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The 2011 Boards PW Draft (Evaluation)



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC


    As we start up the show, the ring announcer stands in the middle of the ring:
    Ladies and gentlemen...William Shatter!

    William Shatner comes through the curtain to a round of cheers and applause, the crowd delighted to see such a legend of showbiz. He greets them all with a big smile and an over the top modest reaction, delighting in the reaction.

    Shatner: Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here tonight. You’re a great crowd. I’m here cause I asked my good friend Ric Flair (*crowd cheers*) to let me address you all. See, I have a new movie coming out, called “Ian Sinclair: Badass”, where I play a wise mentor to a young wrestler. Much like Ric Flair, I am a man...the man, in fact...everyone comes to for advice and to be taught how to be great. Much like Ric Flair...

    A familiar guitar rift blows through the arena, as CM Punk walks out through the curtain. Behind him are three men; Ace Steel follows directly behind while Jimmy and Jay Uso flank him. Punk leads his new allies down to the ring, grabbing a microphone on the way.

    Punk: Billy. Nice to meet you. I’m CM Punk. And I used to be a big fan of yours.

    Thank you.

    Punk: No, please. The honour is all mine. I grew up on Star Trek. I grew up watching the great James Tiberius Kirk kicking ass and seducing the ladies. You were the personification of cool. What was it you said though? Your new character is like Ric Flair? Well, I hate to break this to you William, but so are you. Because just like Flair, you’ve let yourself go.

    The crowd boo in disgust. Shatner looks annoyed.

    Punk: Much like Flair, you were big in the 70s. You were looked up to. Now though, you’re a joke. People like you because you’re a parody of your former selves. Me? I think you’re a disgrace. See this (*he motions to the three men around him*)? We are what’s cool now. We are the personification of brilliance. We are Apokalypse. We are the bringers of War. Of death. Of pestilence. And, most importantly, of conquest.

    Shatner: You know what I think? I think you’re a loudmouthed idiot with an inferiority complex. I think you’re running scared of Ric Flair. Cause you know, just like I know, just like these people know, that he will kick your ass in a fight.

    The crowd cheer, but Punk laughs it off.

    Punk: Perhaps what we need is to set another example. Boys?

    Punk drops his microphone and the four members of Apokalyspe start moving forward towards Shatner. The Star Trek star backs off; he knows he’s in trouble here.

    Flair comes charging down the ramp as his music blasts through the arena. He slides into the ring, as Punk orders his team to vacate it. They roll out and recoup on the ramp, as Flair stands in front of Shatner. Punk grabs his microphone from the edge of the ring.

    Punk: Let’s be straight about this, Flair. We’re not running out of fear. We’re making a tactical decision to leave so as not to violate my promise. I won’t be laying a finger on you. Not until the pay per view. I realise I’ve not made this official but I will now, party boy. I hereby challenge you to a match at the pay per view. Do you accept?

    Flair: Damn straight I do. I’m going to kick your ass Punk. And I’m gonna make you bleed.

    As we cut to a commercial, the camera lingers on two shots, moving back and forth between Flair’s smiling face and Flair’s, the latter looking ready to knock Punk’s head off. Shatner stands behind him, thanking his friend, as we fade to commercial.

    The Usos face off against the tag team of Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch in a debut for three of these men, Lance Cade having made a losing effort against The Hurricane a few weeks back. He looks to turn his luck around with a tag match with his long time friend and partner however.

    Cade and Murdoch are seen as the lesser of two evils in this match, The Uso’s involvement with Punk making them hated in the arena. Cade and Murdoch make the most of this, with Murdoch in particular trying to get the crowd behind him, taunting for them and enjoying the match. Cade shouts at him to stay focused though.

    The two teams go back and forth through the match, until Cade is forced to make a desperate tag to Murdoch. Big Trev jumps in and clears Jimmy and Jay’s clocks, revelling in the positive reactions from the crowd. He throws Jimmy, in the ring illegally, out of the ring before climbing to the second rope and hitting a flying bulldog onto Jay. Cade is back on his feet and tries entering the ring for some revenge but the ref stops him. As Cade argues he wants in, Murdoch fails to notice Jimmy and Jay switching places; when he turns back around and starts to cover the Uso twin in the ring, Jimmy grabs him and rolls him into a small package. The ref turns back and makes the count, unaware the illegal man is in the ring.

    Winners: The Usos.

    After the match, The Usos head up the ramp, celebrating with each other. Cade and Murdoch look to each other, and Murdoch apologises. Cade nods, accepting it. They go to hug, but as they do, Cade grabs his partner and delivers a sit-down spinebuster. He gets up and storms out of the ring.

    Backstage, Ric Flair is heading back to his dressing room. As he moves along the coridoor, he is stopped in his tracks by another man, standing right in front of him. The man holds out his hand and introduces himself.

    Ziggler: Hi! I’m Dolph Zi...

    Flair cuts him off.

    Flair: I know exactly who you are. You’re the snivelling piece of trash who’s been making a mockery of my promotion. You’re the guy who wants to be Ric Flair, with the hair and the look. You’re the guy who has been running away from R-Truth. You think it looks good for me to have workers who won’t even wrestle?

    Ziggler: Now hang on a moment. I...

    Flair: No! I don’t want to hear it. Tonight, you’re facing Truth again. It’s going to be you and that punk Punk, going against The Hurricane and R-Truth. And to make sure you don’t try anything stupid, I’m going to personally attend the match. I’m going to be at ringside, making sure you and Punk don’t get up to anything funny.

    With that, Flair storms off, leaving Ziggler wondering how he just wound up in such a match after intending to introduce himself.
    While these eight men may met in a one night tag team tournament at the upcoming pay per view, they have all been seeing a lot of action in previous weeks. Jamie Noble and James Storm have both picked up wins while representing their teams in previous weeks, and tonight, all eight men will be wrestling in the one ring at the same time. It’s an eight man over the top rope challenge.

    With eight men in the ring simultaneously, there’s a lot happening, everyone trading moves and blows to try and weaken their opponents. The following details the eliminations in the right order. The first elimination comes when Marufuji manages to throw the smaller Noble over his shoulder and out to the floor. Noble doesn’t get much time to rest though; Kenta manages to kick Kash in the gut and throw him over the top rope as well, Noble having to catch his partner.

    Shelton is grabbed by both members of Beer Money and thrown over the top rope. He latches on to the top rope, hoping to get some leverage to pull himself in, but before he can, Kenta throws his leg through the rope and kick Shelton in the chest, causing him to lose his grip and fall to the floor. Meanwhile, Beer Money double team Haas and throw him over the top as well.

    Down to Beer Money and Kenta & Marufuji, the two teams start hitting each other with some stiff shots. At one point, Beer Money are able to throw Marufuji over the top rope, but miss that he lands on the apron. Kenta fights back, trying to overcome the odds, but Beer Money are simply too much for him; they manage to hit him with their DUI finisher. They may be dead weight, but the two are able to lift Kenta over the top rope and dump him out on the floor like a drunk at a bar. They stand at the ropes, taunting Kenta, thinking they’ve won.

    As they do however, Marufuji manages to roll back into the ring and grab the two men, using their own momentum to toss them over the top rope and to the floor.

    Winners: Naomichi Marufuji


    Backstage, Lance Cade is accosted by a young man with a microphone, who asks him why he attacked Trevor Murdoch after their match earlier.

    Why? Why did I attack Murdoch? Cause he is nothing but a dead weight to me. I needed the win tonight. I needed a win to show why I deserve more respect than I was given. I thought he might have helped me with that, but he didn’t. Quite the opposite. So I’m done carrying his fat, ugly, useless self through matches and to glory. He can fend for himself from now on, and let me do what I should be doing; winning and dominating matches.

    With that short monologue, he storms away from the interviewer.


    Tag team action for our main event as CM Punk teams with Dolph Ziggler against the charismatic R-Truth and The Hurricane.

    Hurricane enjoys a brief moment in control early on against CM Punk, the arrogant straight edge superstar getting distracted by Ric Flair who is standing at ringside, witnessing the match. Hurricane batters Punk with some kicks before tagging in Truth. Truth connects with some kicks before Punk manages to counter one and slam him to the mat.

    Ziggler begs for the tag in, and Punk obliges, letting his partner launch an attack on the man he ran away from last week. Ziggler beats down on Truth for a few minutes. Truth tries to make a come back but some interference from Punk stops him in his tracks.

    Finally Truth connect s with a drop kick and gets the hot tag on Hurricane, who clears house, taking down Ziggler and knocking Punk off the apron. Ziggler eats a choke slam but kicks out at two. Truth has regained his composure and begs Hurricane to let him back into the ring so he get his hands on his nemeses. Hurricane tags him in. Truth kicks Ziggler in the gut and goes for a scissors kick, but Ziggler sees it coming; he leaps towards his corner and tags in Punk. Ziggler slides under the bottom rope and runs off up the ramp. Truth tags ‘Cane back in, and takes off after Ziggler, chasing him up the ramp and up through the curtain.

    Punk and Hurricane trade blows before Punk lifts his opponent up onto his shoulders. He spins Hurricane round but ‘Cane is trying to struggle free. In the process, they collide with the ref who stumbles to the ground. The ref is only down for a few seconds, but it’s enough time for Flair to slide into the ring and connect with a low blow to Punk. Flair slides back out again, as Hurricane falls back off Punk’s shoulder and into position for an Eye of the Hurricane. The ref turns back round just in time to see Hurricane make the pin.

    Winners: The Hurricane & R-Truth.

    Punk rolls out of the ring as Flair gets in to celebrate with Hurricane. As the show goes off the air, Hurricane celebrates his win as Flair and Punk lock eyes. Flair gives a cheeky smile to Punk, who just returns the smile with a look of anger and hatred.
    The Usos d. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
    Naomichi Marufuji d. Kenta, Beer Money, Kid Kash, Jamie Noble and The World’s Greatest Tag Team
    The Hurricane & R-Truth d. CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!

    As The show begins JR & Leno run down the thus far announced KOTR card paying special attension to the match he has personal involvement, they then announce tonights main event as a big six man tag match between with Jerry Lawler, Mitsuharu Misawa and the WHC Rikidozan taking on Harley Race, Kenta Kobashi and the No.1 Contender Ricky Steamboat. They are interupted however by the unscheduled arrival of Sid Vicious, accompanied by Jenna Jameson and he cuts a promo on Bobby Lashley, who he says had no place in his ring last monday night. He completely runs down Lashley's foray into MMA before turning his attension to his apparent PW and calling his claim to being a 2 time world champion a joke. He calls the former WWE's ECW brand to have been a joke and as there champ he was nothing but a glorified mid carder.

    Leno starts backing up his friend now calling Sid a big man saying all this when he knows Lashley (whom he mentions is having his in ring BWA debut tonight) is yet to arrive to the arena tonight. It's at this point that Sid's attension seems to turn towards the commentary booth. He looks straight at Leno and calls him Lashley's parrot, microphone still in hand he leaves the ring and goes right up into Leno's face standing infront of the commentary booth and starts berating him. He says that Leno has gotten to live a dream and have a front row seat for the best promotion around, but that he got gready. He says that Jenna was right though the biggest match he could have at King of The Ring was this one because not only would ESPN and every other major news outlet be showing him beating Leno's friend on replay afterwards, they would also be showing this.

    Then with a manic look on his face Sid grabs Leno from the announce table and despite Jameson's cries of protest (she can be hear pleading with him saying, dont put your match in jepordary) rams him head first into the ring steps, then as Leno tries grabs his head in pain lying in a heap against the steps Sid gives him a big kick to the ribs before finally perhaps listening to Jameson who ushers him up the rampway which is moments later filled with medical personal and backstage staff as Leno is helped to the back and eventually replaced by Michael Cole.

    When things finally calm down our first match of the evening is introduced.

    Opener: Ultimo Dragon & Cheerleader Melissa vs The Great Sasuke & MsChif

    Just like last week this weeks opener involvs the recently returned BWA Diva's on opposing sides as ultimo Dragon and The Great Sasuke continued thei rivalry. The IC champion Jushin Liger makes his way down to ringside mid match to watch this one and it is his presence at ringside that later leads to the matches conclusion. This is because when Ultimo Dragon has Sasuke in a single leg boston crab the ref gets right up close to Sasuke asking if he submits however due to that he misses Liger reaching into the ring and grabbing Sasuke's free foot putting him into an ankle lock. Sasuke quickly taps to the double maneuver and Liger immediatley releases his hold and not a moment too soon as after a quick glance at Dragon and his boston crab the ref calls for the bell and the decision.

    Winners: Ultimo Dragon & Melissa

    After the match MsChif gets in the ring livid with referee and complains that Liger got involved, she gets so involved that she doesnt notice Melissa behind her and the cheerleader grabs and tosses her out of the ring and onto her ass outside before making a belt gesture around her waist. The crowd cheer big for this as Cole says the is a clear fan favourite for this Sundays KOTR Diva bout, but that he hopes The Dark Diva MsChif, doesent spoil the party.

    Backstage Segment: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat is asked by Josh Matthews about tonights big main event only 1 week from when he will face Rikidozan. Ricky says that despite all Rikidozan's talk of Steamboat being not on his level the champ knows that unlike when he attacked him last week in a fair fight Steamboat can beat Rikidozan and that if Rikidozan has the guts to take him on the form that wrestling is supposed to take, 1 on 1, man on man, may the best man win, that he would beat him tonight, at King of the Ring and on every other night!

    As we return to ringside we see a Cage being lowerd down around the ring as a brief recap of the tag series so far is shown. After this we get a brief update on Leno's condition. He was seen by the doctor in the back and although he has no broken bones and seems to have avoided any serious injuries luckily he has gone to hospital as a precaution.

    4th match in the best of 5 series - Cage Match: The Public Enemy vs The Briscoes

    This is one of those matches that really makes you wonder if all four men are really going to make it to the KOTR PPV as it's hell for leather from the off with the cage being used as a weapon on numerous occasions. At one point the public enemy seem to be in control with both members of the Briscoes down after a double bulldogs, This is when Rocco Rock begins to climb the cage while Grunge keeps their opponents grounded. As he reaches the top he calls for his partner to follow him before heading to the matt below. 1 man is out all they need is the other to follow suit and it seems he is about to do so as he too ascends the cage while Rock on the outside actually temporailly joins JR & Cole on commentary bragging about how easy it has been for them tonight. Unfortunatly for him moments later both Briscoe brother shoot up to their feet and jump up onto the ring ropes using the cage as support. they grab at his legs but Grunge makes it to the top of the cage.

    Rock quickly jumps up from the commentary booth though as Jay Briscoe joins Grunge on the top of the cage, the two exchanging rights and teeting on the top, teasing potentially falling both into and out of the cage. In a strange turn of events Rocco pulls two tables out from under the ring and sets them up under where the two are figthing, he then pulls up one of the protective mats from ringside and places it across them. He then starts shouting at his tag partner to jump down onto the table. The commentaters are skeptical that could sufficently break his fall but as Mark briscoe joing him and Jay ontop of the cage Johnny shocks the live audience by jumping off the structure and onto the coverd table. He along with the mat go through the wood as the silenced audience are informed that the winners are The Public Enemy by announcer Howard Finkel.

    Winners: The Public Enemy

    After the match The Briscoes sit atop the cage looking dejected and surprised at what just transpired as Johnny Grunge is helped to his feet by Rocco below them. It seems the mat must have somewhat broken his fall as during what is a Mick Foley esque assisted walk from the ring the slowly recovering fans start a "Public Enemy" chant as their theme tune plays. The commentaters talk about how The Public Enemy have just showcased exactly what being BWA tag team champs means to them but question exactly what condition they will be going into King of the Ring, finally as we go to commercial Cole ponders what the stipulation will be in that match saying it'l be heard to beat this match, here he also recaps how Jay Leno was also sent to hospital at the hands of Sid Vicious earlier tonight pointing out how anything and everything can happen at any given moment in the BWA.

    *Commercial break*

    Backstage Segment: Backstage Todd Grisham is interviewing The Cheerleader Melissa and Jenna Jameson about their potential Strip show as he put it at King of the Ring. Melissa talks about how much of an privilege it is for her, that a women she admires as much as JJ is willing to join her in her KOTR vow. Jameson is in the middle of returning the compliment saying that Melissa is the exact type of Diva the BWA needs to bring the attitude back but she is interupted by Bobby Lashley who comes charging into the area. He says he needs to talk to Jenna about what happened to Leno and the two leave as does Melissa leaving Todd with no interview. He however gets some news in his earpiece and quickly heads around the corner to where The Briscoes are talking to each other having just returned from the ring. Todd trys to get them to talk to him but they arent interested in anything he is to say until he tells them that he has just learned the stipulation for the best of 5 series finale this Sunday. It will be a TLC match!

    now The Briscoes speak up, saying that The Public Enemy earned their respect tonight by doing whatever they had to to earn their right to fight in that match at King of the Ring but they say there is no way they will be going into the PPV at 100% and because of this they wont be walking out after the TLC match with the tag team titles, and that they assure him.

    BWA in ring debut: Bobby Lashley vs local Jobber

    To put it simply Bobby looks p!ssed throughout this one and drags it out far longer than it needs be with JR suggesting that Lashley is taking his fury out on his opponent tonight after what happend to his friend Jay Leno earlier tonight thanks to Sid. He hits a spear, a chokeslam and finishes with his running powerslam Dominator in a dominant display.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    After the match Lashley grabs a Mic and screams into it "Sid, you will pay for what you did tonight. you will pay more than you could ever imagine! he then drops the mic exits the ring and stomps up the ramp into the backstage area.

    backstage Segment: Josh Matthews provides another update on Leno's condition/ He is fine apparently but will be kept in overnight for observation and will be unable to host his talk show tonight

    In Ring Segment: The JYD who has seemingly composed himself this week accompanies Lawler to the ring for the main event which is a 6man tag match but before anyone else comes out he gets on the Mic and challenges Blact Tiger, or whomever is masquerding as Black Tiger to come out here and make this an 8 man tag. He waits for a response but it seems clear none is coming as Lawler's tag partners for the night emerge as Mitsuharu Misawa and the BWA WHC, the dominant Rikidozan

    Main Event: Rikidozan, Misawa & Jerry Lawler vs Steamboat, Kobashi & Harley Race

    Once again this match showcases the real rivalries between the superstars involved in this Sundays King of the Ring despite the fact that they are mostly kept away from their opponents for that PPV due to tonights tag element. It's the seventh man at ringside however who makes the difference as this one nears its conclusion and his sponsor Jerry Lawler is in ring against the man he thinks he should be no.1 contender ahead of Ricky Steamboat. After Lawler hits a belly to belly suplex on Steamboat sending him flying into the oppositions corner where his KOTR opponent Rikidozan gets a few cheap shots in. As the ref gets in the champs face, the JYD throws the royal sceptre that Harley Race came to the ring with into Lawler before he and Mitsuharu Misawa rush Kobashi & Race taking them to the outside. Inside the ring Rikidozan succesfully keeps the refs attension as Steamboat rises to his feet only to be dropped to the mat again by a swift blow to the head from the sceptre which is quickly tossed to the outside. The Ref turns around as Lawler comes over to his corner and tags in the world heavyweight champion, at the same time Misawa & JYD are retreating back to their corner. Kobashi & Race try to get back up onto the apron and into the ring in time but before they can Rikidozan stands with his foot atop Steamboats chest looking down on his now blood covered face as the ref makes the 3 count.

    Winners: Rikidozan, Misawa & Lawler

    Leno assaulted, Johnny Grunge off the cage through a table and now Steamboat lying bloody in the ring, Will King of the Ring see retribution for these actions or more of the same, find out this Sunday!

    The card for BWA: King of The Ring 2011 is shown before the show goes off the air

    Later that night....

    As the show begins we are told Jay Leno will not be there tonight as he has been orderd to stay in hospital overnight after his ordeal earlier tonight. We are told however that he will make an appearance later in the show via Skype but that the Guest host for tonight would be none other than Jerry "The King" Lawler

    Jerry interviews the WHC Rikidozan about his title defense this Sunday and after when he finally gets a word in edge wise between the King claiming credit for the champs victory tonight and his claim that he is better than the current no.1 contender the champ has a lot to say. In what was another personal attack on Steamboats credability amongst a number of things he said that was translated for the audience is that Ricky Steamboat isnt good enough to wear the BWA's most prestigious belts. He says only the best of the best are only usually given the opportunity to challenge for this belt, he calls Steamboat an exception, he says he is only placating the fans by even allowing him in his ring. Hulk Hogan and Bruno SanMartino held this belt before him held this belt and Steamboat even the fans that chant your name everyweek know your not as big a name as those two and as I proved when I killed Hulkamania and sent him packing from the BWA I'm a level above.

    Lawler also interviews his friend and the man he sponsers The Junkyard Dog who demands that whoever has been tormenting him, dragging up his past and masquerading as Tiger Mask unmasks himself before he faces him at King of the Ring, a night when he says he will excursize a lot of demons.

    Thats the end of his BWA guests for the night but Jerry is extatic to announce that Leno's first planned non wrestling guests were actually arranged with the help of BWA Diva Jenna Jameson and are the Girls of club Jenna.
    "Show us your crown Jerry"

    It seems Jerry has had a great night hosting and now he has the opportunity to thank the man responsible for this Jay Leno as he joins him via skype from a New York hospital.

    Leno thanks the King right back for his hosting job tonight and even makes a comment about the most recent tweet from the man who's identity he reminds everyone he will reveal at BWA: King of the Ring.!/BWABountyHunter
    Hope Lawler keeps his mind on King of the Ring cos now it looks like Club Jenna are all he's thinking about... I Still havent heard from MNG

    After this Leno assures everyone that he has been given the doctors ok to be at King of The Ring and will be on commentary with JR. Then when Lawler questions him about Sid's attack on him Leno has this to say "I could have pressed charges against sid, He could be sitting in a jail Cell right now, what he did to me went outside Professional wrestling and were the actions of a classless thug but he will get his comuppance, he will pay, Bobby Lashley will destroy him, and i'll be there in his corner to see the whole damn thing upfront. He then tells Lawler that, that is something he guarantees and urges everyone to tune in to see it Live.

    BWA guests: Rikidozan w/Translater & JYD
    non BWA guests: Stan Lee & The girls from Club Jenna

    BWA Roster 2011:
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Kenta Kobashi
    Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    The Great Sasuke
    Ultimo Dragon
    Sid Vicious
    Bobby Lashley
    Harley Race
    Junkyard Dog
    The Briscoes
    Jay Leno
    Jenna Jameson
    Rocco Rock
    Johnny Grunge
    Cheerleader Melissa

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    CMW week 3 Continues!!
    (first parts HERE.)

    Shane McMahon is walking backstage and walks into a locker room with ‘John Cena’ on the door. Shane points out how he decided to give Cena and Hulk their own locker rooms as he cant have the main event of “WrestleZone being jeopardised if Nexus have one of their own in there.” Cena tells Shane that he appreciates it but theres nothing that nexus can do to keep this match from going ahead.
    Shane: “Well lets just do everything we can.”
    Shane thanks Cena and walks out of his locker room where he bumps into Big Zeke. He turns and smiles at Shane.
    Shane: “My God Zeke its good to see you.” “Its good to see you too sir but please, do not blaspheme in my presence. It angers me. And I will adhere to my lords commandments.”
    “..Ok Zeke. I apologise. Now, how would you like to be in the main event?”
    “I would like that a lot, shane.” “Good to hear it, Get ready and I’ll let you know whats happening soon.” Zeke smiles wildly.

    Back in the arena:
    Back in the arena and Kozlov’s music is playing as he is marching down the ramp with his belt around his waist.
    The commentators say how santino has been brought to a medical facility during the break. The screen shows a ‘double feature’ of santino being taken out of the ambulance on a stretcher and in the hospital doors with an unknown female beside him with a hoodie covering the back of her head.

    In the ring and Steve Blackman music plays as he makes his way to the ring with a kendo stick. The commentators announce how this match has been made a submission match at the request of Blackman.
    No DQ Submission Match: Steve Backman Vs Kozlov

    Blackman swings the kendo stick at Kozlov but kozlov catches it and pulls blackman towards him and tries to headbutt blackman, but he reverses it into a headlock. Kozlov shuffles out before blackman can lock it in right. Kozlov takes a run at steve but he side steps vlad.
    He still gets his arms around blackman and gives him a ferocious side belly suplex. Kozlov applies the half nelson and attempts to give some knees to the side of Blackman. Steve manages to grab behind one of kozlovs knees and lifts kozlov into a firemans carry. Landing backwards and driving the moscow mauler into the canvas. Kozlov rolls and quickly gets to his feet.
    Steve hits him with a few chops and knocks kozlov back. Kozlov smirks and screams at blackman while running at blackman with his head down. Steve jumps, wrapping his legs around his torso and applying the guillotine choke with force. The referee raises and drops kozlovs arms three times giving blackman the win. Fade out as we go to backstage with blackman celebrating in the ring.

    Winner at 10minutes: Steve Blackman

    Backstage Brian Kendrick is shown on his phone. He doesn’t see the camera pointing at him from behind. “Yeah, I know what to do. Don’t worry, I’ll make you proud. I wont let you down…” Suddenly Shane McMahon walks around a corner as Brian stutters. “Yeah.. I have to go (whispers) .. mom…”.
    Shane: “Oh that’s your mom is it, brian?!”
    Brian: “Yeah, she was just wishing me luck for my debut match tonight.”
    Shane:“bullcrap! I know exactly who that was. I’ll tell you what, you can have the night off tonight.”
    Brian:"What?! Look, i'm not-“
    Shane:“These men are going to escort you off the premises and just be glad im not firing you!”
    Two security guards lift kendrick under the arms and bring him out the door and throw him into a waiting taxi. “The airport please!” one of them barks at the driver.

    Part 4
    Hulk Hogan is shown entering his own dressing room with the same two security guards around him. Shane walks in and asks him is he looking forward to tonight
    Shane: “Big contract signing, its going to be a defining moment in history!”
    Hulk turns to him and has a solemn look on his face. Without removing his sunglasses he says to shane
    Hulk: “Yeah man. Really looking forward to it.”
    Shane: “You sure Hulk, you don’t look..”
    Hulk: “Listen to me shane, I just want to do what I have to do tonight and lets leave it at that. Im not looking forward to it but-“
    Shane: “Hulk man, if your worried about nexus interfering I have something lined up for them.”
    Hogan finally cracks a smile and removes his glasses.
    Hulk“Well that’s a start.”
    Shane: “Good man, Hogan. Theres hulkamaniacs out there waiting for you!”
    With that a referee walks into the room. “Nexus are arriving now shane.”
    “Great! You two go meet them, make sure they speak to NO ONE on the way through the building. Bring them out to me when I make the signal.”
    Shane is shown walking towards the entrance area.

    Back in the arena:
    here comes the money rings through the speakers.
    Shane walks out to the stage and speaks to the crowd
    Shane“I would like everyone to welcome my guests at this time, Gabriel and Slater, the NEXUS!"
    Nexus music hits and they walk out with the security guards behind them.
    “Gentlemen, if you would kindly step into the ring.”
    Slater:“Not a problem shane!” Slater responds with a smirk. Nexus climb into the ring.

