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İHH Terrorists?

  • 30-06-2010 9:17pm
    Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭

    About Us

    After Bosnia Herzegovina declared its independence, war broke out between Bosnians and Serbians in May 1992 and quickly spread across the country. Serbs attempted "ethnic cleansing" in the country. Young or adult many people were killed and lots of historical and cultural artifacts were destroyed as well.

    The Bosnian tragedy is the largest genocide committed after the World War II. The world still remains silent against this war. However, Turkey is closely concerned with and affected by the occurrences.

    A group of concerned people, who did not remain insensitive to the war, gathered and began working individually.

    They protracted their efforts until the end of the war to alleviate sufferings from the war and to be a source of hope for helpless people.

    This time war broke out in Chechnya while the world was still watching the savageness in Bosnia. Russian forces bombed Chechen lands and killed innocent civilians. Voluntary efforts were failing. There was a need for more organized relief works.

    These volunteers who swiftly took steps with the outbreak of the Bosnian war and continued their efforts during the Chechen war gathered in 1995 and founded the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH). The basic objective was:

    Wherever he or she is, distressed, victimized by war, disaster, etc, wounded, disabled, homeless and subjected to famine, oppressed, it is the IHH’s main objective to deliver humanitarian aid to all people and take necessary steps to prevent any violations against their basic rights and liberties.



    Turkey's IHH said during Ramadan, Turkish charitables did not forget the grandchildren of the King of Abyssinian Negash who protected Muslims coming from Meccah during the birth of Islam by accepting them.

    IHH, Humanitarian relief Foundation, said in a statement, "teams in the first day of Ramadan distributed food packets consisted of flour, pulse,oil and sugar to the 180 orphan and widow families living in the Kofale village of the Oromiye region."

    "180 orphan children as the education aid were given notebooks, stationary materials and school bags", IHH statement said.

    As the cloth needs of 160 orphan children in the region of Habura were met, in the capital city Addis Ababa 350 orphan boys and girls were given iftar ( breaking the fast) meals.

    In the Kofale region of Ethiopia that struggles with the drought country wide, two water wells built by the charitables from Kayseri were also inaugurated.

    In Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world, because of the malnutrition and infectious diseases thousands of children are losing their lives.
    link -

    Turkey's IHH brought world orphans to Istanbul for the 4th International Orphans Meeeting on Saturday in Halic Congress Center.

    The orphan children who came from Lebanon, Pakistan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Macedonia, East Turkistan, Chechenstan and Agri joined the press meeting before the mass gathering.

    The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH) said in a statement, Chairman Bulent Yıldırım told about the situations of the orphans in the world with numbers.

    Yıldırım said, "After the searches we saw awful results."

    "Orphans can fall into the hands of organ mafia, human trafficker or missionary organizations. Some health organizations can use the children as subjects," he said.

    "The numbers that appear about the orphans are gory. In the world there are 143 millions of orphans and 400 millions of unprotected children. 60 millions of children sleep hungry."

    Yıldırım emphasized that they arrange orphans meetings to draw attention on the orphans and make the people sensitive in the world.

    "143 millions of people suffer from insufficient nutrition. Because of hunger and insufficient nutrition 5 millions of children die under the age of 5. In the world in every 5.2 seconds a child dies of insufficient nutrition,diseases or neglection. In Africa each minute 8 children under 5 years old die because of lack of vaccine. Because of the war every year hundreds thousands of children remain orphans," he said.

    The chairman said, "due to the occupation, only in Iraq 5 millions of children are orphaned. In the world 2,5 millions of children half of them girls are sold by being kidnapped. 90 millions of children are living in the streets. There are 85 millions of orphans in Asia. There are 43 millions of orphans in Africa. There are 12.4 millions of orphans in Latin America. If all the orphans should be brought together in one country, that would be the 8th most crowded country in the world."

    Yıldırım said that till today 15 thousands of children were found sponsor families, adding they are aiming to increase this number to 100 thousand.



    Turkey's IHH conducted a series of activities in Sudan's Darfur for Ramadan campaing activities.

    Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) said, in a statement, it opened mosques, digged waterwells, distributed Qur'ans, organized iftars, aiding orphans and refugees in Darfur.

    IHH volunteers also have been making cataract surgeries for 3 years in the capital of Sudan, Khartoum.

