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Backstage Stories

  • 15-10-2010 11:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,795 ✭✭✭

    Personally I love to hearing about backstage stories and stuff.....what would be the funniest or most interesting backstag storie you've heard?

    The one of the most nterestin stories for me it has to be the dynamite kid and jacques rougeaus incident. i found this earlier takin from the online world of wrestling website and it explains both sides of the story. bit long but good read
    Part I: The Dynamite Kid: The following commentary I am giving is summarized and paraphrased from The Dynamite Kid's book Pure Dynamite. According to Dynamite, he never liked the Rougeau brothers. He felt they were arrogant and ignorant. Before Summerslam 1988, it was decided that the Rougeaus would face the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs did not want to lose to this particular team, so it was decided that they would give the crowd a 20 minute match which would end when the time expired. Some time after this a rib was played on the Rougeaus by Curt Hennig that backfired on the Bulldogs since they were notorious for backstage pranks. Apparently it is an unwritten rule backstage that you should always have someone watch your clothes when you are not around. The Rougeaus had asked Hennig to watch their stuff while they wrestled and he decided to cut their clothes to ribbons. When the Rougeaus returned, he quick ran in the bathroom and came out looking at their stuff pretending to be just as surprised. The Rougeaus instantly blamed the Bulldogs and yelled at them and even threatened them and left their dressing room. Dynamite waited a few minutes (and he remarks he does not know why he did it, even today) and went over to the dressing room the Rougeaus were in. Jacques had his back to him and Dynamite gave him a "flat hander, straight across to the ear". Jacque was both yelling "what's going on", but trying to fight back, but Dynamite laid him out. Raymond tried to get in the middle saying, "Jacques, he's had enough of you", but Dynamite warned him to back off and said "this has nothing to do with you", but Raymond would not back down, so Dynamite knocked Raymond out too. He left the dressing room leaving both Rougeaus on the floor. Days went by and the Rougeaus had done nothing to make Dynamite think that they were out for revenge. He would see them and they would not say a word and just go about their business or bury themselves in a book; at least until a TV taping at Ft. Wayne.

    Dynamite was just returning from lunch when he saw the Rougeaus talking with Pat Patterson and suddenly the thought came to him "they could not be planning something now, not in front of Pat". But Dynamite was wrong as when he passed them (as Pat started walking away) and Jacques hit him square in the mouth, knocking four teeth out. Patterson turned around and started yelling "stop, stop" as Jacques continued to hit him. Dynamite would not go down though. He then saw Raymond getting ready to blindside him as he thought to himself "it's over, I cannot handle two people", since he was not aware of how far they were going to take this. Luckily Bad News Brown showed up to break up the fight, and from Dynamite's stand-point, saved his life. The Rougeaus sprinted out of the building after this. Pat, trying to calm things down, gave Dynamite some money and told him to go to the hospital and get stitched up. He went and returned to the arena upon which he was told that Vince wanted to see him. Vince first remarked to Dynamite that he was in disbelief on how he did not go down. Dynamite came back saying how he would fix the Rougeaus, but Vince warned him against it because they "knew certain people" in Montreal that could make the situation a whole lot uglier. Dynamite left for a tour of Europe after the incident and discovered that when he arrived that Davey Boy had been in contact with their families already telling a different version of the story on how he "saved" Dynamite's life by fighting off the Rougeaus.

    The story came to a close with Vince arranging a meeting between the two teams. Dynamite said he would leave the situation be, if Jacques paid for his teeth (even though the WWF had already paid). Jacques adamantly refused cursing up a storm, but Raymond stepped in as peacemaker and settled his brother down and said to Dynamite to get the bill from the dentist and give it to them and they would pay. According to Dynamite the Rougeaus paid and he had 1,800 extra dollars since the bill was already settled by the company. Shortly after the Bulldogs gave their notice for many personal reasons and the last match they had (as a team) was in the tag-team elimination match at Survivor Series 1988.

    Part II: Jacques Rougeau: The information I am supplying here is summarized and paraphrased from a shoot interview with Jacques compliments of RF video. According to Jacques, at first he tremendously respected the Bulldogs for their talent, but disliked their bullying of other workers and pranks. Jacques even suspected that they were jealous of him because he was very goal-oriented and was on his way up. The incident began at a house show in Syracuse, NY. The Rougeau's saw that the roster said there would be two tag-team matches, the third and the eighth match. Now a ride from Syracuse to Montreal was very short, so they asked if they could wrestle third and leave to Montreal from there to have one more day with their families. Since their trip was so short, and the Bulldogs would not being able to go home anyway since they resided in Calgary, they saw no reason that it would bother the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs even said to them that it was ok, but the Rougeaus later had their suspicions that they were not ok with it. Jacques asked Curt Hennig to watch his bag when he wrestled. When Jacques returned he said Hennig just looked down at the bag and then looked at the into Jacques's eyes and repeated going back and forth Jacques checked his bag, but everything seemed in order. He went home later realized his work-out gear was missing, but that's all. After they had left though "the **** was stirring around the dressing room" with how the Rougeaus had rearranged their match time and various other things, but it all led to the confrontation in Miami.
    Jacques was in the dressing room playing cards when suddenly he was punched from behind. When he saw it was Dynamite he kept yelling "what's wrong", but Dynamite kept punching. Raymond (who was on crutches) tried to intervene but Dynamite punched and knocked him over too. Raymond remarked "Oh, you're going to beat up a guy on crutches", to which Dynamite replied "No, I'll wait for you to heal and then I'll beat you up".

    The incident took place in Miami, where the Rougeaus father lived. Jacques did not talk to his brother or father for three days. When they were on a plane leaving Miami, an announcement came on the speaker saying "Ladies and gentlemen, we're thrilled to have wrestlers from the WWF on board this flight and we want to congratulate Jacques Rougeau on his recent boxing match". It was at this point that Jacques broke his silence to Raymond and said "Wednesday is when I'll get my revenge".

    For days, Jacques and Raymond kept to themselves, trying to convince Dynamite that he had won over them. Dynamite would walk by them looking confident and strong and Jacques gave the impression that he wanted nothing to do with Dynamite and was in great fear of him; all to make their plan for revenge unexpected. During this time of silence, Jacques even noted that people were treating him with less respect, for not trying to get back at Dynamite. The primary person he mentions was his best friend Dino Bravo, who would simply nod when Jacques said greeted him. Meanwhile Raymond was prepping Jacques for the upcoming "attack", by having him practice jabbing all night in the hotel rooms. Jacques broke the silence with his father and called him the night before all of this went down, to which his father said, "get a roll of quarters and hold it in your punching hand, when you deck him".

    This led to a TV taping at Ft. Wayne. Unbeknownst to either the Bulldogs or the Rougeaus was that Vince and the powers that be had a meeting that came to the decision that the next person who starts a fight is fired automatically. Vince had then approached the Rougeaus and said he wanted to see them later. Jacques knew his attack had to happen before this meeting took place. They waited by the corridor of the hallway as wrestlers were coming back from lunch. Things could not have been more perfect for the attack because all the people that Dynamite was usually with (Davey Boy, The Hart Foundation, Bad News Brown, and Don Muraco) had walked by already, so they knew Dynamite would be alone. Up until Pat Patterson came by and started talking to them, but this did not deter Jacques's determination to do what he wanted to do. As soon as Pat was walking away Dynamite walked by he started doing his cocky little strut by Jacques, to which Jacques simply said "Hi Dynamite" and punched him square in the mouth knocking four of his teeth out. Jacques kind of lost focus, because he was expecting Dynamite to go down from that punch and not expecting Dynamite fight back. Raymond was screaming for him to start jabbing to which Jacques did repeatedly. Finally Bad News Brown grabbed Jacques to break up the fight and Jacques offered no resistance to being pulled away.

    After the incident, Pat Patterson had sent Davey Boy to take Dynamite to the hospital; Jacques looked to Raymond and said "Now we'll go see Vince". When they knocked on Vince's door, Vince opened the door, but could only see Raymond to which he said "I said later guys". Jacques said fine until Vince saw the blood all over him. Hogan was in the office with Vince and took one look at Jacques and said "I'm outta here brother". Even Randy Savage opened his dressing room door and saw Jacques's condition and just shut his door. Vince did make time to talk to them then, and despite the meeting with the higher ups he said that they were not fired. He said he was going to go get the Bulldogs, and told them to lock the door behind them. The Rougeaus' did more then that as the broke they legs off of chairs in the office in case the Bulldogs entered and a fight started again. Vince came back to the office by himself and said he was sending the Bulldogs to a tour of Europe. The Rougeaus would be going home to Montreal after some house shows in NY. Nobody talked to them the rest of that day and Vince even escorted them to their car.

    Sometime later, Dino Bravo went up to Jacques and said "I have good news and bad news. The good news is the Bulldogs gave their notice. The bad news is the Bulldogs gave their notice". Jacques realized the situation he was in with how they are leaving, but now they have nothing to lose. Jacques was in fear of his life so he made some calls to "some people" in Montreal and pulled Dino Bravo aside one night "since he knew what type of person Dino Bravo was" and said "I call my family every night by midnight. If ever I don't call . . ." and then he showed Dino that he had Dynamite's home address and Dino nodded, understanding what he meant. [/LEFT]
    The final night for the Bulldogs was Survivor Series 1988, where both teams were involved in a tag-team elimination match. The Rougeaus were a little nervous since they did not know what was going on that night and nobody talked to them until about 90mins before the show. Vince asked both teams into his office and it turns out that Dynamite had a high spot he wanted to go over. He wanted to gorilla press Jacques and teeter backwards towards the ropes and as Raymond would come to attempt to make a save, Dynamite would toss Jacques onto Raymond. Jacques immediately said "That's a good idea", but in the back of his mind did not discount the fear of Dynamite dropping him on his head on the concrete on the outside. After the meeting Vince asked the Rougeaus if they would mind leaving as soon as they were eliminated from the match, not even stopping to take a shower. He did not want to take any chances since it was the Bulldogs' final night.