    Shane lifts his arm and signals by pointing down “Bring it down, now!
    With that a cage is lowered around the ring, enclosing NEXUS inside. They look fearful but don’t move from the center of the ring.
    Shane: “Guys, I would like to present to you your opponent for tonight for your hardcore belt.”
    Ezekiel Jackson’s music plays and he walks out to the ramp thumping his chest. He stares at Nexus in the ring and Nexus just laugh at him.
    The Referee opens the door and allows Zeke to get into the ring. Nexus and zeke stare each other out.
    Shane points out that this cage match is different in the sense that whoever gains the pinfall will win the belt but will not be named champion until they have actually escaped the cage.
    “Say goodbye to your championship guys!”
    Cage match for the Hardcore Title: Ezekiel Jackson v Slater v Gabriel
    The ref rings the bell and shane stays on the ramp to watch what happens.
    Inside the cage noone moves. A few seconds pass and all three men walk into the center of the ring and come face to face.
    King points out how big zeke looked like he was about to rip nexus apart walking down the ramp and now nothing!
    As king finishes his sentence, Nexus just fall to the mat. Zeke walks inbetween them lying on the ground laughing and puts a hand on each one of them. He orders the ref to make the count. Shane looks shocked.

    The referee makes the 3 count and nexus stand up again and point at shane laughing as Ezekiel walks over to the cage door and gives it a punch, breaking one of the hinges. He kicks the lock and busts the door fully open. He simply walks out while Gabriel and Slater follow him.
    Cole exclaims “Oh no! Big Zeke is a part of nexus now! He was the member of nexus that was mentioned earlier!”
    Big Zeke begins to run for shane but shane runs to the back.
    We go to our final commercial break.

    Part 5 (Over-Run)

    In the ring:
    Two referees are getting a table set up and a new canvas is being laid for the contract signing coming up next. Cole and King mention how during the break gabriel and slater ran off after Big zeke and now it is unknown where in the building they are. Or If they still are at all.
    Shane walks out with a pissed off look on his face.
    He steps into the ring and says he wants to get this done quickly "so without further ado, welcome the legend that is, Hulk Hogan!"
    Hogan walks out in his usual red shirt and sunglasses and makes his way to the ring, uncharacteristically ignoring some fans on the way.
    He gets in the ring with a worried look on his face and sits straight down on the chair.
    Shane looks worryingly at him but continues:

    And his opponent, the current CMW Champion, JOHN CENA!
    The crowd erupts and Cena salutes the crowd and runs down into the ring, he throws his hat to a child at ringside. He holds the belt proudly above his head.
    He then sits down at the table facing Hulk.
    Shane stays standing: “Gentlemen its simple, I will ask each of you to sign the contract for WrestleZone, after you sign you may have something to say.. If you wish to.”
    Shane hands Hogan the clipboard. He leafs through it quickly.
    He then slides it across the table and says: “You first”.
    Cena smiles and says: "Ok, Hulk".
    He marks his signature and lifts the mic to speak. Before he gets to say a word NEXUS music plays. They walk out onto the stage and Hogan immediately rolls out of the ring while shouting at shane “Keep them away from me!”
    Cena pushes the table over and takes his shirt off and is ready to battle. Shane goes to calm hogan down in front of the announcers desk.
    Gabriel, Slater and Jackson climb up on the apron. They stare at John cena with expressionless faces.
    Hogan pleads with Cena “Don’t do it john, man! You have NO idea who your messing with dude!”
    Cena tells him to stay out of the ring and he will deal with them. He plants his stance and signals to them to dare get in the ring.
    Altogether they step through the ropes, but very slowly. Once inside they still stay standing still. Cena is ready and invites them: “If you want some.. Come on then!!”
    Hogan is pacing behind Cena on the outside and starts to hulk up.
    Hogan: “You know what..” As he walks to the time keeper and gets a chair. “I’ll handle this myself!”
    Shane spurs him on as he gets into the ring and stands beside Cena. He is holding onto the chair and goes to take a step towards NEXUS.

    The crowd are going bizerk! This is what they want to see! Hogan and Cena chants in unison ring around the Alabama arena as the crowd anticipate Hogan and Cena teaming up to take down nexus!
    Hogan lifts the chair and takes aim. Nexus stare at him, all with the slightest of smiles.
    Slater looks at Hogan and goes to walk forward but instead just simply nods his head.

    Hogan swings the chair but instead of hitting slater he drives the chair right into Cenas face!! Knocking him onto the canvas!
    King: "No, Hogan, No!"
    Everyone is in shock, women and children cry as Cena is on his back looking up at his hero standing over him. Nexus begin laughing as Hogan points down at Cena.

    “What did I tell you, brother, you have NO idea who your dealing with!!” he picks up the clipboard off the ground and signs it.

    Hogan then leans back, taking a grip of his shirt and begins ripping it off, revealing underneath it a black shirt with the NWO letters, recoloured with yellow instead of white. A close up reveals the words “Nexus World Order” beneath the logo.
    Click here for a screenshot

    Cole: “I cant believe it! Hogan and the Nexus have formed some sort of alliance!”
    Shane is standing on the outside of the ring in shock.
    Hogan grabs slater and gabriels arms and slater holds up one of zekes arms and they all raise them up over their heads to close the show.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    WECWF WrestleWAR is LIVE from the Hammerstein Ballroom and the show opens with Paul Heyman in the centre of the ring, with the WECWF World Tag Team Champions Perry Saturn and John Kronus.


    "Last week was the begining of the end for Eric Bischoff. Last week was the beginning of the end for the WECWF... I've sat at home for the last year watching this show every Monday night. Constantly hearing Eric Bitchoff, do what he does best, bitch and moan, Bitchoff has audicity to still consider himself relevant to Wrestling in the 21st century.. Well guess what Eric. You're about as relevant as that 6 months of success in the 90s that you've been living off for the last 15 years.. So where do we go from here ladies and gentlemen?? I propose that we draw some "Battle Lines" And at Mayhem Rising II. How about my guys, face your guys, where the winner takes it all, the Promotion, The Bragging Rights, The Glory.. "


    Bischoff appears on the big screen.. "Heyman you worthless fu*k, This is MY promotion.. This isn't WWE, or some piece of sh*t like MNG or BWA.. And how can YOU call anyone relevant?? You still live off a legacy of something forged in a fu*king BINGO HALL 20 years ago... If you want a war?? At MAYHEM RISING II, your getting your matches, but only on one condition.. When you lose, you're not only gone from WECWF, but from all of Wrestling for the rest of your worthless, pathetic life.. "

    Heyman looks at the Eliminators, and smiles, "Its fu*king ON..."


    Juventud Guerrera vs Jobber

    Quick match with Juvi getting the win with the 450 splash

    Winner.. Juventud Guerrera

    Before Juvi can celebrate Hayabusa hits Guerrera with a series of kicks and hits the Falcon Arrow, leaving Juventud unconcious in the ring

    A Video Promo is Shown for the Soon to Debut... VAMPIRO

    Bobby Heenan is backstage being Interviewed.


    "Bischoff vs Heyman?? To be honest i couldnt care less. I've re-assembled the greatest Stable in the History of Professional Wrestling, we've relocated the Family back to Hollywood.. So Let me start this off by introducing you ignorant people to some of the greatest stars in the history of this great sport. Firstly.. A man who wrestled the Main Event of the first ever Wrestlemania. Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff.. My next introduction is for a man who needs no introduction, Nick Bockwinkle.. And finally, the greatest ever attraction in the history of Professional Wrestling, a Giant, a wonder of the World.. Andre the Giant..

    Kurt Angle.. i know your watching right now, And let me remind you of something. Andre has come to WECWF for one reason, and one reason only.. To be the man who finally ends your career..." Andre takes the microphone from Heenan.. "Its true, Its damn true" Is said in a muffled French accent

    Match Two.. The Eliminators vs Jobbers

    Quick Match with Saturn and Kronus hitting Total Elimination for the win.

    Winners.. The Eliminators

    A promo is shown for the soon to debut ANTONINO ROCCA..


    Shane Douglas is in the ring.. "All this talk of Heyman and fu*king Bischoff, the reforming of the fu*king Heenan family, Kurt Angles Year long Title run, makes me think the WECWF fans are forgetting i won the WECWF Television Title at Mayhem Rising, HMMMMMMMM exactly a year ago too, and HMMMMMM let me see, I still have this fu*king Title in my hands, so if theres anyone.. ANYONE in the back that thinks there worthy of my title, come see me in the ring right here, right now..."

    Nick Bockwinkle enters to a mild reaction from the WECWF Universe.

    "Douglas, not only would i like to be the one to challange you for the WECWF Television title, but id like to put My own former AWA World Heavyweight Championship or as its now known The WECWF Legends Title on the line.. Winner takes it all seems to be a running theme for this PPV.. So Douglas, shall you put your money, where that obnoxious, vulgar mouth is?"

    Before Douglas can answer Bockwinkle, Bob Backlund enters the ring too..
    "If anyone deserves the first chance at the WECWF Legends Title... ITS ME!"

    Eric Bischoff appears on the Screen, "YES YES YES! I LOVE THIS.. Before any of you get the chance to back out of this match up, im making this offical right here, right now.. At MAYHEM RISING II. It'll be you.. Shane Douglas vs.. You.. Nick Bockwinkle... VS..... Bob Backlund.. In a Title Unification Match."

    A promo is shown for Fergal Devitt


    "I've travelled the length and breath of this entire Planet, wrestled from Talllaght to Tokyo trying to make a name for myself.. But yet for my whole career ive been constantly been compared to one man.. The Dynamite Kid... Tom Billington let me get one thing off my chest. As a wrestler i respect you, as a person i downright DESPISE YOU.. Not because your English, Not because i think you're better than me, but because your a pathetic, insecure asshole, who can handle someone new taking your spot on the WECWF roster, So at MAYHEM RISING II i challenge you to meet me in the ring.. If you have the balls.. "

    Paul Heyman is shown leaving Kurt Angles dressing-room and then exiting the Hammerstein Ballroom



    Main Event
    Kurt Angle vs Bob Backlund

    Both men display great technical moves, with Angle setting up the Ankle Lock, when suddenly the Heenan Family hit the ring

    Winner.. No Contest
    Angle is no match for the 4 members of the Heenan Family, and the closing image of WECWF WrestleWAR is Kurt Angle getting Chokeslammed by Andre The Giant


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE LIVE – Week 5

    Commentator – “Welcome ladies & gentleman to the Spongezone in Sligo live on TV3 and we are one week away from the highlight of the wrestling calendar, Spongemania. What a show we have for you tonight. As you recall last week both Edge & Sting agreed to pick each others opponents tonight. We’ll find out who they pick later tonight.”

    Match: Sting vs ????????
    Sting comes out to the ring to enormous applause and waits in the ring. Edge comes out to the stage and announces that he’s picked Randy Orton to be his opponent tonight. Orton comes out accompanied by his father who has a cast on his arm from the beating he took from Lou Thesz last week. Orton initially takes control of the match and methodically beats down Sting. Sting recovers and turns the tables around with a faster tempo. Bob Orton hops up on to the apron to distract Sting. As Sting is distracted Randy Orton hits Sting with an inverted headlock backbreaker. As that happens Thesz makes his way down to the ring. Orton, standing by the ropes, tries to usher Thesz away but as Orton is distracted Sting hits Orton with a Scorpion Death Drop and picks up the 1-2-3. After the pinfall Thesz gets in the ring hoping to get his hands on Randy Orton but Bob Orton grabs his disorientated son and drags him out of the ring, over the security rails and through the crowd to get out of the arena. Winner: Sting

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Macho Libre & Terry Funk are backstage.
    Macho Libre “Oh yeah, one week to go, yeah, one week to go. Macho Libre is going to be the new general manager, dig it.”
    Terry Funk “Macho, have you actually won a match in the SWE?”
    Macho Libre “Oh yeah, well no, yeah, dig it.”
    Terry Funk looks confused and walks off shaking his head.

    Vickie Guerrero and the Natural Disasters are elsewhere backstage.
    Vickie “I can’t believe my job is on the line next week because of you two bumbling idiots. I guess I’ll have to make sure everything is arranged for the match next week.”
    Earthquake “But Vickie, he hit me below the belt, I’m still feeling it this week.”
    Vickie “Don’t I know it, I’ve had to settle for Typhoon all week as a result (Typhoon grins). Now I need to meet with my lawyers to discuss legal action against a rival wrestling promoter who has called this fine town of ours (Sligo) as handicapped. The cheek of it. While I take care of that I have a plan for you too.”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    In The Ring
    The Dream Team come out to the ring. Greg Valentine has the mic “You are looking at the next SWE Tag Team Champions. It is inevitable, a matter of time before those belts are around our waists.” The crowd boos. Brutus Beefcake is holding the lock of hair he cut last week from the head of Ricky Morton and takes the mic from Valentine “They call themselves rock n roll well there will be nothing rock n roll about them when we are finished with them and they are shaved bald.” Beefcake laughs.

    The Rock n Roll Express come out to the ring. Morton grabs the mic “Robbie can you just check the back of my head to see if that missing lock is noticeable?” Gibson pretends to check the back of Morton’s head and nods to say not noticeable at all. Morton continues “You see you may have got a piece of us (looks at the lock of hair) but more importantly we now have you weighed up and found you coming up short when compared to us. You caught us cold 3 weeks ago when ye beat us and were lucky to get the win again 2 weeks ago but ye fell short last week and that tells us that we now know everything ye have to offer and it’s not enough to pry these titles away from us.”

    The Dream Team get angry and go to strike Gibson & Morton but they duck and then begin to strike Beefcake and Valentine repeatedly until the fall through the ropes. The crowd are cheering as Gibson and Morton are urging The Dream Team to get back in the ring. Valentine wants to get back in but Beefcake restrains him and they retreat up the ramp.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Matt Hardy & MVP are backstage.
    MVP “You know thanks for having my back last week. For a while there I thought you were the one who attacked me.”
    Matt Hardy “Dude, I can’t believe you thought that. I always have your back. I’m gonna show you next week in your no disqualification match what a true friend I am.” The two of them start walking to the arena for their match.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Matt Hardy & MVP vs SWE Interprovincial Champion Jeff Jarrett & Pedro Morales
    Matt Hardy & MVP come out to the ring first and stand side by side waiting for their opponents. Jeff Jarretts music plays and he comes out with his guitar in the air and belt around his waist. He is followed out by Don Muraco and his partner tonight Pedro Morales. Jeff Jarrett and Don Muraco have been associates for a couple of weeks while Pedro Morales made his debut last week as the mysterious attacker of MVP the previous week. Matt Hardy and Pedro Morales start in the ring. Hardy gets Morales in a headlock and attempts to tag in MVP but Morales escapes the hold before MVP can get in a hit. Morales sucker punches MVP to assume control of the match and several tags between Morales and Jarrett keep MVP down. Hardy gets the crowd going and MVP starts to get a second wind and fights back. He tries to make his way over to Hardy who is waiting for the tag but just as he reaches there, Don Muraco distracts Hardy enough to get him off the apron and not be there to tag in MVP. This gives Jarrett more opportunities to wear down MVP. He tags in Morales and Jarrett immediately goes to Hardy to keep him busy so he cannot intervene when Morales puts MVP in a Boston Crab and immediately taps out. Once the bell has sounded Don Muraco comes in the ring to help Morales continue beating MVP. Matt Hardy eventually comes to the rescue but not before MVP has taken a hell of a beating. Winner: Jeff Jarrett & Pedro Morales

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Backstage Interview
    Interviewer – “Ladies & Gentlemen I am delighted to have with me the man who will face Randy Orton in one weeks time at Spongemania, I give you Lou Thesz. Lou, you got Randy Orton’s father in the ring last week and ended up breaking his arm. Can we expect more in your relentless pursuit of the Orton family?”
    Lou Thesz – “What you saw last week is only a starter compared to what I’ll do when I get my hands on Randy Orton and in one weeks time there will be nothing he can do when I get him in the ring one on one. I will show you what being a legend is all about”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Main Event Match: SWE Heavyweight Champion Edge vs ????????
    Edge comes out to the ring accompanied by Stacy Keibler. As he raises his belt in the ring Sting’s music plays and he comes out to the ring. He tells Edge that he has chosen the hardcore legend Terry Funk as his opponent. Edge doesn’t look happy as Terry Funk comes out to the ring. Sting goes to join the commentators ringside. The match starts with Edge keeping Funk at arms length. Eventually Funk gets in some hits and works on wearing down Edge. A few near falls later and Funk makes a mistake to allow Edge to hit him with a big boot. Edge begins to wear down Funk but is unable to pick up the pinfall. However Funk reverses an electric chair drop and gives Edge a snap DDT. As Funk gets to his feet the big screen in the arena turns on and we see Macho Libre trapped backstage and Earthquake & Typhoon close in on him. Immediately Terry Funk leaves the ring and races up the ramp to search for his friend in need. The referee counts to ten and awards the match to Edge as a result of a count out. Winner: Edge

    As the referee raises Edge’s hand Sting slides into the ring, hits Edge in the midriff with his baseball bat, then with a Scorpion Death Drop before placing Edge in the Scorpion Death Lock. Edge screams out in agony tapping the apron repeatedly but to no avail. Stacy Keibler looks on but does nothing to help. Sting eventually releases Edge from the hold to leave him prone on the apron while he takes all the cheers from the crowd.

    Commentator – “Things are coming to a boil here in the SWE and set up nicely for Spongemania which takes place in one weeks time. We will have Edge defending his SWE Heavyweight Championship against the Icon Sting. We also have Randy Orton facing off against the legend Lou Thesz. We will have Terry Funk and Macho Libre fighting The Natural Disasters and if Funk and Libre lose then Libre will be fired but if The Natural Disasters lose then Macho Libre will be the new General Manager of the SWE. The SWE Tag Team Championships are on the line as The Dream Team challenge The Rock n Roll Express for the titles. Jeff Jarrett will also defend his SWE Interprovincial Championship against Matt Hardy. And finally we have MVP facing Pedro Morales in a no disqualification match in what has turned out to be a heated feud here in the SWE. All is set now for the wrestling extravaganza of the year in one weeks time. We will see you at Spongemania. Good night folks”

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,478 ✭✭✭Bubs101

    Show Opens.

    Booker T goes to the ring for a celebration ceremony and waxes lyrical about his title win. He praises Owen for allowing Bret to fend for himself for once and says that with Stu stepping down it'll be the last time Stampede will have a Hart as champion as neither Sheiky nor Steiner will put up with such nepotism. He continues to issue veiled criticism towards Stu until he comes to the ring. He claims that he never gave special treatment towards his son and that the actions of the other members of the family, such as Owen, were there own. It was their choice to refuse to challenge Bret etc. Booker accepts Stu's words and the two shake hands. Booker then asks Stu what the situation is regarding Bret's rematch clause. Stu says that as he has handed in his resignation he is unable to make any decisions and that it'll be the choice of the next GM whether to honour the contract that he gave his son.

    First match:
    The Hart Foundation against Taka and Funaki

    Neidhart and Owen dominate the match but Taka and Funaki show great spirit and refuse to get pinned. As the match goes on Bret's music hits and he makes his way to the commentary booth to join JR and Sheiky. Bret stares on as Owen is clearly distracted wondering why his brother is there. After an intense staredown Owen leaves the apron to have some heated words with his brother. Neidhart is left wondering where his partner is before some slick teamwork by KaienTai, who take advantage of the 5 second rule, leads to them getting the clean pin.

    As they leave for the back Owen and Bret continue to argue before Neidhart splits them up and tells Owen to hit the showers. Owen tells Jim never to give him an order before he leaves.

    Backstage. Sheiky is backstage practicing infront of the mirror for his first of three live debates with Steiner. As he's practicing a small glance reveals todays topic to be Bros before Hos

    DDP and Bam Bam are in the ring honouring the recent death of their former tag team partner Chris Kanyon. They're reminicing and talking up his achievments in the ring and outside as a pioneering homosexual athlete. Bam Bam suggests reforming the Jersey Triad for one last run at the tag team titles in honour of Kanyon but DDP seems reluctant. He points out that with YRG he has an image to maintain and that he doesn't believe that BAm Bam has the physique to be a champion and asks him to lose 10 pounds by next week and if he can achieve this and maintain a steady diet, sign his image rights to DDP and let DDP video the whole thing he'll agree. BAm Bam looks at him before sending him crashing to the canvass. He tells him he'll ask him again next week and if he's as much of a **** in 7 days he'll do much worse. DDP is furious in the ring as Bam Bam exits to cheers.

    Match 2.

    Rick Rude vs. The Great Khali.

    Rick Rude battles against the odds to defeat Khali in a surprisingly uncompetetive contest.As soon as he wins Rick Rude becons for women to join him in the ring but instead is joined by Stu Hart. Stu tells him the Rick has all the potential in the world but will never be a champion unless he focuses less on drugs and women and more on the gold. He tells him to get his **** together or else become the next Ted DiBiase instead of the Next Hulk Hogan. Rick is left on the ring in a contemplative mood.

    The Main Event:

    Steiner vs. Sheiky.

    Debate 1: Bros before Hos

    Rules: To avoid bias KISS will listen to the arguments presented by both Superstars and vote for the most convincing one

    Steiner will put forward the postion of brotherly love. Steiner maintains that while he only has one brother he has no shortage of women willing to please and pleasure him at his command. He starts to pose. Sheiky counters with the fact that a Ho cannot **** you in the ass but he could which therefore gives him a position of power. Sheiky then explains that it gives you a chance of sticking it to the Jewish bastards of the world and warns Speilberg that he's going to **** his daughter. Rick Rude applauds. Steiner continues posing while Sheiky runs off on the Jews even more. Khali has a quiet word in his ear but it's picked up by the in ring mics

    "KISS are jewish"

    Sheiky, red faced, considers his position. He begins to leave the ring before assaulting Ace of kiss leaving him prone on the ring. He pulls down his trousers but before he can go any further security take him away.

    Steiner wins debate 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Week 1 show here.
    Week 2 show here.
    Week 3 show here.
    Week 4 show here.

    We are live tonight from Asheville, North Carolina

    Before the show J.R. shows us media footage of Mistico signing for Monday Night Grappling.


    He noted the rumours that Mistico would be at Mania this weekend. He also hyped Jim Cornette's expected return after being assaulted 2 weeks ago by Triple H's T-REX faction.

    After a recap of T-REX being bested last week, the T-REX roar is heard and the group saunter down to the ring.

    Triple H says what happened last week was an embarrassment and asks the fans if they enjoyed it. They shout yes and Hunter says savour the moment because it will never happen again. He says he is the one now in charge and that Chuck Norris had no right to get involved last week. The Rougeaus (who were holding American flags) got on the mic and said it was an affront to their United States (boo). The Rougeaus told Hunter they would beat respect into Duggan and Norris in the flag match at Wrestlemania. The Nasty Boys grabbed the mic out of their hands and said the Rougeaus losing last week had jeopardised T-Rex's plans as now the Outlaws can win the titles on Sunday. They all began bickering amongst one another until Christian's music hit.


    Christian came out and made fun of HHH. He said he looked almost as unhappy as a film-goer watching his latest movie. He said HHH had tried to hold back guys like him for years, but payback's a bitch and on Sunday so is HHH. He added he is winning the title for all the Peeps who stood by him and championed him and this Sunday he will return the favour by becoming their champion 'Because that' I roll.' Hunter told him Sunday night he'll prove why he is the best in the game and why he is that-a damn-a good-a. He told Christian that regardless of what Cornette thought he has the power and tonight he'd book Christian in a match against all members of T-REX as the group laughed. Then Cornette's music hit.


    Cornette said the lunatics had tried to take over the asylum but they didn't count on him being the craziest sumbitch in wrestling. Cornette said Mania would be a huge event, something the minnow federations like BWA and WECWF could only dream of. He confirmed Mistico, the high flying lucha sensation, would debut this Sunday on PPV. Hunter said he didn't care and said he'd beat Cornette's ass again for what happened last week (see show 4). Cornette said he had bad news for T-REX. He repeated what the Sheriff Chuck Norris said - he retains power as Commissioner, and so there would be no handicap match tonight.

    He had already filed the paperwork on tonight's matches and the main event will be a 6 man tag match featuring the tag champs the Nasty Boys and the World Champ Triple H against the number 1 contenders for those titles - the Outlaws and Christian. Hunter said big deal, that's no problem for them. Cornette said that wasn't the bad news - he had filed one further stipulation: if any members of T-REX interfere in the various matches at the PPV the T-REX member will lose, and if it happens in the main event Hunter will be stripped of the World Title.


    Hunter flipped and said this was bullsh*t. Cornette said no, your acting career is son-in-law. He wished Christian luck this Sunday as we went to a break.

    Match - Jumbo Tsuruta vs Ray Rougeau w/Jacques

    The story here was the Rougeaus kept trying to interfere. During the match Hacksaw Jim Duggan came down and stood at ringside to try and even the odds and stop the Rougeaus from using their tactic. He clocked Jacques at one point. As it looked like Jumbo was about to win, Vader came down and interfered attacking Jumbo.

    Winner: Jumbo via D.Q.


    Vader began beating on Jumbo on the outside. Duggan tried to stop it but Vader took him out with a clothesline. Chuck Norris then ran down to a big cheer and had a face-off with Vader who seemed hesitant to attack. From behind however the Rougeaus attacked Norris and began beating on him and Duggan with the poles of the US flags they carried. Afterwards they draped Duggan and Norris in the flags and screamed they would beat them at Mania in the flag match.

    Mean Gene tried to get a word with Vader who screamed that what he just did he would do on Sunday x10 and show the world that the true Japanese legend in the company was him, and not Jumbo. He promised it would be a war.

    As he left, Ole Anderson approached and said to Mean Gene he was winning the IC Title at Wrestlemania Sunday in Georgia, a territory where the Andersons were heroes and idolised.


    He said the original Horseman would beat sense and respect into that young wannabe Windham and take his IC title. He gave Mean Gene a major exclusive - before Sunday, it was going to be Anderson vs Windham TONIGHT.
    JR: 'What, we're going to have the match before Wrestlemania?! I can't believe this. I'm being told this is coming up next!

    (commercial played showing Mistico's highlights and noted his debut Sunday)

    Windham came out and said he was sick of Ole's attitude the last few weeks.


    He noted their Horsemen history, the bad blood between his father and Ole, but said he was no longer a horseman but a lone wolf and this Sunday the wolf leaves with the gold. He told Anderson to come out and let's do this if he wanted to do it tonight. Ole came out and said Barry was deluded if he thinks he can beat him. He asked the fans if they wanted to see Anderson and Windham TONIGHT? They roared their approval. Ole said very well, and introduced brother Gene Anderson on his return to the ring.
    JR: 'Aw it was a damn swerve. Guess we have to wait for the PPV for the match.'

    Match - Barry Windham vs Gene Anderson (non-title)

    The match was given plenty of time and built well to a great bout which the crowd appreciated. Windham won the match clean with a backslide for the 1-2-3.

    Winner: Barry Windham

    Ole looked on in shock as Windham celebrated. He ran in and the two Minnesota Wrecking Crew members began beating on Windham. After the assault Ole held aloft the belt as the crowd booed.

    (commercial played showing Mistico's press conference where he revealed he turned down one unnamed company for wanting to change his name, turned down the BWA because he didn't like their moral values, and turned down WECWF because he thought Heyman and Bischoff were assholes.)

