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The 2013 Boards PW Draft EVALUATION Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭glenjamin


    Already advertised for the show
    • The return of Bret "The Hitman" Hart
    • Debut of Takeshi Morishma
    • Owen Hart on being the Number 1 Contender for the WTF Heavyweight Championship
    • Randy "The Ram" Robinson to discuss his future with WTF
    • The Road to Wrasslemania begins tonight

    *The pyros and music start as we get ready for Monday Night Mayhem. The commentators plug the return of Bret Hart.*
    Segment 1


    Kurt Angle opens the show walking to the ring with the WTF Heavyweight Championship. [The story behind Angle is that his heel turn is well in full flow, and Angle has just come off the back of defending the title against Bob Backlund at the previous PPV. I was thinking of doing the build up to an actual match between Angle and Backlund but I went this way instead.] Angle grabs the mic and goes on to talk about his 30 minute classic with Backlund at the PPV just gone. Angle salutes Backlund but in true heelish fashion ends with Backlund being no match for him. Angle talks about tonight being the return of Bret Hart and being aware that Bret hasn't cashed in his rematch clause before his injury. [Once again the backstory here being that Angle beat Bret Hart for the title 8 months ago, and Hart then suffered a long term injury just days after dropping the title]. Angle also mentions Bret's brother Owen, and how he won a match at the previous PPV to become the number 1 contender for the World title. Angle ends with he doesn't care who he takes on at the next PPV, Wrasslemania, it's for the Hart brothers to decide.

    Segment Length: 15 minutes

    *The commentators reiterate what Kurt Angle just said as we go to commercial*
    Segment 2


    Batista V Ultimo Dragon
    Recently turned heel, Batista comes down to the ring first to boo's from the crowd. [Batista is in the midst of being repackaged as a destructive heel who's trying to gain as much momentum as possible before a potential title shot down the line.] The commentators are quick to stress that this new look Batista is in the best form he's ever been in, in his career. The Cruiserweight Champion, Ultimo Dragon is out next to the usual cheers from the crowd. This is basically a squash match with the Ultimo Dragon not been given much offense. Batista hits all his signature moves and quickly pins the Ultimo Dragon. Batista comes out of the match continuing to build momentum, while the Ultimo Dragon doesn't lose much as he was not expected to win in the first place.
    Winner: Batista via. Pinfall
    Segment Length: 7 minutes
    Segment 3


    Owen Hart is backstage being interviewed. The interviewer congratulates Hart on his victory against Vader, and becoming the number 1 contender for the WTF Heavyweight Championship, and asks about the return of his brother, Bret Hart, tonight. Owen replies saying he is delighted at becoming the number 1 contender and says he is finally getting his chance of achieving superstardom in becoming WTF Heavyweight Champion. Owen goes onto saying how his whole life has been leading up to this moment and he can't wait to take on Kurt Angle at Wrasslemania. Owen says he is glad his brother is back and will welcome him back with open arms. But like anyone else wanting to become WTF Heavyweight Champion, Bret will just have to get in line.
    Segment Length: 5 minutes

    *The commentators announce that up next is the debut of Takeshi Morishma*
    Segment 4


    Stan Lane w/ Bobby Eaton V Takeshi Morishima
    The World Tag Team Champions The Midnight Express come out first. Before the arrival of Takeshi Morishima. The commentators are quick to point out how big Morishima is, and mention his achievements in Japan. A quick back and forward match with lots of reversals as Morishima shows just how quick and athletic he is. Eventually the momentum shifts towards Morishima and he begins to dominate Lane. Lane goes for a top rope move but Morishima catches him and hits him with an Amaza Impact for the 3 count. Afterwards Eaton goes to check on his partner while Morishima goes to get a chair before re-entering the ring and hitting both members of the Midnight Express with it. the bell rings several times and after several chair shots Morishma stops, poses and leaves the ring.
    Segment Length: 11 minutes

    *Randy "The Ram" Robinson is seen backstage walking to the ring as the commentators plug his big announcement being next. Commercial*
    Segment 5


    Randy Robinson comes out to the ring and takes a microphone. Robinson says the best part of being a professional wrestler is coming out to this (points to crowd) every week. Robinson says the last few months have been like a roller-coaster for him. Robinson says earlier this year he suffered a heart attack which made him realise what's really important to him in life. Robinson says since then he has gotten in touch with his estranged daughter and things are finally looking up for their relationship. However he's been told by his doctor that he needs to quit wrestling for the good of his health and that is why effective of immediately he is retiring from professional wrestling. Robinson thanks the fans for everything before putting down the mic to the astonishment of the crowd.
    Segment Length: 9 minutes
    Segment 6


    Vader V Owen Hart

    [A rematch from the previous night's PPV were Owen Hart became the Number 1 Contender for the WTF Heavyweight Championship.] Like last night Vader uses his strength to control the beginning of the match before Owen hits back with a fury of dropkicks to the knee of Vader to send him to the floor. The middle to the match is a course of reversals by both men with the ending being several near falls before Vader misses the Vader Bomb and Hart once again manages to lock in the Sharpshooter and Vader eventually submits. After the match both men shake hands before leaving the ring.
    Segment Length: 21 minutes

    *The return of Bret Hart is next as we go to out final commercial break*
    Segment 7


    [The commentators go over the history of Bret Hart stating that Hart lost the title to Kurt Angle 8 months ago before suffering a serious knee injury] Bret Hart comes out to massive cheers from the crowd and enters the ring. Bret takes the mic and thanks the fans for their support. Bret states the knee injury he suffered came close to ending his career but he battled back because this is where he belongs. Bret goes on to say how proud he is of his brother Owen over the last 8 months and says that the boy is finally becoming a man. Bret says that Owen has flourished as a wrestler and he had tears in his eyes last night as Owen became the number 1 contender to take on Kurt Angle at Wrasslemania. Bret says a part of being a big brother is knowing when to protect your brother and says that Owen is not quite ready yet for Angle. Bret says instead he will evoke his rematch clause and he will take on Kurt Angle for the WTF Heavyweight Championship at Wrasslemania in order to protect his little brother. Bret leaves the ring as the crowd boo.
    Segment Length: 16 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭lebowskilite

    Preview Post
    First Show
    Second Show
    Opening Promo
    Recap on last week’s show: Graham interrupting Cole’s match and throwing him out of the ring. Cole stripping Graham of the title. Highlights from the main event between Styles and Daniels. Graham interrupting main event and escaping with the championship belt.
    Opening Credits
    Live from the Halifax Metro Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada – with 11’429 ICW fans in attendance.

    Michael Cole is in the Ring: D’Lo Brown, Hardcore Holly, X Pac and all four members of The League stand guard around the ring. The announcers confirm that Graham is in the building. Michael Cole looks sullen. “May I have your attention please...”, Cole has three announcements. Again, he is wearing the Monday Night Championship (imagine it, I'm not drawing one)
    Firstly, following a meeting of the Championship Council, Cole has been mandated by a vote of that council to reinstate Billy Graham as International Heavyweight Champion, and to retrospectively nullify the decision to strip him of the championship. Thus Graham is reinstated and will not be disciplined for his actions last week. Christopher Daniels slides into the ring and starts yelling at Cole at the sound of this, only for Regal to come in and hold him back to let Cole give his 2nd announcement. Secondly, to decide a #1 Contender for Graham’s championship at Turmoil (in just 3 weeks time), there will be a Battle Royale open to all next week in Le Centre Bell, Montreal. Thirdly, Coles says the stress of the last 7 days means he isn't fit to compete so he won't be defending the Monday Night Championship this week. Daniels follows as Cole makes his way up the ramp accompanied by Tajiri and Matt Sydal, venting his anger while a tired looking Cole doesn’t react at all.

    Larry Zbyszko’s music hits
    Cole & co. are still on the ramp as Zbyszko, Yokozuna, Rikishi and Samu pass without comment (but plenty of eyeballing each way) towards the ring. Regal, Holly, X Pac and Brown enter the ring as well and square up to them. Zbyszko has a microphone in his hand. “I love Canada. [cheers] Do you know why I love Canada? There are lots of reasons to love Canada, but no.1 is that Michael Cole’s rent-a-court restraining order doesn’t apply in this jurisdiction. Michael Cole has screwed me two weeks in a row now, and you [X Pac], you [Holly] and especially you [D’Lo Brown] have been willing accomplices. It is no coincidence that all four of these ass kissers have championship belts around their waists...” Zbyszko continues, insulting Cole often, and eventually challenges D’Lo Brown to a match at Turmoil for the American Championship.
    Rikishi then takes the mic., and we can see a large bruise on his face where Regal hit him with the brass knuckles last week. Rikishi questions Regal’s ability to win a match cleanly, and likewise challenges him to a match at Turmoil! for the ICW Overseas Championship. D’Lo Brown accepts the challenge from Zbyszko, frustrated as he is that Zbyszko thinks he can insult Mr. Cole in that way and get away with it. Regal meanwhile is more devious, telling Rikishi that he’ll face him at Turmoil! IF Rikishi can defeat his own uncle, Yokozuna, tonight. As Rikishi turns his back to talk with Yokozuna, Regal reaches for the brass knuckles again and a general brawl ensues.
    Ad Break & Promo for Grandslam PPV In 8 weeks time.
    Match 1: Tajiri v. Kris Logan (8-Man SuperFly Tournament, Round 1)
    The Announcers inform us that Kris Logan, recently promoted from ICW’s developmental territory, has been given another shot in this tournament after losing his debut match to Billy Kidman. Logan puts on a better display this week and the two are landing fast and furious moves on each other. Logan looks to have the match, but Tajiri fights back from the brink to get the win off the back of a Bridging Dragon Suplex. A decent 8-minute opener.
    Tajiri wins by pinfall and progresses to Semi-Finals.
    Chris Daniels enters the ring
    A quick rant from Daniels, who is really pissed off that he isn’t even the automatic #1 contender anymore. He manically outlines a conspiracy in which AJ Styles came to ICW just to thwart him because of their past. He claims that three times now he’s been screwed out of his rightful championship: twice on Monday Night Games and now by the Championship Council as well. In his fury he challenges AJ Styles and Billy Graham to a match tonight. As the crowd boos he tells them to hush. Nova Scotia doesn't even matter to the rest of Canada, never mind the rest of the world, so why should he listen to their crap? Major heat.
    Shoichi Funaki v. X-Pac (w/ Hardcore Holly) (8-Man SuperFly Tournament, Round 1)
    As the match opens, announcers inform us that there will be a champion v. champion match later tonight between D’Lo Brown and Taka Michinoku. X-Pac immediately begins to dominate the match, with Funaki missing his manoeuvres and constantly being end on the end of X-Pac’s fast-paced athletic attack. After some minutes, X-Pac goes for the pin off a Senton Bomb but Funaki kicks out. From here on Funaki starts reversing more moves and the match appears to be pretty even-handed. Holly gets sent to the back after attempting to interfere too often. X Pac sets up for the X-Factor but Funaki slides underneath and hits him with a bulldog before climbing the turnbuckle and hitting a diving crossbody for the pin. X Pac kicks out and whips Funaki to set up the X Factor once again but once again Funaki dodges, this time to lock in the Shawn Capture to which X Pac submits! Funaki is ecstatic! A rare win for him sees him through to the semi-final to face Tajiri next week. X-Pac can’t believe what just happened and neither can the announcers.
    Shoichi Funaki wins via submission

    Billy Graham’s Music Hits
    Graham is looking happier than ever and takes his time getting into the ring, flexing for the crowd and acknowledging their support. Some are booing, however, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. He eventually gets on the microphone and says how happy he is to be in Nova Scotia, to hear all the people a-cheerin and all the people a-booin for the International Heavyweight Champion. No one can take it from him except in this ring, he says. He apologises for what he had to do last week but says that he still had to do it. He might not be Heavyweight Champion now if he didn’t. To AJ Styles he says he’s sorry. To Christopher Daniels he says he’s sorry... sort of... he doesn’t like Daniels all that much anyway. The people he won’t apologise to are D’Lo Brown and William Regal, the brown-nosers, ass-kissers and suck-ups of the industry. When he hit them with the chair last week it felt like... liberation, heck, vengeance for all the two-bit promoters out there in the wrestling world who don’t do nothing for nobody unless they kiss their ass. And the worst of these is the chairman of the ICC and head honcho here in ICW... Michael Cole (his voice gets more serious as he says this).

    Graham says that he knew about the votes at the ICC before Cole read them out here tonight, and goes on to tell us that even though they stuck to the rules and reinstated him, he knows that the Council all agreed that he is an “unsuitable” champion and that a worthy opponent should be found as soon as possible. Graham goes on to make fun of the battle royale announced for next week, and in the process talks other Monday Night promotions down for using them. Graham then says he won’t bring the prestige of the championship down by defending it against someone who knows how to win a battle royale and not much else. Graham says that the company needs to identify a #1 contender through wrestling ability, not by running a lottery. He says most of the roster isn’t ready. He challenges Michael Cole to find him a real opponent. As we go to adverts marginally more boos can be heard than before. Graham’s comments were certainly controversial, the announcers agree.
    Ad Break: Monday Night Games is brought to you by Anglo-Irish Bank. Chokeslamming an entire nation for 20 years.

    Kris Logan being interviewed after his 2nd defeat in a row on Monday Night Games. Logan is insulted by Graham’s claims about the roster and says he’s on his way right now to register for the Battle Royale. The interviewer is almost laughing.
    Match 3 – Champion vs. Champion: D’Lo Brown v. Taka Michinoku

    Before the match starts, the announcers tell us that the main event tonight will be a tag-team match between Billy Graham & AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels & William Regal.

    Michinoku leads first as his speed is clearly too much for Brown. Eventually Brown makes a reversal and lands a nasty looking Press Style Ace Crusher on Michinoku and turning the tide a little. Eventually it becomes clear that Brown’s powerful offence will win the match for him unless Taka can break it and return to his faster, more athletic style. Sadly for Taka it isn’t to be as Brown pins off the back of a Sky High to win the match after 9 minutes. He taunts the audience with his championship to celebrate the victory.
    D’Lo Brown wins via pinfall
    The Darkness will Rise.
    The Chill, that aches your bones, and haunts your dreams, will Spread.
    The Plague that has struck a score of souls will Strike again, upon some new...

    Hardcore Holly is berating X-Pac for managing to lose to Funaki as they walk to Michael Cole’s office to register for the Battle Royale next week. X-Pac says they can help each-other if they both enter, whereas Holly is firmly of the opinion that X-Pac can help him, and be happy to do it. They get near Cole’s office only to find a crowd of superstars trying to get in. The camera goes through them to the office, where Christopher Daniels is demanding that AJ Styles not be allowed to compete, or anyone else for that matter, he is the rightful champion, never mind contender. Michael Cole has his head in his hands as a general argument breaks out, with lots of people complaining about Billy Graham’s comments. The camera cuts back to the ring as Rikishi’s music hits.
    Match 4: Rikishi (w/ Samu) v. Yokozuna (w/ Larry Zbyszko)
    If Rikishi wins here he gets to challenge William Regal for the Overseas Championship at Turmoil!. The uncle and nephew bump fists in the middle of the ring and move back to their corners. The heel announcer contemplates how long it will take for the ring to collapse. Zbyszko and Samu sit at the commentary table.
    It’s one of those matches where you can tell both wrestlers have trained with each other many a time before. Yokozuna spends most of the match on the end of the attacks by the more athletic Rikishi, and blocking or reversing many of them. Eventually, Rikishi rolls out of a Banzai Drop before attempting his own – which Yokozuna incredibly powers out of, almost pinning Rikishi in a roll-up. The match ends with an incredible belly-to-belly suplex by Rikishi, who is barely able to lift Yokozuna off the ground for it, but which is enough for him to get the three-count. He helps Yokozuna up afterwards and they hug. William Regal appears on the ramp, scowling.
    Rikishi wins via pinfall and will face William Regal at Turmoil! for the ICW Overseas Championship.
    Ad Break and Promo for Turmoil! PPV in 3 weeks time.

    Backstage Interview
    Another interview with Kaientai. The interviewer remarks how unusual it is for Taka to lose and Funaki to win in the same night. Taka doesn’t take it well.

    Michael Cole is in the Ring AGAIN!
    “Can I have your attention please... Due to the controversy surrounding the #1 Contender’s Match next week, I have decided to cancel that match. Instead, the Tag-Team Turmoil Match in 3 weeks time will be used to find a #1 contender. The Tag-Team Champions, following that match, will choose between themselves, which shall challenge Billy Graham for the International Championship at Grandslam!”

    The announcers and the crowd are stunned. Does this mean there will be no title defence at Turmoil!?
    Main Event: Billy Graham & AJ Styles v. The League (Christopher Daniels & William Regal)
    Styles enters the ring first, followed by Graham. The two of them exchange stares before shaking hands. Styles is clearly giving out to Graham regarding the chairshot last week. To much laughter, Graham eases the tension by placing his sunglasses on Styles’ head, before going through his usual flexing routine with the crowd.Daniels and Regal come out together.
    Styles and Daniels start off the match and the action is once again incredible. Soon enough Styles tags in Graham and Daniels opts not to tag in Regal. Daniels initially gets the upperhand on Graham before being Irish whipped with horrific force into his own corner, at which point Regal tags himself in. Regal and Graham have a good, slow, fight, in which Regal is able to get the upperhand for a short time using his own abilities, before Graham once again powers out and starts dominating Regal. Regal is thrown out of the ring eventually and comes back in with the brass knuckles on, only for Graham to block his punch and take them out of his hand! Styles and Daniels are tagged back in while Graham takes to the outside with the brass knuckles, literally chasing Regal who gets back into the ring only for Graham to catch up and punch him in the face – Regal falls against the turnbuckle. Luckily, the referee was concentrating on the Koji Clutch Daniels had Styles in at the time. Graham intervenes to prevent it before heading back to the corner. Moments later AJ gets Daniels in a Koji Clutch of his own and Daniels taps out! Graham is already walking away with his case and his belt as the bell rings. AJ celebrates ecstatically.
    Billy Graham and AJ Styles win (AJ Styles via submission on Christopher Daniels)

    William Regal is still lying against the turnbuckle when Rikishi comes running down the ramp and into the ring and performs the stinkface! What a nasty way to end the show!
    ICW Turmoil! – 3 weeks time.
    Confirmed Matches:
    Tag-Team Turmoil Match (International Tag-Team Championships and Heavyweight #1 Contender)
    Rikishi v. William Regal (c) (ICW Overseas Championship)
    D’lo Brown (c) v. Larry Zbyszko (ICW American Championship)
    Matt Sydal or Billy Kidman v. Tajiri or Shoichi Funaki – Double Steel Cage Match (Super Flyweight #1 Contender)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    VaVoom Lucha BeatTV1.2 Live from The Reunion Arena, Downtown Dallas,


    The show opens with a promo of BeatTV1.1. We get a reminder of the happenings between our Heavyweight champ TAFKA Goldust and the tough Texan Stan Hansen, when the fabulous mess crashed Hansen’s match with Vampiro. Crossing paths at the commentary booth, we see again Goldust smashing a TV monitor into the face of Hansen. Images of a bloodied Hansen lead us onto the second part of the pre-show promo, which highlights the surmised dissention and downfall within the University. The clueless faces of Douglas, Otunga and Nowinski show on screen as their leader John Laurinaitis roars at their abundance of incompetence. Footage of the coffee incident made in Harward and the embarrassing clipping of Douglas by the barber. The promo ends to the sounds of Vampiros cackles as he stares at The Dean shocking new haircut

    As pyro goes off in the white hot arena, the commentary team run down the card and ask the many questions to be answered. What will happen to The University? How will the proud Americans Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine are, after their country-wide tour? Will the Bulldogs continute to impress and the final question can TAFKA Goldust get any further under the skin of Old-Schooler Stan Hansen?

    As the commentators ponder these questions Hansen’s music hits. The cowboy strides to the ring with serious intent. Grabbing the mike from the announcer, he laughs to himself a while before he starts to address some of the above questions.

    Hansen: He’s a funny guy. Always kidding and joking with his flamboyant outfits and crazy antics. He’s a brave man, a very brave man, getting a woman to do all his dirty work. He is, and I know, a great wrestler. But his talent is wasted. He chooses not to use his god given skills and ability to rise above all in a graceful nature, to become a legend. His efforts are made towards acting like an ass, cheating and quite literally spiting on all who are ahead of him and all that have been before him. THAT.THAT is why I take it upon myself to teach this no good punk a lesson. Remind him where he comes from. Remind him what it takes to be a champion and remind him the people who helped him get to where he is. The icons of wrestling who, like me, know you since you were knee-high. You sh*t all over what they stood for, what they fought for and what they sacrificed so much for. People like my dear friend Bruiser Brody, Lou Thesz, Verne Gagne, Bruno Sammartino, Ric Flair, The Von Erichs and most important to sh*t on all that your great father Dusty Rhodes stood for. If you have no respect for the sport, the tradition and your heritage I’ll have no problem beating it into you"

    He drops the mike and makes his way to the back.As we come back from commercial we meet Hansen walking backstage. Hansen stops in his stride and instantly clenches his fists. The camera turns to the duo of TAFKA Goldust and Luna. Goldust is carrying a baseball bat and is styled in a comical manner as his father Dusty Rhodes. Dusty Dust you could say. Hansen perks up with a “You can’t be serious!!! You really are one sick, sad little individual. Like I said, what would your father think?”. Goldust replies with an apathetic “Do I look like a give a F*ck?” Hansen enraged goes to grab Goldust by the neck but the bizarre one distances himself by placing the baseball bat on Hansen’s chin. He calmly informs the cowboy “Not tonight Stanley. Not tonight”. Goldust in his American dream attire ambles to the ring making a whole joke of the affair. He dances crudely in the ring. He calls for a microphone to given to him and under the chorus of booes form the Dallas crowd. He (in his best American Dwweam accent) calls for his opponent. “Get me my opponent for toniiiight if you wiiiiiiiilllll

    Goldust Vs David Von Erich

    Von Erich comes to the ring and is instantly jumped by TAFKA Goldust. The joking ends for a while as Goldust unloads with a flurry of violent strikes. Racking David’s eyes along the ropes, the heavyweight champ is very much in charge and showing a certain amount of that wrestling talent Hansen talked about. He hits a solid DDT and get up to dance Dusty Rhodes style. The commentators echo what Hansen has been preaching “Does this man have no respect?”. Von Erich hits a big boot but as he goes to pick up the champ he is hit with a thumb to the eye. Goldust hits with a fist. One shot, two shot, three shots and then winds up a bionic elbow but just as he is about to drop the elbow he stops choosing to spit in Von Erich’s face. He then calls Luna who climbs to the apron distracting the ref. Goldust then collects a pair of brass knucks from his tights and slips it under his elbow. As the ref turns around Von Erich comes to a drowsy stand. DustyDust again hits an identical fist. One shot, two shot three shots and again ala his dad winds up the loaded bionic elbow. He send it crushing onto the skull of David who falls lifeless to the ground. TAFKA Goldust hooks the leg to get the pin fall victory.

    Winner: Goldust

    Goldust continues to dance American Dream style when on the titantron, comes a far from amused Hansen. Goldie points at Hansen laughingly as he keeps dancing.

    Backstage we see The University. Given the very bad night they had last week they look surprisingly upbeat with heads held high. Otunga slurps form his coffee as Nowinski and newly scalped Douglas stand behind him. Laurinaitis enters the room and instantly asks Otunga has he fulfilled his duty of finding a talent who can beat the torn in The University’s side Kerry Von Erich. The Harvard graduates looks back at his colleagues with a look as if to say “Who wants to give the boss the good news?”. His pause is far too indulgent for Laurinaitis and the main man presses Otunga to unveil the mercenary he has recruited. Otunga rubs his hands together as he begins to introduce the man he believes can overturn The Texas Tornado.

