with the Rainmaker and this one is over.


    The show goes off the Air with Okada’s hand raised in victory, still undefeated and on his way to a World Title bout v Triple H at Amorphous.


  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭lebowskilite

    The Face Announcer stands in the ring, addressing the 65’000-strong crowd, the audience at home and the International Heavyweight Champion, Billy Graham who stands with him in the ring. On the cuboid lebowskitron set-up there is a timer which stands at 4 hours, 0 minutes and 20 seconds on a yellow background. Face repeats the stipulation, that anyone pinning or applying a successful submission hold to the champion between 8pm and midnight (local time) will become the champion. The stipulation will not end when the championship changes hands, but the new champion will have to defend it. If the champion leaves the stadium at any point before midnight, they will have forfeited the championship. By the terms of the stipulation, the champion must be in the ring at the stroke of 8 o’clock. The clock now reads 4 hours and 7 seconds, and the crowd begin to chant a countdown. As the clock strikes 4 hours some pyro goes off and the lebowskitrons turn red, and a hush comes over the crowd. A referee walks out onto the stage, and Billy Graham leaves the ring to go and meet him. It’s started! We go to the opening credits.
    Opening Credits

    Opening Vignette
    -The announcement of Michael Cole’s election as Chairman of the International Championship Council. Superstar Billy Graham’s return at Survival of the Fittest and his victory in the eponymous match. The dominant Billy Graham has a disagreement with Christopher Daniels and wins the championship later on that night. Michael Cole’s Monday Night Championship and attempts to become the dominant, respected chairperson. Billy Graham interrupting Cole’s match, beginning the heated rivalry. Billy Graham is stripped of his championship. Graham steals the championship back. Michael Cole is forced to reinstate Billy Graham. Billy Graham announcing that Cole’s career is on the line. Michael Cole telling a bloodied, worn-out Graham, that he will be defending his title nonstop throughout Turmoil!. Billy Graham’s final promo before the event, in which he promises nothing.
    -The history of the Tag Team Turmoil Match. Images of past winners. The 1-2-3 Sparks, an old tag team reformed and dominant. Reminders of the various factional rivalries in the ICW that have played out over the last weeks. Michael Cole’s announcement that the match will also decide the No.1 Contender. Various comments by announcers that anyone could win and become the no.1 contender. Last week’s main event: 1-2-3 Sparks will be first in and will have to beat all other teams to retain their championships. Christopher Daniels and William Regal of The League will be last in. Hugh Jackman’s statement that its likely some people won’t even make it to the Turmoil Match. “One thing’s for sure. At some point on Sunday night, we are gonna see what turmoil really means!”

    Face Announcer: “Hello and welcome to Turmoil! We are live from the Rogers Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with a packed house of 65’823 ICW fans in attendance! Moments ago, as you just saw, Billy Graham was present for the beginning of his ultimate challenge – a 4-hour championship defence against every single superstar on the International Championship Wrestling roster! But that’s not all, every other championship this company has to offer will be on the line tonight! We’ll also be seeing a double steel cage match for the SuperFly #1 contender and a submission-only match between former International Champion Christopher Daniels and his nemsis AJ Styles! To top it all off of course we have the annual tradition, the hottest tag team match in town, the Turmoil Match itself!

    Heel: I can’t wait for that! Will Billy Graham make it? I can’t see it myself. Just to make sure we capture the moment he loses his title, I’ve seen to it that a production crew is following him and that referee around everywhere they go, and if anything does happen, you can be sure we’ll be showing it! And did you say all of our championships? What about the Monday Night Championshisp?!

    Face: Oh, I must’ve temporarily forgotten it existed and how relevant it is to the world of wrestling. But now, a preview of our first match!
    Match 1
    Preview Vignette
    - Week 1: Moments after Larry announced he would be tutoring Yokozuna in the science of technical wrestling, the Samoan and Zbyszko would both be screwed over by Chairman Cole and receive a beating at the hands of his allies. Blaming Cole (and Chris Daniels), Zbyszko would bully his way into the main event later that night where he would be lose, but cost Daniels his championship and rock the boat for Cole.
    - Week 2: Cole would have his revenge by bringing a restraining order against Zbysko, humiliate him by having him dragged out of his office and later by being forced to exit a tag-team match.
    - Week 3: Zbyszko, like many, had had enough and challenged Cole’s lackey D’Lo Brown to an American Championship Match at Turmoil!. Brown would accept in order to shut Zbyszko up about Chairman Cole.
    - Week 4: Banned from competing by Cole, Zbyszko would nonetheless turn up to try and ruin Christopher Daniels’ hopes of setting the stipulation for his own match tonight. Instead, Brown’s interruption would allow Zbyszko to be glassed in the face.
    - Week 5: Brown would assault Zbyszko at ringside, letting him know that this match isn’t just business, it’s personal.

    This match was Zbyszko’s doing and is a direct challenge to Cole and his brown-nosing buddies. Zbyszko wants vengeance for how he and Yokozuna have been treated over the last 5 weeks, and D’Lo Brown wants to show this troublesome veteran up as an example to others who would insult Chairman Cole.
    The Match
    Both wrestlers are accompanied to the ring by their allies. Chairman Cole is wearing his new worker’s jacket again. Yokozuna is dressed casually!
    Zbyszko dominates the match but a sure-fire pin is scuppered by Cole pulling Brown’s leg onto the rope. Seconds later, taking advantage of the distraction caused, Cole hits Zbyszko in the back with a pipe. Brown moves in for the pin, 1… 2… No! Zbyszko is up.

    He then reverses a running attack by D’Lo Brown into a piledriver on the turn! 1… 2… No! Brown gets out!

    The piledriver took more out of Zbyszko than it did Brown by the looks of things. Brown begins pounding on the head of Zbyszko – the same head he assaulted last Monday and the same head Christopher Daniels glassed the week before that. Old stitches are opening and Zbyszko is a red-faced mess before long.

    Brown hits the Shining Impact before lifing Zbyszko up for a Sky High Spinebuster. Zbyszko gets up after some moments while Brown taunts Yokozuna and the crowd.

    Zbyszko is leaning on the ropes arching his back in a peculiar manner. We can all see the red patch where Cole hit him with the pipe. Brown hits him with another Sky High Spinebuster and makes the pin. 1... 2... 3! The match is over!

    Cole and Brown celebrate together while Yokozuna helps Zbyszko up and they walk together back up the ramp.
    D’Lo Brown wins via pinfall and remains the ICW American Heavyweight Champion!
    NB: Booking decisions will be explained at the end.

    As the victors celebrate, the music cuts out and the lebowskitron shows what is happening backstage where the Tag-Team Champions Hardcore Holly and X Pac are assaulting Billy Graham with some steel chairs. Michael Cole goes running up the ramp to get to wherever it is. Graham puts up a good fight, throwing X Pac into a group of stage-lighting boxes and exchanging furious blows with Holly. Cole arrives with a baseball bat and coaxes X Pac up. X Pac takes the bat and Graham begins to lose his momentum on the other end of this most brutal beating. Holly goes for the pin and the lights in the corridor go out. We hear Michael Cole screaming and when the lights go on Holly and X Pac are watching as Cole’s dragged body disappears behind a corner. When they turn around Graham has a present for each of them in the form of a chair shot. He picks up his title and splits the scene.

    The Heel Announcer is once again cursing whoever the wretch is who keeps turning the lights off. The Face Announcer meanwhile is cursing the cowardly 1-2-3 Sparks and Chairman Cole. After they stop their bickering, we see the clip that aired on earlier this week in which Taka Michinoku – possibly jealous of Funaki’s place on the card tonight – begs for and receives a match for tonight, in which he will defend his championship against Monday’s celebrity host, Hugh Jackman!
    Match 2

    Jackman enters first in casual streetwear, telling us that he didn’t realise what Chairman Cole meant when he asked did he want to be a part of tonight. Nonetheless, Jackman will try his hardest to put up a fight. Taka Michinoku enters.
    The Match
    It doesn’t seem that Michinoku expected this match when he begged for one either, and he is sheepish at the prospect of harming charming Hugh’s lovely facial features. The two begin a strange encounter in which Jackman seems to be boxing and Michinoku seems to be using only his feet. After delivering an enzuigiri which knocks Jackman over, Michinoku checks to see if he is o.k. only to be low-blowed by a kneeling Jackman!! Not quite sure what he did, Jackman is very apologetic as the bell goes and he is disqualified. After Michinoku gets up, Jackman attempts a handshake only to be hurricanrana’d by Michinoku – who then mock pins him and counts his own three-count before helping him up.

    Then the two of them shake hands though not in a particularly friendly way. Jackman looks around the stadium and seems very annoyed to have made such a fool of himself while Michinoku collects his SuperFly Championship.
    Taka Michinoku wins via DQ and remains the ICW Super Flyweight Champion!

    Meanwhile, backstage…
    Christopher Daniels, William Regal and Yoshihiro Tajiri are moving around as a pack. They enter the shower room and find a belt in its cover hanging from a peg, and hear a man whistling in the showers. William Regal is all for going in and beating him senseless but Daniels protests, “you expect me to pin a naked man?” They decide to wait for him in corridor instead. Kris Logan comes out of the showers with a towel around his waist and (very quickly) changes as the camera looks away. He leaves the room and we hear noises and a scream and then a very loud “Goddamnit!” from Daniels and “Sorry about that m’lad.” From Regal.
    Match 3
    Preview Vignette
    The vignette shows highlights from the SuperFly Tournament, as well as the success of these two competitors and in particular Funaki’s success against Tajiri in the semi-final two weeks ago.

    Funaki’s recent success over the last couple of weeks has been an intriguing change of fortune for an otherwise veteran jobber in the western hemisphere. Matt Sydal doesn’t seem to recognise this though and clearly thinks he will win this one. He also has the pressure of the League on his shoulders – a once stable that demands maximum influence and maximum gold in this federation. The winners of this match will face SuperFly champion Taka Michinoku at Grandslam in 5 weeks’ time. Funaki has said in interviews that a match against Michinoku at the grandest showcase of all will not harm their friendship, but it would be competitive.

    The Double Steel Cage is literally a match with two standard steel cages. The catch? One of them is sat atop the other, rotated so that its corners rest over the sides. Escape is impossible, as the gaps between the cages are connected by steel caging to create a ceiling above the turnbuckles and a triangular ledge overlooking the ring on each side. Only if someone were to climb over the top cage, at a height of 30 feet from the ground, could they climb down – something no one has attempted and thanks to insurance clauses never will. Anyway, escape doesn’t win this match. Throwing your opponent around like a bag of rice and jumping on them from great heights, however, does, so long as you secure a pin or submission.

    Apparently heel announcer has put a lot of money on Sydal to win. Face tells him he’s a fool but nothing new there. The competitors enter and the double cage structure is lowered. This is what the SuperFly division is all about, yells Face.
    The Match
    The match is fast and brutal, though the super flyweights are selling the hardness of the steel less than their heavyweight counterparts usually would. Early on in a spot Sydal finds himself caught on the turnbuckle as Funaki quickly rises from a fall. To avoid a fast advancing Funaki Sydal climbs behind him and clings like a spider to the ceiling above and elbow drops Funaki from there! Later on, it is Funaki’s turn to head up the cage wall and onto one of the platforms, and when Sydal catches up with him, Funaki delivers a super powerbomb down onto the canvass. When he recovers himself for a pin it is only for a two count however.

    Later Funaki would head up to the platform again to deliver another attack, only for Sydal to catch up and deliver a leaping avalanche frankensteiner from the ropes below! Like himself before, Funaki kicks out at two. Sydal lands a moonsult and then a standing shooting star press before climbing to one of the platforms himself to deliver the shooting star press again, this time from much higher. Funaki rolls out of the way however and a pained Matt Sydal finds himself caught in a fujiawra armbar, but Funaki soon let’s go to head to the ropes and lands a bulldog on a risen but groggy Sydal. Funaki goes for the pin, 1… 2… -no, he’s not done enough.

    Sydal gets to his feet only to catch the end of a diving crossbody from a waiting Funaki but now gets out at 1 and delivers a wheel kick to get back in the match, following it up with a springboard cannonball legdrop and later a fhiserman’s suplex but Sydal can’t get the three count either!

    The two go at it for some time, showing off the best of the SuperFly division whilst also utilising the cage for extra showmanship and some nasty clashes. The two fight exclusively on one of the platforms for 60 seconds before Sydal delivers a slide slam forcing Funaki’s head backwards onto the steel.

    Sydal actually tries to pin him on the platform, but the referee says he has to be on the ring canvass itself. Once he manages to get Funaki up, however, Sydal sees the tide turn and he is bulldogged headfirst from the platform onto the ring canvass 11 feet below! Funaki goes for the pin, 1… 2… and a half but no cigar!

    The two exchange drop kicks and hurricanranas but still no winner! Sydal catches Funaki and lifts him for a “here it is” driver and surely…. 1… 2… 3?

    No! two and a half again! The crowd are going wild for these two.

    Funaki whips Sydal to the ropes and delivers a brainbuster, slamming Sydal ringt into the middle of the ring. 1… 2… 3-Sydal kicked out! But no one’s getting up quickly now. This match is surely nearing a close.

    Funaki gets up first and goes to the ropes but starts to climb again! What’s he doing? He can barely stand!

    Funaki is going to risk it all on one last manoeuvre! Sydal is still down, Funaki is up, standing, on the edge of a steel cage – 11 feet above his opponent and he goes for it!

    A Shooting Star Press from the cage platform and he connects with Sydal! Funaki pins… 1… 2… 3… It’s there! It’s over! Funaki wins! Funaki is going to Grandslam!

    The cage lifts as the two use the ropes to get to their feet and shake hands. It’s not over though, they’ll both be in the Turmoil Match later on tonight. Funaki celebrates with an impressed crowd.
    Shoichi Funaki wins via pinfall and will face Taka Michinoku for the ICW Super Flyweight Championship at Grandslam.

    We now go backstage…
    Our usual interviewer is backstage, telling us that the production team are scouring the building looking for Chairperson of the ICC Michael Cole, who was last seen being dragged away by someone or something earlier tonight.

    As the interviewer is speaking, Christopher Daniels, William Regal, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Hardcore Holly and X Pac all march past carrying 2x4s, iron bars and other devices. The camera follows (sure the interviewer is a boring sh*te anyway) as the League & co. march into an executive box where Billy Graham is sitting in an armchair, smoking a cigar having just watched the Funaki/Sydal match. He turns around and says, “Well, let’s do it then.” And all hell breaks loose.

    The attackers swarm around Graham who uses a table and some glasses of drink to hurt them but he’s no match for them really. He manages to get out of the door and into the corridor and start running but he can’t run so good at the moment and is soon downed by a 2x4 to the shins and a chair shot to the back. The attackes abandon weapons now and just start kicking Graham sh*tless. Finally, Daniels goes to pin him and an angry referee counts 1… 2… - and Graham pushes Daniels off him and tries to get up.

    “The worst mistake he ever made!” heel announcer says and he may be right.

    Another volley of kicks and now they push Graham through a door (it doesn’t stay on its hinges though) into an executive bar. Customers go running as Graham throws William Regal across a table but it is soon Graham being thrown by the others.

    After going through two coffee tables an armchair is dropped on him and some elbow drops are lent to him also. Graham is bleeding all over and can’t get up.

    Daniels taunts him to get up but he can’t.

    Medics come into the bar but Tajiri threatens them with a table leg. Daniels is about to pin Graham when Holly goes for glory and takes out Daniels! X Pac goes for the pin but is dragged off Graham’s body by William Regal!

    Christopher Daniels is sent flying across the room by Holly but Regal soon sorts him out as well. A close-up reveals that Graham is definitely unconscious now. The 1-2-3 Sparks are sent crashing into the medics by Regal and Tajiri.

    Daniels finally pins Billy Graham but the referee isn’t in the room.

    Tajiri brings the referee by the cuff, similarly threatening him with a smashed beer bottle. The referee counts the pin, 1.2.3. Graham isn't even awake.

    Christopher Daniels is the new International Heavyweight Champion.

    He celebrates with Regal and Tajiri and the referee looks disgusted. Regal breaks up a confrontation and tells Daniels he needs to go and hide, now. They all split – with Regal and Tajiri heading to their own match – as medical personal make it into the room to see to Billy Graham.

    Hardcore Holly gets up from under a mass of chairs and medics and finds his own championship belt, which is tucked neatly underneath half of a destroyed table.

    The Face Announcer is cursing like a sailor! Wasn’t Christopher Daniels trying to be the best wrestler?! Hitting a man with a pipe and throwing him around a bar with the help of all your friends isn’t wrestling! Heel is happy to be rid of Graham, who he doesn’t think we’ll be seeing any more of tonight, or for a long time after perhaps. Face reminds Heel of the bet he just lost in double cage match, which infuriates Heel, who wails slightly.
    Match 4
    Preview Vignette
    Things were going well for Regal of late, he had steered the League into an alliance with Chairman Cole and his pep talks have been key to making sure the world knows that the League still means business. A cheap use of the brass knuckles to win a tag-team match in week 2 would cost him dearly as Rikishi would set out to take his championship off him and prove that Regal was nothing without cheating. After proving himself worthy against Yokozuna, Rikishi’s challenge was accepted. Rikishi wouldn’t stop there though, and a humiliating stink face on Regal in that same night would lead to Regal’s honest speech the week later. Yes, Regal has cheated in the past. But he did it out of boredom, not to get ahead. Regal claims he would be in exactly the same position had he not resorted to the brass knuckles to “win matches he should’ve worked harder to win”. His match against Billy Graham proved he had the ability and could still put up a fight, even if he did lose. Tonight, the stakes are simple. Rikishi has set out to take Regal’s belt from him and Regal has vowed to defend it by legal means only. No man trusts the other, though. Will this be a best-man-wins-and-shake-hands match of honour, or simple a degenerative brawl?

    Regal is booed like a terrorist going to trial as he enters the field with Tajiri. Rikishi takes to the microphone and asks how a man like Regal can talk about a good honest wrestling match after what he just helped to do Billy Graham. Regal simply points to the bell and the match begins.
    The match is good but it isn’t pretty. Regal advances with some inverted full nelson locks, painful tilt-a-whirl slams, various suplexes, some European uppercuts and once a torturous boston crab. Rikishi gets back into it with some clotheslines and proceeds to slam and bust Regal around the ring, going for the pin after a chokeslam but he isn’t successful. A few more clotheslines and Rikishi whips Regal to the turnbuckle and goes for the stinkface! Regal moves out of the way and slides out of the ring where he and Samu have words. Tajiri gets involved and soon Samu has been head-scissor taken down into the stairs!

    Regal is back in the ring and more ferocious than before, the same of which can be said for Rikishi. Regal lands a half nelson suplex followed by an elbow drop. As Rikishi rises Regal drags him across the ring for a cutter and as Rikishi is lying face-down he attempts a Romero special and then converts it into a Dragon Sleeper. Rikishi’s back is bent! Will he submit? He can’t break out of the hold but Regal can’t hold it either and relents eventually.

