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Gael Force 2010 training for a big Lad

  • 11-01-2010 11:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭

    Well all, every couple of years I make a burst and go well followed by a long period of sitting on my rear...

    This year I want to complete Gael force in under 5 hours trouble is I have never been as unfit, I'm 34 5'11 and 120kgs, so carrying a lot of extra weight, I'd like to think I could loose 20Kg by may/june and build up aerobically to be able to do a 10k Run (Jog) in March with completing the 1/2 Gael force Connemara challenge in May, therefore plenty on interm goals to aim for..

    Any particular advice?? I understand most here are experience high level athletetes but I got to start somewhere I guess..

    So day one

    Thread mill - 5k --- 2 @ 7.5k/hr and 3 @ 6
    Streched and 5 min warm up/cool down



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    MotteDai wrote: »
    I understand most here are experience high level athletetes but I got to start somewhere I guess..

    Ahem, you will soon see that the above is not the case at all, just a load of people with diiferent standards and goals all trying their best.

    I wont give you advice as I wouldnt be qualified enough but I am sure others will, Fair play for starting, a lot of people wouldnt be even able to do 5k in one go at the start.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Thanks all advice even from those not willing accepted!

    Hit the threadmill again tonight, forgotten how good it is at blowing off stress. Anyway Legs felt heavy tonight but I did as above
    2k @ 7.5 and 3 @ 6ish, did it a little faster tonight and had the urge to push on at the end, at least in the head legs however didnt agree..

    Down 1.6kg however, but I assume ths is from cutting out crap and eating food recommended by herself and 'water' loss..

    Anyway feel good.. break tomorrow..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Fair play, MotteDai, I did Gaelforce last year and have signed up for this year as well. Don't know how qualified I would be to give advice, but get in plenty of hill runs and cycling, you don't really need to bother with much kayaking, and get a good pair of trail runners!

    Good luck with the training

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 djpm

    Below is a link to a blog by a guy who wanted to do a cycle in the Alps last year (I did (most of) it, it makes GF look fairly lame!). He loses 3 stone 5 in 6 months. It shows his training plan, might give you some ideas. One thing he does is set realistic intermediate goals for weight loss and training hours/week along the way, and he pretty much makes all of these give or take. I should pay attention myself.

    As ronanmac said above, ignore the kayaking (maybe get one or two sessions in if you know somebody who has one), just run and cycle, and get as much hill work as you can in. There are some training tips on the GF website too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Thanks Dj

    Interesting blog, I like his targeting monthly of weight, I could do with targeting like that, I'll read this tonight its a good road map.. If I could loose 3 to 4 stone I'd be very happy, theres an 8 k in Galway in Feb so thats my short term target

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  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Right today again watched the diet and returned to Gym,

    45 mins on rower at moderate Pace covered 9 k

    10 mins on threadmill to loosen legs for jog tomorrow,

    5 Mins on Stepper - Insanely difficult or maybe I have an issue with said machine

    Ok like that guy on the Blog above, I like the way he summarized both his training and weight setting weekly goals..

    So by May 1st i'd like to achieve 100Kg, this will be difficult but its a milestone all the same,

    there fore i'll need to loose 1.125 Kg or for you in more Imperially inclined 2.5 lbs per week, I should be able to achieve this, I'll be going to official weighing evey monday and summarise my previous weeks results then, so weekly targets for now are

    Training 6 hrs/week
    Weight loss 2.5lbs or 1.125 Kgs per week

    Maybe I should be devoting 1 of these hours per week to some weight training as doesn't muscle burn off FAT? That I need to find out.

    If I loose the 18kgs it should leave me in a place where I can start my conditioning training for the gael force event in August.

    Oh I have one question for those in the 'know', it relates to my comment above. Does cardio only burn Fat during the excercise and when you weight lift it burns as you repair even while in rest?
    I do like the sound of burning while at rest but I want to achieve 100kgs and not just bulk up as I once did a few moons ago..

