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Samsung Smart TV not connecting to the internet (Vodafone)

  • 26-02-2015 9:19am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,403 ✭✭✭

    So I recently bought a Samsung Smart TV from a friend (second hand), I took it home and set it up, popped in the Ethernet cable and connected to the internet, happy days.

    Jump forward 2 days later and the TV can no longer connect to the internet.
    It connects to the router but fails to connect to the internet, giving the message along the lines that you're connected to the network but not the internet.

    The only thing I can think of that changed since then was my Vodafone broadband package, I upgraded to a newer package (unlimited download and maybe better speeds...that's it!).

    So googled the bejesus out of it and tried various things with gateway settings and the like all with zero success.

    I checked the router page and it lists the TV (calling it 'PC') with the correct MAC address and IP address of the TV so I presume this is OK.

    Has anyone else encountered this and if so could they help put me out of my misery :(