    In the end Jacques still thinks of Dynamite as a "piece of ****", but says if he had the opportunity, he would have a beer with him and say "I'm sorry the whole thing happened between us". Finally he remarks that he never paid Dynamite any money for his teeth.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,153 ✭✭✭Jolt2007

    Find the Haku/Meng stories interesting myself, whether they're true or false
    -Here's Jake Roberts and Kevin Sullivan's take about the time when Meng ripped out Jesse Barr's eye

    It happened in Puerto Rico and it was Sullivan, Roberts, Barr, and Haku (I'll call him Meng or Haku throughout) walking the streets of PR. There was a construction worker digging the streets and Barr went up to the guy and kicked dirt in his face. Meng told Barr "you shouldn't have done that" and Jesse said "**** you, what are you going to do about it?" and the fight started and 1 punch and a take down later, Barr was missing an eye.

    Here's what Meng had to say when asked about the incident and this is a direct quote:

    "It happened. But it's sad because I've always considered the boys as my family. They are my family. When things like that happen to me, it's very sad. We should control it but we're still human beings too."

    - Haku also had a backstage encounter with Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake after Beefcake complained to WWF management that Haku slapped him too hard during a match. After WWF management informed Haku, he immediately went to the locker room and grabbed Beefcake out of the shower, and began choking him, lifting him two feet off the floor. Other wrestlers were hesitant to break it up, so finally Hulk Hogan (who Haku respected) was called in and was able to calm Haku down.

    - Chris Candido On Haku in WCW

    “He was talking to me, Tammy, and Chris Jericho. Up came Eric Bischoff and Greg Gagne and they walk right in front of us and start talking to Meng. He just looks at them and goes, “Hey!” And the entire locker room just froze. And I was like, man, they just weren’t funny stories, apparently, he really is that tough. And he says, “Apologize to my friends, I’m talking”. Bischoff apolizes and everyone shuts up and lets him finish talking to us.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,959 ✭✭✭Degag

    The OP's story was told (albeit in much less detail) in Bret's book.

    Like these stories, keep 'em coming!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,347 ✭✭✭✭rossie1977

    the andre stories are the best, each seem to gain legs as the years go on

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    There's a hell of a lot of stories about Meng and some of the proper tough guys going back years. Stuck in work atm, but I'll quote what ones I have later. Plenty spring to mind.
    • Chris Jericho punking out Goldberg
    • Undertaker, HBK, Wrestlemania and the wrist tape
    • The Kliq almost being arrested after Shawn popped too many Soma's and had a fit
    • Teddy Long almost freezes Ron Simmons
    • LOD being dared to do their finisher on Vince, then Hart Foundation did it anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Story originally comes from a Kevin Nash shoot interview
    The Kliq (HBK, HHH, Hall, Nash, and X-Pac) were all on a road trip together. They had rented a minivan to ride around in, and in those days whereever they went they drank and drank and drank. Everyone but Triple H (who had just started hanging out with them), who was the driver. Nash rode shotgun because of everyone that drank, he was the least buzzed due to his size.

    Well, they were on this stretch of road that they recognized. Seems they'd been down this way before, and there was a hotel nearby that had a restaurant added onto it. The bulk of the guys had eaten there before and absolutely loved the food, so they all decided to go there and eat. They get there, pulling up to the side, drinking and laughing and yelling. They put the empty and half empty beer bottles up on the curb and are just having an amazing time, just being as loud and raucous as they can. Then they walk around the side and enter the restaurant and freeze in their tracks.

    The restaurant is having a huge dinner in honor of the local police department. There's like forty cops or so there.

    The Kliq freaks out, but damn it the food there was great, and as they walked in the cops saw them. So if five guys walk in and then walk out, the cops will know for sure something's up, so they try and act natural. Nash tells X-Pac to go back outside and clear off any of the beer bottles they left beside the van. X-Pac does so and Nash recalls that he was just giving some of the bottles to passersby.
    Well, they're standing in line to order, trying at act as natural as several drunk guys can, when one of the cops recognizes Hall and asks if he's who he thinks he is. Hall shouts out "YEAH! WANNA WRASSLE!" and Nash is palming his face and trying to get Hall to shut up and quit drawing attention to themselves.
    Well, they get their food and sit down trying to eat, but they feel 40 sets of eyes watching them as they eat. Now, Hunter's sober, Nash can pass for it, but Hall's drunk off his ass, and Shawn and Pac are drunk too, but also took a ****load of somas while they were in the van. About halfway through the meal X-Pac excuses himself and leaves, getting drowsy wanting to go sleep it off in the van.

    A few minutes later, Shawn leans over to Nash and says "Big man, we got a problem."

    Nash notices Shawn is starting to shake violently, a side effect of popping the pills.

    Nash reassures Shawn that they'll get him out of there and back to the van safely. He tells the guys to finish up as quick as they can and they'll all get up and try to get Shawn out of there before his shaking becomes real noticible and they get caught. Well, they all get up and as soon as they do Hall stumbles right into a potted plant and knocks it over, falling down with it because he's so drunk.

    "Alright, I've had enough of this ****!" one of the cops shouts

    Before they know it, the four members of the Kliq still inside are surrounded by cops and Shawn's starting to shake at an insane rate. The cops even start to cuff him. Nash realizing what a snafu this would be if the office found out about them all getting arrested blurts out the first thing he can think of.


    All the cops turn to Nash and then look at Shawn spasming there and ask if he's telling the truth. Nash swears on his life that Shawn is epileptic and the cops give them a choice, go to jail or go to the hospital. Nash says "call the ambulance".
    The ambulance comes and Nash decides to ride with Shawn in it (who's by now spouting gibberish in addition to shaking violently). He leaves Hunter in charge of Hall and X-Pac. As they pull out, he can see Hunter trying to reason with some cops with Hall staggering around and Pac just quietly sleeping in the van

    Nash and Shawn get to the hospital, and the doctors are treating Shawn and Nash just bursts out laughing at the whole situation. A doctor turns to him and scowls at him.

    "You think this is funny?! Your friend could be dying!"
    "Man, he's not dying, he just took some pills. He's fine."

    Next day, Hunter pulls the van up to the hospital. Nash helps Shawn in, whoe promptly passes out in one of the seats with Hall and X-Pac sleeping in a few others. Hunter looks to Nash and asks if this is what every night is like for them.
    Nash just laughs and says "Yeah, pretty much."

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Taz vs HHH
    According to a shoot interview, the finish of their match on Smackdown in early 2000 was supposed to be Dreamer accidentally hitting Taz and HHH rolling him up for a quick pin. Instead, Dreamer hits Taz, as planned, then HHH drops them both with his finisher and pins Taz clean. In the locker room, afterward, Taz got in HHH's face and asked why the finish was changed to make him and the ECW World Title look bad. HHH reportedly smarted off and turned his back, only for Taz to spin him back around and get in his face again. HHH then took a swing at Taz, who then dodged the blow and took him down in an arm submission. Several other wrestlers, including Kurt Angle, broke them up quickly, and HHH was screaming something about payback.
    A short time later, Taz's push was derailed and he was put into the joke Hardcore division and, later, in a feud with commentator, Jerry Lawler.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Eddie, Benoit and Matt Striker
    Matt Striker was supposed to get demoted to Deep South Wrestling and talked his way out of it to Bill Demott. Matt Striker was bragging and laughing about it to Eddie. Eddie did not find it very funny and told him to be quiet and show some respect. When Benoit found out Striker disrespected Eddie, he got Striker's bags and threw them out of the room and told him to change somewhere else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Teddy Long and the APA
    Teddy Long was driving with the APA. He often drove with them (one particular time they were drinking in the back and got pulled over, the cop saying he smelled alcohol and Ron Simmons replying "who are you? THE BLOODHOUND?!")

    Anyway, this time it was Teddy Long, Simmons, Bradshaw and possibly a ref or someone else. Well they're driving through this blizzard and Long is getting annoyed at Simmons, who was sitting behind him. As usual the APA are drinking heavily and Long's just sick of Simmons.
    Well, one of the APA make a point to tell Teddy that they have to stop and pee. They're in the middle of nowhere with a blizzard going on, so Long has to pull the car over and the APA and the other guy get out to piss.

    Car doors close again as they get back in and Teddy drives off. After a minute or so, Bradshaw asks "Hey, what about Ron?"
    Teddy ignores him.
    Another minute passes "Hey Long, what about Ron?"
    Teddy again ignores him.
    A few more minutes pass and Bradshaw again asks "What about Ron?"

    Teddy, sick of the drunkards he's driving, yells back "WELL WHAT ABOUT RON?!"

    Its only then that he looks back and notices Ron Simmons isn't in the car.

    They make a u-turn and drive back to where they peed, with Ron Simmons standing on the side of the road in a blizzard, freezing his ass off in jeans and a t-shirt, covered in snow. Teddy mentioned in Are We There Yet that Ron looked like Frosty the Snowman
    Teddy rolls down the window and apologizes and Ron replies "Damn Long, that ain't right."

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Chris Jericho vs Goldberg, (story from Bret Hart on his website)
    He keeps getting interrupted on the video sadly...
    According to the poll on my web site some of your favorite columns that I’ve written have to do with behind the scenes stories about wrestlers. Here’s one that I heard just last week that kind of reminds me of David and Goliath.
    Making his way back into wrestling circles is Bill Goldberg, who is most famous for his incredible undefeated string of victories in WCW. Not to mention that he’s the guy that accidentally kicked me in the head in December ‘99 causing my career ending concussion. He kicked me much like a wild bucking horse and literally nearly knocked my head off my shoulders. I still , even now, have a tear in my neck muscle the size of a quarter that will never heal, to prove it.
    I was told by a former head coach of the Atlanta Falcons, who coached Bill Goldberg, that if he had a whole team of Goldbergs he’d win the superbowl every year.
    People ask me if sometimes tensions in the ring ever carry over into serious fights in the dressing room. Not usually , because nobody wants to fight and get hurt - and not get paid for it., But now and again sometimes the best wrestling matches take place in the dressing rooms or showers. One such incident happened a couple of weeks ago when Goldberg made some less than kindly remarks about young Chris Jericho.
    Goldberg’s wrestling ability often resembled that gorilla in those old Samsonite luggage commercials. He had a tendency to injure everybody he worked with and took his own publicity a little too seriously.
    My sense about Chris Jericho, a local Calgary kid, is that he’s always been easy going with an even disposition.
    The one little thing that Bill Goldberg didn’t take into account is that Jericho was trained in my dad’s dungeon !
    Although I’m sure Jericho doesn’t pretend to be a shooter he does have a decent wrestling background.
    As I understand it Chris approached Bill in the dressing room and asked him politely if he’d come out in the hallway where they could talk in private. Heads turned when Bill suddenly broke into character, bizarrely growling like he does on TV!
    Goldberg suddenly gripped Chris by the throat in a furious rage. The little scrappy Calgarian, who is nowhere near Goldberg’s size, nonchalantly wrestled him to the floor, clamping on a front face lock, which is every shooter’s last resort and is comparable to having a bear trap clamped on your head!
    For the next several minutes Goldberg did everything he could to shake Jericho off but no doubt all those long sessions when Jericho paid his dues rolling around with Stu in the basement paid off! That tenacious Jericho choked Goldberg out right on the dressing room floor, in front of everybody. A reality check for Bill Goldberg - that’s been long over due! I know when I talk with my dad he has a bottom less pit of these kind of stories going back fifty years and I know he’s gonna love adding this one to his repertoire. Maybe Goldberg should come up to Calgary and spend some time with Stu in the dungeon learning how to wrestle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    Eddie, Benoit and Matt Striker


    In hindsight Striker got away lightly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    flahavaj wrote: »

    In hindsight Striker got away lightly.
    Oh ho ho hoooooo....hooooo that was a bad one....ho ho....cos he killed his family.