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    As above

    Training 45 mins 2.7l ish at 7.6 and 2.4k at 5 ish

    Some upper body strength training

    Feel good.. but long road to go..

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Sat 16th Jan

    Small bit this morning, wiped cobwebs off the bike and went for 10k cycle,

    10 K cycle just over 30mins,

    Rest day tomorrow, monday weigh and weekly summary

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 peteg

    I did gaelforce last year in 4.5hrs. I started training in january,my first weeks training was 3 x 30 mins runs 1 x 45 min cycle.From here i kept adding 5 mins to runs and cycles. I always train to time not distance. Come june i was able to do a run followed by a cycle.The big thing for me was starting off easy in january and building up my training at an easy rate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Right here are the results for Week 1

    Start Week 1 Weight Just over 118 Kgs.
    End Week 1: Weight - Target 116.87Kg - Actual 114kg total loss 4Kg Just over 8.8lbs

    I'm pretty happy with this, however yesterday I had one of my Mum's sunday roasts, as usual a great meal but heavy on the cals... oh i had desert.. darn it.. but as a weekly loss its well above target! :rolleyes:


    End Week 1: Training - Target 5Hrs - Actual 4.0 so under target by 1 hr

    Started getting up on the Treadmill did 5k and now tonight even though I had my worst tread mill session on 5 K I felt I could have done more I did 5 k and walked 3, I should have pushed myself as I had more in me but was tired and got Lazy.
    Road training this week also.. over all a good start, I'm happy with it and have much more energy.

    So in total on target, a good start I hope to keep going and at least I have this to look back at in the future and compare..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    peteg wrote: »
    I did gaelforce last year in 4.5hrs. I started training in january,my first weeks training was 3 x 30 mins runs 1 x 45 min cycle.From here i kept adding 5 mins to runs and cycles. I always train to time not distance. Come june i was able to do a run followed by a cycle.The big thing for me was starting off easy in january and building up my training at an easy rate.

    you sound like you were in a hell of a lot better shape than me, I'm going to try now this week to see how long I can run on the road, I really doubt I'll get anywhere near 30 mins though.. running was never my forte..
    Thanks for the advice, I had a dream the last night I bet St. Patrick himself up the reek during gael force, maybe its a premonition..


    May I ask how you do in it after that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    ronanmac wrote: »
    Fair play, MotteDai, I did Gaelforce last year and have signed up for this year as well. Don't know how qualified I would be to give advice, but get in plenty of hill runs and cycling, you don't really need to bother with much kayaking, and get a good pair of trail runners!

    Good luck with the training

    thanks Ronanmac, they reckon there are slight changes in it this year, I live right beside the course so its nearly compulsory to complete it, I heard that about Kayaking.. I have a pair of road runners hopefully that will do for now

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Did 5k on threadmill and upped my total running time, i now ran aboy 75% of it. stamina building up so happ.. also did a rep of light weights ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Not been on given boards issues etc..
    Right here are the results for Week 2

    Start Week 1 Weight at spot on 114 Kgs.
    End Week 1: Weight - Target 115.75Kg - Actual 112.3kg total loss 1.7Kg Just under 4lbs well about 3 & 3/4's

    Happy enough however took weekend off and splurged on an Eddie rockets if I had done my run as I ment to then it would be lower,


    End Week 2, Training target 5 hrs and did about 4.5. Started some weights which I find good. I'm doing about 15-20 mins of weights.

    I got our on road also for a 'circuit' on a local round route about 6.5 Km long. I have to say it took me a while to get a rythm and I kept stop starting for first 3km but once I got it I finished out the 3.5Km with mostly running and completed it in about 50ish mins (no right timer with me.) So my running is improving.
    Also in Gym not yet able to achieve the 5km totally running but i think its nearly more 'mental' than anything else.

    So in general I'm happy, Diet Im finding is important.. I bounce around by about 1.5kg in weight when training and eating but in general the trend is down.