    Regal begins stomping on Rikishi who eventually grabs his leg and drags him down. Rikishi is up and lifts Regal for the Samoan Drop before going to the turnbuckle and attempting a Banzai Drop...

    Regal moves out of the way and as Rikishi sits he lands what you might call a diving uppercut from behind to bring Rikishi to the floor for the pin. Rikishi kicks out at one and then floors Regal with a DDT.

    Regal looks like he’s in trouble now as Rikishi drags him back over to the turnbuckle for a god-knows-what. Tajiri attempts to enter the ring but is tripped by Samu’s hand. Samu drags him out and the two brawl again. The referee goes to find out what is going on and gets clocked. Samu slams Tajiri onto the stairs and the two of them are knocked out.

    Rikishi is the only man standing and lands a Banzai Drop on Regal, and sits there for the pin. The audience counts 1…2… - he kicks out, it wouldn’t have been a win anyway!

    Rikishi goes back up top for another banzai drop but turns around on the top rope! Rikishi is poised to body splash poor Regal!

    Regal gets up and climbs to Rikishi punching and uppercutting him repeatedly in the head. Rikishi pushes him back onto the canvass where Regal looks in agony as Rikishi tries to compose himself again.

    Regal forces himself up and again goes up to meet Rikishi. This time Regal wins the tussle and the two of them drop in Regal's avalanche butterfly suplex that neither man gets up from.

    As the two attempt to get up, Samu stirs also. Regal attempts a Regal bomb but Rikishi pushes him away and lands a chokeslam, dropping to his own knees in the process! Rikishi goes for the pin… 1… 2… - no, Regal kicks out again! Rikishi is spread out now too! Will either man get up?

    Samu enters the ring and drags Rikishi onto Regal. Samu then sits on Regal himself! Regal has the combined weight of the Samoan Swat team resting on his torso! He looks like he’s going to pass out... He does!

    Samu gets up and leaves the ring as the referee and Tajiri stir. Tajiri tries to stop him but the referee counts the pin. 1…2…3! That's the match!

    Rikishi and Samu celebrate with the new belt. No one seems to know what happened except Samu. Tajiri is lifting Regal up, who limply shakes Rikishi’s hand as Samu looks on grinning. Regal can’t make it up the ramp though, and sits down to take in some air. Medical staff come down on a stretcher to take him the rest of the way. The second casualty of the ppv!
    Rikishi wins via pinfall and is the new ICW Overseas Heavyweight Champion!

    Superstar Billy Graham is being lifted into an ambulance by paramedics. Someone is asking him to respond and he’s talking nonsense about Vince McMahon Sr. The paramedics rush the cameras away – this is no place for media! The ambulance takes off and Billy Graham has left the arena.
    Match 5

    Heel Announcer says we’ll have to update that graphic to show the world who the International Champion is! Face Announcer is busy explaining that this is now effectively an International Championship Match. In fact, if AJ Styles pins Christopher Daniels, he will not win the match but will win the championship. Heel is quick to point out that Christopher Daniels could regain it by making AJ submit. Bah God! Things have heated up!
    Preview Vignette
    Christopher Daniels won his first International Championship 5 weeks ago in a loser leaves town match against the company’s top face who was forced to retire. His reign would last just 23 hours as the returning Billy Graham would pin Larry Zbyszko in a triple-threat match the night after to claim the title. Daniels should’ve been the automatic no.1 contender in his opinion but the retun of AJ Styles a week later meant he would have to contest even that in a match that would be cut short by the temporarily dispossessed Graham. Daniels has developed a paranoia about the situation now and what should’ve been his big break to superstardom has trickled away. In week 4 he got friendly enough with Chairman Cole to strike a path out of his bad luck. In his head, AJ Styles stands in the middle of that path and tonight Daniels will try and get AJ banned from the showcase of showcases, the Grandslam pay-per-view.

    For his part, AJ Styles is new to ICW and may not be staying for long. He didn’t ask for this match and has said that he probably won’t stick around if he’s banned from Grandslam. However, what is clear is that the animosity between these two isn’t dead or buried. Styles will take Daniels on full force in this match.

    Now, Daniels has the International Heavyweight Championship – effectively making this a championship match. These two might be rehearsing the Grandslam main event for all we know.

    If Regal was being booed before, the chorus that greets Daniels could cause a mudslide as he is announced as the new International Heavyweight Champion. He enters with the championship over his shoulder and the special referee at the side of him. If there’s a pin, that referee will count it. AJ, already in the ring, is all business.
    The Match
    These two are no stranger to each other and the match is fast-paced and furious. The submission manoeuvres made between the two all concentrate on the back for the first ten minutes. AJ hits Daniels with neckbreakers, frankensteiners and once a muta lock; Daniels hits back with neckbreakers, legdrops, spicy drops and some vicious STOs that “could decapitate a weaker man” according to the announcers.

    About 7 minutes in, Daniels absorbs the pressure of the muta lock for almost a minute straight before the two collapse out of the hold. Style’s hits a rolling lariat and then goes to the turnbuckle for a quick Phenomenon DDT off the second rope. Daniels looks out of it and Styles goes for a pin! The special referee gets in to count it but Daniels kicks out. AJ Styles is looking to win the championship!

    Daniels whips AJ and hits the reverse STO transitioning into a Koji Clutch in the middle of the ring! Styles tries to push his way backwards towards the ropes but Daniels won’t let him! It looks like he’s going to tap… will he?... no, he gets to the ropes! Daniels holds the lock in anyway, he’s furious!

    The referee gets to 4 and Daniels lets go, delivering a standing moonsault to the recovering Styles before the referee pushes him away. Daniels clotheslines AJ as soon as he is up and goes for the best moonsault ever off the turnbuckle but AJ is up to stop and pushes him back onto the turnbuckle!

    AJ grabs his hands from behind him and delivers a reversed Fall From Grace sending Daniels crashing face-first on to the mat!

    Daniels has landed rough and AJ shifts him onto his back for the pin again! The special referee moves into the ring for it but at that moment the lights go out!


    Tune in for Part II!

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    Match 1


    SWE Interprovincial Championship Match (Ladder Match)

    “Flyin” Brian Pillman vs Matt Hardy vs MVP vs Ted Dibiase Jr vs Chavo Guerrero vs Hernandez

    For a recap of the feud click here
    The arena is set up with various ladders and tables for the ladder match for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship. The championship belt is hung high above the ring. The six competitors make it to the ring. The last one out is Brian Pillman who has managed to piss off all the other competitors in the match. As all six face each other in the ring and the bell rings, all five attack Pillman. Once Pillman is beaten down and thrown out of the ring Ted Dibiase attacks Matt Hardy while Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez attack MVP. Once Hardy and MVP are thrown out of the ring Chavo and Hernandez start beating Dibiase and get him thrown out of the ring as well. This allows Chavo and Hernandez to go outside and grab a ladder to bring back in the ring. Once the ladder is set up inside the ring Chavo sets to go up it. Hernandez pulls him back indicating that he is the one that should go up it. Chavo pulls Hernandez back not allowing him to go up the ladder either. The two are arguing over who should go up the ladder and don’t see Pillman sneak back into the ring and try to go up the ladder. Hernandez grabs Pillman’s foot and pulls him off the ladder. He picks up Pillman and throws him out of the ring again. While Hernandez’s back is turned again Chavo tries to get up the ladder and is close to the belt but is thwarted when Hernandez spots him and tilts the ladder enough for Chavo to go flying onto the mat and out of the ring.

    MVP and Hardy get back in the ring and double team Hernandez. They have Hernandez down, grab the ladder, close it up and as Hernandez gets up they give him a clothesline with the ladder. MVP then proceeds to lay the ladder on the mat, roll Hernandez on to it and he gives Hernandez a Ballin’ Elbow much to the crowd and Matt Hardy’s pleasure. As MVP gets up and turns to Hardy for congratulations and walks straight into a Twist of Fate from Hardy. Apparently there are no friends in a ladder match.

    Matt Hardy sets up a ladder in the ring and starts climbing it. Dibiase grabs another ladder and sets up beside Hardy’s ladder. Dibiase climbs up to the same level as Hardy and the two start exchanging blows. Out of nowhere Hardy hits Dibiase with a Twist of Fate off the top of the ladder. Dibiase rolls out of the ring in agony. Hardy gets up slowly and is now attacked by Chavo. Chavo hits Dibiase with the Three Amigos.

    Chavo sets up a ladder horizontally from the mat to the commentator’s desk. He puts Hardy lying down on it, proceeds to the top rope and gives Hardy a Frog Splash through the ladder. Chavo is inn agony after it but not as much as Hardy and there is medical staff coming out to treat Hardy. Back inside the ring Hernandez sets up a ladder to get the belt. He climbs it slowly and eventually reaches the top. He stretches his hands upward to get the belt but can’t quite reach it. Pillman and Dibiase both slide in the ring and tilt the ladder over and this sends Hernandez flying out of the ring and through two tables set up on top of each other outside the ring.

    Pillman and Dibiase are left in the ring and both go at it trying to get the upper hand. Pillman gradually wears Dibiase down enough to get to the top rope. He gives Dibiase a Missile Dropkick that sends Dibiase towards the corner where there is a table set up. Dibiase stops himself before he reaches the table but as he turns around Pillman spears him through the table. Dibiase is out of it and Pillman is struggling to get to his feet. Pillman gets up slowly and gets a ladder standing upright and begins to climb it. Everyone seems to be incapacitated enough and Pillman reaches the top, stands up and unhooks the belt and wins the SWE Interprovincial Championship.

    Winner and new SWE Interprovincial Champion: Brian Pillman

    Ted Dibiase is backstage being interviewed with his two bodyguards Matt Morgan and Test. Ted says “Today is a momentous day for the SWE. For the SWE will finally get a true champion that is full of integrity and championship calibre in myself but we will also usher in a new era in the tag team division when the size and power of Matt Morgan and Test will dominate the tag division for years to come. It just goes to show that everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man”
    Match 2


    Steel Cage Match

    “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka vs Christian

    For a recap of the feud click here
    Jimmy Snuka is first out and gets a huge ovation. Christian follows him out and the steel cage is locked after he gets inside. The match starts with Snuka chasing Christian around the ring. Christian can’t escape the ring so is forced to lock up with Snuka. Snuka hits with a flurry of punches. He hits Christian with a backbreaker and follows it up with a diving crossbody. The pace of the match is too much for Christian but he can’t slow it down until Snuka attempts a dropkick after launching Christian into the ropes but Christian holds on to the ropes and Snuka misses with the dropkick. This allows Christian to get some offence in and he uses the cage to his advantage. He throws Snuka over the ropes face first into the steel cage several times and Snuka is struggling.

    Christian has Snuka set up for the Killswitch but Snuka pushes Christian away and gives him a clothesline as he comes off the ropes. Snuka then starts getting in a few hits to Christian. Snuka has Christian in the corner, he pulls him out of the corner to send him into the opposite corner but instead Christian quickly climbs to the top rope and attempts to climb the cage. Snuka reacts quickly and drags him down. Christian is sitting on the top turnbuckle after being dragged down the cage. Snuka goes over to him but Christian hits him with a tornado DDT from the top rope that leaves Snuka lying on the mat.

    Christian struggles to his feet and goes to the nearest corner and climbs the cage to attempt to escape. Snuka gets to his feet and chases up the cage after him and just grabs Christian’s foot to prevent him over the top of the cage. Both wrestlers are sitting on the top of the cage exchanging blows. Snuka gives Christian a powerful head-butt and this has Christian struggling. Snuka follows it up with another head-butt and Christian is struggling. Snuka throws Christian back into the ring. Snuka is on the top of the cage and realises all he has to do is climb down to win. He also sees Christian on the mat, looks at the crowd and points at Christian. The crowd cheer loudly as they know what’s coming next. Snuka stands up on the steel cage and jumps off to give Christian a Superfly Smash but Christian just manages to roll out of the way.

    Christian struggles to his feet, sees Snuka squirming on the mat and laughs. He realises that Snuka has once again thrown away the chance of victory so he can perform for the public. Although he is banged up he hobbles slowly over to the door of the cage. He shouts at the ref to open the cage. The ref is stumbling trying to get the door open and eventually gets there. Christian then goes to exit the cage but Snuka suddenly grabs hold of his foot and drags him back inside. Christian kicks loose and begins to crawl to the door again. Snuka this time gets to his feet and gets a firm hold of Christian, gets him to his feet and once again gives Christian two massive headbutts that lay Christian out on the mat. Snuka gets up quickly to the top rope and gives Christian a Superfly Smash which this time succeeds. Snuka slowly gets to his feet and gets to the steel cage door and exits the cage successfully to win the match to massive applause from the crowd.

    Winner: “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka

    Dan Severn is backstage being interviewed. He says “Steve Williams, you have made the biggest mistake of your life. Whilst I may have taught you everything you know about MMA, I can certainly say that I have not taught you everything I know. Tonight will be your final class you and you will learn a few lessons that you will never forget.” Severn walks away pumped up.
    Match 3


    UFC Match

    Dan “The Beast” Severn vs “Dr Death” Steve Williams

    For a recap of the feud click here
    The two men are inside the octagon ready to lock up. The crowd start chanting “You are bonkers” repeatedly and this is getting to Williams. He’s confronting the crowd demanding they stop and this allows Severn to strike Williams from behind. He starts laying into Williams several times and shouts at him “Lesson number one, never turn your back on your opponent.” He allows Williams to get back on his feet. Williams tries a few kicks and punches which are all blocked by Severn who then replies with a reverse kick which catches Williams unaware and Severn follows up with a flurry of punches to the body of Williams. He shouts at Williams “Lesson number two, always protect yourself.” He again allows Williams to get back on his feet, apparently to show Williams that he doesn’t view him as a threat in MMA.

    The two lock up once again and Severn quickly puts Williams into a Dragon sleeper hold. He shouts at Williams once more “Lesson number three; don’t leave yourself vulnerable to submission holds.” Severn again releases Williams from the hold. As soon as Severn releases, Williams moves to apply an armbar to Severn and has it locked in. Now its Williams turn to shout at Severn “Lesson number four, finish your opponent when you have the chance”. He continues shouting at Severn and pulls on his arm more severely until it finally breaks. Severn is in agony and the ref is about to call for the bell when Severn says not to and he gets up to continue. Williams continues to kick Severn at his broken arm which Severn is able to defend most of the kicks. Severn does the unthinkable and gets Williams into an armbar hold to the delight of the crowd but is unable to apply much pressure with one hand and Williams escapes it. Williams quickly reapplies his armbar hold on Severn’s healthy arm and the ref quickly calls an end to the match before Severn’s other arm is broken. Wlliams celebrates to a chorus of boos

    Winner: “Dr Death” Steve Williams

    Ted Dibiase meets his son backstage. Ted Jr “Dad, I’m sorry I couldn’t get it done in the ladder match”. Ted Sr “That’s ok son, I never truly thought you would win anyway. You’re more interested in partying and spending my money than doing anything worthwhile in the wrestling world”. Ted Jr walks away with head hanging in shame.
    Match 4


    SWE Tag Team Championship Match

    Legion of Doom vs Matt Morgan & Test

    For a recap of the feud click here
    Matt Morgan and Test make their way out to the ring. Their boss Ted Dibiase Sr is not with them as he prepares for his heavyweight championship title match later. The Legion of Doom comes out to massive cheer as expected along with the title belts. Test starts the match with Hawk and quickly Hawk gets control. Hawk tags Animal in and the two launch Test off the ropes and gives him a Double Back Elbow. Animal continues the offense and is ready to give Test a powerbomb. Test wriggles loose of it, pushes Animal to the ropes where he is struck in the back by Morgan. This allows Test to tag Morgan in and he can start attacking Animal.

    Morgan directs his attack on Animal’s knee. Both Morgan and Test now tag in on a regular basis and both focus their attack on the knee. Animal manages to fight off Morgan but as soon as he gets on his feet to attempt to tag in Hawk, his knee gives way allowing Morgan to resume his assault. He fires Animal in to the corner and rushes in to give him a corner lariat. Animal ducks out and Morgan collides with the corner and as he comes out of the corner Animal manages to give Morgan a powerslam. A big cheer erupts and they are urging Animal to crawl over to tag Hawk in. He is crawling slowly and is close. Morgan tags Test in but before he can reach Animal, Animal throws himself to his corner and gets the tag to Hawk.

    Hawk is pumped up and starts his flurry of offence on Test. Morgan attempts to slow down Hawk but also gets hit by Hawk. Hawk gives Morgan a Gorilla Press Slam that puts Morgan on the floor outside the ring. He then gets up on the top rope and gives Test a Flying Shoulder Block. Animal gets back in the ring and seemingly able to walk okay. The Legion of Doom are ready to apply their finisher to Test. Hawk gets up on the top rope while Animal gets Test up on his shoulders. However the damage done previously to Animals knee means it buckles under the weight of Test. Morgan then appears up on the apron and knocks Hawk off the top rope on to the floor. Morgan gets back on the ring and gives Animal a few kicks to keep him down. He urges Test to get Animal up on his feet for the Carbon Footprint. Morgan runs to Animal to give him the running big boot but Animal pulls Test into the path of the Carbon Footprint. Morgan is shocked and doesn’t see Hawk hit him from behind. Hawk urges Animal to get up on the top rope instead of himself to apply the Doomsday Device in reverse. Hawk gets Morgan up on his shoulders, Animal then gives him a clothesline from the top rope and covers Morgan to get the win.

    Winner and still SWE Tag Team Champions: Legion of Doom
    Match 5


    No Disqualification Match

    Booker T vs Desmond Wolfe

    For a full recap of the fued click here
    Desmond Wolfe is first out and the crowd boos loudly at his presence. Wolfe loves it as he makes his way to the ring. Booker is next out and plays up to the crowds cheers. Booker is barely in the ring when Wolfe attacks. The ref rings the bell anyway and Wolfe continues his attack. Wolfe rips Booker’s shirt off him and begins to strangle Booker with it. The ref can’t stop it and Booker is struggling to breath. He manages to push backwards and pushes Wolfe into the corner which provides enough momentum to break the stranglehold. Wolfe then goes under the ring and brings out a kendo stick and starts to smash it over Booker’s back. Booker is helpless in the ring. Wolfe goes under the ring once again and brings out a table. He sets it up in the corner and when in the middle of the ring he poses for the crowd in the same way as Booker poses for the spin-a-roonie. This draws major boos from the crowd. He goes to launch Booker into the table but Booker reverses it and ends up launching Wolfe through the table instead.

    The crowd cheer as they sense a change in fortune for Booker. Booker now gets his chance to get some offense in as Wolfe is struggling to get up after going through the table. Booker grabs a steel chair and starts to belt Wolfe with it. Wolfe rolls out of the ring in an attempt to get away from the steel chairs. Booker just continues the assault outside the ring including sending Wolfe into the steel steps. Booker then tries to launch Wolfe into the steel ring post but Wolfe reverses it and launches Booker into the ring post instead. This allows Wolfe a small bit of time to recover and he begins to move away from Booker to prevent the assault.

