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FSA Qualifying League

  • 08-08-2016 11:20pm
    Registered Users Posts: 33,051 ✭✭✭✭


    Above is the code for the league. Format will be league format as normal for this league, points format with the top sides going up to League 2. The top 2 will go up automatically, I'm currently looking at reserving the 3rd spot for a pay to enter tournament with all funds going to a charity of zarquon's choosing. I'll clarify more in due course. Wouldn't worry too much about the amount of places on offer. This year the top 11 in the Qualifying League went up, due to extra spots becoming available. I'd expect much the same this year but this is not guaranteed.

    To sign up you've just got to join using the code above and sign up here quoting your team ID. Please make sure you do both these things as we seem to lose a few each year in September due to people not signing up properly. The deadline is August 31st 23:59 at which point no more entries will be taken.

    Best of luck everyone,



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