    IHH said it opened a mosque and water wells, funded by volunteers of the foundation's Izmit branch ( Izmit is a city in northwestern Turkey) in South Darfur's Nyala as part of of the activities in "Ramadan 2009

    Turkey's IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation said it extended its help to Zimbabwe, where cholera has so far claimed 1,400 lives.

    Hundreds of cholera patients were spared from death thanks to medication distributed by IHH teams in the country.

    The officials of the IHH said they purchased required medication from producers in South Africa and delivered them to the Zimbabwean hospitals running out of cholera medication.

    The medicines were handed to Epworth Clinic and Nazareth Beatrice Infectious Diseases Hospital, the biggest hospital of its kind in the Zimbabwean capital Harare.

    The medicines purchased from South Africa will help protect hundreds of affected people against cholera.

    After being told by physicians that cholera patients could not recover easily due to undernourishment, IHH teams supplied the hospital with foodstuff. Cholera patients are expected to recover rapidly after taking enough food.

    Zimbabwe is experiencing the worst cholera outbreak of its history. Cholera cases are rapidly spreading countrywide.


    "The IHH delivered 450,000 new Turkish liras (YTL) worth of humanitarian materials such as medication, medical equipment, blankets and foodstuff to Gaza within several days after the Israeli operation began. Families of the killed and wounded Gazans were donated YTL 200,000. Lately, 13 tons of humanitarian materials such as medication, surgery tools, painkillers, bandages, injections, etc. were handed to the Palestinian Health Ministry through Rafah border gate. The Palestinian Parliament and the Health Ministry sent letters to the IHH, expressing their thanks over aid."


    IHH officials distributed food packages of cooking oil, sugar and pulses to 800 needy families in and around the Crimean capital Simferopol. Food packages were handed to the families at their houses.

    Crimean Muslims, who have a history of suffering, exile and massacre, were moved during the delivery of aid. The families who received food packages expressed their gratitude and recited prayers.

    An aged Crimean woman first recited two surahs from the Quran and said, "God bless Muslims of Turkey and help Crimean Muslims in Uzbekistan to return to their homeland."

    The IHH delivered stationery materials to 1,500 students from İsmail Gaspıralı School. Another 150 orphans were given allowances and clothes.

    The foundation is planning to carry on relief activities in Crimea.

    İHH aid reaches disaster-stricken Myanmar
    Despite the reluctance of the military junta to authorize foreign aid, a Turkish humanitarian aid foundation has been among the first allowed access to Myanmar’s cyclone victims.

    The Humanitarian Aid Foundation (İHH) distributed emergency food aid through its partner organization to 500 families in villages 20 kilometers from the capital of Yangon, an İHH press release released on Tuesday reported.

    İHH teams were allowed to deliver the aid to the victims on Tuesday although the reclusive military government is keeping most foreign aid workers out of the devastated Irrawaddy Delta, where around 100,000 people were killed and millions of people made homeless by Cyclone Nargis.

    People who received food aid said they had been living without food or water since the tragedy, and expressed their gratitude to the people of Turkey for the aid.

    Ahmet Faruk Ünsal, head of İHH diplomatic relations, and Şenol Öztürk, İHH representative for Asian countries, are waiting in Thailand to cross into Myanmar, and if granted permission, they will provide more aid to the region.

    Huseyin Abdulkadir, representative of the İHH’s partner organization in Myanmar, said there are piles of bodies everywhere. “The people of Myanmar are in a dire situation. You come across bodies of dead women, elderly people and children everywhere. The military junta is busy with its own affairs, leaving the debris from the cyclone untouched. Impoverished people are trying to bury their victims and repair their houses. The situation in Myanmar is grave,” he stated.

    Abdulkadir indicated that the injured people could not be treated because of a shortage of medication and other medical supplies and warned that the death toll would rise if the necessary measures were not taken. He said some deaths have already been caused by starvation and lack of water in certain regions.

    İHH aid reaches disaster-stricken Myanmar
    Despite the reluctance of the military junta to authorize foreign aid, a Turkish humanitarian aid foundation has been among the first allowed access to Myanmar’s cyclone victims.

    İHH facilitates more than 3,000 cataract operations in Sudan
    The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH) has started a campaign to finance cataract operations for 3,286 people in Sudan.