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 24,799 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    There's a hell of a lot of stories about Meng and some of the proper tough guys going back years. Stuck in work atm, but I'll quote what ones I have later. Plenty spring to mind.
    • Chris Jericho punking out Goldberg
    • Undertaker, HBK, Wrestlemania and the wrist tape
    • The Kliq almost being arrested after Shawn popped too many Soma's and had a fit
    • Teddy Long almost freezes Ron Simmons
    • LOD being dared to do their finisher on Vince, then Hart Foundation did it anyway

    What's the story on this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    The Undertaker, HBK and Wrestlemania story comes from a creative meeting about Wrestlemania XIV involving the creative team, Vince, HBK, Taker (because HBK had some creative pull being the golden child, and Taker was the locker room's leader). This was towards the end of Micheal's run of hissy fits and wanting to do whatever he wanted. He was refusing to drop the title to Austin, which he agreed to at first in principle and then changed his mind. Shawn was being arrogant and convincing everyone how great he was, dead sure he was gonna get his way.
    This was Austin's big break, the fans were dying for him to win. All the odds were stacked against him in the story and matches up until then. HBK wasn't stirring and was adamant that he retain the championship, even though he would be leaving soon for much needed surgery and rest. Taker sat in the corner the whole time just taping his wrists up. Vince couldnt convince Shawn, and creative couldnt stand up to him. Taker eventually speaks, not even looking at Shawn and says
    "You have until the time I finish taping my wrists, to change your mind, and decide to drop the title to Steve."
    "Bull**** Mark you dont tel--"
    "Fine I'll do it."
    And he begrudgingly dropped the title to Austin at Wrestlemania. The next night on raw, the new DX Army was formed and Austin 3:16 ruled as the champion.

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 24,799 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    Thanks for the reply! I love reading these stories, they're great!! Keep them coming lads!! :)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Nothing specific,but heres a great interview with X-pac from about 2 weeks ago,where he just can't seem to keep his mouth shut :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Just found this now, best impression of Sheik I've ever heard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Nash just has the funniest ones, and tells em the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,799 ✭✭✭✭DrumSteve

    Found this... its a long read but some bits are funny.

    Strange.....But True?

    Urban Legends of Professional Wrestling

    As Heard By: The Members of the Death Valley Driver Board

    Compiled By: Supreme

    DISCLAIMER: I don't know if have these stories are true. If I would take a guess I'd say that 10% of them are true and 90% are false. So please don't get mad at me (Supreme), I'm not the one who came up with these stories....I am just putting them all down in one webpage instead of the millions they are on.

    1. Kevin Sullivan spends his vacations at a nudist colony. Take that image through the day.

    2. Tommy Rich soaked his balls in a beer mug full of hydrogen peroxide.

    3. Roddy Piper having a young "manservant" type who travels with him wherever he goes, holding his bags, opening doors for him, etc. Piper and others referring to the young boy as "cocksucker" like it's his name.

    4. Tommy Rich did some favors for Jim Barnett in exchange for the NWA World Title.

    5. They had to break Brusier Brody's legs to fit him in a cheap Puerto Rican casket.

    6. Virgil got a job by unleashing his hose on Pat Patterson's desk.

    7. Kerry Von Erich really had his foot amputated because he thought he could walk across a room on his just-surgically repaired foot for a cheeseburger, thus crushing it.

    8. NWA World Champion Gene Kiniski bought Kevin Von Erich a hooker in Las Vegas, when Kevin was TWELVE.

    9. A coked up Kerry and Kevin were once playing with a saw blade in the back hallways at the sportatorium. Kerry saw a cat, so he threw the saw blade at the cat, killing it.

    10. Kerry Von Erich sees a cat in the All Japan lockerroom. He decides to put the iron claw on it, killing the poor kitty.

    11. Steve Lombardi is/was Pat Patterson's secret lover.

    12. R&R Express walk in on Jimmy Valiant laying on the floor jerking off under a glass table that a hooker is ****ting on. Ricky throws up and leaves, while Robert stays to watch.

    13. Bruce Hart, was a substitute teacher while a top face/promoter/booker in Stampede. He impregnated a 14 year-old student and married her.

    14. Dusty Rhodes got Baby Doll fired (or something) because he was pissed that she married near-jobber Sam Houston instead of him.

    15. According to Japanese tabloids, Giant Baba was bisexual and Genichiro Tenryu had penis enlargement surgery.

    16. Victor Quinones tried to rape Tarzan Boy at gunpoint in a bathroom stall. He DID rape some rookie Japanese wrestler at gunpoint in a bathroom stall.

    17. Chris Champion went to jail for inappropriately touching an underage girl. While he was wearing his Cowabunga the Ninja Turtle costume.

    18. El Dandy's banged both Lita AND Fishman & Lola Gonzales's hot daughter.

    19. Manny Fernandez took a dump in "Number One" Paul Jones brand-new Stetson hat, put it back in the hat box on the airplane, like nothing happened, and went to sit back by Jones for the remainder of the flight.

    20. Dusty Rhodes booked Rick Steiner to beat Ric Flair in 20 seconds at Starrcade 1988.

    21. Superstar Graham once injected Clorox on a dare.

    22. Gangrel & Luna are swingers and love to swap out with other couples.

    23. Paul Boesch was doing a "Jewish Champion" gimmick somewhere (NY?). A writer from a Jewish magazine came to a show to do a profile on him. The writer wandered into the lockerroom after Boesch's match and saw him in the shower. Thus the writer found out Boesch wasn't really Jewish.

    24. Jimmy Snuka killed his girlfriend and played the innocent savage in front of the police while Vince did the talking for him.

    25. Raven got caught in a hotel room with Becky Bayless at age 14, and Becky slept with Joel Gertner and his wife.

    26. Rip Rogers pulled Barry Windham's keys out of a commode filled with **** and Jack Daniels after a particularly hard night of partying with his bare hands.

    27. At a indy show, Sabu had oral sex on one of the valets in the locker room but when one of the other wrestlers asked him if it was good, he said something along the lines of "smell my mustache."

    28. There was this dude called John Arezzi who hosted a radio show and did some promoting. He promoted a AAA tour around the US and insisted on using Woman as a manager for Psicosis, because he used to be in love with her. Konnan was booking Baja California, and since he was friends with Woman (from ECW), he got her to do a small tour around Tijuana, Mexicali... After a Tijuana (I think) show everybody went back to their rooms. The TJ guys just stayed at home, Konnan shared a room with his buddies and Woman had her own room. Very late (in the midnight) somebody started screaming and pounding hard on Konnan's door. He opened the door and it was a half naked Nancy Sullivan whose face was a mess. They let her in and she told them that she got high with Metal and they were about to ****, but he was so ****ing wasted that he couldn't get it up from all the **** he'd been doing all day. So... he started biting her ass realllly hard. She hit him in the face with something to get him off, he then hit her back and she just escaped as soon as she could. At the time Konnan was scared because he didn't want to get on Peña's back side by having an argument with Metal, and he was afraid it would cost him his WCW job if this got to Sullivan. Years later I told him "If Sullivan had found about it, he'd probably have gone down Mexico and cut Metal's balls off". He then said "Not really, he probably beats her up even worse"...

    29. Butch Reed has pissed on the carpet and/or furniture of every motel he's ever stayed in.

    30. Johnny Valentine would take a dump and strategically place it where it couldn't be found easily like the inside of bed posts.

    31. Shawn Michaels supposedly invited three hot girls back to his hotel room. He told them to all get naked and get on their knees. He whips out his ding dong and the girls figure it's going to be a suck-fest, but instead he proceeds to take a piss in each of their mouths.

    32. Bruiser Brody was supposed to do a shoot run-in on the first WrestleMania...

    33. Hogan vs. Zeus was supposed to headline WrestleMania 6.

    34. The Iron Sheik was offered $100K to break Hogan's legs instead of dropping the belt to him.

    35. Apparently after Lawler first arrived in the good old WWF a lot of people disliked him for his general arrogant attitude. Hall, Nash, and Michaels didn't take to this too well, so at one of the Royal Rumbles, Lawler left his crown in the dressing room to do the Rumble. So the Kliq decided to **** in his crown. But apparently this wasn't like a couple of turds in the crown. They apparently filled King's precious crown to the brim with a nice, hearty Kilq ****.

    36. Matt Striker had a 3 way with Mase and Buff E backstage at a JAPW show in 2002

    37. TAKA ****ed Sunny while Candido watched.

    38. Scott Hall took a dump in Sunny's lunch on a tour of Germany in the spring of 1996.

    39. Jushin Liger likes to loan out his wife to folks like Sasuke, TAKA, and Hayabusa. He may also like to watch.

    40. Buff Bagwell broke into wrestling by blowing Bert Prentice. Then Ronnie P. Gossett paid to blow Bagwell.

    41. Wolfie D was selling pics of PG-13 with Bill Dundee at USWA shows. Bill wanted a cut of the money. Wolfie said no. Bill pulled out a knife.