    5km road run sunday week is target.

    Training this week2
    mon - Gym 5 k run and 15 mins on rower
    Tues - Gym 5 k run and weight session,couldhave run it all
    Thurs -Gym 5k run and again broken with a weights session
    Friday - 6.5km road run.. its a start, Id say I ran about 4 km broken over the 6km.

    I have a Garmin runner but I need to get it re-started then i can actually see my progress..

    So all in all given the Borads issues I havent been logging.. but happy again :) a little worried however if I start drinking again weight could go south..

    Roll on Week 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Did my first full 5k @ about .5k ;) on thread mill tonight so pretty happy with that, weight loss seems to have slowed a bit though so im wondering will I make target for monday.. wait and see..

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Sat 30th Jan

    Okay just succeeded in doing my local route > 6.7K in just 48.52. Avg speed 8.2 Khr, I ran it in blocks really 1st 3K, the 400m Fast walk, net 1km with about 200m walk net 1km witch small walk break and the jogged the rest.

    Fairly Happy given the local 5K run is net sunday Feb 6th I should be able to complete that ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Right here are the results for Week 3

    Start Week 3 Weight at spot on 112.3 Kg.
    End Week 3: Weight - Target 114.63Kg - Actual 111.2kg total loss 1.1Kg Just under 2lbs well about 2.5 lbs
    Looks like weight loss is stabilizing, I'm loosing weight but rate f decline is much more 'normal'. Acid test will be to see if this slows further, i hope not!
    I plan to go for a few pints too this week that could impact things, anyway however I'm still a half stone ahead of target so I'm happy..


    End Week 3, Training target 5 hrs and did about 4. doing some good upper body weights which i think could be slowing my weight loss?

    2 big achievements I did the full 5k in 44 mins on the treadmill on Thursday and then went on to do a 6.7k road run in 48mins on Saturday, average speed 8.2 km, I ran the first 3k so I was happy with that..
    Legs are tried now..

    Training this week2
    I can't really rem what I did, I think it was close to below
    Mon - Treadmill 5 k and weights upper bod
    Tues - Rower 45mins just under 10k
    Weds - rest
    Thurs - 5k treadmill full 5k.. :)
    Friday - 20 mins rower and upperbod weights
    Sat - 6.7k Road run, 48mns
    Sun - rest
    Tonight I did a good upperbody weights session and 2.5k on treadmill but today was tired..

    In summary ahead of target but worried about when some booze comes along will it throw it all to the wind..

    Roll on Week 4

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Right its Sunday morning, I've had a reasonable week, I took the foot slightly off the pedal and thought I hurt my sholder.

    I hand drink on Thursday night and took last tow days off.. I think that'll impact the weight big time unfort..

    I'll wait till tomorrow night to see however..

    The 5 K is in a couple of hours so waiting to see how I'll do.. will update after!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Right here are the results for Week 4

    Start Week 4 Weight at spot on 111.2 Kg.
    End Week 4: Weight - Target 113.5Kg - Actual 111.85kg thats a Gain of 0.65kg about 1.5 lbs
    Thats very dissapointing so weight is actually gone up its still below the target but now going in wrong direction..


    End Week 4, Training target 5 hrs and did about . doing some good upper body weights which i think could be slowing my weight loss?

    Really disapointing week on the running, after the 6.7 k last week I didn't have energy to recomplete any run early in week and I made a mush of the 5k.

    Legs got heavy got shin splints very badly during it for the first time and then it all fell apart..:mad:

    Training this week2
    I can't really rem what I did, I think it was close to below
    Mon - weights Arms, back, shoulders and legs
    Tues - walk 3k
    Weds - 5k on threadmill but legs sore didnt really get it
    Thurs - weights weights Arms, back, shoulders and legs
    Friday - rest
    Sat - rest
    Sun - 5k road run.. but worst run to date.. 35mins

    In summary ahead of target but weight went in worng direction, had drink alo and that may have nailed my run and weight loss.. fustrating!