    Bülent Yıldırım told the Anatolia news agency that an İHH visit to Sudan had highlighted how widespread an illness cataracts were in the country, leading them to initiate the “Africa Will See” campaign. The campaign’s slogans include “Let it be you who lightens the eyes of one of 100,000 Africans” and “If you see, they will also see.”

    Yıldırım noted that the İHH established a Turkish eye hospital as a part of the campaign with the support of the Turkish Health Ministry and the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TİKA).

    “Many people in Africa develop cataracts at a very young age due to extreme temperatures, [insufficient] nutrition and climate conditions. Add to that the lack of doctors -- many of the patients, particularly those living in rural locations, live in darkness. There are 5 million patients that have developed cataracts in Africa. Our campaign, in which we cooperate with the [Turkish] Health Ministry, has drawn significant public support. Approximately 40 operations are performed per day at the Turkish hospital,” Yıldırım emphasized. Yıldırım also said that approximately 20,000 people had been given eyeglasses and medicine by the İHH. Saying that there are four volunteer doctors and four nurses working at the hospital, Yıldırım noted, “Each month a volunteer health team goes to Sudan for the project, which will continue until 2009.”

    Yıldırım noted that they would also perform operations in Somali, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Mali. “Infrastructural works to perform operations in these countries are continuing. The only thing we lack is volunteer doctors. We need this kind of support to perform operations in more countries at the same time,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Yıldırım recalled that Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül visited their hospital in Sudan on Jan. 10, a visit during which he covered the cost of 12 operations as well as presented a plaque of thanks to the Turkish doctors there.

    Each operation costs YTL 100 and 44,988 people have donated to the campaign so far. Those who want to contribute may visit

    The İHH also runs charity and aid projects in countries such as Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mongolia


    Turkish IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed 10 tons of millet and beans to needy families in Tsiau region of Niger.

    The foundation is carrying on emergency aid and social development projects in different regions of Africa with donations from charitable people. The projects IHH had finalized in Niger were controlled by officials from the foundation and Istanbul Governorate.

    Computer lab set up in University of Niamey

    The IHH team in Niger attended with president, deans and departments heads of Niamey University, the only university in the country, the inauguration of a computer and a chemistry laboratory. The university president said the laboratories were the first modern facilities the university had since is was established three decades ago, expressing his thanks to benevolent Turkish people.

    The team also visited an IHH-built maternity ward in Niamey. The next stop was Tisau, a city in Maradi province with a population of 130,000 people. The IHH officials and Tisau mayor inaugurated a thousand-meter long underground drainage canal. The mayor thanked the people of Turkey in his speech.

    About 10 tons of millet and beans were distributed to 2,000 families that were living below the poverty line.

    Turkish IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation said it has decided to undertake caring for all the children made orphan in the latest Israeli strikes, adding that it has been taking care of thousands of Palestinian orphans.

    IHH said will meet all expenses of the children made orphan by the recent Israeli operation into the Gaza Strip and existing orphan Palestinian children.

    The foundation has been caring for 2,500 orphans in Palestine so far. Latest Israeli attacks on Gaza made another 1,500 children orphan. All the Palestinian orphans will be provided with shelter, education, health services and other basic services by the IHH.

    The foundation has also included Palestinian orphans in the sponsor family system.

    Charitable families can sponsor an orphan by donating 70 new Turkish liras monthly.

    Since the outbreak of the latest Israeli offensive into Gaza, 400 families applied to the IHH to sponsor Gazan orphans.


    Turkey's leading charity finished digging hundreds of water wells across Africa with donations of Turkish beneficents before Islamic holy month Ramadan starts, the foundation said.

    Hudreds of water wells were digged and fountains were built in a aid move under the leadership of Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH) across African countries, the charity said on website.

    The last projects in Chad, Sudan and Burkina Faso were also finished before Ramadan.

    One of the first foundations which started water well projects, IHH has built 392 water wells in Somali, Chad, Djibouti, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Sudan and Niger with the donations of beneficents so far.

    Chairman of IHH Bulent Yildirim said that "1.4 million people have to live without water around the world."

    "In Africa 250 million people are suffering from drought" Yildirim said in his statement about the issue.

    "Some of them have to carry water from the wells that are kilometers far away from their villages. Because not all of the villages have water wells."