    Sunny Delight segment w/Magnum TA

    This was a new segment where Sunny interviews a member of the roster.


    Sunny came out looking hot as usual and noted Triple H had forced her to be the special ref for Magnum's match with Brody. She again apologised to old flame Magnum for having told Brody he had been pursuing her and revealed that while she was flattered Brody said last week he loved her, she just wasn't interested in him. She asked Magnum to come down. Magnum's music hit and he said Sunny had sent a crazed wild beast after him who had made his life hell. Magnum said he didn't want this kind of drama in his life and on Sunday the beast would be put down. Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song hit as Brody appeared.


    Brody said Magnum was right - he was a beast but this was about more than what Sunny said.

    Brody said he has been called a maniac, crazed, a monster, and all those things are true but even beasts need somebody. Brody said he had fallen for Sunny but their love was impossible because of who he is. He said Magnum gets all the girls he wants (some girls scream) and it makes him sick. Magnum said he had done nothing to Brody and was not interested in Brody's jealousy. He told Brody to come down and do something now. Brody said no. Sunday night all his pain and frustration will be let loose. He would destroy Magnum once and for all and all his insecurities would wash away. On Sunday, he would prove himself in the battle of beauty and the beast. He then walked out.

    Triple H was with the Nasty Boys. He said tonight T-REX looked back on track. The Rougeaus and the Andersons had sent a message and now it was up to them to do the same tonight. At Mania they would win all the gold and show the world that T-REX is the ultimate predator.

    Christian met with the Outlaws. Billy was not happy about getting calls from some girl. Road Dogg said they needed to focus. Dogg said they still needed to pay Hunter back for screwing them a few weeks ago. Road Dogg asked Christian if he was ready? Christian said yeah and that he knew Dogg used to like to rap. Christian said he had done a bit of rapping on that Ali G rip-off Cena at one point. He said he had a rap written for tonight:

    'My name is Christian; I'm the head of the peeps,
    'I'm gonna beat Hunter Sunday and take his title for keeps,
    I want it long-term, this ain't no short-term loan,
    His day'll suck worse than his crappy movie The Chaperone,
    With his new group T-REX, his arrogance grows and grows,
    Tho' it's no surprise he's so snotty, I mean look at his nose,
    He'll regret his past choices and forming up this new kliq,
    This Sunday The Game can go suck Captain Charisma's-' (Dogg covers his mouth as the fans chant it)

    Billy says he hopes the match tonight goes better than his rap.

    *a commercial played showing the theme tune for this year's Wrestlemania 2011 - 'Diamond Eyes' by Shinedown*

    T-REX (Triple H and The Nasty Boys) vs Christian and the New Age Outlaws

    The match started off with Triple H and Billy. Story of the match was the T-REX guys working over the Outlaws and thwarting Christian's efforts to tag in. Eventually the hot tag was made and Christian ran wild on the Nasty Boys. Sags was laid out in the corner and Christian told Hunter to tag in as the crowd wanted to see a preview of Mania. Hunter hesitated at first but Christian did the 'Suck It' to Hunter who tagged in and the two men went at it exchanging punches as the crowd went wild. The two of them clotheslined each other down and so Billy tagged himself in as did Knobbs. Billy hit the fame-asser on Knobbs but he didn't see Hunter make the blind tag, and Hunter hit the pedigree on Billy and pinned him for the win.


    Winners: T-REX (Triple H and The Nasty Boys)

    HHH celebrated and signalled for the other members of T-REX to come down. J.R. noted Cornette had forbid any interference at Mania so they were doing it now. The Rougeaus and Andersons then came down and began a beatdown but the fans cheered as the babyfaces ran down to even the odds. The show went off the air with the fans going apesh*t for the massive brawl and J.R. screaming that Mania was on Sunday. 'Bah gawd what's going to happen at MNG WRESTLEMANIA!!!!'

    We go to credits...
    Finalised MNG Wrestlemania 2011 card:

    - Triple H vs Christian (World Heavyweight Title)

    - Jumbo Tsuruta vs Vader (No Holds Barred)

    - Barry Windham vs Ole Anderson (Intercontinental Title)

    - The New Age Outlaws vs The Nasty Boys (Tag Team Titles)

    - Magnum TA vs Bruiser Brody w/special ref Sunny

    - The Fabulous Rougueas vs Jim Duggan and Chuck Norris (Flag Match)

    ...Plus Mistico makes his much awaited debut.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Read part 3 here

    As NWW Crush Hour draws nearer, the consensus is that there is not enough room for the egos of The Rock and Mr. Perfect and that one of them is going to fall by the wayside after the dust has settled. Tonight, the pair will sign the contract for the terms of their match for the NWW World Championship. The show kicks off with Perfect Inc. making their way to the ring. Stratus and the NWW Champion Mr. Perfect accompany the new NWW Tag Team Champions to the ring as they prepare for action. Their opponents are the formidable yet laughable La Resistance. Dupree and Grenier make their way to the ring still searching for their first victory on Monday Night Volt.

    Match One: (Non-Title) Perfect Inc. v La Resistance

    In less than 5 minutes this one is over. Dupree falls victim to the crucifix driver by Austin Aries and the champs win in style.

    Winners: Perfect Inc.

    What follows is a post-match beat down. The champs go to town on the French duo who are powerless to help. They finish by throwing them both over the top rope as they pose with the gold, each either side of Perfect who poses with his. It is at this point in time that Captain Lou Albano enters the arena. He tells Perfect Inc. that he has a lot of news for them. Firstly, he congratulates the tag team champions on an impressive win but that Kowalski and Studd have invoked their rematch clause and will get their chance to take back the titles at Crush Hour. Next he says that they will not be allowed to ruin a hugely significant pay-per-view with their disregard for the rules. He says that he has hired a special enforcer for Perfect’s match with The Rock at NWW Crush Hour, an enforcer who can overrule the referee’s decision and ensure that the match is fairly contested.

    Perfect is shellshocked, the crowd is deafening. Ali salutes the fans and gives a cheeky thumbs up to Perfect Inc. He shakes hands with Albano and soaks up the moment.

    Backstage, Chris Masters has joined Josh Matthews for an interview. He is asked to respond to the fact that Lou Albano has sanctioned a grudge match between Lex Luger and him at NWW Crush Hour. Masters says that he’s not happy, that Luger hasn’t wrestled in years and hasn’t proven himself worthy to challenge the Masterpiece. Matthews points out that it when Luger arrived back, Masters appeared to be afraid of him. Masters towers over Matthews and tells him to retract that statement. Just then, Lex Luger walks in front of the tiny broadcaster. The two square up but along Lou Albano. He tells them to save their energy for the ring as both will be in action tonight. He tells Masters to prepare as his match is next.
    Match Two: Rhyno v Chris Masters


    Very little technical guile on display in this match. These two men kick seven shades of ****e out of each other. As Rhyno prepares for the Gore, Masters removes the second turnbuckle’s padding and sends him crashing into it. He then applies the Masterlock to which Rhyno has no response for.

    Winner: Chris Masters

    When we return from the commercial, Beth Phoenix is in the ring. She’s calling out Trish Stratus if she’s got the guts. She has, so it seems. Her music plays and out she comes. She’s not afraid and she enters the ring with the Glamazon. A cat fight emerges and it sprawls to the outside. They have to be separated by officials but both don’t break eye-contact and it looks like we have another grudge match on our hands at Crush Hour.

    Backstage, The Rock is seen arriving to the arena for tonight’s contract signing. He stops as he sees Muhammad Ali. The two square up but Rocky smiles at him, they shake hands and part ways.
    Match Three: Lex Luger v Evan Bourne

    Luger’s attempt to rid himself of ring-rust is successful but not without a valiant effort from Bourne. However, he is defeated again when Lex catches him mid air and plants him with a piledriver.

    Winner: Lex Luger
    Match Four: Shinsuke Nakamura v Kensuke Sasaki

    It is announced prior to this contest that the winner of this match will take on the TV Champion Christopher Daniels at Crush Hour in a match, not only for the TV Championship but to determine who will be the next No. 1 Contender for the NWW World Title. A major opportunity for these stars, Nakamura came close to a major upset last week on his debut when he came so close to beating The Rock. Sasuke came equally close to beating Perfect a few weeks ago.

    In contrast to our last match, this is a spectacle and gets they put in a long 20 minute shift for these fortunate fans. Experience doesn’t win out though as Sasuke’s Northern Lights Driver is impressively reversed with a cross armbar that forces him to tap out.

    Winner: Shunsuke Nakamura


    We return having seen a comprehensive view of the line-up for NWW Crush Hour. It now looks something like this:

    Beth Phoenix v Trish Stratus
    Christopher Daniels v Shinsuke Nakamura (TV Title Match)
    Lex Luger v Chris Masters
    Austin Aries & Roderick Strong v Killer Kowalski & Big John Studd (Tag Team Title Match)
    The Rock v Mr. Perfect (NWW World Title Match)

    The ring is now set up for the contract signing. Both stars make their way to the ring but Perfect arrives with his cronies. Last out is the special enforcer, Muhammad Ali, again to a loud cheer. Each has their say. First, the champion who’s rhetoric about The Rock not being perfect is nothing new. He claims to have been a champion in all walks of life, even citing his smoking hot girlfriend, Trish Stratus. He assures Rocky that perfection has and will always win out. With that, he slams the mic down and signs his contract. The Rock responds emphatically after his trademark ‘Finally’ pop. He says that what Perfect forgot to mention is that he surrounds himself with perfect jabronis, Strong and Aries. Without them, he is no match for The Rock but even with them, he cannot match the sheer tenacity of the millions and millions of The Rock’s fans. Rock signs his contract, heads to the turnbuckle and salutes the fans. Perfect throws the table to side and charges for The Rock but he’s held back by Muhammad Ali. Ali pushes him away and throws a haymaker his way. Perfect rolls out of the way, in no mood for a shiner. He cowers back up the ramp as Rock sends Strong and Aries packing. Ali and Rock are now in the centre of the ring together and the crowd is on their feet as the credits appear on the bottom of the screen. All seems to be going the way of the People’s Champion on the road to Crush Hour.


  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,906 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    We Are Welcomed To The RDS for the last FCW show before Wrestlemania.

    Opening Match
    T&A (Test and Albert) vs Monty Brown and Matt Morgan
    We see the reunion of T&A against Brown and Morgan. Straight away you T&A have tagged before as they use this as an advantage as they work over Monty.There was many close calls for Monty to get the tag but as it looked like he was going to finally get the tag Test would run around and knock Morgan off the apron as the beatdown continued. Finally as Test was hitting the top rope elbow monty moved out of the way to make the tag to Morgan who cleaned house. Morgan was setting up Test for the carbon footprint but he ran out of the ring so he turned around and hit the carbon footprint on Albert but Albert was not the legal man , Morgan would turn around and get hit with a big boot off test for the win

    Winners: T&A


    After the match Test and Morgan would once again go after each other. It is announced on the screen that there will be a special ENFORCER during their match at WM

    ***The Popes Response to Luis Walsh***
    Pope is the ring

    Now Lois i will be straight with you and ............No Pun intended and keep it short . The pope could care less about what you think of him due to the fact that the Pope's Congregation also dont give a s**t.You can say what you want in the Media or to whoever will listen to you go ahead because i speak the truth Now since i know you are watching this while you and Mary "Bleedin Tesco" Byrne are babysitting Jedward he would advise them not to watch what he does to X-Pac on Sunday to retain his IC Championship. Now onto you Pac just face it you will never beat me for this belt , you might use to call yourself a D-Generate but you are nothing more then a as they call it here in Ireland a Muppet. Now THE POPE HAS

    X-Pac came behind him with a pipe and started to attack Pope before he could finish. X-Pac would just loose it leaving Pope in a pile of his own blood


    We are shown what just happened to Pope as he is put on a stretcher as we are all set what looks to be a handicap 3 on 2 match

    Second Match
    Lethal/Snow vs Gunner/Murphy/X-Pac
    Just as the match was about to start it was announced that FCW have found a replacement for Pope.............
    The match didnt last long as no one wanted to get in the ring with Tomko in the end Tomko would hit a boot to Murphy as lethal came off the top rope for the win

    Winners: Jay Lethal , Al Snow and Tomko


    Backstage Segment
    Morrison is being interviewed about his Main Event Match this Sunday for the FCW belt. He says he has never been happier to be in the match but the way it all has happened , having my former bestfriend take out Mysterio and then blame it on me saying he was trying to help him out. Im just glad Mysterio is back and Mercury will get his karma come Sunday. Just as Morrison is talking Mercury walks towards him and still calls him a selfish p***k but he will be sorry after tonight he may not even make it to Wrestlemania and Sheamus will have easy pickings.

    3rd Match
    Fatal 4 Way
    Tara vs Madison vs Molly vs Gail
    This was to see how the women will act when i comes to the ladder match on Sunday. It started off as a team on team but it didnt last long when Molly would nearly eliminate Gail with a roll up , this would allow Tara/Madison to work over both women. Tara would go for the pin on Molly but Madison would break it up. The teams went out the window as each woman wanted to get the momentum going into Wrestlemania. In the end Tara would get the win as rolled up Molly by using both the ropes and tights

    Winner: Tara



    Elimination Tag Match
    Gunner & Murphy vs Lethal & Al Snow

    4 Way Ladder Match for The FCW Womens Championship

    Madison Rayne vs Tara vs Molly Holly vs Gail

    Tables Match
    Albert vs Monty Brown

    Singles Match But If Test Does Not Show Up He Will Be Fired
    Test vs Matt Morgan
    Special Enforcer ?????

    Intercontinental Championship
    The Pope(c) vs X-Pac

    Falls Count Anywhere Grudge Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Joey Mercury

    FCW Championship Match
    Sheamus (c) vs John Morrison


    Main Event - Lumberjack Tag Team Match
    Morrison/Mysterio vs Mercury/Sheamus
    The whole FCW roster made there way to the ring as we get started for the last match before Wrestlemania. As the bell rang you could cut the tension between the 2 teams with a knife , they could not wait to get there hands on each other. Unfortunately the match would not really get started as all 4 men spilled over the ropes into all the roster as they joined in. All of a sudden ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE with all the Wrestlemania opponents going after each around/in the ring , in the crowd , up the ramp even Pope somehow returning and going for X-Pac


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Introduction to PWF 2011 -

    PWF TV Week 1 -

    PWF Week Two – Live from the Civic Centre, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Welcome everyone to Premier Wrestling Federation - “Up The Premier!”

    The show opens with a recap of last weeks shocking conclusion of PWF TV, with the return of the once deceased Big Bossman. It is followed by the announcement that The Undertaker would not appear tonight as a result of the beating he got off The Bossman. The main event is announced as the returning Bossman vs. Ken Shamrock.

    The camera cuts backstage to the PWF Owner, Gerard.C’s office. He is impatiently doing laps of his office, muttering “Flah boy hurry up”. Down the corridor, Homicide is giving Super Crazy a pep talk for his upcoming match. He says not to worry, homie, La Raza got your back.

    Match # 1 – Super Crazy vs Shad Gaspard

    Gaspard comes to the ring alone, as does Crazy. Crazy uses his speed to get the upper hand on the much larger Gaspard. Gaspards power eventually gets the better of Crazy, and backs him into the corner and opens up on the Luchadore. However, as Shad continues his flurry, a fan jumps into the ring. Security and the referee jump on the fan to ensure he cannot get near the combatants. Crazy takes this opportunity to hit Gaspard with a kick in the bollix. Gaspard falls flat on his back, in perfect position for Crazy to hit his Moonsault. As he slowly ascends to the top rope, The East Coast Bloods come running to the ring and beat down Crazy, before La Raza makes the save. Once again The Bloods escape through the crowd, throwing up the East Coast gang sign. And once again, Homicide is furious in the ring.

    Winner via DQ – Super Crazy in 9:58

    *commercial break*

    Backstage, we see NWA owner Flahavaj enter Gerard.C’s office. “What’s up Ger bai are you gone stone cracked altogether?” “He’s going to be here tonight Flah bai, I needed someone I can trust with me”. “What are you on about Gerry bai, who’ll be here?” “I heard he was with another promotion and quit so as he could come here and all lad, I’m telling ya. But shur look, never mind, c’mon ‘til we go for a pint and shur look, we’ll see. Lads, come with us will ye?” A team of large security guards follow Gerard.C and Flahavaj down the hall, as we go to the ring.

    Abyss’s music hits. He comes to the ring and starts screaming about how much he hates Abdullah the Butcher, after the beating he gave him last week. Abyss says he has spent years trying to come to terms with what happened him, and the arrival of Abdullah last week brought up old, painful memories that he had done his best to forget. Abdullah comes out and stands on the top of the ramp. He says he hasn’t a clue what Abyss is talking about. Abyss says how could you not remember Abdullah? He says do you remember the year 1985? Do you remember the accident? Abdullah drops his mic, saying “you’re ****ing crazy” to Abyss, and heads to the back to the chorus of Abyss screaming “IT’S NOT OVER ABDULLAH, I’VE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS!”

    *commercial break*

    Backstage we see the Bloods meeting together. Taz says they are outnumbered by La Raza. He introduces JTG and Shad to Giant Baba, his “business partner”. He says Baba has connections with the Yakuza in Japan, and through them he has managed to recruit the newest member of the Bloods – Rampage Jackson. Baba, and the Yakuza, became acquainted with Rampage during his days with the Pride organization in Japan, which had many connections with the Yakuza. Rampage says he is street just like the rest of the bloods, and if they have his back, then he has theirs. Taz says that business is now taken care of. The now stronger Bloods jump Giant Baba, doing a number on his knees. Rampage hugs Taz and says “if yo ass aint black you better watch yo back, East Coast fo life”. Baba is in bad shape, it looks like The Bloods have knee-capped him.

    Match #2 – Razor Ramon vs Local Jobber

    Another quick match where Razor picks up the win with the Razors edge. The crowd boo’s Ramon furiously trough out the short match. Ramon says everyone can go to hell ‘cos he is the bad guy.

    Winner via pinfall – Razor Ramon in 1:08

    As he goes backstage, Ken Shamrock passes him, en route to his next match. Shamrock laughs at Ramon and says good job out there, champ. As Shamrock leaves, Ramon sucker punches him from behind, saying “you aint so bad, I’m the bad guy, I’m the world most dangerous mang!” as he dashes away before Shamrock can get to his feet.

    Match # 3 – Big Bossman w/ Paul Bearer vs Ken Shamrock

    Bossman looks like a new man, under the watchful eye of Paul Bearer who is constantly screaming “I hope you’re watching this, Undertaker!” Shamrock, ever the fan favourite, uses his martial arts-style offence to try and weaken the larger Bossman, but it isn’t having the desired effect. Shamrock is obviously still feeling the effects of the sucker punch he got from Ramon backstage. Shamrock, however, still manages to build up some momentum and as he bounces off the ropes, Bearer trips him from the outside. Shamrock turns right into a Bossman Slam for the pin.

    Winner via pinfall – Big Bossman in 11:45

    After the match, Bearer grabs the mic. He says “That was a message for you, Undertaker. I hope you’re watching Undertaker, because you’re looking at the next PWF World Champion!” Bossman grabs the mic. He says that he too hopes The Undertaker is watching, because he knows the Undertaker still cares for Bearer, and that’s why he hopes he sees this, as Bossman boots Bearer into the head. He grabs a chair and begins to unload on Bearer. He grabs the mic again, saying he used Bearer to come back because he knew he was weak and needed someone. He says he never needed no one, and is going to end the legacy of The Undertaker on his own. He then smashes the urn, and heads to the back.

    The camera cuts backstage, and Gerard.C and Flahavaj are sitting at the bar. Flahavaj tells Gerard.C he was paranoid, that nobody was coming tonight. He’s slurring his words. They’ve put away a fair few at this stage. Ger says you’re probably right Flah bai, and tells the security guards they can go home and they’ll catch the end of Fair City. Flah tells Ger hes a sound man and he loves him to bits for doing the commentary for his NWA Company. Ger says Flah is his Deise Delight, and he couldn’t do it without him. Ger then drops his pint and it smashes everywhere. Things are getting messy. Flah falls off his stool laughing. Ger, on wobbly legs, trys to help the Waterford Wonder up, when from out of nowhere he is hit over the head with a pint bottle of Bulmers. The camera zooms out to reveal CONOR HURLEY standing over the lifeless Gerard.C. The barman tells Hurley you can’t be doing that, and to get his useless arse out. Hurley tells the barman to give Gerard.C a message when he comes to. He said he wants to fight him one on one in the ring next week, no excuses, as the show ends.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Introduction to PWF 2011 -
    PWF TV Week 1 -
    PWF TV WEEK 2 -

    PWF Week Three – Live from the Staples Centre in Los Angeles, California

    Welcome everyone to Premier Wrestling Federation - “Up The Premier!”

    The show opens with Taz and the Bloods coming out to the ring. They show footage of last weeks match between Super Crazy and Shad Gaspard, where a fan jumps in the ring, and causes Shad to lose the match. Taz says he made a few phone calls and found out that the “fan” was Homicides cousin. He says to play the next piece of footage. It shows Taz, JTG, Shad and the newest member of the bloods who joined last week, Rampage Jackson. They say that since the PWF is in La Raza’s hood this week, they went and paid his cousin a visit. It shows the four of them in a car rollin up on the set. Taz is driving. They see Homicides cousin playing dominos on the kerb. They slowy creep up in the car and Rampage leans out the window and knocks the young Hispanic out. They speed off, with Rampage hanging out the window shouting “JEAH, DRIVE BY KNOCK OUT NIGGA” as they speed off out of the hood.

    When the video ends, The Bloods are laughing in the ring. Their laughter soon turns to running, as La Raza sprint down to the ring. Homicide grabs the mic and says he wants Taz in fight at PremierMania in two weeks time and he said hes gonna smoke his east coast ass like it aint no thang. Hernandez grabs the mic and says that the rest of La Raza want revenge too, cos Homicides lil cuz was their home boy. He demands East Coast West Coast War Games. 2 men start and another enters after 5 mins until all 6 men are in the ring. Taz is seen talking with the Bloods. He grabs a mic and says La Raza have no idea what they brown asses have gotten theyselves into.

    *commercial break*

    Match #1 – Non Title Match

    Razor Ramon vs Ken Shamrock

    This match takes place following Ramon’s sneak attack last week on Shamrock. Ramon is out to prove he is a worthy TV Champion, after months of claims from fans and wrestlers that he hasn’t faced any real competition. Ramon does well in this match, taking quite a few fans by surprise. He gets the upper hand on Shamrock and hits him with the Razors Edge. Shamrock kicks out at 2.99. Ramon is visibly frustrated. He argues with the ref that it was a 3 count. This gives Shamrock time to recover, and he takes down Ramon with a belly-to-belly and locks in the ankle lock. Ramon quickly grabs the ropes, and slithers out under the rope, taking his belt with him, saying “I’m the baddest mang” as he makes his way to the back, with Shamrock looking befuddled in the ring.

    Winner via countout – Ken Shamrock in 13:45

    *commercial break*

    We come back and Abyss makes his way down to the ring. He says the match is signed, him vs Abdullah the Butcher in a hardcore match. He says now that he can get his hands on Abdullah, he can finally tell the world why he hates their beloved legend. As he begins to explain, Abdullah comes out. He says whatever it is that has upset Abyss, he’s sorry. Abyss asks him does he remember? Abdullah looks confused, he says “remember what?” Abyss laughs and says “Abdullah The Butcher, do you remember Abyss The Butcher?” Abdullah laughs in a confused manner. Suddenly his expression changes, and he mutters “Oh my god” as he slowly turns and makes his way to the back, to then sound of Abyss laughing saying Abyss The Butcher.

    A graphic appears saying The Undertaker will appear later tonight to address The Big Bossman.

    Match #2 - Jack Evans vs Homicide

    Homicide looks pissed after the actions of the Bloods earlier in the night, and looks like he’s going to take it out on the debuting Jack Evans. Evans manages to put up a good fight in the early going and shows a lot of heart as battles off the vicious Homicide. Homicide is extremely popular on the West Coast, and is cheered on by the fans. His attention is taken from Evans momentarily ass he is confused by the ferocious boo’s that the crowd suddenly erupts in. He notices the Bloods sprinting to the ring. Taz, JTG, Shad and Rampage jump on Homicide and beat him down. La Raza soon make the save, and the Bloods once again are out of here. Jack Evans, despite being a white ass cracka, follows them, as La Raza are once again in the ring while The Bloods get up out the hood. La Raza don’t look happy to say the least. Layla comes to comfort her Boyfriend, Homicide as he gets to his feet. He pushes her out of the way and she falls to the ground and storms off, as we go to commercial.

    Winner – no contest

    *commercial break*

    We come back to the Staples Centre, as the commentators announce that the Undertaker will be appearing shortly. As they discuss the return of The Phenom, someone in the crowd begins making a commotion. He makes his way ringside and grabs a mic. The commentators are confused. Wait, is that …..

    “My name is Conor Hurely, and the owner of the PWF, Gerard.C is a disgrace and a coward from a big sandwich county with a stupid rock and a stupid Galtee Mountains and a stupid Lar Corbett. He’s a chicken. I was signed with a perfectly good company in Galway run by a divil and I used the money I got there to fly here and finally fight Gerard.C in the ring because he’s a big Clonmel Coward! And he’s a bollix and I hate him and I hate his stupid father and his stupid Clancy Brothers and everything. He’s rotten and so is Tipperary, especially Clonmel”

    Gerard.C appears on the big screen. He says I won’t fight you Conor, goway home to your bed in Kilkenny. I’m not a wrestler, I’m the owner of the PWF, I can’t be fighting gowls like you at the PPV. That, and I had a heavy one last weekend with NWA owner Flahavaj in the yella house in Ballybeg and I’m still not over it, and the last thing I need that rubbish coming out your hole now security get him out of here and send him back to Kilkenny. Conor is restrained by security and dragged from the arena. The crowd boo’s Conor. And rightly so.


    The Undertaker makes his way to the ring. He has that cold stare on his face that usually means trouble for anyone who has upset him. He gets the mic and says The Bossman went too far. “HEY UNDERTAKER, HEY DEADMAN, UP HERE”. The Bossman appears on the tron pulling up outside the front door of a house in his squad car. He says you think what I did last week was too far, you have no idea what I’m capable of. He quietly picks the lock on the door of the house. The Undertaker has a look of complete shock on his face. The Bossman sneaks through the house, and eventually comes to a stall at the sitting room door. The Undertaker is storming around the ring. What’s going on? The Bossman enters the sitting room on the big screen, and we hear a woman scream. The Bossman says “Hello Michelle”, as the video ends. Undertaker is fuming in the ring. Thunder, Lightning, Fire and everything is going off in the arena, as this weeks show ends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,732 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 1

    Show 2

    Show 3

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    Friday Night Ignition

    The show kicks off with Roddy Piper making his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and he says he don’t owe anyone let alone the people here a reason why he hit Chris Jericho with the chair last week. He goes to drop the mic and leave the ring but stops he gets back on the mic and says “Jericho thought he had all the answers, but then I changed the question”. Jericho runs out and takes down Piper. Stephanie comes out with security to separate them. She tells Jericho that tonight she is a good mood and generous so she will give him a match against Piper but she will appoint a special referee for the match and that is her husband Desmond Wolfe.