    42. Mae Young & Fabulous Moolah are a lesbian couple.

    43. During Eddy Guerrero's indy tour/initial cleanup period, Brian Christopher asked him if he wanted to get high at the FWA UK Revival show.

    44. Pedro Morales MAY have pawned his WWWF belt (it showed up in a pawn shop eventually and Tom Burke bought it).

    45. There were constant bisexual orgies in the OMEGA lockerroom.

    46. Lita has been pissed on by Steve Corino and Danny Doring.

    47. Ricky Marvin is rumored to be Negro Casas' bottom.

    48. Perro Aguayo Jr. used to cruise the bars in TJ for barrio looking guys to take to his hotel room.

    49. Mr. Aguila (Essa Rios) & Nygma are/or were lovers.

    50. Simon Dean (Super Nova) enjoys the feel of pudding. Take that for what you will.

    51. Tammy Sytch has phone sex with indy guys.

    52. Mike Rapada paied $25,000 to win the NWA belt.

    53. Apparently, there's a polaroid from the 80s of Ric Flair playing the skin flute.

    54. Either Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk were about to double team Terri Runnels(likely) or they were about to get it on themselves (less likely).

    55. Kevin Von Erich, once paid a hooker to break in a then 11 year old Chris von Erich. Supposedly, Chris even cried during the act.

    56. Curt Hennig was supposedly one of those that **** in Lawler's crown.

    57. During one of those Nitros where the wrestlers had to stay under the ring the entire show, it was at least Hennig and Scott Norton under the ring. Hennig had to go and of course, he couldn't exactly leave. So, he **** under the ring.

    58. Bill Watts pissing out of his tower office at Turner onto the parking lot below.

    59. During the Gold Club investigation, Bischoff admitted that he enjoyed watching his wife and one of the strippers get it on in their hotel room.

    60. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey describes seeing Andre screwing - "like a lion raping a rabbit".

    61. Bad News Brown said that Strong Kobayashi liked to cop feels off of his opponents.

    62. According to a referee who was released from the WWF, Bradshaw tied up a wrestler in the shower while he was naked and rubbed baby oil all over him threatening to rape him until he cried while the lockerroom looked on and laughed. I think the victim might have date-raped a girl, or may have just not been well-liked. It was never specified who the victim was other than this happened in like '98 or '99 and the guy was a fairly well known wrestler, I also heard it might have been Brian Christopher aka Grandmaster Sexay.

    63. Some of the Smokey Mountain guys liked to take pisses in hotel ice machines.

    64. Remember when David Flair quit IWA Puerto Rico due to unfit living conditions? And everybody ragged on him when they found out IWA had put him up in a nice house? Well, that nice house belonged to Victor Quiones. I shouldn't have to say anymore, but I will. David was sleeping one night and was woken up by Quiones standing over him about to blow a load on his face. David quit the next day.

    65. But as I recall, Dynamic Dude #2 Johnny Ace and Z-Man Tom Zenk have just returned from an NWA house show in Cincinnati, OH. They're all over each other, when my friend asks them for autographs and a picture. Zenk and Ace collapse into a loving embrace, climaxing with Zenk planting a big fat snog on the cheek of Animal Jr. Then they realize my friend has a camera and just photographed their loving embrace. Zenk stands up and demands the camera. The fan refuses. Ace stands up and orders him to turn over the camera. Again, my friend refuses. The Dynamic Dude and the Z-Man charge at him, he runs. The only proof this incident ever occured is this photo.

    66. Jerry Lawler has a well known foot fetish and he was once caught by a valet (ECW/USWA ringrat Miss Patricia) jacking off into her shoes.

    67. Kerry Von Erich was preparing for a match, getting his gear on and listening to his Walkman, but he was so ****ed up he somehow laced the headphone cable into his boot laces.

    68. Macho Man had his way with Stephanie (she was about 14 then) back in 94/95 and that Vince found out and that was the true ending for Macho Man in WWF.

    69. During the 80's when Tommy Rich was to wrestle a show in Parkersburg WV, he decided to skip the show after already taking the money. He was caught stopped by the police and was arrested for having pot on him. They dropped the charges however he isn't allowed back in the country.

    70. Andre The Giant once called Kamala a n****r and Kamala stuck a gun to his face. Andre was nice to Kamala after that.

    71. Randy Savage once knocked Bill Dundee out in a parking lot of a gym in Louisville after Dundee pulled a gun on him. This was back when Randy was running an outlaw promotion and they would tell folks on their TV show the real names of Memphis wrestlers and give out their telephone numbers. And the way I heard the Lawler's crown story is that it was Steve Keirn who started the crap in the crown battle royal.

    72. Lita took off for Mexico in the 90s and bang anyone down there that would "train" her in the ring.

    73. Antonio Pena turned half the AAA lockerroom gay.

    74. Pat Patterson had a special "relationship" with Jacques Rougeau in the 80's.

    75. Bulldog Bob Brower was pretty open about being a card carrying member of the KKK.

    76. Trish Stratus and Lillian Garcia getting to “know each other” really well.

    77. Sabu kicking a bag down some stairs and all around the lockerroom and then opens the bag and a cat comes out. All the while Sabu has a “I love cats” t-shirt or something like that.

    78. New Jack threatened to beat up Gary Yap’s girlfriend.

    79. The Kliq and some of the other WWF wrestlers making the Eliminators dress out in the hall instead of the locker room.

    80. Jushin Liger has one of the worst acne/pock marked faces you’ll ever see.

    81. The Iron Shiek used to do headstands while snorting coke.

    82. Bull Pain isn’t afraid to introduce a flashlight to a girl.

    83. Bison Smith changing in the WWE lockerroom and HHH sat down by him, stared at him the entire time he changed, not saying a word.

    84. Paul Heyman's firing from WCW had to allegedly do with embezellment of funds. The example being that he would have two sets of bills for road expenses thus, I believe, overcharging WCW.

    85. Davey Boy asked Dynamite Kid about steroids, and Dynamite gave Davey was he seemingly thought would be his first injection of steroids...only thing was Dynamite put milk in the syringe.

    86. Ricky was well known for hitting the nose candy before interviews, hence the rapid-fire unintelligable promos he gave. Word is it that he took a severe toot before going to sign autographs at an indie show. While signing an autograph for a kid, he sneezed and then said , "Goddammit. There went about $500."

    87. At least 4 people in ECW killed someone.

    88. The Rottens stole from the ECW locker room.

    89. Taz did show his penis to the teen at the tanning place. He did that to the females in ECW too.

    90. Bradshaw allegedly gets in the shower with new guys and soaps them up. Supposedly he was doing this kind of **** to Paul London a lot.

    91. Paul Heyman used to get blowjobs behind the ECW parking lot at 3am while writing checks to a line of a few wrestlers.

    92. Stephanie McMahon has a strap-on & has used it on Austin, HHH & Chyna.

    93. El Dandy was caught by Fishman when he was banging his daughter (I think she was a minor), and he no-showed several shows where the two were booked together because Fish threatened to kick his ass. When heat died down, El Dandy repaid him by also ****ing his wife.

    94. This has been dismissed as fake, but one anonymous wrestler claimed years ago in a long letter posted in message boards how Dr. Alfonso Morales used to have coke orgies with underage males and his "pornstar wife" (apparently his wife was a major star in 70s pseudo-erotic movies).

    95. Xochitl Hamada and Negro Casas were rumoured to be about to marry when she caught him very late at the Arena Mexico showers in a very tender act with one of his male trainees.

    96. 5'1" Super Astro is now a nicely married family man, but in the 80s he was "famous" because of his willingness to insert his astral wang on tall (5'11" or more) women.

    97. During one of AAA's long tours in the mid 90s, fatboy commentator Arturo Rivera was anally deflowered by Jerry Estrada.

    98. In both AAA and CMLL, Estrada has been known to make a lot of "side money" by running a drug little business of his.

    99. More Estrada! He's the Mexican Jimmy Snuka. He didn't wrestle in Tijuana for years (and I haven't checked but maybe he still doesn't even work there) after getting into trouble for throwing a rat off a hotel room's balcony.

    100. El Salsero also had trouble in TJ, I believe after trying to rape a girl, so he moved to Monterrey and invested some of his money in a shoes shop. The first thing he did after opening was going shop to shop, threatening to kill all of the local competition owners if they didn't close their shops.

    101. Midget wrestler Pentagoncito (original) is in jail for raping a little girl (around 14) with his mask on. He still claims he didn't do it, and that it may have been a kid her age wearing a mask like his'.

    102. Mexican version of the Victor Quiñonez sports car of love. Pierroth gave a really great new model sports car to AAA wrestler Estrellita, but he took it back after he learned she was ****ing Latin Lover as well. Well, and half of the AAA locker room.

    103. AAA's Vatos Locos used to carry coke through the US border hidden in pendants and necklaces with secret compartments.

    104. If you go to Mexico City's club "Solo para hombres", for a reasonable price you can **** most of your favourite CMLL ring girls.

    105. Apolo Dantes' uncle old time wrestler Septiembre Negro has a **** fetish.

    106. Simply Luscious was dating one of the guys down at the TWA camp back before anyone knew anything about her, and the guy broke up with her. So, she drove to his house and started beating on the door, threatening to kick his ass. This somehow ended with a car chase down an interstate with a loaded gun being carried by the guy.

    107. Luscious and Paul London apparantly had a little fling that London ended up breaking off before heading for his stint in Florida, training and working for Dory Funk Jr...the thing is, Luscious, jealous as hell, decided she was going to follow him there, and ended up starting to hang out around the BANG school (I forget if she actually trained there or not, though they found out she was a wrestler and started using her for a short while). They ended up being booked on opposite ends of a mixed-gender tag, and London "took his frustrations" out on SL during the match.

    108. Steve Corino might have once had an affair with a female Zero-One office worker that had a pregnancy scare involved.

    109. Johnny Valentine put lighter fluid in Jay Yorks inhaler.

    110. Owen Hart never drank, so Bret spiked his drink with halcion so he got totally wasted and passed out.

    111. Bill DeMott did a **** on Bagwell's face while Buff was sleeping.

    112. Gino Hernandez WAS a major coke user, and also a dealer...of course, he's been clean for 18 years.

    113. Killer Khan stole a homeless man's hooch, and threatened to give him a Mongolian chop.

    114. Masa Saito & Ken Patera broke some windows at a McDonald's after hours when they refused them service.

    115. A few months after David passed away in early 1984, referee David Manning, who worked in the World Class office, was autographing David VE 8x10 pictures with David's name on them and they were still selling them throughout the year - all of this at the command of Fritz.