    Otunga:” I have the ultimate combatant. To be perfectly honest with you, our find is perfect in every way: the perfect body, the perfect mind and the perfect person to take on Von Erich. This man is third generation. His grandfather was one of the hardest hitting men in professional wrestling history. His father was one of the finest athletic personas to ever grace a wrestling ring. A hungry individual who eyes are always placed on the prize. Oozing pure skill, this guy is touchdown, knockout and game-set-match. All this topped off with knowledge worthy of The University. Mr.Laurinaitis I give you-(steps aside allowing his man to be reveal) Mr.Perfect Joe Hennig.”
    Laurinaitis looks at Hennig and smiles. Tapping him on the shoulder he quips
    “I have seen quite a bit of your work. I know you can easily beat the Von Ercih and bring prestige back to this fraternity. David, Well done as promised if this wonderful choice of yours gets the job done. The TV title is yours to keep. Roll on the main event


    The group all clap and hug as we return to the arena. The camera pans to the corner of the arena where it looks like fan favourite Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake is going to host one of his famous Barbershop interviews. Who will the veteran be interviewing? The jingle of pianos and rockabilly mean only one thing. The Barber’s guests for this evening are the VaVoom Lucha Tag Teams champions, Rhythm and Blues. The much loved partnership of Greg Valentine and Honky Tonk Man. The guitar man enter the arena horns a tooting in their patriotic American flag Cadillac. Jibbing and jiving their way into the Barbershop the crowd are singing along with the tune. Beefcake goes to talk be is stopped by the mass of screaming and shouting for the Musical duo. The pops dampens allowing Brutus to start his interview.

    Brutus: “Holy Crap, What an ovation that is Honky. What do you think of that?

    Honky:” Well Brutus I wouldn’t expect anything less form our fan here in Houston. (The crowd boo and a facepalming Valentine reminds HTM he’s in Dallas. Honky corrects himself) Sorry Sorry folks I forgot we were in the beautiful Dallas tonight. Sorry guys, you really do have to forgive me have been all across this great land in the past few weeks. Singing our songs by day and defending our titles by night. Boy has it been a blast. We’ve been from west coast to east coast and back again. We’ve done it all. From A to Z, we’ve been hunting with girls scouts to selling cookies with the NRA’s finest (Valentine again shakes his head as if to say ahh FFS Honky). And now we are back in 2VL totally re invigorated . I’ll tell you Bruti when we visited the troops stationed just up the road that were heading out to South Korea to police Kim Jong-un and the rest of his commies we couldn’t help but think we could take on all comers here in 2VL. We have the power of America behind us. (Honky, overcome with patriotism starts a USA chant) U.S.A…..U.S.A ….U.S.A

    As Rhythm and Blue direct the crowd to sing louder, the British Bulldogs run in from behind the set and blindside the tag champs. Davy Boy shoulders Valentine to the ground and mounds him delivering a barrage of lethal punches. Dynamite has sat Honky Tonk Man on one of the Barbershop chairs and is unloading with stinging knife hand chops and head-butts. Chop to the chest, head-butt to the nose, chop to the chest head-butt to the nose. The Tag Champs are helpless as the Brits pretty much have their way with them in this unconventional settling. Brutus stands back almost at a loss at what to do. The crowd start a chant of “Beefcake, Beefcake” which makes the Barber react. He runs to the aid of Honky and Valentine. He kicks Davy Boy squarely in the face as he is working on Valentine. Unaware of the host coming to the rescue Dynamite still keeps whacking the near unconscious HTM. Brutus grabs an adjacent guitar which was brought in my Valentine. He creeps up behind Dynamite and swinging the guitar violently hitting him in the back. Flying to the ground Beefcake starts to strut and goad the Bulldogs as they lay on the ground beat up and shocked. The crowd are going mental but fall quiet as a large shadow comes from being the dancing Barber. The figure walks right to the back of Beefcake who stops instantly. Turning his head slowly he see the monstrous figure of “The Ripper” Paul Burchill. Burchill allows Beefcake to take two or three steps back and lets an almighty roar. Brutus jumps and without a moments thought cocks back the guitar and smashes it over Burchill’s head. Burchill doesn’t move an inch. His face garners a large smile as if he enjoyed it. He grabs Beefcake and slams him on the Barbershop floor. He kick Beefcake in the head as he tried to recoup his countrymen. After the bird circling Dynamites head disappear he starts directing traffic. He orders Burchill to fire Valentine through the Barbershop Window. Burchill picks the ample Valentine with ease and gorilla press slams him through the glass. It is total carnage. Dynamite grabs Beefcake by the neck and flings him through the window after Valentine. The trio now team up on Honky Tonk. Kicking him on his knees towards the car Dynamite gets a fistful of hiar and drives Honky’s head to the concrete. As if this isn’t enough he swings the car door open to knock Honky. Davy Boy hoists the lifeless HYM and with a shout of “IT’S OVER!!!!” he lands HTM on the bonnet of the car with a brutal running powerslam. The trio retreat and soak in the vitriol being aimed their way from the disgusted crowd. They raise their hands in victory as they leave.

    It is now time for our main event. Kerry Von Erich takes on “Mr Perfect” Joe Hennig in a non-title match. The University swaggers to the ring. Douglas, Nowinski, Otunga and Laurinaitis all join their new member as he takes on Kerry.


    Kerry Von Erich Vs “Mr Perfect” Joe Hennig.

    The match starts with Hennig getting the upper hand. With each knockdown Hennig flexes with pecks, shows off the guns and even takes time to do some taunting press-ups. The pair doa test of strength in the centre of the ring Von Erich wins as he twists Hennig’s arms. Perfect then hits a shift low-blow to regain control of the match. As Kerry holds his breadbasket Hennig spits out his chewing gum and flicking it his hand lands in right between Kerry’s eyes. Hennig locks on a sleeper hold in the centre of the ring. Kerry fades as perfect calls to Laurinaitis informing him he is “getting the job done”. The ref lifts Kerrys arm to see if the Texas legend is on his way out. On the second lift Von Erich leaves his arm sky high and begins to “Hulk up”. Elbowing Hennig in the gut he breaks free. Tornado whips his opponent to the ropes and hits a beautiful back body drop. He follow this with a vertical suplex with a delay that seems years. With the blood all flowing to Perfect’s head Kerry Von Erich locks on the legendary Von Erich claw. The second Kerry locks on the claw all of the University members jump to the apron. Seeing the learned men on the apron Kerry going into a spin almost twirling like a tornado delivering discus punches to all the University members. He spins to strike Douglas knocking him to the ground. Laurinaitis is the next to get the discus punch. The ref is all over the place trying to gain order. Nowinski ducks just in time jumping off the apron. As he spins to hit Otunga, he is beaten to the punch by Otunga who strikes his with his coffee flask. This stops Kerry’s onslaught. Hennig composes himself and delivers a Perfect-flex to get the win.
    Winner: “Mr Perfect” Joe Hennig

    The perfect one kicks Von Erich out of the ring as all the University enter and ring to enjoy their win. The group hug and Otunga pats Hennig on the back. Laurinaitis calls to the desk to get the TV title for the Harvard graduate. Otunga receives his title as Mr.Perfect Joe Hennig points at the fallen Von Erich as he makes the gesture that he is getting Kerry’s US title. All with their arms held high. Otunga, Nowinski, Hennig, Laurinaitis and Douglas all smiles. As they gloat the arena goes black for a few moments. The lights come back on and Douglas is covered in a substance looking like blood. Douglas looks in fear as the others take a step back. The arena lights go down again. When they return moments later Douglas is gone with only a pool of blood remaining. The puzzled University give a look of WTF? They question each other as they look all around the venue. The credits rolls as the sounds of a spooky laugh rings throughout the arena.


    Lucha VaVoom 2013 Copyright

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Monday Night Grappling


    Week 1 Show here.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling…
    - The Four Horsemen debuted with all the gold and claimed to be in control of the company.

    - Alberto Del Rio - who thought he had won a battle royal to become World Champion – was left with nothing.

    - The Fabulous Freebirds were assaulted by the Horsemen.

    The show opens from New Orleans, LA.
    Match already announced for tonight:

    Lita vs Aja vs Beth vs Natalya vs Rosa vs Foxy Rock (rookie)

    The winner will face champion Trish Stratus for the Women’s Title at Grapplemania

    The show opens with the Horsemen theme hitting. There is a member missing though: Ric Flair


    Barry Windham – the MNG Legends Champ - gets on the mic and says The Horsemen are running things now. He says he has been selected to be the GM. He says Flair will be here later on tonight to address the title situation as that’s a matter for the champ. He says Del Rio will also be here later but he should be here now since only a champion like Ric Flair can arrive late - so he is fining Del Rio 50,000 dollars. Arn and Tully laugh and slap Windham on the back.

    Windham speaks about the card tonight when the fans begin to cheer as they see Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy – the Freebirds – coming through the crowd.
    Windham: Hey, hey, security. Don’t let those two near the ring. Keep ‘em back.

    The fans boo as a bunch of security guys stop the Freebirds getting in the ring.
    Hayes: You punks left us in a pool of our own blood last week. Me and Terry won’t forget that. When we get our hands on you we’re gonna beat your asses.


    Windham laughs and says if the Freebirds want a shot at them they have to earn it. Tonight they will be in a triple threat tag match against British Invasion and the team of Del Rio and Magnum T.A. The winners will get a chance to face Arn and Tully for the tag titles at Grapplemania. Not that it matters since Arn and Tully can’t be beaten.

    (commercial break)
    *backstage segment* We see Rosa Mendes pacing backstage trying to get Del Rio on the phone. Rush walks up and says he will accompany her in the 6 way match if she wants but she says she believes Del Rio will be there for her.

    Match: 6 way match to be number one contender for the women’s title: Lita vs Aja Kong vs Beth Phoenix vs Nattie Neidhart vs Rosa Mendes vs Foxy Rock

    First fall wins it.

    Trish – the women’s champ - came out first and was on commentary. She blamed Lita for the loss to Beth and Neidhart last week and said she hasn’t spoken to her since.


    The match was hectic with brawls breaking out everywhere. Rosa spent much of the match looking up the ramp for Del Rio. Foxy Rock proved unwilling to get involved and spent the match hiding at ringside as the fans booed her.

    The finish saw Beth and Natalya beat on Aja at ringside with Lita hitting a twist of fate on Rosa followed by a moonsault to get the win.

    Winner and new number one contender: Lita

    After the match, Beth and Nattie hit the ring and beat down Lita.


    The commentators asked Trish if she would do anything but she just stood there. She then walked up the ramp and left. The beatdown continued and Aja hit the ring to help but they beat on her too. Then the lights shut down.






    Kharma marched down the ramp and Beth and Natalya slid out of the ring.

    She had a staredown with the Divas of Doom as the commentators put over how the playing field has now changed dramatically.

    (commercial plugging Grapplemania in a few weeks)
    *backstage segment* Del Rio showed up and was seen walking into the arena. Rosa arrived and demanded to know where he was and cursed him out in Spanish. Del Rio said she knew he had to consult with his lawyers over his money issues and that he was having to clean up the whole mess. Rosa asked if he was blaming her on his finances and before he could answer she stormed off and said maybe she should find someone who will treat her right.

    Rush was again seen lurking in the background, eavesdropping and smiling.
    Monday Night Grappling: Irish Boot Camp


    As noted last week this year the company’s Irish branch has nominated three superstars for the chance to earn a contract with the company, but only one can be signed.


    Finlay is in the ring and says he has been asked to coach the three rookies. He asks what they thought of Foxy Rock earlier in the women’s match and they boo. Finlay says she needs to up her game as the first elimination will be next week and only one of them can be signed to a full contract.

    The British Invasion interrupt and say the three of them are hopeless just like the Irish people in general. They urge Finlay to join the British Invasion and swear allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and become a fully-fledged British citizen - because that’s what he is really. Finlay tells them to come in the ring and say that but they back away and tell Finlay to think about their offer.
    *backstage segment* We see Del Rio and the Freebirds talking about how it stinks they have to fight each other. Freebirds say they think Del Rio should be World Champion. A lackey then comes in and says Magnum T.A. has been attacked. They rush to his aid and find him assaulted. Del Rio says it’s more Horsemen games and he guesses it’s a handicap match for him now.

    The Freebirds say this sucks but they need to win the match tonight to get their hands on Arn and Tully. Del Rio says he understands he is on his own but he will do his best and they shake hands.

    (commercial break)
    Back from commercial we see World Champ Ric Flair has arrived with two beautiful women on each arm. An interviewer asks who the number one contender will be at Grapplemania and Flair says all in good time. We’ll find out later on.

    As Del Rio is fixing up his boots we see Rush arrive.


    Rush says Rosa has just agreed to become his manager and that he is offering his services to Del Rio to replace the injured Magnum T.A. Rush says the Horsemen are going after everyone and it’s getting scary. Del Rio says he knows what Rush is after with Rosa and that he thinks Rush is more interested in a tag title shot than helping him out. Rush denies it and says if he rejects the offer, how will Rosa feel? Del Rio thinks about it and accepts the offer.

    Main event for the #1 contenders for the tag titles: Del Rio & Magnum T.A. Rush vs The Fabulous Freebirds vs British Invasion

    Rosa came out with Rush who the commentators acknowledged she is now managing. Del Rio came out after, but Rosa shunned him.

    It was a competitive match and Rush and Del Rio worked well together and had some near falls. Rosa cheered on Rush but refused to clap her boyfriend Del Rio.

    Near the climax of the match the British Invasion were left outside the ring. The Freebirds and Rush and Del Rio were fighting.

    Magnum T.A. then staggered out - a bloody mess - and had a microphone.
    Magnum T.A.: Hold on a minute. There’s something I need to say.

    It wasn’t the Horsemen who attacked me earlier. It was that son of a bitch, Rush.

    All other men in the ring turn to Rush who shrugs and tries to brush it off. He reminds Del Rio what is at stake here but Del Rio balls up his first and punches him, sending him towards the Freebirds who finish the youngster off for the win.

    Winners and number one contenders for the tag titles: The Fabulous Freebirds

    Del Rio after the match tries to speak to Rosa but she again ignores him and checks on Rush. Del Rio grabs a mic and asks her to come in the ring.
    Del Rio: Honey, I know I have been preoccupied lately. You feel I don’t care about you. I know you feel I blame you in part for the way my finances have been. But I don’t.

    Rosa shakes her head.

    Del Rio: I mean it. I’ve lost everything the last number of months. My familia. My best friend. My fortune. And last week I lost my chance to be World Heavyweight Champion. I’ve lost everything Rosa, but I can’t lose you…

    Del Rio gets down on one knee.

    (Fans shout nooooooooo!)

    Del Rio: Honey, I wasn’t just meeting my lawyers earlier. I was also getting you this….

    He pulls out a wedding ring.


    Del Rio: Every last cent I have I’ve put into this. Next week we will be in Las Vegas and while I won’t be able to afford a big ceremony, we can get married and pledge our futures together. What do you say, Rosa?


    (Fans scream No! No! No!)

    Rosa begins to nod and tear up as Del Rio hugs her. Some people cheer but many are booing. The Freebirds pat Del Rio on the back and shake his hand.

    Backstage we see the Horsemen looking on monitors and shaking their heads. Commentators say after the break we will find out who will face Flair for the title at Grapplemania.

    Final segment

    The Horsemen come out with Flair there with them this time and they stroll down the aisle flanked by huge security. Rosa and Del Rio are still in the ring. The Freebirds are being kept away from the Horsemen by security. Flair grabs a mic as the building begins to woo…

    Ric Flair: It seems love is in the air, fellas! Alberto…as a guy who knows a little something about marriages…one bit of advice for you my man: get a pre-nup.

    Del Rio looks on and glares.

    Flair: Me and the other Horsemen have consulted one another about the World Title situation and we’ve arrived at a decision.

    He hands the mic to Barry Windham.

    Windham: As the Four Horsemen have chosen me to be the GM I can reveal to you and the world that at Grapplemania, the World Title will be defended in what we are calling a Fatal Four Horsemen match. All Four Horsemen will battle for the title and at the end of the night, while the title may change, the championship will still be Horsemen property.

    They slap each other on the back as Del Rio gets a mic.


    Del Rio: You think you’re pretty smart don’t you?

    They all nod and laugh.

    Del Rio: Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but there’s one thing you four haven’t counted on.

    They shake their heads and act unworried.

    Del Rio: The owner of this company was happy to let me take charge the last few difficult months. Happy for me to use my money taking care of the show in its off-season. It seems meanwhile he was busy negotiating bringing you four in here. I wish he had the decency to let me know this.

    Flair: Too bad for you, Senor.

    Del Rio: Yes, too bad for me. But while he didn’t let me know all of his business…I also didn’t let him know all of mine.

    (Fans begin to cheer)

    Del Rio: I’m sorry Horsemen but the position of General Manager of Monday Night Grappling has already been filled. I neglected to mention this to the owner.

    (fans cheer as Windham shakes his head)

    Del Rio: Oh yes. It was filled by a man who didn’t ask for much money for he is a humble man. You might say – and I mean this as a compliment – he is a common man.

    (Horsemen begin to frantically shake their heads.)

    Del Rio: Give it up for the General Manager of Monday Night Grappling…the American Dream Dusty Rhodes!


    (the fans pop huge as Dusty strolls out dancing as the Horsemen are incensed)

    Dusty Rhodes: Well, well, well. Been too long, gentlemen. Been too long.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. Barry Windham, give my apologies to your fatha, but you ain’t general manager of anything. I call the shots around here from now on. Seems to me that the first matter of business I need to attend to is the World Title situation and it will NOT be defended in a match with the Four Horsemen.

    Alberto Del Rio won the battle royal last week and while he is not the World Champion...what he is is the official number one contender for the World Championship.

    (Del Rio hugs Rosa as the fans cheer)

    Dusty Rhodes: Now that I’ve got that out of the way I guess there’s just one more thing to do. SECURITY…! As the General Manager of Monday Night Grapplin' I am ordering you to take the night off, get yourselves a drink backstage and leave those men down there to fend for theyselves.

    The security leave and the Freebirds jump out of the ring and chase the Horsemen who rush to the back to get away.
    Commentators: Dusty Rhodes has the power! The Horsemen aren’t going to have it all their own way now it would seem! What will happen next week? Tune in as we come from Las Vegas where it seems Alberto Del Rio will be getting married to Rosa Mendes! Oh my goodness!

    The show ends.
    Matches announced so far for Grapplemania:

    Alberto Del Rio vs Ric Flair (c) (World Heavyweight Championship)

    The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) (World Tag Titles)

    Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita (Women’s Championship)

    More to follow...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,520 ✭✭✭Hashtag_HEEL

    WELCOME TO THE FINAL EDITION OF nWo Anarchy before our Inaugural PPV!

    We start with No.1 Contender Y2J Chris Jericho:
    CJ: I'm sure tonight that you're all expecting me to come out and and give you the pumped up Y2J that you're all so used to. But not tonight. DOLPH ZIGGLER, GET OUT HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH! You see last week I was about to show the world that I'm still the best at what I do, and you ruined that. At ANARCHY RULZ I'm gonna kick your ass for Luke Gallows, for the nWo Fans and most importantly for me!


    You know what Chris, last week I'll admit, you took me to the limit, but you couldn't get the job done. Right now you're looking at the perfect hybrid of ROCK AND WRESTLING. And...
    **Y2J Is Pearl Harboured by Ziggler and AJ. After the hit and run, they join Spud on the ramp**

    **HEYMAN APPEARS ON THE TRON**Paul_heyman_2.jpg
    PH:Dolph, I'm REALLY GETTING TIRED OF YOUR____! If you wanted to fight you should have said so! Tonight you're going to be where you believe you belong. In the main event. You, AJ and a partner of your choice VS Chris,Sara Del Rey and a partner of his choice! GOOD LUCK!
    **DON'T TRY THIS**
    WE SEE THE nWo Tag Champs the New Age Outlaws waiting outside Paul Heymans office.
    PH:Evening Champs. What can I do for you?
    BG:We've got some bad news Pauley! The Rhodes Scholars aren't here tonight.
    PH:But they're in the Euro title semis! Are you sure that they're not here.
    RD: Oh yeah! They sent out a tweet saying that they're not interested in the matches.They said they want to focus on our dumpster match on Sunday.
    PH: Ok. I want you to tell PAC and Spud that they're advancing to the finals by forfeit. Goddamn it!
    NAO in unison: No Problem boss!
    **As Heyman enters his office we hear thumping and shouting from a nearby dumpster**

    **PPV Promo**
    #MATCH 1
    New Age Outlaws VS Primo and Epico.
    Primo and Epico try to get out of the blocks, but are constantly humiliated by the Outlaws antics. Billy Gunn hits the fame-ass-er and ends the match after 10 mins of humiliation.

    **We see Chris Jericho silently talking to Pac backstage**
    Dolph Ziggler, AJ and Rockstar Spud VS Y2J, Sara Del Rey and PAC.
    The match begins with Ziggler and Jericho in ring.Dolph quickly tags Spud to stay away from Jericho. Spud and Chris pick up from their 5* match last week with a lot of fast paced and high octane action. Spud attempts a DDT but Chris reverses it into a back body drop. He reaches for a tag and gets Pac. Pac goes full throttle at spud. He gives a series of lethal kicks to the chest and head of Spud. Pac goes for the cover and AJ tries to break it up. As she does Del Rey runs in and attacks her leading to a Schmoz on the outside. Meanwhile Pac downs Spud with a DDT in the corner. He heads to the top and Jumps for the 630 corkscrew senton at the same time as Jericho hits a codebreaker Ziggler as he climbs into the ring. (Ziggler takes a Rikishi bump to the outside.
    Pac Picks up the pin and celebrates with his partners
    **END OF SHOW**

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,520 ✭✭✭Hashtag_HEEL

    **nWo Press Conference**
    We see nWo GM Paul Heyman at the podium.
    PH: Ladies and gentlemen we will be holding of first PPV Anarchy Rulz this sunday. Tonight our Wrestlers will get one final opportunity to discuss their matches or address their opponents. We ask that you please turn all cell phones off an be prepared for what will ensue.
    We believe in showing the best and brightest that wrestling has today, and these men will surely be the future of this business. They will compete in a Ladder match to crown the First ever Euro champion.
    Both of these men are proud Brits ad only one can walk away with the gold. First, please welcome Rockstar Spud
    **Enter Spud with Ozzy Osbourne**
    RS: Right. I'm only here for the sake of you media monkeys, okay! So I'm just going to leave you with one thing to remember, I beat Chris Jericho. One of the worlds most decorated wrestlers. So at Anarchy Rulz, I'll beat the P**S out of that Geordie ponce!
    **Enter Pac as Spud sits towards the back of the set**
    Pac: I've never been one for talking. I let my matches talk for me and thats why I'll Shut spud up in the ring at Anarchy Rulz.

    *Heyman thanks both men as they sit on opposite sides of the set*
    PH: We two tag teams at polar opposite of the spectrum. One a pair of well educated gentlemen, the other..... a pair of Delinquents.
    At Anarchy Rulz the nWo Tag Team titles will be defended in a dumpster match. I'll let these guys introduce themselves
    *Both teams sit at a table to address the match*

    DS: We are team Rhodes Scholars, the definition of class and style. We are a respectful and decent tag team who have been subject to a horrible injustice. On the last edition of our show, we were not allowed to compete in the Euro title tournament due to the sophomoric actions of our opponents. We were locked inside a dumpster for over an hour. we...

    BG: So thats why I smell Crap!
    RD:No Billy! Thats the smell of BS!

    CR: ENOUGH! We team Rhodes scholars declare to beat these pair of degenerate dinosaurs and that is that.

    **Rhodes scholars get up and leave**
    Heyman is back up again

    :Well we'll see how that plays out on Sunday.
    Our next pair of wrestlers were once a formidable tag team much like the pairs you saw moments ago. One has gone on to earn the respect of the fans as a Hero. The other has gone on to be hated for living like a king. On Sunday These men will fight in a Falls count anywhere match in which the loser must LEAVE THE nWo. I now ask you to please rise for King Claudio!
    *Enter King Claudio carried in on a throne wearing a full king outfit*
    KC: Yes! Yes! Stay on your feet peasants! I am king Claudio, the one true king of the nWo and the king of Professional Wrestling. I've told you all my roots so I'll keep this short and sweet. I WILL DEFEAT CHRIS HERO, I WILL BANISH HIM FROM MY KINGDOM AND I WILL CONTINUE TO RULE!
    **The lights go out. When they come back on Chris Hero is now sitting in the throne wearing a Guy Fawkes Mask.