    Up next is the triple threat match to find out who will face IC champion Albert Del Rio at the Mayhem PPV. So it is Carlito V Chavo Guerrero V Texas Tornado. Del Rio comes down to join the announce them and watch the match. When Texas Tornado is thrown outside the ring, Del Rio takes him out leaving just Carlito and Chavo to finish the match. Chavo gets the win with a roll up so he will face Del Rio for the title. He can’t celebrate too long as Del Rio takes him out.

    Taylor Wilde and Magnus are walking backstage when they past Lita. Taylor reminds her that she can forget about getting the title from Hamada because that is going to Taylor. Lita slaps Taylor and Magnus intervenes and gets slapped also. He holds Lita while Taylor beats on her. The Motor City Machine Guns come and help Lita as Taylor and Magnus leave quickly.

    Stephanie and Desmond make the way to the ring. Desmond that tonight he will be a very impartial referee and do his job the best way possible. Desmond says that he was approached about being in the new Bond film but he would only do the film if Stephanie was cast also. He sees Mr. T in the audience and he mocks him by saying “I pity the fool who eats too many Snickers bars and becomes a fattie” Stephanie laughs but Mr. T don’t look happen and gets up from his seat in the crowd. Stephanie apologies and says that Desmond was joking he didn’t mean fat he meant overweight. Mr. T looks like to be trying to come over the barricade and into the ring but Stephanie orders security to get rid of him and he is escorted out. Stephanie says that at the PPV Mayhem there is open invitation for anymore to compete in the match for Cruiser X Title which is she renaming to X Title and the a new belt will be presented to the winner of that match on that night.

    Up next is Magnus, Doug Williams and Taylor Wilde V Lita and The Motor City Machine Guns. Lita picks up the win for her team after pinning Taylor.
    Up next is Primo V Paul London. Primo gets the win illegally by putting his legs on the ropes.

    The next match is Alberto Del Rio V Damien Steele. The match has just started when Chavo came out and took out Del Rio. The two battled from the ring all the way to the back until security broke them up.

    The main event is up next which is Roddy Piper V Chris Jericho with Desmond Wolfe as special referee. Jericho knows the odds are against him as everytime he tries for a cover Wolfe counts slow. Piper hits a low blow. Piper tries to put the sleeper on Jericho but cannot. Jericho hits the Lionsault on Piper. Wolfe and Piper team up and attack Jericho the ref rings the bell. Piper holds Jericho up with Wolfe hits him with the belt. Wolfe goes to get a chair and is punched out by Mr. T who has came in from the crowd. Magnus and Williams comes out and attack Mr. T. Jericho is still down in the ring. Piper gets out and grabs a chair and hits Mr. T over the head with it. The show ends with Jericho down in the ring and Mr. T down outside the ring.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    Wrestling With Flair held a press conference this morning to hype the upcoming pay per view.

    Ric Flair was on hand to present the conference. He got a big reception from a large selection of fans who had been given the chance to sit in at the back of the room. Ric stood at a podium up on a stage above the journalists and photographers who attended. He started things off by laying out the agenda; Ric Flair says he is here today to announce the pay per view card and to give his thoughts on the wrestlers who will be participating at the show.

    Ric starts things off by announcing there will be a special guest host to the show, entitled “To Be The Man...”. That host will be his good friend William Shatner. Shatner will act as presenter of the show, interacting with the crowd. He will also be in charge of any matters which might arise during the night. As Flair will be busy preparing for his match with CM Punk, Shatner will assume all power to book and adjust matches and events as he sees fit. Flair thanks Shatner for fulfilling this role and wishes him luck.

    Flair announces the first match on the card...

    Lance Cade vs Trevor Murdoch

    Flair says he hired Cade because he knows there’s a natural talent there waiting to be unleashed. He says he is disappointed that Cade has yet to win a match but hopes that the pay per view will present him with a good chance to prove his abilities. Flair states that following Cade’s attack on Murdoch on the last show, Murdoch requested the match and the request was accepted by Cade. Both men have stresses and tensions they want to deal with and Flair thinks in the ring will be the best place to settle their differences. Flair points out Cade thinks he is the one who carried the team to their successes in other promotions. Murdoch disagrees and anticipates the chance to prove him wrong.

    Second match on the card will be a handicap match...

    The Usos & Ace Steel vs The Hurricane & Rosey.

    Flair recaps the formation of Apokalypse, the group led by CM Punk. He reminds the crowd how they assaulted Hurricane because he opted not to join the group and work under CM Punk. He calls the group cowards and says if it was up to him, they would be banned from the show. However, Flair tells of how Hurricane asked Flair to draft his former tag team partner Rosey to his promotion. Once this was achieved, Hurricane asked for a match with Punk’s croneys. Flair says that he agreed to the match and that Hurricane has promised to take out Punk’s goons and make sure the main event is a fair fight.

    Third match will be...

    R-Truth vs Dolph Ziggler

    ...and Flair says it will take place inside of a twenty foot steel cage. Flair reminds fans of how Dolph attacked R-Truth from behind weeks ago and has been running away ever since. Flair says that Dolph has been trying to escape Truth’s attempts at revenge, getting himself counted out and fleeing to the backstage area. Flair says he won’t put up with cowards and as such, he’s going to place the two men inside the solid cage. He says there will be a winner, and that Ziggler will have nowhere to hide or run to once the match begins.

    Flair decides to talk about the One Night Tag Team Tournament, starring four teams...

    The World’s Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas).
    Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode)
    The Pitbulls (Jamie Noble & Kid Kash)
    Team Japan (KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji)

    Flair puts over all four teams, detailing how they have all exchanged wins with each other over the last few weeks. He says each have their strengths and their weaknesses and that he could not pick who he thought would walk out as the inevitable winners. He says there will be two straight forward matches based on random drawings which will be announced on the night, followed by a match between the winners. He wished all four teams the best of luck in attempting to prove why they are the greatest tag team out there today.

    Finally, Flair comes to the main event....

    CM Punk vs Ric Flair.

    Flair starts to rant about CM Punk, insulting him and badmouthing him. however, much to the horror of the journalists and fans, CM Punk emerges through a curtain behind Flair, and clubs him over the back of the head with a forearm, sending Flair headfirst into the podium. Punk kicks Flair and when he falls to the ground, Punk starts kicking him. People start to move forward to try and help, but Ace Steel and The Usos emerge from backstage as well, all brandishing baseball bats. They hold people away as Punk just lays into Flair, busting him open.

    Punk lifts Flair to his feet and leans him against the podium. Punk grabs Flair by the bloody hair and pulls his head back, letting everyone get a good look at him. Punk laughs and grabs the microphone, ripping it from the podium. He says that this is nothing compared to what he’ll do to Flair come the pay per view. He says he’s giving Flair his excuse to no-show the event now, and he won’t hold it against him. Punk taunts Flair before shoving him back to the ground. People are horrified and silent, as Punk pulls his teammates away from the scene and leaves. EMTs arrive and held Ric backstage, as the press conference ends in dramatic fashion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Introduction to PWF 2011 -
    PWF TV Week 1 -
    PWF TV Week 2 -
    PWF TV Week 3 -

    PWF Week Four – Live from Madison Square Garden, in New York City

    Welcome everyone to Premier Wrestling Federation - “Up The Premier!”

    We see a video clip showing the altercation involving Conor Hurley last week. We are promised a message from PWF owner Gerard.C addressing the situation at the end of the show.

    Match #1 – Taz w/ The Bloods vs 2 Cold Scorpio

    Taz and The Bloods are given a hero’s welcome in their beloved home state of New York City. Chants of “**** La Raza” ring out throughout MSG. The Bloods seem to be playing fair on the outside. They interact with the fans at ringside, signing autographs and posing for photos. In the ring, Taz and Scorpio have a good back and forth battle. Taz gains the upper hand, to the delight of the fans. From out of nowhere, Scorpio rolls up Taz for a near fall. Taz didn’t like that. Scorpio seems to have momentum behind him, despite a less than welcoming reception from the New York audience. Scorpios momentum is brought to a quick end, however, as he is locked into the Tazmission, and has no choice but to tap.

    Winner via submission – Taz in 11:56

    After the match, The Bloods celebrate in the ring. Jack Evans runs out to celebrate with them. They look at him as if he has two heads. He grabs a mic and says he grew up in the hood too, and wants to become a member of the Bloods. Taz grins and says if Evans can beat the man he just faced, 2 Cold Scorpio, in a match at the PremierMania PPV this Sunday he will consider it. Evans is delighted. He’s delight is short lived as The Bloods jump him and beat him down. It ends with a Trademark right hook from Rampage. They say best of luck to Evans, before leaving.

    *commercial break*

    As we return, Abyss makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and says after all these long years, this Sunday he will finally get his hands on Abdullah the Butcher. He says that tonight he is going to tell the whole world the true story of what happened between him and Abdullah. He says in the year 1985, Abyss was only a young man. His parents were both dug addicts, and there was no money in his family. So even though he was young, he got a job so he could provide for his family and put food on the table. That job, he says, was as an apprentice Butcher at his local Butchers, Abdullah’s. He says the owner was this big scary looking guy who used to wrestle sometimes, but he was usually a nice guy. Abyss gets angrier telling the story. He says that one day, Abdullah showed up to work drunk, and was falling all over the place in his butchers. He says that’s when the accident happened. Abyss says he was just a little boy, a little apprentice butcher, who was slicing some ham in the ham slicer, when Abdullah fell on him and Abyss’s face got sliced in the Ham Slicer! He says that ever since that day he has been disfigured and has had to wear a mask to hide his horrible face, but this Sunday he is going to make sure that Abdullah is just as disfigured as he is.

    Abdullah comes out, mic in hand. He gets straight to business. He says that what Abyss has said is a load of lies. He says Abyss was a clumsy apprentice, and tripped over his own mess and cut his face in the Ham Slicer. Abdullah continues, saying that Abyss didn’t even damage his face that bad, it was just a scar on his cheek. He says he paid him more than enough compensation, even though he did nothing wrong. He then says that that’s not why Abyss wears the mask either. He says the real reason Abyss wears that mask is because he is ashamed of the fact that he spent so many years on National Television working for TNA! The crowd begins to laugh at Abyss and he starts screaming “Noooo!” in the ring, as Abdullah makes his way to the back.

    Backstage, we see La Raza hanging out listening to Cypress Hill. Homicide apologises to Layla for pushing her last week. Hernandez wants to know why they didn’t jump The Bloods at the start of the show. Homicide says not to worry, that he has a plan for later. He says to follow him. La Raza leave their room, as we go to commercial.

    *commercial break*

    Match #2 – Non Title Match

    Razor Ramon vs Local Jobber

    Ramon easily dominates the match, hitting the Jobber with the Razors Edge. He doesn’t go for the pin, however, he grabs a mic, and points at the Jobber on the ground saying “this is why I’m the Worlds Most Dangerous Mang”. Ken Shamrock appears on the big screen. Ramon and the referee both look up, while Shamrock begins to tell Ramon exactly what he is going to do to him in their title match on Sunday. While they are both looking up, Ramon is attacked from behind by…. Ken Shamrock! Shamrock hits him with a huge belly-to-belly, and pulls the Jobber on top of him, while the video is still playing on the big screen. The video ends, and the ref turns around and counts the 3!

    Winner via pinfall – Local Jobber in 4:02

    Shamrock makes his way up the ramp with the Jobber, and they both point and laugh at Ramon as he comes back to life. He’s not happy.

    Backstage, we see Rampage Jackson walking down the corridor. He spots Layla out of the corner of his eye. He turns on his pimp walk and approaches her. From out of nowhere he is attacked from behind by La Raza. They beat him down to the ground, and hold him down as Homicide stomps and stomps on Rampages right hand. Rampage is screaming in pain. La Raza see The Bloods at the other end of the corridors and run. La Raza have gained an element of revenge for the Drive-By Knock Out on Homicides Cousin. They run off, shouting “it aint ova” at the Bloods who tend to Rampage. Rampage says his hand is broken. Taz says he’s gonna kill those no good Mexicans.


    The Undertaker makes his way out to the ring. He says this has gotten too personal. Bossman appears on the big screen. “HEY UNDERTAKER, I GOT YOUR WIFE BACKSTAGE BOY!” The camera shows Michelle McCool tied to a chair with her mouth stuffed. Undertaker runs backstage, as a camera follows him. He sprints to the room with Bossman and Michelle in it. When he gets there, Michelle is still tied up in the chair but there is no sign of the Bossman. Undertaker un-stuffs her mouth and asks is she okay. She is in tears crying. She manages to mumble “behind you”. Undertaker slowly turns around, and is greeted by the sight of Paul Bearer hanging from the roof, just like when Undertaker hung The Big Bossman all those years ago. He stares in shock at this grotesque sight, and is hit over the back of the head by a Nightstick to cry’s of Michelle screaming “No!” The Undertaker is out cold, as the Bossman stands over him saying “That belt is mine this Sunday, Deadman”.

    *commercial break*

    It’s now time for the message from PWF owner Gerard.C. Gerard.C says that he wants to thank the PWF Parish for their continued support. He says that this time last year, the PWF was officially the greatest Federation in the world. He says that the PWF will continue to provide top quality entertainment for all its fans, but he is going to leave the action to the wrestlers. He says that, once again, he would like to clarify that he officially rejects any offer for a wrestling match from Conor Hurley for the PWF PPV “PremierMania” this Sunday in Las Vegas. At this point, NWA owner Flahavaj busts into the room. “Ger bai wait ‘til ya see this” Flahavaj pops in a dvd into Gerard.C’s dvd player. Conor Hurley appears on it. “Ah jesus Flah what are you showin me this wretched eejit for at all?” “Whisht up and watch lad”

    Conor Hurley says that he understands if Gerard.C isn’t enough of a man to wrestle him at the PPV. But, he says, he doesn’t understand why Gerard.C would say all those mean things and not be a man and say them to his face. “So, I have an offer for Mr. Gerard.C. If you don’t want to wrestle me at the PPV, that’s fine. But if you’re not going to be wrestling on the PPV, you don’t really need to be as Las Vegas this Sunday, do you? So why don’t we do this someplace else? Say…. Oh, I dunno….. how about that Easons bookstore in your hometown of Clonmel? And I know what you’re thinking, you’re going to say no again. But I think I have something here that will change your mind”

    At this point, Conor Hurley bends down and lifts up the Liam McCarthy cup that Gerard.C’s beloved Tipperary Hurlers won from Conor’s native Kilkenny last September. “If you want this back, Gerard.C, I suggest that you meet me outside Easons this Sunday”

    The camera cuts back to Gerard.C and Flahavaj. Gerard.C is like a brier. Flahavaj whips out the Powers in an effort to calm down the Tempered Tipp Man. “This idnt about whiskey flah bai, I’m going to kill the ****er. I’ve it sussed. We’ll broadcast the fight live on for free immediately following the PPV this Sunday, I want everyone to see the hiding I’m going to give that useless lump! Will you come with me, you wouldn’t know what he has planned?” “Be gor I will Ger bai.” “ Flah bai The Munster Mafia will paint Clonmel red with the blood of that thoroughbred whoore. This Sunday twill be HELL IN DA MELL!!!!”


  • Registered Users Posts: 85,732 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 1

    Show 2

    Show 3

    Show 4
    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    Friday Night Ignition

    The show kicks off with Chris Jericho in the ring. He says Stephanie cancelled his Highlight Reel but he still has a guest for tonight and he welcomes out Mr. T. Jericho thanks Mr. T for last week even though both were left battered and bruised. Mr. T says he is here tonight to shut up that idiot Wolfe. He hopes that tonight he will have a change to knock out Wolfe and after that Piper is next for him. Mr. T talks about Piper how he never liked him. Jericho says he thought Piper was a friend and a mentor but he betrayed him. Jericho asks Mr. T is he would team with him tonight against Wolfe and Piper and he agrees. The GM Stephanie comes out and she says she is only one allowed to make matches not Jericho or Mr. T. Jericho asks if Steph is afraid Wolfe will get really hurt and be bruised and not look pretty anymore. Stephanie says Dessie isn’t afraid of anyone and he could take on both Jericho and Mr. T so will allow the tag match tonight. She tells Mr. T that if gets the win tonight for him and Jericho he can face Piper at the PPV in a boxing match. She also tells Jericho that Dessie has decided that their title match at the Mayhem PPV will be a 60 minute Iron Man match. Jericho says Wolfe won’t last that long but Stephanie says he can a lot longer and leaves.
    Up next is the non title match between IC champion Albert Del Rio and Texas Tornado. Chavo comes down to join the announce them and watch the match. Del Rio picks up the win with the cross armbar. Del Rio won’t let go so Chavo gets in the ring and Del Rio quickly leaves. Chavo checks on Texas Tornado who is in a lot of pain in the ring.
    Up next is Taylor Wilde V Lita to see who will face Women’s Champion Hamada at the PPV. Magnus accompanies Taylor to the ring. Lita picks up the win with a surprise roll up. Taylor and Magnus are fuming at the result. Magnus grabs the referee and calls the result disgraceful. Taylor goes after Lita but she quickly leaves the ring. Magnus tells Taylor he will speak with Stephanie and that she will be in the title match at the PPV he promises.
    Texas Tornado is shown in the medic’s room screaming in pain.
    Magnus is seen leaving the GM’s office with lipstick marks and a smile on his face.
    The tag team champions The Motor City Machine Guns make their way to the ring. Shelley gets on the mic and says they need to know about their opponents and match for the PPV. Doug Williams comes out and says that Stephanie has given him and Magnus the title shot at the PPV and they will become the new tag team champions once again. Billy Kidman and Paul London come out and they say they are next in line for the tag titles. Shelley says it don’t matter who they face as they will still be the champions afterwards. Stephanie comes out and says that she wants to put on a special tag team match at the PPV so it will be Triple Threat Tag Team Ladder match for the tag titles between the current champions The Motor City Machine Guns V Paul London and Billy Kidman V Magnus and Doug Williams but tonight one member of each team will complete so will have Doug Williams V Alex Shelley V Billy Kidman and that is next. Kidman picks up the win after pinning Williams.
    Stephanie tells Taylor backstage that Magnus spoke with her and now she is added to the women’s title match at the PPV. Taylor asks how and Stephanie says Magnus can be very persuasive.
    Carlito is making his way to the ring for his match next, Primo tells him that he is competing in the X Title match at the PPV and he will win. Up next is Carlito V Damien Steele. Steele gets the win with the dealbreaker.
    The main event is up next which is Roddy Piper and Desmond Wolfe V Chris Jericho and Mr. T. Jericho starts off with Piper and then tags in Mr. T but Piper tags in Wolfe as he don’t want to fight Mr. T. Wolfe takes advantage of Mr. T lack of wrestling ability and him and Piper double team him. Piper goes for a quick cover but Jericho breaks it up. Jericho takes Wolfe out over the ropes with him and now Piper is the ring with Mr. T who is down. Piper tries to put a sleeper hold on him but cant. The ref is looking outside the ring as Wolfe and Jericho are fighting out there so Mr. T takes out brass knuckles and knocks out Piper and pins him for the win as the show closes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,732 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1


    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment Presents

    Mayhem PPV (3 hours)


    Line Up:-

    X Title Match
    Open to everyone from LWE Roster

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Alberto Del Rio (C) V Chavo Guerrero

    Triple Threat Tag Team Ladder Match for Tag Titles
    The Motor City Machine Guns (C) V Paul London & Billy Kidman V Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams

    Triple Threat for the Women's Championship
    Hamade (C) Taylor Wilde V Lita

    Boxing Match
    Mr. T V Rowdy Roddy Piper

    60 Minute Iron Man Match for WHC Title
    Chris Jericho (C) V Desmond Wolfe

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Background to New World Wrestling’s Crush Hour PPV:

    All of the attention is pulling towards the main event of the evening. NWW Champion Mr. Perfect goes one on one with The Rock in front of a sold-out Wembley Stadium in London. Mr. Perfect responded to the return of the People’s Champion by surrounding himself with the best up and coming tag team in the game, Roderick Strong & Austin Aries. The trio plus Perfect’s girlfriend Trish Stratus make up Perfection Inc. but their domination of NWW has been hampered by The Rock’s determination to claim the NWW World Championship and the decision of Captain Lou Albano to appoint Muhammad Ali as the special guest enforcer for their match. The momentum appears to be with The Rock as Perfect Inc. have struggled to cope with the intensity of the Great One but at the main event of NWW’s prime event, will Perfection reign supreme?


    Looking to break into the main event scene is Christopher Daniels. The newly crowned TV Champion will take on Japan’s finest, Shinsuke Nakamura. These two have no previous history, Nakamura only debuted recently but he defeated Kensuke Sasaki to make it to this stage. Could a quick rise to the top be on the cards for him? Daniels will be keen to stop his momentum in order to ensure he is the new No. 1 Contender for the World Title. It should be a cracker.

    We are already curious about what will happen when the two biggest egos in the game collide. However, nothing is concrete either when the two most chiseled stars go head to head. Chris Masters was loving life on NWW Volt. He was easing through the weeks and hurting a lot of people with his patented Masterlock. However, he was not expecting the challenge to be accepted by Lex Luger. After a few weeks of dirty tactics and apparent cowardice from Chris Masters, there will be no running when these two face each other.

    Roderick Strong and Austin Aries are in action as well. The tag team champions face a stern test from the men they won the belts off. Killer Kowalski and Big John Studd are a mean tag team and two individual powerhouses. They have invoked their rematch clause and set out to try regain the belts from Perfect Inc.’s up and coming stars.

    Also in action, Trish Stratus and Beth Phoenix take each other on in a grudge match. Stratus paraded herself as the only woman able to handle herself in a male dominated company but the Glamazon’s return has disproved that. Now they square off to see who the better competitor is. The first two matches of the night both carry high stakes. Rhyno takes on Evan Bourne with the loser being fired. They will compete in a ‘Pink Slip on a Pole Match’ where the aim is to retrieve the pink slip from up on a high pole in order to maintain a place on the roster. Also competing to stay in a job are La Resistance. Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier take each other on in an ‘I Surrender’ match.

    Be sure to tune in Sunday to what is sure to be an off the walls event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    Im really late to the party, but today and tomorrow ill have show 4 and 5 and my ppv between today and tomorrow.
    Heres show 4:
    Tonight, a 4 tag team tournament to determine contenders for the tag titles at WZ.
    King and Cole point out that santino and kozlov havent arrived yet owing to santinos vicious beat down at the hands of Rob Terry.

    Kendrick and Holly make their way to the ring.

    We await our second team:

    Little Guido and Tony marmaluke come out to boos.
    Guido has a mic:
    Guido: We are here to redeem the name of ITALY! For too long you people have laughed at us, but not anymore. We are the FBI, and we are the only Full Blooded Italians in CMW!

    As they make their way to the ring king points out how this will be a elimination style match. Once a team wins a new team will then enter the match.

    FBI vs Kendrick/Holly.
    The bell rings and Little Guido and Kendrick start up. Quick first match, finish comes when nunzio goes for the Sicilian Slice and kicks Holly off the apron as he is flying through the air.
    FBI vs RVD/Umaga
    RVD’s music hits and him and Umaga walk to the ring.
    Rvd runs and slides into the ring. Umaga is taking his time. Suddenly, out runs Rob Terry! He knocks umaga down from behind and hits him with a spinebuster. RVD only notices and runs to help Umaga. Terry runs off as rvd runs towards him. Referees and paramedics surround the scene as we go to break…

    Part 2
    Back in the arena and RVD is in the ring on his own with marmaluke in too.
    The announcers point out how rvd chose to try and wrestle this match on his own now, umaga is been taken to the back with fears that he could have aggravated his injury.

    Rvd gets the upperhand on marmaluke, goes for the pin but guido breaks up. Marmaluke is looking really beat up.
    Rvd attempts to go for the frog splash but marmaluke rolls away and tags guido in.
    Guido picks rvd up and attempts a suplex, rvd wraps his leg around guidos in an attempt to block the suplex. Guido instead hits the italian legsweep.
    With RVD on the matt he goes for the armbar. He locks it in tight and rvd has no choice but to tap.

    Marmaluke and Guido high five each other.
    FBI don’t have time to celebrate as Priceless make their way out with only angelina love in tow.
    FBI vs Priceless
    They both jump into the ring and start beating down on little guido.
    The referee breaks them up and orders one of them into the corner. Dibiase goes through the ropes.
    Little guido hits a hip toss on rhodes and gets the tag to tony marmaluke.
    Tony goes up top with rhodes on the mat.
    Angelina love gets up to try and distract the referee. Marmaluke gets off the ropes and goes to walk towards angelina. She tries to slap marmaluke.
    Dibiase comes running. Marmaluke sees him coming and sidesteps.
    Dibiase knocks angelina off the apron. He turns around and eats a snap belly to belly suplex.
    He attempts the pin..
    Cody is on the outside and pulls the referee out of the ring. He slides into the ring and pulls out a chair from under the ring. He gets in the ring and guido steps up to him, he kicks cody and gut, taking the chair off him. Marmaluke hits a springboard ddt and makes cody hit the mat. Both marmaluke and Guido stand over priceless and the ref makes it to his feet.
    He sees guido with the chair in his hands and awards the match to priceless on a result of DQ.

    FBI hold their hands to their heads in disbelief.
    Cole goes over how it will be priceless vs santino and kozlov at WZ. King is quick to correct him that we still havent been told if santino is even fit to compete at WZ.

    Hogan is walking backstage wearing an black and yellow NWO shirt, behind him follows nexus. Were told that up next he will be explaining his actions last week.

    Part 3

    Black and yellow lighting flashes around the arena.

    The NEXUS WORLD ORDER makes their way to the ring behind hogan. The crowd is booing loud. “You sold out” chants ring.
    Slater holds a mic.
    He tells the crowd to shut up. He says for the last week the word on everyones lips has been the unveiling of the NEXUS WORLD ORDER, the single most dominant force ever to happen in wrestling.
    He hands hogan the mic.

    Hogan: That’s right Brother! Hulkamania has run wild for the very last time!
    I bet you were all watching last week, crying into your hogan tee shirts, I bet you probably destroyed them all afterward?!
    Well I hope so! Because Hulk Hogan does not need you. Hulk Hogan has never needed you!
    You were like leeches, grabbing onto me and trying to claim off my success.
    A few weeks ago while I was in my helicopter, I heard nexus describing what I used to be, and I forgot how much fun it was.
    Their words opened my eyes. When that helicopter dropped me off and I got in my private jet, and flew to my 22 bedroom estate, I realised that I am the reason for all my fortune, not YOU!
    I don’t need you anymore because I have gotten exactly what I need from you.. your money!
    But I’ll tell you one person who needs you leeches, John Cena.
    Hogan turns towards nexus.
    These guys could see it, and they helped me see it.
    John Cena needs you leeches to make him feel better about himself and his inequalities!

    Shane McMahons music hits and he walks out on stage.
    Shane:Hogan, your playing a very dangerous game. I said last week that I will be forced to fire any member of the roster who aligns themselves with that crowd behind you, so im sorry to say this hogan but you and your group.. ARE..

