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Ps1 Game Hunt

  • 25-04-2010 7:46pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭

    Right I want to get a few PS1 games and before headin onto ebay I wanted to see if anyone knows if theres anyplace I could get these. I'll be in Dublin in 2 weeks time so someplace around the centre of Dublin would be handy and Id says its the best place to look for them

    Of corse if someone here wants to "trade" with me that would be great

    Nightmare Creatures 1 & 2
    Parappa the Rapper
    Oddworld: Abes Exodus
    Legacy of Kain games
    Akuji the heartless
    Crash bandicoot 2 & 3

    There are more but those ones are just on the top of my head, I know might be hard to get some of these around but if anyone has some PS1 games they want to unload let me know :pac:



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,806 ✭✭✭✭KeithM89_old

    Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3 are on the PS Store if you have a PS3

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭donfarrell

    I have crash bandicoot 2, would trade for Metal Gear Solid :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    kmurp07 wrote: »
    Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3 are on the PS Store if you have a PS3

    Do you realise what section your posting in?

    donfarrell wrote: »
    I have crash bandicoot 2, would trade for Metal Gear Solid :D

    I'm going to say no :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,806 ✭✭✭✭KeithM89_old

    Do you realise what section your posting in?

    Ehhhh.. no My bad :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭donfarrell

    Do you realise what section your posting in?

    I'm going to say no :P

    D'awwwwwwwwwwwwww :P so worth it though. I even have that secret demo that came with it that had a demo of Nightmare Creatures, kurushi, pappa the rapper (I think
    , some rythm game) :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    WOW that is tempting, I think I'll stick with my MGS

    To salt the wound I think you should know that i have 2 copies :P and the special missions, just wish I didnt throw out the box for the double pack :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,632 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    kurushi! Totally forgot I'd bought that. Those falling blocks terrify me :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭donfarrell

    :( ah well

    Really wish I didnt sell all my PS1 games back in the day :(
    I had like 30, now all I have is Crash Bandicoot 2(complete with extra demos;)) world cup 98?!?!, Gran Turismo :), Doom :D, NFS: Road Challenge and a game called Auto Destruct :) and Die Hard Trilogy :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    At least you got a few good ones left

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,632 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    The ps1 probably had the best 'cooling down' stage at the end of its life for cheap games. Places were practically giving them away for nothing. I picked up Vib Ribbon and Devil Dice in my local gamestop for about 3 euro each. Many many others too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    yeah i remember gamestop were really flogging them out! but I was only like 14 or somthing then and PS1 games were "gay" according to media sources around school

    Wish i had goten some then

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    So none then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,632 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    I have some doubles but none of the above.

    From memory I have an extra copy of RE2 and a shiny almost new Time Crisis (Platinum) also think I have a good quality Platinum Air Combat.

    I'm sure I have many many more, most of them are just out in my parents house. Next time I'm out there I'll have a look through and let you know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    Ah yeah do sure, I already have 2 threads in the Waterford City section looking for megadrive and gamecube games :P, I might do a PS1 thread.

    I just have a hankering for some nightmare creatures!

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,632 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Wasn't that game released, recalled because it was very buggy and broken and then released again?

    Or am I just confused?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    possibly, Im not too sure, not the greatist game ever but I always had a spot for it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭Butch Cassidy

    You're not going to find PS1 games in any Dublin shops. There's a shop on Talbot St with some for about 15quid each but they're very basic titles, nothing special like. 15quid for Die Hard Trilogy? eh.... no thanks!

    Your best bet is trying all the charity shops. It's a needle in a haystack most of the time but the odd time you'll get lucky if someone's ma just happened to clean out their son's hold toys that day or something. There's a good few charity shops on Capel St and then over on Georges St there's one or two more. Rathmines has a mammoth amount of them!

    Previous gen games in Irish shops are like hen's teeth. It's very weird, either people throw all their stuff into a bin or they must keep it gathering dust in an attic. Britain has a game shop called Gamestation which would kinda be their eqivalent to Gamestop here - ie. pretty big and plenty of outlets. Anyway, over there them shops will still have previous gen stuff for sale. I've seen Sega Saturns, Dreamcasts, Gamecubes, Megadrives, SNES, N64 all for sale at very decent prices either on their own or in a bundle. And of course you don't have to factor in ebay postage and all that hassle and crap which I hate.

    I've picked up some decent stuff in these Gamestations. Maybe you won't find all the crazy super rare retro gear many of you are looking for but it's such a pleasure to be able to walk into a shop and see N64 games, PS1 games and even Xbox games sitting there waiting to be bought.