    116. CW Anderson told a story of him, Corino, and Spanky getting drunk/high in a hotel room in Japan. They met two chicks, and followed them back to their hotel rooms. The chicks kept saying "Zero 1 wrestlers." When they got back to the 2 girls rooms, the girls tied all 3 up, pulled down their pants, spanked their asses with a cat of nine tails, and then poured hot candle wax on Spanky's ass.

    117. At a hotel with Sandman once, he went out on the balcony, dropped his pants and yelled "2 Cold Scorpio ain't got **** on me."

    118. New Jack said when he worked for XPW he use to go to a warehouse of sorts for Extreme Associates and Rob Black would pay him in hundreds of porn DVDs.

    119. Negro Casas owns Olimpico's ass. Literally.

    120. Negro Casas tried to own Ultimatum's ass till he jumped to AAA and became Skitzofrenia, later Electro Shock.

    121. Septiembre Negro loves to be **** on.

    122. Nino De La Calle was no gimmick. Pena found him at the age of 14 and let him be a wrestler in exchange for... well you guys can figure it out.

    123. Mascara Sagrada Jr. told Pena he was done having sex with him. He's yet to be on AAA TV since and rarely gets any special bookings.

    124. Zach Gowen and CZW star Z-Barr Doubleteamed some hoe on June 4th after an NWA FL show in St. Petersburg. Z-Barr then proceeded to run around naked.

    125. Homicide punched a fire extinguisher at the same hotel, shattering glass and causing him to miss the show the next day and the ROH show after that. I believe he was intoxicated, because he kept hollering "That damn thing owed me money" after he punched it. He was eventually taken to the hospital and was stitched up.

    126. New Jack intentionally shoved Grimes towards the outside of the ring in XPW. He wanted revenge for blinding Jack in one eye in ECW.

    127. Ron Killings and BG James weren't flown into Nashville for TNA because they couldn't bring their weed on the planes. So they drove in *just* so they could smoke. Of course they had to get local hook-ups once they started taping IMPACT and were required to fly.

    128. The guy in the clown wig Monty Brown pounced on Xplosion three weeks ago. I saw him personally sell some "stuff" to a very strung out Larry Z. three months ago at the Fairgrounds out of the back of an mid-90s model Chevy Blazer.

    129. Jerry Lynn is a nice guy, but has a special tote bag for pills. Lots and lots of pills. Same for Sabu and Simon Diamond. Sabu's wife told us he can't even walk in the morning without a half hour of motivation. Diamond's back is so f'ed that after each match in TNA he lays on the concrete for twenty minutes to "ease the pain." Concrete. So hell, who can blame them?

    130. Raven didn't wear clothes backstage at TNA until someone complained to prevent Dixie from seeing his horsec*ck.

    131. Bert Prentice has done "man things" with one of the Naturals.

    132. Chris Harris went over to Bob Ryder's apartment early this year (February or March?) and jacked off for Bob. But that had to stop when a beefy, ecstasy addicted Abyss moved in with Bob.

    133. This past summer David Young brought his girlfriend to a show early in the day and got her hooked up to be the "ring girl" to return gimmicks (robes, vests, etc.) to the back as the match started. THEN his wife and kids show up so he tells the girlfriend to "play it cool." BTW, his real job? He's a bouncer for a gay bar in Atlanta.

    134. Around March-April, several TNA guys started wrestling for gay videos. They weren't told they were in gay videos and wrestled in regular ring gear. BUT the matches weren't in front of a crowd, they were in front a "green screen" where they were told fans would be "super-imposed" later. They were told they would be sold in Germany I believe. Anyway, I didn't believe this at first but Elix Skipper, Sonny Siaki, and David Young all confirmed it. I laughed when they all said Bert Prentice got them the booking.

    135. When Dusty Rhodes first came to TNA I found out that a lot of boys HATE him. I couldn't understand why but apparently a few years ago he promoted a show and handed everyone empty envelopes after the show. When the asked him when they were getting paid he just said, "Well when I finalize all of the numbers I'll mail you a check." Then he jumped in the truck and left before the main event was over. Apparently one TNA wrestler wrestled nearly twenty shows w/o being paid believing Dusty would actually pay him.

    136. Ryder was living high on the hog in WCW. He bought a $300k boat, a small plane, and a two million dollar house in Louisiana. Well when that **** hit the fan in 2001, he started to lose all of his stuff or mortgage it to the hilt. So once that ran out what did he do? He started ripping off Joey Styles of course. He was handling the accounting and stiffing the staff (Dave, Buck, etc.) and not paying bills on time (bandwidth, etc.). Well out of the blue some collection agent calls Joey for a bill. He doesn't have a clue. He finally gets the accounting from Bill and he realizes that everything and everyone is more than two months behind. Why? Ryder had an addiction. Pills? Of course not. Hardcore drugs? No way. His weakness? Male prostitutes. Lots of them. I've heard from multiple sources that he spent over $40,000 on man sex inside of two months. Needless to say, he's working off debt to Joey now. Which explains why every one of the paid staffers went to PWI. This also explains why the news is painfully slow on 1W now. Free labor only gets you so much. So after that Ryder decided to make himself irreplacable (sp?) to TNA. He wanted to carve a niche for himself that really would have pushed someone else out. He wanted to become the "Jim Ross of TNA" and serve as a talent agent. This would of course put him in direct competition with NWA President, "Ninja" Bill Behrens (also very gay, by the way). So anyway, he couldn't afford the man-whores so why not make new ones under the guise of giving them "their big break" in the wrestling business.

    137. James Storm is an asshole. A week into the business he was stretching newer guys and telling them to pay their dues. But that is different now. He cries a lot. If he doesn't like a match, he cries backstage afterward. I'm not making this up. He's just really sensitive now. Odd. But his partner, Chris Harris is now at the very least bi-sexual thanks to Bob. Right before Harris got the big singles push he went to hang out with Bob. One thing led to another and they were both jerking the meat whistle. Magically they both got bumped from $500 / week to $1,500 / week. First, can you believe anyone pays them that? I mean, anyone but TNA? But how great does Storm come out in this? He doesn't whack off for anyone but still gets the good pay days.

    138. When Missy Hyatt was sixteen when she met Tommy Rich. She was a virgin, even orally, but jumped at the chance to blow him. So he took her to the show and she blew him on the way. She didn't swallow so he used a towel. He told her to keep it as a souveniur (sp?). She laughed but didn't keep it. Once they got to the arena he asked her to come in for a minute. She met Larry and went down to Larry Land for a meal that night too. She must've been hungry for the business.
    139. Joel Gertner went to college at Cornell U., of all places. His parents busted his ass for him to go to school there. He majored in TV production and worked at a TV affiliate in Ithaca while he was trying to break into the biz. With a couple of semesters left from getting an Ivy League diploma, he dropped out of school to follow his dream.

    140. There was a rumor floating around RSPW a few years back about Tully Blanchard, JJ Dillon and Maxx Payne gangbanging Dark Journey backstage at the Slamboree Legend's Reunion in... I wanna say 92

    141. Victor Quinones slipped Shocker a mickey. Shocker feels sickly and goes to sleep. Shocker wakes up with lil' Shocker in Victor's mouth or about to be there.

    142. Rita Chatterton who was the WWF's first female referee alleged that she was raped by Vince McMahon in the back seat of his limousine. Chauffeur Jim Stuart corroborated Chatterton's account and filed a lawsuit of his own, alleging that, during his WWF employment, he had been forced into witnessing the commission of crimes. The cases were either dismissed for lack of evidence or settled out of court.

    143. Norman Smiley once knocked out Rick Steiner with one punch in a bar fight.

    144. New Jack once got liquored-up at a strip club after an indy show and talked **** to Swede Hanson in the parking lot.

    145. Sunny and Candido had a 3 way with Jake Roberts for some of his crack.

    146. A married Kurt Angle was banging Jacqueline on the road for some time.

    147. Jeep Swenson used to pimp out his wife to the boys backstage.

    148. The Freebirds had a habit of initiating new wrestlers by pissing on them while they showered.

    149. Andre the Giant had a habit of ****ting in hotel bath tub's.

    150. I hear CM Punk started banging BJ Whitmer's wife while she was still married to BJ. I hear this happened while Punk was (and still is) dating TNA's Tracy Brooks. She, by the way, is hotter in person.

    151. I know this belongs in another thread, but I have more info on Bobby Eaton. He's not the great guy everyone was talking about in the other thread. He's a legit alcoholic who allowed booze to ruin his career and family.

    152. Balls Mahoney is also a satanist. James Mitchell is an atheist like Raven and CW Anderson but not a satanist. He thinks everyone is wrong.

    153. The 3PW Promoter Jasmin St. Claire once had sex with 400 men in a day! Shocker!

    154. Heyman didn't pay ECW boys for well over a month as the company was dying. He wasn't even at the shows. He bought himself time by saying telling everyone to be patient because he was out in California working on securing a new TV deal for ECW. He was actually spending the money hiring an agent, filming Rollberball, and spending money buying drinks and suites for Hollywood types with the boys' pay. Of course everyone knows he never told the boys the company was dead. They just saw him on RAW and figured it out.

    155. NWA President and NWA Wildside Owner Bill Behrens has a fetish for young looking boys and black muscles. Ever notice Wildside has more black wrestlers than most other feds? I mean c'mon, it's Georgia and he has an almost 50% black locker room. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hmm... Well let's just say that's not because he enjoys their "work." Wait, on second thought maybe he does.

    156. When Chris Adams was wrestling in Portland during 1982 and 1983, he had his then wife Jeannie Clark (Lady Blossom) along with him. Billy Jack Haynes boinked Jeannie during that time period.

    157. I saw Sabu attack a fan outside a show in Buffalo. Sabu arrived at the arena, via his dilapidated camper, in his ring gear and was accosted by a fan who claimed to know him. Sabu, in a hurry to get inside, just hauled off and decked the kid before running in the front door.