    Hogan: Wow wow wow there shane, before you say another word!
    Hogan gets handed a piece of paper from Zeke. He unfolds it.
    This, Shane, is the contract that I signed last week in front of you that states that I will be in the main event at CMW.
    Shane:Yeah? And what of it?
    Hogan:If you fire me, what happens that ‘Biggest match in history’ that you have promised everyone?
    You NEED ME shane. Haha!
    Shane calms down.
    Ok fine hulk.
    Oh and another thing shane, your going to put my boys into the tag title match at WZ!
    What?! I cant do that, the match has been set!
    No you can, you can do whatever I tell you to do, and you know why?
    Hogan waves the contract in the air.
    Fine.. the nexus are in the match..
    I guess it’s a good time to mention..
    We’re the Nexus World Order.. And we’re.. Taking over.. Dude!!
    Hogan drops the mic and all four members raise their fists above their head.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Show 1 - Show 2 - Show 3 - Show 4

    The evening begins with a performance from Shaman’s Harvest who perform the theme for NWW Crush Hour, Dragonfly. Afterwards, Captain Lou Albano arrives out to the ring and welcomes all of the fans to the event, promising them value for money and invites them all to enjoy themselves and witness history in the making.


    New World Wrestling; Often imitated, never duplicated.

    He departs the ring as we prepare for the first match of the evening.
    Match One: Pink Slip on a Pole Match – Rhyno v Evan Bourne

    Both of these two enter the ring with their eyes firmly fixed on the prize at the top of the pole. The match bell rings and Bourne makes a quick dash for it, very nearly getting the pink slip before being caught and slammed down to the mat. Rhyno takes control, throwing Bourne out of the ring and trying to reach the slip himself. Bourne’s agility is a major factor in preventing him from reaching it. The sheer raw, strength of the Man-Beast appears to be too much to handle for Bourne. He falls victim to a gorilla press and a TKO but somehow stays in the game. Perhaps Rhyno is guilty of taking his eye off the prize as he tries to dish out the hurt on him. Instead of going for the slip, Rhyno picks up Bourne again who breaks out of a hold and hits a spinning wheel kick. He’s a bit disorientated and makes his way to the wrong corner of the ring but nevertheless makes the ascent. Unfortunately for him, his attempt at his signature ‘Airbourne’ is not a successful one. Rhyno gets to his feet, hits the gore and goes to claim the slip.

    Winner: Rhyno

    Bourne gets to his feet holding his head in his hands as Rhyno celebrates. He doesn’t seem to know what to do but he doesn’t have to contemplate it for long as he is hit with another gore for good measure. Rhyno, somewhat pleased with himself, returns up the ramp with his job intact.

    Backstage, Mr. Perfect is talking to his stable and tells them all that they will have to go it alone tonight and demonstrate perfection to the world. He orders them all to win their respective matches.
    Match Two: ‘I Surrender’ Match – Sylvain Grenier v Rene Dupree

    The tag team come to the ring together. The referee rings the bell but both exit the ring. The referee counts to ten and it is announced as a double count-out. They both celebrate as the conditions clearly stated that the loser would be fired. Lou Albano arrives out to the ring to address the matter. He tells them that he does not like being messed around and that if they won’t face each other for their careers then something will have to be done. He tells them to make a choice as one of them will now defend the jobs of both. Kensuke Sasaki comes out to the ring looking intent on hurting someone.

    Dupree decides to let Grenier take the reigns on this one but it is a shortlived affair. The squash match is ended with a King Buster.

    Winner: Kensuke Sasaki
    Dupree attempts to attack Sasaki but is sent over the top rope. The crowd is loving the fact that both Frenchmen are now fired and the chants begin: Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na, hey hey hey, goodbye! They pointblank refuse to leave the arena but both are terrified of Sasaki who makes them flee up the ramp into the arms of security guards. We have seen the last of La Resistance.

    The Rock is seen arriving to the arena. A reporter gets a few words from him and it’s one hell of a promo. Rock talks about how he’s dismantled Perfect’s faith in his own runner boys. Rock guaran-damn-tees victory tonight. When asked about Ali, Rock is straight with the reporter and declares the utmost respect for him but advises him to know his role tonight.
    Match Three: NWW World Tag Team Championship – Perfect Inc. v Killer Kowalski and Big John Studd

    The champions come to the ring alone, as intended. It would be naïve of them not to be afraid of the threat posed by their opponents who had made minced meat of the people who tried to take the belts off them in the past. Now however, Trish Stratus is not at ringside to use her femininity. The match begins as expected with the champions struggling to deal with the sheer power of their opponents. Studd, having headlined the first Wrestlemania in his previous years certainly knows the expectations of a big event and he is determined not to fail this time. It takes a slight bit of clumsiness from him to give an opening for Strong and he manages to take him down. Typical build up follows with the two former kings of the indie scene working together excellently to keep him pinned down. Kowalski is desperate to get into the ring but he has to wait a while. Aries has a headlock in and tries to put Studd to sleep. He’s fighting his way to his feet and much to the delight of the London crowd he manages to send Aries over his back and make his way over for the tag. The match nearly turns on its’ head again though, Kowalski has Aries in position for a piledriver but Strong hits a lariat from the top rope and Aries covers him, resulting in a very close pinfall, Kowalski just kicks out. Strong and Aries pick him up. Strong lifts Kowalski into a suplex clutch as Aries goes up top. Kowalski manages to get down and throws Strong into the turnbuckle which sends Aries out to the floor. Kowalski connects with a vice-grip which knocks Strong flat on his back and out for the count.

    Winners and new NWW Tag Team Champions: Killer Kowalski & Big John Studd.
    We cut to the back where Perfect and Stratus are watching the events unfold. Perfect laments as valuable gold leaves Perfect Inc. He turns to Stratus and says that was the furthest thing from perfect in years. He gets up to leave and tells Stratus to make sure that she is perfect tonight.
    Match Four: Beth Phoenix v Trish Stratus

    It appears that in the match, the pressure has really got to Trish. The crowd continue to chant ‘You’re not perfect’ and she can’t stand it. Unfortunately for her, the Glamazon is not the kind of opponent to be distracted against and Trish is flattened by a Choke-bomb.

    Winner: Beth Phoenix

    Pre-match, we get a few words from Christopher Daniels who states his intent that he will be the new World Champion soon. First, he admits he must overcome a fantastic talent and that he can’t wait to be pushed to his limit but believes he will walk out still the TV champion.

    Before this match begins, we are informed that Lou Albano has made this match best 2 out of 3 falls. This is to ensure that the winner of the match thoroughly deserves a world title match. We are in for a treat.

    (TBC below)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt


    Match Five: NWW Television Championship Match – Christopher Daniels v Shinsuke Nakamura

    As Nakamura makes his way to the ring, there is a standing ovation. He salutes the crowd and slaps his chest over his heart. He then raises a Japanese flag.
    Fast-paced, fiery and easy on the eye, this is the spectacle of the evening for the fans of top quality wrestling. The added stipulation makes for excellent viewing. After a fairly even start, Daniels gets the upper hand and manages to plant the Best Moonsault ever to land the first pinfall.
    Daniels 1-0 Nakamura

    Daniels goes on the offensive again and looks to finish off the match but Nakamura comes back with a flurry of hard kicks. He comes close a couple of times with a calf kick and then nearly making Daniels tap out to a triangle chokehold but the champ is resilient. He retaliates and the two trade blows. Daniels attempts the Angels Wings but Nakamura reverses and locks in the chokehold and again. This time he has to tap out. He’s finally starting to overcome the emotion
    Daniels 1-1 Nakamura

    The advantage with Nakamura now but the fight spills to the outside. He beats him down and then tries to send him back into the ring. Daniels reverses but Nakamura hurdles into the side of the ring rather than into it and seems to damage his shoulder in the process. Nakamura struggles to make it back into the ring before the count of 10 but when he rises to his feet he is met by a diving crossbody from the top and it results in a near pinfall. Daniels goes straight into the STO/Koji Clutch and Nakamura is in big trouble. It takes a lot out of him to make it to the ropes and he appears to be significantly weakened now. He picks him up and sets up the Last Rites, taking a second to scream before attempting the move but it goes wayward. Nakamura, with a burst of strength sends Daniels flying across the ring. He turns and hits another calf kick but it’s not enough to score a victory. Nakamura starts to feed off the crowd and starts to knock Daniels down with more spinning kicks. He sends him into the ropes and catches him with an exemplary powerslam but again, just a two count. Daniels starts to come to his senses but Nakamura is sizing him up for a Shining Wizard. . . misses. Daniels hits the Angels Wings this time and retains the title.
    Daniels 2-1 Nakamura

    Winner and still NWW Television Champion: Christopher Daniels
    There’s a mark of respect from Daniels and he embraces Nakamura. The fans are on their feet as we go backstage.

    Stratus, Strong and Aries all keep their mouth shut. Perfect has lost the plot with them telling them that they have let him down as well as themselves down. He says that he was obviously wrong and that they need a lot of work to become perfect. He tells them to watch and learn tonight.
    Match Six: Lex Luger v Chris Masters

    Not much wrestling on display. It’s an exercise of brute force and one-upmanship. Masters hits a body press, quickly afterwards, Luger hits one. They trade blows, lariats and in between, flex their pecks for all to see but the decisive moment comes when Luger tried to lock in the Torture Rack. Masters, in his fitter state is able to break out of it and locks in the Masterlock. Much to the disappointment of the fans, Luger is deemed unconscious and loses the match.

    Winner: Chris Masters
    Main Event: NWW World Championship – Mr. Perfect v The Rock

    The bell rings. The two men soak up the atmosphere for a moment but it’s mostly made up of ‘Rocky’ chants. Ali takes his place outside the ring. His attire is a referee shirt without the sleeves. They lock horns and the match is underway. Perfect tries to out-wrestle The Rock and it’s working so far. He knows that key to this affair is to stop him gaining any momentum whatsoever. It’s like stopping the tide though and Rock pushes his way out of a headlock. Perfect rebounds off the ropes and is planted with a lariat. Rock takes the fight to the champion, easing back into the ropes and hitting a swinging neckbreaker and then a belly-to-belly suplex. With that, out come Strong and Aries. The special enforcer, Muhammad Ali is having none of it though and instructs them to go back to the locker room. This proves enough of a distraction though and Perfect catches Rock as he turns around and hits a DDT for a close pinfall. With the upper hand, Perfect goes back to trying to weaken Rock all over with a link of three german suplexes and then a sleeper hold. Rock is nearly out cold but manages to raise his hand after it had been dropped twice. He elbows, elbows and breaks free. Rock attempts an Irish whip. Perfect reverses but Rock pulls him back and hits the Rock Bottom out of absolutely nowhere. The crowd is on their feet ready to start the party but Perfect is not ready to surrender. He kicks out at two. Rock goes for the sharpshooter but Perfect makes it to the ropes. Rock refuses to break the count and does so only at 4 and three-quarters on the instructions of Muhammad Ali.


    Ali begins to row with the referee, telling him he should have stopped that earlier. As they row, Perfect low blows Rock and connects with a Perfect-Plex. The official counts but this time it’s Rock’s turn to surpass expectations and he kicks out at two. Perfect can’t belief it. He looks like he’s going to try a spear but as Rock gets up he plants him with a Samoan drop. Yet another near fall. The Rock springs up to his feet and does his trademark row of punches. He awaits Perfect and yes, spinebuster.

    The crowd can feel it. They’re on their feet again as Rock throws his elbow pad into the crowd. He heads for the ropes but. . . what. . . Ali is in the ring and SMACK! Rock is out cold with one punch. The referee is shouting at Ali but he pushes him to the ground and he cowers. Perfect realizes what has just happened and rushes to cover the Brahma Bull. Ali graciously counts to three.


    Winner and still NWW World Champion: Mr. Perfect
    Ali raises Mr. Perfect’s hand in victory as Rock remains motionless on the ground. The crowd is stunned. Why would Muhammad Ali do this?


    First of all, thanks a million to Gimmick and Mr. Nice Guy who ran the draft great again this year. Kudos to all who took part. This is the first year that we have had no dropouts and everyone should be commended for this as well as a higher standard than ever before. Below, I have outlined briefly how I see each of my superstars developing after Crush Hour.

    Alá HHH circa 2000, Mr. Perfect would continue to expand the faction and The Rock would generally be the main competitor for the title. As Christopher Daniels is now No. 1 Contender, I would see Perfect Inc. attacking him on the next show, keeping him out of action for a few weeks. By the turn of the next PPV, Rock would finally win the belt, setting up a triple threat down the line. I would wind The Rock down and he would disappear off TV eventually. Perfect would be wound down a year or two later after another lengthy run, making way for the main event status of Christopher Daniels and Shinsuke Nakamura.

    The tag division would need to be strengthened, along with the women’s division. I would probably push Austin Aries as a main eventer (like Orton in Evolution) and he would then be replaced by someone else. Strong would remain loyal to Perfect, as would Stratus. Increasing the women’s division would eventually lead to a Women’s Title being created. Rhyno and Sasaki would remain in the mid-card, Masters would get a push at some stage but would just fall short of a World Title reign in the near future. Lex Luger would return to the wilderness and make a few cameo appearances but he was only really drafted for the feud with Masters. I would have to consider breaking up Studd and Kowalski as well as they are two very strong characters. Plenty of options there.

    Best of luck to everyone in the voting!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Week 1 Show here.
    Week 2 Show here.
    Week 3 Show here.
    Week 4 Show here.
    Week 5 Show here.

    The theme song for the PPV plays:

    JR: 'Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the greatest extravaganza on earth - MNG Wrestlemania 2011. We are live tonight from Atlanta, Georgia. Will T-REX become all-powerful? Can Christian finally win the big one? Will anyone emerge unscathed? Stay tuned folks to find out!'

    Pyro goes off and the show started with Lillian Garcia singing the national anthem. After she finished the Rougeaus entered and got on the mic saying their United States were proud of her and Raymond put over that they were all-American boys. The crowd booed and Jacques grabbed the mic and told Raymond it was no use. The fans knew they hated America and why should they pretend anymore? They came from a great place Quebec unlike these inbred hicks. The fans booed like crazy. Jacques tossed aside the US flags they had brought and said they would fight for a flag with honour - the flag of Quebec. Then Hacksaw Duggan's music hit and he and Chuck Norris came out with their US flags to a great reception to start the match.

    Opening Match: The Fabulous Rougeaus vs Jim Duggan and Chuck Norris (flag match)
    * Quick Background* T-REX members The Rougeaus have targeted Hacksaw since their debut. The 'Sheriff' of MNG Chuck Norris has decided to team with Duggan and teach them a lesson.

    Norris was said to be wearing the outfit he wore to fight Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon. The winners were the first to capture their national flag. Duggan worked most of the match with Norris on the outside. The story of the match was the Rougeaus thwarting Duggan's attempt to tag in and Norris thwarting the Rougeaus' attempt to grab the Quebec flag. Eventually Norris got in and began cleaning house with some roundhouse kicks. Jacques grabbed Hacksaw's wood (not like that) but Norris cut it in half with a kick. Duggan then climbed up and got the US flag to a big cheer.

    Winners: Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Chuck Norris


    Match: Jumbo Tsuruta vs Vader (No Holds Barred)
    *Quick Background* Vader was eliminated by Jumbo in the Rumble match and feels Jumbo cost him the chance to main event Mania. He has attacked him repeatedly since. He intends to show he is the true legend of Japan in the company. For Jumbo, it is about upholding his honour.

    This match was a full on battle which the fans lapped up. The two men used weapons on each other early on and fought out with the fans for a period before it got back in the ring and became a stiff old-school contest. The story here was Vader hitting Jumbo with some big moves but Jumbo refusing to stay down. Vader hit a moonsault and powerbomb but Jumbo kicked out of both. The fans were split early on but got more and more behind Jumbo. The finish came with Vader looking for another moonsault but Jumbo ensured he got crotched on the top and he won with a big suplex off the top.

    Winner: Jumbo Tsuruta


    Mistico debut segment
    *Quick Background* Mistico is the most recent acquisition for the company and his debut has been kept for the PPV.

    Jim Cornette came out and announced they had set a new attendance record and were on a wave of momentum the likes of which the BWA and WECWF could only dream of. He noted the drama that had already occurred and said there was plenty more to come. He said it was time for the debut of the Mexican lucha sensation Mistico who came out to a big pop. As Mistico soaked in the cheers, Gene Anderson came out. Gene said he was the only T-REX member to not have a match tonight. He noted the history of Gene and Ole in Georgia as the fans cheered but he then turned heel on the crowd to boos. He challenged Mistico to a match right there and then. Mistico agreed and we had an impromptu match-up.

    Mistico vs Gene Anderson

    The match was kept very short and was designed to showcase Mistico and put him over strong. He hit some beautiful moves and won with his La Mistica submission within minutes.

    Winner: Mistico


    Cornette came in and raised his hand and said MNG had just seen a new star born. Meanwhile backstage HHH was seen with the other members of T-REX - Ole Anderson and the Nasty Boys. He said things had not started well but as long as they win their respective title matches the night can be a success.

    Magnum TA vs Bruiser Brody w/special ref Sunny
    *Quick Background* Brody had been making life hell for Magnum. It was then revealed Sunny had spurned Brody's advances because she said Magnum had been pursuing her. HHH then made Sunny the ref. For Brody it is a chance to take out his jealousy and rage at the 'pretty boy' Magnum. For Magnum, it is about payback. It has been billed by some as a 'beauty and the beast' match-up.

    Both men got a strong reaction. Brody had quite a lot of support despite being the heel. The match became a wild and entertaining brawl. Sunny seemed incapable of controlling things. She threatened to disqualify Brody on several occasions but let a lot go. Magnum juiced and became a bloody mess as the fans started to get more on his side. The finish came with Magnum looking to do what looked like a figure four but Brody reversed it and he collided with Sunny knocking her down. He went over to help but turned around into a big boot. Brody covered and Sunny counted the pin for the 1-2-3.

    Winner: Bruiser Brody


    Afterwards Sunny went to help Magnum and the fans felt there was a kiss coming and urged them to lock lips. Sunny looked to the fans who cheered but then she hit Magnum with a low blow. Brody looked surprised as she instructed him to hit the piledriver on Magnum which he did. She then told Brody to come over and the two of them kissed. Brody then picked her up and carried her away as Magnum lay in a heap.

    JR: 'Aww that Jezebel looks like she's fallen for Brody's charms.'
    King: 'This is truly beauty and the beast, J.R. I love it! Magnum got kicked to the kerb!'

    Match: The New Age Outlaws vs The Nasty Boys (c) (Tag Team Titles)
    *Quick Background* The Nasty Boys arrived from Slick's SWF and took the Outlaws's spot as top contenders and eventually won the titles. It was later revealed they were part of Triple H's T-REX faction and he hired them to replace his old buddies The Outlaws. For Dogg and Billy, it's about revenge, and giving the fans champs they can appreciate.

    The Outlaws got a great pop as the Nasty Boys were roundly booed. The match was faster paced than the previous one, though not as long, but the crowd were into it throughout. Sags grabbed the titles and managed to clock Dogg in the head with it but he managed to kick out. The finish came with Dogg and Sags clotheslining each other over the ropes and Billy hit the fame-asser on Knobbs for the victory.

    Winners and new tag team champions: The New Age Outlaws


    The Outlaws celebrated the win and did the 'suck it' to the Nasty Boys who skulked to the back whilst crying.

    Christian was interviewed backstage by Mean Gene and he said some things in life were a mistake. Stepping on Superman's cape was a mistake, showing a red rag to a bull was a mistake, Hunter being told he could act was a mistake, but tonight there could be no mistake about it - he would leave with the World Title for his peeps 'because that' I roll.' Christian said words were like Hunter's wife - cheap and pointless. Tonight his actions would do the talking.

    Hunter was seen backstage with Ole Anderson looking severely pissed off. He said things were in danger of falling apart with the Nasty Boys now losing the tag titles. He said Ole needed to bring the IC title into the T-REX fold and if the two of them could leave with titles then everything could be OK.

    Match: Barry Windham vs Ole Anderson (Intercontinental Title)
    *Quick Background* There is animosity here from their WCW days. The old Horseman Ole was brought in by HHH to win the IC belt and take out Windham for T-REX. For Ole it is about showing that the original member of the Four Horsemen is better than the later Horseman. For Windham it is about showing he has moved on and is now a lone wolf.

    Windham had his supporters but still had a tough evening since Ole is a legend in Georgia so a lot of fans were on his side. The match itself was a physical, old-school battle with lots of near-falls near the finish which had the fans engrossed. The story of the match was Ole trying to intimidate Windham but not being able to do so and he got frustrated as he couldn't put Windham away. The finish saw Ole try to hit Windham into an exposed turnbuckle but Barry reversed it and then nailed Ole with a lariat for the 1-2-3 win.

    Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Barry Windham


    Afterwards Ole grabbed the belt and looked to hit Windham with it but he decided against it and handed the belt to Windham before walking off. The fans applauded and the commentators put over that Windham had finally earned the old Horseman's respect.

    Backstage HHH fumed at what he saw on the monitor since every member of T-REX had so far lost. Mean Gene went to get a word but Hunter got in his face and said what happened earlier wouldn't stop him. He said he was bigger than T-REX, bigger than the industry itself, and certainly bigger than Christian who he called a wannabe. He said tonight the title would stay with him because he is the GAME-AH.

    Main Event: Christian vs Triple H (World Heavyweight Title)
    *Quick Background* Christian won the Royal Rumble match to earn his shot at the gold. For him it is about winning the big one at last and proving he can be a main eventer. For HHH it's about cementing his T-REX group as all-powerful and proving to the world he is that damn good.

    Christian entered to his old golden entrance with fans lining the rampway wearing Christian hoodies, similar to Cena's entrance at Mania a few years ago.


    Hunter came out riding a mechanical T-REX wearing a crown and cape as the words SUPER HUNTER appeared on the background. The two men then squared off and it was go time.

    The match was back and forth and had the fans gripped. Most were on the side of Christian although a small section cheered for Triple H. At one stage Christian hit a spear as a homage to Edge but got only a 2 count. Both men kicked out of each other's finishers - Hunter out of the Unprettier and Christian out of a pedigree to much surprise. Hunter nailed Christian with a sledgehammer shot at one stage while the ref was down but Christian managed to get a shoulder up. At another point Hunter grabbed a chair and looked to do a conchairto to Christian to much boos, however Christian moved out of the way and hit a pedigree on the other chair that was on the mat - but he only got a 2 count. The finish came with Hunter setting Christian up for a pedigree off the top rope but Christian squirmed out and hit an Unprettier on Hunter from the top rope and finally got the 1-2-3 victory.

    Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Christian


    Confetti and pyro went off as Christian cried tears of joy after finally winning the big one. Hunter skulked to the back devastated as he completed a clean sweep of losses for T-REX. The babyfaces came down along with Cornette and hoisted Christian on their shoulders as J.R. screamed the game was finally over.

    The show ended.



    Long-term I would book the main event picture similar to how things were done after Wrestlemania 21 with Batista. I would have Hunter put over Christian again at the Backlash PPV and then do a big blow-off to the feud at the PPV after that where Christian would again retain. I'd then look to have Christian feud with one of the bigger heels like Brody or Vader.

    I'd also intend to get more mileage out of the T-REX vs babyfaces plus Cornette feud as well and maybe do a war games/Invasion style event to fiinally end that angle.

    I think I have a pretty good tag team picture too if I wanted to go down that route. I could put Magnum TA and Duggan back together and as well as them I'd have Gene and Ole Anderson, the New Age Outlaws, the Rougeaus plus the Nasty Boys. That is quite a good division I reckon.

    I'd look to push Mistico strongly and make him my version of Rey Mysterio on the show.

    I think one strength I have is guys that are strong in a lot of territory areas. Mistico for the Mexican market, Jumbo, Vader and Brody for the Japanese market, Triple H is a big US draw as his MSG return proved in 2002 and the Outlaws were also huge US draws in their prime, Christian and the Rougeaus would be important for the Canadian market while the Andersons, Windham, Cornette and Magnum TA would be very popular in the US southern areas.

    Overall I think I have a nice mix of old-school and Attitude era which would hopefully be a show that you would want to check out.

    Finally I will reiterate what Voltwad said above me. Well done to everyone for their participation this year and for helping it be quick and smooth. Hopefully it will wrap up in an entertaining way and may the best roster win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    The following video plays on the CWA Titantron it is the theme to tonights show

    The fireworks go off or announce theme let us know tonight is going to be the biggest night in its history and to start things off we have the 1st of tonights tag team tournament
    Rikishi & Yokozuna vs Too Cool
    Tool cool gets the fans on there feet while dancing in the ring it does not last long as when the bell goes Yokozuna attacks Brian Lawler and starts to beat him down it does not look good for lawler but he manages to get a blind tag on scotty 2 hotty who drop kicks Yoko who falls on one knee he comes off the rope and knees him in the head, big yoko is down , Scotty goes for the worm Rikishi runs in but Laweler cuts him off as Scotty hits the worm the ref counts to 3 and Tool Cool are in the final.

    Winners: Tool Cool

    The Nexus are laughing saying the heard that old man Hogan is trying to start up his own Nexus group, Barrett suggest that he could find a role for a Hogan in Nexus and that Brooke could be under him, McIntrye walks past Vince Russo tells him that McMahons choosen ones do not last long but Nexus always sticks together and to think about that, Drew walks off.

    Jack Swagger Vs Antonio Inoki
    The 1st title of the night is up for grabs as Swagger faces off against Inoki, Swagger starts the match very well and both men exchange chops, Swagger then hits a german suplex on Inoki and starts to beat down on him Inoki is able to return with a arm drag into a indian deathlock, Swagger just grabs the ropes he then goes for a clothesline which Inoki ducks and is able to put Swagger into the sleeper hold, Swagger arm drops once...twice.....and a third time it is all over Inoki as won the title.