    Hopefully week 5 will be better

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    MotteDai wrote: »
    Right its Sunday morning, I've had a reasonable week, I took the foot slightly off the pedal and thought I hurt my sholder.

    I hand drink on Thursday night and took last tow days off.. I think that'll impact the weight big time unfort..

    I'll wait till tomorrow night to see however..

    The 5 K is in a couple of hours so waiting to see how I'll do.. will update after!!

    Okay summary of run,

    It was cold, run started late, which im sure i normal enough given the logistics of things..
    I unfort did no real warm up, i lived to regret that.

    Everyone took off like bullets and I quickly found myself drifting back..everyone passed me out.. a little disheartining.. my leg started to stiffen and shin splints after 1.5 k.. was soooo sore..I slowed to walk for a min, of course it got incredibly worse..

    This continued for the last 3.5k.. was one of the last..
    Wasn't happy.. but I guess its a line in the sand..
    I want to re-do a 5k to see how i do..:(

    Want to be positive.. but such a hill to climb to be able to a think of doing Gael force..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Right here are the results for Week 5

    Start Week 4 Weight at spot on 111.85 Kg.
    End Week 4: Weight - Orig Plan Target 112.38Kg - Actual 110.8kg thats a Loss of 1.05kg about 2.3 lbs
    Happy Enough, I think the weights set im dong is buring off the cals now

    End week 5, it was a bad week really, two heavy weights sets and a 3k run.. not good enough, I ended up having to go to dublin on thurs and had a party on friday which then extended into watching the France Ireland game on Sat... had pints.. even some cigarettes, tonight I feel dissapointed in me... this week I repay what I borrowed..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    MotteDai don't lose heart with your 5k race result. That was a small but fast group (I wasn't there by the way). My own personal trick is to target the races that will have 300+ people running so there are more people in and around my pace :cool: The last person in that race (I'm making assumptions here) finished in under 32 minutes so that ain't bad at all for the first time out.
    Actually you should take heart from the person who was last ... he's frequently last but at 80 years (or nearly 80) he's out for every race.

    Have you thought of joining any of the fit4life groups up there? I find that running with other people is great for helping push the pace up a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Actually I checked my time there and did better than what I timed.. Much happier to be honest...:rolleyes:
    It was a fast group but I have a hill to go, but not backing off.. plan is to do a 5k this week and see..

    Its a long way to August but inch by inch i guess.. and yes its week 5 and I had a wobble... focus back on! At least im getting smaller...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    I meant to say in the last post well done on the weight loss. Been there done that.... it's a great confidence boost to see the lbs slipping away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Cheers Littlebug, its been lonely in this post for a while but its been slowly sucessfull..

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Just did 4K there at 26 mins so getting better, actually found the first 1k the toughest and once I got into it I had good stamina..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Littlebug is right the smaller the race usually the better the runners are. The big races tend to attract the more easy going competitors as they are usually well marketed and say three or four people from a gym target it together.

    You are doing well on the weight-loss, i have only lost 3 kilos in a year

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Possibly true, lately my running seems to be getting stronger.. finding the first 1k hard to run and this is after my warm up.. perhaps im doing something wrong?

    As for the weight loss.. well I was fairly overweight and therefore once I started eating right and doing excercise I felt it should come off.. its slowing however..

    Actually must graph it on here easier to show

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MotteDai

    Really finding it hard to shift the weight now.

    I may be doing too much to be honest..

    Current weight 110:4 ad target is 111.0 so still under however think i wont meet next weeks target, felt tried during last few runs ..

    Need to start hill climibing and some cycling for gale force in march

    No idea why weight is not falling off....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    That always happens, weight falls off easily for the first while and then it starts to fall much slower. What alsos happening is that you are slowly beginning to get toned up which doesnt lose any weight.

    Start going by the feel of the pants from now on, while I havent lost much weight over the last year anyways I have gone from a 36 waist when I started out to a 32