    "We are solving two problems when we are building water wells. First of all, we are supplying water for them and secondly, we are preventing the illnesses that are caused by the unhealthy resources," Yildirim added.


    Turkey's IHH said distributed food packets to 600 families and held mass iftars in Kazakhstan during Ramadan.

    IHH, Humanitarian Relief Foundation, said in a statement, "in Kazakhstan's Almaty, Aaras, Shymkent, Turkistan and Qyzlorda cities and the towns of them 600 families were given food packets and mass breaking the fast meals."



    Dr Hasan Uysal assisted by IHH member Murat Akinan treating an Israeli commando (left) protestor displays photo of one of the aid worker killed by Israeli forces (right) injured Turkish aid workers return home. (R-bottom) Israeli commandos aim their weapons on aid workers
    Despite claims by Israel Officials that the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) members had initiated the violence, Murat Akinan, the man seen standing next to Dr Uysal in the photos of him treating a commando said that the captured soldier had been entrusted to him by IHH Director, Bulent Yildirim, who instructed him to
    “make sure that he’ll be safe. Be careful, don’t allow anyone to touch him.”

    Even though I never heard of them before are IHH terrorists because Israel said so? 1 vote

    Yes. I only doubt what sky news tells me to.
    No. Clearly not.
    Lab_Mouse 1 vote


  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Incidentally, IHH have just released their official report into the attack on the flotilla for anyone who is interested

    Victims of terrorism
    The nine victims

    Cengiz Alquyz, 42

    Four gunshot wounds: back of head, right side of face, back, left leg

    Ibrahim Bilgen, 60

    Four gunshot wounds: right chest, back, right hip, right temple

    Cegdet Kiliclar, 38

    One gunshot wound: middle of forehead

    Furkan Dogan, 19

    Five gunshot wounds: nose, back, back of head, left leg, left ankle

    Sahri Yaldiz

    Four gunshot wounds: left chest, left leg, right leg twice

    Aliheyder Bengi, 39

    Six gunshot wounds: left chest, belly, right arm, right leg, left hand twice

    Cetin Topcuoglu, 54

    Three gunshot wounds: back of head, left side, right belly

    Cengiz Songur, 47

    One gunshot wound: front of neck

    Necdet Yildirim, 32

    Two gunshot wounds: right shoulder, left back

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo


    Your Opinion?

    "Even though I never heard of them before are IHH terrorists because Israel said so?"

    This sentence makes no sense.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber


    Your Opinion?

    IHH are a charity which focuses on helping primarily Muslim people around the world who are victims of tyranny, misfortune, occupation, oppression. They feed the hungry, bring fresh water to the thirsty , aid the sick, help educate people without that opportunity. They fight global inequality, improve and save lives. They are a force for good in the world, to accuse them of terrorism is turning morality on its head. The aid effort to Gaza is just part of their global aid efforts. Unfortunately they had to come into conflict with Jewish supremacism, as Isreal is ultimately justified in committing any atrocity against the goyim IHH have to become the bad guys for Israeli slaughter to be palatable to the sheep. It is the IHH rather than the pale skinned passengers focused on because Westerners IMO are unconsciously islamaphobic by and large and as people generally don't look into the news any further than the page it is printed on it is quite simple for the compliant, I'd say controlled press at this stage to make the notion believable to the gullible masses, despite their being no valid evidence.

    "Even though I never heard of them before are IHH terrorists because Israel said so?"

    This sentence makes no sense.
    true. but what can i do now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo

    A mod can change it.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Jaysus, I understand what you are saying but, JAYSUS could you try again, Poll options are rather confused. I voted no, cos I think thats the option I want, but now I'm terrified that I may have inadvertently given support to Israel :eek:

    I'd suggest that in the cold and sober light of the morning you decide what you actually want the Poll to say and then PM Humanji/Bonkey and politley ask them to fix it for you ;)

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    I voted no, cos I think thats the option I want, but now I'm terrified that I may have inadvertently given support to Israel :eek:

    Sure you did...

    We all know it was your megaphone that brought you here.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    what a ridduclous poll ......

    as usual completley anti israeli bull**** BB...
    well done...
    one thread closed yesterday and you had to open another ...


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Thank you for highlighting the CT angle of this thread Robtri.

