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  • 19-03-2012 10:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭


    I'd be very interested to hear people's thoughts, views and experiences of loneliness. How long did you experience it, how did you come to be in that situation and most importantly how did you get yourself out of it.

    I know that even though you may have a lot of friends sometimes you just feel like that you are completely alone and that is one the worst feelings that anyone can ever have.

    I hope people can share their stories here.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,607 ✭✭✭Rick_

    I feel lonely quite often. I imagine many people do but most don't want/like to admit it as it's seen as a weakness of some sort maybe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,512 ✭✭✭baby and crumble

    Is this an LGBT related topic? I'm just wondering if you might get some better responses in PI or humanities...

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    This subject has been gnawing away at me lately. I'm in my late 20s and it's been nearly 3 years since the end of my last relationship. In that time I've had to move abroad twice for work, each time further away from my old friends and family than the last. And to make it worse, I've been in temporary teaching positions so haven't been able to lay roots where I've been, and where I am now.

    Nearly all of my gay friends are in long-term relationships, as are my siblings and quite a few of my straight friends. I haven't met a woman that I've wanted to start a relationship (or who has wanted one with me, I guess) in the past 3 years! And I'm not really a scene type of girl, so ways to meet girls are pretty limited. So yeah, I've become increasingly lonely. I think it's the feeling of dread when you're invited to a social engagement like a wedding or a birthday, and you're sat between happy couples for the night. I don't begrudge anybody their happiness, or ever feel specifically jealous about anybody's relationship.. it's just that feeling when you know you have to return to your home alone at the end of the night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Sam Tyler

    Is this an LGBT related topic? I'm just wondering if you might get some better responses in PI or humanities...

    I was thinking of my own suitation because I'm gay so I don't mind if you want to move it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,512 ✭✭✭baby and crumble

    That's grand Sam I was just checking. See how it goes here first! ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,373 ✭✭✭✭foggy_lad

    Sam Tyler wrote: »
    I was thinking of my own suitation because I'm gay so I don't mind if you want to move it?
    Many Gay people feel lonely or isolated and some of that can be attributed to them alienating themselves from their regular group of straight friends when they "come out" and go it alone in the big bad gay world, I believe it would not be such a problem if there were no gay pubs/clubs as this would mean we all have to get along with the rest of humanity and if the young gay and lesbian people were not treated to "separate" youth groups but forced to get on in mainstream clubs where they would feel more at home and be amongst all the friends they had all through school they will grow to be far better people and be better able for what life can throw at them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭Conor30

    Nearly all of my gay friends are in long-term relationships,

    Really? Wow! Not even one of my gay friends is in a relationship! But then, we're gay guys! In my opinion, gay guys are less likely to be in a relationship than our straight counterparts. This could possibly be why some people say being gay is a 'lonely life'.

    The only way to combat loneliness is to join clubs and groups. There are many for for the LGBT community, especially if you're living near Dublin or Cork or some other large urban area.

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Sam Tyler


    The only way to combat loneliness is to join clubs and groups. There are many for for the LGBT community, especially if you're living near Dublin or Cork or some other large urban area.[/QUOTE]

    Hey there!

    My point when I started this thread was that all of us experience loneliness from time to time at some point in our lives. You may have lots of friends but still feel alone and that might be for many different reasons. I don't agree completely with your statement Conor.

    For me personally, I have a lot of friends but currently I'm feeling very lonely.

    I'm looking for people to share their experiences and hopefully by talking about it can make a difference.

    Somebody earlier said people don't admit to it as it can be seen as a sign of weakness. Sadly that is the case I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 BrazIrish

    Hi Sam Tyler,

    I am going through the worse moment of loneliness in my life, first of all I just came out to my parents and friends, all of them supportive as well as the group here but still. I would say I never ever cared about this "area" of my life either because I didn't accept myself or thought it was just a phase, even though I knew I was wrong. Just didn't bother myself. Don't know if it's your case... As a matter of fact, I am a long-term Brazilian student in Dublin which is not the case of my friends who left the country worsening my situation. I still have some very good straight friends around but still feel lonely. I tried going out in gay bars, the experience has been amazing till the moment I was 'innocent enough' to look for something serious over there. I slept with two guys and they vanished, I felt like rubbish after looking for them either because I wanted a relationship or friendship but they're gone. All this because I felt lonely... Last week I've been to a LGBT meeting which was really great! Guess it's a very good start in this situation. You'll interact with gay people, make new friends... I still feel lost and lonely, it's all new for me but I'm trying to deal with the situation taking the advice I got here. This is a hard moment I know, not easy to deal with it but we'll manage that :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭stephen_n

    There is a huge difference between aloneness and loneliness but for some reason society and literature in general have failed to differentiate. Aloneness is a feeling of isolation that can be cured or at least helped by the company of others. Loneliness is a completely seperate existential experience which if anything can be exaserbated by the company of others. I have felt far more lonely standing in a crowd than on my own on top of a mountain. Loneliness is something that needs to be accepted and somewhat embraced as it speaks to our relationships with ourselves. It's important to be with it, listen to it and try to connect with what it brings, which quite often is a deeper understanding of ourselves. As humans we are designed to avoid unpleasant sensations but sometimes they are the only way to be able to genuinely experience the joyful ones.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭DubArk

    I think in all our lives, there are times when we experience loneliness, I know when I first moved to the UK and moved in with my partner, I was very lonely. This was due to me cutting myself off from my old friends and family for at least the first couple of years in our relationship. Looking back on it, I don’t know how I got through it, how we both got through it. It caused so much sadness between us that I blamed him for everything; I must have been a nightmare to of lived with.

    Unfortunately I would self medicate with alcohol to try and numb myself from my deep unhappiness and isolation. I eventually found out; that wasn’t the way forward and I was close to losing my partner if I didn’t get a grip.

    I found that meeting these feeling head on was best of course Sober. I now drink for social reasons only and my life has moved on considerably.
    I still have times where I feel lonely but nothing as intense as those first few years, like most things I’ve put it down to experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭Donnaghm

    I have supportive friends and family all around me, yet I'm lonely too.
    I'm the only single person among my friends. I'm often the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th nth spare wheel on nights out. It's rather frustrating,

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,943 ✭✭✭wonderfulname

    Well said stephen, I'm quite alone recently, the girlfriends away, as are a lot of my close friends, it's pretty crap being in the house and having nobody there, but I'll go out in about an hour, have a whale of a time, and feel all the better for it. In contrast if it were this time last year when I was actually depressed and lonely, had somebody actually managed to drag me out for the night I would have just felt more isolated for being in a crowd and feeling seperated from it. I definitely would have drank myself stupid and that would make me feel even worse the next day.

    How'd I deal with it? Therapy. I had a bucketload of problems which had to be dealt with. If you do feel isolated and down you really should speak to somebody about it, I mean anybody, friend/partner/stranger/GP, whoever. It's not something to be ashamed of, everyone goes through it at some point, to some degree, and it can do a world of good to just have your feelings recognised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭brokenice

    pffft...i'm glad i'm alone, i've been in and out of a few relationships recently with men who turned out to be complete the words of madge '2nd best is never enough, you'd do much better baby on your own!' stop being sad about it, embrace it! then you'll meet someone nice when you least expect it!