    Wolfe is struggling to escape Booker. He hops over the security railing into the crowd but is quickly followed by Booker. Booker grabs hold of Wolfe but Wolfe turns and hits Booker. This allows Wolfe to get away again. Booker once again gives chase to Wolfe as he goes backstage. The cameraman follows them backstage and that can be seen on the big screen. Booker is chasing Wolfe around a corner and as Booker goes around the corner he is struck by a wheelie bin. Wolfe grabs Booker and throws him into the wall. He grabs Booker again to throw him in the wall but Booker reverses it and throws Wolfe into the wall. Booker then slams Wolfe’s head into a table and follows up with a few more slams into the wall. He is leading Wolfe down the corridor and they appear back in the arena on the stage.

    The crowd cheer on the reappearance of Booker. Wolfe is struggling and is set up by Booker for the Ghetto Blaster scissors kick which plants Wolfe’s head into the stage floor. The crowd love it. Booker gets Wolfe to his feet and guides him down to the ring. He slides Wolfe back in the ring and sets him up for his finisher the Book End. Wolfe counters with a few elbows to Booker’s head and Booker lets go. Wolfe pushes Booker who goes flying into the ref. The ref falls to the mat and seems out of it. Booker is checking on him and this allows Wolfe a chance to get a kendo stick from outside the ring and he starts hitting Booker repeatedly with it. Booker slowly gets to his feet after the beating but as soon as he does Wolfe executes a Jawbreaker Lariat that sends Booker into a 360 degree tumble to the mat. Wolfe covers him but since the ref is out of it there is no count. Wolfe pulls the ref over to the middle of the ring and the ref is coming around. Wolfe covers Booker again and the ref is slowly counting the pinfall attempt. Booker kicks out just before the third count. Wolfe can’t believe it. Booker starts to get a few hits in on Wolfe. He goes to the top rope to finish off Wolfe but before he can get settled Wolfe gets to his feet and gives Booker a Tower of London top rope cutter to get the pinfall victory.

    Winner: Desmond Wolfe
    Main Event


    SWE Heavyweight Championship Match

    Eddie Guerrero vs “Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase
    w/Iron Mike Tyson as special guest enforcer

    For a full recap of the feud click here
    First out to the ring is Ted Dibiase along with his bodyguards Matt Morgan and Test. Next out is the champion Eddie Guerrero and his lieutenants Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. Lastly out is Mike Tyson and he has his pet tiger on a leash. He walks the tiger around the ring. Everyone with the exception of Eddie and Dibiase, who are in the ring, are backing off as the tiger approaches them. Eventually Morgan, Test, Chavo and Hernandez are pushed back up the ramp by the advancing tiger. The tiger is then tied to a pole so that no-one can come down the ramp. This seems to mean that this match will truly be a one on one encounter without any outside interference as intended. The GM Jim Cornette is also ringside to act as guest commentator

    The match starts and Eddie and Dibiase lock up. Dibiase gets the advantage after a finger to the eye goes unnoticed by the ref. Dibiase starts a slow beatdown of Eddie giving him a series of suplexes. Dibiase gets the Figure Four Leglock on Eddie and Eddie is ready to tap. He slowly makes his way over to the ropes and reaches it to break the hold. Eddie escapes the ring to get a breather. Dibiase follows him but while outside he grabs a steel chair and goes to strike Guerrero but Tyson stops him and grabs the chair from Dibiase. Dibiase confronts Tyson about the interference and as he turns to re-engage with Eddie, Eddie hits him with a low blow which went unseen by the ref and Tyson. Eddie now has control and rolls Dibiase back inside the ring. Eddie hops up on the apron and gives Dibiase a Slingshot Somersault Senton over the top rope. Eddie has Dibiase in trouble and next up for Eddie is the Three Amigos which has Dibiase seemingly ready to be disposed of. Dibiase is lying down on the mat and Eddie goes to the top rope to give him a Frog Splash. Cornette gets up from the commentator’s desk to attempt to get to Eddie before he can jump off top turnbuckle. Tyson gets to Cornette first but this offers enough of a distraction that Dibiase stumbles over to the ropes and knocks Eddie off the turnbuckle. Outside the ring Tyson is confronting Cornette for his attempted interference and Cornette is backing away from Tyson slowly.

    In the ring Eddie stumbles to his feet but immediately Dibiase gets Eddie in the Million Dollar Dream sleeper hold. Eddie is fading and the ref is checking if Eddie is asleep. At the same time Tyson is forcing Cornette backwards until the only place Cornette can go is in reach of the tiger. Cornette slides into the ring to escape Tyson and stumbles into the ref which pushes him out of the ring. Dibiase has Eddie out cold and releases the hold as he thinks he has won. He turns around to get his hand raised by the ref and only sees Cornette. He is confused as to what happened and is giving out to Cornette that he had the match won if he had not interfered.

    Matt Morgan and Test are coming down the ramp but stop just outside the reach of the tiger. Tyson sees them and goes over to urge them to go back up the ramp. Chavo and Hernandez then come rushing down the ramp and push both Morgan and Test into the reach of the tiger. The tiger attacks and Tyson scrambles to pull the tiger off Morgan and Test but not before the tiger manages to land a few deep scrapes on the legs of Test. Morgan pulls the crippled body of Test away from the tiger. During the commotion and unseen by both the ref and Tyson, Ted Dibiase Jr sneaks through the crowd, hops over the security railing, grabs the championship belt and slides into the ring. His father sees him and urges him to hit Eddie as he is getting to his feet. Dibiase Jr motions to hit Eddie with the belt but at the last minute turns and hits his father with the belt and escapes the ring. Dibiase Sr is lying motionless on the mat and this allows Eddie to get to the top rope and give Dibiase a Frog Splash and get the pinfall victory to retain the championship belt. The crowd are ecstatic as Eddie leaves the ring with the belt and Dibiase is angry and confused in the ring and starts blaming Tyson and Cornette for the loss. He is pushing Tyson who reacts by smacking Dibiase with one punch and knocks Dibiase out. Tyson faces Cornette but he runs away to avoid a punch. The crowd cheer Tyson as the show ends.

    Winner and still SWE Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Guerrero

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    VaVoom Lucha PPV Viva La Lucha XIII Live from The Sam Boyd Stadium Las Vegas, Navada


    The camera pans over a hazy desert as it lands on the sold out Sam Boyd arena. Signs throughout the stadium show they the fan fare of the one of the greatest traditions in wrestling history. Pyro and fireworks light up the Navada sky. The commentators, with excitement, run down the card and inform us of the many titles matches and celebrity involvement in store for tonight. TAFKA Goldust will defend his Heavyweight Championship against Stan Hansen in what's sure to be a violent encounter. Kerry Von Erich wrestles the son of the late great “Mr Perfect” Curt Hennig in what match for the ages that will determine the owner of 2VL US championship. Vampiro looks to put the final nail in the University coffin as he faces Shane Douglas and The Birtish invasion of Davy Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid and Paul Burchill look to gain the rewards to their destructive entrance here in 2VL. They reveal the hashtag of #vivalucha and encourage the fans to share their thoughts on what kind of match they would ultimately want between Goldust and Hansen. A Texas Bullrope, A Dog Collar Match or a Leather Strap Match? The commentators put fingers to their ears and inform us they have Stan Hansen and the person that saved him at last weeks LuchaBeat TV, the father of TAFKA Goldust, Dusty Rhodes.


    The two Texans look tense as the interviewer questions Stan Hansen to his readiness about his upcoming title fight. Stan Hansen speaks into the mike as Dusty stands tall beside the interviewer.

    Hansen: “Oh I'm ready. For weeks I've been talking about the poison of Goldust and his ways. Last week I saw a young man who I everything he could be and everything he should be. A tough fighting Texas. A man who ain't prancing about like a f*g. I show a MAN. We got Hank Williams Jnr instead of that piece of vomit Lady Gaga tribute act. You see this man beside me?*points at Dusty* He is a man that knows what this business is about. He is ashamed by your antics. He rised you to have respect and empathy. A few weeks back you dressed up to mock your father, a legend of the business and my dear friend. Dusty was the American Dream. You Dustin are an American Nightmare, a man that takes everything, guys like me and your father toured these states to make great. It's a shame the man we have leading this company is such a king of dysfunction. It a shame the man leading this company is a anti role-model. It's a shame the man leading this company is nothing more than wrestling's shame, his family's shame. Dusty?“

    Dusty:”You got that right Stan. I raised my boys to be so much more than what Dustin is. I was always fond of the flamboyant but what you are going Dustin is filthy. I look with disgust as you turn this sport into a circus of lude, crude and tattooed actions and words. You see Dustin these minds games and cheating tactics cheapen that title and cheapen our family name. That why I would like to see my former foe, fellow old-schooler and perennial friend Stan Hansen take that title. Me and Stan have been talking, you left his with a preposition. Texas Bullrope, Leatherstrap or Dog Collar? Well we eyed up all on offer. We find the Bullrope is very much Stan's weapon of choice which of course you found out when he almost caved in your head. Bullrope? A Bullrope is too easy. A Leatherstrap is more than a worthy choice. I had to laugh, if I'd probably given you the leatherstrap when you were younger I don't think me or your mother would have such a messed up son. Finally Stan told me what he wants and why he wants it. He is sick of trying to beat the old-school into you, he thinks it's time to play but your rules. You like all this fetish crap so time to for Stan to go into the unknown of the new-school. Dustin you;ve got yourself a Dog Collar Match.”

    The pair storm off as we go to our first match up David Otunga and Christoper Nowinski VS David and Kevin Von Erich.

    David Otunga and Christoper Nowinski VS David and Kevin Von Erich
    The University duo come out to a chorus of boos. Otunga mouths to the camera “Time to start our conquer”. He clearly believes that all University member can vanquish their battle partners. Conducting some old fashioned stretched the Harvard two think they have the smarts to get the better of the Von Erichs. We start with Otunga facing off against Kevin. As Kevin goes for a test of strength Otunga cockily and speedily applies a claw to the head of Kevin, almost mocking the family. Kevin backs off the makes a tag to David. David enters and hits a forearm to the posing Otunga. David continues with a beautifully delivered vertical suplex. He then bizarrely hits Otunga with a “Garvin stomp” hitting the legs, arms and chest the crowd roar with every strike. The penultimate stirke hits Otunga in his overly filled cranium. He rolls over to Nowinski to make the tag. Nowinski runs into the hit only to get knocked down by a closed fist to the mush. Nowinski lies flat as if dead. David tries to lift him the graduate but he is lifeless. David backs off with a “WTF? He's out cold?”. As he goes to pick him again Nowinski kicks him with a low blow. Nowinski kips up and starts doing star-jumps as he point at his temple. “I'm smarter than you”. Kevin as ill-impressed and jumps the ropes punching the smartass Nowinski. As all hells breaks loose he clotheslines Nowinski over the ropes.The referee doesn't know what's going on. As his back is turned Otunga grabs his TV title and stikes the dropped David. He points eagerly to Nowinski to cover Von Erich. Nowinski slides back into the ring and picks up the 1.2.3 as Otunga holds back Kevin.

    As we come back from commercial we see the victors enter the University. They cheer loudly and even pop open champagne. Laurinaitis asked for calm and says that the job is far from done. He tells Douglas and Hennig to reminded focused. He rubs Hennig shoulders and tells him he really needs to beat Kerry and bring some “earned gold” back to the University. TV champ Otunga looks a bit peeved by the comment and tells Hennig he won't be join him to ringside. He says that is Ok because he is absolutely perfect and has shown already he can beat Kerry Von Erich. His music booms from the PA and the third generation makes his way to the ring.

    2VL US Heavyweight Championship
    “Mr Perfect” Joe Hennig VS Kerry Von Erich
    Hennig waits in the ring and cranks his neck as he see the fan favourite Kerry enter as the fans show their appreciation. Kerry enters and as his lifts his title overhead Hennig attacks him. The fallen Von Erich holds his neck as hennig starts to work the leg. He grabs Kerry and pulls him towards the ringpost. He wraps Kerry leg violently around the post three times and then locks on a ringpost figurefour. The ref break it up and the duo return to the ring. Hennig delivers some strong offence highlighting his mat wrestling skills. Kerry then blocks a punch and show some of his own pedigree. He directs Hennig to the turnbuckle only to throw him into the ringpost. Hennig holds his face and Kerry drops an elbow. He whips Hennig into the ropes, Hennig comes back and hits a chop block returning his focus to Kerry's knee. Hennig locks on a boston crab in the centre of the ring leaving Von Erich riving in pain. Kerry powers out and the pair face off as the crowd stand to show their joy in such an exciting match. Perfect taunts Kerry and lands some nice punches. He hits a Texas Tornado discus punch, he does some pressups, he lands yet another discus punch and taunts even further. As he goes to land another discus punch Kerry ducks and hits Hennig with a Perfect-plex. Hennig turns to wriggle out as the ref counts 1.2.3.

    Hennig goes mad as Kerry celebrates with the fans in the front row. In the backstage area we see the University members looking very mad and upset about the matches outcome. Laurinaitis grabs Douglas by the neck and echoes what he stated so many weeks ago. “You need to get the job done!!!!!...You fail me now and this fraternity is over. It's over.... ”

    We return to the commentary who look to be enjoying the demise of the University. They tell the folks at home of a special treat. The tag champs and the management here in 2VL thought it was only right that there was something special for the fans at our biggest night of the years. Ladies and gentlemen all the way from Hollywood California, here to lead out our tag camps in their battle tonight, the one, the only Mr. David Hassellhoff
    The audience cheer with excitement as the former Knight Rider makes his way out. He dances and claps his hands as he addresses the 2VL faithful.
    Hasselhoff “Hi guys. It's amazing to be here at 2VL greatest PPV of all time and it's great to have the opportunity to introduce my one of my dearest friend Honky Tonk Man as he defends his title. He told me all about his tour of America and how it filled him and his partner Valentine with so much pride. I am in no way surprised for countless years of have toured this land as well. Hell The Hoff has seen every country on this planet and none compare to the U S of A. So without further ado sound guy hit the music and we'll show the people Honky, Greg and Bruti's new theme “Freedom”.

    Rhythm & Blues and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake VS The British Bulldogs and Paul Burchill

    Hasselhoff clears his throat and starts off with his anthem he once sang at the falling of the Berlin wall. The new theme of Rhythm and Blues. On the screen flash eagles, soldiers and other yanky stuff.
    Hasselhoff: “One morning in June
    some twenty years ago
    I was born a rich man's son
    I had everything that money could buy,
    but freedom I had none

    I've been looking for freedom
    I've been looking so long
    I've been looking for freedom
    Still the search goes on
    I've been looking for freedom
    since I left my home town
    I've been looking for freedom
    Still it can't be found

    I headed down the track
    my baggage on m.........”

    As he starts the second verse Davy Boy Smith, Dynamite and Burchill storm the stage. They rough up Hasselhoff and throw him into the titantron. They are stopped by the “ready for battle” tag champs and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake. Honky gets his guitar smashing out of the way when he whacks Davy Boy over the head. Beefcake and a shavenheaded Burchill go at it. Burchill obviously isn't too happy with his new haircut. He hits a chokeslam on the ramp and Dynamite matches it with a snap suplex on the ramp to Valentine. Honky grabs Davy Boy by the neck and they make their way backstage. The six men are just beyond the gorilla position. Valentine unloads a number off axe-handles to the head of Dynamite. He calls Honky over and Rhythm & Blues fire the Brit into a bunch of boxes. Burchill is now wielding a roll of wiring. He whips Brutus across the back then turns his interests on the tag champs he chokes Elvis and the hammer as Davy Boy kicks them in the gut. Davy Boy opens a chest and places Honky's head in to dropping it violently. He then tips over a coffee machine on Honky who luckily moves out of the way. He rises and punches Davy Boy precisely and swiftily. He hits the shake rattle and roll on Davy on the concrete. He goes for the pin but it's interrupted by Dynamite jumping off a car with a flying headbutt. Dynamite although successful holds his stomach in immense pain. Burchill sends Beefcake though a pane of glass and pins for a shocking two count. They see this is next to the dressing room of their opponents. Moving next door they find lovely outfits, gold discs and a make shift barbershop. Burchill throws Beefcake down on the barber chair and tries to shave him but is stuck by a steel chair swung by Greg Valentine. He stumbles as an oncoming Davy Boy lands a golden disc over Greg's noggin. As the tag champs stumble out of the room they are met by Dynamite at the door. He laughs as he has a lead with a vicious dog at the end of it. The champ coward in fear. Dynamite teases and tease letting the dog go. The refs all look puzzled. In the blink of an eye a car comes booming down the arena and knocks Dynamite, Burchill and the dog clear over the bonnet. What is this? It looks like KITT. Hasselhoff hopes out and ask Honky “Pin their asses. *He then spits on Dynamite*. Don't mess with the US of A” Honky pins the clearly very injured Dynamite for the 1.2.3. They celebrate as chants of USA come from the stadium.

    We again return to the University's dressing road where in the corner stands a dejected Joe Hennig. Douglas looks in the mirror shouting Latin whilst foaming at the mouth. “Carpe Diem, Carpe Diem”. Launinaitis slaps him in the face. The pair are wholly riled up and ready with the satanic Vampiro. These guys are focused. As the two rage towards Raw the light go out. They flicker and we see all present Nowinski, Otunga, Hennig and The Dynamic Dudes twisting and turning looking for Vampiro. As the lights return sprawled on the dress room wall is.

    ----The University 2009-2013--- Rest In Peace

    The guys look totally spooked. Laurinaitis asked his troops to ignore the mind games and ensures them the University will live on here in 2VL. As he comments the evil cackle of Vampiro rings out throughout the dressing room. We cut to commercial.

    *Don't try this at home*

    Vampiro VS Shane Douglas w/John Laurinaitis
    The lone figure of Vampiro stands at the top of the stadium. He lets off a red flare which bellows out and follows him down to the ring as he makes his way through the crowd. They start to chant “R.I.P, R.I.P”. As he leaps into the ring, he climbs the ring post and makes a cut throat gestures and points to the back. He continutes to taunt as The University's blares out from the PA and out come the private school prep boys. Laurinaitis stops at the ramp flanked brood. He speaks to Vampiro since the he has crossed them. As Laurinaitis starts to talk red smoke akin to that of the flare comes on stage and engulfs The University. Arms are flailing and as the smoke leaves there are four druids behind Otunga, Hennig and Nowinski. Three grab them by their mouths and drag them backstage. The other one lifts Douglas and Johnny by their collars and runs them to the ring. Vampiro meets the surprised Laurinaitis with green mist to the eyes. Johnny screams as he rolls out of the ring wiping his eyes clean.