    Winner:Antonio Inoki
    dont try this at home

    Nexus Vs Young and Jordan
    Eric Young comes out wearing a Nexus T-Shirt Jordan does not look amused the match begins with Brett Dibiase and Orlando Jordan who seems very touchy feely with Dibiase, he tags in McGillicuty as fast as he can but Jordan cuts him with chops he begins to get the upper hand Eric Young tags himself in he then calls a time out while doing jumping jacks and push up McGiilicuty has enough he attacks Eric Young who looks a bit dazed McGillicuty hits the McGiilicuter and it is all over as Orlando Jordan walks away shaking his head, as the Nexus go into the final to face Tool Cool for the CWA tag team championship.

    commercial break
    We are back and in the ring is Nick Gage he states that last week Jerry Lynn made a open challenge for someone to face him in a Extreme street fight well Jerry you dont get anyone more Extreme then me I come from a real Extreme company unlike that Philli company fulls of Pussys so get your ass out here and get ready for it to be kicked.
    Jerry Lynn Vs Nick Gage
    Lynn comes running down with Kendo stick in hand he starts to beat down on Gage with some vicious shots, Gage takes a chair from a fan and wades on Lynn he puts a bin over his head and hits him with the steel steps, Lynn gets back up hits Gage with a chair shot a puts him into the ring he pours thumb tacks on the canvass body slams Gage into them climbs the top rope and hits him with a splash gets a two count only , Gage gives Lynn a low blow he gets a table and puts it on fire he picks up Lynn but Lynn battles back he whips him off the rope and back flips him onto the burning table, the commenteters scream ring for 911 , Lynn covers a burning Gage for the win

    Winner: Jerry Lynn


    Mr.Anderson is being interviewed by Christy Hemme he tells her that Revolution is literally on fire tonight and it when he faces Drew tonight that at the end of it McIntrye may need to borrow one of her pads but then again since he wears a dress he probably has his own...he walks off saying his a asshole...ASSHOLE

    Nexus Vs Tool Cool
    Its the final of the tag team tournament Scotty 2 hotty starts it off with Dibiase both in a very quick paced match up Scotty uses his feet with kicks to Dibiase , out throw the crowd comes Wade Barrett he pulls down Lawler and drags him throw the crowd attacking him the ref does not see this and eitheir does Scotty he goes for the tag there is no one there and The Nexus are able to double team him McGillicuty finishes him off with his McGillicuter and The Nexus are the NEW CWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS

    Winner: The Nexus
    Kiss my ass match
    Wade Barrett Vs Kevin Nash
    Russo is in Barretts corner and McMahon in Nashes corner this is a very physical match up as both men trade blows Nash puts Barrett into the corner and puts his big boot to his face , Barrett battles back out and kicks Nash in the sturrnom and hits him with Vicious Blows to the head Barrett plays to the crowd but Nash get back up and is able to hit him with a big boot the goes for the cover but Russo places Barrett foot on the rope, McMahon attacks Russo, Barrett stand up and get Barrett on his shoulder for the wastleland but Nash gets off and turns it into a jack knife he cover Barrett for the win he goes outside and grabs Russo as McMahom begins to drop his trousers with a big smile on his face the rest of Nexus run down Nash tries to battle both but then Barrett gets up and they all bets down on him McMahon looks like he is trouble Drew comes to the ring with a steel chair he stares at McMahon and he ask him who is the choosen one now Vince it looks like he is about to hit McMahon but turns and hits Barrett instead Nash double clothes lines Dibiase and McGillicuty out of the ring as they grab Russo, McMahon drops his trousers and Nash sticks Russo face into McMahons buttocks, Vince looks really happy with himself

    Winner: Kevin Nash


    Mr.Anderson Vs Drew McIntrye
    Its the main event of the evening as Anderson faces off against McIntrye both men battle in the middle of the ring Drew still has the chair at ringside and rolls outside to grab it he tries to hit Anderson with it but he just ducks it he kicks at Drew who drops his chair Anderson hits a leg drop on Drew and picks up the chair, Drew rolls out of the ring before Ken can hit him with it as Ken follows him Drew throws the steel steps at him but no blood yet , Drew he Ken in the gut with a ladder and then into the head, the ref checks but no blood from Ken, Drew is disgusted and starts kicking at a downed Ken but Andersons grabs his boot and throws him away he knees Drews head and puts him back into the rings as Anderson gets into the ring he grabs Drew he then outs ion brass knuckes, Vince McMahon runs down with a steel chair takes him at Ken wh just moves out of the way McMahon hits Drew instead and bust him open, Ken gives McMahon the finger and then hits him with the mic check the ref calls for the match as Drew is busted open and Ken remains the champ the crowd chant thank you ass hole as the show ends.

    Thanks for watching

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    Welcome to DBR sponsored by really bad MS Paint photoshops and snarky jokes that will probably go over 90% of people's heads. Here's a Pay-per-view that you are reading on the internet. For free. Which kinda defeats the purpose of a PPV. Well welcome anyways. Leave your shoes at the door. You're very welcome to the DIABHAL DOME to watch our PPV: Randy Orton is really ****. Saw Doctors come out to sing our National Anthem:"N-17".

    Mickie James comes out to the ring. She says she has a message for the sausage-fest of a crowd. She's going to have a battle royal. The winner gets the ride off Mickie. Immediately several members of the audience try to climb over the barriers to enter the match. The security holds the obese fans. Out first is Teddy Hart. He's smoking a joint with Luke "Ming" Flanagan. The crowd boos the Roscommon native. Dr Death comes out to the ring to a chorus of boos. He pisses on the people in the disabled section. Disgusting but what could you expect from a man with Sligo roots. Doink comes out to the ring with no music. Yes he's a jobber. Sgt Slaughter attacks him from behind. These two have had an awful relationship. Slaughter eliminates Dr Death after hitting him with a bottle of Buckfast. KO by way of Buckfast. Not the first time that's been said. Doink gets thrown out by Teddy. Teddy burns Slaughter's eye with a joint and throws him out.

    Teddy Hart wins a ride off Mickie James. Hopefully he won't get crabs

    New Jack and Vic Grimes arrive clad in Mayo jerseys. An easy way to get the crowd to throw Guiness including one Waltersobchak who flips the finger to New Jack. NJ calls out Percy Watson. He threatens to rape Watson. Percy comes out (not the closet) and says he brought help from a man who hates Mayo more than anybody. The lad Onita!!!!!!!!! ONITA lariats the ****e out of Grimes. The bell rings. Percy hits a back suplex on New Jack. ONITA sets up the Tower of Doom dropkick and Percy kills New Jack. He pins New Jack for the win thus proving he's the cooler black guy.

    Watson & ONITA beat Grimes and New Jack

    The Galwegian Crusierwight Title is on the line with the winner getting the name IRON MIKE forever. Mike Sharpe comes out to the wing. He looks angry and ready to get ****canned. Mike Tyson comes out in an Aslan t-shirt. The crowd screams at him to get some taste in music. DISCO INFERNO runs to the ring. As soon as the match starts Tyson knocks out Mike Sharpe with an uppercut. He then goes for a swing at Disco but he ducks and Disco slaps on a Texas Clover Leaf. Tyson taps like a bitch.

    Still your Galwegian Cruiserweight Champion and New Iron Mike: IRON MIKE DISCO INFERNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Miz comes to the ring with a tombstone. It reads R.I.P AGAIN AWESOME. He's accompanied to the ring by Enda Kenny in a bid to make the crowd think he's one of those cunty Fine Gael snobs. The dole-collecting fans boo Miz. Mike Awesome comes out with his good buddy ghost Phil Lynott. This match is a champion v death match in which the winner becomes the new Gráinne Seoige World Title holder and avoids death. The match starts out with Miz dominating. He grabs a chair and hits Awesome in the head. He sets up a table and Alex Riley comes out. Miz is about to Skull Crush Finale (what a gay name) Awesome through the table. BUT DIABHAL BEAG RUNS DOWN TO MAKE THE SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DB takes out Riley with wooden spoon and looks for revenge over Miz after being punched in the face on the debut show. Awesome holds Miz and DB kicks Miz in the goolies. Awesome Bomb through the table. 1-2-3!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome wins the title. Thin Lizzy's finest takes Miz to the after-life (atheists be nice).

    Diabhal raises Awesome's arm. The crowd love. BUT WAIT DIABHAL KICKS AWESOME IN THE GUT. RKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Earl Hebner runs down to the ring. 1-2-3!!!!!!!!!!!


    The crowd start a riot as Diabhal legs it back home.

    Thanks for reading guys. Best of luck to everybody.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    S P O N G E M A N I A

    Commentator – “Welcome to Spongemania, the biggest wrestling extravaganza of the year, coming from the Showgrounds, Sligo home of the all conquering Bit O Red, Sligo Rovers. The rainsoaked audience are excited with anticipation of what will happen here tonight. The initial fireworks display is just the start of an action packed show we have tonight. Feuds will get settled, titles will be on the line, bodies will be broken, this is Spongemania. Let’s get this show started with our opening contest.”
    SWE Interprovincial Championship

    Jeff Jarrett (c) w/ Don Muraco vs Matt Hardy

    In week 1 Matt Hardy defeated MVP to become the number one contender for the SWE Interprovincial Championship. In week 2 Jeff Jarrett interfered in Hardy’s match with Don Muraco that resulted in Jarrett’s guitar being smashed over Hardy. This started an association between Muraco and Jarrett. In week 3 Jarrett claims that he is better than Hardy in every way and will keep the championship no matter what Hardy does. Hardy challenges Jarrett to a guitar playing contest the following week. In week 4 Hardy tricks Jarrett in the guitar contest by playing Guitar Hero on the PS3. Muraco attempts to hit Hardy from behind but misses allowing Hardy to escape untouched. In week 5 Jarrett teamed up with Pedro Morales to beat Hardy & MVP.

    The SWE Interprovincial Champion Jeff Jarrett comes out with his belt around his waist and his guitar up in the air. Don Muraco is following behind him. The crowd are booing but Jarrett laps it up as if he was loved. Matt Hardy’s music sounds and the crowd love it. He stands up on the second rope milking the cheers. Hardy and Jarrett start off with each one applying a hold only to have it reversed immediately. Hardy makes a mistake to allow Jarrett to hit Hardy with a dropkick to assume control. He continues to wear down Hardy but can’t get the three count. Jarrett sets Hardy up for a forward Russian legsweep but Hardy reverses it and hits Jarrett with a Side Effect. Both wrestlers are lying on the canvas as the referee counts towards ten. Both wrestlers struggle to get to their feet and begin to trade punches. Hardy though gets more hits in and he begins to take control much to the enjoyment of the crowd. Hardy has Jarrett stumbling and comes off the 2nd rope to hit Jarrett with an elbow to the top of the head. Hardy is ready to give Jarrett a Twist of Fate. Don Muraco hops up on the apron and distracts Hardy and gives Jarrett enough time to escape the ring. Hardy though follows him out there and goes to throw Jarrett into the metal steps but its reversed and Hardy goes full force into the metal steps. Jarrett slides into the ring. The referee is urging Muraco away from Hardy but while his back is turned Jarrett undoes the top turnbuckle. He then goes out of the ring to get Hardy and roll him in the ring. The referee spots the unloosened turnbuckle and gives out to Jarrett who protests his innocence. The referee is replacing the turnbuckle and Hardy is recovering in the ring. Jarrett goes over to the other side of the ring to Muraco and asks him to hand him his guitar. Muraco grabs the guitar but instead of handing it to him he hits him over the head with it. Jarrett falls back into the ring. The referee didn’t see the guitar shot but turns around to see Hardy crawl over to pin Jarrett for the victory. Muraco retreats up the ramp while the referee raises the hand of Matt Hardy. Winner & New SWE Interprovincial Champion Matt Hardy
    General Manager vs Job match

    The Natural Disasters w/ Vickie Guerrero vs Macho Libre & Terry Funk

    Macho Libre got on the bad side of General Manager Vickie Guerrero in week 1 when Macho compared Vickie to Miss Piggy. Vickie proceeded to place Macho in a squash match versus the Rated R Superstar Edge. This continues in week 2 when Vickie puts Macho in another squash match versus Randy Orton. Later that evening though Macho Libre exposes to the audience embarrassing footage of Vickie and Earthquake and Typhoon of The Natural Disasters in a bath together which outraged the General Manager. In week 3 Vickie puts Macho in yet another squash match, this time against Terry Funk. After the contest The Natural Disasters come out to beat up Macho but Funk intervenes to save Macho. In week 4 Vickie reveals a match for Spongemania of The Natural Disasters against Macho Libre and Terry Funk and that if Funk & Macho lose then Mach Libre would be fired. Macho asks what happens if he & Funk wins and Vickie responds that if Funk can beat Earthquake and Typhoon in a handicap match then they get to decide what Macho will get if he wins at Spongemania. Funk promptly pins Earthquake after an unseen low blow. Macho Libre reveals that if he wins at Spongemania then he wants to be General Manager. In week 5 while Funk was in a match with Edge, The Natural Disasters attacked Macho backstage so Funk races backstage to help his partner.

    Macho Libre and Terry Funk come out to the ring and the crowd cheer uncontrollably. Macho grabs the mic “Oh yeah, welcome to Spongemania, oh yeah. Soon I will be the general manager, yeah, the general manager. And my first order of business will be to give my best friend Terry Funk a championship match. Oh yeah, dig it.” Macho is interrupted. “EXCUUUUSSSSEEEEE ME.” The crowd boos. Out comes Vickie Guerrero. “I said excuse me (the crowd keep booing). Let me introduce to you the finest athletes the world has ever seen and the men that will be responsible for your last moments in the SWE. My boyfriends, Earthquake & Typhoon, The Natural Disasters.” Out come The Natural Disasters who stomp menacefully towards the ring. Earthquake starts off against Funk. Earthquake pushes Funk to the ropes and Vickie grabs Funks foot. The referee sees this and sends Vickie away from the ring. Vickie is not happy and screams at the referee but the crowd are loving it as Vickie retreats up as far as the entrance. The match continues and Earthquake pushes Funk into a corner but Funk switches around and has Earthquake in the corner. He executes a few loud knife edge chops that the crowd love. Earthquake stumbles out of the corner and Funk hits him with a moonsault off the top turnbuckle to bring Earthquake to the mat. He tags Macho in. Earthquake is lying on the mat and Macho sees his opportunity. He comes off the ropes and gives Earthquake an Earthquake Splash but the pinfall count is stopped early as Earthquake kicks out and sends Macho flying out of the ring. Macho gets back in the ring and tries to come off the rope and barge into Earthquake but it doesn’t go to plan and he goes flying again. Earthquake starts to use his size advantage on Macho including a double body splash on Macho in the corner. Typhoon continues the assault but just as Typhoon is ready to perform a Tidal Wave splash, Macho rolls out of the way and Typhoon misses. Both wrestlers are recovering in the ring and the crowd scream out to urge Macho to tag in his partner. Typhoon gets to his feet first but cannot stop Macho tagging in Funk who proceeds to launch an unstoppable attack on Typhoon. Soon Typhoon is lying on the mat and Macho wants back in the ring. He is tagged in and again sees the opportunity, comes off the ropes and gives Typhoon a Tidal Wave splash but Typhoon kicks out and launches Macho across the ring but lands close to Funk who tags himself in. Terry Funk has Typhoon in a sleeper hold and Typhoon fades and is lying on the mat. He sees Macho again eager to get in the match so he tags Macho in and then goes to keep Earthquake occupied. Macho goes to the top rope and does an elbow drop on Typhoon and this time gets the pin for the victory. Macho leaps around the ring in celebration and hugs Terry Funk. Vickie looks disconsolate up at the entrance knowing she is no longer the General Manager of the SWE. The crowd are singing “Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey-hey-hey, Goodbye.” Winner: Macho Libre & Terry Funk
    No disqualification match

    MVP vs Pedro Morales

    In week 1 MVP sees a poster saying he is not welcome in the SWE. In week 2 he gets a note (found in his locker) telling him to go back to jail and another note (found in Matt Hardy’s bag) giving him a week to get out of the SWE. In week 3 after beating a local wrestler, MVP is attacked by an unknown assailant who handcuffs MVP to the rope and beats him with a kendo stick. MVP later suspects Matt Hardy of the attack as Hardy did not come down to help him as previously promised. In week 4 Hardy apologises to MVP for not coming to his aid the previous week. Later that evening MVP calls out his mystery attacker who reveals himself to be Pedro Morales. MVP reveals that he has set up a no disqualification match at Spongemania to settle the feud. Don Muraco comes out to attack MVP but Hardy comes down to help MVP. MVP’s fears that Hardy was the attacker are now gone. In week 5 Morales teamed up with Jeff Jarrett to beat MVP & Matt Hardy and sustains another beating from Morales and Don Muraco who was ringside.

    Pedro Morales comes out to the ring and the crowd boos. MVP then comes out looking determined. As soon as he gets in the ring he goes for Morales and launches punch after punch. The attack is endless and Morales can’t handle it. MVP gets out of the ring and looks under the ring to pull out a metal dustbin and several other items and throws them in the ring. He grabs the dustbin and smacks it over Morales’s head. He continues the assault with the other items in the ring. MVP is all fired up and the crowd love it. He grabs a chair and goes to hit Morales but he ducks and the chair hits the top rope and temporarily shocks MVP enough to allow Morales hit a backbreaker on MVP. This allows Morales to gain control. He now starts to assault MVP with the weapons in the ring including hitting a senton bomb on to a chair lying on top of MVP. Morales goes to the middle turnbuckle ready to hit MVP with with an elbow drop but MVP grabbed a steel bin lid and smacks Morales. MVP hits Morales a few more times with the lid in anger and goes to recover in the opposite corner. As Morales gets to his feet MVP rushes at him and hits Morales with a Drive-By Kick. MVP is now in control and sees an opportunity to grab a table from under the ring and sets it up in the ring. He prepares to put Morales through the table put out rushes Don Muraco to stop it. Muraco & MVP brawl leaving Morales to roll out of the ring to recover. Muraco is keeping MVP occupied so much that he doesn’t notice Morales come back in the ring with a steel chair to hit MVP. Muraco and Morales are now in control and look to beat MVP more. Matt Hardy rushes out to the ring with a steel chair in hand and stands side by side with MVP facing Muraco & Morales. MVP feels more confident now that the sides are level but before we know it Hardy smashes the chair over the back of MVP. The crowd are shocked to see an action from someone they were cheering earlier in the night. Morales proceeds to put MVP in a Boston Crab and MVP has no choice but to tap out. Muraco is next up and powerbombs MVP through the table set up in the ring. The trio of Hardy, Muraco & Morales stand in the ring with arms raised. It seems that there is a new faction in the SWE with the new SWE Interprovincial Champion Matt Hardy as their new leader. Winner: Pedro Morales
    Lou Thesz vs Randy Orton w/ Cowboy Bob Orton

    In week 1 Cowboy Bob Orton instilled into his son Randy Orton the belief that he is destined to be greater than all the legends currently in the SWE. Later that evening he attacked Lou Thesz straight after he defended his SWE Heavyweight Championship against Jeff Jarrett and that resulted in Edge cashing in his guaranteed contract to beat Thesz for the championship. In week 2 Randy, having had his work the previous week completely unrecognized by Thesz interferes with Thesz’z rematch for the SWE Heavyweight Championship resulting in Edge retaining the belt. In week 3 Thesz finally acknowledges the threat of Orton and warns him what would happen once he got hold of him. Later that evening in a tag match between Orton & Edge versus Sting & Thesz, Orton and Thesz end up brawling and exit the arena continuing the brawl. In week 4 Cowboy Bob Orton challenges Thesz but ends badly as Thesz breaks Bob Orton’s arm with a steel chair. Randy Orton cannot do anything to help his father. In week 5 Thesz comes out to Orton’s match with Sting and distracts Orton enough for Sting to win. Thesz then goes after Orton and his father but they escape through the crowd.

    Randy Orton comes out to the ring accompanied by his father Cowboy Bob Orton. Lou Thesz follows suit but is more eager to get the match started. The bell rings and Thesz goes straight for Orton who is not ready to start. Orton struggles free but everytime he gets free Thesz gets him again. Thesz’z eagerness gets the better of him as Orton hits him with an inverted headlock backbreaker and now has control of the match. He methodically beats on Thesz including his now famous multiple stomps while circling Thesz. He pauses every now and then to pose with his hands raised which infuriates the audience and has Bob Orton laughing outside the ring. He throws Thesz outside the ring and again antagonizes the crowd. He goes to exit the ring to get Thesz but the referee stops him. Thesz stumbles to his feet and goes to get in the ring but Orton grabs him and sets him up for his patented Rope Hung DDT but Thesz gets his feet in the ring and and escapes it. Thesz gets a head of steam and hits Orton with several German suplexes. Orton cannot handle Thesz’s high octane offense and is wearing down. Thesz is about to lock in the STF on Orton but Bob Orton hops on the apron and distracts Thesz enough to allow Orton push Thesz into the referee. The referee falls out of the ring. With the referee on the ground outside of the ring, Bob Orton gets in the ring ready to attack Thesz but is spotted by Thesz who puts Bob Orton into an STF. Bob Orton is in agony and is tapping repeatedly. Thesz maintains the hold for a while until Randy Orton breaks it up and Bob Orton rolls slowly out of the ring. As Thesz gets up to face Randy Orton he is hit with an RKO from Randy Orton. Orton then goes for the pinfall but the referee is still outside the ring and unable to count the pin. Orton goes over to the ropes to get the referee who is coming to his feet. Thesz gets to his feet and comes behind Orton and gives him a bridging belly to back suplex which ends with Ortons shoulders pinned. The referee is slowly making his way over and counts slowly 1……2…….Orton kicks out. The crowd gasp. The referee is still groggy and is getting up slowly as is Orton. Thesz goes to come off the ropes but suddenly gets hit with a chair from Bob Orton as he rebounds off the ropes and he stumbles forward and straight into another RKO by Randy Orton and he covers Thesz for the pinfall. Bob Orton raises his son’s hand in victory as the crowd boo. Winner: Randy Orton
    SWE Tag Team Championship

    The Rock n Roll Express (c) vs The Dream Team

    In week 1 the long time SWE Tag Team Champions The Rock n Roll Express, consisting of Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton, revealed that they would welcome all challengers. The Dream Team, consisting of Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake promptly accepted this challenge. In week 2 The Dream Team beat The Rock n Roll Express by Valentine rolling up Gibson with some hold of Gibson’s tights. This entitled The Dream Team to a championship match tonight. In week 3 Valentine beats Gibson in a singles match with the help of outside interference from Beefcake. In week 4 Morton beats Beefcake in a singles match after interference from Valentine ends up disqualifying Beefcake. However Beefcake does manage to cut a lock of hair from Morton after the match. In week 5 The Dream Team say that will become new tag team champions and shave Morton & Gibson bald in the process. The Rock n Roll Express come back to say that over the last few weeks they have now seen all The Dream Team have to offer and that its not good enough to beat them.

    The Dream Team come out first and the crowd boo as they pose in the ring. Next out are the Rock n Roll Express who rush out to the ring and The Dream Team exit the ring quickly. The crowd cheer as they pose with the belts held up in the air. The match starts with Gibson locking up with Valentine. Valentine’s power proves too much for Gibson’s speed and he gains control. Valentine tags in Beefcake and holds Gibson so that Beefcake can get a clean hit but Gibson escapes and Beefcake hits Valentine instead. Beefcake apologises but Gibson gets to tag in Morton who subsequently hits Beefcake from behind who then bumps into Valentine and sends him out of the ring. Beefcake is shocked to see what he’s done to his partner but has no time to think of it as Morton rolls up Beefcake for a pin attempt but just fails to get the three count. Valentine is visibly upset and Beefcake exits the ring to calm him down. They seem to be calm now and get on with the match. Valentine is now in the ring with Morton and wears him down. He puts Morton into his patented figure four leglock. Beefcake spots Gibson starting to come in the ring and comes in himself but the referee spots him and urges him to get back out. While the referee is dealing with Beefcake Morton taps out and Valentine thinks he has won and releases the hold. He then notices that the referee is dealing with his partner and is upset that the tap out was not recognised. He gives out to Beefcake but doesn’t see Morton tag in Gibson. A flurry of hits on Valentine leaves him worn down but he still manages to tag in Beefcake. Beefcake rushes at Gibson but is brought down by a drop toe-hold and then Morton hits him with an elbow drop. As Valentine is recovering on the floor outside the ring he does not notice Beefcake getting hit with a double dropkick from both sides by Morton & Gibson and an easy pinfall by The Rock n Roll Express. Valentine turns in shock at his partner, waves him away in disgust and walks back up the ramp. The referee raises the hands of Morton & Gibson as the champions. As they are celebrating out comes Pedro Morales & Don Muraco and heavily beat up the tag team champions. The members of the new faction headed up by the new SWE Interprovincial Champion Matt Hardy seem to have their eyes on the SWE Tag Team Championship. Winner & Still SWE Tag Team Champions: The Rock n Roll Express
    SWE Heavyweight Championship

    Edge (c) w/ Stacy Keibler vs Sting

    In week 1 Sting won a triple threat match against Randy Orton and Terry Funk to become the number one contender for the SWE Heavyweight Championship. That same evening Edge cashed in his guaranteed contract to beat a badly injured Lou Thesz to become the SWE Heavyweight Champion. In week 2 Edge retained the championship against Lou Thesz with help from Randy Orton. In week 3 Edge introduces his new valet, Stacy Keibler while Sting confronts Edge calling him a fake champion. Later that evening Edge teamed up with Randy Orton to face Sting and Lou Thesz. Edge speared Sting for the win after a distraction by Stacy Keibler. In week 4 Edge hosts his talk show “The Cutting Edge” and has Sting on as his guest. Sting calls Edge a coward and challenges the champion to a Pick Your Poison match the following week where they would pick an opponent for the other. Edge angrily agrees and subsequently spears Sting after a distraction from Stacy Keibler. In week 5 Edge picks Randy Orton to fight Sting. Sting wins after a distraction from Lou Thesz. Sting picks Terry Funk to fight Edge. Edge wins by count out after Funk leaves the ring to help his partner Macho Libre who is getting attacked backstage. However Sting surprises Edge after the match and gets him to tap out to his Scorpion Death Lock.

    Edge’s music sounds and he appears with his title around his waist and his valet Stacy Keibler on his arm. When they get in the ring Stacy takes off her pink dressing gown to reveal a sexy pink bikini and pink stillettoes. The referee can’t take his eyes off Stacy.

    Sting comes out and the crowd cheer. They are hopeful that the Icon can become the new champion. The match starts off slowly. Each time they lock up together Sting gets in a hit and Edge retreats outside the ring to recover. This happens one too many times and Sting goes out to get Edge who runs away and back in the ring. As Sting gets back in the ring Edge kicks him and is now in control. Edge continues to pile on the pressure but cannot get the pinfall. He sets Sting up for a Sharpshooter and Sting is in agony. He seems ready to tap out but the crowd are urging him not too. Somehow Sting gets enough energy to crawl over to grab the bottom rope. The referee gets Edge to release the hold. Sting is using the ropes to get back to his feet and as Edge runs to him, Sting pulls down the top rope and Edge goes sprawling out onto the floor. Sting now has the time to recover whilst Edge is outside. Sting goes outside and rams Edge’s head into the steel steps. Edge is stumbling and is thrown back in the ring by Sting. Edge struggles to get to his feet in the corner and Sting runs at Edge to give him a Stinger Splash. Edge stumbles out of the corner and falls flat on his face. The crowd can feel the end is near. Sting gives Edge a Scorpion Death Drop and goes to cover Edge but Keibler hops up on the apron and the referee stares at her with jaw dropped and fails to notice the attempted pinfall. Sting shouts at the referee who comes out of his daze and goes to count the pinfall but Edge kicks out in time. Sting is not happy at the referee. Now Sting puts Edge in a Scorpion Death Lock but Keibler once again hops up on the apron and again the referee can’t help stare at her with his jaw dropped. Sting this time releases the submission hold and grabs Keibler. Keibler tries to fight Sting off and pulls away but Sting grabbed Keibler’s bikini top and it rips off as Keibler pulls away. The crowd give a loud cheer and Keibler runs away trying to cover up her assets. Sting is laughing as this happens but as soon as he turns back to face his opponent Edge gives him a spear and crawls over to pin Sting and win the match. Keibler who has retreated half way up the ramp starts to cheer and has her hands raised in excitement not knowing she has no bikini top. Winner & Still SWE Heavyweight Champion: Edge

    The PPV leaves some feuds unsettled and some new feuds created. With Macho Libre as the new General Manager, chaos will ensue. Vickie Guerrero with the help of The Natural Disasters (her boyfriends) will attempt to get her job back. Macho will also attempt to put Terry Funk into the SWE Heavyweight Championship picture where Sting will also want to take the title from Edge. Stacy Keibler will have to get over her wardrobe malfunction and a new crush from one of the referees. There is also a new faction in the SWE (didnt have the time to come up with a witty name for them but that would be revealed in the bext show after the PPV) with the new SWE Interprovincial Champion Matthew Hardy as the head and Pedro Morales and Don Muraco by his side. They will reveal a new gospel according to Matthew along the Austin 3:16 route. MVP and Jeff Jarrett (with a face turn) will have issues with this. Morales and Muraco will also look to challenge The Rock n Roll Express for the SWE Tag Team Championship. The Dream Team of Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake look to have started their own feud. Lou Thesz will look to get revenge on Randy Orton as well. I'm sure Randy will have some future issues with his father Cowboy Bob Orton in the future.