    **Lights go out and Chris and the throne are gone when they come back on**

    Heyman returns with a worried look on his face from what he just saw.

    Well....uh....I'm not quite sure what to say about that!
    ANYWAY!On the night we will have a special bonus tag match between The Good Brothers (Hawkins and gallows) Vs Primo and Epico.
    This will not be a stipulation match as Gallows could only be cleard to compete in a normal tag match.
    On the night we will also crown our first Women's champion when AJ battles Sara Del Rey in a TABLES MATCH. Neither lady could make it today but be wish them both well on Sunday!
    FINALLY! The moment you've all been waiting for. At Anarchy Rulz, we will have an ALL OUT ANARCHY MATCH FOR THE WORLD TITLE BETWEEN DOLPH ZIGLER AND CHRIS JERICHO. Please welcome the No.1 Contender Chris Jericho

    Thank you Paul. This Sunday I do battle with Dolph Ziggler! A man who I have battled in the past. Time and Time again, I've bested him and He has bested me. I know I can beat him and so do all the fans. On Sunday Dolph won't face "Chris Jericho" no, no my friends! He'll be facing "The ayatollah of ROCK AND ROLLAH, THE BEST IN THE WORLD AT WHAT HE DOES. HE WILL BE FACING Y-2-JAY....

    Here are the matches!
    Rhodes scholars VS New Age out laws(c)

    Chris Hero VS King Claudio



    DOLPH ZIGGLER (c) VS Chris Jericho


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome back to BWA Raw Re-Cap

    Re-Introducing BWA Chairman Bounty Hunter

    Things had looked up for the chairman of the board until recently. He had brought back a BWA legend (Misawa), recruited the champion from one of his fiercest rivals (WECWF champion Jake Roberts), signed some huge name wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Dos Caras to his brand as well as bringing in both rules and precautions to avoid a slip in this new PG era and physical enforcement in the form of Rocky Marciano to ensure this happened.

    Unfortunately for the boss things dont always run smoothly here in the BWA. Stone Cold is living up to his anti-authority billing and is causing him untold amounts of stress not to mention the occasional stunner, Jake is proving very hard to control and still running around proclaiming himself WECWF champion and promoting that defunct company at every turn, Dos Caras has reviled himself as a power hungry Del Rio trying to buy up BWA shares and Misawa has turned his back on the BWA universe but captured their BWA championship, not to mention the emergence of a new heel stable lead by what appears to be a Drug Kingpin in the form of Bob Sapp. On top of all that new competitors were emerging in the Monday night wars in the form of ICW, CWA & ICE Wrestling where former BWA wrestler HHH apparently has had his big nose bent out of shape over how he was portrayed during his time with the BWA.

    Things went from bad to worse for Bounty Hunter and his promotion though as ratings began to plummet. It seems the initial spike attained with the arrival of many of the new names to the BWA roster wasn't sustained with BH's new PG era rules being blamed. The fans of SCSA, Jake the Snake etc knew that under the shows new direction their favourite superstars would not be main eventing BWA Raw or PPVs anytime soon and certainly not for the BWA World Title and thus tuned out in droves often directly switching to rival programming. Even worse this could result in a major resulted in a loss of revenue as sponsors threaten to pull their sponsorship if the situation does not improve. This could even result in company not being able to pay the new bumper contracts they had offered to the likes of Stone Cold & Dos Caras or the inability to renew those of the few who have yet to re debut from injury (Bruno Sammartino).

    As a result of all the stress this has caused the chairman has been a physical wreck recently and farmed out a lot of his on air responsibilities to his "assistant" (Muscle) Rocky Marciano while he tries to think of a way out of this financial mess. Perhaps he did this too late as it would seem it was all too much for the boss as he collapsed backstage during BWA raw one night and had to be rushed to hospital. He has not been seen since but some have speculated that their may have been more than meets the eye to his sudden illness.

    Re-introducing Jado & Gedo

    After an emergency board meeting it was decided that the day to day running of the BWA would be handed over to these two. This came as a surprise to many but given the fact that they had win the Observers best booker award for the past 2 years for their work in New Japan before joining the BWA it really was a logical move although one that seemingly had on major side effect. Their buddy or to be more forthcoming the guy they acted like they worshiped is Mitsuharu Misawa and people would have been forgiven for thinking that he was given an easy ride on BWA.

    They kept Bounty Hunters rules intact and kept Marciano in his enforcer role, because they didn't care about the financial implications of anyone's contract but if they could keep, Stone Cold or Jake The Snake away from Misawa and his title they were happy.

    Re-Introducing BWA World Champion Mitsuharu Misawa

    Misawa has had it easy since becoming champion despite everything and when we say everything we mean everything because under normal circumstances someone acting as he has would get nothing handed to him.

    He has disrespected the audience at every turn particularly picking out those who still cheer him for his derision. His main gripe still seems that nobody appreciated him during his previous stint with the BWA and that only now that he is wearing the no.1 wrestling belt in the world is he getting any respect but that even that respect is tainted as far as he's concerned. He says that the respect is based in fear and not love and tat he now thrives on peoples fears.

    He has also become obsessed with being the champion and has begun to weild his influence over the men he brought into this company Jado & Gedo to essentially hand pick all of his opponents. For all intensive purposes he booke himself in matches against superstars such as Ricardo Rodrigeuz or John Kronos and then made a huge deal win he is able to secure victory. Even in these matches he made sure that Rocky Marciano was ordered to ringside to ensure there would be no interference in the championship bout. As these events kept occurring the crowds grew more and more hostile baying for blood and just wishing that someone could pull off an upset or someone worthy could be given a chance against him.

    With Bounty Hunter out of action this was let go far longer than most would expect but when the main event for BWA Raw was booked as BWA World Champion Mitsuharu Misawa vs Kristal Lashley the board of directors felt they had to step in. They decided that starting from the next PPV they would be the ones to decide who faced the champion not the interm GMs

    Re-Introducing Dos Caras / Alberto Del Rio Sr

    When the chairman of the BWA was taken ill not many suspected foul play but only 1 week later suspicious eyes were set on the Mexican Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio Sr. Why? you ask, well the timing of it was interesting to say the least as only two days later was Bounty Hunter scheduled to provide a hefty cash injection into the company without which due to recent fiscal pressures the board were forced to once again seek outside investment to avoid not being able to pay their wrestlers. By the time the following weeks BWA Raw aired Daddy Del Rio now owned 40% of all BWA stock, second only to the incapacitated chairman himself.

    Del Rio now had more influence over the running of the show he appeared on than anyone and nobody with the possible exception of BWA champion Mitsuharu Misawa had more sway with the interm GMs than he. Whenever he wrestled he too got booked in what some would describe as easier matches and thankfully for he and the champ there was no friction between the two of them. Those who believed he was behind the chairman's illness mused that he was more interested in becoming the Boss than the champion. Worryingly for the BWA universe though this could in fact be a reality sooner rather than later because if the chairman isnt back in action by the night BWA Raw airs monday after the Royal Rumble if Bounty Hunter has not resurfaced another cash injection will be needed and Del Rio will have the opportunity to gain the majority needed to seize control.

    everything seemed to be going his way until one thing got under Del Rio Sr's skin and created friction between he and the champ and the booking team where there had been none already. His employee and one of his only friends Ricardo Rodriguez would be booked to face the champion in the main event of Raw. He tried to intervene but was kept at bay by the same BWA security and Rocky Marciano whos wages he was now helping pay. Instead he was forced to watch as Ricardo was dismantled in the ring and left lying bloody in the ring before being pinned by the champ.

    Del Rio wanted vengeance and now had a weapon he could use in the form of his influence with the BWA board whom he lobbied to take control of who the champion was booked to face. The following week when Jado and Gedo okayed Misawa vs Kristal Lashley they needed no further convincing. They couldnt overturn the majority shareholders decision on who is deemed worthy (in this new PG era) to get a title shot however so their options on who should face Misawa were pretty slim so it was no surprise when Alberto Del Rio Sr himself announced that challenging for the world title at the Royal Rumble would be none other than himself.

    Misawa vs Del Rio booked for the Royal Rumble and the crowd really dont know who to root for. They hate Misawa and the farce they consider his title reign but Del Rio is not exactly the credible challenger they had hoped for, Capable in the ring yes but do they like him? or more to the point do they trust him? many believe he had something to do with Bounty Hunter's mysterious illness and i'm sure they would prefer someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin in his place.

    Re-Introducing Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Stone Cold has flat out taken exception to his moral character being questioned and resulting in him being excluded often by force from the BWA main event scene and when some others might buckle down and mend there ways to appease the powers that be Austin had another approach, He gave authority the finger (and then usually a stunner) and refused to accept his new found status in the mid card.

    The crowd were clearly on his side with regards that and during many BWA Raw main events they were heard to chant the rattlesnakes name at the top of their voices for near half the match. Most of the time he didn't disappoint them too as he refused to stay away despite the boss & GMs orders and the presence of Rocky Marciano between he and the champ. During one Raw where Misawa was making a huge deal over how he defeated John Kronos the previous week. Stone Cold decided he simply could not take it any more and after the iconic glass smashing he made a beeline for the ring only to once again be blocked off by Rocky Marciano once again on the ramp.

    At this point the champion started to run down Austin saying that no matter what these hick fans in attendance think he is not worthy of facing him, The GMs know it, The chairman knew it and even somewhere deep down inside he himself knows it. He says thats why even though he continues to keep disrespecting him by interrupting promos and matches he hides behind supposed respect for Marciano (and refusing to fight through him to get to Misawa) and everything he has accomplished to save himself from having to march down to the ring and recieve the beating of his life at the hands of Misawa. Austin shapes to head down the ramp only for Marciano to again essentially bodycheck him. Austin never took his eyes off the champion though and almost ignoring Rocky flips the bird at Misawa over the legendary boxers shoulder before shocking everyone by suddenly hitting Marciano with a Stone Cold Stunner.

    The Rattlesnake then charged the ring and he and Misawa were engulfed in an epic brawl until Security, Jado & Gedo and eventually Marciano forced them apart and Austin to the back. From that point on he almost had a mini feud with Marciano who would no longer just block his interference in main event matches but would now get physically involved with Austin when he even tried. It also become more and more obvious that the booking team were anti-Austin as he got booked in more and more handicap mid card matches against the likes of The New Gangsta's (New Jack & Mustafa Seed) or even against the interm GMs themselves Jado & Gedo.

    There were rumours that this was really starting to get to Austin, that he was drinking more than usual etc as a result and the BWA even went to the lengths to have a sit down interview with him on the subject at which point he hilariously given the BWA new pro-PG stance lined up every type of alcohol he could get his hands on and told the interviewer
    "im going to have a beer (destroys one in seconds), knock back a shot of Whiskey (does as he says), a Vodka (again), a brandy (again), a glass of fine champagne (says in a fancy accent then downs it too), some Sambuca (again... you get the idea), a baileys, a lil sex on the beach, and then some more beer and then you know what im going to do?

    Interviewer & Crowd: What?

    "I'm going to go out there to the ring and open a big ol can of whoop a*s on whatever pair of chumps await me, and do you think I have a problem with that?... Hell No! and why? cos beating chumps 2 at a time is the best possible training I could have for the royal Rumble where every superstar no matter how much they drink, f*cking (bleeped out) swear or raise hell will have a shoot at earning the right to main event BWA Wrestlemania"

    Interviewer: So your throwing you hat in the ring for the Royal Rumble

    at which point Austin gets up and comments on how dumb a question that is after all he's said "You bet your as$ stone cold is entering the rumble" before promptly leaving the interview backstage and heading to the ring where he defeated both members of The Eliminators.

    Re-Introducing The Eliminators aka Perry Saturn & John Kronos

    Perry Saturn had been for want of a better term struggling for clarity a lot in recent times and spending more and more time in the company of Bob Sapp, Bobby Lashley, New Jack & Mustafa Seed (who were now as a collective group simply being referred to as the Gangstas). This had Kronos very worried for his tag partner and often saw the two wrestle individually on Raw with Saturn not always being deemed fit to compete by BWA officials. Why he was so worried was personified for the BWA universe though when with the ganagstas banned from the arena for the night Saturn had that rare moment of clarity he badly needed and showed the world his true self.

    He went to the ring and cut a promo where he talked about how it's a joke that a team of pretty boys calling themselves The Motor City Machine guns have held the BWA tag team titles for so long when he could beat either one of them any night of the week. He says they are epidemic of this new generation of wrestlers who think that they know it all because they have been on an MTV reality show. He reminds everyone how he was a trained by and trained wrestlers with the late great Killer Kowalski was a trainer in the ECW House of Hardcore and knew more about the art of wrestling than those two could ever dream of.

    The Motor City Machine guns couldnt just let him go though and made their way out only for him to re-iterate how he could beat either one of them any night of the week and challenging one of them to rove him wrong. Alex Shelley accepted the challenge but even with Sabin at ringside he simply couldnt defeat Saturn who shocked the tag champs by making Shelley tap out to his Rings of Saturn Scissored armbar as the crowd chanted "You've still got it". As the commentators noted it was clear to see the two sides of Saturn and why John Kronos was so desperate to see more of this Perry Saturn.

    As a result of this victory the eliminators were suddenly back in contention for the tag titles and interm GMs Jado & Gedo (who felt it would be unfit to compete in the tag title hunt while in office) booked them vs Bob Sapp & Bobby Lashley in a number 1 contenders match for the tag titles. Despite his affiliations with Sapp & Lashley Kronos really hoped that this match could motivate Saturn to keep on the straight and narrow but it was only the following week that he instead had to find Saturn asleep on a staging prop seemingly completely out of it meer minutes before they were due to compete in a handicap match vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. This match was a real low for The Eliminators and Saturn really embarrassed himself especially after his performance the week before.

    Which Perry Saturn will turn up the night of The Royal Rumble though and how will he deal with having to face off against Bob Sapp & Bobby Lashley.

    Re-Introducing Bob Sapp & Bobby Lashley

    Bob Sapp recently called himself the man with a million nicknames on a recent episode of BWA raw. Now we had already seen him referred to as "The Beast Unleashed" or "The Head Gangsta" but this comment was perhaps more in response to how a number of wrestlers in the BWA had been seen calling him their "booker" and asking if he could give them "a push". The superstars included the likes of Bobby Lashley, New Jack & Mustafa Seed, Perry Saturn and even occasionally Jake Roberts. This gave him a lot of support should he need it in his quest for gold here in the BWA with these people willing to do almost anything to ensure they keep receiving their push. Collectively this grouping became known as " The Gangstas" with Sapp well and truly in charge of the ensemble.

    His quest for gold began with BWA Intercontinental champion Kenta Kobashi who he saw as a weak link in the line of champions due to the question marks hanging over his desire to continue to compete (in the last show it was explained how he was questioning retirement) in the BWA. The two had some great match ups for the gold but each time Sapp was cos victory be the over zealous actions of his cohorts with first New Jack causing his disqualification and then a week later Mustafa Seed almost with the exact same actions meaning the IC belt stayed around Kobashi's waist. The following week Sapp challenged Kobashi once more to a 1 on 1 bout at the next PPV (the subsequent week) but this time the interm GMs ruled that if any member of the Gangstas interfered Sapp would never again get a chance at Kenta's belt.

    At the PPV with his Stable members at ringside Sapp put in a dominant display and looked every each "the beast" he had often been called. He looked like he could take the gold until a marital row broke out between Bobby & Kristal lashley at ringside resulting in Kristal going to strike Bobby with a mug she pulled off the commentary table but inadvertently hitting Kobashi who Sapp had just whipped against the ropes. Sapp was instantly disqualified and all hell broke lose at ringside between The Gangstas as Kristal marched away up the ramp.

    Sapp was infuriated and held his buddies primarily Bobby Lashley responsible for his lack of a title and in the subsequent weeks made Lashley team up with him in search of the tagteam titles. Kristal pleaded with Lashley, saying he didnt owe Sapp anything and that he was better than a gangsta but "The Head Gangsta" had his hooks in pretty deep and after this latest debacle Bobby felt even more in-debt to him than ever before so brought his A game to the table with regards their teaming up.

    They were certainly the most physically dominant team in the tag division in the weeks following and it wasn't long before they earned themselves a spot in a no.1 contenders match vs The Eliminators at the royal Rumble.

    Re-Introducing Jake Roberts

    Jake was a divisive character with the BWA fans, he represented their fallen foes the WECWF and still carried their heavyweight championship while refusing to defend it so most hated him. However everything he said tended to be the truth, he did beat CM Punk to win that title in last years draft main event, he was arguably one of the best I the Industry and people did want to see him vs The best in the BWA but Jake said he was not going to change for anybody least of all the absent BWA chairman and his nonsensical PG rules and that meant he couldnt face the BWA champion and become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.

    It wasn't long before he got frustrated with being stuck in the midcard though and as he ended up spending more and more time in the company of Bob Sapp and the Gangstas he realised he needed a change so he went to interm GM's Jado & Gedo. He said that he could be representing the WECWF in any other federation in the boards draft but decided that he wanted to come to the BWA because thats where the big dogs play. He then demands a shot against the Intercontinental champion Kenta Kobashi if he wont be allowed at their buddy Misawa. In making this challenge though Jake launched into a big diatribe of insults aimed at kobashi so as to emphasise how he is so much better than his potential opponent, however he instead comes off as a massive racist and does himself no favours with the GMs at all.

    He was unaware of this though as they merely stated that he would have to get in line to face Kobashi and that Bob Sapp was currently at the head of that line but that they could get him in a title hunt. They then offered him a match vs the tag team champions tonight and promised they would find him a suitable partner, they even go as far as to say that if Jakes team can get a win tonight that they will give them a tag titles shot at the next PPV, The Royal Rumble.

    The MCMGs are first out to the ring later that night, then after Jake makes his way down to the ring as usual carrying Damian the snake in a black bag with him the titantron lights up and the interm GMs appear to introduce Jake's partner for the night but before they do they remind Jake that the next time he is racially abusive at work he should remember who he is talking to and that tonight they had to search long and hard for a suitable tag partner for him as a result of his actions, but no worry they say they found someone just as low down, slimey and disgusting as Jake to do the job, Jake's tag partner for the night... Damian! they laugh meniacally as the screen turns to black and the bell rings.

    Its essentially a 2 on 1 handicap match but Jake does his best to compensate by being a classic heel and taking every advantage he can, raking the eyes, isolating the man in the ring from being able to tag out, distracting the ref and hitting a low blow and later using the ropes and his opponents tights to try to pin him but all to no avail as the numbers game seems to be too much for him and Chris Sabin started to get on top of him. He slingshot Jake into Sabins own corner but before he hit the turnbuckle Jake throw up an elbow and knocked Shelley off the apron and onto the ringsteps outside. Focusing on the man outside the ring even for that split second let his guard against sabin down and he was hit by a big clothesline which took both men outside. Jake was first to his feet though and rammed Sabins head into the steel corner post. Inside the ring the ref started a 10 count but Jake quickly broke that up before as the commentators quipped "tagging in his partner Damian"

    He went to his own corner and grabbed the brown sack and then exited the ring to near the ramp way where both members of the MCMGs where downed from respective blows to the corner post and ringsteps and released damian from the confines of the sack. Almost instantaneously Shelley & Sabin had their minds focused thanks to the fear that gripped them and both men scarpered up the ramp while Jake now with Damian wrapped around him slid back into the ring before the Refs 10 count.

    somehow Jake had defeated the tag champs and after a message from the BWA board of directors clarified that did in fact entitle him to a tag title shot with a partner of his choosing at the Royal Rumble. Who would jake want to team with? who will the mystery partner be?

    Re-Introducing Kenta Kobashi

    A lot of Kobashi's story in recent months was already told in his battles with Bob Sapp but two weeks before The Royal Rumble he said he had decided what his future entailed with regards Professional wrestling and was ready to answer the question, is he is going to retire?

    However much to his disdain he was interrupted by Mustafa Seed and New Jack who say they dont care about his future they care about right now and the Royal Rumble. They say that right now Kobashi and the two of them are the only wrestlers not already in matches at the rumble so why not have a triple threat for the IC title. Kobashi doesent just dismiss them and in fact says he understands and appreciates that they are doing this to win favour with their leader Bob Sapp but that he does not have any issues with then and does not want to hurt them and says that that is simply what would happen if they faced each other.

    New Jack stepped forward with a somewhat simple yet effective response. "you dont want to hurt us? you dont have any issues with us? otherwise you would face us huh? then after a deep gut wrenching sound New Jack spits right in the BWA legend and IC champions face before quipping, "what about now?" and laughing hysterically. Once again security is needed to separate 2 or in this case 3 BWA superstars as Kobashi sees red. As he is escorted awa from the ring for his own safety he is heard to call out "you want the match, you got it!". The following week on Raw he said that his decision about his future can wait until he wins his match at the Royal Rumble.

    BWA Royal Rumble

    New Jack vs Kenta Kobashi (c) vs Mustafa Seed
    Bob Sapp & Bobby Lashley vs The Eliminators
    The Motor City Machine Guns vs Jake Roberts & a mystery partner
    Alberto Del Rio Sr w/Ricardo vs Mitsuharu Misawa (c)
    The Royal Rumble Match

    BWA Roster 2013:

    1. Mitsuharu Misawa
    2. Kenta Kobashi
    3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
    4. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
    5. Alex Shelley
    6. Chris Sabin
    7. Bob Sapp
    8. Bobby Lashley
    9. Kristal Lashley
    10. Perry Saturn
    11. John Kronus
    12. Dos Caras
    13. Ricardo Rodrigeuz
    14. Bruno Sammartino
    15. Rocky Marciano
    16. Muhammad Ali
    17. Jado
    18. Gedo
    19. New Jack
    20. Mustafa Seed


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo


    It is the eve of CWA Revolution the biggest PPV of the year and the crowd is pumped The Road Warriors music hits...

    Animal: We have beaten everybody in this sport and at Revolution we face Demolition and Nasty Boys in a TLC match, well that suits us just as fine as we feed the Nasty Boys a ladder, Demolition will go through a table and we can use the chairs to sit down and watch the carnage we caused.

    Tell em Hawk
    Hawk:Well CWA Revolution a TLC match just our kind of match where we face numerous of people and walk out the winner, we will be deviating septums, ripping out guzzles and knocking the tarter off yer teeth
    Animal:And when we are finished doing that we are going to the SWE where two big pieces of crap Morgan and Test await, and we are going to do the same thing to them
    Hawk Oh what a Rush:

    The first math up of the night is about to begin
    El Generico vs Briley Pierce
    A basic warm up match for Generico before he faces Great Sasuke and Revolution, Pierce did not offer much in the way of offence and it did not take Generico long to dispatch him.
    Winner: El Generico

    Backstage for a Brad Maddox interview.
    Interviewer: Brad last week while you were the ref of the main event you attempted to get involved in the match up...Why
    Brad: Why Why look at me I am perfect speciman of a man, I should be challenging for a title a Revolution not being a ref, But no as usual the board decide to push the guy who looks like he lived beside a Nuclear power plant all his life, well Ryback I want to face you tonight to prove it is me who deserves the push not you
    We are back for our next match
    Kevin Steen vs The Great Sasuke
    The match is just about to start when all the sudden the lights go out and when they come back the crowd cant believe their eyes it is the Undertaker standing in the middle of the ring, Steen and Sasuke want no part in him so leave the ring
    Undertaker: I am here to answer a challenge but before I do that I want to talk about a man who has recently left our mortal shores..
    Paul Bearer you were more then a manager to me and more then a friend you were like a father to me, With you by my side I know there was not a person on this earth who could defeat me..I owe so much to you without you I would never have won the titles, I would never have the streak and I would never have had my brother by my side...Paul I never said this to you but thank you and I said this many times but never meant it more then I do now Rest in peace..
    Now Nick Bockwinkel you issued a challenge last week for someone to face you and Revolution and I am hear to answer it , You may be a legend but the question is will you be a living legend or not after you face me..