    The dark one hits Douglas with a superkick. The Dean holds his jaw as Vampiro goes on the offensive. He show some very impressive high flying skills against Douglas. A missile drop kick lands Douglas to the outside on top of Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis still blinded pushes Douglas off him. “The Dean” re-enters and exchanges blows with Vampiro.Douglas gets in some solid mat wrestling to counteract Vampiro and his attacks. Vampiro is down and Douglas starts to gloat and look for the recognition of his now sighted leader John Laurinaitis. These University members sure do love themselves. Douglas goes to the top but he is too slow and Vampiro straddles the turnbuckle to deliver a devastating and wonderful looking dragonrana. Douglas hold his back as Vampiro goes for a crippler crossface. Douglas edges to the ropes only for Launinaitis to push the rope closer, helping his partner. Vampiro takes offends to this and leap over the rope onto Launinaitis. As Vampiro lands strongly with a top rope tope unloading on JL, Douglas gets a steel chair as he swings for the back of Vampiro the Canadian ducks and Douglas strikes his leader knocking him out. Vampiro hits a second University member with green mist and shoving him back into the ring he gestures for the nail in the coffin. As he does Otunga, Nowinski and hennig leg it to the ring, as they enter the arena goes black. The light come back on and standing in the ring are Otunga, Nowinski and Hennig, alongside are Vampiro and 3 druids. The druids lift off their hoods. It is the Von Erich brothers. Three matching clothelines and the University are again outside lick wounds. Vampiro hits the nail in the coffin to Douglas and as he gets the 1.2.3 it is hard not to see it being the nail in the coffin for the University here in 2VL. Vampiro and the brother celebrate as The University stumble backstage and maybe stumble out of Lucha Vavoom wrestling forever.........


    Finally tonight we have our Main Event of the show TAFKA Goldust VS Stan Hansen in a Dog Collar match. The match can be won by tipping all four turnbuckles or by the conventional method of pinfall or submission.

    We go backstage to see a return to the bizarre for young Dustin Rhodes he is again surrounded by many harlots including his main one Luna Vachon. He is seen painting his face a green colour and is “trying on” dog collars. He grids his teeth blows the mirror a kiss. Grabbing Luna violently by the hair he kisses her crudely he murmers to his lady whilst holding up his defaced 2VL title “Time to show Daddy and Uncle Stan why I have this piece of crap. Let's get this done”. He pair leave the dressing room as Hansen music plays in the stadium.

    TAFKA Goldust w/Luna VS Stan Hansen w/Dusty Rhodes
    Hansen followed closely by Dusty Rhodes walk to the ring. Hansen looks like a man demented. He is truly angered by the actions of TAFKA Goldust and the vicious beating “Dustin” gave him on BeatTV last week. The pair shake hands and Dusty joins the commentator team. It looks like we will have a very interested man helping call the match. Moments later a group of grotesquely dressed and madeup hula girls come out. They all have fans and form into a peacock like formation. TAFKA Goldust comes out from the coome lead by Luna pulling him along by his Dog Collar of choice.


    When he enters the ring Hansen calms for a moment and offers Goldust a handshake. The punk looks at the hand and rubs it on his pubic area. Hansen instantly hits the disrespectful thug with a lariat. He then wraps the chain connecting the pair around his knuckles hitting punch after punch on Goldust. The man is bloodied in no time. The match has only started. This is payback of the unforgiving beatdown that was delivered to Hansen last week. Hansen lifts Goldust hitting him with a gorilla press slam to the mat. TAFKA Goldust holds his back in pain. He “smartly” rolls out of the ring into Luna's arms. Hansen give the crowd a look as if to say “Does this idiot not know we are chained together?”. Hansen grabs the remaining chain and as Goldust recoups he is dragged into the ring as he kicking and screaming. He isn't in the ring long until he is allay-oped over the ropes and is hung by Hansen. Luna enters the ring and racks the eyes of the cowboy who lets go of the chain. Luna leaves as Dusty stands as if to warn Luna to stay out of things. Goldust comes back and strangles the oversided Texas. He even taunts by kissing the back of the man's neck. He drops Hansen with a curtain call and instead of going for the pin starts to go for the turnbuckles. He hits one. He hits two but Hansen comes to his senses and whip the bizarre one with the chain. Climbing to the heady heights of the second rope he flies across the ring with a thunderous elbow drop right to the head of Goldust. Hansen measures the champ with a big boot and yet another elbow. He drags Goldust out to the outside and flings him onto the commentators desk. Dusty stands back as to not get involved. Standing on the table Hansen has Goldust by the scuff of the neck as he is on his knees. Goldust shiftly hits a rough low blow to the cowboy, Hansen falls a little as Goldust show great strength and picks the challenger up for a colossal slam through the table. He goes for a pin 1...2..The cowboy kicks out. Goldust looks shocked. He directs Hansen to the ring as he enters the ring Hansens flick him in the eye with the chain making him bleed even more. Blinded for a second he is able to hit a backbreaking powerbomb to Goldie. He gives Goldust a second to rise and like a fright train he plough through TAFKA Goldust with one of his famous Lariats. With TAFKA Goldust seemly disposed off he start to tip the turnbuckles. He hits one. He hits a second. Goldust is still out for the count. He hits the third turnbuckle. As he goes towards the fourth Dusty leaves the table and goes up to the aporn. What is this????? He stops Hansen and taking off his belt he orders his friend to give his boy a whippin'. Hansen smiles and with pleasure looks to return the favour to his enemy. As Hansen turns his back to strike Dusty tools up a pair of brass knuckles and wallops Hansen in the back of the head. The crowd are in a frenzy. I guess blood is much much thicker than water. Dusty helps his son up. TAFKA Goldust climbs to the top rope and soars towards Hansen with a big splash. He hooks the leg and gets the 1.2.3.

    Dusty flings Hansen out of the ring and celebrates with his son. The pair hug and as litter and junk are thrown at the ring. Dusty proclaims he is proud of his sun. The commentators are shocked and surprised but they do state the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. It looks as thought the circus of violence, danger and XXX that surround the 2VL heavyweight championship shall reamin. We fade to black as the Rhodes men cheer their win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭glenjamin



    Already advertised for the show
    • Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart in a Number 1 Contenders Match for Wrasslemania
    • The aftermath of The Ayatollah's devastating promo on Randy Robinson
    • Will Jack Brisco accept Bob Backlund's challenge for the Intercontinental Championship?
    • And will Bam Bam Bigelow seek revenge on Takeshi Morishima following last weeks' attack?
    • The Road to Wrasslemania continues

    *The pyro's and music kick off Monday Night Mayhem as the commentators state that this is the last Mayhem before Wrasslemania. They reiterate how Bret Hart will take on his brother Owen tonight to find out who is the true Number 1 Contender for Kurt Angle's WTF World Heavyweight Championship at Wrasslemania.*
    Segment 1


    Jack Brisco's music hits and out comes the Intercontinental Champion with WTF GM Jonathan Coachman. Brisco looks confident as he makes his way to the ring posing with the belt. Brisco takes the mic and says he's got four words for Bob Backlund - "I don't think so". Brisco laughs with Coachman. Brisco then says that there isn't a chance in hell Bob Backlund will become Intercontinental Champion because there isn't a chance in hell he'll receive a title shot. Coachman interrupts Brisco saying that Brisco is not completely right. Coachman says that Backlund won't become Intercontinental Champion because he certainly won't beat Jack Brisco. Coachman does say however that Backlund can get a title shot, if he earns it. Coachman is placing Backlund in a 3-on-1 handicap match tonight against Strike Force and none other than himself. Coachman says if Backlund can win he'll get his title shot at Wrasslemania, but don't count on it. Brisco ends by saying on Sunday he'll be spending Wrasslemania sitting on his couch with a beer in one hand and his Intercontinental Championship in the other.

    Segment Length: 7 minutes
    Segment 2


    Owen Hart is in the locker room taping his wrists when Bret walks in. Bret wishes Owen the best of luck for tonight and says no hard feelings no matter what the result. Owen turns to Bret asks whether Bret truly meant that. Or is this just another one of his lies, trying to play mind games ahead of the match later. Owen says that he shouldn't have to wrestle Bret tonight considering he's already earned the right to be the Number 1 Contender, but says he will beat Bret just to show him once and for all that there is a new King of Harts.

    Segment Length: 3 minutes

    *Commercial break*
    Segment 3


    Batista & Takeshi Morishima vs. Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

    The heels make their way to the ring first followed by the former WTF World Tag Team Champions Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow who come out together like they used to. Both teams eye up their potential Wrasslemania opponent as Batista and Bigelow begin the match. The heels beat down on Bam Bam for a while until he makes the hot tag to Vader sending the crowd into raptures. Bam Bam gets tagged back in and goes for the Diving Headbutt on Batista but Morishima comes from behind with a kendo stick and hits Bam Bam causing the DQ finish.

    Winners: Bam Bam Bigelow & Vader by DQ

    After the match Vader tries to make the save on Bigelow but Batista comes from behind with a clothesline. The heels work over the faces some more before Batista brings in a couple of chairs. Batista and Morishima then both hit massive powerbombs on Bam Bam and Vader onto the chairs before posing for the cameras.

    Segment Length: 15 minutes

    *Bob Backlund is walking backstage when he is attacked from behind by Strike Force. The Midnight Express make the save. Commercial*
    Segment 4


    Randy Robinson comes out and tells The Ayatollah to get his ass to the ring. The Ayatollah instead appears on the titantron screen instead laughing at Robinson. Robinson goes on to say that it's an unwritten rule in wrestling not to talk about another wrestler's personal life and The Ayatollah crossed the line last week with his comments. The Ayatollah continues to laugh at Robinson's expense saying everything he said was true. The Ayatollah says that he was trying to help Robinson out by laying everything on the table and not keep any secrets from Robinson and his daughter. Robinson says that his daughter hasn't spoken to him since last week, but The Ayatollah just laughs some more. The Ayatollah asks Robinson what's he going to do since Robinson is 'retired'. Robinson pauses for a moment, the crowd chant his name over and over followed by "one more match". Robinson shakes his head saying no to the crowd. The Ayatollah says to Robinson "do it". "You know you want to". Robinson says he made a promise to his daughter that he wouldn't wrestle again but looks to the camera and says; "Sorry hunny, but Daddy needs to break that promise for one night only". Robinson challenges The Ayatollah to a match at Wrasslemania and The Ayatollah gladly accepts.

    Segment Length: 11 minutes
    Segment 5


    Kurt Angle bumps into Bret Hart backstage and wants to shake his hand but Bret refuses. Angle says he'd have never thought it but Bret really is a deceitful son of a bitch. "Your own brother?!"; Angle says chuckling to himself. "I'd have never of thought it". Bret says to Angle that Owen is just a boy and is no match for Angle, but he (Bret) is the real deal, and after he beats Owen tonight he will return to Wrasslemania and take back whats his - The WTF World Heavyweight Championship.

    Segment Length: 2 minutes
    Segment 6


    Strike Force & Jonathan Coachman w/ Jack Brisco vs. Bob Backlund

    Strike Force are out first followed by Jonathan Coachman accompanied by Jack Brisco. Backlund comes out to cheers from the crowd and limps towards the ring. Martel and Backlund start with Martel getting the best of Backlund before tagging in Santana. Strike Force work over Backlund before tagging in Coachman. Coachman laughs and pushes Backlund but Backlund retaliates and knocks down Coachman. Strike Force enter the ring and Backlund takes care of them one by one. The fight goes to the outside as the referee struggles to keep a hold of things. Brisco then strikes Backlund with the title belt and rolls him into the ring for Coachman to cover but Backlund kicks out after 2. Strike Force re-enter and again the fight goes to the outside. The Midnight Express hit the ring taking Strike Force out from behind. Coachman continues to distract the referee as Brisco tries to hit Backlund with a chair but Backlund sends it back into the face of Brisco. Backlund then goes after Coachman and after much begging from Coachman, Backlund eventually makes him tap via the Chicken Wing.

    Winner: Bob Backlund

    Segment Length: 17 minutes

    *The commentators plug the main event as we go to commerical*
    Segment 7


    Jonathan Coachman and Jack Brisco are walking to the back holding their heads when Carlito comes up to them and says to Coachman about his win against Bam Bam Bigelow last week, does that make him the Number 1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship against Ultimo Dragon. Coachman says he hasn't go time for this and some Mickey Mouse title. Carlito keeps pressing Coachman when Brisco snaps and attacks Carlito leaving him in a heap on the floor. Coachman says to Carlito he can have his goddamn title shot. Brisco says he will crush Backlund at Wrasslemania as the segment ends.

    Segment Length: 2 minutes

    *The commentators recap tonight's goings on and go over the Wrasslemania card. One of the commentators says that there is one match left to be decided at that is the main event. Will it be Owen Hart or will it be Bret Hart that takes on Kurt Angle at Wrasslemania? Time to find out.*
    Segment 8


    Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

    Kurt Angle's music hits and out comes the Champion to take his seat at the announcer's desk. Bret comes out to a mixture of cheers and boos while Owen to just cheers. Both men face off with the exploding crowd chanting for both men. There's a pause of a good minute as neither wrestler is willing to take the first shot. Eventually Owen turns his back and Bret tries a sneaky rollup for a one count. Again both brothers stop and stare as Owen questions Bret. Owen then jumps and unloads on Bret much to the cheer of the crowd and Kurt Angle. It's a real back and forth match with the crowd cheering and booing each punch thrown. Both wrestlers hit their signature moves early for a two count apiece. The match leads to the outside and through the crowd. The referee refuses to count both wrestlers out as instructed due to there needing to be one winner.


    After a good 25 minutes into the match and we're back in the ring. Bret locks Owen into the Sharpshooter as everyone in the arena stands and cheers for Owen. Angle is up telling Owen to tap. Owen manages to get to the ropes and Bret releases the hold. Bret again goes for the Sharpshooter but Owen hits back and then locks Bret into it. Again the crowd are up and Angle once again shouting "tap!". Another 25 minutes goes by consisting of near fall after near fall. Both men are extremely tired. The commentators keep telling Angle that this is a one hour time limit and there's no possible way it can go over that. With just a minute remaining until the bellman has to signal the end Angle grabs the belt and hits the ring. Both Hart brothers are either turnbuckle trying to make their way to their feet. Angle looks at both before striking Owen with the belt causing a DQ.

    Winner: Owen Hart by DQ

    Angle has decided to award the match to Owen by causing the DQ finish. Bret is pissed but still very tired to do anything. Angle leaves the ring and heads up the aisle. Bret sinks to the floor with his hands in his hands as the referee helps Owen up and raises his hand. Owen pauses and asks for a mic. Owen says it can't end like this. Owen calls out the GM. Coachman arrives out and stands next to Angle on top of the ramp. Owen says it can't end like this to Coachman. Coachman asks what does he want, he's won the match and is the official Number 1 Contender. Owen says not like this. Coachman thinks for a minutes and tells Owen he has two options. 1 - accept the outcome and take on Kurt Angle 1-on-1 at Wrasslemania. Or 2 - make it a triple threat. Owen thinks, looks at Bret and says lets make this a triple threat! Angle goes crazy at Coachman to the back. Bret gets up and goes to shake Owen's hand but instead kicks Owen in the groin. Mayhem ends with Bret standing over Owen laughing.

    Segment Length: 1 hour, 12 minutes

    WRASSLEMANIA Complete Card

    WTF World Heavyweight Championship
    Kurt Angle (c) vs. Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart

    Intercontinental Championship
    Jack Brisco (c) vs. Bob Backlund

    One More Match
    Randy "The Ram" Robinson vs. The Ayatollah

    Batista vs. Vader

    World Tag Team Championship
    The Midnight Express (c) vs. Strike Force

    Hardcore Championship
    Bam Bam Bigelow (c) vs. Takeshi Morishima

    Cruiserweight Championship
    Ultimo Dragon (c) vs. Carlito

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,906 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Draft Week 4

    Opening Segment:


    James Storm comes to the ring not 100% with a bandage on his head but still wants to fight and we can guess who he wants. Storm says that he doesn’t wanna wait till Sunday for his match he wants Jericho right here, right now. As Storm is in the ring Jerichos music and pyro goes off and does his pose, but as he turns around Storm realises that is actually Chris Harris dressed as Jericho , this allowed Jericho to attack Storm from behind . Jericho starts to beat down on Storm but Storm reverses Jericho and knocks him out of the ring, Storm goes straight after Jericho on the outside and goes on the attack. Just as it looked like Storm was about to finish Jericho off , Jericho would hit a low blow and throw Storm into the ring post busting him up , Jericho would then would hit the codebreaker followed by the Walls of Jericho . As the refs tried to get Jericho off Storm, Joseph Park would come out and say that if both of them like to fight all around the ring then why not make their match at Redemption a Street Fight!!!! He also tells Storm to get checked out and take the rest of the night off to rest for Redemption

    First Match:
    Abyss/Kaitlyn vs Chris Harris/Madison Rayne W/Robbie E & Gail Kim

    Our first match of the night is a mix tag team match. Starts off with Rayne and Kaityln but as Kaitlyn starts to pick up some momentum Rayne would tag in Harris which meant Abyss. Harris tries to work over Abyss but the size difference is too much until Abyss was coming off the ropes and Robbie E would grab his foot and allow Harris to hit a lariat. Harris would be able to work over Abyss for the rest of the match especially with Robbie E getting involved too much which meant the ref would end Robbie to the back, this distraction allowed Abyss to gain some momentum and start to battle back against Harris , but just like earlier in the match Harris would tag out to Rayne but Kaitlyn was ready and would hit a spear straight away just as Rayne got into the ring .
    Winners: Abyss/Kaityln

    Backstage Segment:

    You see Robbie E and Robbie T arguing because bigger Rob was laughing at them again because nor he or Harris could beat Abyss and the fact they lost to a girl (Although a talented woman) . So Robbie E challenges Robbie T/Abyss/Kailtyn to a six person intergender tag team elimination match against himself/Chris Harris/Gail Kim in which Robbie T is happy to accept since his team will actually be on the list bro

    Second Match
    4 Way Battle Royal
    Kofi Kingston vs Kenny King vs Sin Cara vs Lance Storm

    This match was set up to give the fans a taste of what is to come in the 4 way ladder match at Redemption. This starts off with all the 4 men trying to eliminate each other but no one was going without a fight . It did seem that friends were teaming up with each other to try and eliminate the other 2 men . Kofi and Sin Cara would take control of Storm and King but still could not eliminate either of them , but as it looked like Sin Cara was coming off the springboard King would throw Kofi into the ropes and making Sin Cara lose his balance , luckily he would land on the apron but Storm would come out of nowhere and hit a superkick to eliminate Sin Cara

