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Lanzarote 2013 - Roth 2012 Race report

  • 28-07-2012 8:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭

    Going to put up some posts as updates on my training for IM Lanza in May next year. Coaching myself so any tips or ideas would be appreciated!

    By way of background I did Roth a couple of weeks ago and have done a very long race report below as the start of this blog. I'm using Roth as my start point for Lanza.

    Race Report – Challenge Roth, 8 July 2012

    The Background
    IM Frankfurt in 2011 didn’t go as planned with some mechanical issues. Motivated to do a fast race and try and get well under 11 hours so I entered Roth. Frankfurt time was 11:36.
    Training wise I completed 27 weeks (from 1 Jan) amounting to :

    Swim 24hrs 82km
    Bike 115hrs 3,073km
    Run 79hrs 925km
    Total 218hrs 4,880km

    This averaged at 8.2 hours a week if you exclude the taper week. If you take the recovery weeks out (where I would half my hours) it averaged 10 hours a week – similar to last year.
    Key question 1 is if this is enough hours to do an Ironman – many would say ‘no’. I would say yes but the caveat is that it depends on your goals. My goal for Roth was between 10 and 11 hours.
    I read a good quote somewhere “Only a fool does the same thing time and time again and expects the outcome to be different” so I changed a few things from the training last year. T

    If it’s not broke don’t fix it. Just continued doing one or two swims of 30mins each per week.
    Still hit 53 minutes again so I will do the same next year and expect the same result which I am fine with.


    More time in the mountains at the start of the year and shortened the long cycles. Last year I regularly biked 5.30-6.15 for the last 2 months. Didn’t think this was necessary after finishing Frankfurt in 2011.
    Long bikes (c4-5hours) in the mountains in Jan-April were good. Should take the TT bike up there (Roth had 1400m of climbing).
    TT bike came out in April – possibly a bit late and then it was only on the flat. Longest bike was 5.5hours with 3x50mins race pace in the middle – think I needed to do more of these. Most bikes were around 4.5-5hrs – I think the extra hour of just suffering is required. Need to do the TT stuff in hilly places to replicate the race more. The race was not even close to flat – it was either up or down which was very leg sapping. Study topography and train in similar. Power meter may be a useful tool here also.

    Joined Cellbridge running club.
    Increase in run speed and first time to go sub 40mins for a 10k. Ran 1.37 in Collinstown Half Ironman. Very positive.

    Picked up some niggles after Collinstown Half Iron (2nd weekend in May) and then did my back in twice which meant no run longer that 21K from the second weekend in May – big negative – need to get to the bottom of the back issue as I am guessing it negatively affected my run the most. I think my run training was working but just got cut short – need to ensure I did not ramp it up too quickly and this can be worked on over the winter – key message is it was working so something similar with more of a focus on technique I think will work best.

    Getting to The Race
    The travelling companions were myself, Dave (also Phoenix) and Fran (Active Multisport). We arranged to meet in the airport Friday at 4.45am.

    I was up at 3.45am – excitement was building and happy we were going on the Friday (Frankfurt last year we went on the Thursday and there was just a bit too much hanging about until Sunday).
    I picked Dave up and as we were heading up the escalator to Departures Dave gets a call from Fran who states that the flight has been cancelled. That’s funny I said, the joking had started already. Unfortunately it was no joke.

    Up to the desk and some German woman was basically telling people it was not her problem (even though she worked for Lufthansa). Basically we would have to sort ourselves out as storms last night in Frankfurt meant the flight could not leave. All remaining flights were full. Not impressed we got chatting to a nice Irish girl who booked us on the 6pm Lufthansa flight (she overbooked the flight so told us to be back at the Check in early).
    Called Fran’s dad who picked us up and back to Daves. There was a chance we might get on the 12pm flight as we were on standby so Fran’s dad picked us up at Dave’s again at 1030 and dropped us back to the airport. No joy though and we got three vouchers for €50 to see us through to the 6pm flight. We let Fran’s Dad go as he had driven us around enough since the early hours.