    Now it is time for between the Sheiks
    Sheik: Tonight my guest is Bruiser Brody, Bruiser you came here a couple of weeks ago and attacked Ray Stevens and the fans want to know why.
    Brody:Sheik before I came here I was part of a pomotion that had me facing Lady Gaga look a likes and I wanted to come here and face a real man
    Sheik:That he she makes me sick I would like to poke her in her face
    Brody:At Revolution I can finally face a man who will give as good as he gets but it wont be good enough as Stevens you can bust me up even cripple me but I will keep on coming ( Stevens and Bockwinkel then run in the ring and attack Brody the Sheik leaves them to it )..

    Ryback vs Brad Maddox
    Ryback gives Maddox a chance to show some offence but it has no effect on him as he just pushes him off as he grabs him by the neck Brock Lesnar makes his way to ringside this distracts Ryback and Maddox goes to the top rope but Ryback cathes him mid air picks him up and through him over the ropes on top of Lesnar, He goes outside and picks up Lesnar and puts him through the announce table the show ends with Ryback looking at Lesnar and just says DONE.....
    We finish with a promo for Revolution.
    CWA Heavyweight Title Match ( Hell in a Cell )
    Brock Lesnar vs Ryback
    CWA Tag Titles ( TLC )
    Demolition vs Nasty Boys vs Road Warriors
    CWA Legends Title
    Nick Bockwinkel vs The Undertaker
    Mask vs Mask
    The Great Sasuke vs El Generico
    Also on the night we have
    Iron Sheik vs Kevin Steen
    Bruiser Brody vs Ray Stevens
    and just announced a MMA match between
    Quinton Rampage Jackson and Kazushi Sakuraba

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,088 ✭✭✭✭Liam O

    LCW SHOW 2
    After the television deal with NBC was rescinded after the ratings for the inaugural show suffered due to a clash with a major sporting event the LCW has been without a television home for 3 weeks. After the news that it has been picked up by AMC for a 4 show run including the previously planned PPV Crusade fans have responded positively. They have been boosted by news of some interesting signings made by the company though there are no new names billed tonight. The first show on the new network aired last night and there are results in

    LCW Thursday Night Brawls comes to you this week from the New Orleans Arena under the shadow of the Superdome

    A vignette detailing the events of the first week airs. We are told in commentary that Sting has had a setback and is in no condition to compete tonight. Despite rumours saying that he was seen walking around New Orleans earlier we are told in no uncertain terms that he is not there tonight.

    Jack Swagger's music hits to huge heat. His actions in allying himself with Lou Thesz, AJ Styles and Eric Bischoff in the last show garnered huge unpopularity. We get to hear what he has to say.
    In the first show Eric Bischoff told me that he didn't have a place for me in the company and that I didn't fit in. Well I think I proved not only do I belong but showed myself capable of making a difference in this company let's watch again how it all went down

    A video airs showing how Swagger came from under the ring to turn the tables in the main event match. The crowd again unleash a chorus of boos.

    Bischoff comes out with a big smile on his face. He goes into the ring and begins to speak.
    Yes Jack you did a fine job last week. You will have a match tonight, against this man

    Oh and by the way, it will be for the newly erected Extreme Championship. Every match for this championship will have a stipulation-chosen by me. For the first match it's simply no disqualification...

    After an ad break we are shown R. Truth talking to Konnan in the back. He blames Konnan for the loss to the Dudley Boyz last week. The segment ends with Truth knocking Konnan down with a punch.

    Tag Team Tournament Match
    The Prime Time Players are in the ring. Too Cool's music hits and we are ready for the match that will decide the tag team title match on next week's show. The Dudleyz are on commentary
    Look, it's stupid, we are the most successful tag team of all time, what do we have to prove? It's a disgrace that we even have to compete. We are going to show everyone next week that there is nobody that can match us

    The match begins and Darren Young is in control of Scotty 2 Hotty. He and Titus look very impressive and keep him in the ring for a long time. Scotty eventually gets the tag to Grandmaster Sexay and he turns the tables, Titus is thrown out of the ring and with Scotty still lying outside the ring, Sexay is on the 2nd rope but D'Von Dudley is on the apron. Sexay is distracted and Young picks him up and powerbombs him 1..2..and Scotty makes it back in to make the save. He does the Worm and Sexay hits him with the leg drop and gets the win. The Dudleys go into the ring and hit Sexay with the 3D. They inevitable get the tables and put Scotty through. The Dudleys definitely look favourites for next week.

    Cuts to Bischoff in the back again on the phone to what seems like the owner. He reassures the owner that nothing bad will happen to any superstars tonight and everyone will be fit for next week. Sting is still a couple of weeks away from being able to compete.

    Extreme Championship Match

    Rhyno heads to the ring for his no DQ match for the Extreme Championship against Jack Swagger. As Swagger is walking to the ring he says that he should be competing for a title that's not a gimmick and that Rhyno is a joke.

    The match begins with a lot of offense, both men are looking to impress clearly. After a while Swagger is in control, his arsenal of throws and quick movement leads to him getting the anklelock locked in. As it is locked in however Lex Luger begins to walk down from the ramp, looking Swagger right in the eye. Rhyno is holding on and when Luger gets to the apron is able to touch the ropes. Swagger goes out to confront Luger who throws him back into the ring. GORE! And Rhyno wins the belt!

    After an ad break we see Eric Bischoff in his office-Bischoff has just got another call from the owner, he'll be at next week's show to overlook everything. Swagger comes in irate. Bischoff tells him it's ok and that he has booked Luger in a match with Lou Thesz as the main event tonight. He also tells Swagger that he was right last time, he doesn't have what it takes to compete at this level.

    Adam Pearce is in the ring. He says that there is nobody on the roster who can match up to his experience of actual wrestling. He claims to be a 5 time world champion despite the fall in the prestige of the NWA championship. When someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger is handed contracts then something is wrong. He makes an open challenge to anyone in the locker room who thinks they can match up with someone as prestigious as him. The music hits:

    El Hijo begins to speak in Spanish which Adam Pearce and the majority of this Louisiana crowd don't understand despite the large pop for El Hijo and the respect that they show. R-Truth comes out and tells them to stop their stupidity, now that he is a singles competitor he is up for the challenge. Konnan comes out and complains about Truth sucker punching him earlier. He says that he can translate for El Hijo if needs be and that the crux is that he is better than Adam Pearce, as is Konnan. Eric Bischoff comes out and says that Pearce wasn't supposed to reveal Arnie's contract to the crowd and that he might as well tell them now that he will be appearing next week. In the meantime there is a fatal 4 way right now, and the winner faces Rhyno next week for the Extreme Championship.

    Fatal 4 Way for No. 1 contendership for the Extreme Championship
    The match begins. Pearce is living up to his pre match confidence with an early onslaught. He clears R-Truth and El Hijo out of the ring and he and Konnan have some good spots. It switches up to Pearce and Truth after Truth takes Konnan out from behind to huge heat and throws him out of the ring. Truth and Pearce go at it for some time until Konnan and El Hijo both break into the ring at the same time. They clear out Truth and Pearce and stand up to each other. The crowd applauds as they get a taste of the two Mexican legends going at it. El Hijo begins his high flying offense. When Konnan whips him against the ropes El Hijo spies Truth getting to his feet outside the ring and flies out. Pearce sneaks up behind Konnan in the ring and knocks him down, he quickly gets up on the ropes and hits the splash and gets the 3 count. Pearce will face Rhyno next week!

    AJ Styles is in Eric Bischoff's office. He asks Eric what the owner is like. Eric says that he has never actually met the owner, just had phone conversations with him. Styles says it will be interesting to see how it goes next week and if Eric was worried. Eric says that while the owner has all the money, this is his show. He asks Styles to accompany Lou Thesz down to the ring for his match tonight. Styles agrees. Thesz enters, he wants to know what is up with the rumours that Sting is in New Orleans. Bischoff says that Sting is at home and he is 100% sure of that. He tells them to head to the ring.

    We see Luger on his way to the ring, he runs into Fergal Devitt. Devitt asks him if he needs any backup out in the ring tonight as Styles will be coming out with Thesz. Luger thanks him for the offer but says that he doesn't need any help. Devitt reminds him what Thesz was on the verge of doing to him last week before he pulled him out. Luger angrily says that that only happened because he was caught by surprise and keeps on walking.

    MAIN EVENT: Lex Luger v Lou Thesz w/AJ Styles
    Lou Thesz walks to the ring looking as dangerous as ever. AJ Styles will provide good backup too. Luger is really up against it. The video of Thesz attacking Luger after the tag match last week shows and it cuts to a smiling Thesz.

    Luger walks to the ring with a determined look on his face. Despite the odds being against him he is going to put up a fight. As he enters the ring however Thesz immediately attacks him. Styles hops into the ring to assist in the assault. Fergal Devitt runs in and dives on Styles as they again start to brawl. The distraction of Devitt gives Luger a lease of life and he is able to fight off Thesz. Luger gets up and is determined to start the match despite clearly nursing a rib injury from the attack. Devitt and Styles are broken up and removed from the ring and sent to the back so the main event can get underway for real.

    The match begins as expected, with Thesz on top and focusing the attack on the ribs. Despite some glimpses of resistance from Luger, eventually Thesz is able to wear him away and pick up the win with the STF. After the match Thesz takes the mic and says that if Sting is in New Orleans then he should be a man and come out. After a short pause Sting's music plays to a huge pop, is he here? The music runs and we see Thesz laughing in the ring.
    You people all believed it! The oldest trick in the book and all you stupid people...
    Thesz is cut off, he's been attacked from behind! It's not Sting, it's Ken Shamrock! What's he doing here?! He is unleashing a very real looking beating on Thesz, Jack Swagger runs down and is able to pull Thesz away from the manic Shamrock.

    Shamrock picks up the mic. "Who's the most dangerous man now Lou?" The show ends as a shocked looking Thesz retreats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Monday Night Grappling


    Week 1 show here.

    Week 2 show here.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling...
    - Alberto Del Rio proposed to Rosa Mendes.

    - Dusty Rhodes returned and made Del Rio vs Flair for the World Title at Grapplemania; The Fabulous Freebirds were named number one contenders for the tag titles.

    - Kharma debuted and came to the aid of her friend Aja Kong.

    - Lita became number one contender for Trish's women’s title.

    The show opens from Las Vegas, Nevada.
    Commentators: Welcome to a special Vegas edition of Monday Night Grappling where matches tonight will be determined via a spin of the wheel from our G.M. Dusty Rhodes. Later you are invited to the live wedding ceremony of Alberto Del Rio and Rosa Mendes.

    The show opens with the Horsemen theme and the MNG Legends Champion Barry Windham has the mic.


    He is furious that Dusty Rhodes is the General Manager and says the Horsemen have been brought in here on a false promise. He says he should be the G.M. on behalf of the Horsemen. The other Horsemen try to calm him down but it’s not working. He screams for Dusty Rhodes to get his big ass out here right now or he will hold up the show all night if need be.

    Dusty’s face appears on the screen. He is backstage and he is not happy.
    Dusty: Let me tell you something, Barry Windham. You don’t call the shots around here. I am the General Manager as that is the contract I signed. You Horsemen ain’t holdin up anything, daddy.

    Matter of fact it seems to me that you Horsemen have been restin’ on them laurels way too long as it is. I reckon one of you needs to be in action right here tonight.

    (fans cheer)

    Dusty: So here’s what will happen. I have here a little Four Horsemen wheel (it has all four of their faces on it) and whatever face it lands on will defend his championship here tonight.

    (The Horsemen aren't happy but Dusty spins away and it lands…on…Barry Windham.)

    Dusty: Well…well…it seems you’re fired up tonight so let’s see who you are facing (he turns to a bigger wheel with all the other male wrestlers featuring)… and it lands…on…Magnum T.A.

    Windham: I ain’t facing Magnum T.A. for my Legends belt. This is not happening!

    Dusty: Oh but it is, Barry. And let me tell you: if any of you Horsemen interfere you will be stripped of the Legends title and Magnum will be the new champion. And that match is going to happen RIGHT NOW! Get a ref out there.

    Match 1 – Magnum T.A. vs Barry Windham (c ) (MNG Legends Title)

    The ref ejected the other Horsemen. The commentators put over how this was a great way to begin the Dusty era.

    The match was a fantastic back and forth match that went around thirty minutes with Magnum selling the injuries he suffered at the hands of Rush last week. The finish saw each man counter a series of pinning combinations and as Windham went for a piledriver, Magnum turned it into a sunset flip for the 1-2-3.

    Winner and new MNG Legends Champion: Magnum T.A.
    Commentators: Magnum’s return to the squared circle has been made complete. Windham can’t believe it. He’s storming off to confront Dusty. What a start to the new era!

    (commercial break)
    *backstage segment* Windham was in the Horsemen’s locker room trashing it. Arn and Tully were trying to restrain him from going to confront Dusty. Windham said Dusty Rhodes had a vendetta against him. Flair put his arm around him and told him to remember their plan. Flair said the Horsemen always get the last laugh. Windham calmed down.
    *backstage segment* Dusty informed British invasion they would be taking on the Irish Boot Camp rookies tonight.


    Magnus asked why and Dusty said Finlay requested the match. Magnus said this could be beneficial and reiterated they want Finlay in their group. Doug Williams spun a wheel to determine the match type. It landed on tables match. British invasion smiled and left.

    Rush then stormed in and asked why Magnum got a title shot and not him.


    Dusty said Rush is suspended for attacking Magnum T.A. last week and he should be lucky he’s still got a job. Rush threatened to cause problems for the wedding ceremony later on but Dusty warned that would be a very bad idea. Rush left.

    Match 2 - Tables Match: British Invasion vs Scangster Mickey Fitt & Fibber (w/Old Donal)

    The rookies did well early on as coach Finlay applauded and encouraged from outside. The white haired old flutist Old Donal could be heard playing Irish rebel tunes which seemed to give strength to the hairy 6 foot seven beast, Fibber.

    Eventually however the experienced Brits began to take control and they set up a table in the corner as Mickey Fitt called for the tag. He got it and came in hitting his white runner stomp and his chicken head strut into an elbow.

    Just when it looked like the rookies may pull off the upset, Williams pulled out a photograph of Eamon de Valera and began to burn it, sending Fibber into a rage. He chased Williams outside and Magnus hit a spear on Mickey Fitt through the table for the win.

    Winners: British Invasion

    Magnus got on the mic afterward and said with Finlay on their side, no one – not even the Horsemen – could mess with them. He challenged Finlay to a match at Grapplemania involving one of his rookies where if Finlay loses, he has to join British Invasion. Magnus and Williams then left.

    (commercial break)
    Monday Night Grappling: Irish Boot Camp


    After the break Finlay put over the effort of both rookies in the match. They worked hard unlike the other rookie – Southside socialite Foxy Rock. Finlay said he had to eliminate one of them and he chose...Foxy Rock

    She said he was an idiot and a scobie like the other two and hoped the Brits beat Finlay up.

    Foxy Rock has been eliminated

    Finlay said next week the two remaining rookies - Scangster Mickey Fitt and Fibber - would fight against each other and the winner would earn a contract.

    (commercial break)
    *backstage promo* Rosa Mendes was seen backstage in a wedding dress (bit short, but if you’ve got it flaunt it). Women’s Champion Trish walked in wearing a rather plain looking dress (Rosa didn’t want to be overshadowed maybe). Rosa thanked her for agreeing to be the maid of honour. Trish says it’s what friends are for.


    Lita arrived and said she guessed she’s not invited. Rosa says it’s close friends only and she and Trish laughed. Lita asked Trish why she didn’t help her last week when Beth and Natalya attacked her. Trish laughed it off and said a champion has things to do. Lita said she won’t be champion for long and said Trish obviously doesn’t care about their friendship any more.

    Trish asked what would Lita know about friendship and called her a selfish bitch. They got into a catfight and Rosa kept her distance. (Couldn’t ruin the dress)

    (Commercial plugging Grapplemania in two weeks)
    *backstage segment*


    A limo arrived and Alberto Del Rio stepped out looking suited and booted. The Fabulous Freebirds stepped out afterwards and were also in suits. Hayes clapped Del Rio on the back and said it’s nearly showtime.

    Match 3: ‘Best of enemies’ - Aja & Beth vs Natalya & Kharma


    We were told the wheel had forced the two teams to be mixed up and face off but the match never got started as a big brawl kicked off. Kharma and Aja seemed to get the better of things and Beth and Natalya withdrew. Kharma got a mic and challenged the Divas of Doom to a tag team elimination match at Grapplemania. They accepted.
    *backstage segment* Dusty was in a suit and talking to Magnum T.A. He congratulated Magnum on becoming the new MNG Legends Champion.


    Magnum said he owed a lot to Dusty and said his only wish was to get payback on Rush for attacking him last week. He urged Dusty to lift Rush’s suspension and make a match between himself and Rush for the title at Grapplemania. Magnum wanted it as No Holds Barred. Dusty was surprised by the request but agreed.

    Dusty’s phone rang. Del Rio and the Freebirds walked in. Dusty seemed agitated on the phone. He ended the call and said his old truck has been impounded. Freebirds said that was weird – a little too weird - and Dusty agreed and asked if someone could give him a ride to the impound lot. Magnum said he would.

    Del Rio was concerned those two wouldn’t be there and said Dusty was the best man. Dusty said no; he found someone else to do that job – for one night only. Freebirds smiled and Del Rio was confused at this. What are they up to?
    *backstage segment* Rush met Rosa. He asked if she was really going through with this. She said of course. Rush said he wished she wouldn’t. Rosa turned to look at him but he left.
    Final Segment: WEDDING CEREMONY - Alberto Del Rio & Rosa

    We return from break and see the ring set up for the wedding.

    Flowers are placed everywhere, love songs fill the arena and the Freebirds and Trish Stratus are awaiting the bride and groom. Old Donal – the white haired flutist and handler of the rookie beast Fibber – is hosting the ceremony. He used to be a priest, apparently. Fans have signs saying ‘Don’t do it, Alberto’ and ‘Rosa sucks’.

    Alberto Del Rio steps out – no theme music, though; this is a serious moment. He stands in the ring a little shy and nervous. Still no best man there. The wedding march then hits.


    Rosa steps out on the ramp – there are boos but she is grinning widely. So is Alberto. She steps carefully through the ropes and stands beside Alberto.

    Dusty’s face appears on screen and he says this is a pre-recorded message for Alberto. He wanted to surprise Alberto with his best man. He is someone who belongs to BWA but for one night only will appear on Monday Night Grappling. He says ‘Come on down Ricardo Rodriguez!’


    Out steps Ricardo and would you believe it there is tears in his eyes. Alberto’s too. Rosa however doesn’t look too impressed. The fans rise to their feet and cheer him as he steps through the ropes and extends his hand – Alberto shakes his head. A handshake won’t do: he hugs his best pal. Sometimes a little man love is okay. Fans are cheering and it seems everyone – except Rosa – is delighted at the scene.

    We move on to the ceremony. Alberto pledges to love Rosa and vice-versa. You know these weddings. Then we get to ‘If anyone here has any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony…let them speak now or forever hold their peace.’

    (Fans look up the aisle to see if anyone will appear but no one does. So we push on…)

    Old Donal: By the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife…you may kiss the bride.
    Commentators: There it is, folks. Mr and Mrs Alberto Del Rio. Congratulations to them. Let’s see that kiss…

    Ric Flair steps out onstage. Barry Windham, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson flank him. Flair is putting a tissue to his eyes in mock fashion pretending to be crying.
    Flair: Oh boy. Weddings make me cry. Not as much as the divorces but almost.

    You know, Del Rio…you thought you got the better of the Horsemen last week. And I’ll give you credit amigo…you did get the better of us. But you’re not the only one who has kept secrets…

    (Del Rio looks on; glaring.)


    Flair: You’ve been having a lot of financial problems, Alberto. Poor financial transactions; money disappearing; and you’ve felt suspicion that your lady friend Rosa was responsible in some way. Well Senor…you weren’t wrong. Rosa was responsible for giving away a lot of your money. What you don’t know is where that money went. Well I’ll tell you: most of it went…to me.

    (Del Rio turns to Rosa whose head is bowed low)


    Flair: Think about it, amigo! This company was on its knees. Even with all the owner’s remaining funds he couldn’t afford to finance the lifestyle of the Four Horsemen. He needed someone – a sap – to use his own money to keep the company alive. That sap was YOU. Alberto Del Rio…your money has been doing more than just keeping this company afloat…you have been financing the Four Horsemen all along. You shouldn't have given your woman that authority, brother. As you were going bankrupt…we were riding limousines. As you were struggling to keep your electricity going…we were flying in jets. As you were visiting lawyers asking for time…I was busy romancing the lovely Rosa Mendes. Come on down, gorgeous.

    (Rosa lifts up her head and smiles. She walks out of the ring and up the aisle as Del Rio looks on in shock. Flair puts his arm around her).


    Flair: It was all part of our plan: to bleed you dry and take complete control. Rosa was passing on your money and I wined and dined her on your credit cards. Now that you went and married one of my girlfriends – and ignored my advice of a pre-nup by the way – that means Rosa here is entitled to 50% of your earnings - God bless America! And I can promise you Del Rio…you will not keep your head afloat for very long now.

    So it goes like this: you give up your title shot against me at Grapplemania – and Dusty Rhodes gives up his position as General Manager – and maybe…just maybe…I will keep you from becoming penniless. You think about it. You have one week to let me know.

    As for right now…it’s time for the Horsemen to celebrate…


    (Flair then lifts up Rosa’s veil and plants a big oul’ smooch on her lips as Del Rio collapses to his knees in despair. Ricardo and the Freebirds try to rouse him. The Freebirds want to fight – but Del Rio can’t move. He is heartbroken.)

    Commentators: Flair has taken everything from Del Rio. He took away his dream of being World Champion in week one; now it turns out he has taken Del Rio’s fortune – and his new bride too. Del Rio is a broken man. What will he do? Will he make it to Grapplemania?

    The show ends.
    Matches announced so far for Grapplemania:

    Alberto Del Rio vs Ric Flair (c) (World Heavyweight Championship)

    The Fabulous Freebirds vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) (World Tag Titles)

    Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita (Women’s Championship)

    Rush vs Magnum T.A. - No Holds Barred (MNG Legends Championship)

    Kharma & Aja Kong vs Beth Phoenix & Natalya (Tag Team Elimination match)

    More to follow...

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,907 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Show Two

    Opening Segment:

    The new FWC world champion Edge comes out to a chorus of boos as he smirks and struts towards the ring holding the championship. He goes to say that he can’t believe that every one bought that he was injured during the match, It was the oldest trick in the book but they don’t call him The Ultimate Opportunist for nothing. This would bring out Jeff Hardy to a massive ovation , he quickly gets to the point and says he wants to face Edge for the World Championship , one on one right now!!!! Edge said he will decide when and where he will defend the title . Joseph Park comes out to correct Edge that he is not the one who will decide when/where or who he will face for the championship . He says the next time Edge will defend the championship will be in the Main Event at FWC’s biggest PPV of the year “Redemption” . But he cannot say that Jeff will be his challenger since in tonight’s main event Jeff will face an opponent of Parks choice and the winner of that match will face Edge at the PPV
    Backstage Segment:
    Jericho is shown arriving to the arena , but is met by Storm who wants a piece of Jericho so they start brawling around the backstage area until they are broken up . Jericho would somehow break away and hit a low blow on Storm as he was then dragged away screaming.