    Sin Cara Eliminated

    Now it came down to a 3 way and Storm/King would use this as their advantage and double team on Kofi and messing with Kofi. Kofi would try and make a comeback but would keep getting beaten down. There would be a communication error between Storm/King when both men wanted to come off the top rope onto Kofi , but because of that Kofi was able to hit a springboard double dropkick onto both men. This would give Kofi some energy and momentum and started to make a comeback with sets of clotheslines , dropkicks and a double boom drop. Sadly the 2 on 1 assault would come back but only for a short time because just as it looked like King/Storm were going to hit a top rope leg drop/backbreaker combo , King was getting to cocky on the top and kofi countered out of storms back breaker and hit King with a Trouble in Paradise knocking King to the floor on the outside

    Kenny King Eliminated

    King looked on pissed off and could not believe that he had been eliminated . This means that it was down to Kofi and Storm. Both men were getting tired at this stage but did not want to let the other man know. In the end Kofi was setting up for another Trouble in Paradise on Storm , but King would return to cause a distraction on Kofi but this was would counter because as Kofi was distracted ,Storm would run and try for a clothesline but Kofi would counter and use Storms momentum to bodydrop Storm out of the ring and to land on Kenny

    Winner: Kofi Kingston


    Backstage Segment


    You can see Storm being helped into an ambulance as Jericho and Edge look on and laugh as they are onto their way to the ring for the main event against Jeff Hardy and Austin Aries

    Main Event
    Chris Jericho/Edge(c) vs Jeff Hardy/Austin Aries

    This match is not going to be pretty since you have Hardy and Aries who are clearly not on the same page as they face a very confident Edge and Jericho . Match starts off with Hardy going up against Jericho , both men start to lock up and go at it. It is clear that Hardy is trying to show that he doesn’t need Aries as a partner as he takes on Jericho and Edge , but as Hardy was getting momentum and nearly looked as he had the whole the match nearly won Aries made a blind tag . Aries would take over and also gain a lot of momentum taking on Edge and Jericho but as he did to Hardy earlier , Jeff would make a blind tag of his own which led to Hardy and Aries arguing , which was blood in the water as both Edge and Jericho used this as their advantage and took control of Hardy as Aries just looked on and didn’t even try to put out his hand to try get a tag to Hardy which was perfect for Edge and Jericho who kept beating on Hardy. Aries just looked away as Hardy was being punished , eventually Hardy would be able to counter a lionsualt into a DDT. Hardy would crawl over to make the tag to Aries but he jumped off the apron and looked on as Edge would go on the attack again on Hardy but once again was able to counter out of a armbar , but as Aries wasn’t looking Hardy would slap Aries which counted as a tag . This forced Aries to get into the match at fight Jericho and Edge which he did and was nearly successful with it till Edge would move the ref infront of him before Aries would hit his running corner dropkick knocking the ref down. All hell would break lose as all 4 men would then go at it , Jericho would hit a low blow on Hardy and was setting up for the Walls of Jericho until James Storms music hits and you see the Cowboy at the top of the ramp and ran towards Jericho who would run from the ring into the crowd and was quickly followed by Storm. Now it seemed to come down to a 2 on 1 match but just as it looked like Hardy was about to finish off Edge and hit a Swanton Bomb , Aries would tag himself back in and once again an argument started but Edge would push Aries into Hardy which led to Hardy falling off the top rope and Edge hitting a spear on Aries for the win

    Winners: Edge and Chris Jericho

    Post Match: A brawl would kick off between Hardy and Aries as Edge just watched on looking at this title match become easier . The show went off the air as security tried to break it up


    Final PPV Line Up

    Triple Threat Match For The World Heavyweight Championship
    Edge(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries

    Street Fight Grudge Match
    Chris Jericho vs James Storm

    4 Way Ladder Match For The Intercontinental Championship
    Kofi Kingston vs Kenny King vs Sin Cara vs Lance Storm

    6 Person Intergender Tag Team Elimination Match
    Robbie T/Abyss/Kaityln vs Robbie E/Chris Harris/Gail Kim

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,661 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Part I

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment



    Venue - Madison Square Garden in New York City

    The show opens with William Shatner in the ring telling everyone he would like to sing for them so to all stand as he starts singing his version of Stronger by Kanye West. The General Manager Bobby Heenan comes out and stops Shatner. Heenan asks what happened to singing the national anthem and Shatner says he thought he would mix it up a bit and be fresh and hip. Heenan laughs and then turns and asks the crowd do they want more of Shatner's singing and then cheer loudly yes so Heenan tells him to carry on and leaves the ring. Shatner even tries to do some dance moves and injuries himself. He has to be carried out of the ring.

    The first match up is next

    Justin Gabriel Vs. Tyson Kidd

    Gabriel is out first and don't wait for Kidd to enter the ring he comes out to meet him and they brawl outside the ring until Gabriel rolls him into the ring and the official bell rings to start the match. Gabriel is in control early on and dominates the match but sneakily Kidd picks up the win with his foot on the ropes. Gabriel complains to the ref afterwards while Kidd laughs up the ramp.

    Barrett goes to Heenan's office and asks why his match tonight is a ladder match, he claims he has a fear of heights and vertigo. Heenan tells him to shut up and get out because the ladder match stands so he better get over his fears. Barrett leaves angry.

    Next match up is the tag title match

    Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards Vs. Frankie Kazarian & The Pope D'Angelo Dinero Vs. Derrick Bateman & Daniel Bryan

    Edwards and Bateman start the match off. Richards and Dinero are battling outside the ring for long spells. Bateman tags Bryan in and he and Edwards battle. Kazarian tags himself in off Edwards who stays in the ring and now all three are fighing. Dinero and Richards are also in the ring continuing there outside clash. Three masked men come through the crowd and surround the ring. One pulls Bryan from the ring to the outside, Bryan is mad and pushs them, another one of the men unmasks himself and is revealed to be Connemara Man from CCW he tells Bryan he cannot be here as his true home is elsewhere is and they leave together through the crowd. Bateman looks on confused and now only him and Dinero are in the ring. Dinero trys for a few pin falls but Bateman kicks out at two. Kazarian is in and him an Dinero double team Bateman they laugh and smirk at they look at Richards. He tries to come in the ring but the ref hold him back. Edwards is recovering down outside the ring not back on the apron yet. Bateman finally gets some offensive in and knocks Kazarian to the outside. Bateman tags in Richards and now is it him and Dinero. In the end Richards picks up the win for his team with the elevated cutter to retain their tag titles.

    Layla is preparing for her match backstage but Barrett is still fuming at Heenan for the ladder match. She tells him to calm down but this angers him more and he walks off. Scott Hall walks by and wishes her well for her match.

    The next match is the women's title match

    Layla Vs. Velvet Sky

    Layla has the match early in control. Wade Barrett comes out at the top of the ramp to watch the match. Scott Hall comes out also to watch the match from the ramp and he and Barrett exchange heated words. Layla is distracted so Velvet picks up the win with a roll up and Layla is shocked. Refs come out to keep Barrett and Hall apart.

    Mr. Perfect goes to see Heenan in his GM office, he tells Heenan that they have been through alot together and they should be on the same side which is keeping Mr. Perfect as champion of the promotion. Heenan tells him he don't take sides anymore and lets see tonight if Mr. Perfect really is perfect and can keep his title on his own as he is done helping him. Mr. Perfect pulls Heenan up by the collar and says tonight family ties ends and leaves.

    Next match is

    Stephanie McMahon Vs. Michelle McCool

    Quite a short match in which Stephanie wins so she is now the Assistant General Manager of LWE


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,191 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Previous Posts 1 - 2 - 3

    Ice wrestling Amorphous PPV
    World Heavyweight Champion v Intercontinental Championship

    Triple H v Okada

    After winning the No 1 contenders tournament Okada was actually congratulated by the game on his success, adding the tournament win to his undefeated streak and Intercontinental Championship. We learned that the Intercontinental Championship would also be on the line at Amorphous. But the nice guy routine didn’t last long.

    In a tag match Triple H and Okada would team up to take on Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff. Okada and Triple H displayed little trust between them and after some tags went well Okada refused to tag in Triple H while he as on control of Orndorff. Eventually the tag came and Triple H the hot head that he is took things straight to Orndorff and Piper. He took control and set up for the pedigree, but Okada tagged himself back in, Okada smiled at Triple H who was really pissed now. Okada went made the Rainmaker pose but then Triple H nailed him with a pedigree! Piper seized his chance and made the pin. Okada’s undefeated streak was over.

    The next week Triple H was in the ring and explained he is a hit head he asked Okada to come out so he could apologise. Okada made his way to the ring but shot straight on triple H and all out brawl erupted. The crowd didn’t know who to cheer for and eventually both men were separated by the refs. The week before the PPV both men were kept apart and cut promos telling the world they would be the ones standing tall at the end of Amorphous.

    Roddy Piper v Muhammad Ali - Career v Career

    The match came about thanks to a challenge Piper made for a match of Ali’s choosing to prove who was the greatest. The challenge was made as Piper blamed Ali for costing him his World Title last year against Tanahashi where Ali was the Special Guest Referee, Throughout the year they exchanged barbs through videos and we saw both men training for their matches (think Rocky v Ivan Drago).

    They finally came face to face on a Pipers Pit segment just three weeks before amorphous, Ali’s poems and his ability to run his mouth embarrassed Piper and Orndorff. Ali then dropped a bombshell, even though he accepted Pipers challenge to a match and even accepted a wrestling match it was still a match of Ali’s choosing, he told Piper the loser had to retire! Piper was shocked, the Governing Body Jesse Ventura was in the ring and he confirmed the clause was added to the contract and the only way the loser could ever fight again was to pay a $100 million fee!

    Orndorff took a swing at Ali but this was ducked and the he ended up hitting the Governing Body Jesse Ventura. Ali then knocked Orndorff on his back wit a right hook and Piper ran out of the ring. Ventura told Piper he would be at ringside at Amorphous to make sure Orndorff or anyone else doesn’t get involved in the match up.

    Tanahashi v Orton

    This match was made the night of the No 1 contenders tournament. Tanahashi returned from injury and stopped Orton from winning the No 1 contenders tournament when the Wyatt family got involved. After the PPV the match was announced on the Ice Wrestling Website.

    The next night we found out about a no contact clause in the contract. Ventura said he did it to protect Orton, Tanahashi is an honorable and and accepted the clause. Over the next few weeks he has some matches to get rid of any ring rust and he was in great form winning each match, Orton actually tried to get involved in the matches but was outsmarted by Tanahashi at every turn but the week before Amorphous Orton would attack Tanahashi with a steel chair, Ventura and the refs stopped him and Orton just said he never touched him, it was the chair. Ventura told Orton he wouldn’t fire him tonight but he would if he did anything like that again. He said he was tempted to make a hardcore match for Amorphous but he wants to see how Orton gets on one on one in a wrestling match against the Ace of Wrestling.
    Ken Shamrock v Umaga

    The build up to this was simple, two uncontrollable superstars who in two previous matches could not be separated. First a time limit draw then a double K.O. led to the Governing Body making a falls count anywhere match for Amorphous.

    Triple Threat Match - Kenny Omega v Jay Lethal v Kota Ibushi (Champion) - Junior Heavyweight Championship

    Omega followed up his mysterious debut with a title win. He claimed to be the end of Lethal and that the Alpha Athlete would have to get used to being second best. Naturally Lethal had other ideas and the more Omega ran him down the more determined he became to get the title back and prove himself to be top dog.

    Lethal eventually bested Omega in the Ice Wrestling match of 2012 (as voted for by the fans) in an incredible Ladder match.
    The fans were paying great attention to the division and while Lethal and Omega feuded Kota Ibushi followed his friend Kenny Omega to Ice Wrestling.

    Unlike Omega though Ibushi quickly won the hearts of the Ice Wrestling fans and his high flying style became must see viewing each week. The Ice Wrestling Website even featured an article asking if Ibushi should actually be known as the Top Athlete in Ice Wrestling.

    Omega became jealous of his friends popularity and the friendship originally forged in Japan ended when Ibushi was voted into a title match against the new Champion at Terror Rising where Ibushi won (He was voted in over Omega by the Ice Wrestling Fans). Omega then challenged Ibushi to a match that was accepted, Lethal of course had his own rematch clause and the feud between the trio lead to this Triple Threat match at Amorphous.
    Diamond Contract Match

    Bray Wyatt v El Mesias v Buddy Rose v Bo Dallas

    After El Mesias lost his championship match v Triple H Bray Wyatt was furious. He accused Mesias of letting him down and told him to be in the ring the next night for a match, he had said Okada would pay but for the moment that would have to wait. When match time came Meisas found himself in a three on one battle against Wyatt, Giant Bernard and Karl Anderson. They beat El Mesias and beat him up badly. After the match was finally over Wyatt told Mesias he was out of the Wyatt Family. In an unusual moment the quite one of the group Karl Anderson took the mic and said that wasn’t the deal, we were supposed to punish him but the brotherhood should stay together. Wyatt responded by slapping Anderson and telling him this isn’t a brotherhood it’s a family and he is the head of the family and nobody can question him. Anderson left the ring and walked away, his long time friend Giant Bernard followed, is this the end of the Wyatt Family?

    In the mean time Buddy Rose had convinced Jesse Ventura to make a diamond contract match (MITB) for the Amorphous PPV. Ventura agreed and to Rose’s shock he made Wyatt and El Mesias part of the match. Another challenger demanded entry the rookie Bo Dallas. The match became official.

    With openings in the family Wyatt then tried to recruit Bo Dallas into a new Wyatt Family telling him blood is thicker than water and that he should join with his real brother so they can dominate the future. Buddy Rose though convinced Bo not to accept the offer and that he should look out for himself, Wyatt is only interested in furthering his own goals and just wants Bo’s help to win the Diamond Contract. Bo turned down his brothers offer and Wyatt told him he would leave the offer on the table as long as it takes. They ended up facing off in a match the week before Amporphous in a competitive match that showed Bo to be a real threat and Bo actually beat his brother when El Mesias returned from his injuries and appeared high in the rafters distracting Bray and allowing Bo to get roll up pin.

    Bad Intentions v Great Khali and Consequences Creed - Tables Match - Tag Team Championship

    After walking out on the Wyatt Family Bad Intentions decided it was time to have some fun and let their hair down (editors note, they don’t have hair DM??). They ended up partying backstage with the Great Khali and Consequences Creed. It was there the challenge was made by Creed for the Tag titles. Unfortunately drunken games sometimes end up with guys getting hurt and after accepting the challenge Bad Intentions ended up putting Creed through a table. But thanks to a dosing of some Ice Water they revived Creed and the party went on!


    Final Card

    World Heavyweight Championship and Intercontinental Championship Match
    Triple H (WHC) v Kazuchika Okada (IC)


    Career v Career
    Roddy Piper v Muhammad Ali


    Special Match
    Randy Orton v Hiroshi Tanahashi


    Special Match - Falls Count Anywhere
    Ken Shamrock v Umaga


    Junior Heavyweight Championship - Triple Threat
    Kenny Omega v Jay Lethal v Kota Ibushi (Champion)


    Diamond Contract - Fatal Four Way
    El Mesias v Buddy Rose v Bo Dallas v Bray Wyatt


    Tag Team Championship - Table Match
    Bad Intentions: Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson (Champions) v The Great Khali & Consequensces Creed

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,191 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    ICE Wrestling

    Part 1

    ICE Wrestling Amorphous Part 1

    Diamond Contract Match Bray Wyatt win
    Bray Wyatt v El Mesias v Bo Dallas v Buddy Rose

    The Opening match is for the Ice Wrestling DIamond Contract, the holder of the contract can challenge the Ice Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion to a match at any time.

    Bray Wyatt is attacked immediately by former follower El Mesias. Dallas and Rose also want a piece of Wyatt and he end up under attack by all three and is sent to the outside. Mesias then gets the jump on Rose and Bo displaying his vicious streak. Mesias is clearly fuelled by rage that has built up after losing his World Title match against Triple H and his excommunication from the Wyatt Family. The competitors battle back and forth, any time Wyatt tries to get involved all three men turn their attentions to him and he can’t get a foothold in the match and El Mesias keeps throwing out of the ring.

    He ends up also sending Bo Dallas to the outside and just Rose and El Mesias remain in the ring. Despite a mutual enemy in Wyatt these two are long standing enemies and Rose is fuelled by his own rage. He manages to ground Mesias before climbing to the top rope.

    Buddy Rose comes off the top rope and Splashes onto El Mesias. As Buddy Rose gets up Bo Dallas spears Buddy Rose straight out of the ring.

    Bo sets his focus on Bray Wyatt and Irish Whips him to the corner. Dallas hits a running boot and Wyatt is down in the corner. Dallas walks to the far corner and indicates to the crowd he is going for the spear.

    Dallas Charges at Wyatt but El Mesias is now on his feet and he rushes into Wyatt bumping him out of the way and gets hit with the spear.

    It looks like El Mesias sacrificed himself for Wyatt!

    Wyatt seizes on the chance to hit the Swinging Reverse STO on his brother

    Wyatt wins in a shocking Start to the show.

    After the match the Diamond Contract is presented to Wyatt and he embraces a hurting Mesias welcoming him back to the Wyatt Family. Rose and Dallas look on from the ring disgusted as Wyatt and his injured follower head up the ramp.
    Junior Heavyweight Championship
    Kenny Omega v Jay Lethal v Kota Ibushi (Champion)

    Before the match we get a quick review of the build up to the match.

    This bout delivers a high paced, strong Japanese style Junior Heavyweight match. Before the bell even rings Kenny Omega dives to the outside and lands on Ibushi, Omega and Lethal then battled in the ring and the ref ended uo starting the match without the champion. When Ibuchi recovered some high flying action kicked off n the ring.

    At one point all three men are involved in an exchange of Kicks and kicks in the middle of the ring that end up with all three breaking away and running the ropes colliding in a triple crossbody.

    The end sequence saw bodies put on the line in hope that it would earn the championship.

    First Lethal and Omega end up on the outside where Ibushi follows with a big dive to the outside but misses both men.

    Lethal and Omega battled in the ring with some chain wrestling moves and Lethal would Superkick Omega before going to the top rope and missing the Swan Headbut.

    Omega seized the opportunity to hit the Croyths Wrath on Lethal from the second rope but soon found Ibushi handspring into a Kick and knock him out of any chance to get the Pin. Ibushi then hit the Golden Star Press on Lethal from the top rope and followed it up with a pin.

    Ibushi retains his Junior Heavyweight Championship


    Tag Team Titles Match - Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson (champions) v Consequences Creed & Great Khali

    The new team of Creed and Khali gel quickly and use some double team moves on Machine Gun Anderson but unfortunately Bad Intentions are a well oiled machine and would not be giving up the tag titles on this night.

    After some high flying from creed and a couple of close calls thanks to the power of Khali Bad Intentions took control.

    Khali’s bad knees let him down and Karl is able to hit a chop block on Khali. This as Khali’s last involvement in the match and could only look on as Creed used his speed to try and take down his bigger opponents.

    Bad Intentions though were able to double team Creed and won the match with a Giant Gun Stun straight through a table.