    We made our way up to the restaurant and loaded up on food for the day – they wouldn’t give change so we had to spend the full amount on the voucher. Got to the till and we were at €62. Okay so we would pay €3 each so as not to break one of the other vouchers and then have a nice meal later with the remaining €100.

    The cashier took the voucher and asked us for €54.50. We laughed and pointed out that the voucher was €50. She laughed and said ‘do you really think they would give you a voucher for €50 – that is for €7.50’. Dave had read the ‘7’ as a ‘€’. Doh – so hand over the three vouchers and our greed seen us hand over €40. If it seems to good to be true it generally is!!
    Couple of snoozes later and we checked in for the 6pm flight (which was delayed). This was not looking good. Being positive souls that we are worst case scenario was calculated as being in Nurenburg for midnight.

    Eventually get to Frankfurt airport and there are no bikes, no people in the baggage hall and our suitcases arrived about 10 minutes ago. Not again!!! Then they appeared – we figured all our bad luck had happened so on to get the van.

    Get to the car place at 10.15 (we had phoned to tell them we would be late) only to be told they gave our 9 seater away as we didn’t turn up and basically tough as there were no more. We had pre paid and were not impressed. We were told to get two cars and as the argument heated up with the moody German oul one a younger more attractive model offered an alternative. We wait for 20 minutes and get a mini bus. An hour later we got it.

    Okay – now it would be 1am – c2hours drive on the infamous autobahn would be no issue at this time of the night. All is going well – we made a deal to all stay awake as Fran was the only one driving. I lasted about 10 minutes and dozed off. Woke up to lights as far as the eye could see front and back. 4 lanes wide and jammed solid at 1am – wtf!!!! The guys in the front made an executive decision to go backroads – I was dozing on and off – I was slightly concerned as I woke up as Fran rounded a bend too fast – 160kph – we are on the autobahn so its not too bad and I dozed off again to realise a while later the road was very narrow and not the autobahn! Very little traffic, only a few near misses and fair play to the lads and their smartphones for picking the villages we had to go through.

    Arrived at the hotel at 3am ish and in bed for 3.30am (at least they had not given our rooms away). 6 hours sleep and a busy day ahead. We had to be organised so the plan was:
    - Breakfast by 10am
    - Make up bikes.
    - Hit the expo
    - Register
    - Cycle bikes round the T1 drop off point.
    - Back for food and bed.
    Key points from the day:
    - Dave is not sandbagging about his weight – as he bent under the ropes to register he ripped his shorts right along his butt – he got dogs abuse for a while about this!
    - You should attend the race briefing (will explain later).

    Tested the bikes out and dropped them in T1. All good in the hood – all the bad luck was behind us. Left our run bags in and back to the hotel. Had no time for a run so not good as I had not ran since Thursday night (and then only 3k) but what can you do. The day was too hectic.

    Race Day

    Got up at 4 and force fed myself and energy bar and drink. Knocked for the guys – had an image of a little leprechaun in Fran’s room dancing on the bed as when I knocked on the door all I could hear was Riverdance. Knocked for Dave and there was no answer – assumed he was in the bathroom. 4.25 and was heading out as we were leaving at 4.30 and cutting it tight – banged Dave’s door, rang his mobile and rang the room phone and he appears at the door in his boxers – ‘oh f**K’. Yeah - shift yourself!!! In fairness he was ready in 15 mins.
    No more issues pre race which was good.

    Got the bikes checked and they were still okay, into the wetsuit –only the second time I had worn it (first being Collinstown Race in May) so fingers crossed it will be nice to me for 3.8km. I wasn’t out until 7.05. Stood around chatting to Fran as he was at 7am – Dave went at 6.40 (with the fast guys). Had an interesting discussion with Fran last night about people swimming over you so I decided I would try and be nice to the back markers to the wave in front (especially as I knew I would be passing Fran and didn’t want to dunk him!!).