    Best of luck to all in the voting

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak


    Jim Ross and Joey Styles welcome us to Mayhem Rising II live from Madison Square Garden in New York City. Before they can run down the card, a familiar song booms over the P.A and sends the WECWF Universe into rapures.

    Heyman walks to the ring with his bodyguards, John Kronus and Perry Saturn. Heyman walks with a confident stride and grabs a mic from ringside.


    "Tonight is the beginning of the end of the WECWF, as far as Eric Bischoff is concerned.. Look around you Bischoff, this in your tiny little mind might be the house you built, but I and everyone else in this arena knows what you really wanted this promotion to be.." An ECW chant breaks out which Heyman acknowledges with a wry smile. "So saviour your final moments, because after tonight, you'll be nothing more than a backstage announcer in BWA or MNG and your legacy as the biggest failure in the History of Professional Wrestling will remain in tact.. "

    Bischoff hearing enough of Heyman now appears at ringside with Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff and Antonino Rocca at his side..


    "Hhahahhahha.. The fact that YOU have the audacity to say im "THE BIGGEST FAILURE IN THE HISTORY OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING" Is fuc*ing laughable to me Heyman, what have you ever achieved?? You were the owner of a promotion that ran out of a Bingo Hall, and i ran the WCW.. Now I have the number one promotion in the Monday Night Wars II, and you come here with your tail between your legs, trying to make a name for yourself, honestly Heyman i feel sorry for you.. I feel sorry for denial, and for the fact you still think you have relevence to anyone, and most importantly i feel sorry because after tonight, your kids will have to look at you every day, jobless, homeless and realise what i always knew.. Your a pathetic, worthless LOSER... "



    Both men lock up and Hayabusa hits a spinning wheel kick to the face of Guerrera. Hayabusa now goes on the offensive and cotinues with punches and kicks, before Juvie is hit out of the ring, Haybusa runs the ropes and summersaults over the top rope, giving the WECWF crowd its first "HOLY SH*T!!!" moment of the night
    Hayabusa rolls Guerrera back into the ring and covers him for the 2 count.. Hayabusa sensing victory ascents the top turnbuckle and hits the
    450 splash but somehow Juvie rolls out of the way and both men are on the canvas..

    Juvie gets to his feet first and turns the tide by hitting a variey of kicks of his own before going for the hurricanrarna, "Hes beating him like a government mule" says JR... Juvie goes for the Juvie Driver but somehow Hayabusa reverse's into a DDT and hits the Phenoix Splash for the 1.... 2 ... 3


    After the match Guerrera is forced to de-mask in the centre of the ring, both Joey Styles and J.R put over the tradition of the Mask to a Mexican Luchador, and say they respect the tears in Guerrera's eyes..


    Mean Gene Okerlund is Backstage with Bobby the Brain Heenan


    "Tonight is a big night for the Heenan Family, When Andre ends the career of Kurt Angle and then Nick Bockwinkle unifies the Legends and Television Title, the Heenan Family will ascend to the top of the WECWF mountain.. "
    Bockwinkle joins Heenan and Mean Gene.. "Robert, when the Heenan Family asend to the top of WECWF, there is nobody with the Intellegence, Intergrity or Elliquence to stand in the way of the greatest stable in Wrestling History, and Shane Douglas is the first and easiest obstacle in our way.. "

    MATCH 2


    Joey Styles says he's desgusted with the idea of this match and the fact that WECWF put on a Tokyo Deathmatch days after a massive Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan..


    As the electro cage is lowered to the ring both men dont wait and beginning beating the living crap out of each other, with Vampiro grabbing a barbwired Bat and begins to swing hitting Tanaka numerous times and instantly draws blood. Tanaka reverses and trows Vampiro into the cage with instantly begins to smoke, and makes a horrifying sound. Both JR and Styles scream "OH MY GAWD"

    Tanaka sets up a Table in the centre of the ring and hits a powerbomb which breaks both men in half, Tanaka gets the 3 count for the win


    Tanaka celebrates in the ring as the WECWF medical staff attend the obviously injured Vampiro
    Mene Gene is in the Lockerroom of Kurt Angle


    Kurt how do feel about Andre the Giant treatening to end your career Tonight??

    "Well if anyone could end my career its Andre, the guys a fu*king Giant.. Literally so tonight, im gonna have to climb the beanstalk and slay the Giant, by breaking his fuc*ing ankle.. Its true.. Its damn True



    The Bulldogs enter the ring to huge boos from the WECWF Universe. As they wave their British Flags.. Devitt enters to a massive reaction from the WECWF faithful

    Both men lock up and Dynamite hits the hiptoss, and follow's up with the dropkick, and he clearly has the upperhand in the early goings of the match.. "This match will single handidly prove WECWF has the best WRESTLING in the world today" says Joey Styles, a serious of reverses and near falls have the crowd on its feet, and both men take the match to the outside.

    Devitt takes the upperhand and rolls Dynamite back into the ring, but again Dynamite counters and hits an uppercut, accends the top rope and hits the flying headbutt, covers Devitt but only gets the 2 count.. As Dynamite grabs Devitt by the hair, and lifts him to his feet but Devitt reverses it into a Crossface in the centre of the ring.. Dynamite tries to struggle out of the submission, but Devitt locks it in further, as Dynamite tries to get to the ropes Devitt pulls him back to the centre of the ring, Dynamite is giving no choice but to tap out..


    Mene Gene Interviews Devitt backstage..

    "After all my years working around the World i finally feel like i've found my home in WECWF..."

    Before he can finish his sentence, both Bulldogs attack him and throw Devitt through the Backstage interview set





    Both Styles and J.R run throught the runs of a WECWF 3 Man Dance, including how when your pinned your eliminated from the match.. Both Douglas and Bockwinkle instantly turn on Backlund and hit their finishers with Douglas scoring the pin..



    And both Champions turn they're attentions to each other, and occupy a turnbuckle each as Bobby Heenan whispers in Bockwinkles ear.. Douglas and Bockwinkle lock up and Douglas gets the upperhand..
    Throwing Bockwinkle into the ring ropes and hitting a huge closeline, Douglas mockingly kicks Bockwinkle in the back of the head, and continues to beat down on his opponent.

    Douglas poses in the ring as Nick Bockwinkle is down on the mat.. Bobbby Heenan sensing defeat jumps up on the ring apron, and is instantly cornered by the referee

    With the referee distracted by Heenan, Bockwinkle hits the Title over the skull of Douglas and covers him just as the referee returns to the action and counts 1.. 2.. 3


    Bockwinkle and Heenan grab the titles and leave the ring to a chorus of boo's as Shane Douglas looks depressed in the ring.




    J.R and Joey Styles put over the years of hatred between Bischoff and Heyman, with Joey telling stories of how Bischoff tried to put ECW out of business in the 90's.


    The match begins with Angle looking up at Andre and both commentators mention about the huge size differance between both Wrestlers. Angle instanly goes for the suplex but doesnt even budge Andre off the ground.. Andre just laughs as he knocks Angle to ground with a huge club to the back of Angles head..

    Andre goes for a Chokeslam as Bischoff chears on from ringside, but Angle somehow gets out of it and goes for the dropkick to Andre's knees.. As the Giant staggers Angle senses blood and repeats the move, as Andre falls on his back Angle goes for the ankle lock, but Andre just rolls Angle off him and Angle goes flying through the ropes and out of the ring.

    Angle shakes himself off and returns to the ring, and uses his speed to hit Andre with punches and kicks, Angle throws Andre into the ropes and using the momentum to finallly suplex Andre.. Sensing victory he climbs the turnbuckle and hits the moonsault, and grabs the ankle of Andre.. Andre tries to roll over but Angle looks the move in further and forces the Giant to tap out..



    Angle and Heyman celebrate in the ring as Both Bischoff and Andre look shocked.. The WECWF Universe chant "NAH NAH NAH NAH WAY WAY WAY GOODBYE" As Bischoff slowly leaves the ring.. And WECWF MAYHEM RISING II ends..


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab


    Main Event for the Fusion Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title

    Samoa Joe vs. Chris Benoit

    Benoit has been leading a new version of The Four Horsemen (Himself, The American Wolves & Dusty Rhodes) that has vowed to destroy pro-wrestling forever. Benoit blames the loss of his family and friends and his health on the sport, and Samoa Joe has taken up the challenge as being the face of pro-wrestling. Joe has been telling Benoit that the only person to blame for his losses is himself. At the PPV Benoit hopes to win the title so he can hold the power within the company to bring it to the ground. He has management in a tough position because they agreed to give him a title match before the formation of The Four Horsemen. Joe wants to be the man who stops this group and bring pro wrestling back to the mainstream.

    Fight Without Honor
    El Generico vs. Nikita Koloff

    Generico and Koloff began as a mismatch tag-team, but Koloff snapped when Generico cost them a match when he became distracted by Miss Elizabeth. Koloff has been tormenting his ex-friend with serious attacks, including throwing him through a glass door, slicing him up. During this time Miss Elizabeth has been concerned that this is her fault. Generico returned to TV a week before the PPV with a serious attitude and wanted revenge after Koloff put his hands on Elizabeth. Koloff accepted and it has lead to a Fight Without Honor, were the rule book is thrown out the window.

    Dusty Rhodes Last Match
    Dusty Rhodes vs. Colt Cabana

    Dusty announced his retirement on Good Times, Great Memories and asked Colt Cabana to be his final challenger. Colt accepted, saying it would be an honor, but Dusty shocked the world by attacking Colt and joining a group he has had problems with, The Four Horsemen. Dusty claimed that the group had opened his eyes, and when the original group tried to break his leg, they were trying to save him. This resulted in bloody attacks on Cabana, who kept trying to convinve Dusty that he should retire with his head held high, not brain washed by Benoit. When The Four Horsemen attacked Colt and knocked him out, Dusty placed a chair on Cabanas leg, looking to do what the group did to him all those years ago. But after Benoit slapped Dusty and told him to hurry up and do it, Dusty smacked Benoit across the head with the chair, cleared out The American Wolves and shook Colts hand. Dusty now wants to retire with his head held high and cannot wait to steal the show with Cabana.

    Contest for the Fusion Pro-Wrestling Tag Team Titles

    The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards)
    The Extreme Horsemen (Steve Corino & CW Anderson)

    The American Wolves have been causing havoc on the roster since they debuted as part of The Four Horsemen. They have joined Benoit in his quest to destory wrestling, claiming that their youth makes them spokesmen for every young wrestler and hope to save all their lives, or destroy them trying. Corino and Anderson had enough and joined FPW to help stop The Four Horsemen. The two teams have been brawling every week in this bitter war, and it will all end at the PPV when the tag titles will be decided. If The Amercan Wolves win it could be the begining of the end for wrestling, but The Extreme Horsemen have the experience needed to stop them and save pro wrestling.

    Takeshi Morishima vs. Batista

    Morishima has had a problem with Batista claiming to be the best "big guy" in the world, claiming that takes every chance to not wrestle and will cheat to win. Batista says that Morishima hasn't proved anything to him. He points to his big house, his cars and the women on his arms to proove his success. Morishima tells him to put his money were his mouth is and challenges him to a match. Batista turns him down every week until a violent sneak attacked just 6 days before the PPV, leaving Morishima with a hugh disadvantge. Can Morishima battle through his injuries and beat Batista?

    $50,000 Knock Out Challenge
    Necro Butcher vs. Aja Kong

    Each week, Necro has been putting the money he made from The Wrestler on the line to the first person who can knock him out. Each week Butcher destoryed those put in front of him, but when Aja debuted and went to take on the challenge, Necro stated he doesn't hit women and refused. Kong went on to say that Butcher feared her, and he is not a man if he is afraid of facing a women. Necro agreed to the contest were the only way to win is to knock out the other wrestler.

    Joey Ryan vs. Val Venis

    Joey and Val have both been claiming that they are the ultimate ladies man. Val says that he is classy and can treat a woman to a good night, and an even better morning. Ryan says that the women of the 00's don't want a washed up porn star, they want the man who is bring sleavy back and will let them take a moustache ride all night long. The two men will battle just to see who the better ladies man is, and who will steal the hearts (and perhaps dignity) of the women of this world.

    Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli
    Special Guest Ref: Miss Elizabeth

    Miss Elizabeth has been managing The Kings of Wrestling, and they seemed destined for great things, but Hero and Claudio have had a petty rivlary over who the better wrestler is. It lead to them missing out on a chance to be in the tag title match at the PPV. Both men have also been trying to impress Miss Elizabeth in different ways. Hero has been taunting Claudio more since he has been on a loosing streak. The final straw was when Hero set him up to fave CP Munk and cost him the match. Claudio challenged him to a match and Hero accepted, but made Elizabeth the unwilling ref for the contest. Who will walk out as the truw King of Wrestling?

    Fusion Pro Wrestlings PPV is live from The National Stadium, Dublin in front of a sold out crowd of rabid wrestling fans. You can order the PPV from Sky Box Office now for €20 by phone or by pushing your red button.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,054 ✭✭✭D.Q

    DQWF presents Appetite for Destruction:


    Brock Lesnar Vs Mick Foley, Hell in a cell.

    Bruno Sammartino vs Nature Boy Buddy Rogers(c) w/Larry Zbyszko (DQWF world title)

    JBL vs The great Muta.

    Regal/Storm Vs Sandman/Justin Credible

    Ron Simmons Vs Braden Walker w/Tito Oritz

    Tommy Dreamer vs Hiroshi Hase vs Jun Akiyama

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    Show One:
    Show Two:
    Show Three:
    Press Conference:

    Press Conference acts as a short summary for the build up of the pay per without further delay...
    Ding Ding Ding

    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wrestling With Flair's inaugrual pay per view show, "To Be The Man...". We've got a fantastic line up and show ready for you here tonight so grab some popcorn and soft drinks, kick back and enjoy the show.

    The opening contest is scheduled for one fall and is a semi-finals match in tonight's Tag Team Tournament.

    It's James Storm and Robert Roode going against the team of Jamie Noble and Kid Kash. Storm and Kash start things off and although Storm has the height and weight advantage, Kash uses his speed to run circles round his opponent, ducking in and out and launching quick attacks on Storm. He tries kicking and punching different joints, trying to do as much damage as he can. Storm starts getting frustrated and backs into his corner, tagging in Roode who tells him to calm down. Kash continues to try and launch guerrilla style attacks, running in and out, but he gets caught. Roode clobbers him with a clothesline and starts beating down on hime.

    Roode whips Kash across the ring but this gives Noble the chance to get the blind tag. Noble climbs to the top rope and connects with a flying bulldog on Roode who still has his attention on Kash. Noble tries for a quick count but its kicked out of.

    Noble starts using his technical moves on Roode, but after a few minutes, Storm catches him with a forearm to the back of the head when Noble tries to hit the ropes. Noble takes a swing at Storm but it's dodged. With his back turned, Roode catches him with a vicious lariat to the back of the head. He tries for a cover but Noble kicks out.

    Beer Money beat down on Noble but he manages to escape them and gets the hot tag. Kash starts throwing drop kicks, snapmares and suplexes, dazzling the bigger men. However he gets caught with a superkick from Storm when he lets his guard down, and the two members of Beer Money connect with a DUI pwoerbomb/neckbreaker combo. Noble tries to break up the pin but Storm catches him and holds him down, as Roode gets the three count.

    Winners: Beer Money
    As we cut backstage, we find ourselves in the PPV greenroom, where William Shatner has been doing some renovating. There's a lovely leather sofa, a massive fridge with refreshments of various sorts, two beautiful women, a television, and of course, the guest host for the night, William Shatner. He stands in front of the TV, talking to the two girls.

    Shatner: You know, when they asked me to guest host, I was a bit worried. You know girls. I realise I've gotten a bit older and can't beat people up as well as I used to. I still look good shirtless, mind.

    The girls look at him longingly, cooing and swooning. Shatner is in his element, the perks of the job certainly obvious. The door clicks open and another person enters the scene. The crowd cheer as the camera reveals Ric Flair.

    Flair: WOO! William Shatner. My friend.

    They embrace each other in a hug.

    Shatner: My friend. How are you. Ready for your match?

    Flair: I'm always ready. You should know that. I'm going to take that Punk and I'm going to make him bleed. But that's later. For now, I wanted to thank you for taking on the responsibilities for tonight. I needed someone I could trust. Someone I knew could handle pressure. Someone who was a big enough name to handle such media attention. Someone who could kick the ass of anyone who stepped out of line...

    Shatner: Thanks, thanks.

    Flair: ...but Chuck Norris was taken.

    Shatner: :(

    Flair: But you'll do just as good a job, William. I know it. Now, I've got to go get ready.

    He turns to walk out of the room. He turns back.

    Flair: Ladies? Care to help me "prepare"? I think William has some duties to attend to.

    They run to Ric and grab an arm each.

    Shatner: :O

    Flair: WOOO!

    With that, Flair leaves and Shatner is left looking dejected.

    Next up, we've got a grudge match...

    As Cade makes his way down to the ring, a quick recap video plays. It shows how on the last show, Mudroch cost Cade a tag match they were working together and Cade snapped afterwards, attacking him for causing him to have another loss. Cade has yet to win a match since joining WWF.

    Murdoch looks like he doesn't particularly want to fight the man he once called his closest friend, but when Cade slaps him, his face changes. Murdoch starts throwing big right hands, and the fight is on. It's not pretty, much like Murdoch, and the two just hit each other with big stiff shots.

    The two go back and forth, each getting the upper hand. The end comes however when Cade catches Murdoch with a big lariat which seems to knock Murdoch a bit silly. He picks him up and connects with his sitout spinebuster. Instead of ending the match though, Cade picks Murdoch back up again and connects with a second spinebuster, Murdoch's head bouncing off the mat. Cade pins him, and gets the three count.

    Winner: Lance Cade

    After the match, Cade gets up and tells the ref to raise his hand. he celebrates his first win with a big smile on his face. Murdoch starts to wake up and rolls over onto his hands and feet. Cade helps him up, apologising to his friend. Cade says it was nothing personal. Murdoch's eyes are glazed over but he nods. Cade thanks him....before hitting him with another spinebuster! The crowd boo but Cade is too busy laughing and celebrating his win to care.

    We cut backstage where CM Punk is standing by with a microphone in hand, looking at the camera.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here before you tonight with a promise. See, last week, I interrupted a press conference that Ric Flair was holding and I beat him down. I used my own two hands to leave him in a bloody mess and I loved every second of it. Some call me a coward. I told him I would not lay a finger on him until this show. But then, people are forgetting that Ric Flair is the self-proclaimed dirtiest player in the game. And I know the best way to deal with scum is to sink to their level.

    Ric Flair is a high flying and profiling god to some people, looked up to by so many. People either want to be him or want to be with him. And THAT sickens me. And those same people look at me and scoff. Why? I am straight edge? That just means I have the common decency to take care of myself. I treat my body as my temple and the reasons will be clearly on display come my match tonight. For I promise here and now to take that party boy elder and destroy him. I promise to show him and all of you the reason why I am better than Flair...and I am better than all of you. And then you will have no choice but to realise there is only one true role model in this industry. And it’s not the booze chugging, drug taking, flopping, dropping son of a bitch that is Ric Flair. It’s me. And you will bow before your saviour.

    With that, Punk drops his microphone and leaves.

    Next up is the second semi-finals match in the Tag team Tournament.

    Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas go up against the Japanese team of KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji. It's Haas and Marufuji starting off, and Marufuji gives Haas the first shot. Haas is suspicious but he throws a strong forearm anyway. It connects hard but barely staggers Marufuji, hwho fires back with a forearm of his own, knocking over Haas, much to the crowds delight. the crowd like both teams though, and as the match starts up, they cheer both teams.

    The two teams trade advantages back and forth, both so evenly matched, both taking their hits well. They both are giving it their all, no thought at all for the fact they will fight again later if they win this. It's a stiff, no-nonsense brawl with plenty for technical showpieces thrown in for good measure.

    As we near the end, Shelton fails to connect with a splash into the corner, Kenta diving out of the way at the last second. Kenta connects with two hard slaps to the side of the head, and spins round for a roundhouse kick. Shelton ducks it though and uses Kenta's momentum against him to throw him over his shoulder with a T-Bone suplex. Before Shelton can get the pinfall, Marufuji comes in and kicks Shelton in the gut. He connects with an inside cradle, driving Shelton into the mat. Haas jumps into the ring and charges Marufuji, a clothesline taking both out of the ring. Kenta gets up and drags Shelton's lifeless body onto his shoulders before connecting with a Go 2 Sleep, driving his knee into Shelton's head. He gets the cover and the pinfall.

    Winners: KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji.

    Next up is a Steel Cage match between....

    As Truth makes his way to the ring and the cage is lowered, some clips play on the big screen; Dolph blindsiding Truth with an assault in week one, followed by clips of Ziggler continually fleeing any match afterwards. But Ziggler will not be running away tonight. he's going to be trapped inside of the metallic structure.

    Well, that was the idea. However, as soon as the match starts, Ziggler makes a dash for the cage wall and tries ascending it. Truth is right behind him though and grabs him by the pants, pulling him back down. The two start the match properly with Truth throwing big punches at Ziggler.

    Later in the match, the two men find themselves standing on the top rope together, one hand on the cage and the other being used to throw punches. Truth walks along the rope to the corner and turns his back to Ziggler, trying to regain his breath but this gives Ziggler the chance to apply the sleeper. He wraps his arms round Truth's head and Truth has to hold him up. Truth amazes the crowd as he starts climbing the cage with Ziggler on his back. Ziggler panics and falls back to the ropes, grabs Truth by the trousers and yanks him down to the ground again hard.

    Nearing the end, Truth and Ziggler find themselves up on top of the cage, both straddling it. They trade blows, threatening and teasing falling back and forth. The crowd are on the edge of their seat as Dolph throws a second leg over the top and tries climbing down. Truth grabs him by the hair and stops him though. He pulls him back up and the two struggle again. Truth headbutts Ziggler and Dolph falls back to the ground, leaving Truth alone at the top of the cage.

    The fans start baying for him to climb down and win but Truth shakes his head. He moves his legs back towards the ring. Ziggler has been running for weeks and Truth doesn't plan on winning by doing the same. He climbs up so he's standing on top of the cage. As Ziggler stands in the ring, Truth dives off and spins round once, and lands heavily on Ziggler with a massive Lie Detector! The crowd erupt as Truth pulls himself on top of Ziggler for the three count.

    Winner: R-Truth


    William Shatner appears on the large screen and talks to the crowd.

    Shatner: Ladies and gentlemen, are we having fun?

    The crowd cheer.

    Shatner: Of course you are. It is my show after all. Now before we go any further, I just wanted to make a small announcement with regards the main event later tonight. I heard CM Punk was mouthing off earlier on, making promises and saying he would destroy Ric Flair. Now, I won’t get in the way of a fair fight, but I do intend on making sure it’s a fair fight. As such, I am hereby announcing that the other three members of Apokalypse, namely The Uso twins and Ace Steel, are BANNED from ringside. And if they show their faces, then they will have to deal with me. Thanks for listening.

    With that, Shatner disappears from the screen and we continue with the show.

    Next up is a handicap match...

    (Side Note: Pictures of Rosey that work in photoshop are incredibly hard to find <_<)

    Hurricane and Rosey come through the curtain to a huge pop, but are followed quickly out by CM Punk's fellow Apokalypse members; Ace Steel and The Usos clobber the duo over the back of the head and start beating on them on the ramp and towards the ring. The crowd are booing, as they roll Hurricane into the ring. The Usos double team Rosey into the stairs on the outside, before climbing onto the apron.

    Hurricane gets to his feet and the ref reluctantly rings the bell, starting the match. Steel runs into him quickly and floors the superhero, mounting him and throwing wild punches. The match continues for five minutes with Hurricane taking a huge beating. He tries fighting back a few times but every time he does, he gets smacked back down. Rosey makes his way back to the apron and pulls himself up. He stretches his arm out for the tag but Hurricane is struggling badly.

    Jimmy Uso makes a mistake allowing Hurricane to get a tag. Rosey comes in and starts smashing the other three, his massive bulk meaning he can take them on easily. He clobbers Jimmy, clotheslines Jay as he enters the ring and bangs Steel out to the floor from the apron. He turns his attentions back to Jimmy who is using the corner to pull himself to his feet, and crushes him up against it. He catches Jay with a sidewalk slam. Steel tries climbing back in but is pushed off again, landing on the barriace.

    Hurricane ascends to the top rope and catches Jay with a neckbreaker, the two men hitting the ground hard. In the confusion, Rosey thinks Jay is the legal man and tries for a pin as Hurricane leaves the ring. The ref tells him that Jimmy is legal. Rosey tries getting back up but Jimmy rolls him up from behind. Steel is on the outside and holds his partner down, blocking a kickout attempt. Jay manages to wrap himself around Hurricane's legs, and Jimmy gets the three count.

    Winners: The Usos & Ace Steel

    It's time for the finals of the Tag Team Tournament, and its...

    Both teams may have been in matches earlier but both teams look ready to engage in battle once more. Kenta and Storm start things off...but as they circle the ring, Roode comes in behind Kenta and hits him over the head with a clothesline, sending him to the floor. Marufuji climbs in to try and make the save, but Storm kicks him in the head as he climbs through the ropes. It looks like Beer Money had a plan before the match started to pick up an early lead in the match. The crowd boo their tactics but one can't deny they are working; Storm manages to start beating down early on Kenta as Marufuji collapses to the mats outside the ring, holding his head.

    Beer Money control most of the match; even when Marufuji recovers, Beer Money keep Kenta isolated, tagging in and out regularly and dominating the match. Every now and again, Kenta launches a comeback but the American duo manage to subdue him.

    Finally, Kenta manages to give the two the slip and gets the tag to his partner, who launches into the ring and starts going wild, destroying Storm and Roode with a variety of punches, kicks, chops and holds. He throws Roode out of the ring, leaving himself with Storm as the legal man. He connects with three different styles of suplexes, just throwing Storm around. Roode comes back in and eats a dropkick, but it's enough to give Storm the chance to leave the ring. Beer Money tries recouping, but they stand in a perfect position for Kenta to catch them with a suicide dive through the ropes!

    The crowd goes nuts as Kenta grabs Storm and throws him back into the ring. Storm backs away from Kenta who climbs onto the apron but this allows Marufuji to bend down and lift him into an electric chair position. Kenta climbs to the top rope and dives off, connecting with an elevated Busaiku knee, causing Storm to fall hard to the mat. Kenta leaves the ring and Marufuji goes for the cover.