    After the match Giant Bernard went under the ring and grabbed some Ice Cold beverages from our sponsors Fanta Icy Lemon and both teams raised a drink to the Ice Wrestling Fans (and you guys for reading)


    Falls Count Anywhere - Ken Shamrock V Umaga

    The third bout between these men. Shamrock has not appeared on Ice Wrestling TV since Umaga slammed them both through the Ringside Barricade.

    This match starts like their last match with both Men trying some strikes before Shamrock tries to ground the Big Man. This time Umaga sprawls out and willingly leave the ring goading Shamrock to joining him outside. Again the start to fight outside the ring, this time Umaga gets control and with no ref count to worry about is able to keep a relentless attack going uninterrupted, Umaga smashes Shamrock Arm into the ringpost and Shamrock screams in pain. Umaga is possessed and traps Shamrocks hand behind the ring steps and delivers a strong stomps to the steps and Shamrock again Screams in pain, The commentators speculate on his Shamrock will be be able to lock in his Ankle lock if he has a damaged Hand?

    Shamrock locks in the Ankle Lock on the stage, Umaga is in desperate pain, he drags himself towards the end of the stage but he has nowhere to go or anything to grab for leverage, Umaga looks like he is going to tap out, and just as he looks doomed he turns his body and is able to use some momentum to send Shamrock down hard to the ground beside him. Eventually he pulls himself off the stage and Shamrock doesn’t have the power in his hand to keep hold of the Ankle lock. Umaga falls pretty hard when Shamrock lets him go but still looks relieved to be out of the submission hold.

    Shamrock falls to his own knees and looks tired and he tries to get the feeling back in his Hand as Umaga tries to get some feeling back into his Ankle.

    As Umaga gets to his feet Shamrock jumps up and leaps off the stage


    The crowd gasp as Umaga catches Shamrock and transitions into a devastating samoan Drop onto the concrete floor!
    Both men are down again but this time Umaga drags himself toward Shamrock and covers him.

    No not three Shamrock kicked out.

    Umaga remonstrates with the ref and clambers to his feet. Shamrock then starts to somehow recover and uses the stage to get to his feet.


    Umaga charges Shamrock who has his back to him and turns just in time to see the White of Umaga's eyes as they crash straight through the sidewall of the stage!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As the cameraman zooms in we see Umaga lying prone on top of Shamrock. The ref is concerned and hesitant but realises he has to make the count.
    1-2-3 and this time the match is over. Umaga has beaten Shamrock in a match that has taken years off their careers.

    After some replays we see Umaga is able to get to his feet and have his hand raised in victory while the medics gets Shamrock out from under the stage and stretchered away.



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,191 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7

    Part 1
    ICE Wrestling


    Hiroshi Tanahashi v Randy Orton – Honour v Dishonour

    The match opened with Tanahashi going after and grounding Orton looking for payback.

    Then a wrestling match broke out but and Tanahashi started trying to embarrass Orton just like he promised. Orton grew frustrated and left the ring threatening to head to the back and walk out of the match. Hiroshi followed him and cut him off. He send Orton back into the ring but as he climbs back in Orton hits his signature backbreaker. He then hits the DDT from the middle rope and goes for the pin. 2 count.

    Get up, come on UP!,

    Tanahashi gets to his feet and Orton goes for the RKO but gets pushed off. Orton lands hard on his back and Tanahashi springs to the top rope for the High Fly Flow, but no Orton moves!

    Orton goes for the Punt again but Tanahashi gets up and catches Ortons foot and gets the Dragon Screw. Tanahashi then locks in the Cloverleaf!

    Orton struggles with the pain as Tanahashi continues to try and get maximum leverage. Orton tries to claw to the ring ropes but gets dragged away again. Orton somehow survives the pain and claws his way towards the rope again, as Tanahashi drags him back in Orton used the opportunity to shift his body position and break free before pulling himself to the outside. Tanahashi quickly follows Orton thinking he may be trying another escape but is greeted with a low blow, Orton has recovered his senses and feigns innocence to the ref who is admonishing him for the low blow by claiming it was an accident.

    Orton then lifts Hiroshi onto the barricade and locks in a Headlock. With Tnahashi’s feet on the barricade Orton hits the DDT , Orton gets to his face smiling as Tanahashi is lying face down. He deadlifts Tanahashi back to his feets and gets him into the ring, and goes or the pin, but Tanahashi is able to kick out.

    A frustrated Orton goes outside once again but this time he has no intention of leaving - he grabs a steel chair and brings it into the ring, the ref tries to take it and Tanahashi springs off the middle rope and knees Orton right in his face. Orton is out of it, Tanahashi goes to the top rope

    High Fly Flow!!!!!!!!!!


    Hiroshi Tanahashi wins

    Tanahashi goes to the fans at ringside to celebrate his victory.

    Backstage, Bo Dallas bursts into the locker Room and comes face to face with Bray Wyatt and El Mesias. Bo rips the MITB briefcase from Wyatts hand and says he came to congratulate Wyatt, congratulate him on being the biggest charlatan in wrestling history that is. Mesias Wyatt laughs it off and tells Bo that as a kid he couldn't stand his brother and not much has changed since. He mocked Bo by saying his parents always said he couldn’t choose his family but that is exactly what he did and it just pretty much earned him a guaranteed World Championship............ if you are smart and since we share a gene pool you must be you will take one of the opening in the Wyatt Family, think about it............


    Career v Career: Roddy Piper v Muhammad Ali

    First out is Jesse ‘The Governing Body’ Ventura to take his place at ringside.

    The sound of Bag Pipes fill the Arena as a marching band lead Roddy Piper and his friend Paul Orndorff to the ring.

    Ali makes his way to the ring clad in a Golden Robe and to the tune of the Worlds Greatest by R Kelly. The music sends Piper into a frenzy inside the ring and Orndorff tries to calm him down. Ali 1, Piper 0.

    During his entrance he showcases his lightning fast hands and his quick feet, he smiles to the crowd and runs his mouth to the Camera displaying his trademark bravado.

    When Ali he looks very different to what we are used to, he is wearing Knee and Elbow pads, his hands are taped up but no Boxing gloves.

    The match starts with a lock up and Ali shoots straight into a waistlock. Piper gets free but Ali with an Arm Drag! Piper gets up and charges but Ali with a Kick to the gut and a body slam. Piper rolls to the outside and is furious again. He kicks the ring steps in frustration hurting his foot and he ends up hopping on one leg and Orndorff runs over to help Piper Balance.

    Orndorff helps Piper back into the ring as Ali looks on, Piper gingerly gets back in the ring and starts hopping. Ali starts toying with Piper by Dancing around him as Roddy swings some punches at Ali. Ali then goes for a Knockout punch to end this messing about put Piper ducks and knees Ali right in the Kidney. He was playing possum!

    Orndorff shouts some verbals at Ali, you are the greatest Ali the greatest fool!

    Piper now starts to work over the hurt Ali with a series of submission holds and strikes to the lower Back of Ali. This goes on and on as Piper starts to thrive on the Pain Ali is in and revels in the boos from the crowd. He even performs some Ali Shuffles.

    Piper revels in things a little too much and leaves an opening for Ali who is able to sidestep one of Roddys attacks and punch Piper right in the back. He unleashes as series of body blows and a Dropkick to the hurting Piper. Ali is firmly in control now but Orndorff climbs to the ring apron and gets the refs attention but true to his word Ventura is not having any of it and gets out of his seat on Commentary and removes Orndorff from the equation by tripping him and Orndorff falls hard to the outside. As Ventura shouts at the ref with Ali looking on Roddy Piper reaches into his shorts and grabs some Brass Knuckles, he smacks Ali on the back of the head , Ali falls to the mat and Piper gets Ali in a Sleeper Hold.

    The ref and Ventura have no clue what happened and a hush falls over the crowd as the ref has no choice but to end the match as Ali is Ko’d and will be forced into Retirement. Piper leaves the ring quickly proclaiming himself the greatest of all time and gets away before Ventura sees what really happened.

    The crowd are still in Shock but we have a performance from <insert random hip hoppier her> and this goes some way to re-energising the crowd.

    Main Event

    World Heavyweight Championship and Intercontinental Championship Match

    Triple H (World Champion) v Okada (Intercontinental Champ and No 1 contender Tournament Winner)


    As the match gets under way Triple H is goaded in by Okada and he nails an amazing Drop Kick. Okada uses a nice mixture of strong strikes and wrestling holds to ground the Game.

    Okada then took a risk and climbed to the Top Rope and performs an Elbow Drop for a 2 count.

    Triple H is resourceful though and when Okada sprang off the ropes Triple H nails him with a Spine buster to start his own period of control. The match would switch momentum a number of times with action taking place inside and outside the ring.

    The Ringside announce table didn’t survive either as Triple H went for a pedigree Okada was able to get out of it and shortly afterwards would send Triple H through the announce table with a Standing Fireman's carry Takeover (FU).

    Upon re-entering the ring the end of the match was close,

    Okada went for Kneeling Reverse Piledriver (Tombstone) but in a magical moment Triple H turn it into a pedigree!

    The ref went for the count



    No not 3, Okada somehow kick out.

    Triple H refuses to believe it and Punches out the ref.

    Triple H would blatantly choke Okada on the ground before tying him up in the ropes and going for his trusty Sledgehammer.

    A new ref comes from the back just in time to swipe the sledgehammer from Hunters Grasp. As Triple H tries to grab the ref Okada waist lock on Triple H who and goes for the Rainmaker

    But its blocked by Triple H with a headbutt

    Triple H slaps Okada in the face as he is on the ground, then slaps him again laughing. He does the Rainmaker Pose and the crowd are not impressed by their heros actions and they start to boo.

    Triple H gets Okada up and into a reverse Waistlock - he trying for a Rainmaker of his own!
    Okada ducks and shoulders Hunter in the gut.

    As Hunter is bent over Okada gets into position for a Pedigree and nails Hunter with his finisher!

    Okada refuses the chance of a pin and grabs Triple H round the waist and gets him to his feet as the crowd roar approval, nailing a rainmaker.


    Okada’s makes the Rainmaker pose as confetti falls from the sky.

    Then a figure appears through the confetti

    Its Triple H back in the ring. He hits Okada from behind and nails a pedigree - and makes the suck it gesture - what is he doing!

    As Triple H heads up the ramp and Okada starts come around Bray Wyatts music hits and he heads for the ring obviously banged up from his match but with briefcase in hand and a referee in toe.

    I don’t believe this Wyatt is going to cash in right here and now!
    The ref checks on Okada and we have chaotic scene as the ring is still covered in confetti.

    MITB Cash In - Bray Wyatt v Okada – World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Before Okada can stand up Wyatt goes onto the offensive. The ref gets in between them and creates separation telling Wyatt he can’t start the match if Okada is not on his feet.

    Wyatt gestures for Okada to get up as he still has one knee on the ground. Wyatt is tired of waiting and rushes in but Okada has managed to find Triple H’s Sledgehammer under the confetti and smashes Wyatt in the gut with the seldge hammer. Then he sets up and performs the Rainmaker knocking Wyatt out of the ring.

    The Diamond contract cash in will have to wait for another night because tonight is Okada’s.

    Oakda has the title put around his waist as the crowd once again are on their feet for a new Hero.

    The show goes off the air with Okada finally able to celebrate an incredible night!
    So where next.
    Well I set out my main event to do a switch of Heel and Face, Okada v Wyatt was an under current feud through my shows but both were heels and up to the main event I tried to keep him in a tweener role, But the run he was on made a full face turn inevitable, so i decided to do the heel/face face/heel turn. By winning I think Okada became a the star of the company and has lots of possible feuds. He could feud with Triple H, Orton, maybe even team with Tanahashi to take both of them on. He could fully engage in a long program with the now bitter but Diamond Contract holding Wyatt, Piper is back in the fold. I also removed the undefeated streak before the PPV as in the past a guy winning the title while undefeated has not always worked out well in the long run, Triple H costing him the streak gave the rivalry a boost and Okada got his revenge.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    After Last years BWA Draft PPV, The Months building to the the 2013 Royal Rumble , The Rumble itself and finally The Road to Wrestlemania and now live from the sold out home of the BWA, Madison Square Gardon we are proud to present to you...
    BWA Wrestlemania V

    The Pyro's go off, The crowd go wild and the biggest extravaganza of the year is upon us as BWA Wrestlemania V begins with a promo package highlighting the year long build to this historic day.
    It's a time of change here in the BWA, but will things change for the better (We see shots of SCSA wining the Rumble) or for the worse? (Alberto Del Rio Sr near breaking Bruno Sammartino's arm in his quest for control of the company). Will good (shots of Kobashi & Lashley) win out over Evil (a menacing destructive Bob Sapp) or will the enemies of the BWA universe have the last laugh (WECWF champion Jake Roberts laughs maniacally) . Tonight all questions will be answered, who is the greatest of all time ?(Ali vs Marciano gets highlighted), Who can prove their doubters wrong ?(MCMGs vs The Eliminators gets shown) and who can make their name in the history books here on the grandest stage of them all.
    Extreme Tornado tag team opener

    Jado & Gedo vs New Jack & Mustafa Seed
    Extreme Rules

    Before the match begins Jado offers a hand shake to his opponents but only got an attempt at New Jacks now near customary face spit in return. He was able to avoid it and as this match started we knew neither team would be messing about.

    This match starts at an incredible pace and really gets the crowd going early and Gedo almost got a shock early pinfall victory when he hit New Jack with a Frog Splash in the center of the ring. Having not worn him out before hand New Jack is able to kick out after just 2 and then rolls to the outside immediately looking for a weapon .

    On the outside Mustafa throws Jado head first into the announce table and then without losing a beat into the ringsteps leaving him in a heap and allowing him time to root around under the ring. When he re-emerges he has a table with him which he sets up at ringside when New Jack and Gedo come brawling by. Seed gets involved and its 2 on 1 for a moment before New Jack is finally able to find the weapon or weapons as the case may be he had been looking for as once again from under the ring he pulls out not 1 but two Fluorescent Light Tubes. Mustafa hits Gedo with a low blow then tosses him onto the table before taking one of the tubes from his tag partner.

    Gedo isn't unconcious though and rises to his knees atop the tableas both men swing for his head. He drops back down though and Seed misses him while New Jack cracks his tube across the head of Mustafa sending glass shards falling all over the table. Enraged New Jack rakes Gedo's eyes then picks up and uses his partners weapon to drop Gedo back flat on the table which is now completely covered in glass shards. New Jack then pulls something from his trunks and climbs back into the ring and goes over to the turnbuckle where he climbs it and from atop reveals brass knuckles as he motions that he is about to perform a flying fist drop onto the table outside.

    Luckily for Gedo though Jado has gotten back to his feet and into the ring and charges at the corner trying to arm drag New Jack Back into the ring, unluckily however Jado gets the brass knuckles straight into his face and drops to the mat. However this has given Gedo the recuperation time he needed and before New Jack can readjust himself for the fist drop Gedo is up and onto the ring apron performing an Arm Drag of his own but one that sends New Jack Crashing to the outside and through the table covered in glass shards. He then climbs the turnbuckle himself and performes his second frog splash of the night on the downed New Jack essentially eliminating him from the match.

    Mustafa Seed on the other hand is now back in the action and he and Gedo tussle on the outside but once the brawl spreads into the ring it's two on one and one of those two is Jado who is waiting with a Kendo stick. Several shots from that later and he is left prone in the ring and it's Jado who finishes the contest with a High-angle belly to back suplex from the top rope for a 3 count, putting a big exclamation point on this impressive victory which will perhaps have beaten some respect into the New Gangsta's.

    Winners: Jado & Gedo

    The announcers talk about how we have had a hell of a start here at Wrestlemania V but say things are not going to let up as these interviews taped earlier tonight show we are in for a real intense personal rivalry next!
    Bobby Lashley is talking to Josh Matthews, Kristal is standing in the background

    "An animal like Bob Sapp should be put behind bars for what he has done, but behind bars he would be safe from my, no our retribution. Bob used to call himself "the beast unleashed" well tonight im going to let all my inner demons off the leash. Bob put his hands on my wife and for that reason I am lucky tonights match is a no disqualification bout as otherwise my actions would also be illegal cos im gonna F*ckin rip his throat out for what he did
    Bob Sapp is sat alone in a close up shot for his response video

    "Rip my throat out ha, that Bobby Lashley is nothing but a lil B!tch, he and his hoare wife dont know what they are getting themselves into, It's obvious I've already destroyed Lashley mentally but just like with his wife tonight im going to truly unleash The Beast and destroy him physically"
    No DQ Grudge match

    Bob Sapp vs Bobby Lashley

    Before this match begins BWA chairman Bounty Hunter comes out to the ring and addresses the audience:
    BH: Thank you for that great ovation but this is not my moment, this is a wrestlemania moment and one I want to warn you all about, because the build up to our next match has recieved more angry complaints than any ever in the history of the BWA (even more than when Jeff Jarett turned into a massive racist last year).The network was inundated with people saying it was too extreme content and if anyone thought tonight's opener was extreme they should be get prepared for this intense personal battle we are about to witness."

    "I want to remind you all that our network, HBO, is known for pushing the boundaries and allowing what other networks might not and that until a man is proven guilty of an act he should be considered innocent. Therefore as Bob Sapp Denies all allegations against him and Bobby & Kristal Lashly have seemingly refused to go to the authorities, I have no reason to not allow this match to go ahead."

    Before going he did say he had invited New York's finest the NYPD to madison square garden that night to talk to Kristal and once again warned the fans this one might not be for the squeamish.

    Bob Sapp is the first one out, his music totally drowned out in boos and yet he seems to be loving the hellacious atmosphere here in the garden tonight and is grinning like a Cheshire cat until he starts screaming for Lashley to get out there, no Mic but he is just as loud as the chairman before him anyway. He doesn't have to wait long as his opponents music hits and Lashley immediately rushes down the ramp and charges the ring. The two begin to brawl and we are off!

    Lashley with the crowd behind him starts strong with a series of rights and lefts backing Sapp into the corner where he continues to pummel on him until the big man retaliates with a thundering Headbutt stunning Lashley temporarily but long enough for Sapp to pick him up and in a great show off strength toss him to the outside before letting out a thundering war cry.

    He doesen't give Lashley a chance to get going again though quickly following him out of the ring and grabbing a steal chair and proceeding to tear into him with it. A shot to the head followed by not one or two but three shots across Lashley's back. Lashley is crawling along to ring ramp but cant avoid a fourth chair shot which drops him to the floor near the top of the ramp where out of sheer desperation he hits Sapp with a low blow quelling his momentum and forcing him to drop his weapon which Lashley quickly acquired. 2 chair shot later and Sapp is now teetering on the edge of the staging area so when Bobby drops the chair and his shoulder and delivers a devestating spear both men are sent crashing off the stage and through and equipment table set up below before landing hard on the concrete floor beneath.