    I made my way to the front, the cannon went and three of us formed a group. We hit the back markers of the wav e in front what seemed almost immediately and it split us. Two came back together and we yo-yo’d for the whole swim with me pulling away in the last 200 – think I was out first in my wave which was good. Passed a lot of people and only dunked a few who were zig zaggin so badly that they pulled in front of me and it was me or them. One tried to grab me but he needed to be quicker than he was ;-) Out of the swim in 53.01 – would have been easily under 52mins without the traffic to get through.

    On with the cycling jersey and shorts and what I thought was a quick transition (4mins – not exactly that quick). On the bike and it was downhill for the first section – all good. Had 2 bottles of high 5 and planned to take 9 gels with the aim of a 5.30 bike split. Passed a bike lying at the side of the road pretty quickly and was concerned someone came off – as I looked toward the forest I got to see there was nothing to worry about – just some poor girl squatting towards the road – I made sure to look away quickly.

    The legs felt heavy – I put it down to the travel chaos and assumed it should pass. Sipped on the drink and still felt bad after 30 mins. Took a gel and felt sick so tried to stick with the fluid. Came to a portaloo and had to stop – spent about 5 minutes in there but my guts felt much better after.
    First hour covered only 29km so my 5.30 bike split was looking like it would not be possible. Battled on and the second hour was not much better – it was miserable. I forced 1.5 bottles down me and ditched the last half at the aid station and took water and iso. Took another 7 gels over the rest of the bike. Basically felt good for an hour between 2-3 hours and then back to heavy legs. I thought the bike course was meant to be fast but the general consensus from the athletes was that it was a slow bike today – I hit the 90km mark in 2.51 so I had a good third hour. If I could keep it up I might get under 5.40. Next lap there seemed to be a massive head wind the whole way. The bike course was either up or down. I would get passed by loads even on the tiny uphills and then I would pass them back out and more on the way down. This went on for c 100k so I got to know the names of a few people from this! The last two hours I was begging for the course to be short but it wasn’t and in fact the race signs had me 3km less than the Garmin – thank God this fixed itself toward the end – they were wrong!

    I couldn’t stay in the tri bars for more than about 5-10mins – I would then have to sit up and stretch, my shoulders, back and legs were all getting stiff – the bike should not be this hard. Much harder on my legs than Frankfurt. Got off the bike and have never been so happy to see a dismount line. Bike was 5.44 and average hr of 144

    Took a long time in T2 – almost 6 mins – full change including compression socks which were great – no sore calfs at all either during race or the next day. And I just started running. After a km or two I started feeling ok – my goal was 4 laps of 1 hour each. Was on target after 10km and planned to hold the pace for the next 10km and then try and up a bit.

    Then I hit km 12 and there was no turnaround. Very strange. Kept running and seen a sign on the other side of the path – it said 18km – okay I didn’t attend the race briefing so I had to now work out what was going on. I figured it must be two out and backs but not on the same track as no one had armbands counting laps. Turned out it was a massive loop with lots of outs and backs and it seemed never ending. It was a tough course.

    It all fell apart at about 23km. I ended up walking for about 2 minutes – I got some shouts to start running and I did and then seen Dave coming the other way – he was flying along and must only have 6 or 7 km to go. I tried to work out how far I had to go to the turnaround and reckoned 20 minutes but I was way off and just stopped looking at the watch. I offered myself a reward of coke from 25km as I was getting fed up with gels. I made this target and walked for a minute also. I struggled through the next 5km or so with a combination of sponges at every aid station to cool me down in the heat, coke and at 30km a gel and a 1 min walk. I convinced myself it was a final 10k and that I could walk again at 35km.

    I started counting down 9km, 8km etc. Got to 35km and started feeling a bit better – less than 5km to go. Watch then broke so I stopped getting km splits, since they were c7mins per km I was not that worried but I felt okay for the last 5km until I realised it was actually the last 7K!!! Still I could start counting down again and I was in single figures – and I was passing people.