    158. I also saw the Grimm Twins assault a fan in Albany who was doing nothing more than rib. One of them just hauled off and slapped the heck out of him before Faarooq ran from the ring and started kicking the crap out of him (legit) when the other Grimm attacked Faarooq, Scorpio ran out and they all brawled to the back - I think turning it from a shoot to a work as agents had come out w/Scorpio.

    159. Also, I heard about the Iron Sheik being notorious in WCW for not wanting to job. He thought being a former WWF champ meant something so he refused to put either man over until management showed him footage of Vader breaking Joe Thurman's back (an admitted accident). Sheik turned into the world's biggest ass-kisser after that.

    160. The Sinister Minister supposedly stole Joel Gertner's wife.

    161. When they were all in the UWF, Slater was dating Dark Journey. She hooked up with Sting behind Slater's back, but Slater found out about it and threatened to kill Sting. So Slater shows up in the locker room looking for Sting and finds him putting on his facepaint. Slater gives him a pretty good beat down because Sting doesn't fight back, knowing that he deserved it and didn't want to screw up his reputation by making any more trouble with Slater. After Slater finished with him, Sting got up, put on his facepaint, covering up the cuts and bruises, and went out and wrestled. Slater was fired from the UWF the next day.

    162. There's also a greaet story Missy tells about the time she was dating Jake Roberts back in the day. Apparently, Jake had this weird thing where he liked to go to bars with Missy, but have her go in and sit at the bar by herself until some guy started hitting on her. Then, Jake would be watching from outside and come in and stare down the guy talking to Missy until the guy got up and walked away.

    163. There's another story (this is sad that I remember all of these) about a time when Missy and Eddie Gilbert were having relationship problems, so she'd moved into her own apartment. She started dating Bill Fralic (thanks to Jim Ross hooking them up), but Eddie found out. One day he comes over to her place ready to go after whatever guy he found in Missy's bed. In the process, he knocks over a grill on the patio of the apartment that he thought was Missy's. When he finally gets into the apartment, Fralic is really cool with him and ends up giving Eddie a ride back to his place. As Eddie is apologizing for barging in, he says he's sorry about the grill. Fralic and Missy say, it's not ours. From the patio comes a voice, "It's mine!" The voice of the grill owner belonged to none other than Buff Bagwell.

    164. Akira Hokuta and Kensuke Sasaki kept the whole hotel awake from so much LOVE NOISE~! when they first hooked up at one of those WCW/NJ deals.

    165. Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch just showed up at the January 2004 MLW tapings in Florida. They weren't booked and just showed up trying to secure future bookings. Well that night (early AM) they ran up and down the floor Court had rented for the boys knocking on every door. Then they started on different floors when they went looking for ice. The kicker: they wearing absolutely nothing. Well Tammy was wearing a sheet when she remembered to pull it up. She's not a big advocate of shaving apparently. Chris was as naked as the day is long. Not very long at all in his case. The hotel tried to evict everyone because of this but Court got them to settle down.

    166. Mickey J was at those same tapings. It's twenty minutes until show time and neither of the referees have shown up. Then with five minutes to go before the show starts Mickey J walks in off the street in his gear. He was two hours late and just walked right in off the street in the ref shirt. He stopped by the bar and bought two shots before hopping in the ring. He didn't greet anyone (including Court) or go over finishes. He just hopped in the ring and looked at the ring announcer long enough to say, "Hey tell someone to tell you the finish so you can tell me." He assumed he would do the first match and then go backstage to rest for the second match and get the finishes then. Needless to say, the other ref never showed and Mickey didn't leave the ring for over three hours. He got the finishes during the match from the announcer and worked the entire show.

    167. Arn Anderson passed out in a bar in Georgia around 1995. He was in a circular booth with a beer in his hand when he passed out. The funny thing is that even passed out he held the beer in his hand only slightly tilted never allowing a drop to hit the floor. When security came to take him outside they woke him up and he pissed all over himself before calling them "cocksuckers."

    168. At those January MLW tapings a few of the boys and regular every day citizens got wet when water balloons fell five stories upon them. The culprit liked to disguise his voice as a bird when he did it. But his voice sounds like a bass CD rumbling it's so deep. The culprit: Low Ki!

    169. I don't know if this is true..but Supposedly Koji Kanemoto has been seen with many young boys. Liger recently cut a promo and mentioned the gay part, referring to the junior babyface group as "Kanemoto and his army of gays." I guess the jury is still out on the underage boys thing. All I can say is after reading 20 pages of sleaze here...I wouldn't doubt its validity too much, seems like anything is possible.

    170. Manny Fernandez was once booked on an indy card featuring some of Ivan Koloff's trainees, despite Ivan's protests. Manny was a serious power drinker. Manny is booked in the main event as a "mystery opponent", but the promoter pulls Manny when he shows up lit the **** up. The promoter then books Manny as the curtain jerker against one of Ivan's newer trainees and also refuses to pay Manny his full gate. Manny threatens to kill the promoter when the show is over. Ivan does not think that Manny is bluffing. Bell time comes around and it takes Manny 10 min to get to the ring. During the match, Manny beats the hell out of Ivan's trainee and shouts "I'm gonna kill you" at the promoter, who is sitting at the timekeeper's table. The trainee is mercifully murdered at the 5 min mark after a horrific squash (which the fans pop for) & is stretchered out legit from the ring. Manny rants until he is escorted from the ring by several refs and security. Ivan escorts his trainee to the ambulance and returns with hatred in his eyes. As Manny sees the promoter backstage and lunges for him, Ivan meets him with a right cross, knocks Fernandez cold, and shakes loose three of Manny's porcelain crowns.

    171. Italian Stallion held raffles for door prizes at his PWF events. No one won because the raffles were rigged. One of Stallion's friends, trainees not working the card, or family members always seemed to have the winning ticket. Everyone but Stallion's wife (now ex-wife I think) seemed to know that the reason Mad Maxine kept the PWF Ladies Title was because she was ****ing Stallion. Stallion's wife was pretty hot and pretty well proportioned, while Maxine was sorta normal looking in the face, but weighed a shade over 270 lbs.

    172. Harvey Whippleman was booked at some local Indy in Evansville while he was working for WWF back in like 99ish to ref a match. He came out at the beginning of the show to start the night's angle that set-up his reffing of the match between the promoter and the champ. When they went backstage, Harvey demanded DOUBLE the pay for the night since he "had to work twice, and the only reason all these people are here is because MY NAME is on the card". The promoter said **** it and gave it to him just to keep him happy. A week later, the promoter got a cease and desist order from the WWF because Harvey told Vince that one of the wrestlers at the show used WWF music.

    173. Scott Casey retired from wrestling to become a gigolo in Vegas and there have been rumors that he has been a client for both men & women.

    174. Sid Vicious used to take a squirrel with him everywhere he went for some stupid reason and one day a couple of the wrestlers bet him he couldn't keep the squirrel down his pants for a minute. Sid accepted and after about 30 seconds the squirrel bit him in the dick and Sid dropped on the floor in pain crushing the squirrel in the process. He had to get rabies shots and stiches on his dick.

    175. Austin got pissed off at Raven one time in the locker room because earlier in the day Debra (who was his wife then) was cutting a promo near the showers when Raven came out of the showers wearing nothing but a towel. Austin hears this and confronts Raven because he thought that Raven was "showing off" in front of his wife (Raven supposedly has a big dick) and basically choked Raven while threatening him verbally until Raven told him that he didn't know that she was there. Austin then apologized and Raven understood because the wrestlers knew at that time that Austin was VERY protective of Debra then.

    176. Collette Foley would negotiate with Vince to get more money if Mick took certain bumps & other abuse.

    177. Towel Boy Eric Tuttle gave Tommy Dreamer to get into ECW.

    178. Sometime during the 90's during a live Memphis Wrestling broadcast, the police showed up to arrest Billy Travis on a delinquent child support warrant. Backstage, Lawler books on the fly and manages to talk the cops into arresting Travis during a live on-air angle involving Travis getting arrested for his part in a backstage beatdown during the previous week's show.

    179. The AWA wrestlers in the 70s usually had three nights off in a row. One time Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch got drunk, drove all the way from Minnesota to Louisiana for the sole purpose of kidnapping a mule, and brought it back to their apartment complex in Minnesota. Bored with just having the mule around the apartment, Murdoch got drunk(or was still drunk?), went to some country and western bar in downtown Minneapolis and rode the mule into the bar while firing a gun in the air.

    180. The first time ECW came to Detroit, me and a friend wanted to go, but didn't have credit cards to but tickets ahead of time. We decide to just say **** it and drive in from 4 hours out of town from Northern Michigan on a whim. If tickets were still left, cool, if not, no biggie. We get to the arena around 3PM and ask the ticket lady is there's any tickets available. She says no, but not because they're sold out, but because they haven't arrived to the office yet. Me and my friend are scrambling when we see someone in a New Japan ring jacket. My friend walks up to him and asks him if he knows someone we can get tickets from. Turns out it's ECW ref, John "Pee Wee" Moore. He tells us to just follow him out to his car, he's got a stack of tickets. We go to his car, he says the tickets are 20 bucks. I search through my wallet looking for a 20 in a stack of dollar bills, I'm having trouble finding it. Within several seconds of me struggling to find the 20, Pee Wee asks, "If you don't have the cash, you got any weed?"

    181. During PG-13's run in ECW, Sandman starts dressing down Jamie Dundee in the locker room over some sort of breach in ECW locker room etiquette(whatever the **** that means). Jamie Dundee replies: "I was on Wrestlemania, bitch! What the **** have you done?!"

    182. Dynamite Kid used to wake his wife up by putting a pistol to her head... and pulling the trigger once her eyes opened. Then he would say, "One day, it will be loaded."

    183. The Anvil taught Davey Boy how to drug his wife's orange juice right before bed time each night. Then the next morning their wives would awaken with bloody, sore anuses. It took them a few bloody anuses to realize their husbands were anally raping them.

    184. Someone tell the story about Dynamite Kid breaking his niece's kneecaps for insurance money. I know he did it with a hammer while her father held her down. I know she walks with a limp for the rest of her life. I know they did it because she was in a car wreck that didn't really hurt her. But I feel like I'm missing some details...

    185. I heard the TNA ring girl Athena has a foot and leg fetish and apparently was caught trying to run off with Zach Gowen's fake leg.

