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Heavy Weighted Bed Blankets

  • 30-08-2012 12:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 20,836 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm looking to replace my synthetic duvet. I suffer from allergies and I don't think this is helping me at all so I'm looking to replace it with something more natural that can be thrown in the wash and dry easy enough too. With winter coming, warmth is a necessity too.

    Ideally I'd like something organic but I know these come at a premium.

    I've found an array of sites based in the US which sell good quality looking blankets but can't find anything local. Shipping would I'm sure add a lot to the already expensive prices so if anyone knows of anywhere local to get something decent, please share.

    There's a good selection here:

    I'd be looking at the heavier ones so they'd have the same warmth as a duvet for winter. Could use 2 at a time of course but don't want to end up spending loads. Also, would a KING size blanket be way too big for a double/twin bed? Would like to spend the money now and not have to get new ones if I get a bigger bed in the future but don't want them to be massively oversized.

    Any feedback appreciated :)
