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Spent Convictions Bill Query

  • 31-01-2013 2:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 480 ✭✭

    Hi there,i have just a quick question about Spent Convictions Bill,I was looking to get a garda clearance cert to provide to the canadian embassy for a working holiday visa,but back in 2008 i was convicted of drink and driving so now i have a conviction on my record and it shows up on my garda clearance cert which is not allowed and hinder,s me from applying for the visa,my question is Spent Convictions Bill deal with wiping off this record?Any information would be fantastic,.Also guys do yous think this
    legislation will come into effect this year?also if i talked to my solicitor could he help getting conviction removed or is there any way around this?Thank you very much and i look forward to your reply,s;)