    Opening Match:
    Sin Cara vs Lance Storm
    Great back and forth action from 2 top cruiserweights in the industry. Sin Cara would start off with the offence but after a slip up on the top rope allowed Storm to take advantage. He started to work down Caras leg weakening it down for the single leg boston crab. Storm would keep working on Caras leg , until he would reverse a german suplex and hit a springboard dropkick . After this Cara would gain control once again taking down with numerous ariel moves. Just as it looked like Cara was about to finish Storm off , but Kenny King would hit the ring and cause a distraction allowing him to lock in the single leg boston crab for the win

    Winner via Submission:
    Lance Storm

    Post Match: King and Storm would start to beat down on Sin Cara until Kofi would hit the ring and clear house . As Storm and King are walking back up the ramp Park comes on the titantron to announce that at “Redemption” there will be a 4 way ladder match to determine the new FWC Intercontinental Champion featuring Kofi Kingston/Lance Storm/Sin Cara/Kenny King

    Second Match
    James Storm vs Chris Harris
    This match started off with a very aggressive James Storm and would take it all out on his former AMW tag team partner, this match wouldn’t last long as only a few seconds later Storm would hit the Last Call superkick for the win

    Winner: James Storm

    Post Match: Storm would demand that Jericho get his ass out here right now so he can drag his ass all around the arena. Jericho doesn’t come out but does appear on the tron and says he has no problem coming out to the ring right now but is going to take the night off and relax in his premier dressing room for the rest of the show. There is a knock on the door and Joseph Park would enter (Wearing a Fozzy t-shirt) and announce that he wont be able to give him the night off since he has already booked him in a match against the Monster Abyss. He does tell Storm that if he gets involved in the match he will be suspended on the spot. Jericho begs to be taken out of the match but Park says its too late because Abyss is moments away from walking to the ring

    Third Match
    Abyss vs Chris Jericho
    Jericho spends the start of the match trying to escape from the ring but eventually would get caught by Abyss. Abyss would use his size and strength to his advantage by taking control of Jericho until when Abyss was come off the middle rope but Jericho would move and hit a lionsault for a 2 count. Jericho would keep beating down on Abyss and working on his back. Just as it looked like Jericho had Abyss locked in the Walls of Jericho, James Storms music would hit as Storm would walk out and just stared down at Jericho, But as Jericho would turn around and get hit with a black hole slam for the 3 count

    Winner: Abyss
    Post Match: Storm would hit the ring and brawl with Jericho , but only for Jericho to barely get out of the ring and through the crowd.

    In Ring Segment:
    Madison Rayne and Gail Kim come to ring saying that they are pissed off that there are no other women on the roster to fight them , but at the same time they are no surprised that every female would be scared of them . This brings out Kaitlyn who said there may not be any other females on the roster , but she is here and she wants to fight either one of them next week . Gail said you will regret this but we will see you next week for the worst week of her life , Kaitlyn double clotheslines both women and walks back up the ramp as Gail and Madison scream at her

    Main Event
    Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries
    Jeff Hardy comes out to a massive reaction as he awaits for his opponent. The crowd go crazy as they are shocked that Austin Aries has jumped ship to FWC and Hardy is even more shocked to see Aries . Both me lock up and both try to outdo each other with their ariel attacks. Aries would gain the control for the start of the match by knocking Hardy out of ring and following it up with a suicide dive to Hardy . Aries would work over hardy and follow it up with numerous pin attempts . Hardy would eventually turn the tables and make a comeback and nearly get a close pinfall when he would hit a whisper in the wind . Both men would still go at it but Jeff would hit the twist of fate and go up to the top rope for the swanton bomb but as he was about to come off the rope , Aries would run up the ropes and hit a hurricarana . Both men were down , then Edge would hit the ring and hit a spear on both men to cause a disqualification .

    No Winner

    He got on the mic and said that looks like neither men are up to facing him at FWC Redemption so there is no point in him turning up . But Joseph Park would come out and say that he was afraid that this might happen so because of Edges interference the Main Event at Redemption will now be a Triple Treat for the FWC Championship Edge(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries . Both Aries and Hardy would get back on their feet and double team edge with Aries hitting a brainbuster followed by Hardys Swanton Bomb . The show goes off the air as both men look at the championship and each other


    FWC Redemption PPV

    FWC World Heavyweight Championship
    Edge(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries

    4 Way Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match
    Kofi Kingston vs Kenny King vs Lance Storm vs Sin Cara

    More TBC

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Having raided the WWE's production upon it's disintigration almost 5 years ago at the time of the first boards draft the BWA are expected to put out a top class promo package. The Royal Rumble is no different and as we go on air the live crowd at home get pumped up to see the World Champion (Mitsuharu Misawa) defend his title against the man who wants to be Chairman, and will be if Bounty Hunter does not resurface within the next 24hrs, Alberto Del Rio Sr. Tonight we will also see the Motor City Machine Guns put their tag team titles on the line against Jake "The Snake" Roberts and a partner of his choosing, but who will he pick? The Intercontinental title will also be defended by Kenta Kobashi but it's his career deciding announcement that is really built up in the video before talk turns to the Royal Rumble match itself and the numbers game as one by one you hear from BWA wrestlers from Stone Cold to Bob Sapp as their throw their names into the hat for the rumble and claim they will headline BWA Wrestlemania.

    If you have not seen them yet these two shows recap the past year building to the rumble in more detail, Part 1 & Part 2
    Welcome to the BWA Royal Rumble

    The Pyros go off, the crowd goes wild and we begin our PPV at a brisk pace with the arrival of the Intercontinental champion Kenta Kobashi who gets a great reception from the BWA audience in attendance. His opponents however recieve quite the opposite.

    Intercontinental title triple threat match
    New Jack vs Kenta Kobashi (c) vs Mustafa Seed

    A tougher encounter than it may seem on paper for the IC champ as both his opponents team up for the majority of this match. Despite this and much to the crowds amusement Kobashi fights back and actually gets on top of the two man onslaught as he finds himself able to one by one toss his opponents over the ropes and to the outside. The crowd reaction gets to New Jack who starts screaming at fans at ringside before doing what is now almost become his trade mark move and spitting into the face of one member of the crowd (a plant?!?). The place then erupts in a torrent of abuse being directed his way.

    Back in the ring Mustafa Seed is back going 1 on 1 with Kobashi but struggling against the impresive IC champ when New Jack gets back into the ring only to be confronted by the ref who tells him if he trys something like that again he will be DQ'd from the match at which point he promptly spits in the refs face too before going to try and assist his partner who has just been knocked down by Kobashi's Burning Lariat forearm. The ref grabs New Jack by his shoulder and turns him around to face him before wiping the spit from his face and ordering the Gangsta member out of the ring and match. Jack doesent take this well and backs the ref into the corner but before he can do anything else Security grab him and pull him out of the ring.

    As Mustafa Seed rises to his feet he is distracted by the sight of his tag partner struggling with security at ringside and turns right into Kobashi who delivers his Black Crush Vertical suplex cutter for the 3 count victory.

    Winner: Kenta Kobashi

    After the match the struggle between New Jack and security continues until he & Mustafa Seed are escorted to the back while the crwod chant na na na na, na na na na heyyyyyyy goodbye. Eventually they quiet down long enough to give Kobashi who now has a mic in hand a chance to address them

    -In ring Segment w/Kobashi-
    "For quite some time I have been struggling to make a decision, a decision that would change my life forever as I am not one of those people who will crave the spotlight so much I have to come back time and time again. If I retire, I will stay retired. Even now that I have made my decision I must admit it is really hard to say it aloud because as I look around this arena at you great BWA fans all I can think is...Thank you! ... you have made these past years in the BWA the best years in my long career and are the reason this has been such a difficult choice."

    *The crowd go through a string of chants (Thank you Kenta, Don't go Kenta & 1 more match* as the commentators quip "looks like he's calling it a day folks*

    Kobashi looks like he may almost tear up as he continues "I have decided... that... I am going to retire! (a small minority in the crowd begin to boo until) but you have not seen my last match!

    *huh the crowd and announce teams gasps can be clearly heard as everyone in the arena tries to work out what he is saying.

    "I am the Intercontinental champion, and this great and prestigious belt needs nay deserves to be defended until someone worthy enough can take it from me, until that day I will wrestle on"

    [We are then brough backstage briefly as Jake Roberts is intervieed and asked who he was able to get to be his partner tonight when he will challenge for the Tag Team Titles. He reminds everyone of how Jado & Gedo tried to screw him last week with the selection of his Snake "Damian" as his partner and says that tonight he doubts the interm GMs will be so happy when they see the debut of this team of Snakes... the camera then zooms out to show the Rattlesnake SCSA sitting in the lockeroom next to Jake knocking back a few brewski's]

    BWA tag titles no.1 contenders
    Bob Sapp & Bobby Lashley vs The Eliminators

    The following is a brutally physical encounter with Bob Sapp dominating the early going against John Kronos but when Kronos is able to tag in his partner Perry Saturn we are treated to the good side of him once more. It seems enforced time away from The Gangsta's (as they are his opponents) has cleared his head and he is able to put on a showing of wrestling fundamentals 101 that both has the fans chanting his name and infuriates The Beast unleashed. Sapp is angered even more so when Lashley unexpectidly tags himself into the match forcing Sapp to watch from the sidelines.

    Kristal is up on the ring apron shouting encouragement at her man and her presence does initally pay off with Saturn having to stop himself from hitting her after at one point being whipped hard into the ropes next to her allowing Bobby to catch him with a spear. Lashley only gets a 2 count though and as the two rise to their feet afterwards he goes for his Dominator running front powerslam to finish things but Saturn is able to wriggle free and instead hit his Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gradunza Swinging cradle suplex for a 2 count of his own. Again they rise together but this time Lashley gets a few right hands in as they do allowing him time to slingshot himself against the ropes and go for another spear on Saturn.

    Perry is able to step out of the way at the last second however and Lashley goes flying into his lovely wife Kristal who was still on the ring apron. Completely distraught Lashley takes his eye off the prize momentarily and Saturn capitalizes with a roll up pin from behind. Kronos has to literall sacrafice his body to ensure Sapp doesent get to them in time to break up the pin but 1, 2, 3! and we have a pinfall victory and new no.1 contenders for the tag team titles.

    Winners: The Eliminators

    After the match Bob Sapp is enraged and even tosses the ring steps nearest him at Bobby Lashley who along with Kristal he clearly blames for once again costing him championship gold here tonight. He misses but didn't wait around for more and instead stomped off up the ramp while Lashley continued to check on his wife as the Eliminators celebrated in the ring.

    -Backstage segment with Misawa, Jado & Gedo in which Misawa points out that although he likes hearing that Stone Cold has a match tonight as well as the Rumble he does question if allowing him & Jake Roberts, the two men who have chastised him for a title shot more than any others, team up together is wise, surely you don't want them winning the titles and getting momentum before tonight's Royal Rumble match. They however insist they have a plan that will see Stone Cold and that miscreant Roberts taught a lesson in their match.

    BWA tag title No DQ match
    The Motor City Machine Guns vs Jake Roberts & Steve Austin

    The announcement of this match as a No DQ match comes as a surprise to most in the arena but not to the two snakes as they make their way down to the ring, they are used to the odds being stacked against them and no doubt this was the actions of interm bookers Jado & Gedo.

    It isn't long before the reason for the stip becomes apparent but before then the MCMGs actually impress and show themselves as the much more cohesive unit employing a number of quick tags, isolating and wearing down their opponents (mostly Jake) and performing some exquisite double team moves such as their Skull and Bones (Falling neckbreaker (Sabin) / Diving crossbody (Shelley) combination) slam.

    When Austin gets tagged in things change quickly though. As momentum switches towards team Snake as the stip suddenly came into play with the arrival of Jado, Gedo, and BWA champion Mitsuharu Misawa arriving to ringside essentially turning this into a one sided Lumberjack match. While the match continued in ring Rocky Marciano also made his way out to the ring with the commentaters suggesting he was here to keep the champ and Austin seperate. His meer presence seemed to accomplish this as anytime Austin was thrown from the ring (and as the MCMGs were playing smart this was regular) him approaching the area seemed to cause Jado & Gedo to throw him back in after of course they and the world champ got a number of shots in first.

    despite this Austin was able to hit Shelly with a stunner and gain an advantage even if not the pinfall as Misawa placed the fallen gun's leg on the ropes. Austin tags in Jake lift Shelly up and flings him against the ropes following him immediately for a big shoulder charge but his opponent drops to the mat to avoid it and Misawa again gets involved pulling down the top rope causing Austin to crash to the outside. unfortunately Austin lands righ on top of Rocky Mariano who isnt best pleased and as a result when Austin gets back to his feet he is subject to several heavyweight rights and lefts which leave him in a heap on the floor before the man who was supposed to be there to help avoid the creation of such a situation for Austin turns and heads up the ramp.

    Not exactly Austin's best mate or anything but Jake can't help but be distracted by the goings on outside especially as Misawa now takes advantage of the downed Rattlesnake hitting him with a tiger driver on the steel ramp before he and the interm GMs make their exit. Jake is distracted and left 1 on 2 with the tag team champs and despite his best efforts the man still calling himself the WECWF champion can't keep up and is eventually finished off by another of their famous double team moves this time the ASCS Rush (Spinning sole kick by Sabin followed by a superkick from Shelley and then finished with a simultaneous jumping enzuigiri by Sabin / superkick by Shelley combination. 1, 2, 3! and still the champs

    Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns

    -We are then brought backstage where our roving reporter Josh Matthews tries to get a word in with Bob Sapp but the enraged Beast of a man pushes him out of the way as he storms into his dressing room where his tag partner Bobby Lashley is waiting for him and immediately starts pleading his case apologizing for what happened in their match. Sapp isn't hearing any of it though and orders him "The hell away from me" repeatedly shouting "your push is over!" as the dejected Lashley leaves the area.

    Moments later Kristal enters the dressing room looking for Bobby, but is outraged when Sapp tells her to "get her B*tch ass outta here" and sarcastically responds ooo im sooo sorry Mr Booker man before laughing at him and turning to leave but being stopped by Sapp who grabs her arm. At this point the door to the lockeroom is swung shut and Sapp can be heard to tell her, "You dont get to call me that B!tch, you can call me "The Health Inspector". To which a confused and now distraught Ms Lashley can only be heard to respond " how dare you, what, No! Bob Nooo! stop! ahh" as the camera outside the lockeroom door slowly fades to black and we return to ringside.

    -Backstage Segment with Del Rio Sr & Ricardo-

    Del Rio Sr reminds everyone of what happened to Stone Cold tonight and although he doesent think the champion would have the guts to stoop to that level against the man (himself) who after tomorrow night will not only be
    the world champion but also the majority BWA shareholder he says Ricardo will have to be on his game tonight. He says that anything they can pull he wants Ricardo ready with something better to equal it.

    BWA World heavyweight championship match
    Alberto Del Rio Sr w/Ricardo vs Mitsuharu Misawa (c)

    As this one begins the referee ejects Jado, Gedo & Ricardo from ringside much to the crowds pleasure as the announcers suggest we might actually get a fair one on one match up here especially with Rocky Marciano at ringside as usual for main event bouts.

    Despite both men not being fan favourites the focus without outside interferance is kept on the ringwork here and that is top notch from both men and after around 10 minutes everyone is into this match up as we withness our first close call 2 count with Del Rio kicking out of Misawa's Tiger Body Press (better known as Frog Splash). minutes later it was DDR or Daddy Del Rio as many of the signs in the crowd call him hitting a big move in the form of sitout powerbomb which only gets a 2 count. The match came smashing down for DDR though when he literally hears glass smash as Stone Cold Steve Austin (who looks like he has gotten a few stitches just above his left eye) makes his way out for his now traditional attack on the champ (as they wont actually allow him a match with the champ). Marciano tussles with him and keeps him at bay initially but oddly the distraction helps the underhanded champion who uses the opportunity with the refs focus outside the ring to hit Del Rio with a low blow, which he follows up with a Tiger Driver before finally with a handfull of his opponents tights like a true heel champion he gets a 3 count.

    Winner: Mitsuharu Misawa

    right after having he hand raised though Misawa has to hightail it out of the ring as Austin has broken free of Marciano and made his way into the ring. Stone Cold swings at him but the champ just ducks through the ropes in time. When Austin turns around though Rocky is already in the ring behind him and has picked up the championship belt Misawa had left behind him. Whack! and Austin is knocked to the mat and his cut is busted wide open again, he does roll out of the ring after taking the shot though and stumbles to the back after Misawa, slowly Marciano follows them too.

    After all the after match shenanigans Del Rio who had been recouperating at ringside makes his sad walk up the ramp with Ricardo coming out to him trying to console him when suddenly they and everyone in the arena are shocked to hear the music of the chairman, BWA's own Bounty Hunter hit the arena as the boss makes his way out. The two lock eyes in an intense stare down as BH heads to the ring and grabs a mic and Del Rio Sr gingerly heads to the back.

    -In ring Interview segment with BWA chairman Bounty Hunter- he gets a great ovation from the live crowd who chant his name and "welcome back" for a good minute before he can speak.
    "I'm going to make this brief as my doctors say I shouldn't even be here tonight but....I'm back and i'm in control! Now Del Rio, I hope you haven't gone too far because although I can't prove it I know you were behind what happened to me. My doctors said I had been poisoned and as much as many superstars here in the BWA might not always agree with how I run things nobody has as much to gain from taking me out than you. Nobody has tried to usurp my power in my absence but you and nobody is going to pay for your treachery but you.

    You said tonight you would become world champion and then tomorrow night you would get control of the company, well it seems youve just been proven wrong on both counts and im going to ensure that you dont get another chance too. From now on anyone deserving of a title shot will get a title shot, we tried PG and it hasn't worked so your going to have to get back in line Del Rio cos I can afford to keep supporting this company on my own even without sponsors approval, I don't need you B!tch! (crowd pops)

    but you are still a 40% shareholder in my company, and that, that just doesen't sit right with me. I can't prove you tried to poison me but god knows im not sitting in a boardroom with you, o no, we have to settle things... in the ring!!

    I challenge you to defend your 40% in the ring at Wrestlemania against an opponent of my choosing. You lose, your out, out of the boardroom, out of my BWA ring and out of a job here. If you win, you can have my majority share you so desperately want. How about it, you got the guts to put your job and reputation on the line to get control?

    The announce team celebrate the return of the chairman, talk up that huge announcement and wonder who the boss may have in mind to face Alberto Del Rio Sr with the fate of the company on the line at BWA Wrestlemania, for which we now get a promo package for. This details how this years Mania is the 5th anniversary of the BWA's first ever major PPV and will take place back in Madison Square Garden.

    The Royal Rumble Match

    The first superstar is announced as.... *Glass Smash* Stone Cold Steve Austin!

    a great ovation but with so little rest and already battered and bruised he didn't want no.1 but hopefully he want have too hard a first opponent he hopes, but then as if this was scripted no.2 is announced in his first actual match....Rocky Marciano!

    these two go at it hell for leather for near the full 2mins but Austin really does look the worst for wear after the 2 encounters earlier in the night and after a big right he is knocked clean through the middle ropes and out of the ring. The Ref is explaining to Marciano that Austin has not been eliminated as he has to go over the top rope and Rocky looks like he is going to go out and get him (through the middle rope of course) when the crowd suddenly go bat **** crazy as no.3 is announced as surprise entree and former BWA competitor Muhammad Ali.

    Ali enters the ring and locks eyes with Marciano, the energy in the room is palpable and the two circle around preparing to face of in a pugilists wet dream. Suddenly they are at it both throwing and dodging jabs, before Marciano goes for a big uppercut. Ali bobs and weaves to avoid it but then peppers Rocky with some free flowing rights and has him on the ropes. the countdown begins for next entrant but everyones attension is on the ring when suddenly everyone is blindsided as Austin slides back into the ring and from behind lifts both boxers over the top rop as they tussle with each other. They both crash outside eliminated and then need security to seperate them and escourt them away from the ring.

    next out was Jado but he waited at the top of the ramp for 2 minutes until no.5 is announced as Gedo and the two head to the ring to try and double team Austin. They did their best and after all the abuse he already taken tonight and against two men who hadnt had a match yet Austin did struggle when no.6 was announced as Jake Roberts the tables were turned on the interm GMs as the two snakes made quick work of them before Bobby Lashley was announced as no.7

    *fast forward to the final four* - Stone Cold, Jake Roberts, Bob Sapp and Kenta Kobashi

    The most notably parts in-between were when Perry Saturn eliminated New Jack using the same Kendo stick New Jack had brought into the ring or when Jake Kenta Kobashi eliminated Bobby Lashley right before Bob Sapp made his entrance and as the two crossed paths on the ramp Lashley was seen to once more try to apologize to Sapp for what had happened earlier that night only to have Sapp again push him away saying "your push is over" at which point the announcers speculated that maybe the scene backstage between Bob Sapp and Kristal wasn't as bad as it looked or maybe Bobby just doesent know about it yet.

    refocusing our attension on the here and now though and Stone Cold is lying almost motionless in one corner as both Jake & Kobashi try to eliminate Sapp on the opposite side of the ring. Austin has really been through the ringer tonight and can barely stand up so is making the most of this rest period watching as Jake has Bob Sapp teetering on the edge. Kobashi joins him trying to eliminate the head Gangsta getting down low and sticking his head between Sapp's legs he uses his whole body to lift him up into an electric chair type situation. He then positions himself ready to dump his opponent to the outside only for Jake to surprise him with his Arm wrench short-arm clothesline knocking him backwards against the ropes. Sapp on his shoulder goes over the top rope but he isn't going alone as he takes Kobashi with him.

    Jake then turns his attension towards his partner from earlier in the night but now the final man standing between him and main eventing Wrestlemania, the now badly injured Stone Cold. He calls for a DDT to take any last bit of fight out of the rattlesnake and lifts him to his feet only for Boom! Stone Cold Stunner out of nowhere and with a sudden burst of energy Austin is back up and on top of Jake who had collapsed onto the ropes after the Stunner and before he can get his mind back in the game Austin has used his last ounce of strenght to dump his opponent to the outside.

    We have a winner and the crowd are loving it, Austin is going to headline Wrestlemania 1 more time.

    Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Officially booked so far for mania:

    Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Mitsuharu Misawa (c) - BWA World Title Match
    The Eliminators vs The Motor City Machine Guns (c) - Tag team titles
    Dos Cara/Alberto Del Rio Sr vs Bounty Hunters choice - Majority stake in the BWA on the line

    BWA Roster 2013:

    1. Mitsuharu Misawa
    2. Kenta Kobashi
    3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
    4. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
    5. Alex Shelley
    6. Chris Sabin
    7. Bob Sapp
    8. Bobby Lashley
    9. Kristal Lashley
    10. Perry Saturn
    11. John Kronus
    12. Dos Caras
    13. Ricardo Rodrigeuz
    14. Bruno Sammartino
    15. Rocky Marciano
    16. Muhammad Ali
    17. Jado
    18. Gedo
    19. New Jack
    20. Mustafa Seed


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC



    Last time on C.I.W.
    • Planet Jarret reformed as Monty Brown and Bobby Roode aligned themselves with Jeff Jarrett
    • Killer Kowalski defeated Hallowicked and berated him for wearing a mask.
    • Goldberg defeated John Cena when Deuce & Domino interfered and cost Cena the match.

    The show kicks off with John Cena in the ring.

    He laughs about how Deuce and Domino of all people decided to inject themselves into his match and cost him, and the fans, a once in a lifetime experience. He invites them out to the ring, but rather than the two greasers, it's CIW's owner Dave Shadow who steps out through the curtains. He tells Cena that he isn't happy about the result either, and as such, he wants to see Cena get revenge tonight. He says if Cena can find a partner, then tonight's main event will be a tag team match. Cena shakes his finger though and declines the part about finding a partner. Cena says he can take the duo on by himself. Shadow says it's his funeral and officially announces the handicap match up.
    Match: Killer Kowalski vs Delirious (w/Hallowicked)

    Kowalski starts off by berating Delirious for his ridiculous costume, with the masked man offering only ramblings back, which only serves to annoy Kowalski even more so. The two go back and forth for a few minutes. The end comes when Delirious goes for a leaping clothesline, only for Kowalski to catch him with a Kowalski claw. It looks bad, but Delirious rolls Kowalski up, and sneaks out a three count for the win.

    Winner: Delirious

    Backstage, Zema Ion is getting a coffee when Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Roode and Monty Brown surround him. He looks nervous but willing to fight. Brodus Clay walks up and warns the trio off, but they don't care and laugh at him, not afraid, knowing they have the numbers to win. That only lasts temporarily though, as Chuck Norris approaches them.

    He warns them that they are not to lay a finger on anyone outside of a match or they'll face consequences. The trio acknowledge his rules, but as they walk off, they tell Clay and Ion they'll catch them when their mommy isn't there to help them. Norris orders them off the premises, giving them the night off to be safe. The camera watches as they walk out a door and disappear. Norris warns Clay not to worry bout them too much, because he's got a big match up next.
    Match: Brodus Clay vs Akebono

    It's a battle of the big men as Brodus and Akebono square up in the ring, pushing and shoving each other. They go for various slams but constantly block each other, neither wanting to let the other down him.