    Both men took a lot of damage in the fall but as they rise they find a real plethora of weapons at their disposal in the remains of the equipment table. First Sapp chokes Lashley with wiring before Lashley cracks a camera across his head in retaliation. The two go shot for shot in a gruelling brawl until eventually the action heads back towards the ring with Sapp leading a struggling Lashley who has just suffered a terrible series of hits from the ring bell. The announcers talk about how they can understand Lashley's motives in taking this match but wonder if perhaps he has bitten off more than he can chew here (and that Kristal staying backstage was a wise move) as Sapp tosses him into the ring but not before himself entering it and removing all four of the top turnbuckle covers.

    Crack, Lashleys head hits the steel turnbuckle and then Sapp signals to the one on the opposite side of the ring but his Irish whip is reversed and he himself is sent crashing into the exposed corner before Lashley follows it up with his second spear of the night which gives him time to set up for his dominator front powerslam. Where he got the energy for that nobody knows but he goes for the pin and 1, 2, 3 my gawd he has gotten his retribution

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    Kristal runs down to ringside to celebrate with her man but she may have acted too soon as Bob Sapp too rises to his feet behind Lashley's back. She notices and cries out to her man but by the time he turns around Sapp is there with a massive clothesline knocking him down his head thudding off the ground outside the ring. Sapp then grabs Kristal by the arm and wont let her go as a wild look comes across his face and the crowd go mental. Thankfully Lashley is back up fast and a shot to the back of Sapps head causes him to release Kristal who Bobby tells to get out of harms way and to the back.

    Once again it's this momentarily focus on Kristal that costs Lashley as Sapp takes another steel chair from under the ring and begins to tear into him clearly enraged by the loss he just suffered. He then pulls the ring steps over to him on the ramp next to the ring and places Lashley up against it. A number of BWA security arrive at ringside but Sapp swats them away with the chair and then lifts Lashley up and powerbombs him onto the steel steps! Sapp lets out another incredible war cry he may not have won the match but he has destroyed his opponent.

    He's not getting away with it though as moments later Kristal re-emerges with several members of New York's finest the NYPD by her side. She can be heard shouting and pointing at Sapp "It was him!" and the cops head straight to ringside were despite his resistance they eventually restrain Sapp and lead him to the back allowing Kristal and EMTs to get to Lashley at ringside. He fought for his woman and won but at what cost.

    Jake "The Snake" Roberts speaks backstage upon hearing that former WECWF chairman Waltersobchek has apparently just taken his seat at ringside:
    Jake: " I am surprised and glad to hear you accepted Bounty Hunter's invitation to watch my match in person Walter. I honestly never thought you would set foot in a BWA arena, even here in Madison Square Garden, but perhaps like me you saw an upside to coming to the BWA. You see people have always asked me why I came to the BWA and Walt, you are the only person who has ever deserved the true answer. Yes I want to continue to compete and earn at the top of the PW market until WECWF re-opens it's doors but I also want to make my mark on the monday night wars in a way no man has ever done before. Tonight I get that chance, Walter tonight I promise that I, your WECWF champion at the BWA's biggest show ever will end the career of the man who epitomizes everything the BWA stands for, Mr BWA himself Kenta Kobashi!

    *We then get a tale of the tape promo package highlighting The Careers and greatest moments of Muhammad Ali & Rocky Marciano before they will finally go one on one for real to decide who is the greatest of all time*
    Boxing's biggest ever bout

    The Super Fight: Muhammad Ali vs Rocky Marciano
    Winner will referee the main event

    As he did before the previous match BWA chairman Bounty Hunter comes out before the competitors here and has a few words for the live audience and those at home.
    Bounty Hunter: "Once again, thank you for the great reception, I honestly don't know how many more times I'll be able to come out here as your BWA chairman and make these announcements but I want to assure all of you that this next contest will not be like tonights first two match. This will be a clean fight, with no outside interference and no need for disqualifications or weapons. This match will decide who refs the man event but it will also decide who is the greatest of all time. This is the BWA and although the WA stands for Wrestling Association I am not going to make these two greats compete in a wrestling match. This is the Super Fight, the two greatest ever pugilists going one on one in the ring and we are going to do it right with a classic boxing rules fight and to paraphrase one of our competitors if anyone even dreams about interfering in this match they better wake up and apologize because I will immediately suspend them on the spot for such actions

    Afterwards the Fink does his best Michael Buffer let's get ready to rumble impersonation and introduces the competitors we are ready to begin although we do have to suffer another impersonation later this time when Michael Cole does legendary ring announcer Howard Cosell.

    The first round is a cagey affair at first with both men feeling each other out and Ali in particular doing his classic bobbing and weaving and eluding Marciano's reach at every attempt. Rocky is clearly getting frustrated as the round concludes and begins throwing more and more wild punches a trend which continues into the 2nd round. Ali starts picking his opportunities and landing jab after jab as the announce team talk about this being "Vintage Ali" and how he is clearly looking to tire out his opponent and at the same time draw him out into making a mistake.

    It is early in the 3rd when this becomes particularly apparent as the showboating from Ali begins with him even going so far as to stick his chin out and seemingly plead for his opponent to swing at him. Marciano does his best to resist and tries to box a smart match as the announce team call it but as this round draws to a close Ali sticks his chin out so far that Marciano simply cant resist and goes for his first knockout punch attempt but unfortunately for him it's also his first fail as Ali still fresh is able to sidestep the blow before delivering his own devastating uppercut. He may not be as well renowned for his power as Rocky but this one has Marciano reeling and he actually drops to a knee to get his bearing as the ring sounds for the end of the round.

    Marciano is obviously a little taken aback by this but comes back out strong and focused and for the first time in the match actually starts making some contact to Ali. The Original "Peoples champion" is able to give as good as he gets though and it seems these early rounds are taking a toll on Marciano as we head towards the 5th round with the commentators questioning if he has already started to slow. It is in fact this round that is arguably Ali's best as although he does not land a KO blow or take him to a knee again he peppers him with rights and lefts all round, barely taking a single shot himself and it's this round where Marciano begins to look gassed.

    As the 6th round begins the announcers wonder if Marciano will suffer his first ever loss tonight because Ali looks every inch "The Greatest" he says he is and continues his good work from the previous round and yet this round will be oddly remembered for none of his good work but for the arrival of Jado, Gedo & Mitsuharu Misawa at ringside. It would seem the champ and his cohorts want to see the outcome of this Super Fight up close and personally and who can blame them with who refs tonight's world title match also in the balance.

    These men do not interfere in the match though and thus are adhering to Bounty Hunter's words earlier and yet Ali is noticeably distracted as a result of their presence. As the announcers remind us, Stone Cold Steve Austin & Ali may not see eye to eye but the Rattlesnake and Marciano hate each other and it would obviously be Misawa's preference to have him reffing tonight's main event. Ali obviously knows this too and the 7th round shows this perfectly with Marciano coming back into the contest, Ali becoming more and more concerned with the positioning of Misawa at ringside and thus becoming more distracted and less evasive.

    One such moment of distraction is one too many and a minute into the 8th round after he glanced towards the BWA champs location he turned back to find himself caught right in the cross-hairs of a Rocky Marciano hay-maker. Boom! and he is knocked to the mat with a thud. He seriously struggles to get up but after almost 7 seconds and the assistance of the ropes he finally gets to his feet. There is a minute left in this round but Ali gets through it barely thanks to a lot of holding of his opponent as he still tries to readjust after that Mamet blow from Marciano. Drawing massive jeers from the crowd Jado & Gedo actually act as Rocky's corner men during the break in this round one massaging him while the other feeds him water.

    The 9th would be considered equally as much of a struggle for Ali with Marciano always on the front foot but as had been noted 4 rounds earlier marciano is beginning to slow down, it's just a pity for Ali he still has his power and his accuracy has been good tonight, particularly in this round where he connects with a number of impressive hook shots. Physically he is ok although struggling a little bit but it's clear that Ali is find it difficult mentally having to watch as his opponent again has Jado & Gedo in his corner (one massaging him the other feeding him water between rounds) and now the BWA champion giving him words of advice. The announcers question if this is truely fair as the fans really get on Marciano & co's backs when suddently *Glass Smash* Stone Cold Steve Austin charges down to ringside attacks Misawa and chases him and his associates around the ring, up the ramp and into the back.

    The crowd are loving this, Ali too who seems to be feeding off their chants with one in particular getting repeated throughout the 10th round especially as Ali seems to gain in confidence "Ali kumbaya! Ali kumbaya! Ali kumbaya". Seemingly getting a 2nd wind Ali is back in this one going toe to toe with a shocked Marciano.

    We enter the 11th which much to the crowds approval devolves into more a Rocky Balboa than Marciano style bout with both men taking multiple big shots to the head but coming back for more and delivering more punishment of their own and yet despite that Marciano who many would consider more of a brawler actually loses out here when as noted he had lost a step speed wise but now it becomes evident with his punches too with him throwing one or two half hearted efforts one of which Ali swots away before hitting a big upercut sending Marciano stumbling backwards and into the corner where Ali does not let up hitting big shot after shot on him, really going for the kill right up until the end of the round which Rocky somehow survives till despite his legs looking like Jelly at times out there.

    The 12th round seems like a repeat of the 9th but this time it's Marciano struggling to just about survive it although he did get one good shot in near the end of the round which left Ali (once again reminiscent of Marciano earlier in the fight) having to take a knee just before the bell to gather himself. A stark reminder that Marciano has a punch in his arsenal that can finish things in an instant.

    As we enter the 13th round, the round the computer predicted Marciano would win in, Rocky is once again looking strong and has finally gotten his 2nd wind and he literally charges into action as the crowd are all on their feet watching these two greats going at it. They go from side to side of the ring each man connecting with big blows sending their opponent stumbling backwards. It's Marciano's that connects with the most ferocity though and Ali is made drop his guard allowing Rocky to once again go for his big haymaker. Somehow Ali is able to drop down low however and avoid the punch then in a corkscrew motion springs back up with vicious right hand of his own connecting square on Rocky's Jaw and knocking him down. Marciano is hurt but tries valiantly to get back up eventually pulling himself up with the aid of the corner turnbuckle just breaking the refs count at 9.

    He looks dazed and almost confused as the action resumes taking a number of jabs to the face. He looks out on his feet but is still swinging, keeping Ali mostly at arms reach but when he takes one breather Ali gets inside and starts working his mid section with rights and lefts. Ali then winds back and connects with a big right resulting in a loud cracking noise but at the same time Marciano takes one last big swing and he himself connects with a huge right to Ali's chin and both men hit the mat. The ref reaches 4 before either man is really stirring but then acting almost one instinct alone Marciano rises to his feet and then using the ropes to hold himself up looks on in what looks like near disbelief as at around 8 Ali gets to a knee and at 9 tries to stand himself. He can't support his own weight though and drops back to the ground as the ref counts ten and we have a winner.

    Winner: Rocky Marciano

    Still undefeated Marciano is victorious and will referee tonights main event but Ali is far from a loser and after the final bell Marciano actually helps his fallen advisory to his feet and in a real crowd pleasing moment raises his hand and celebrates a truly great contest.

    The announcers speculate as to what impact this may have on tonight's main event, before we are brought to a backstage interview with BWA legend Kenta Kobashi as he warms up for his match later tonight:
    Kobashi: "Tonight my tenure in the BWA and as intercontinental champion may come to an end. Jake Roberts despite how he acts sometimes is without a doubt one of the greatest to ever set foot in a professional wrestling ring, but if he thinks he It is going to be easy he has another thing coming. He has said a lot of things over the past year about the BWA, my home and although I've questioned my own passion for professional wrestling nobody can question my love for this company, so if he wants to beat me, retire me, take my belt and damage this company well he can, I mean he is capable but he will have to kill me to do so because as long as I am breathing the BWA will never bow down to WECWF tyranny."

    When we return our attention is brought to our next contest and a rivalry and story that spanned the past year in the BWA, from Perry Saturn objecting to Sabin & Shelly parading on television around as veterans imparting knowledge to him with the help of his friend John Kronos getting clean and earning the right to face the MCMGs. Since the announcement was made the psychological battle has begun and there has been much speculation as to the mental strength of the challengers going into this encounter but as they emerge from the back they seem in good spirits.
    BWA Tag title match

    The Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs The Eliminators

    This match was probably placed on this spot on the card to calm the crowd after our early mega bout and our triple main events to follow but with BWA Tag Gold on the line this was never going to be too slow paced and it started just like that with the MCMGs looking impressive and on top in the first few minutes but when Perry Saturn gets the tag in all questions about his mental state are answered with him seeming sharp as a tack and regaining the momentum for his team. He reverses everything either Machine Gun can throw at him as the term "rolling back the years" gets thrown out by the announcers. He finally decides to try and mount some offense and charges Chris Sabin who is pressed against one of the corners but Sabin catches him with a drop toe hold and send him head first through the bottom rope and to the outside but not before smacking his head off the ring post.

    He looks dazed and is stumbling around outside but gets back into the ring before the Ref DQs him only to get hit by a Running double high knee knocking into his own corner where John Kronos tags in. Saturn rolls to the outside and looks concussed as we begins to wander about (and later seems to be talking to himself. Question marks had been raised over Kronos's ability before this match but now essentially 1 on 2 vs the tag champs he would never have a better chance to silence all doubters and he looks determined to take his chance. He fights valiantly but as the mins tick by with Saturn not at ringside and the MCMGs tagging in and out regularily it starts taking its toll on him. He is able to kick out of a Shelley Sliced Bread #2 at 2 but the true test comes when Sabin is tagged in and much to the MGs astonishment Kronos is able to kick out of the combination finisher Skull and Bones (Falling neckbreaker / Diving crossbody). He has proven his worth but can he last much longer most wonder even as Saturn who seems to have gotten himself together and back to his corner looks on.

    In the ring things look bleak as Sabin locks in a crossface and Kronos looks like he may tap. Instead he struggles to reach the ropes but before he can Sabin breaks the hold pulls him back into the center of the ring and reapplies it. As he does his tag partner pulls from under the ring the "Moppy" replica he had been taunting Saturn with in recent weeks and heads around to ring towards Perry to ensure he does not interfere. He swings the weapon at his but Saturn grabs the hand and then much to the crowds amusement kicks him in the gut before taking control of the mop and cracking it over Shelly's head. Back in the ring Kronos is seemingly moments from tapping but somehow attempts to drag himself to the ropes again. He gets near the ropes beside his own corner, just inches away infact but just can't reach and seems like he has just given up when suddenly Saturn gets back to the corner and reaches over the ropes and down to him tagging himself in.

    He leaps over the ropes stamping on Sabin and breaking the hold on his partner, Sabin is up quick but perhaps too quick as he is still feeling the effects of Saturns impact and staggers straight into a Death Valley driver. When he gets back up this time Kronos is also standing and both Sabin's advisories stand facing him before Saturn executes a spinning leg sweep to the back of Sabin's legs, and Kronus hits a spinning heel-kick towards him simultaneously, knocking their opponent backwards. On the outside Shelley is just about getting to his feet but it is too late as after the referee turns back from ejecting Kronos to ringside he witnesses a Saturn Bomb which results in him making a 3 count and us crowning new BWA World Tag Team Champions!

    Winners: The Eliminators

    Current BWA World Heavyweight champion Mitsuharu Misawa is interviewed backstage, with him are Jado & Gedo and:Rocky Marciano
    Misawa: When I became champion I spoke the truth and none of you fans could accept it, just like you never accepted me. No matter how good my in ring performance, no matter who I beat or what language I learned and spoke to you, You never considered me a Star. I had to go to the BWA's biggest competitor (MNG) and win their title, then return here and win the most prestigious world heavyweight title i the world, before you would even acknowledge me, and yet when Steve Austin shows up you people cheer everything he does. He turns up drunk, interferes in whatever match he damn well pleases and you people actually demand he be given a shot at my World Championship and whats worse, the idiots in the back listen to you. Not only do they listen they change their own rules just to let him be allowed to face me. Well Austin you wont be able to bend any rules tonight, o no, not with this man officiating."

    He turns and pats Marciano on the back - "A man who's match you were stupid enough to get involved in tonight. Trust me Austin, he didn't take kindly to that intrusion just like I haven't taken kindly to your mere presence in the BWA. However Austin one thing strikes me, even if Rocky wasn't in the ring tonight i'd still beat you, and not just because i'm better than you which I am but because even then the referee wouldn't like you. I mean these fans here tonight might chant your name but who's going to be in your corner rattlesnake?

    after this we are brought back to the ring where the announcers ponder that question noting just how many potential game changers Misawa has backing him up before introducing a promo package talking up the many years of great matches Kenta Kobashi has had in the BWA... it could all end tonight however is the worrying note as it closes on and the image of WECWF champion Jake Roberts having his arm raised in victory.
    Retirement Match

    Kenta Kobashi (IC champ) vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts (WECWF champ)
    IC champ Kobashi will either lose and Retire or win and retire Jake's WECWF title.

    First out is Kenta Kobashi who gets a hero's welcome from the people in attendance who as the announcers point out don't seem like they are ready to see Kobashi in his final match ever. The atmosphere turns a little more Negative though as Jake Roberts emerges and the boos begin to ring out as he makes his way over to Walter Sobcheck at ringside and embraces him before giving his former promoter his WECWF world title belt for safekeeping.

    This one starts out at a much slower pace than most of our matches here tonight, methodical some might say, as both men sizes up the other and seemingly tries to find a chink in their opponents Armour but both men struggle to find one and we witness a real 50-50 contest as this one develops. Eventually it breaks down and things start getting very interesting when Jake makes an attempt to unleash his "friend" Damian only for Kobashi to intercede with a number of well timed kicks. He did however loosen the string on the sack sitting in the corner of the ring and a little while later Damian gets Loose and the ref is freaked out jumping the ring ropes to the outside and running up the ramp and into the back to get away from him. BWA officials work hard to remove the danger of the snake from ringside but in the ring The Snake (Jake) tries to take advantage of the confusion in the ring.

    Kenta locks a Boston Crab submission in on Jake who after some time taps but with no ref about he avoids defeat (perhaps why he taps the commentators say, as usually he wouldnt do so, so quickly). Kobashi leaves Jake momentarily and goes looking for the referee which allows his opponent to roll to the outside where Jake gets a chair and bring it into the ring and moments later hit Kobashi across the back with it. He then drops the chair to the mat before picking up Kenta and performing a Jake Special DDT on the chair but with no ref doesn't try to pin Kobashi, instead he heads to the outside and to Walter Sobchek to collect his WECWF title belt.After getting back into the ring Jake cracks the title belt across Kobashi's skull and then noticing the ref returning to the ring slides the belt atop the chair to the outside before going for a pin. 1-2, Kickout!

    Jake can't believe it and essentially loses it hitting another DDT but this time on the referee who rolls to the outside in agony. Jake follows him to the outside and grabs the steel chair once more which he takes back into the ring and wraps around Kobashi's back. Kobashi is writhing in agony as Jake once more hits him with it and then a third time. He then pins him despite the ref being out of it on the outside and makes the count himself 1, 2, WTF! Kobashi kicks out again.