    I was pretty sure I was heading back to the finish line soon but there was yet another out and back into the town centre of roth – the place was buzzing but this was cruel – it was 1km down hill which meant a mountain to climb on the way back up – as soon as I got through the crowds I was pumping my arms but only walking so I just walked – it was only a small hill but at 40+km this was hell. Some German dude ran up to me and started turning a claxon beside me and shouting ‘come on Darren’ – then about 10 of them started so I had no choice but to run and they all went crazy – thanks to them as I picked it up and passed a few more people right up to the finish line.

    Bit of an anti climax to be honest as I was expecting a Frankfurt style finish – it was one sided as opposed to crowds the whole way on both sides of you to the finish and I could not hear ‘you are an Ironman’ (wrong race for this though!!). I crossed the line and was stood there a bit dazed for at least a minute before anyone came near me. I got my finisher medal and wondered through to find food.

    I had to wander for a bit – after race food was not great, some rolls and pastries with coke or high five – I forced myself to eat a pastry and had two high fives and just sat down. Some guy from Sligo came to speak to me and he must thing I am rude as hell as I just could not converse with anyone – then Dave and Fran appeared and Fran let us know he ended up falling off the Bike at T2 and getting 6 drips – he was not okay but at least coherent and moving – thank God – its not worth that.

    We decided to make a quick exit and went and got the bikes. The idea of cycling the 10k back to get the car was shelved and we got the bus – it dropped us at the field beside the car and we would have 30 minutes to get back to the hotel. In the intervening period I said about 5 words and I think the guys thought I was disappointed. I wasn’t – I didn’t know what time I did until Elaine rang and told me and I was just beat up – I had left nothing on the run course and just had no energy to do anything – I couldn’t even speak to Elaine – I had to tell her I would call her back later. Finished in 11.09 with a 4.22 run split. My last 5-6km were in fact a good bit quicker that the previous 10k so that was positive. Still disappointed not to have broke 4 on the run but nothing I could do on the day so I was still happy with my performance overall.

    We starting to feel normal again as we walked toward the van – but couldn’t remember where we had parked. After about 20 minutes of walking round the field we realised we were in the wrong field – it would have been funny if we weren’t all so fecked. We biked the 2 minutes to the other field and got the van. I was never so glad to lie on the grass when this woman came over and asked for a hand with her bike. Me and Dave had to lift her heavy ass mountain bike on top of her bike carrier on the roof of her car – did we look like we had the energy for this!!!

    Fair play to Fran driving back – we shouldn’t have been so tight and put someone else on the insurance. Back to the hotel and a quick shower and change and out for a nice dinner and a few beers.

    Uneventful on the way home but the trip would not have been complete without the 40 minute delay on the way home on the plane!!!!

    Key learns :
    - If the race is on Sunday go on Thursday.
    - You need to stay healthy in the last 6 weeks of training – it is the icing on the cake (as Dave said) - I missed all my long runs and most long bikes in the last 6 weeks and this just denied my legs the bit of a kick they needed to get me sub 11.
    - I was happy with my running up to May and then the injuries had a major negative effect – first the ankle for a couple of weeks and then 2 weeks apart my back went twice. I need to get to the bottom of this. I think I need to strengthen my core and work again on my running technique.
    - I think average hours of just over 8 a week need to be increased and will have a significantly positive impact on my performance.
    - More biking is needed and I need to Turbo at least once or twice a week in addition to my long bike.
    - I have entered Lanzarote – need to focus and get the motivation going around October for this as it is an early season race in May. At least the hills of Roth have paved the way and not too much extra climbing to step up to Lanza!!! Lets get the TT bike on the hills.

    Despite all the incidents it was still a good weekend – the spirit was bruised but never broken and the slagging and craic were great throughout. Elaine didn’t like not being at the race due to her nerves for me so she will be in Lanza in May – at least she will get a nice little break in the sun for compensation of me heading off on the bike every weekend for 4-5 hours (its going back up to 5-6 hours for next year!). Ill thank her in advance for next year – she has already told me I need to train more!