    After a few minutes, a masked man jumps the barricade with a baseball bat and slides in, clocking Brodus Clay in the back, causing the DQ.

    Winner: Brodus Clay

    Another two appear from ringside and also start attacking him. Akebono stands and watches at first. Zema Ion runs down, trying for the save. He grabs at the mask of one man and pulls it off to reveal...

    JR: It's Brown! But he was kicked out of here. And that means the other masked men...

    ... Roode and Jarrett pull off their masks too and attack Ion, beating him down to. Akebono continues to watch, taking in the violence. However, when Ion and Clay are left bloodied in the middle of the ring, the trio comprising Planet Jarrett turn their attentions to him, marking a bigger target. Akebono steps up, reading to fight. He takes a step forward and the three men leave, deciding not to bother with him. Akebono watches as Jarrett, Brown and Roode leave.

    Cena is backstage warming up for his handicap match against Deuce N' Domino when Zack Ryder walks into shot. Ryder says that Cena might be Superman but he's not invincible, and given that he went through a tough match with Goldberg last week, maybe Cena would like some help against Deuce N' Domino; not because he needs help, but because he can have help. Cena thanks Ryder and shakes his hand. Cena says that it's personal with him and the two greasers, and he wants to teach them a lesson himself. One that involves his boot and their asses. Ryder says he understands and wishes Cena luck.
    Match: Goldberg vs Santino

    A very short squash match. Santino tries to crack a few jokes with Goldberg, who laughs....before spearing Santino out of his shoes. He picks Santino up and nails him with the Jackhammer for the three count.

    Winner: Goldberg

    Afterwards, Goldberg grabs a microphone and screams out.... "WHO'S NEXT?!?!"

    The crowd all turn their attentions to the ramp and after a few seconds, they all start cheering.

    KENTA strides out and down the ramp. He climbs into the ring, and, showing no fear, gets into Goldberg's face. Goldberg grins from ear to ear. JR and Lawler excitedly presume that KENTA is offically challanging Goldberg to a match up.
    Match: John Cena vs Deuce N' Domino

    Cena starts off with Deuce and easily throws him round the ring. After a few minutes of toying with him, Cena lets Domino tag in and he throws him round too. After a few minutes though, Domino distracts the referee long enough for Deuce to sneak in and hit Cena with a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Using the numbers game, the two manage to build an advantage and start beating down Cena. Every now and again, Cena looks to make a comeback but with no one to tag in, he can't get a breather.

    Eventually, he nails Deuce with a shoulder block. Domino tries to come in but eats a shoulder block for his troubles too. When Cena tries for another on Deuce, he misses and hits the ref instead. Shocked, Cena doesn't see Domino grab a chain from ringside, and eats a shot right to the jaw. The two start beating down Cena as the referee stirs at ringside, still groggy.

    Zack Ryder comes running down to help his friend, jumping up onto the apron. Cena hits a protobomb on Deuce and clotheslines Domino. Ryder pumps the crowd and starts begging Cena to tag him in. Cena realises what's happening and moves for the tag. He slaps Ryder's hand and Ryder jumps in.

    Deuce grabs the ref to use as a human shield, holding him between Ryder and himself, the ref not facing towards Ryder. Ryder looks disappointed as Cena moves to help....only to eat a Rough Ryder! Ryder floors Cena with his finisher and rolls out of the ring. The ref has missed it, but Deuce doesn't miss his chance. He jumps on Cena, rolls him up and the groggy ref counts three.

    Winners: Deuce N' Domino

    The duo flee the scene up the ramp as Cena is left in shock for the second week running, losing another match. He comes to and looks up the ramp as Ryder raises the arm of Deuce and Domino. He makes a spiking his hair motion towards Cena as the greasers celebrate, ecstatic with their win. As the show ends, Cena is once again left wondering what has happened, but to the fans, it's becoming clear.

    Zack Ryder and Deuce N' Domino have aligned themselves and have screwed John Cena once more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    Update from two previous weeks:

    Bret Hart was fired after failing to gain his no.1 contendership after the Shield (Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns) attacked Bret in a match against the Big Show. The Rock insulted the fans. Bret Hart appeared from the crowd and attacked The Rock.

    The 2MB Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal lost the tag team belts to the Natural Disasters.

    Muhammed Hassan attacked Val Venis; then Marc Mero attacked both of them the following week.

    The Shield attacked Mick Foley in a match against The Big Show. The Big Show denied any involvement with The Shield.
    Intensity intro plays.

    Commentator: Hello and welcome to Birmingham, Alabama for PWF Intensity. And security is tight, after the fired Bret Hart returned to attack The Rock last night; President Gorilla Monsoon is taking every step to make sure that Bret does not step foot into this arena tonight.

    Marc Mero comes out first. He defeats Viscera in a one-on-one match.

    Marc: For the last few years, I've been preaching Christianity all around the US. However I have yet to come back to my old profession to do it, so here I am. I see two guys who have not welcomed Jesus into their lives, that Ay-rab Muhammad Hassan and that pornstar non-believer Val Venis. I am here to show the truth to both of them and all the people watching around the world.

    The crowd cheers.

    Commentator: This conservative Alabama crowd are loving this.

    Marc: So now, let's pray together! Oh...Lord Jesus...

    Val Venis' music hits. The crowd boos.

    Commentator: Val Venis disrespecting Marc Mero and this crowd's prayer time.

    Venis: Marc, you need to learn to live your life, afterall we only live once. In fact, I've got a surprise for you.

    Commentator: Wait a minute here come The Bella Twins.

    The Bella twins walk towards Marc Mero and start making a move on him. He runs away as Val Venis laughs.

    Marc: I am a family man!!

    Venis: Hello ladies. Job done. Now how about we get going backstage and start a little....hehe....twin action!!

    Muhammad Hassan comes out.

    Hassan: You infidels make me sick. I will show that I am the man with Allah on my side. I will put my Intercontinental title on the line at the next PPV, Battle
    -Mania. and I will show everyone of you people who's faith is the strongest!!

    The crowd boo.

    Commentator: Looks like we are getting a triple-threat match for the Intercontinental title!! Now, lets go backstage to Gorilla Monsoon.

    Interview: What's the chances of us seeing Bret Hart tonight?

    Monsoon: No chance. Bret Hart is out of this company and he ain't coming back. Security is tight there is absolutely no way any unauthorised person can enter this arena tonight. This crowd needs to forget about any possibility of seeing him!!

    Commentator: Let's go live now to where PWF Champion The Rock is filming for his new film, Hercules. But what's with those clothes???


    The Rock: Finally, Hercules has come back to Ancient Greece. And Hercules is getting ready to layenth the Smackdown on Antaeus and all of the ancient Greeks candy asses. Just like The Rock, Hercules has the blood of the gods flowing through his veins, and The Rock guaran-damn-tees that you are about to see an acting masterclass. If ya smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll what The Rock is cooking!!!

    The Rock goes to record the scene.


    The Rock starts to record a scene with another actor.

    Rock: Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, stop, stop stop!!! What in the blue hell are you doing?

    Other Actor: I'm just saying my lines.

    Rock: You are trying to outshine The Rock. Nobody, and The Rock means nobody, outshines The Rock. What's your name, jabroni?

    Other Actor: Jo....

    The Rock: It doesn't matter what your name is!!!!! Know your role and shut your mouth. Do the scene again, and this time don't try to outshine The Great One. Or The Rock will take that camera, turn that son-bitch sideways, and stick it up straight up your candy ass!!!

    They start recording the scene again when all of a sudden....

    Commentator: Wait a minute it's Bret Hart. Bret Hart from behind. He just attacked The Rock from behind. The hitman stamping away on the Brahma Bull! And now a backbreaker. What is he doing here? And now he's being dragged away by security. I've never seen anything like this!!! Bret Hart was fired, but The Rock can't get rid of him!!! The crowd loves it.


    The Natural Disasters defeat the 2MB (Slater and Mahal) in a tag team title rematch.


    Mick Foley is wandering around backstage. Suddenly he hears Dean Ambrose's voice. Behind a partially open door he can see the shadow of a very tall man.

    Ambrose: Yes, boss!!

    Commentator: Boss????

    Suddenly Ambrose comes out.

    Commentator: A backstage brawl has broken out. Foley and Ambrose going at it. But who was that tall shadow of in the dressing room. Only The Big Show is that tall in PWF - that's got to be him - is he the guy behind the Shield???????? And now they are coming into the arena. Ambrose and Foley fighting in the entranceway. These guys don't like each other a damn bit!! And now in the ring. Wait a minute, there's Socko. Mick's got that dirty sock and ready to strike. Oh but here comes Roman Reigns. Attacking Foley from behind.


    Commentator: And it's 2-on-1. Oh but here comes Earthquake and Typhoon. They've got the advantage. And now Earthquake setting up for the Earthquake Splash. Wait a minute....who the?? It's Seth Rollins!!!! With a steel chair!!! Has he joined the PWF??? He attacks Earthquake, and now Typhoon. And all three members of the Shield, OMG...they are lifting the hell can they do that? Look at the strength!!! Triple Powerbomb!!!!! And now to Typhoon...Triple Powerbomb...and now Mick, going for the ride!! Triple Powerbomb. The Shield re-united in the PWF and standing tall!!!


    Dean Ambrose: You've spent your whole life falling off great heights and getting hit with all kinds of weapons. But somehow you survive and keep on fighting. Well not anymore. Welcome to consequences, Mick. Beginning at PWF Battle-Mania when will we go one-on-one, justice will prevail. This time you will really be retired, permanently.

    Rollins: And Earthquake, Typhoon; we've been granted a tag-team match at Battle-Mania.

    Reigns: Nobody can stop us!! Not only will we take your titles and put them where they belong, but we will also end your careers once and for all, like should have happened a long time ago. Welcome to justice, once and for all.


    Commentator: Who the hell can stop these guys and who the hell is their boss???? See you next time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Monday Night Grappling


    Week 1 show here.

    Week 2 show here.

    Week 3 show (Wedding Special) here.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling...
    - Alberto Del Rio married Rosa Mendes , but she then left him for Ric Flair

    - Flair revealed Rosa had been using Del Rio’s money all along to finance the Horsemen’s lifestyle.

    - Magnum T.A. won the Legends Title and asked for a match with Rush.

    - It was announced the two rookie Boot Camp contestants would have a match to determine who gets a contract.

    Before the show began, World Champ Ric Flair appeared on a video backstage. He held up two contracts. He said one was a contract for a title match against him at Grapplemania; the other was a cheque for $100,000 which he said Del Rio needed to avoid bankruptcy. If Del Rio wants the financial lifeline, he must sign away his title shot and Dusty Rhodes must hand power over to the Horsemen. He finished with a Woooo!

    The show opens from Houston, TX.
    Commentators: We are on the final stop before Grapplemania, but will Del Rio sign away his title shot? Will Dusty Rhodes hand over control to the Horsemen? What will happen tonight?

    Dusty Rhodes came down to the ring and he was not happy.


    Dusty said last week he got a call saying his car was impounded and while they claimed it was a misunderstanding – he knows better. He says the Horsemen got him out of the way so they could break Del Rio. Dusty said he doesn’t want to add to Del Rio’s problems and he will do what he can to help. Dusty told the audience that there’s a time to be a gentleman and a time to handle your business, and he shouted for Windham to get his ass out here right now. No Horsemen with him. Just him – man to man.

    Windham came out alone and smiling.


    He got in the ring and said he had nothing to do with Dusty’s truck being impounded. He did say the Horsemen always get the last laugh. He asked if Dusty was going to let his friend Del Rio wind up on the street? If not, sign over the company to him right now. Dusty said that wouldn’t happen, but said that the issues between them could and should be settled in the ring.
    Dusty: So here’s the proposal: you and me one on one at Grapplemania. You want me to quit my job; I want you to quit gunning for my job. So let’s make it an I Quit match for control of the organisation. Winner takes all. What do you say?

    (fans cheer)

    Windham: That wasn’t the terms we offered you. (he steps out of the ring to boos and walks up the ramp)

    Dusty: Wait a minute, Barry. This is the fairest way forward. You want this to go to the courts and take weeks and months to be resolved? Or do you want the opportunity to have all power in your lap next week?

    (Windham considers, but turns and walks up the ramp)

    Dusty: So you’re leaving, huh? You know what I think, Barry Windham? I think you’re yellow.

    (Windham stops)

    Dusty: I knew your fatha. I fought Blackjack Mulligan in matches across this land. He was not yellow. He handled his business like a man. He didn’t hide behind the Ric Flairs of this world.
    Commentators: Windham’s face has gone pale.
    Dusty: So yeah, you walk away kid. I said once you were one of the greatest talents in this business but I was wrong. You’re just a yellow, gutless bastard.

    (fans: 'whoaaaaaa')

    Windham: You want me at Grapplemania you son of a bitch? YOU GOT IT! YOU AND ME – I QUIT MATCH!

    The fans cheer and Dusty smiles and nods as we go to a break.
    Monday Night Grappling: Irish Boot Camp


    Coach Finlay comes out and notes tonight we are down to the final two rookies:

    ‘The Scangster’ Mickey Fitt – Claims he is from the mean streets of Dublin's inner city. His three favourites things in life are ‘getting pissed, pissing off the Guards and bateing people's heads'.

    Fibber Mac and his handler ‘Old Donal’ – Fibber is a big 6 foot seven, 350 pound grizzled looking beast. He has a handler - a white-haired old man with a tin whistle - Old Donal - who says he doesn’t know his real name or where he comes from but he found him outside the pub Fibber Magees and decided to call him that. Fibber grew up eating sheep raw and cold and hates the name Fibber as it reminds him of how he’s an unwanted bastard. Only Irish rebel tunes on the tin whistle can soothe his furious temper.

    Finlay says the two will do battle and the winner will get the contract.

    Match 1: Scangster Mickey Fitt vs Fibber

    A match that was fought in a brawling style. Crowd chanted Fibber which was making the beast angry as he hates his own name. The flutist Old Donal played rebel tunes outside to help the monster re-focus.

    The finish saw Fitt set up for his finisher - Scangster’s Paradise - only for Fibber to block it and hit his own finisher – the Fibberman Suplex – for the 1-2-3.

    Winner and newest member of the MNG roster: Fibber

    Mickey Fitt has been eliminated

    After the match, Mickey Fitt thanked the company and Finlay for the opportunity and headed up the ramp. As he turned to say a last goodbye, Magnus and Doug Williams attacked with steel chairs laying him out on the ramp as Finlay looked on.

    Magnus: Oi, you dumb Paddies! You got our answer or wot? We told you we want you in British Invasion, Finlay – it’s where you belong, really – and if you truly have confidence in that big ugly beast then how about you take me and Doug on at Grapplemania? If you lose, you join us Finlay? Have you Irish got a set or not?
    Finlay: I accept your challenge.

    As Magnus and Doug smile, the commentators wonder if Finlay has done the right thing here. Fibber is in the ring rocking back and forth as his handler Old Donal tries to soothe him with a rendition of ‘Foggy Dew’. Can this new and unlikely wrestler come through for his coach?
    *backstage segment* The Freebirds meet Dusty and ask him why he is taking on Windham with the company on the line. Dusty says for two reasons: He doesn’t know if Del Rio will sign away his match but he doesn’t want to be a factor in Del Rio going bankrupt. The second reason is personal: he wants to kick his ass.

    Freebirds ask if Dusty has spoken to Del Rio all week because they haven’t. Dusty says neither has he.

    (commercial plugging Grapplemania next week)
    *backstage segment* Rosa shows up on the arm of Ric Flair as they step out of a limo. A lackey runs up and asks what Flair thinks of Windham agreeing to take on Dusty in a match at Grapplemania? Flair doesn’t look pleased and heads off hurriedly.
    Tout segment

    Commentators: We’ve asked our fans to Tout us on what Del Rio should do tonight. Here are some of your thoughts:

    Pimple-faced guy: I think Del Rio should sign away the title shot because even if he takes the match he still can’t touch Ric Flair. Woooo!

    Goth girl: I think what Rosa and Flair did to Del Rio was terrible and I think like, uh… Del Rio should just take the match and ignore the bankruptcy thing, like…
    Commentators: Fantastic contributions from the fans on Tout as always...

    (commercial plugging The Marine IV: starring Beth Phoenix. Coming this autumn.)
    *backstage segment* Rosa walks into Dusty’s office. She said she heard he wanted to see her. Dusty said he’s seen some heartless women over the years but she takes the biscuit. She’s a Jezebel.

    Rush walks in and says he loved seeing Rosa break Del Rio’s heart last week.


    Dusty says Rush has had it in for Del Rio for weeks. Says the two men can have a match tonight and settle the score. Rush is not happy but Rosa says she will be there with him at ringside.

    Dusty says no - Rosa has a match tonight herself – she turns around and Lita is standing there. Lita says she’s been involved in wedding ceremonies on TV herself but what Rosa did was too much. Rosa laughs and leaves with Rush. The match is coming up.
    *backstage segment* Flair and Arn and Tully aren’t happy that Windham took the match with Dusty for the control of the company. Flair says they should have stuck to the plan. Windham says no one calls him yellow like Dusty did and gets away with it. Arn and Tully argue with Barry some more but Flair cuts them off. He says Del Rio won’t take the title shot against him and as long as Windham wins at the PPV everything will be in place.

    Rosa enters and asks Flair to join her for the match against Lita but Flair says he has too much on his plate. She argues the point but Flair tells her to leave. She curses him in Spanish.

    Match 2: Lita vs Rosa Mendes

    The number one contender Lita is looking good as she dominates most of the match. Rosa is in trouble until Rush comes down and decides to stay at ringside. The fans aren’t happy but out comes Legends Champion Magnum T.A. – Rush’s opponent at Grapplemania – and the two men get nose to nose.


    A big brawl follows and lots of security men rush down and drag the two of them away as they fight and tear at one another.

    In the ring, Lita hits the twist-of-fate and a moonsault for the victory.

    Winner: Lita

    Rosa appeared to hurt her neck after the match. She was helped away.

    Out from the crowd, Trish Stratus - Women’s champion - hits a Trish Kick on Lita and lays her out. She beats on Lita with fists and stomps and grabs a microphone.

    Trish: Lita, you and I embodied the previous decade in WWE. We made history by main eventing an episode of Raw; I had a retirement match against you; but in Monday Night Grappling, there can be only one of us. At Grapplemania I prove to you once and for all that I am the greatest diva of our generation.

    She holds up the title as the fans boo. We go to commercial.

    (commercial break)
    *backstage* Dusty is with Rush and restraining him. He wants to destroy Magnum. Says Magnum is an old timer who will be beaten by this young stallion. Dusty reminds him he has a match tonight against Del Rio and he fights Magnum at Grapplemania. Someone comes in and says come quick – Aja Kong is being attacked. Dusty shakes his head and wonders why anyone would want this job.


    Beth and Nattie are seen stomping on Aja Kong’s leg. She is clutching it. They scream they are the dominant divas in the company. There is a chair against a door and Kharma is heard trying to break through – obviously Beth and Natalya have locked her in while they assault her partner.

    Dusty arrives on the scene and says to stop or they will be suspended. The Freebirds are there also trying to help. Suddenly Kharma kicks through the door and Beth and Natalya back away sharpish as Dusty tries to break up yet another brawl!

    (promo hyping Grapplemania)

    Back from break, the Horseman music plays. Arn and Tully come out and say they are looking forward to Grapplemania and kicking some Freebird ass.


    Blanchard notes there is some history between the four men but that they never had the chance to have the truly iconic battle that they should have had – their careers diverged and the rivalry never was properly settled – but at Grapplemania it will be settled.

    Arn says to Tully that they shouldn’t wait until the PPV – let’s fight tonight.
    Commentators: I think they know the Freebirds are trying to stop the brawls backstage and that’s why they are making this challenge. They don’t really want a fight.


    The Freebirds come down and Hayes says that’s correct: the rivalry was never truly settled, but at Grapplemania it will be.

    Gordy says if they want to fight then they can fight. They head down the ramp but Dusty appears on the titantron and asks the Freebirds to respect his authority and wait until Sunday. He has enough brawls to deal with. They want to fight but they respect Dusty so they leave as Arn and Tully taunt and scream that they are chickens!

    (commercial break)

    A cab arrives – Alberto Del Rio steps out – he is not wearing his usual suit; there is no golden trunks. He is instead wearing black gear and his hands are wrapped – it resembles his old MMA attire. He pulls out a grimy twenty dollar note and pays the driver.

    A lackey runs up and asks what Del Rio will do tonight; Del Rio ignores him. He walks on. He looks ready for a fight.

    Main Event match: Alberto Del Rio vs Rush

    Rush enters first. He is ready for a fight and is pissed off. Del Rio enters next. He walks to the ring in his MMA attire. Rush is screaming as Del Rio enters the ring completely motionless. The bell rings and Del Rio explodes from the corner with vicious kicks and fists.

    Commentators: I’ve never seen Del Rio like this before. This is like a new man.

    The match itself went about fifteen minutes. Rush seemed taken aback by Del Rio’s early flurry of offence but got back into it. The finish saw Rush go high risk with a moonsault but Del Rio moved and locked in the armbar – Rush tapped out.

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio

    After the win Del Rio kept the move locked on and didn’t want to release it. He did after several efforts by the referee as Rush hobbled out of the ring clutching his arm. Del Rio sat on his knees after the win breathing deeply. He then got a mic and said he knows Flair is back there. Let’s get this over with.

    Flair came out alone. He had the two contracts in his hand and a big smile on his face.

    Ric Flair: Helluva performance, amigo!

    Obviously what happened at your wedding last week lit a fire under you. But I’d advise against putting your hands on me. I have here two documents – one is a contract for a match at Grapplemania – the other is a cheque for $100,000 to keep you from going bankrupt. Your wife Rosa – who I hear is being taken to a medical facility the poor thing – she has assured me she is willing to avoid taking a sizeable portion of money from you in any divorce proceedings you wish to make against her. So what’s it going to be, Alberto?

    (Del Rio takes the cheque in his hand as the fans scream ‘Noooooo’. He takes the pen from Flair’s hand as they again scream ‘Noooooooo’. He hovers it over the cheque as Flair grins.)

    Flair: That’s it. Just sign right there and you get the cash you need.

    (Del Rio brings the pen over the paper. He does it. Flair does his strut in the ring as the fans boo. Flair is wooing and going crazy. Flair takes the cheque but stops in his tracks with a confused look on his face)

    Flair: (turning it slowly around) You didn’t sign it.

    (Del Rio does his trademark wink as the fans cheer. He grabs the the other document – the one for the match to take place – and he signs that. The match is now official.)


    Flair: You son of a bitch! You dumb son of a bitch! You just signed away your destiny, amigo! I’ll see you on the streets now. I'll see you in the gutter! You wait and see! Rosa and I will screw you for every cent you earn!

    (Del Rio grabs a mic)

    Del Rio: No, Flair. No you won't. Because I talked to some lawyers and and they assure me I won’t have to get divorced - they say that I have great grounds for an annulment. The marriage itself was never consummated, and I was deceived from the beginning: what judge is going to side with a woman who leaves her husband seconds after taking her vows? As far as I'm concerned my marriage never happened.

    (The fans cheer as Flair looks like he’ll blow a gasket)

    Flair: Ha! Ha! You’re forgetting your financial situation. You’ll still be on the streets with those debts of yours!

    Dusty Rhodes's music hit.

    Dusty: Excuse my interruption, gentlemen, if you will. But I have something important to say. You know, Nature Boy, you don’t follow technology all that well do you? If you did, you'd know the last few days I put up a message on our official website. It invited fans of our company to show their appreciation for Alberto Del Rio’s efforts to keep this company alive. I also asked the wrestlers of this company to do likewise. Let’s see what we came up with shall we?

    (Dusty points to a number on the titantron. It keeps on rising – past the $10,000 mark - $20,000 - $30,000 – Flair’s mouth drops open - $50,000 - $60,000 – Del Rio has tears in his eyes - $70,000, $80,000, - Dusty is laughing - $90,000, $100,000.)

    Flair is shaking his head in disbelief. It stops at $145,555.

    Dusty: More than enough for Alberto’s debts to be repaid and for a good legal team to annul the marriage to that Jezebel, Rosa! Woooo!