    Maybe a bad move out of instinct as he wouldn't have actually lost the match but now he suffers the wrath of The Snake who repeatidly hits him with the chair before dropping it and rolling to the outside where he would once again go over to his former chairman Mr Sobchek and seemingly as the commentators put it seek advice on just how he can put the BWA legend away. After listening to Walt's words of wisdom he returns to the ring but not before once again reclaiming his WECWF title from ringside with the inclination to use it as a weapon.

    He lays it down metal facing upwards and then drags Kobashi over and places his head onto the title belt before once more picking up the chair that caused Kenta to be still down in the ring. It would appear he is going for a modified concherto here, perhaps that is what Walter told him to do. He lifts it up and brings it down with a thunderous thud but no contact is made as Kobashi rolled out of the way. Jake had taken too long talking to walt and setting up the move and was now actually on the back foot having ironically hurt his own hands bringing the chair down so hard upon nothing. He is now also caught by a leg sweep and dropped to the mat by Kenta who is back to his feet much to the fans approval. As Jake gets back up he is caught by Kobashi's Burning Lariat and is now reeling. He's determined not to give the momentum to his opponent though and fights back to his feet asap but perhaps he is too quick as he walks right into Kobashi's Orange Crush Vertical suplex powerbomb which drops him right on top of his own WECWF title. Kobashi then rolls him up for a pin and just in time too as the ref who is mightily p!ssed at Jake has just gotten himself together and back in the ring in time to make the 3 count!

    Winner: Kenta Kobashi

    Kenta celebrates with the fans and holds aloft both his IC title and the WECWF world title belts, he is not retiring tonight that is for sure and as we head backstage the camera focuses on WECWF chairman Walter Sobchek who has a tear running down his face and is having a realization as strong as any from his time in Viat Nam, His WECWF title is now in BWA hands.

    We then head to a backstage interview with the man who will challenge for the BWA World Title tonight, Stone Cold Steve Austin
    Interviewer: "Your World title match is almost upon us, can you tell us how you feel at this moment? and if you have any reaction to the champions words earlier tonight?"

    Austin: "What!?"

    Interviewer: "I said how do you feel Steve?"

    Austin: "I know what you said punk, how do I feel? I feel fandaby dozy, how do you think I feel? I'm about to go out there and kick ass and win the big one that's what I'm about to do and as far as What Misawa has had to say tonight.... F*ck him, F*ck his ego, F*ck his lackies Jado & Gedo, F*ck his hired goon Marciano and F*ck his title reign cos it's all coming to an end, you're looking at the next BWA world champ right now and that's the bottom line cos Stone Cold Said so!"

    He then jokingly asks "were not PG anymore right?" before the segment ends

    Just as was done earlier tonight for Lashley vs Bob Sapp we are now brought backstage for 2 more pre taped interviews from BWA chairman Bounty Hunter and the man who wants his job Alberto Del Rio Sr
    Bounty Hunter: "Bruno Sammartino is the most respected man in the entire wrestling community. It was upon his urging that I tried to turn the BWA PG and again his words that made me understand it just was not working and needed to be changed back. He is considered by many as the best ever in the ring and he was mine and the BWA Universe's (there were polls on choice to be the first ever inductee into BWA Hall of fame. There is no other man I would want in my corner here tonight at Wrestlemania and no better man to beat seven shades of hell into a very deserving Del Rio. I built the BWA with my own bare hand and trust me tonight im not having it ripped from me, tonight the man who tried to poison me and take my company will pay for what he did, tonight we (Bruno stands behind him now) will win!"
    Alberto Del Rio Sr: I look forward to tonight's main event, why? because myself and Ricardo Rodriguez here will be watching it from the BWA chairman's private box. Ever since I arrived here in the BWA I have wanted to be the man making the decisions and now I have the chance to make that a reality and I will not let it pass me by. Bounty Hunter has accused me of some serious things and has talked up his white knight Sammartino to the hilt but after our match none of that will matter because the only thing he will be able to accuse me of is being the man who beat his best and took his job.

    We are then given the promo higlighting the year long build to this match, intertwined within it are many of the BWA superstars predictions of who will win this match, few are reluctant to bet against Bruno Sammartino & the Chairman but worryingly a couple including BWA favourite Kenta Kobashi note how Sammartino is carrying injuries and ring rust into this massive bout and that that may be the deciding factor.
    Match for control of the BWA

    Alberto Del Rio Sr w/Ricardo Rodriguez vs Bruno Sammartino w/Bounty hunter

    Del Rio Sr is first out and is wearing a Cape, Hat and cane looking every inch the real Mexican aristocrat he is billed as Ricardo gives him a lavish bilingual introduction which refers to him as the man formerly known as Dos Caras and Mexico's favourite son as well as the man who will soon be BWA chairman. The heat the two of them get is immense and equalled only in scale by the massive pop that follows the arrival of BWA Hall of Famer Bruno Sammartino & the current chairman of the board Bounty Hunter. This one is a real good vs Evil battle for supremacy in the eyes of the fans and Sammartino seems to feed of their support as the contest begins.

    He too is living up to his billing, that of being the The Italian Superman as he flies into action with no sign of the supposed ring rust we have heard talk of. A shoulder block and a hip toss are followed by a Pendulum backbreaker and for one brief moment the fans believe it could be over as quick as that when he goes for the cover but its only the first near pinfall that goes to Bruno with Daddy Del Rio kicking out just after 2. Bruno doesent let up and bounces himself off the ropes before hitting a huge clothesline on his opponent and then as Del Rio gets back up he does so again only this time Del Rio springs into the air and counters with an impressive armbar takedown on Sammartino's outstretched arm.

    Bruno struggles but eventually breakes free but it's clear that despite the bravado Sammartino's shoulder is still a bigger issue than he would like to admit and one Del Rio now focuses all his attension. Armbar followes Armbar wears the former BWA champion down until the announce team begin to question if he will be able to survive much more. In a real show of strength though Sammartino is able to not just power out of his predicament but lift Del Rio clear off the mat as he still applies the submission and goes for a running powerslam. Ricardo on the outside reaches into the ring though and grabbing Bruno's foot causes him to trip forward as he attempts to do so and he falls face first on the mat as Del Rio reaffirms his hold and submission.

    On the outside BH confronts Ricardo and chases him clear around the ring before Ricardo stops running seemingly ready to listen to the boss who is trying to reason with him. He is reminding him that he can still have a place in the BWA without Del Rio, that he owes him nothing and doesent have to be out here tonight. Ricardo looks petrified clasping his Mexican confetti bucket to his chest but he seems to be nodding in agreement as in ring Sammartino is able to make it to the ropes and get some respite. As Bounty Hunter's gaze is drawn back to the ring Ricardo tosses his confetti into his face before going at him with something he had been concealing under the confetti. Their tussle is brief and the chairman seems unharmed as Ricardo backs away, but only then do we see what he really did as Bounty Hunter tries to follow him only to realise he has been handcuffed to the ring post.

    In ring Sammartino has successfully gotten back into the match but is clearly struggling with his left shoulder. Despite that he is on the offensive and after a series of dropkicks delivers a big belly to back suplex and looks in control. Its then Del Rio's turn to struggle to survive a submission hold as Bruno locks in his patented Bearhug and begins squeezing the air out of his opponent. Bounty Hunter is going mad on the outside doing everything he can to escape his constraints but to no avail. repeated strikes to Sammartino's inured shoulder force his to release the hold but only momentarily as he strikes Del Rio with Multiple jabs to his midsection before once again wrapping his arms around Del Rio Sr with his bearhug. The crowd are on their feet cheering and sense something big is about to happen.

    Bounty Hunter too is active draging himself up onto the ring apron in an attempt to free himself (by pulling the cuffs over the ringpost) but in doing so allows Ricardo to point him out and distract the ref before passing Del Rio his cane which he strikes repeatidly against Bruno's injured shoulder. Again Bruno is forced to release the hold but these shots may have done permanent damage or so the announcers speculate as Del Rio quickly tosses the cane back to his personal ring announcer. The ref unable to free Bounty Hunter turns his attension back to the two combatants as BWA staff try to help the chairman but once the refs attension is back on the action Del Rio Snr locks a final Cross Armbreaker on Sammartino who eventually taps!

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio Sr

    The now former BWA Chairman Bounty Hunter was forced to watch as his company was stolen away from him right before his eyes and couldn't do anything about it and now has to suffer through Del Rio's celebration. The Living Legend Bruno Sammartino has been defeated and what now for the BWA under the Mexican Aristocrat the announcers wonder...

    We are brought back to the lockeroom where Muhammad Ali is being talked to after his loss tonight
    Ali:"A few years ago I sat here after my Wrestlemania match (& Loss with Sammartino) and vowed that I would return, that I would redeem myself and that I would prove once again that I am the greatest! Tonight I failed to do that and honestly I am finding it hard to accept"

    Interviewer: "What do you intend to do? Will you confront Marciano again in tonight's main event?

    Ali: " No , Rocky defeated me clean and I have to accept that. If he ever wants a rematch though I'm not going away for 3 years this time, because being the greatest doesn't mean being undefeated, it's about how you come back from defeats stronger"

    Kenta Kobashi enters the lockeroom still clearly jubilant from his victory earlier on
    Interviewer: "Kenta, Kenta, congratulations on your big win tonight, you have done the BWA proud"

    Kobashi: "This great company has done me proud every time I have stepped into the ring since day 1 of my time here and I was not going to allow Jake, The WECWF and co walk in here and not only take my Intercontinental title but in their minds score a victory over us in the BWA. Yes the actions of some of those within this company made me question my future within the industry but never have I been more proud to be a BWA wrestler than tonight "

    Interviewer: "I think the person you are referring to within this company is competing next and i'd like to get your thoughts on that match but now listening to you I wonder... do you still intend on retiring?"

    Kobashi: "I am a man of my word and as good as this victory felt tonight I do not intend to break my word. I do not want to become like those who have altered how I now see this industry. The man you referenced for instance never lives up to his word and I should know, he used to be my best friend. I am the man who brought him back into the company only for him to turn his back on me and the entire BWA universe. Tonight he has another chance to live up to his word... he says he is the best, he says he deserves to be the champ, well beat Stone Cold Steve Austin clean tonight and he will finally live up to his word, but use underhanded tactics like we just saw from Alberto Del Rio Sr and he wont prove anything infact do that and I guarantee he will regret it forever!"

    It's time for tonights main event but wait it seems the guys in the back office have a surprise in store as hot new rapper Dr Thugzilla comes out out rapping to his recent hit "Mo Money, Mo B!tches". After about 30 seconds he stops and "Madison Square Garden make some noise" but what follows is the sound of crickets before an ever growing chant of "Austin" begins before *Glass Smash* and the rattlesnake himself Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out to rapturous applause. ThugZilla tries to pump up the already pumped crowd and asks him what song he wants to be played to the ring by but the Stone Cold says there is only one thing the BWA fans want to hear right now then boom! he drops the rap star with a Stone Cold Stunner and his music hits again as he strides confidently to the ring as the crowd go wild.
    BWA World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
    with Rocky Marciano as special guest referee.

    The Crowd were less welcoming for the Referee for the night and the champions entrance but before long we are underway in our main event with Mitsuharu Misawa and Stone Cold going back and forth, toe to toe and neither man giving an inch. Both men start hitting each other with big moves, Austin first with a Vertical Suplex before Misawa retorts with a suplex of his own this time a Release Dragon Suplex. He grabs his opportunity after this and rakes Austin's eyes before hitting a Tiger Driver on Austin and going for an early pin attempt where he almost gets the 3 count thanks to quite a fast count from Marciano but Austin is able to kick out at 2.

    Austin gets up in Marciano's face warning him to call the match down the middle, but it's quite hard to tell if Rocky is taking any notice of him and if anything focusing so much on the referee is what costs Austin as he is caught by a series of kick variations from the champ who then attempts to get the win via a figure four leg lock submission but Stone Cold is able to crawl towards the ropes despite initially finding his way blocked by the ref who eventually moves out of the way feigning ignorance at his being in the way.

    Austin is clearly beginning to lose his patience with Marciano and his mood is not helped by the sudden arrival of Jado & Gedo who come down to ringside and contantly interfere on Misawa's behalf. It's their distraction in fact that allows Misawa to continue his dominant spell here and after knocking Austin to the mat with a Corkscrew lariat he goes up top for a Tiger Body Press (Frog splash) which he hits to devastating effect. before going for a pin. Austin immediately and clearly gets his arm on the bottom rope though and even Marciano cant ignore it. That is until Jado knocks the arm clear and Misawa drags Austin into the center of the ring and tries again. Misawa gets another near 3 count after another pretty fast count but Austin again kicks out on 2.

    The duo continue to cause Austin trouble from ringside and the crowd are baying for their blood but Marciano continues to be intentionally oblivious to their antics. Thankfully though the fans desire is personified as BWA fan favourite Kenta Kobashi comes out and gets involved seemingly having Austin's back. He chases Jado & Gedo into the crowd after first taking them both on at ringside.

    Momentum is shifting and it's now Misaw who is left distracted by ongoings outside the ring enough to allow Austin hit a Stone Cold Stunner Austin before going for the pinfall victory but instead is subjected to the longest 2 count in living memory after Marciano stops to get security to eject Kobashi from ringside much to the fans displeasure before making the count. Austin is pissed but doesent let it take him out of the moment and keeps the offense up. Unfortunately though Jado & Gedo return to ringside at this point and their continue presence is a clear nuisance to Austin who now seems slightly in control in the ring.

    Gedo blindsides Austin as he slingshots off the ropes and sends him stumbling into Misawa who hits a Rolling elbow and gets another fast count as a result but Austin unbelievably kicks out just before 3 and man does he look pissed now. Austin springs back to his feet and hits Misaw with a Lou Thez Press and a big back body drop before sliding to the outside and grabing a chair, the threat of which keeps Jado & Gedo at bay as he returns to the ring. As the commentators point out Marciano wont hesitate to DQ Austin here so he better be carefu,l a fact Rocky makes abundantly clear to him upon his return through a clear threat.

    After a moments hesitation Austin relents and instead of using the chair as a weapon sets it up in the ring. Marciano though immediatly moves to take it and clear it from the ring but when he does boom! Stone Cold Stunner to the Ref who drops crashing down atop the chair before rolling to the outside.

    Jado & Gedo rush the ring but bang & boom! one is hit with the chair, the other a Stunner as they are sent outside to join Marciano on the mat below. Then as the champion rises to his feet with the crowd going absolutly nuts we gets another Stone Cold Stunner and Misawa drops like a bag of potatoes.

    Kenta Kobashi comes back out dragging with him a BWA official who charges down the ramp and as Austin drapes himself over Misawa counts 1, 2, 3 and we have a new champion! The Rattlesnake has done it!

    Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

    It's been a night of huge highs (Kobashi retiring the WECWF belt) and terrible lows (Bounty Hunter losing control of his company) but as we go off the air the final image of BWA Wrestlemania V is that of BWA Stalwart Kenta Kobashi and the New BWA World Heavyweight Champion sharing a beer in the middle of the ring. goodnight everybody and thanks for reading.
    BWA Roster 2013:

    1. Mitsuharu Misawa
    2. Kenta Kobashi
    3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
    4. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
    5. Alex Shelley
    6. Chris Sabin
    7. Bob Sapp
    8. Bobby Lashley
    9. Kristal Lashley
    10. Perry Saturn
    11. John Kronus
    12. Dos Caras
    13. Ricardo Rodrigeuz
    14. Bruno Sammartino
    15. Rocky Marciano
    16. Muhammad Ali
    17. Jado
    18. Gedo
    19. New Jack
    20. Mustafa Seed


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,520 ✭✭✭Hashtag_HEEL

    **DURING THE INTERMISSION THERE WAS AN ARENA/Blu Ray exclusive match in which Curt Hawkins and Luke Gallows defeated Primo and Epico**
    CJ: How do I feel? Well, I feel magnificent, I feel glorious, I feel GLORIFICENT. What a stupid question assclown
    ASSCLOWN: What are your thoughts going into your all out anarchy match then?
    I think that I INVENTED ANARCHY, I think that I'm 235 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal and that I'm going to beat Dolph Ziggler and have the celebration of a lifetime tomorrow night on n-W-o: JERICHO!

    MATCH #4

    Ladder Match to crown the first Euro Champion
    Pac VS Rockstar Spud
    Pac heads to the ring for the Euro title final to a tremendous ovation
    He surveys the scene of ladders surrounding the ring:


    Both men look up to the title hanging above the ring. Spud slaps Pac, who responds with a stiff punch knocking Spud to the ground. The match begins:
    Spud scrambles around to get his bearings. Pac begins to kick spud in the chest very hard. When spud makes it to his feet Pac whips him into the corner. Spud does the HBK up right on the top spot. Pac runs up the ropes and hits a huge suplex.
    Spud quickly rolls out onto the floor to escape the wrath of Pac.
    Pac runs the rope,hits a suicide dive and makes it back up to his feet quickly. He grabs a ladder and heads into the ring.
    He sets up the ladder and scales it very quickly. Ozzy runs into the ring and tries to grab Pac's. This buys spud some time to climb the ladder. Pac's shaking causes the ladder to topple knocking both men off. Ozzy picks up the ladder and climbs it. He has his finger tips on the belt when Pac kicks the ladder and causes him to land straddle legged on the top rope. While Pac observes his handywork, Spud attacks him with a ladder from behind.
    Spud quickly begins to stop on the back of Pac's head occasionally giving the "up yours" signal to the fans. He leaves the ring too grab a new ladder. He re-enters the ring he plans to stomp on Pac's chest, but it's reversed into a leg drag. Pac stars to level Spud across the face. Spud flees the ring again.
    When he leaves this time Pac is hot on his tail. He kicks spud in the back of the knee. Spud goes down. Pack begins to level his knee with a ladder. Pac waits for Spud to stand, He can't. Pac begins to lift the cover of the Spanish announce table and takes out the monitors. He lifts Spud onto the table and sticks his leg into the monitor hole. He can't get out.
    Pac goes back into the ring and sets up a 20ft ladder, climbs it and gets the title.

    **Pac stands on the top of the ladder and looks down on the helpless Spud, he drops the title and Swan dives from the top of the ladder to the announce table onto spud. He's handed the title and celebrates over Spud**

    Chris Jericho VS Dolph Ziggler(c) W/AJ Lee


    His ribs are heavily taped from the beat down at the press conference.



    Ziggler starts swinging for the fences with his bat. He uses Y2J's taped ribs as batting practice. He takes a break and drops the bat to do his signature hair flick towards the GM. When he turns back around he's met with a bat to the neck. Jericho makes to his feet and dumps the bat from the ring.
    The two have a back and forth in the ring, slugging it out.
    Its a great technical bout between the two.
    Ziggler hits the Zig Zag after AJ hits a low blow on Jericho.
    WINNER AND STILL nWo World Champion Dolph Ziggler