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Nice report, and well done on slogging out the race. I'm most struck by the fact that you only swim 30 to 60 minutes per week, but can pull out a solid time for your swim. You must have a competitive swimming background...or a motor on your arse. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Yeah - i swam competitively up to the age of 13 and then went back to it when i was 17 so I had 4 years before i started Triathlon of 6-8 sessions a week hitting 35K+ some weeks so i have a good swim base and i don't seem to need to do more than my two 30min (2k) sessions to hit a 20min 1500m or 53min for the 3.8k. I could probably swim 3-4 one hour sessions and get down to 48/49mins but I'd be better putting that extra time to my bike or run and would make much larger gains. My pb back in the day was 17.05 for 1500m so I feel like i am swimming slowly now!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Best of luck with the log and for Lanza. Folks he is a confirmed fish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Nice report, and well done on slogging out the race. I'm most struck by the fact that you only swim 30 to 60 minutes per week, but can pull out a solid time for your swim. You must have a competitive swimming background...or a motor on your arse. ;)

    Yeah I hate $@&;&$@s life that.
    "I've not swam in a month jumped in the pool this morning to see where I am. Could input name to do my 40x100 off 1:20

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Well follow this one with interest!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Mr Tango wrote: »
    i don't seem to need to do more than my two 30min (2k) sessions to hit a 20min 1500m or 53min for the 3.8k.

    News of this will make Fazz weep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Started back training last week. 12k run on Friday and 21k (1hr 44 on Sunday). My legs hurt today!!

    Need to decide on races for the next few months.

    Groomsport half Iron (19 Aug) - to do or not to do - cant decide.

    Definitely doing the Great North Run in Newcastle on the 16th Sep (half marathon) and then Dublin Marathon in Oct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Those swim times are just sickening! :D

    Jaysus, between yourself and Fran, you've turned me off Roth. Good report and fair play for sticking with it. How's your back now?

    I'm assuming you'll be hititng those hills with Colm?

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Yes - there are 4 of us from Phoenix doing Lanza (another 3 are doing Austria) so the 4 of us will be hitting the hills soon enough in preparation (well i will be anyway!!).

    Decided on the plan for the rest of the season. Great North Run on 16 Sep and Dublin Marathon. This was the original plan so I am not going to try and squeeze a half IM in the middle.

    On a side note I thought I came home to Glenda on Tuesday (Tunney's wife). Something like this:
    'you going to the running club tonight'
    'no - I'm tired, sore calf, sore throat so I think I'll give it a miss'
    'That wont help you in Lanza - get out the door and go running! DO you think Glenda is going to let Dave away with excuses like that - you will feel better when you come back.'

    mmmmmm - I need to tell my other half less of what is going on with Dave!!

    Anyway glad i went, 6x800 on the track hitting 2.58ss (first and last were slightly above 3). Was not looking forward to speed sessions again - havent done them in months so was satisfied with how they went. I'd expect the times to improve quite quickly as they did at the start of the year, but 3 weeks after IM - I'll take that! (an I did feel better when I came back).

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Forgot to put my targets in writing -

    Great North Run - sub 1.30. (pb is 1.30.54).
    Dublin Marathon - sub 3.15 (pb is 3.23). (might change this one depending on the time i get in the half!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Mr Tango wrote: »
    Yes - there are 4 of us from Phoenix doing Lanza (another 3 are doing Austria) so the 4 of us will be hitting the hills soon enough in preparation (well i will be anyway!!).

    I did the different approaches to bike training this year will be interesting.

    I know Little Miss Bikes will do his thing - probably ambling around the hills of Wicklow with other club he occasionally trains with.

    I know you will do your thing as will be described here. Mr Small Ball will probably do the same. Mloc is doing his thing - strength and volume work Lord knows what Mr Muddy will do.

    Dr Jaundice thinks he is doing a reverse periodisation approach with a heavy focus on Vo2Max and threshold work. But I suspect that will change drastically when the Monkey gets a hold of him.

    I'll be, well I'll be doing something completely different this year :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    tunney wrote: »
    I'll be, well I'll be doing something completely different this year :)

    Riding your bike for a change?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Riding your bike for a change?

    it may involve that yes

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Also, Mr Muddy will have to sign up first..

