If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact

Charter- Read This Before Posting Here!

  • 24-09-2003 11:21pm
    Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭


    I want everyone to be able to not only write freely, but to also be able to read freely in this forum.

    In order to post your work here all I ask is that if your writing contains Profanity or "adult content", Please put a header in the title so those who may be offended will not run across it mistakingly and have a stroke while reading it.

    I will from now on be PM'ing anyone who I feel posted something inappropriate, unless it is complete muppetry in which case you WILL be banned.

    Because our poster's have freedom of speech and expression in this forum there will be content not suitable for all readers.
    I am asking that you please put a warning before the title in such cases.

    I should mention that we allow artistic freedom here, but if it is being abused in anyway in excessive use of profanity or "adult" material it will be removed and the poster warned.

    **Deletion of posts** When posting replies in a thread:
    If you post a comment to someone that is off topic, it will be deleted. You have the option to PM someone if you have something to say to them. When one person makes an off topic comment the whole thread spirals off topic so it will not be tolerated and you wont be warned.

    Ok, since some people are new and dont understand the rules...let me elaborate a little on this.
    So far 3 people have been banned this month for posting a remark about someone in someone elses thread. If you have something to say to someone do it in a PM. If you are commenting on the piece posted that is fine. If you have a personal comment that doesnt have anything to do with the Original posters Piece of work then you will be banned. There is entirley too much off topic crap lately and we have to tighten things up a bit. Moderators are here for a reason, if you dont understand that then feel to PM them. Thats what PM's are for...your personal comments to someone on boards.
    Keep the threads on topic people.

    *Official Warning*
    1st ban is 1 week 2nd is 1 month and 3rd is a permanent banning.
    We also check IP addresses, if you re-register another account and post something you will be Site wide banned.
    You have been warned.

    if it is found out that you took another persons writing and used it as your own you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!


  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    If you would like to post a piece of your work then you would click on the
    "new thread" at the top right hand side of the screen.

    Please post a new thread for each new topic instead of adding to an existing thread so we know when you have posted something new.

    To reply to a threadsimply click on the reply option at the top of theopened thread.

    If you have any questions or requests or are not sure if what you are posting is ok, feel free to PM me.

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Mod,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    No more "Hey look at my blog!!!" threads, please. They're already online, for anyone interested enough in what you had for breakfast yesterday, and why you think it gave you gas, to read.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Just a little helpful information for the posters:

    Creative Writing


    Creative writing is intended to entertain. Good creative writing also contains a message - a statement about life or the nature of mankind. To entertain it must be interesting and "alive."


    Poetry should say something about man's situation or the nature of the world. This can be done through metaphors, allusions, images or other devices.

    Poetry should paint mental pictures. It should use sound to create mood.

    Poetry should avoid wordiness.

    Poetry need not rhyme, but may do so. If a poem rhymes, it should also have a steady meter.


    A good writer is, by nature, a reader. Reading keeps the mind alive and active and keeps the writer tuned into the ideas which are being presented by others. Do not copy others, but learn from what they do.

    Creative writing is an individual pursuit, and each writer must find her or his own method within the process.The author may choose to start by creating characters and then deciding on a plot.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Yes, you heard right can now post your work anon, though it has to be pre-modded before it will be posted.
    That means no spam will get through, so lets play nice and enjoy.

    That being said, if it is overly abused by such spam I will have the anon ability turned off.

    It is here by request of users who would like to post some more personal/emotional prose/poetry/CW without people associating it with them personally since so many of us on Boards now know one another.

    If you have some personal work you couldn't post before because you didn't want people to know or think it had something to do with your life feel free to post it now.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    threads that continue to go off topic and have the op backed into a corner to defend thier work will be locked without warning.

    No one posting thier creative work should be pounced on and forced to disect it for anyone, if you dont like it that is your perogitive. Constant badgering will get you banned and harrassing people or name calling will have you banned.

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