    Gamestop here have a weird approach. I suppose they don't want to get stung with a million more football games but you'd wonder would a shop manager really turn away someone trying to sell a Sega Saturn bundle? Or a Dreamcast one or a boxed N64 with all the trimmings attached?

    I do wonder how well games like MGS are doing on PSN and if those people given the chance and the choice would pay a few quid for it for real. I do also wonder where the damn hell Ireland's portion of them 6million copies of that game went!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    See that the question I have exactly, everyone back in the day had megadrive and SNESs' so what happened to all of them. attic raids must happen!

    I know finding the games is hard but at least with this thread someone might have a few they wnat to get rid of, but I'll have to go to ebay for a good few i think.

    A gamestation over here would be great, or even any all console shop. Its wired the gamestops in America still stock gamecube and up to a little while ago xbox games. they were pulled so long ago here

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,146 ✭✭✭CathalDublin

    See that the question I have exactly, everyone back in the day had megadrive and SNESs' so what happened to all of them. attic raids must happen!

    I know finding the games is hard but at least with this thread someone might have a few they wnat to get rid of, but I'll have to go to ebay for a good few i think.

    A gamestation over here would be great, or even any all console shop. Its wired the gamestops in America still stock gamecube and up to a little while ago xbox games. they were pulled so long ago here

    I was in a gamestop in western Australia that had hundreds of nes and snes titles, they even had not 1 but 2 power gloves!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭Butch Cassidy

    See that the question I have exactly, everyone back in the day had megadrive and SNESs' so what happened to all of them. attic raids must happen!

    I know finding the games is hard but at least with this thread someone might have a few they wnat to get rid of, but I'll have to go to ebay for a good few i think.

    A gamestation over here would be great, or even any all console shop. Its wired the gamestops in America still stock gamecube and up to a little while ago xbox games. they were pulled so long ago here

    I doubt Gamestation make their bread and butter off of selling Mega Drive games! They do sell them and obviously make a few quid off them - I've often seen a whole shelf full of Xbox games and when I've gone back days later all the good ones I wanted were gone. So they're shifting this retro stuff but it's not their main source of profit. New games and accessories for Wii, Xbox360 and PS3 obviously is!

    The gas thing about Gamestation is, the 2nd hand prices of current gen games are a good 30% cheaper than the cheapest here. I got Ninja Gaiden for the PS3 for a mere £5 like!

    Back to the point at hand, yeah it's just bonkers that previous gen stuff is either in a quarry somewhere or gathering dust. I don't know what the problem is though - is it the shops you put up signs saying "we no longer trade in previous generation consoles and games" or is it people not bothering to trade them in? Of course they're hardly going to be getting a large amount for trading them in but it's better than nothing.

    That brings me onto another point, Some of the prices people are looking for stuff on there is madness! Considering what trade in value you get these days for PS2 consoles and old games it's bizarre looking at what people are both looking for and paying!

    Maybe that is the problem - everyone values their own gear too highly and they don't want to trade it in for tuppence so they try to get a hundred quid for a phat PS2 that's years old - and may end up not reading discs soon - and a half dozen or so games.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    about half a dozen sh1t games too, and if a good ps2 game comes up people are askin over 30 for it usually

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭Butch Cassidy

    about half a dozen sh1t games too, and if a good ps2 game comes up people are askin over 30 for it usually

    There's a guy with a PS2 bundle looking for 70 quid for 10 or so games. They're all bog standard average games too that mots people will probably have. Gamestop would give barely give him a tener for them like and he's refused offers. Totally bizarre.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    The fella i work with sold all his gamecube games for €1 each to gamestop, 3 metroids and 3 resident evils were in that bunch

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,632 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    What a muppet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    it gets better, gamestop took all the leads for the gamecube aswell and wouldnt take the console itself.

    and cash converters wouldnt take the console without the leads, so Jack Burton got a free wireless gamecube :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,248 ✭✭✭hitman79

    So my old ps1 and ps2 games are worth cash then??

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    Well what ones have you got?

    For example Steve Davis Snooker on PS1 isnt really worth a whole lot

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,248 ✭✭✭hitman79

    I'll go have a root in 5 mins. Must be about 30 old ps1 and ps2 games up there! I'll post what i have

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭Jack burton

    Cool man!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 34,632 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Yeah, it all depends.

    Castlevania:Symphony of the Night will be worth €50 - €90

    Same with the Tomba games.

    Spice world... 1c?


    Dibs on all the good games!