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Also, Mr Muddy will have to sign up first..

    Have subsequently found out that Dr Jaundice is coaching Little Miss Bikes

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    SO last week:
    Tues - 6x800s
    Fri - lunch run with Tunney - 50mins - c10k - harder than it should of been for both of us.
    Sat - long run, target was 30mins at 5.15 per km, 30mins at 5 per km, 30 at 4.30, 30 at 5.15. The 4.30 being 'marathon pace'. Was off on them all only holding 4.50 for the marathon pace. It was windy and torrential rain but again harder than it should have been.

    SO just running for the week and not too much of it. Okay for 3 weeks after IM but will be up to 4/5 run sessions this week - time to get serious for the marathon.

    No swimming or biking and might be like that for a while.

    Teaching my two kids to swim and one wants to join the swim club. Emailed them and they take them from age 7 (the older one ticks that box) but they need to be capable swimmers and be able to swim at least one length of EACH stroke!! I haven't gone near butterfly or breaststroke yet so a bit of work to do before she can join up. She has agreed to extra sessions to get up to scratch (her choice - I'm not a pushy parent!!!). Id say a lot of triathletes would struggle to do a length fly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Not a good week.

    Started out okay with 4x1500m intervals with the running club on Tuesday night holding ave pace 3.50 for first two and 4 for the last two. Last time i did this i held c3.43per km for the 5. Killer session and was well wrecked at the end - Woke up on Wednesday morning with a really sore right hip. Back stiffening up/uncomfortable also. I got an appointment with as Tunney calls him, the man with the tan, to try and sort it out. Back issue seems to be from my muscles all being locked tight even when i am relaxed - some yoga was suggested as a more long term solution but it is fine now. My hip issues (cant remember the correct names) are from my 'unique' running style - when i get even a little tired my hips sway from side to side - i know i do it but find it difficult to stop. Reckon there are some muscle imbalances as i always get injuries on my right side so someone else has been recommended by Mr Tan man to do some muscle testing and identify the weaknesses. Seeing her next week.

    Need to get this sorted - first year i have ever had any sort of injuries so not sure why. Not doing excessive amounts of training so it must be something relatively straightforward.

    SO for the week all i have got in is one run and some sunburn (i painted my garden fence yesterday afternoon - nothing like a few beers and some painting in the back garden in 20 odd degrees of heat). My hip is still killing me - the deep tissue work was agony and it is inflamed and hurts still (only 36 hours on now) - i have been told this is normal.

    To try and motivate myself to swim prior to Christmas I am thinking of entering some Masters Galas - there is one in the aquatic centre in October and one up the North in November. Emailed for some info but you have to be registered with a swimming club - might make a call to my old club and see if they will register me. Wouldnt mind doing some short racing again after watching Phelps & Co last week!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Roth Bike

    Only getting round to looking at this now - not motivated to look at it straight after as it was a disappointing bike.

    Useful to note for anyone doing Roth next year - this course has a reputation of being fast. It is also quite hilly so be prepared!!!

    Run course -

    My not so trusty Garmin 405 stopped working at 35km telling me the lap memory was full. Nothing but issues with this watch - battery dies fairly quickly in it - not great and this is the third one i have had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    The Injury Saga continues!!!

    So another week passes - I spent the week walking round like an oul one. Started to think I was going to need a hip replacement or something as the pain was not going and it was moving down my leg. Anyhow was back to have it seen to on Thursday which increased the pain significantly and then Friday morning it was gone.

    Plan was to swim Friday morning but I had baby torture on Thursday which put an end to that. Imagine a 9month old crying every 15 minutes for 4 hours, you get up walk about 15metres (to her room), put the dodi back in and back to bed. My wife and i were alternating until at about 3am we gave in and she came in to the bed where she proceeded to pull my hair, stick her nails in my neck and hand in my mouth every time i dozed off. Needless to say when the alarm went off at 6am i turned it off. This has been going on for weeks but not normally this much. Tooth appeared this morning - first one so i have a feeling there could be a recurring theme here.