    186. A wrestler who worked Stampede blamed Dynamite Kid for John Foley's death. Dynamite would constantly slip uppers and downers into Foley's drinks and Foley eventually had a stroke and died.

    187. Hawk started taking Rhesus Monkey Hormones, which were big in the bodybuilding community at the time. He told Bill Watts that every morning his first thought when he woke up would be that he wanted to kill somebody. "That's a wonderful way to live." said Watts.

    188. Brad Armstrong has appeared in adult films, including a hardcore wrestling movie called Headlock.

    189. Piper got high with Kerry Von Erich. Not such a big deal until he reveals they were both standing on a tiny ledge outside their hotel room window on the third floor.

    190. Piper was doing some show in a dilapidated facility with no bathroom. He took a **** in a brown paper bag and then just threw it in the corner backstage.

    191. Chris Adams pimped out his wife Toni Adams in the WCCW/USWA Texas locker room late 80's/early 90's.

    192. Brian Pillman was a definite racist.

    193. Action Jackson, former Global alumnus, shoots homemade porno videos with several fellow wrestlers playing lead.

    194. Haku nearly bit off Jesse Barr/Jimmy Jack Funk's nose off in a bar fight after Barr got too rowdy for Haku's liking.

    195. Don Fargo (Jackie's "brother") had a pierced cock. Apparently, he liked to hook it up to a dust pan and pull a brick around the locker room. No word on whether this was meant to entertain or intimidate his fellow workers.

    196. Austin Idol convinced a promoter to put up a real $10,000 check for one of those battle royals in the early 80s. The promoter did, Idol won, took the check and immediately left the arena.

    197. Rock loves to lay the smackdown on Trish Stratus.

    198. Tommy Dreamer and Francine were quite the item. Dreamer would not Francine to **** if necessary and Francine would knock on other talents hotel doors to ask to use the bathroom.

    199. Trent Acid cops drugs and gets high outside of the CZW shows in the parking lot with the fans.

    200. Fat Frank from JAPW loves to **** in a cup and leave it places or hand it to unsuspecting workers.

    201. Victor Quionnes whipped out his johnson in front of Homicide and asked him favors. Homicide proceeded to beat the sh*t out or Victor.

    202. At WM 13, supposably Psycho Sid **** his pants in the match with the Undertaker and Undertaker said it was some horrible smell in the ring.>br>
    203. Back in 1995-1996 in ECW, Raven was banging Francine. I think everyone knows he likes to degrade women... a lot. Well he would choke her, slap her, tie her up, call her names, spit in her face, etc. But what finally broke her was when he fisted her while she was tied up. She started crying so he stopped but didn't untie her. So he started sticking the hotel remote control in her, which he did at every hotel room they stayed in. She was cool with that. But then he broke out the coffee cups and she finally left him when he untied her.

    204. Sable used to live in a trailer park before she met Mero. They have a bogus "how we met story" they tell everyone. The truth is that he met her while he was in WCW on the road... at a strip club. She was a stripper who offered "extras" for a price. Mero was impressed with the service and asked her to come on the road with him. She did. Mero didn't have any interest in making it a serious relationship though. He just wanted a regular piece on the road with him. So he started pimping her out to the boys a little bit. I know of at least five boys who took Mero up on it before she got pregnant. When she got pregnant Mero, as a part-time Christian, did the honorable thing and married her. Once the pregnancy was "handled" Sable continued to bang the boys but this time it was done w/o Mero in the know. She is apparently really into three and four way "dances" with her in a handicap match of sorts. BTW, she tells the boys they cannot wear condoms because she is "allergic" to them. I know one guy suggest lambskin but she wouldn't allow it because she is a vegan. The guy said, "Well you don't have to eat it." That made me laugh.

    205. Ahmed Johnson did a lot of coke back around 1996 at the height of his WWF pay. I don't think I have to tell you that Chris and Tammy enjoy their fair share of nose candy. Well once they had blown through their cash but were still jonesing, they got desparate. They asked Ahmed for an eight ball on credit. He laughed and said, "Black people don't believe in credit. But we can barter." Chris asked what he wanted and Ahmed nodded in her direction. Chris looked at Tammy who shrugged before he said, "Well hey don't hurt her, okay?" So like twenty minutes later Ahmed finishes and Tammy leaves his room with the tiny, paper envelope. Instead of going back and using it with Chris (who was in their room freaking out), she did the coke with Shawn Michaels and spent the night in his room. A few hours later a frantic Candido starts banging on Ahmed's door. Ahmed answers the door and Candido asks, "Is Tammy here?" Ahmed shrugs and Chris says, "Where the **** is Tammy?" Ahmed says he doesn't know because she left hours ago. Candido immediately abandons his search and says, "Well did she take the dope with her?" The next morning he still hasn't seen Tammy so he goes to the front desk where he runs into Shawn Michaels in the lobby. Shawn walks up to Candido and pushes a nostril close, sniffs, and says, "Thanks for the bump, Chris." Chris asked where Tammy was and Shawn said, "She's probably back in your room now." Candido stormed up to see her, got in a big argument, went to the building, and quit on the spot. The agent told him he couldn't quit w/o a written notice. So he picked up a booking sheet, flipped it over, and wrote: "I quit. Chris Candido" And that was the end of his WWF career.

    206. The gimmick was that Ron Fuller put his boat on the line in a match. I do not think Fuller was wrestling but anyway none the less, Garvin won the match and "won" the boat. Garvin had a legit blow up with Fuller. Garvin tells Fuller he is keeping the boat. Fuller sues Garvin in court for the return of the boat. To keep kayfabe Fuller has to admit under oath wrestling is real and the results are not predetermined. Fullers testifies that Garvin won the match and one of the conditions of the match was the winner gets the boat. The Judge throws out the suit because Garvin won the match fair and square, Fuller ends up losing the boat.

    207. Bruiser Brody once assaulted a fan with a vomit-drenched mop, because he was trying to kill the territory.

    208. -"He had scar tissue on his butt from so many injections over the years, and it wa s hard to shove the needle in." - Superstar Billy Graham on injecting Hulk Hogan with testosterone.

    209. More Graham-on-Hogan action: "We're flying to Minnesota, and Hulk Hogan, who is sitting across from me, pours out a pile of cocaine onto a mirror. He offers me some but I decline. 'Yeah,that's smart,' he says. 'Coke is a tough habit to break.' Then he proceeds to shove three lines up his nose."

    210. According to "Dr. D" Dave Schultz, Hogan sold a "potpourrI" of drugs in the early 80's and was know as "the Tampa Pipeline," especially funny considering Hogan implying that Jesse was the pot hookup back in those days awhile back.

    211. At a TV taping in Amarillo in late January, McMahon order his wrestlers into a private room and close the door. 'You mother****ers all tested black again,' McMahon started in. 'That's it, goddamn it. I've had enough. I'm not covering for you anymore.' Hogan knew the warning did not include him. At least one jobber has allegedly been peeing in test cups for the Hulk since the W.W.F. began cocaine testing in 1987."

    212. Back when Raven was working in Oregon regularly he and the promoter bonded because they both had coke habits. They were jonesing but remembered that their dealer had just been raided. Raven decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and go to the house to just "sneak in" hoping to find some that been hidden that the police missed. Well he gets there and finds a rock. He breaks it up and snorts... sheet rock.

    213. Back in college, Stephanie McMahon would take a limo with her girlfriends into New York City and hit all the clubs, and she would pick up guys, **** them in the limo, then kick them out in the middle of nowhere and drive off.

    214. Someone made fun of Bob Backlund for being the only person in WWF locker room who didn't drink or do any drugs. He kept bugging Bob about it, so Bob took him down, tied him into a hold, and sat on his back for about an hour, not letting him up.

    215. Randy Savage was doing cocaine backstage at the Arsenio Hall show before going on to talk about how he did steroids "back when it was legal".

    216. Terry Gordy was all coked up one night working on his deck and he fell and caught his nutsack on a nail, ripping it almost completely off. In the same post someone said they heard he actually cut his finger off in a coked up sawing accident. Not sure if either is true, probably not.

    217. Has anyone mentioned Chris Adams ripping off Rod Price's weave during a match? Supposedly, Adams later found the bloody "hair" near his locker with a note saying "payback is a bitch".

    218. Ricky Morton let Killer Kyle & Robbie Eagle (Maestro) watch him get it on with Andrea one night. After Ricky was done apparently Eagle sheepishly asked Ricky, "can I eat that?"

    219. It was Tony Anthony who did it to him, he shoved a piece or either broken wooden chair or broken table up the kid's nose so far he tore his sinus cavity open, he also beat him bloody and I think dislocated his shoulder or his elbow. The story is that Lotus was being touted as being "the next big thing" in the Jersey indies, I don't know if it was a gimmick or how he was bieng pushed, and Anthony did this to him to "teach him a lesson, according to someone I know who was at the show anthony kept screaming things like "welcome to the big leagues" or "I've been there you never will" or somethign along those lines. I was at really crappy show about a week later that Lotus was supposed to be in but couldn't wrestle. My friend and I were talking to him during intermission but he refused to say what the issue between him and Anthony was.

    220. During Hacksaw's first days in the fed (around Wrestlemania 3) there was this ring rat that he saw at the first 3 WWF dates he worked, that he thought was attractive...and on his 4th night there, there's the girl, with a bunch of the boys jerking off ready to unload on her face (I can't recall the names of them other than Butch Reed) and a DOG going down on her at the time!

    221. Back in 1988 or 89, at one of the shows, the fed rented rooms in 2 different hotels, both directly across from eachother. Anyway, Bret Hart tipped the roommate of Pat Patterson's room to keep the drapes open just to see what was going on...and that night, Hacksaw, Niedhart, Bret, and maybe 2 or 3 other guys witnessed Steve Lombardi come in the room, ram Lombardi up the poop shoot, and then turn him around and have him blow him afterwards...Hacksaw said he puked after seeing that.

    222. Rene Goulet the former WWF agent is notorious for being one of the biggest slobs in the business. He use to piss and **** himself in his hotel bed apparently cause he didn't care....anyway, long story short, Rene came storming out of a room one night, announcing to all the boys in the back; "I don't have to whipe my ass for a week! Rhonda (Bertha Faye in WWF) gave me a rimjob!!!!"