    Its rather straightforward IMO, someone Criticises Israel and lo and behold they are accused of antisemitisim, Most people had no idea who the IHH were before this incident yet people are now questioning whether or not they are Terrorists based on info released by rather biased sources.

    You then get people banding together to hound posters who criticise Israel across multiple threads until they are stigmatised as AntiSemites.
    Do you see ther patern?

    What would you rather we did, Complicit silence and a blind eye to the War crimes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    Thank you for highlighting the CT angle of this thread Robtri.

    Its rather straightforward IMO, someone Criticises Israel and lo and behold they are accused of antisemitisim, Most people had no idea who the IHH were before this incident yet people are now questioning whether or not they are Terrorists based on info released by rather biased sources.

    You then get people banding together to hound posters who criticise Israel across multiple threads until they are stigmatised as AntiSemites.
    Do you see ther patern?

    What would you rather we did, Complicit silence and a blind eye to the War crimes?

    No.. i would rather a fair an honest poll...
    suppose that is too much to ask...

    Read the poll and the OT... not very balanced... and completly anti israel... so as polls goes its a Fcuking joke...

    ** so how is the occupation of OZ going....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭reprazant

    This is so biased it is unreal.

    I could post lots of information about the charity work that the IRA or HAMAS does/did. Does that not make them terrorists?

    I have no idea if IHH are terrorists, affiliated to terrorists or not. There is conflicting information out there. Israel and the previous Turkish government seemed to think so, so they might be. I haven't seen any evidence. Until I do, I am not going to make my decision.

    I am sure not going to make a decision based on truly pathetically biased information whose sole purpose seems to be to get the answer he wants from people. He has already shown his own opinions on the matter in the way he has framed his question. It just shows how narrow minded he is.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    reprazant wrote: »
    This is so biased it is unreal.

    I could post lots of information about the charity work that the IRA or HAMAS does/did. Does that not make them terrorists? .

    And I could post lots of imformation that Amnesty International does. Does that make them terrorists?
    reprazant wrote: »
    I have no idea if IHH are terrorists, affiliated to terrorists or not. .

    Yet you think they might be because Israel told you so:rolleyes:
    reprazant wrote: »
    I haven't seen any evidence.


    What you have seen evidence of is that they are an active charity across the world.

    And no evidence of terrorism.

    So how exactly are they supposed to prove a negative?

    Can you prove Concern aren't terrorists? Or that you are not a terrorist?
    reprazant wrote: »
    I am sure not going to make a decision based on truly pathetically biased information whose sole purpose seems to be to get the answer he wants from people. He has already shown his own opinions on the matter in the way he has framed his question. It just shows how narrow minded he is.
    No need to get angry...It's just the cognitive dissonance kicking in.;)

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    robtri wrote: »
    what a ridduclous poll ......
    robtri wrote: »
    as usual completley anti israeli bull**** BB...
    well done...
    Please, please, please, tell me in no less than 20 words how it is anti-Israeli to defend a charitable organisation against vicous smears from a nation who recently attacked killed and wounded its members after they hijacked their boat which was bringing much needed aid relief to a people under siege by the same aggressor?

    You really need to figure out the difference between legitimate criticism and criticism.
    robtri wrote: »
    one thread closed yesterday and you had to open another ...

    Actually it was closed because it was off-topic which you played a starring role in, constantly taking off topic with "Hamas are bad too" "Hamas have WMD" "Hamas are hiding Osama" comments.

    You actually thanked the post that locked the thread. Are you afraid of open and frank discussion`?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Jean-Louis Bruguiére the french counter terrorism magistrate and expert, has testified in the trial of the Millennium Bomber, that the IHH had played an "important role" in the operation of the Montreal cell to which Ahmed Ressien belonged to, and mentioned "a rather close relation" between the Montreal cell and the Turkish group.

    You might like to dismiss this, but Bruguiére was instrumental in the capture of Carlos the Jackal, so he knows a thing or two about international terrorism.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Actually it was closed because it was off-topic which you played a starring role in, constantly taking off topic with "Hamas are bad too" "Hamas have WMD" "Hamas are hiding Osama" comments.

    You actually thanked the post that locked the thread. Are you afraid of open and frank discussion`?

    If you can explain how this discussion is relevant here. Perhaps you might try politics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    robtri wrote: »
    what a ridduclous poll ......