    Anyhow - ran Friday lunch time and hip was fine, felt a bit of tightness later so headed out on the bike saturday with mloc where i changed the route mid cycle to take us up Sally Gap - dont know if he was too happy with it but it was a nice day. 3hrs and 70km so nice wee spin. He thinks we did 1700m of climbing - my garmin (and the other guys who was with us) said 700m - so do that climbing 2.5 more times and you have Lanzarote bike height - oh oh.

    Long run Sunday with the run club. Plan was 2hrs (marathon group are up to 2.40 but I am trying to build up to their long run following the few weeks off after IM but the injuries have hampered this a bit). I got to 10km and had a bit of tightness so i took a shortcut back to the car for 14km and 75mins. Not great and a bit annoyed. To top it all off the back is stiff as hell tonight.

    Plan to run again tomorrow at lunch - will be c12km so sort of a long run over 24 hrs (I'm clutching at straws here).

    Doing great north run on the 16th September. Have entered DCM but not feeling confident of making the start line in any sort of shape at this rate - will call it after the 16th Sep.

    swim - c90mins (for three sessions).
    Bike - 70km hilly, 3 hrs.
    Run - 21km, 2hrs (2 runs).

    Plan for next week is to put down some swim markers (400m tt and some stroke count tests) and see where I am and then to run as much as my creaky body will let me!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Mr Tango wrote: »
    He thinks we did 1700m of climbing - my garmin (and the other guys who was with us) said 700m

    Stupid Garmin getting my hopes up...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Good week - eventually

    All i did was run this week.

    Monday - 12km lunch run - nice and easy along Sandymount Strand. Tunney was not happy at people overtaking us but I managed to calm him down and assure him it was part of my plan. Ave pace 5min per km.
    Tuesday - 6x800 - 90s rest. started at 3.08 and worked down to 2.59 for the last one. Bit of stiffness in hip and bak but was in to get this seen on Wednesday.
    Thursday - 3x10mins hard 3m rest. Ave pace was 3.55, 4, 4.03. Happy enough overall. No issues with back or hip so happy days. The real test would be the long run Sunday.
    Sunday - long run with the running club - 2.15 and 26km. Started at 5.45 per km and worked down after a couple of km to close to 5km. Overall ave was 5.08 - Really from about 7km it was 5min per km. Happy that there was no issues injury wise and satisfied myself that it was okay to look like a numpty wearing compression socks as it would help my calfs. Thank goodness I did as they were a bit stiff this morning. Those socks actually work as the last long run I did I did not wear them and the calfs really felt it. Didnt stop me getting slagged when i came home though (they were all in bed when i left so didn't see me going out).

    Target for this week is long run of 2.5hrs and hit all the other run sessions with the club. I need to fall in with their full program soon for the DCM and i think next week is the week for that (long run wise i am about 25-30 mins behind them at the minute).

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Mr Tango wrote: »
    Good week - eventually

    All i did was run this week.

    Monday - 12km lunch run - nice and easy along Sandymount Strand. Tunney was not happy at people overtaking us but I managed to calm him down and assure him it was part of my plan. Ave pace 5min per km.

    Might have been part of your plan but not mine :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    difference is i accepted it - you were in denial. Too much food & drink on the hols for you!!! Wont take long though when no one will pass us again :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Mr Tango wrote: »
    difference is i accepted it - you were in denial. Too much food & drink on the hols for you!!! Wont take long though when no one will pass us again :-)

    10km in 45 yesterday
    9.8km in 45 today

    Its coming back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    tunney wrote: »
    10km in 45 yesterday
    9.8km in 45 today

    Its coming back.

    Sounds like regression to me, if this trend continues it will be 9.6km today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Decent week. All running - was planning to cycle to work but my attempt at changing the cables on the bike ended up in breaking some plastic bits on the frame and now I have one gear - small ring front and back. Think I'll bring it to the bike shop and let them fix it properly.