    223. Koji Kitao's on a working vacation in the States and Steel City has him booked against Preston Steele. Kitao's getting ready in the locker room when Steele heads over and tells him something along the lines of "DON'T WORK STIFF. IN AMERICA WE DON'T WORK STIFF, WE WORK LIGHT." He says this loud and enunciates every word, obviously to overcome the language barrier. Steele leaves, Koji turns to Sam and says something like "Stupid ****ing asshole. Doesn't he think I could speak English?" Match happens. Koji promptly hits a HUGE chokeslam on Steele and seperates his shoulder. The End

    224. Chris Hamrick had 1001 Ricky Morton stories & I think I heard this one also. We could have an entire 30 page thread about nothing but Ricky Morton stuff. There is an amusing story about the R&R getting all drunk in Charlotte and seducing some petite stripper from a local club to come back to their hotel room. The stripper is somehow smart enough to stay sober and gets Ricky & Robert to get naked first. Once they disrobed, the stripper found out that Robert was pretty well hung, and would probably cripple her if he hit it, and the boys seemed pretty intent on nailing her at the same time. She then convinced them to go into the bathroom to put on condoms, and fled the scene when they shut the bathroom door. The R&R came out of the toilet to find that the stripper had run off, but not with their money. They looked at each other for about 10 min, and then pushed the two beds in the hotel room to opposite sides so they could sleep with their asses pressed against the walls of the room.

    225. I heard from an indy promoter the same story about Trish and Lilian. He also told me during one of his shows a long time ago he saw Lita and Luna Vachon making out backstage, then when Luna saw him watching them, she tried to beat the crap out of him.

    226. Also there were some crazy sleazy stories in the Diana Smith book, the ones about her being drugged and anally raped have been covered but she also talked about her brother Smith. Apparently Smith married some sleazy Latin American girl and the two lived upstairs in the Hart house smoking pot and living like swine. She made it sound like he was a real sleaze bag. This is the same guy that pulled the Adolph Hitler imitation routine in Germany before JBL. Diana also wrote that Mongo McMicheal was a coke and morhpine addict and he used to beat the **** out of Debra before she hooked up with Austin. Apparently Owen used to complain to Diana about Arn telling Mongo to "go get your rails" before each match, he had to do lines of Cocaine in order to perform in the ring.

    226. One night Brian Christopher decided to rib Flex Kavana when he was working Memphis by telling him to get a ride to the next town with JC Ice. On the ride Ice, who was driving, spent time alternately rolling joints and snorting coke while driving like a lunatic. Kavana, who later became Rocky Maiavia, got to the dressing room and cussed out Christopher for having him ride with such a nutcase.

    227. Fernandez, Manny: Arrested 2-1998 on an independent show in North Carolina after holding a raffle for some merchandise then skipping out with the money and never holding the drawing. Fernandez was released on bail later that night.

    228. Apparently Don Muraco had an indy booking a few years ago, but had to cancel last-minute because he was jailed -- for beating up his daughter.

    229. Rip Morgan of the New Zealand Militia cried after someone (my guess, Black Bart) crapped in a bucket and put it in front of his locker.

    230. Killer Karl Kox has a glass eye. He would secretly remove the eye and put it in his foreskin. When a girl went to go down on him, they got an "eyefull" and left screaming.

    231. One of the Bushwhackers once entered a shower and put his mouth around Adrian Adonis' dick. When Adrian jumped, the Bushwhacker said "Blew your gimmick, mate!"

    232. I've heard rumor that on occasion Lawler was known to pay the boys with food stamps.

    232. Shawn Micheals got Marty Jannetty a hooker for his birthday, had her show up at the tv studio on the day of the interview tapings and proceeded to giive him a blowjob while the cameras were left running. Verne Gagne's daughter showed up at the studio that day while the production crew was watching the replay of the action.

    233. Larry Zybsko first wife had nude photos of herself taken and would leave them on the cars of the boys with her phone # and address.

    234. Sherri Martel showed up one day during the interview segments and stood in a postion where only Nelson and Zybsko could see her in the studio. She then proceded to hike up her dress giving them a shot of the full moon then left in a hurry.

    235. Donovan Morgan did a shoot with a couple of friends of mine and told a short story of how he left APW to become the head trainer at XPW. On his first day he went to lunch and when he came back to the office they wouldn't let him in the door. He peeked in and saw a nice girl sitting at his desk blowing about 6 guys. He quit shortly after. There are a lot of XPW sleaze stories, the sad part are the ones that stuck around though the sleaze.

    236. Big T/Ahmed Johnson/Tony Norris supposedly bragged about how when he was pimping underage girls, that he had them sooo pimped that he used their tongues for TP.

    237. There was an indy guy up here known as Michael Stryker (I believe he was originally Matt Stryker, but then changed his name because of the Heartland Matt Stryker). He was a nice guy, really short cruiser, and apparently he had a habit of pretending everything he could get his hands on was his dick. So they're backstage, pissing around, and Stryker is there with his girlfriend. The Highlander uses a big axe for his gimmick, so Stryker picks up the axe, dangles it from his groin, pretending it's his junk. The axe falls, and chops his girlfriend's toe off. I heard he ended up marrying that same girl, and she's the one who convinced him to get out of the business. I guess you can only have your toe chopped off once before you decide whether wrestling is really what you want to dedicate your life to or not.

    238. Jake Roberts was working an NWA Southwest show against (I think) Kevin Northcutt (we'll say it's Northcutt). While he has Northcutt in a chinlock, Jake then proceeds to stick his index finger up the poor guy's ass. Jake later hits the DDT and Northcutt, upsert that he was the victim of Jake's sick sexual antics, kicks out of the pin and says "That's for putting your finger up my ass!" Jake, just having all his heat killed off, decides to finish the match by walloping Northcutt with his leather boot.

    239. It was well circulated in the sheets back then that when Dutch Mantel was doing the Uncle Zebekiah gimmick, at the motel one night he and Eli Blu got really ****ed up on No-Doz and wood alcohol and they shaved off a bunch of Dutch's back hair, glued it to his crotch, and Eli "ate him out."

    240. A Music City wrestler and some friends were at Bert Prentice's home talking about wrestling. Bert's dog was sitting on the floor. In the middle of the conversation Bert slips off his shoe, and starts messaging his dogs nutsack with his big fat stinky toes.

    241. This might be the R. Kelley ECW story in more detail, I don't know. . . .. But in the mid 90s all the ECW boys stayed at the scummy Travelodge in Philly after the shows. There were a lot of rats, but there was this one Asian slut who was such a whore that even the boys were embarrassed for her, and some actually thought she was a pest. I actually saw her undo her top a button when the boys would get to the hotel and walk by her to the elevator. One night Stevie Richards and some of the boys took her up to a room and violated her in the ass with a coke bottle, then threw her out of the room naked.

    242. This guy was driving Kevin Von Erich to a show. Kevin asks him to pull over at a store, and hands the driver money and asks him to buy a six-pack of beer. The guy buys the beer, gives it to Kevin, and they hit the road again. 10 MINUTES LATER Kevin asks him top pull over at another store, hands him money, and asks him to buy beer because he just drank the last one. There's another version of this story in my mind with Kerry in the car, a case, and 10 minute intervals too . . .

    243. This was reported in the Observer:: a Cleveland promoter paid his boys in food stamps.

    244. On his shoot tape, Dennis Coraluzzo says that Derrick Domino got **** canned because he was caught stealing money from the boys bags for drug money. Dennis also tells a great story about how he was on the road with his fat right hand man Gino Moore, and Moore had some chocolate chip cookies with him. Gino fell asleep (as we have learned in this thread, that is not a good thing to do). Dennis proceeded to stick the cookies in between his bare butt cheeks, and put them back in the box . . and Gino woke up and start eating them.

    245. I remember this one timekeeper during a match with Scott Putski and Missy Hyatt telling me Scott had absolutely no clue or what planet he was on during the entire match.

    246. Ah one more. More of a sad sap story than a scum story, but what the hell. This is also from the Dennis tape, and I also heard it before I saw the tape.. This concerns the King of All Marks, this POS from Pennsylvania named Royce Prophet, real name Tom Cusadi. Tom blew his Moms inheritance on wrestling. He was the ultimate money mark. He would promote shows just so he could manage on them. One time he paid to have The Nasty Boys and some other workers flown to the Bahamas for a shot. When they got there, they discovered there was no show; Tom just wanted to hang out with wrestlers.

    247. Tim Horner bought some frozen chimichangas and at the checkout line the cashier (chick) is like, "oo, nice, have you had these before?". It seemed she was talking to him in a flirtatious way about the chimichangas. Well, anyway, nothing really materialized there, but he ate one of the chimichangas and was ripping ass all night. All he could think of all night was "do you think she's into getting farted on, and dutch ovens and that kind of thing?" So he ends up going back to the shop the next day and getting more chimichangas, and she's all excited, and he gets the hook up and they go out later that week. Turns out they went to her place and she tied him up, and tried to take a **** on him!

    248. Jaime Dundee is a sick puppy. Guys have known that for quite some time. Unfortunately, he took it to a whole new level a few years back. Apparently, after a drinking, pot and coke binge with his cousin, he ****ed her. And I don't just mean missionary. They did it all. I'm still in shock. The worst part is that he defended it by saying that she's really hot. Not sure if it's worse that he did it or that he was bragging about it.

    249. When the ring broke at Hardcore Heaven 1996 Kimona was asked to do a striptease by Paul E while the ring was fixed. Only problem was that Heyman promised her that it wouldn't be taped, but it was of course, and was later put on an ECW commercial video.

    250. Yes, its true: Shawn Michaels was a man-slut. But he shared the wealth

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,446 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    I would say the vat majority of those are fake, but some funny ones there alright. Especially loved how Chris Benoit invented the Triple German Suplex

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭HBK

    rossie1977 wrote: »
    the andre stories are the best, each seem to gain legs as the years go on

    I HOPE there was no pun intended there? :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,799 ✭✭✭✭DrumSteve

    I would say the vat majority of those are fake, but some funny ones there alright. Especially loved how Chris Benoit invented the Triple German Suplex

    I thought the same... some of them are fairly ridiculous. but funny all the same.

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 24,799 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    DrumSteve wrote: »
    I thought the same... some of them are fairly ridiculous. but funny all the same.

    Yea funny as hell but fake as trillion euro note!