    Please, please, please, tell me in no less than 20 words how it is anti-Israeli to defend a charitable organisation against vicous smears from a nation who recently attacked killed and wounded its members after they hijacked their boat which was bringing much needed aid relief to a people under siege by the same aggressor?

    You really need to figure out the difference between legitimate criticism and criticism.

    You need to read the criticism and not jump to conclusions as you usually do. I never said defending a Charity organisation is anti israeli..
    I said your poll is written to come accross anti israeli. A poll should be fair... that poll isnt... its a joke

    Actually it was closed because it was off-topic which you played a starring role in, constantly taking off topic with "Hamas are bad too" "Hamas have WMD" "Hamas are hiding Osama" comments.

    You actually thanked the post that locked the thread. Are you afraid of open and frank discussion`?

    if this is how you read articles and information... this makes me smile...
    not once did i say or imply that hammas have WMD or are hiding osama
    My coments where only direct at your blinkered view
    your are seriously mis informed BB

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭reprazant

    Yet you think they might be because Israel told you so:rolleyes:

    No, what I said was that

    reprazant wrote: »
    I have no idea if IHH are terrorists, affiliated to terrorists or not. There is conflicting information out there. Israel and the previous Turkish government seemed to think so, so they might be. I haven't seen any evidence. Until I do, I am not going to make my decision.

    Which means that I have seen no evidence on way or the other other then governments from Turkey and Israel saying that they are, which is not evidence but hearsay.

    Until I see any evidence one way or the other, I am not going to make a decision on if they are or not. In other words, I am going to keep an open mind. Something you obviously do not do.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭reprazant

    What you have seen evidence of is that they are an active charity across the world.

    And no evidence of terrorism.
    Turkish authorities began their own domestic criminal investigation of IHH as early as December 1997, when sources revealed that leaders of IHH were purchasing automatic weapons from other regional Islamic militant groups. IHH’s bureau in Istanbul was thoroughly searched, and its local officers were arrested. Security forces uncovered an array of disturbing items, including firearms, explosives, bomb-making instructions, and a “jihad flag.” After analyzing seized IHH documents, Turkish authorities concluded that “detained members of IHH were going to fight in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Chechnya.”

    According to a French intelligence report, the terrorist infiltration of IHH extended to its most senior ranks. The report, written by famed counterterrorism magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere, revealed that IHH President Bulent Yildrim had directly conspired in the mid-1990s to “recruit veteran soldiers in anticipation of the coming holy war [jihad]. In particular, some men were sent into war zones in Muslim countries in order to acquire combat experience.”

    Furthermore, in the hopes of “obtaining political support from these countries, financial aid was transferred [on behalf of IHH], as well as caches of firearms, knives, and pre-fabricated explosives.” An examination of IHH’s phone records in Istanbul showed repeated telephone calls in 1996 to an Al-Qaida guesthouse in Milan and various Algerian terrorist operatives active elsewhere in Europe – including the notorious Abu el-Ma`ali, who has been subsequently termed by U.S. officials as a “junior Osama Bin Laden.”

    That said, this is all in the past and the US has not placed them on their terror list, so there is a fair chance that they could not be affiliated to terrorists now but it does seem that there is a chance that, at some stage, they were or some of their members were.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭studiorat

    Another laughable poll...
    And an ISM rant to boot.

    The connections aren't in question anywhere, the spin is that Recep Erdogan and IHH don't recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization. Personally I fear for Turkeys stance as a secular country since Erdogan's rise to power.

    And for your interest...
    Gaza does not want “freedom flotillas” that are boarded by blonde women with Muslim men and Christians with Jews and atheists, instead it wants a fleet on the sea and an army on land with black flags of Khorasaan, Shaam, Egypt, Maghreb, Yemen, Turkish, Kurdish, Islamic… that would stand on the east of the river of Yemen and the Jews would be on the West of the same, and the fires would scatter forth from the eyes of the Muslims….

    Gaza longs for Islam, and wants Islam, and is eager for Islam, and Islam- is to surrender to Allah, and none other than Him, and worship of Allah, and none beside Him, and Jihad in the way of Allah, not in the way of any other than Him, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked which of the deeds is better he said ‘Belief in Allah and Jihad in His way’ (At Tabarani and his men are reliable).

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    This is not the Politics forum

This discussion has been closed.