    (Del Rio has tears in his eyes as he thanks the fans)

    Flair: Horsemen! Get on out here!

    (Arn and Tully rush through the crowd and begin beating on Del Rio. Flair joins in on the assault.

    Dusty: Freebirds?! You wanted a fight. Get out here and go get ‘em, baby!

    (The fans go crazy as the Freebirds run down the aisle and in the ring and we’ve got a three-on-three assault now. Then Barry Windham runs through the crowd and it’s now four-on-three. The fans chant ‘Dusty! Dusty!’ and Rhodes takes off his jacket and runs down as the fans go berserk.)

    The show goes off the air with the Four Horsemen brawling with Del Rio, the Freebirds and Dusty Rhodes.
    Commentary: My goodness ladies and gentlemen it’s like a preview of Grapplemania! It’s like a pier six brawl! What’s going to happen at Grapplemania! My goodness! Don't miss Grapplemania!

    The show ends.

    Final card for Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania...

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Alberto Del Rio vs Ric Flair (c)

    World Tag Team Titles
    Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) vs The Fabulous Freebirds

    I Quit Match for control of the company
    Dusty Rhodes (G.M.) vs Barry Windham

    Women's Championship
    Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita

    No Holds Barred match: MNG Legends Championship
    Rush vs Magnum T.A. (c)

    Tag team match: If Finlay's team loses he joins British Invasion
    British Invasion vs Finlay & Fibber w/Old Donal

    Tag team Elimination match
    Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs Kharma & Aja Kong

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this special Grapplemania Preview Show. We will provide a rundown of the 7 epic encounters on offer for this year’s Grapplemania extravaganza which will come to you live from a sell-out crowd at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia.

    Here is our official theme song for this year's PPV (why not have a listen as we run through the seven match-ups)...

    Main Event
    World Heavyweight Championship
    Alberto Del Rio vs Ric Flair (c)

    After the dramatic events of last year which left the company without its champion, Monday Night Grappling fell on hard times. It was Alberto Del Rio who pumped huge sums of his own fortune into the company to keep it alive. He signed talent, and left much of his business dealings to his girlfriend Rosa Mendes.

    On the Week 1 show Del Rio planned to introduce a new World Title. In a battle royal for the new belt, Del Rio prevailed, and thought he was the new World Champion...

    Until Ric Flair arrived with the Four Horsemen. With him, the Nature Boy carried the World Championship that had left the previous year and Flair revealed it was HE that was the champion.

    The Horsemen planned a takeover but Del Rio revealed he had already asked Dusty Rhodes to be the General Manager. Rhodes then decided Del Rio was the number one contender to Flair’s gold – but Flair had an ace up his sleeve.

    On the Week 3 wedding special, seconds after Del Rio and Rosa exchanged vows, Flair revealed Rosa had been working with him all along. She had been using Del Rio’s money to finance the Horsemen while Del Rio was struggling to stay afloat. Flair demanded Del Rio give up his title shot or he’d see him on the streets. Rosa then left Del Rio and planted a kiss on Flair before his eyes.

    There was to be a final twist, however: Dusty Rhodes revealed the fans and wrestlers had chipped in to help Del Rio’s debts. The debts were paid off and Del Rio signed the contract. He also revealed plans to secure an annulment.

    When a man has everything taken from him – his money, his bride, and more importantly his dignity – can he find redemption? That is the question Del Rio must answer at Grapplemania. Can he restore his pride and win the World Title – or can Flair once again deny Del Rio his moment?

    World Tag Team Titles
    Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) vs 'The Fabulous Freebirds' Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy

    The holders of the Tag Titles, Anderson and Blanchard, made a huge statement on their first night debuting with the other Horsemen.

    This involved taking out The Fabulous Freebirds and leaving them both in a pool of their own blood. The Freebirds subsequently became number one contenders and are eager to settle the score.

    Both teams have acknowledged that the history between the two groups has never been properly settled. Two of the greatest teams in wrestling history will collide at Grapplemania: but which one will emerge with the gold?

    I Quit Match for control of the company
    Dusty Rhodes (G.M.) vs Barry Windham

    When Barry Windham entered the company he thought he had it all. He was the holder of the Legends Championship and the other Horsemen selected him to be the G.M. of the company.

    The arrival of Dusty Rhodes changed everything. Rhodes revealed he had signed a contract to be the G.M. and refused to resign his post. He also placed Windham in a title match against Magnum T.A. - which Windham lost.

    Windham’s lust for power – and a charge of cowardice - drove him to accept this I Quit match. With so much control at stake – and two proud men set to do battle – which man will be driven to say the two dreaded words?

    Women's Championship
    Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita

    The presence of Lita in the company initially seemed to be no problem for Trish. The two women appeared to be on friendly terms. This however proved to be a front when Trish Stratus walked out on her partner and allowed her to be attacked.

    Trish Stratus revealed that, as far as she was concerned, the two women could not co-exist. She intends to prove to the number one contender Lita that it is Trish who is the dominant diva of their era.

    When these two stars of the last decade clash, only one can emerge with the number one title in women’s wrestling. Which of these icons will it be?

    No Holds Barred match: MNG Legends Championship
    Rush vs Magnum T.A. (c)

    What a journey it had been for Magnum T.A.: returning to the squared circle and in the process claiming the MNG Legends Championship.

    Unfortunately for Magnum, not everyone approved. The young, cocky former CMLL star Rush has said Magnum’s time is past and it is his time now.

    This violent match-up features one of the oldest stories in wrestling – the respected veteran versus the brash young upstart – but when these two lions hit, will it be the old or young lion who walks away with the prize?

    Tag team match: If Finlay's team loses he joins British Invasion
    British Invasion vs Finlay & Fibber w/Old Donal

    Finlay has this year been involved with the first ever Irish Boot Camp season on Monday Night Grappling. Coach Finlay brought three rookies an opportunity for a place on the roster but only one could take it. That man was Fibber, a big 6 foot seven, 350 pound behemoth. He has a handler - a white-haired old man with a tin whistle - Old Donal – whose Irish rebel tunes soothe the monster’s rage.

    Sadly for Finlay, the British Invasion have pestered him throughout the season. They want Finlay to join their group and believe with him in their ranks, no one – not even the Four Horsemen – will cross them. They challenged Finlay to put his Irishness quite literally on the line, and he has.

    As a result, if Finlay’s team loses, he must swear allegiance to the British. In this intriguing match-up, the question is…will Finlay be able to rely on his young rookie Fibber, or will the British invasion prove too strong? What colours will Finlay be wearing by the night’s end?

    Tag team Elimination match
    Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs Kharma & Aja Kong

    Beth Phoenix and Natalya thought their dominance was unquestionable. They believed no one could stop them. Weren't they the most dominant divas in the industry? Not even Aja Kong shook their conviction.

    Aja Kong quickly found herself at a big disadvantage as the two powerful women targeted her. There would be help for Aja, however – in the form of a returning Kharma. With Double Kong reunited, suddenly the Divas of Doom had their authority challenged in the biggest way imaginable.

    In this elimination match only one woman can be left standing. Only one team’s pride can remain intact. Who will last the distance? Who will fall? Tune into Grapplemania for one of the most interesting women’s tag matches in history as the Divas of Doom meet Double Kong.

    Seven matches will be on offer at this year's Grapplemania. Championships will be decided. Pride will be at stake. Stay tuned to Channel for this exclusive presentation.

    (Big thank you to those who have followed these shows.)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    BWA Road to Wrestlemania Re-Cap

    After Last years BWA Draft PPV

    The Months building to the the 2013 Royal Rumble

    The Rumble itself

    Feud 1: BWA Chairman Bounty Hunter vs Alberto Del Rio Sr (Dos Caras)

    This rivalry had been building ever since Dos Caras arrived in the BWA almost a year ago and revealed himself to be Daddy Del Rio himself Alberto Del Rio Senor, but at the Royal Rumble it escalated beyond belief when BWA Chairman Bounty Hunter laid it out for DDR. He wanted him out of his boardroom, out of his ring and out of his company and he was willing to put it all on the line to make it happen. The Challenge was made, Alberto Del Rio Sr vs an opponent of The Chairman's choosing and if Del Rio fails to win he is out on his ear, but if he can live up to his word an prove he is better than everyone in the BWA (A claim he recently made to the BWA board when lobbying for a title shot at The Rumble) and win then Daddy Del Rio will take Bounty Hunters majority share control of the BWA.

    It was this that Del Rio's focused on when he opened the post Rumble Raw accepting the challenge. He laughs about how he will soon be the boss and that there will be big changes and who knows he may even make Ricardo his GM. He isn't laughing later that night though when The Chairman hits the ring to announce who he has picked as his (DDR) opponent at Wrestlemania. A man that the Chairman says many may have forgotten was even under contract to the BWA as he had been out injured so long, a man who the dirtsheets have already picked up upon being one of the first 2 ever inducties into the BWA hall of fame at this years mania. He is the man who main evented BWA Wrestlemania 2 defeating Muhammad Ali and will once again steal the show at BWA Wrestlemania V as the saviour of the company...Bruno Sammartino

    Bruno is given a hero's welcome back as he comes out and speaks about the real joy he feels being able to return to a BWA ring and says that he will not let the fans down at Wrestlemania when suddenly Alberto Del Rio Sr attacks from behind and locks him in his patented Cross Armbreaker (which he says his son in MNG has been butchering for years). It's the same surgically repaired shoulder of Sammartino's that Del Rio now hyper extends and refuses to release, when he eventually does the announce team cast doubt over wether or not Del Rio has just eliminated his competition at Wrestlemania and say we could be looking at our next boss here and now.

    In the following weeks Del Rio bragged that he had this one in the bag, that Sammartino was washed up thanks to him re-injuring his arm, that he would soon make all the decisions in the BWA and that he knew this because he also knew that Sammartino didnt have the cohones to face him now after what he did to him. This was a step too far and on the third week of such promos Sammartino stormed the ring catching Del Rio out and hitting him with a big Pendulum backbreaker causing him to roll to the outside before slinking away.

    The following weeks saw BWA Chairman Bounty Hunter set up sparing matches for his man to shake off ring rust before Wrestlemania and things were going according to plan with the BWA Legend Sammartino looking more impressive with each passing bout. Del Rio objected to this though saying that he shouldnt have to be put in harms way before their bout if Bruno is only going to be facing local nobody's ever week so the week before Wrestlemania the chairman decide to put both men in the exact same scenario and allow them both pick who the final person that would face their wrestlemania opponent before they went one on one. He had given them the power to book whatever match they wanted for the Pre-Mania Raw and Sammartino gave the fans just what they wanted and put Daddy Del Rio up against the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin. Meanwhile the man who used to call himself Dos Caras once again surprised everyone by booking Bruno to go 1 on 1 with Ricardo Rodriguez in a Street fight.

    that night the crowd got what they wanted and Stone Cold defeated Del Rio after a stone cold Stunner but it was the other match that left them talking as Del Rio used the No DQ element in a street fight to interject himself into the match attacking Sammartino from behind with a chair before once more locking in his cross armbreaker, a hold he held in place until the BWA chairman himself had to forceably stop him. Is the damage already done though? Can Bruno recover in less than a week to defend the BWA from potential Del Rio Rule?
    An interesting side note in this feud has been the relationship between Alberto Del Rio Sr and his personal ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez. In Del Rio's eyes Ricardo let him down at the Royal Rumble and since that night Daddy Del Rio has been treating Ricardo with a sort of disdain and as more of a dare we say it a slave than a personal ring announcer. We say in backstage vignettes how he had him carrying his bags, taking his calls and doing his laundry among other things and that only escalated further when Ricardo made an appearance un-approved by Del Rio Sr on Monday Night Grappling as his sons best man. Despite Daddy Del Rio taking great pleasure in how that night turned out for Ricardo and his boy who was left at the alter he said Ricardo needed to pay for his actions and thus booked the above mentioned Street fight for Ricardo against his Wrestlemania opponent Bruno Sammartino. That turned out to all be a ploy by DDR but just how much was Ricardo in on this plot has turned out to be of much talk backstage where we have actually seen a number of superstars and notably BWA chairman Bounty Hunter approach Ricardo saying that he doesen't need to take that from Del Rio and that there would be a place for Ricardo in the BWA even without Del Rio

    Feud 2: BWA World Champion Mitsuharu Misawa vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

    As of the Royal Rumble (Which he won) Stone Cold Steve Austin has been given new life. He's heading to Wrestlemania and no longer has the companies PG status holding him back and is truly reveling in that fact. Jado & Gedo are still GMs though and things aren't exactly easy for him but just like he did at The Rumble he has shown time and time again he can overcome the odds when they are stacked against him and to be honest the champion really seems on the back foot at the moment, but momentum can be a fical B*tch sometimes and change in an instant.

    Austin was booked to main event Raw against Rocky Marciano and was having a real back and forth contest when Muhammad Ali came out to ringside and things turned sour for The Rattlesnake quickly. Mitsuharu Misawa was already at ringside to observe proceeding and when Marciano knocked Austin to the outside the two wrestlemania opponents went at it with Misawa eventually flooring the Texan after first raking his eyes. Ali actually came to Austin's aid and forced Misawa to back away but when he tried to help Austin to his feet (so he could send him back to face his own rival Marciano) he was caught with an unexpected Stunner! The announcers said the didn't think Austin knew who was picking him up and acted on pure instinct but this did not go down well with Ali. Austin was cost the match too as Misawa used this moment to smash Austins head into the ring post outside before sending him back into the ring to groggily face a Marciano Haymaker but it was Austin's stunner that would come back to haunt him.

    Why? well the following week he found out that he was literally could be between a rock and a hard place at Wrestlemania as it was announced 1 of Rocky Marciano or Muhammad Ali would be the special guest referee in his title match. The week after that seemed even worse as Marciano straight up admitted that if he's the ref he will not call the bout down the middle after all the times SCSA has attacked him and the very same night Mitsuharu Misawa cut a promo where he too admitted that if he gets the opportunity to bend the rules at Wrestlemania he will, as Eddie Guerrero would say he's willing to lie, cheat and steal to ensure he keeps his world title but perhaps more importantly he points out the very real possibility of the non PG rule breaker himself SCSA doing something that the special guest ref would deem worthy of a disqualification, in which a scenario Misawa says there will be no rematch.

    Austin has said he would and has done so before but can he really overcome the odds this time? Jado, Gedo, Marciano, Ali and god knows who else along with the most underhanded champion in BWA history all have the potential to ruin the party, what will happen at Wrestlemania.

    Feud 3: Muhammad Ali vs Rocky Marciano

    Muhammad Ali shocked the world when he made his BWA comeback at the Royal Rumble and immediately made an impression going face to face with the BWA's other legendary pugilist Rocky Marciano. The two were quickly eliminated as they tussled with one another but this rivalry was only just re-ignighting. Interestingly though it was the first time that much of the BWA universe learned about their history together.

    It was the next night on Ali's first BWA Raw in a number of years that he explained his actions. He references the "Super Fight"
    The Super Fight was a fictional 1970 boxing match between Rocky Marciano and Muhammad Ali. At the time, Ali and Marciano were the only undefeated heavyweight champions in history and fans often debated who would win had they met in their primes. Ali and Marciano were filmed acting out every possible scenario in a fight and the result was then determined using probability formulas entered into a computer. The final fight was only shown once in selected cinemas around the world and later released as a DVD.

    What wasn't mentioned on Wikipedia however was the result and as Ali explained The two fighters sparred for about 70 to 75 rounds, which were later spliced together according to the findings of a computer and a formula.

    He was the greatest of all time but that title was taken away from him by a computer and a formula as it decided Marciano would win via a 13th round knock out, Ali was livid. He had always questioned the decision even alluding that the computer fight had been rigged so the great white hope would keep down the loud mouth draft dodging African American.

    He explained that that is why he chose now to return to the BWA. Where else but here in this great federation during draft time would he get to prove
    he's the greatest by taking on Marciano in his prime for real. With both at the peak of their boxing powers, who would emerge the winner? The young phenom with the lightning speed, the big mouth and a keen sense of the big stage, or the punishing late starter, who burst onto the scene, knocked out all comers and left before tasting defeat?

    The answer to that question it seems will come at BWA Wrestlemania V as Ali layed out the challenge and Marciano immediatly accepted. To add even more spice to the equation BWA chairman Bounty Hunter had long ago said Rocky Marciano would act as a troubleshooting referee in this years mania main event but unable to pass up the possibility of showcasing "The Super Fight" for real instead decided that the victorious boxer and thus the man the BWA crown as the greatest of all time will officiate the main event on the grandest stage of them all.

    Feud 4: BWA IC Champion Kenta Kobashi vs WECWF champion Jake "The Snake" Roberts

    After The Royal Rumble Kenta Kobashi had announced he intends to retire but only when someone can beat him for his Intercontinental championship and despite some wishing he would stay on and wrestle in the BWA forever Kobashi was essentially universally liked and respected by all be they fans, fellow pros or management. To show to what an extent this was true even New Jack who never had a nice word to say about anyone spoke glowing about Kenta when he got a 1on1 title shot against him on the post Rumble Raw (which Kobashi easily won).

    This is one thing that could certainly not be also said about Jake "The Snake" Roberts who shortly after the Rumble cut a promo on this exact fact. He said that the people in the BWA could never accept him because he was a world champion from one of their rivals and anything not created by BWA chairman bounty hunter for want of a better term "gets Sh!t on" here according to Jake. He said he was told he wasn't worthy of a world title shot against Misawa, was screwed out of a chance at the BWA tag team titles at the rumble and was told to wait in line for a shot at the IC title, apparently Bob Sapp was next in line to challenge for that title so when his challenge fell by the way side you would think that Jake might get a chance but who was next? New Jack! motherf*ckin New Jack!

    It was at this point that he called out Kobashi, calling him a chicken, saying that despite all his words to the contary he obviously fears retirement otherwise he would face real competition in the form of him a real world champion (holds aloft his WECWF title). Much to everyones amazement though Kobashi actually turned him down. He said that Roberts does not deserve to face him and cites how when Jake first arrrived in the BWA he said that nobody in the BWA deserved to challenge him for his WECWF title he so proudly carried around with him. If BWA wrestlers dont deserve to face Roberts for his gold why should they put their titles on the line against him.

    During the weeks that followed Roberts would continually try to make Kobashi reverse his decision and grant him that match at Wrestlemania doing everything he could to get under his skin but it was all to no avail. Even when he almost ended Kobashi's career by interfering in a IC title match against Bobby Lashley Kobashi who eventually got the win refused to change his mind. Eventually with just 3 weeks before mania Roberts changed his tact and seemingly went with an approach of honest plus an added incentive. He said that yes he wants to win BWA gold and yes it would be a great honor for him to be the one to retire Kobashi. He says that it will take a great wrestler to defeat and retire Kobashi and that the likes of The Gangsta's (New Jack, Mustafa Seed, Lashley & Sapp) are the ones who truely don't deserve to have such an honor bestowed upon them. He says at BWA Wrestlemania it will be exactly 1 year since he won his WECWF world title from CM Punk at Mayhem Rising and that if Kobashi is willing to face him at mania he will be willing to put his own title on the line. Kobashi was impressed and the match was booked, his IC title and career on the line while Jake risks losing his WECWF world title to the longest standing member of the now defunct WECWF's rivals the BWA.

    The week before Mania BWA chairman Bounty Hunter when interviewed backstage says that he has sent 2 front row PPV tickets special delivery to Waltersobchek (former WECWF chairman and boards poster) and hopes he decides to join him at ringside for this massive main event.

    Feud 5: Bob "The Health Inspector" Sapp vs Bobby Lashley w/Kristal

    At The Royal Rumble PPV there was an altercation backstage between Bob Sapp & Kristal, but on the following Raw the announcers asked for people not to jump to conclusions saying that nobody could be really sure what happened but those two themselves. Interestingly though Bobby Lashley seemed to be completely in the dark about the whole issue. He was however worried when Kristal didnt show up at Raw that week something he says she never does. Despite this he tried his best to focus on making things up to Bob Sapp who he felt he had cost the match at the Royal Rumble and to do so he challenges Kenta Kobashi to a title match on the following weeks Raw. Sapp had been involved in a Rivalry with Kobashi recently and surely seing him retired and The Gangstas in possesion of his IC title belt would cheer him up.

    However when Lashley approached Sapp about the matter Sapp told him he couldnt stand to look at him after what has happened and like at the Rumble orderd him away from him repeating "you're push is over" again and again. When Lashley did face Kobashi his mind certainly wasn't 100% on the match, Kristal had once again no-showed and he kept looking at the ramp and his corner to see if she would make a late arrival. Despite this he came close to winning and ending Kobashi's career but was just too distracted to get the job done and Kobashi rolled him up for a 3 count.

    The following week Kristal once again was nowhere to be seen and Bobby was visibly enraged by here constant (and as far as he knew unexcused) absence when The BWA Chairman Bounty Hunter approached him and offered him to night off. He told him to go home and see his wife, make sure everything is ok and come back next week. That is exactly what he did and the very next monday he was back making his return right in the middle of a 6 man tag which say Bob Sapp & The New Gangstas (New Jack & Mustafa Seed) vs Jake Roberts & The Eliminators.

    As he arrived the announcers quipped that the numbers game had just turned against the Snake and co but to everyones surprised he went straight for Bob Sapp at the corner spearing him right off the ring apron. then screaming like a mad man he would start pummeling him on the mat outside the ring before eventually delivering a Dominator to Sapp that sees the big man put through the announce table. It's at this point that security drag Lashley away from the ring as he crazily shouts that he's going to kill Sapp at him.

    On the next Raw we are promised a sit down interview with Lashley explaining his actions but beforehand we see him leaving the chairman's office and during the interview he explains that he has just asked for and recieved a No DQ, No countout, No holds barred, Anything goes match against Bob Sapp at Wrestlemania and has been granted it. He says that he is not the one who needs to explain his actions, Bob Sapp is! He didn't lay his hands on another man's wife, Bob Sapp did!

    The Interviewer then asks a very smart question and says that while Bob Sapp has denied anything happened between him & Kristal at the Royal Rumble why not just have Kristal make a statement to the cops? Lashley has an answer for this though and explains that Kristal herself pleaded with Bobby not to make her do that, because she wanted to see the man who called himself "The Health Inspector" pay first hand, she wanted to see her husband tear him limb from limb and she knew she would never get the chance if she made that report.

    When Lashley first arrived back in the BWA people had feared that he and Sapp would renew their old rivalry but I dont think anyone expected things to escalate this much. Will Lashley get his vengeance at Wrestlemania? or will The Head Gangsta have the last laugh in this sorry situation?

    Feud 6: BWA Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns vs The Eliminators

    The MCMGs successfully defended their BWA tag team titles at the rumble i somewhat controversial circumstances against SCSA & Jake Roberts and have been bragging about it ever since but arguably the most impressive tag team performance at The Rumble was that of the eliminators who rolled back the years with Perry Saturn in particular shining as they defeat Bob Sapp & Bobby Lashley to become the no.1 contenders to those titles at Wrestlemania.

    It had been saturn that had been the focus of everyones attension in the weeks building to the rumble and perhaps this performance had answered a lot of the questions being posed about him but when asked about facing the eliminators at mania it was the other half of their opponents that the MCMGs put the focus on, John Kronos. The man they call dead weight.

    They say that it was almost touching how concerned he was for his friend and the lenghts he went to to get Saturn cleaned up except that they knew the real reason behind his efforts. They know that without Saturn, Kronos is nothing! They elude to his lack of success as a singles competitor and even joke that Saturn would be better off with Moppy as his tag partner cos atleast then he might know not to make the tag and cost himself the match.

    This wasn't their only moppy reference though as they started carrying a "Moppy" replica with them to the ring for their matches and often to observe the eliminators matches from ringside. The announcers say they are trying to get in Saturns head and remind everyone that in the above referenced promo they also said that if Saturn has a "relapse" Kronos will be left all alone infront of the whole world (at Mania) to fail again. With 2 weeks to go to mania a backstage segment showing Saturn re-watching how Moppy was destroyed years ago on Raw seemed to show that things were getting to Saturn. The following week when The MCMGs interfere in their match cracking the Moppy replica over Saturns head you could be forgiven for thinking Saturn might have a slip up in his recover especially when he is left shaking backstage after finding shards of the broken Moppy amongst his stuff in the lockeroom.