    He only gets the two but is not put off. He stands up and when Storm rises, he grabs him in a three-quarter face lock. He runs at the corner and runs up to the top rope, looking for a Shiranui, but Roode has managed to get back up outside and climbs to the apron, swiping at Marufuji's knees and causing him to crotch himself on the top rope. Still standing on the apron, Roode leaves himself open to a running knee from Kenta, causing the Beer Money member to fall to the outside. Kenta climbs out after him.

    With Marufuji sitting on the top rope though, he's in a bad position; Storm moves up to him and hooks the arms, catching him in a crucifix powerbomb position. He pulls him from the corner and spins him round, before sending him crashing down with the Eye of the Storm! Marufuji lands akwardly on his neck and can't kick out of the cover.

    Winners: Beer Money


    Winners of tonight's Tag Team Tournament: BEER MONEY!

    Kenta climbs back into the ring but Storm slides out as quick. he reunites with Roode and the two back off up the ramp, celebrating their win.

    And now it's time for our main event...

    A highlight video plays before either man makes their way through the curtain, detailing the rivalry which has developed between the two so far; CM Punk, laying into Flair for his partyboy ways. Flair calling CM Punk an arrogant kid in a man's world. Punk promising not to lay a hand on Flair before their match. Scenes from the press conference where Punk broke this promise and left Flair bleeding. Flair telling Punk he's going to make him bleed. The ultimate battle between the personifications of the high life and the straight edge styles.

    Flair makes his way out first to a rapturous applause and cheers. Punk follows out next, flanked by his Apokalypse teammates, Ace Steel and The Usos, despite their banning earlier. The crowd boo as all four men move towards the ring. Punk climbs onto the apron as the others circle around it. Flair watches as each one climbs up on a different side of the ring. Punk is laughing as his music stops.

    ???: Woah! Stop. Punk!

    The crowd cheer as William Shatner walks through the curtain, microphone in hand.

    Shatner: Steel. Usos. I warned you. So I’m will say this once more. I am asking you once. Leave now. Let these two have their match, fairly.

    Punk laughs and orders the other three into the ring. They surround Flair. Flair doesn't move, doesn't look intimidated. Just stares into Punk's eyes. Grins. Winks.

    Shatner: Fine. You know what. I'm not the only one who wants to see a fair match here tonight. I've brought friends.

    With that, wrestlers start pouring out through the curtain from the backstage area. The Hurricane and Rosey who were screwed out of their match earlier. The four tag teams who were in the tournament. R-truth and Trevor Murdoch. They all march down to the ring and circle round it, climbing inside. Punk looks worried, and starts to panic. He runs to the corner but the roster move past him. They don't want him having an excuse. Instead, they grab Ace Steel and The Usos and carry them out of the ring and up the ramp. Punk holds his arm out, begging them not to be taken, but they disappear off through the curtain. Shatner smiles and waves to Punk before leaving.

    Punk and Flair are now alone and it will be a fair one on one fight. Punk looks annoyed but always has a plan B. He starts circling the ring, as does Flair, as the ref rings the bell and the match begins.

    Punk comes out of the corner quickly, trying to overcome Flair with his youthful speed, but Flair has so much experience that he sees the punches coming. He ducks and starts hitting Punk with knife edge chops across the chest, pounding him hard and turning him beetroot red. Punk backs into a corner, reluctant to fight. Flair just taunts him.

    The match goes back and forth, the two trading turns at holding the advantage. Punk uses his submissions to try and stretch Flair out, trying to find a perfect weak spot to deal the most damage. Flair hits with hard chops and busts out his technical moveset as well. The two men are working each other over, not going for high risk, big and flashy moves but low risk and effective moves.

    A real turning point occurs when Flair ascends to the top rope and waits for Punk to turn round. Before he can jump though, Punk runs at Flair to try and stop him. Flair catches him with an eye gouge, causing Punk to stumble back. However the set back is only momentary as Punk runs back and jumps up, hitting Flair with a high knee to the forehead. Flair tumbles down to the canvas and Punk is on him immediately, mounting him and throwing wild punches. Punk jumps to his feet and holds his arms out, as the crowd boo madly.

    Punk just beats down on Flair for a solid five minutes, not interested in pinning him, just beating him. Flair doesn't give up but his face shows his agony as Punk stomps him into the canvas.

    Finally Punk says it's over and picks Flair up. He hoists him onto his shoulders, ready for a Go 2 Sleep. However, Flair slides down his back and uses his remaining energy to connect with a chop block to the back of the knee. Punk falls over and Flair capitalises, grabbing the leg, pushing Punk to the mat and locking in the figure four leg lock. Punk screams in pain and agony as he flails around, trying to reach for the ropes, the crowd begging for him to tap out. Punk refuses and manages to drag himself to the ropes, forcing the break.

    Flair senses blood in the water though. He jumps up and struts around the ring, the crowd loving it, as Flair stands over Punk, goading him to get back up. As Punk climbs to his feet, Flair catches him with an atomic drop, followed by a push into the ropes and a backdrop. As Punk lies in the middle of the ring, Flair moves back to his feet and bends down to grab them, looking for another figure four.

    Punk grabs him by the head and rolls him up.



    NO! Flair kicks out at the last second. The two men climb to their feet but Punk is quicker and uses Flair's momentum against him. Punk lifts Flair onto his shoulders and connects with the Go 2 Sleep! Flair's head explodes in a spray of blood from the impact with Punk's knee and he collapses to the mat. Punk covers again.



    NO! Again, Flair kicks out and Punk can't believe it. He looks at the ref in disbelief before getting back to his feet. Flair rolls over, letting the camera get a good look at him as the blood soaks into his platinum hair. Punk motions that he's finishing this. He leans down and locks in the Anaconda Vice, trying to choke out Flair. Flair landed close enough to the ropes to wrap his leg around it though, and the ref tells Punk to break the hold. Punk refuses and the ref starts counting. Punk holds it for the full 4 count before releasing it.

    Punk pushes the ref into the corner and starts screaming at him for daring to threaten a DQ. As he does, Flair uses the ropes to crawl towards Punk. With his back turned, Punk doesn't see Flair come up behind him. He doesn't see anything till he realises Flair's arm is between his legs. The ref doesn't see the low blow; he just sees Punk fall back into the roll up. Flair grabs some tights and Punk's shoulders are down.



    No, wait! Flair stands up, grabs Punk by the legs, and locks in the figure four leg lock again! They are in the corner but at a 45 degree angle, with Punk unable to reach the ropes! The crowd are cheering as Flair pumps back and forth, holding onto the move. Punk begs for help from the crowd, but they are too busy enjoying his pain. He raises his arm to tap out....before rolling over with one strong movement, putting all his effort into the reversal!

    Flair releases and the two men stand. As they do, Punk swings a kick round and connects with Flair's head! Flair flops forward and Punk drags him to the middle of the ring. he applies the Anaconda Vice and Flair has nowhere to go. The crowd are begging Flair not to tap out but the camera focuses in on his face and shows the truth; Flair is wrecked and can't muster the strength to move. Tears mix with blood as his eyes show his devastation. Punk just holds the move as tight as he can.

    Flair refuses to tap out. His eyes slowly close. The ref checks his arm and it drops once...drops twice...drops a third time and it's over. The ref rings the bell and Punk releases. He stays on his knees as his music plays.
    Winner: CM Punk

    Punk celebrates as videos play showing the highlights. After a few moments, Punk stands in the middle of the ring watching as Flair starts to stir. Flair gets to his knees in front of Punk. Punk puts his hand out and helps Flair up. A sign of respect. The two look at each other for a few moments, before Punk raises Flair's hand. The crowd cheer....and Punk pulls Flair towards him, lowering his shoulder and trying to lift him for the G2S!

    Flair reverses though, falling behind Punk, ready for such a bait-and-switch! Flair delivers another low blow. Punk bends over and turns round, right into a right hook from Flair which busts Punk's forehead open! As Punk falls over bleeding, Flair locks in the figure four leg lock! The crowd cheer as Punk starts tapping out! Flair holds it in for as long as he can before releasing it. Punk slides out of the ring in pain, as Flair stands up, exhausted. The crowd cheer as he waves.

    The show goes off the air with Flair thanking everyone for coming, blowing kisses and bowing to those who return the favour. Flair may not have won the match tonight but he had the last word against Punk, and fulfilled his promise of making him bleed.

    Thanks for reading ladies and gentlemen, and good night.
    Beer Money d. The Pitbulls
    Lance Cade d. Trevor Murdoch
    KENTA & Marufuji d. World's Greatest Tag Team
    R-Truth d. Dolph Ziggler
    Ace Steel & The Usos d. The Hurricane & Rosey
    Beer Money d. KENTA & Marufuji
    CM Punk d. Ric Flair

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,177 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic


    Week 3.

    Main points coming into this week’s show...
    - SWF Championship Match made for Desolution – Stone Cold (c) v Jake Roberts
    - Roberts attacked, and then evaded Stone Cold, again!
    - Gorgeous George recruited Ahmed Johnson, who attacked Bob Sapp. George then slapped, and spat on, Sapp.
    - Pure Championship Match made for Desolution – Tully Blanchard (c) v Brian Pillman.
    - Tully attacked Pillman, while Arn ‘offered his services’ to Pillman.
    - The Wild Samoans are the new no. 1 contenders for the Tag Team Championship, Peter Maivia in tow.
    - Tensions growing between Strike Force’s Martel and Santana
    “Welcome everyone I’m Jim Ross along with Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and we welcome you to Monday Night Smooth, live from Atlanta, Georgia, in front of 18,000 fans. Jake Roberts, we’re told, is here tonight, with Austin on his way, so who knows what’s going to happen as we get rolling....”

    ...and speaking of Jake...

    Up on the Tron, Roberts face is sneering, as the crowd boos vociferously.

    “So, did you all see last week’s show? It was a good one wasn’t it? Another Monday Night Smooth, another night of Austin being made a fool of. Now that idiot JR may have just told you i’m there, but i’m not. You can choose to believe me or not, I couldn’t care less. But I don’t need to be there tonight. My plan for this evening is very simple. Instead of me walking that aisle like a self-important fool, like all your heroes, I’m going to conduct my business in a civil manner. I have my shot at the title, so I don’t need to conduct my business in any other way. But I am going to call Austin out. For one very simple reason. He needs to hear EXACTLY why I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing.

    But I’m not going to reveal that now. That’d be foolish. I want to see Austin’s face in the middle of that ring. So at the behest of the owner, I’ve booked time at the end of the night to speak with Austin publically. So enough of you all wasting my time now.

    Next up...our first match of the evening...

    Muhammad Hassan v Mike Quackenbush
    Hassan makes his way down the aisle as JR reminds us of what happened last week, as Hassan missed out on a title shot twice. Hassan is visibly irate as he makes his way down the aisle, customary wailing theme behind him. Quackenbush is making his debut in SWF tonight.

    The match starts and Hassan is the aggressor right away, raining punches and kicks down on the newcomer. Quackenbush manages to get the upper hand with a couple of technical takedowns, and Hassan continues to be frustrated, hammering the mat on various occasions. After 3 or 4 minutes, Hassan snaps, low blows Quackenbush violently, gets disqualified, gets a chair, hammers him with shots all over the body, culminating in his Camel Clutch, hitting cross forearms on Quackenbush’s prone face as he holds him. He finally lets go.

    Winner, by DQ, Mike Quackenbush

    Hassan leaves the ring, grabs a mic, and talks as he walks towards the back...
    “I didn’t want to do this, I really didn’t. But when a man is shown disrespect time and time again, and when a man is on the end of dodgy officiating, dodgy management, then there is only so much a man can take. And a man will react.”

    He turns towards the crowd.
    “I am THE most dominant superstar in SWF. I deserve to be champion. I will be champion.

    Boos fill the arena.

    Suddenly, a figure appears, and as Hassan turns, he gets lifted up, and the all too familiar spinebuster of Arn Anderson hits Hassan hard onto the steel floor.

    The crowd cheer, as they see Hassan receive some comeuppance. but when they realise it’s Anderson, there’s a bit of confusion, Anderson just turns and walks to the back.


    In the back, Anderson walks up to Brian Pillman.
    “You see that? That’s what I can do for you. Impact. I can fast track you to championships. And when you win championships, I can help you keep them. Ask Tully Blanchard. Ask a certain ‘Woooooooooo!’ 16-time world champion.”

    Seemingly interested, but still very confused, Pillman asks...
    “What the hell is in all this for you?”
    “Glory. The opportunity to be alongside a future great. I didn’t nurture Tully, or the other champions I was alongside. I was their cohort. I’m at that stage in my career where I want to mould someone into the best they can possibly be. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but ‘Toot toot’....because I have done it all, seen it all, and now want to instill my value into someone else who I see as worthy. You, ‘Loose Cannon’, are that man”

    Pillman just stares at Arn, and Arn, relaxed, stares back. After a few seconds, Arn backs off and walks away.


    Pillman is out for the next match, as he’s set to take on Gorgeous George.

    This makes for an intriguing clash of styles...Pillman’s modern, high impact, high flying style against the old school savvy of George. Tully is seen in the back watching on a monitor.

    George has Ahmed Johnson in his corner, after his attack on Bob Sapp last week. Pillman has the majority of the offence, but the 2 on 1 odds prove too much. Pillman has George down for at least 3, but Johnson’s distraction of the referee on the outside means Pillman gets off George, and George takes advantage, as he sprays Pillman in the eye with his perfume, the referee turns, and George cradles Pillman with a handful of tights for the win.

    Winner, by pinfall: Gorgeous George.

    Afterwards George grabs a mic. Just as he’s about to start, Sapp’s music hits, to an ovation from the sell-out crowd.
    “George, Ahmed...i’m not going to keep you long. Firstly, nice attack last week. But it’ll take a lot more than that to knock some sense into me. Secondly, Ahmed, as for you becoming an ally with George...well...ithink I speak for everyone in saying we just don’t give a crap. Thirdly, we will fight at Desolution George. You have an ally, and even though I could kick both your asses, I know anything can happen, as we have just seen there. So I have backup.

    This man needs no introduction. He’s a friend of mine, he’s a funny bastard, but he can be a mean bastard. He loves this business, and jumped at the chance to be in my corner. That’s all the bull**** from me...I give you...Shaquille O’Neal!"

    Shaq comes out to a huge ovation, as George is irate in the ring, with Johnson just staring in disbelief.

    In the back, Tully is seen giggling away to himself. Arn Anderson comes up behind him, and gives him a friendly, but firm, slap on the back as a greeting.

    Tully jovially remarks...
    "Well Arn, there’s your kid. Beaten. Just like he’ll be in 2 weeks. What is it you exactly see in him? He’s a punk. He’s a nobody. He isn’t a patch on my style, my talent and my accomplishments. Who the hell is he? Or are you just having some sort of midlife crisis, and you feel the need feel relevant again for a while?"


    Arn stares his friend in the eye, gives him a slap to the side of the face, forcing him to the ground, and walks off.


    Tag team action next as the number one contenders for the SWF Tag-Team Titles, The Wild Samoans, take on Ray Stevens and Chris Candido. Stevens of course has mixed feelings, as his old tag partner, Peter Maivia, is now managing The Wild Samoans.

    SWF tag-team champions Strike Force – Rick Martel and Tito Santana are on colour commentary for the match. There is still palpable tension between the two after the events of recent weeks.

    It’s an even match...with Candido often mirroring the veteran Stevens in his offence. They bring it strongly, but the finish comes as Maivia is chatting to Stevens, preventing him from making a save for Candido as he’s covered by Sika. A big grin comes across Maivia’s face as he jumps into the ring to raise The Samoans’ hands. Stevens steps into the ring, remonstrating, and as he tries, Maivia gives the signal, and the Samoans beat down Stevens mercilessly. Everyone is aghast as they bloody him up severely.


    Maivia grabs a mic....
    ‘For months, you, Ray, got the plaudits. I was your buddy. That was all. You got the title shots. I was just a lacky to you. Someone to fall back on when you had nothing else. That was until The Wild Samoans arrived. I had a purpose, and people who appreciated me.

    Ray, it’ll be you and me at Desolution...we’ll see who carried who, and we’ll see who’ll cripple who.

    Maivia exits the ring, as the Samoans lift up Stevens in readiness to beat him some more; at which point Strike Force run in with chairs having seen enough, and the Samoans scurry. The Samoans back up gesturing the titles on their waste as we go to break.

    The main event is up next, as Jake Roberts will call out Stone Cold Steve Austin to explain his actions over the last few weeks.

    Meanwhile, in the back, we see Arn Anderson about to get into his limo. He puts his bags in the boot, thanks his driver, gets in the back seat...when all of a sudden Muhammad Hassan comes from the blindside with a baseball bat, smacks the windows in, opens the door, gets into the back and starts, it can only be assumed, beating the crap out of The Enforcer. After about 20 seconds of audible struggle and beating, the car door opens, Hassan gets out, wiping some blood from his face...turns, reaches into the car and pulls out a beaten Arn Anderson, leaves him on the ground.

    Hassan raises his hands to Allah, as the camera cuts.


    This is heinous! Absolutely heinous!

    Stone Cold’s music hits...

    He takes a mic (What? calls when appropriate!)...
    “Right...Jake...I’m not waiting for you to call me know why? know why?...YOU KNOW WHY?...because nobody calls out Stone Cold Steve Austin. So bring your carcass out right that can open up a can of whoop-ass on your ass...”

    He waits.
    “I’m not the most patient man in the world should know that...if you’re threatening to call out Stone Cold Steve’d better back that up...because Lord help you son...the day someone wastes my the last day that person for the last time...(Austin breaks out a fake smile)...i’m going to ask you as nicely...politely...ever so good aul’ Stone Cold can...BRING...YOUR CARCASS...TO THIS RING...NOW...BECAUSE STONE COLD...SAID SO...’

    He waits.

    After 10 seconds or so, the lights go out, the tron lights up and Jake’s face can be seen. The boos ring out, as Jake gives out his sadistic smile.

    Jake speaks...
    ‘Look at you. Look at you Austin. You’ve a leg in a cast. You’ve been beat up. You’ve been outthought, outfought....dare I say it.....outsnaked. You’re a shadow of your former self Austin. I can see it. I can see your doubt Austin. For the first time in your career, you don’t know what to do. I can hear the desperation in your voice Austin. You just don’t know when I’m coming. You don’t know where I’m coming from, and you don’t know how hard i’m going to get you. It frustrates you Austin. You’ve never fought anyone like me, and because of that, you know, you KNOW Austin, that that title is mine come Desolution’.
    ‘Is that it? Is that all you have to say? You think I’m frustrated...confused...bedazzled...stumped...hoodwinked? That’s your big message? Well I think I speak for everyone when I say this to your big message...’

    ‘You see that’s the problem with you Austin. That’s the reason, right there, why you can’t beat me. Your default setting is aggression. You don’t understand the magnitude of this situation. You never sit back and try to work out a plan of action. You just go out to beat people up. You can’t do that with me Austin. You need to know why I’m doing what I’m doing. Yes, the title is precious to me, and is all I’ve ever wanted to achieve in this business...but what’s going to make this victory so sweet at Desolution, is that it will be against you Austin. It will be against you’
    ‘You’d better make your point soon, son...’
    ‘You see Austin, there’s another problem with you. Patience. It’s why these fans pander to you. You’ve all got the mental capacity of a bunch of gnats. You, and all of them need to listen to me...your impatience will be your undoing at Desolution, but for now, you need to stand there, listen...and watch’

    ‘That was supposed to be my moment. And you took it away from me. You took something that was dear to me, my faith, my belief in God, my trust in an Almighty who has a greater purpose for my life...and you turned it into a catchphrase. And with that catchphrase, you became the biggest star this industry has ever seen. You took what could have been my legacy, you took a dump on it, and I take exception to that. I became a laughing stock. I became THAT guy. The forgotten man. The man who was a mere footnote on the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin’
    ‘So let me get this cryin’...whinin’...pissin’...moanin’ because I beat your ass, and you felt hurt? Well Jesus Christ son, if that’s all your problem is, why don’t you get down here...and we can just settle it the old fashioned way. I’ll beat your ass at Desolution...but if you want your revenge now, you know ol’ Stone Cold...he’s a giving he’ll more than happily beat your ass now as well’

    (Jake motions for Austin to calm)...
    I’ll see you at Desolution Austin. You can get all wound up but this won’t be on your terms. So I’ll see you in 2 weeks.’

    It’s still dark as Austin is irate.
    ‘Jake, i don’t know what your problem is talk about how you felt hurt by the success of Stone Cold Steve Austin. You felt my success was somehow at your expense? Well I’ve got one simple message for you...I’m coming to the back right now, one leg and all, I’m going to find you, and to put it plainly, for the final time...I am going to whip your ass...and that’s all i’ve got to say about that.’

    Austin leaves the ring, goes up the ramp, and Jake blindsides him from a technical area at the side of the stage. He DDT’s him yet again.
    ‘Austin, they talk about me being evil. No. Not at all. You, Austin, are the one. The Scriptures say ‘I will fear no evil, because you are with me’. A man named Ezekiel wrote that Austin. He was a wise man. And I don’t fear you Austin. You are but a man. I don’t even need to good Lord to know I don’t fear you. And come Desolution, you, Austin, will be banished to the annals of time, as a mere footnote on the career of Jake Roberts.

    Roberts gives another DDT to Austin as the show goes off the air.

    So what will happen in the final week before Desolution...
    Will Austin respond?
    Will he be in any shape to respond?
    Will Arn have something to say to Hassan?
    Will he be able to mentor Pillman, who he seems to have taken under his wing?
    And what of Pillman and Tully?
    Will Shaq show up alongside Sapp again? Will they have another message for Gorgeous George?
    Will Stevens respond to Maivia before their match?
    And can Strike Force stay together long enough to be ready to defend their championships come Desolution?

    All this, and more, next week!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj



    Your Comentary Team are The Flah and Gerard C, who have been drinking heavily since 11 this morning!!!


    Left to Right: Flahavaj, Missus Flahavaj and Gerard C pictured earlier in Kitty O' Grady's Irish bar, Boston.
    Match #1: Los Rudos (Konnan and Gory Guerrero) vs Real Hazard (SHINGO and BxB Hulk)




    Los Rudos are established as hated heels having turned El Hijo del Santo on his father. In order to keep them busy on the night of the PPV they have been booked to face spectacular Dragon Gate Imports real Hazards in a fast paced opening to the show.

    The Match:
    In a spectacular display of high flying from both teams, it is Los Rudos that eventually prevail after some questionable double team moves.

    Winners: Los Rudos after 12.56

    Why this was such an amazing idea:
    Every show needs a fast paced opener to get the crowd going.

    NWA International Summit Match 2

    Belfast Brawl: Dave Finlay vs Ricky "The Hitman" Hatton




    Hatton raised the ire of proud Irishman Finlay by implying that wrestlers aren’t real fighters. Worse still, the mere sight of a dirty Brit like Hatton is enough to drive proud Paddy Finlay into a rage at the best of times. A Belfast Brawl is set for International Summit. The hopes of the Irish nation rest on the broad shoulders of the rebellious Finlay and our national debt has been gambled on the result of this scrap. An Taoiseach Gerry Adams has put it all on the Green Machine Finlay.

    Match: The large Irish continget in the Boston crowd are firmly behind the Irishman in this one. Finlay comes to the ring armed with his trusty hurl with which he claimed Antrim’s one and only Poc Fada in 1976. His theme music sends Gerard C into raptures.

    Hatton meanwhile is kitted out in Union Jack shorts and has gotten a new tattoo of a Bulldog p*ssing on the tricolour especially for the occasion.

    The match makes for great viewing for any proud son of Ireland. The cowardly Hatton tries to duck and dive from the irate Irishman, but he is soon chopped down to size with a few licks of the trusty hurl, the rusty band sticking out of it for added effect. Like the Mayo footballers on All Ireland Sunday, Hatton browns the pants big time and makes a run for the aisle. However, guest commentator Gerard C is having none of it. He’s been on the batter all day and is filled with Irish fervour at the sight of the blood of an Englishman. He takes hatton to teh ground with a tackle Brian O Driscoll would be proud of and even gets in a sly little dig that redser O’ Grady would be proud of on the way down. He rolls Hatton back into teh ring and mills teh applause of the Boston fans by doing a lap of the ring with his tipp jersey over his head, Fabrizio Rananelli style.(We’ll say nothing about his big pasty beer belly or his shockingly hairy back – ‘twas his moment).

    Finlay is now firmly in control, he rips Hatton’s Man City jersey off and blows his nose on it, before tossing it into the crowd. The crowd however throw it back out at him –( shur who’d want Man City jersey like). Taking a tricolour from a poor little crippled boy at ringside who had his legs blown off by the UVF in Belfast, Finlay forces the pathetic Hatton to kiss the magical flag, before locking in the Belfast Crab, his patented submission manouever.


    Footage is shown from back home of celebrations on O’ Connell Street. Our sovereign debt is cleared, all thanks to the bravery of two great Irishmen, Finlay and Gerard C. They celebrate in the ring with a few shots of Powers, which Gerard promptly regurgitates in the corner. An Taoiseach Gerry Adams is delighted naturally we'll have to make sure he doesn't take his own cut of the profits.


    Winner: Dave Finlay after 12.56

    What a night, what a country.

    Why this was such an amazing idea:
    Baytin' the oppressors is always fun like.
    Match #3: IWGP Heavyweight Title:

    Masahiro Chono (c) vs Stan Hansen




    Background: Chono has come from New Japan looking to cement his status as one of the best in the world. However he appears to have met his match with Hansen the uncontrollable drunken Texan. Their feud has gotten nasty quick and Choneo has shown he is no pushover by bottling Hansen on the last TV show.

    This Puro dream match is a no holds barred fight to the death for the IWGP Title. There are no fancy wrestling holds in this one, just stiff shot after stiff shot raining down from both men with relentless speed. Eventually the brutal Texan takes the win and with it the coveted title, needing three huge lariats to finally put the doughty Japanese down.

    NEW IWGP Champ, Stan hanse after 16.54

    Why this was such an amazing idea;
    Chono and Hansen are a natural fit given their long careers in Japan and they never had a high profile match AFAIK, making it something of a dream match for Puro nerds.
    Match #4: Superstar Billy Graham vs King Kong Bundy




    Billy Graham and his entourage of busty blondes have been making Bundy’s life a misery, mocking and humiliating him at every turn. Bundy, normally an affable even lazy kinda fellow finally snaps and stands up for him, showing immense strength – to the delight of NWA fans. Graham, his pride damaged by being shown up by a man he has no respect for has demended a chance at NWA International Summit to put the big man back in his box

    The Match:
    Bundy, the clear crowd favourite takes the fight to Graham in the early going, manhandling him with ease. Graham, however with the help of his bevy of slags on the outside however turns the tables by cheating at every turn. Eventually however the big man is not to be denied as he puts Graham to sleep with a monstrous bearhug. He then celebrates with a bag of donuts and a few Big Macs, before making his way backstage with the ladies in tow. A monster has been awakened.

    Why this was such an amazing idea:
    Bundy and Graham are polar opposites - one a fat slob, the other a bodybuilder. playing off this difference would make for a fun feud and would help build Bundy as a legit threat.
    Winner: King Kong Bundy after 11.41

    King Kong Bundy makes a substantial order from Domino's Pizza after a marathon celebratory orgy at the PPV!

This discussion has been closed.