    Anyhow -
    Tuesday - 3x2km r 90s. Ave pace went 1. 3.55, 2. 4.00, 3. 4.03 per km.
    Thursday - 40min pace run. Ave pace 4.16per km. (Last time I did this - pre injuries I averaged 4.03 so a bit to go).
    Friday - run to work with backpack - 20.4km and 1hr49. Was planning a split long run to let me go out for drinks after work. Hip stiffened up so i cancelled the extra 12k i planned for lunch. Still covered 32km in the space of 12 hours if you take Thursday night and Friday morning.

    Overall c40km for the week. Not great distance wise. Missed a run on the weekend as I went away for my wedding anniversary but ill do an hour tomorrow and i normally take a Monday off so not going to get hung up about it.

    Thats 2 weeks of some quality sessions - I am lacking speed endurance which is evident from the pace run and the fact my intervals are dropping off. I reckon I should be back to my pre injury speed in a couple more weeks.

    2 weeks to the Great North Run so hopefully ramp up the milage a bit more and get a good time there (sub 1.30 will be good in my book).

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Good week at last!
    -Monday - 12km lunch run with Tunney - 5min per km ave.
    -Wednesday - did the tues night session which i missed due to working late along the canal at lunch. No gps watch so i did 4x4mins with 60s recovery. Nice session in blistering sunshine.
    -Friday - did the Thurs night session as i worked late again last night. So out at lunch time on my own for a 40 min pace run. Target was c.4.10 as i had hit 4.16 last week. All was going well until the last 2km which were 4.28 and 4.36. V weird - hr spiked also to 170 for the last 2 - up from 160 so i backed off a bit.
    -Saturday - easy 45min run - hr in the 130s and 9km.
    - Sunday - long run as 1hr steady - pace from 5.20 per km down to 5 per km by the hour mark, 40mins at marathon pace (4.30 per km) then continued at 5m per km for the rest. Total was 30km in 2.29.

    Overall - 71km and c 6hrs.

    Long may it continue!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Okay - didn't continue too long.

    Picked up a virus. Doctor has ordered no running for 3 days and not to do the great north run. Not happy!! My sister is working on getting the entry deferred to next year although the cut off for this is tomorrow so not enough time to post the chip back so she will call them tomorrow from Newcastle.

    Should be okay for the marathon I was told so 3 days off training - build it back up again but no real fast stuff (he hasn't seen me run so I can comply with the 'no fast stuff' request!)

    Bit strange as the resting HR has come back down to 50 this week and my ling run Sunday felt very comfortable so I think it is something that has been hanging around a while and I am just getting the end of it. Oh well - just have to suck it up and play it safe!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    At great north run. Had flight booked so came over to support my sisters boyfriend. Big respect to spectators, much prefer to be in the race but i think i will be handing out more high fibes next race. Its a long day, and we managed to miss him as well!

    My entry is defered to next year. You have to pay the entry fee again but for race where entry is by lottery i think i will take it. Great atmosphere and one to do. Got to meet a premiership ref in the vip tent after!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Time to draw a line for the season. Got Shingles last week (gone now - i think it was a mild dose). Getting conflicting advice in relation to the recovery time. As in you think you are recovered, immune system is down and give it a couple of weeks of training and bang, you are gone again.

    Given the number of injuries, niggles and now this I am going to take the advice from the majority I have talked to and take 4 weeks off, doing no training, (outside of a wee bit of swim technique) and then start to build a base very slowly for Lanza.

    Dublin is therefore out - not impressed but it is true - you should listen to your body.

    Summary of the season:
    - Collinstown - think i was 15th or 16th - positive result.
    - Tri Athy double - DNS - did my back in.
    - Challenge Roth - 11.09 - happy enough overall.
    - Great North Run - DNS on docs advice due to shingles.
    - DUblin Marathon - DNS (although not happened yet but i have already entered so i will include it).
    - I broke 40mins (39.58) for 10km run so one target hit!

    That is more DNS's than I have had in 10 years of tri.

    Here's to a better season next year!!!

    Base training to start mid October.