    What kind of mental state will Saturn be come Wrestlemania? Will he even make it to mania clean and sober? and can John Kronos silence his doubters and prove himself on the grandest stage of them all? The MCMGs seem to have gotten in the heads of their challengers but will it be enough come Wrestlemania?

    Feud 7: BWA Bookers Jado & Gedo vs New Jack & Mustafa Seed

    Jado & Gedo were lucky to be still able to keep their role as GMs once Bounty Hunter had returned but they did find they now had orders to follow and not just from world champion Mitsuharu Misawa. One thing the board were not going to accept even after moving away from their recent PG status was someone acting towards the BWA fans in the way New Jack had at the rumble where he literally spat into the crowd and onto one fan in particular's face. This may be New Jack's new thing, he may consider himself an urban Carlito (his words on a recent joking interview where he then spat in the face of the interviewer), the GMs were made deal with him personally. He was called into the ring on Raw an orderd to apologize to the BWA universe, everyone in the arena and all the fans at home for his actions.

    After first having a little laugh at the term "BWA Universe" his response is not what the GMs expect as he turns to them facing Gedo and simply says "Eat a d!ck old man!" before spitting in his face also and then cracking im across the head with what appears to be the bottom of a knife. At the same time Mustafa seed came through the crowd and attacked Jado who was also in the ring. In the following weeks this rivalry escalated but everytime it looked like Jado & Gedo were getting on top The New Gangstas would employ an equaliser in the form of a weapon (New Jack seemed to favour carrying his very intimidating knife with him). Therefore in a final last stich effort to control them or more aptly to put them in their place the GMs booked a extreme rules tornado tag team match at mania. A lot of people backstage have questioned this decision however and seem to think they are playing right into the ECW alumni's hands with such a stip.


    BWA Roster 2013:

    1. Mitsuharu Misawa
    2. Kenta Kobashi
    3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
    4. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
    5. Alex Shelley
    6. Chris Sabin
    7. Bob Sapp
    8. Bobby Lashley
    9. Kristal Lashley
    10. Perry Saturn
    11. John Kronus
    12. Dos Caras
    13. Ricardo Rodrigeuz
    14. Bruno Sammartino
    15. Rocky Marciano
    16. Muhammad Ali
    17. Jado
    18. Gedo
    19. New Jack
    20. Mustafa Seed
    BWA Wrestlemania V

    BWA World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
    with either Marciano or Ali as special guest referee.

    Retirement Match

    Kenta Kobashi (IC champ) vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts (WECWF champ)
    IC champ Kobashi will either lose and Retire or win and retire Jake's WECWF title.

    No DQ Grudge match

    Bob Sapp vs Bobby Lashley

    BWA Tag title match

    The Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs The Eliminators

    Boxing's biggest ever bout

    Muhammad Ali vs Rocky Marciano
    Winner will referee the main event

    Match for control of the BWA

    Alberto Del Rio Sr w/Ricardo Rodriguez vs Bruno Sammartino w/Bounty hunter

    Extreme Tornado tag team opener

    Jado & Gedo vs New Jack & Mustafa Seed
    Extreme Rules

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭glenjamin



    Already advertised for the show
    • Randy "The Ram" Robinson appreciation night
    • Owen and Bret come face to face for the first time to see who is the true Number 1 Contender for the WTF Heavyweight Championship
    • Can Batista and Takeshi Morishima continue their paths of destruction?
    • Bob Backlund returns to Monday Night Mayhem
    • The Road to Wrasslemania continues

    *The pyros and music start as we get ready for Monday Night Mayhem. The commentators go over last Monday night with the return of Bret "The Hitman" Hart and his announcement he would take the place of his brother Owen, and become the Number 1 Contender for Kurt Angle's WTF Heavyweight Championship. They say that tonight we will find out what exactly Owen Hart and Kurt Angle think of Bret's bombshell last week. But for now it's Randy "The Ram" Robinson appreciation night following his announcement last week that he has retired effective immediately from professional wrestling.*
    Segment 1


    Batista's music starts up and "The Animal" makes his way out to the ring. Batista takes the mic and asks the crowd why in the hell tonight in Randy Robinson appreciation night when every night should be Dave Batista appreciation night. Batista mentions Bret's return and takes a pop at the Hart family. Batista says he couldn't care less who is the Number 1 Contender or who the Champion is. All he knows is that after Wrasslemania he will be top of the line in regards to having a title shot. Batista says he is truly an animal and the rest of WTF are his prey. Vader's music suddenly hits and out comes the big man. Vader says in this business he doesn't have time for line jumpers. Vader says that every guy in WTF thinks he should be WTF Heavyweight Champion but few are actually good enough. Vader says that Batista is one of those. Vader says that although Batista is moving on up in the queue Vader is next in line and he's not going to allow anyone to skip past him. Vader challenges Batista to a match right here right now.

    Vader vs. Batista

    Batista starts by attacking Vader from behind before the referee even has a chance to ring the bell. Batista continues to beat down on Vader and pushes the ref away when he tries to drag Batista back. Eventually the referee calls for the bell to be rung multiple times to signal help with stopping this beatdown. Vader, however battles back and clotheslines Batista over the top sending both men to the floor. The bell continues to ring as both men trade punches. Officials and referees comes from the back and after a while manage to separate both men.

    Winner: No Contest

    Segment Length: 16 minutes

    *Commercial preceded by a video reel of Randy Robinson's early career*
    Segment 2


    Back from the break and we see Carlito knocking on the door of WTF GM Jonathan Coachman. Carlito says he wants a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship at Wrasslemania. Carlito says that WTF needs a Cruiserweight Champion they can be proud of, and the Ultimo Dragon ain't that. Coachman says he hasn't got time for this with tonight being Randy Robinson Appreciation Night. Coachman says he's busy trying to put together a Wrasslemania card worthy of the name of being the biggest PPV of the year. Coachman tells Carlito to prove his worth tonight by pitting him against the Hardcore Champion, Bam Bam Bigelow. Carlito looks pissed as the segment ends.

    Segent Length: 4 minutes
    Segment 3


    The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) vs. Strike Force (Rick Martel & Tito Santana)

    As expected a fast paced, tag team match. Lots of reversals leading to near falls. The commentators plug how strong Martel and Santana were as individuals before teaming up and having since becoming stronger. Strike Force get the win after Santana grabs a handful of Lane's pants via a rollup. Your typical non title match with the holders being defeated leading to a possible PPV match between the two for the belts.

    Winners: Strike Force

    Segment Length: 17 minutes (no commercials in between the match. I hate when they do that)

    *Bob Backlund is seen backstage shaking random people's hands as we cut to commercial break*
    Segment 4


    Bob Backlund comes out with a microphone and makes his way to the ring. Backlund says he had tears in his eyes last week when his friend Randy Robinson came out and announced his retirement in this very ring. Backlund goes on to tell a story about Robinson and says how happy he was when he heard he had reconciled with his daughter. Backlund says that seeing Robinson last week made him need to consider his own future. Backlund said about how he spent the last few months feuding with Kurt Angle over the WTF Heavyweight Championship [in doing so having some of the best matches of Backlund's career]. Backlund says he may getting old but he still has a taste for gold. Backlund says at Wrasslemania he wants to take on Jack Brisco for the Intercontinental Championship. The crowd pop huge for this. Backlund stands there waiting for an answer from Brisco but instead Jonathan Coachman's music hits to a chorus of boos. Coachman says that he gave Brisco the night off tonight. Coachman says that is Backlund wants to go around making challenges then he needs to come to him, the WTF GM first as he's in charge of booking the matches. Backlund gets in Coachman's face and threatens him to stop letting his loverboy Jack Brisco walk all over him and tell him to get his ass to the ring where Backlund's going to kick it all the way back to Oklahoma. The segment ends with Backlund posing in front of the crowd and Coachman looking gloom.

    Segment Length: 9 minutes
    Segment 5


    Hardcore Match: Carlito vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

    Another non title match, just hardcore rules. Bigelow beats down on Carlito for the majority of the match with Carlito been forced to run away and use his quickness to gain any offence. Carlito reverses a powerbomb into a frankensteiner sending Bigelow crashing onto a chair for a long two count. Bigelow eventually hits a powerbomb and goes to the top rope for his signature diving headbutt when Takeshi Morishima hits the ring with a kendo stick knocking Bam Bam off the top rope. Morishima repeatedly hits Bigelow with it before going to the outside and bringing a table into the ring and sending Bigelow through it with an Amaze Impact. Carltio cheekily cover Bigelow for the 3 count and Morishima poses with the Hardcore Championship over Bigelow's lifeless body to end the segment.

    Winner: Carlito

    Segment Length: 14 minutes

    *Another video package about Randy Robinson followed by commercial*
    Segment 6


    [A final video package of Randy Robinson is aired along with his retirement speech last week] Randy Robinson and his daughter come out to a massive applause and cheers from the crowd. Lots of Ram signs in the crowd. Robinson takes the mic and says a big thank you to the crowd. Robinson introduces his daughter Stephanie to everyone and says she is the reason why he is retiring from professional wrestling. Randy says for the crowd not to boo her but rather cheer her. Randy says she is the most important thing in his life despite him not being a good a father as he should have been. Randy looks at his daughter and tells her he loves her. Several video packages then play with wrestlers Robinson has worked with over the years talking about him and putting him over as one of the true greats of the business. Then a video appears of The Ayatollah. The Ayatollah says this video is not a pre-recorded one. This one is live. The Ayatollah says that hearing all those other wrestlers talk about Robinson like he was some sort of saint makes him sick. the Ayatollah says that Robinson was a drug using junkie all through his career. He says Robinson was an alcoholic who blew his money on drink, drugs, and strippers. The Ayatollah says that while Stephanie mother was in hospital giving birth to her, Robinson was shooting a line of coke off some stripper at a party. Stephanie immediately runs out of the ring to the back in tears. Randy looks at the screen with anger as the Ayatollah says Robinson can never retire, not in a million years. He was born a wrestler, and he will die a wrestler.

    Segment Length: 23 minutes

    *Commercial break as we recap what just happened*
    Segment 7


    Owen Hart's music plays up as he makes his way to the ring. Owen grabs a mic and just says bring out Bret. Bret Hart comes out to a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. Owen questions Bret's actions last week and asks how he could do this to his own brother. Bret answers by saying that he loves Owen and that he's only doing this to protect him. Bret says his actions last week are that of a good brother. Owen replies with that while Bret was out injured he was the one flying the flag high for the Hart family. Bret says that he knows and appreciates all the hard work Owen has done over the last 8 months but Bret is back now and he is ready to evoke his rematch clause and rightfully take on Kurt Angle at Wrasslemania. Owen looks confused and angered and tells Bret that all he's trying to do his hold him back. Owen says that he is the rightful Number 1 Contender not Bret. Kurt Angle comes out to the top of the ramp. Angle says he doesn't care which Hart he takes on at Wrasslemania but a decision needs to be made. Angle says he's been talking to Jonathan Coachman regarding the matter and says that next week on Mayhem, Bret Hart will take on his brother Owen to see who is the true Number 1 contender for the WTF Heavyweight Championship at Wrasslemania. Segment ends with Owen and Bret looking stunned as Angle smiles from the ramp.

    Segment Length: 13 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,763 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 2

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment presents

    Friday Night Ignition

    The current LWE World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Perfect is the ring as the show opens, he is angry and wants Bobby Heenan as GM to fire Drew McIntyre claiming he shouldn't be playing in the big leagues. Bobby Heenan comes out and says he can"t do that and that technically Drew McIntyre did nothing last week only come out to watch a match Mr. Perfect and Scott Hall lost. Mr. Perfect says he was distracted and that Hall was love sick of Layla and was fulling in the match. He tells Heenan he could beat anyone and Drew McIntyre any day. Heenan says that maybe be true so he will be in action tonight and also at the WrestleMayhem PPV.

    First match up is one half of the current tag team champions Eddie Edwards against against The Pope D'Angelo Dinero. Davey Richards is watching backstage as Eddie Edwards didnt want him out there. Once again Dinero picks up the win by cheating and exits the ring. Edwards is arguing with the ref.

    Layla is backstage with Wade Barrett she thanks him for the roses and kisses him saying he knows her so well and leaves for her match.

    Women's Champion Layla Vs Michelle McCool ends in DQ as Stephanie comes out and fights with Michelle McCool. William Shatner and two refs comes out to separate them.

    Shatner goes to Heenan's GM office and tells him that the women here are very rough with one another and explained about what went down between Stephanie and Michelle. Heenan calls him a moron and tells him this is a wrestling promotion not a beauty pageant and to get out.

    Scott Hall asks Layla did she like the flowers and blows her a kiss on his way to the ring.

    Dean Malenko Vs Scott Hall ended in in DQ for both when Wade Barrett and Austin Aries got involved.

    The Pope D'Angelo Dinero is shown backstage talking with Derrick Bateman and Frankie Kazarian, Bateman tells him no and walks off.

    Drew McIntyre beat Frankie Kazarian with Mr. Perfect seen it watching backstage

    Up next is the main event and Heenan comes out to the ring. He says he would like to Connemara Man and CCW for allowing this man to appear here tonight and he welcomes out Daniel Bryan who will go one and one with LWE World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Perfect. Daniel comes out to loud yes chants. Mr. Perfect comes out and stands on the ramp and tells Heenan no way is this happening as this chump should not to be there. Heenan reminds me of his earlier comments of beating anyone and Perfect says he can of course. Heenan tells him to get in the ring and put on a showcase display for the audience. Perfect walks down the ramp and looks like he is getting in the ring but turns and walks back up the ramp. Drew McIntyre runs out and throws Mr. Perfect into the ring and the match starts. Heenan orders Drew McIntyre to the back and he follows him. Mr. Perfect. After about a 20 minute match Mr. Perfect wins with the Perfect Plex and the show ends with Mr. Perfect standing tall with the title in the ring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭lebowskilite

    Preview Post
    First Show
    Second Show
    Third Show

    Backstage – Michael Cole Arrives
    An interviewer is waiting for Cole as he gets out of a black Cadillac. The interviewer asks if Cole thinks he can go on much longer in the role of Chairman – or will the stress of the job be too much to him? Cole looks at him very seriously and then laughs in his face abruptly. He tells the interviewer that, by contrast, he’s very happy in his job and tonight we’ll see why. Christopher Daniels then gets out of the same Cadillac, looking as buoyant and cocky as he was when he was champion! The interviewer remarks on Daniels’ happiness: has he gotten over his anger from the last couple of weeks? Daniels downs a martini and says simply, “You’ll See.”

    Opening Credits
    Live from le Centre Bell á Montreal, Québec! 19’395 ICW supporters sont présents!
    Opening Promo Billy Graham wins, is stripped of, and is reinstated as champion. Billy Graham offends the locker room. Michael Cole fails to find a #1 contender. Announcer’s heard suggesting that Cole’s very job could be on the line. Christopher Daniels’ frustration and his own recent, short, championship run. The League and Michael Cole making a pact with one another. AJ Styles making Daniels tap out to the Koji Clutch.

    The announcers remind us of what has been happening over the last few weeks and what questions need to be answered... Is Michael Cole going to last long in the job? Is Billy Graham going to remain champion all the way through to the grandest showcase of all, Grandslam? Also tonight, we have the two semi-finals of the SuperFly #1 contender’s tournament and the tag-team champions will be in action. We have no confirmed main event, because Chairman Cole dramatically cancelled it last week over an inability to organise it. Instead, the number 1 contender at Grandslam will be chosen from the tag-team that wins the Tag-Team Turmoil match at Turmoil! in two weeks’ time. But, as we just saw, Cole looks to be on sweet terms with Christopher Daniels and looks quite pleased with himself tonight. The heel announcer says he has no idea why Cole looks so happy but it makes him feel happier just to see it.

    William Regal is in the ring, suited and booted, with a sack at his feet
    Regal opens with a sentence about his honour being questioned, but can’t get started because the audience are booing and mocking him. So he takes it from a different angle:
    Good evening Québec! I love Québec! I love all parts of the British Empire. I think you should be proud of your unique culture! After all, Québec is the only part of the British Empire where speaking French isn’t considered to be a bit disgusting in polite company! [he smiles all the way through this] I particularly admire your ancestors, who travelled thousands of miles across the ocean, to the edge of the earth, just to be a part of the British Empire... Truly, these were the smartest of all the French... even if they did forget that they could’ve just hopped on the ferry to Plymouth. So you should be proud – or at least, as proud as any Frenchmen can be! I, on the other hand, am British, and we British value our honour above all else. So imagine my shock last week, when I was accused of using... knuckle sheaths... to win wrestling matches. In all my years as *the best* technical wrestler in the business... and these last months as Overseas Champion... I never realised...

    ...that I was being such an obvious bloody cheat.

    The truth is, I don’t have that much respect for most wrestlers these days. I trained in the bearpit that was British wrestling. I toured the world, wrestled with WCW, WWF, DQWF, HVCW, and was even general manager of another monday night promotion. I endured zero appreciation for my technical abilities. I overcame a near-fatal heart defect. I even beat alocoholism. Now, here I am, ICW... Helping to lead the most talented stable in wrestling history... The League. [boos and laughter at that] Did I grow tired of putting in the effort night after night to win clean against apes who didn’t know a full nelson from a closed fist violation? Against the likes of our current international champion, whose adherence to the rules lasts as long as his temper? Yes, I have used brass knuckles. I have won matches I should’ve worked harder to win... but I have never won a match that I should’ve lost. This championship would be mine for the wearing whatever tactics I was using – because I am one of the best technical wrestlers ever to grace the squared circle in this country or any other. So for Rikishi Fatu to accuse me, as he did last week, of being unable to win a match cleanly... and then, to humiliate me, while barely conscious, sticking his soft fat bottom in my face... that to me, is a besmirchment too far!

    Meanwhile, Larry Zbyszko is teaching Yokozuna the art of technical wrestling... Larry Zbyszko, who’s most famous moment in wrestling is losing to a man who was on the cusp of retiring, his back was so bad. And then there’s Billy Graham. No one on the roster is ready to face him, he said. Well, William, I am. And many besides. You’re a has-been, a pretender to Christopher Daniels’ championship.

    So, my full collection of brass knuckles is in this sack. I am leaving them in this ring, I am leaving them behind for now. I will beat Mr. Rikishi Fatu at Turmoil!, without the need of these. Furthermore, I will wrestle anyone, tonight, in this ring, in a No Holds Barred and No Brass Knuckles Match!”
    A powerful speech, the announcers agree.

    Rikishi’s music hits
    Out walks Rikishi, Samu and Yokozuna with Larry Zbyszko in-toe as well! Regal is defiant as they make their way into the ring. Rikishi says this must be some kind of joke: William Regal, the best technical wrestler of all time? He says if he weren’t so certain that he will beat Regal at Turmoil!, he would be calling for him to be stripped of his belt for what he just admitted. Zbyszko takes his turn, defending his record and proceeds to accept the challenge for a match tonight. He gets in Regal’s face (Zbyszko style) and Regal tells him “Don’t touch me, sir.” “Or What?” taunts, Zbyszko. Matt Sydal and Tajiri enter the ring from the crowd and stand behind Regal. Zbyszko reminds him that he’s still outnumbered.

    Rikishi’s music hits... again!
    Chris Daniels appears on the titantron wearing a blonde dreadlocked wig, yellow sunglasses, and Rikishi-branded sumo gear over his own shorts. He is backstage in an office and as the camera pulls out we see Michael Cole with him, in a similar pair of sunglasses and a black dreadlocked wig. The two of them are dancing (ala too cool) to Rikishi’s music until it stops – there are martinis on the desk. Daniels takes off the wig and sunglasses and starts imitating Zbyszko defending his record, “Ooh, stop being mean William! I’m teaching Yokozuna to count calories, I’m brilliant! I’m the living Leg End! I didn’t climb to the top off the back of Bruno Sammartino’s fame at all!” Cole then tells Larry his crimes against the company are numerous: forcing his way into a championship match, costing the champion his title, threatening the general manager last week when he mentioned the restraining order. With a big smile on his face Cole tells Zbyszko he won’t be allowed to compete at all tonight, and that’s just the first piece of good news of many tonight. Cole tells the Montreal crowd to get ready for a major announcement tonight. “What’s the second one?” Daniels asks. Michael Cole then announces that a time trial challenge will take place tonight to decide who out of Daniels and Styles will pick the stipulation for a match he will now confirm is to take place at Turmoil!: Christopher Daniels v. AJ Styles! The two of them dance to Rikishi’s music again.

    Announcers promote the match between Daniels and Styles – sure to be a classic! They remark on how it appears that there are now two large factions vying for supremacy – The League and the Chairman, assisted by American Champion D’Lo Brown, against The Samoan faction and Larry Zbyszko.
    Ad Break: Hugh Jackson will be the guest host for next week’s show, coming to you from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

    Billy Graham’s music hits
    Flexing his muscles on the ramp – a Cheshire cat grin on his face – Graham signals for his music to be cut.
    “Billy Regal! I accept your challenge!”
    His music hits again and he continues flexing his muscles and hugging some ladies on his way to the ring. He says he doesn’t know why Michael Cole was so happy. He says he doesn’t see how a General Manager can be as happy as that – as happy as if he were a fan watching Billy Graham slam Christopher Daniels’ head through the canvass – when he knows what he knows. What does he know? [Graham isn’t being very clear!] Graham says that he himself knows a lot, because as International Heavyweight Champion he is privy to a lot of information – such as... how angry the International Championship Council are that their troublesome, disrespectful champion won’t be losing his title at Turmoil! and will therefore be guaranteed a main event title defence at the grandest showcase of them all, Grandslam. Graham says he knows that they are very angry indeed. So angry, they threatened Michael Cole. They said: If Billy Graham is still International Champion at the end of the Turmoil! pay-per-view event, you will lose your job, Michael Cole! This is the last straw, Michael Cole! “That’s what they told him!” – Graham says. He tells the audience he will take great pleasure in not defending his title at Turmoil!, if it means that worm loses his job.

    The Announcers are stunned to hear that the chairman, Michael Cole, might be losing his job at the upcoming ppv. They also big up the confirmed main event tonight between Billy Graham and William Regal: No Holds Barred but No Brass Knuckles. The only way to be disqualified is to use brass knuckles.
    Match 1: 1-2-3 Sparks v. Samoan Swat Team (non-title)
    A typical enough tag-team match, with Rikishi and Samu selling the skills that allowed Holly and X-Pac to take the championships in the first place. Holly pins Samu for the win. As they celebrate with the titles, X-Pac addresses the crowd on the mic:

    “That’s why we have these, and that’s why we will still have these after the Tag-Team Turmoil Match.” Holly then takes the mic. “And you better believe that I will be challenging for the ultimate prize at Grandslam. The main event: Hardcore Holly versus Billy Graham – or whoever is champion – for the International Heavyweight Championship! It’s just a matter of time!
    1-2-3 Sparks win (Hardcore Holly via pinfall on Samu)
    Backstage: Interview with the SuperFly Semi-Finalists
    All are confident of winning. The interviewer asks Funaki if he’s proud to have got this far, Funaki says he is. The interviewer tells him to enjoy it while it lasts!
    Match 2: AJ Styles v. Taka Michinoku (Time Trial Challenge)
    A great back-and-to super flyweight match between these two. The action is pretty even until AJ delivers a Styles Clash after a Superman and lands the pin – though Taka argues that he kicked out at two. The clock reads 8:35. AJ and Taka nonetheless shake hands afterwards.
    AJ Styles wins via (questionable) pinfall

    AJ asks the crowd why Chairman Cole has commissioned the match... what is on the line? AJ says that ICW’s match schedule has been chaotic since he arrived, and that he doesn’t know what it is that will make this match worth competing in. AJ says he’s inclined to agree with Billy Graham that Michael Cole’s election as Chairman was a mistake and his tenure should come to an end soon.
    Ad Break & a trailer for a new movie: “Chin Up: The Nick Nemeth Story” – starring Hugh Jackson as himself
    Match 3: Billy Kidman v. Matt Sydal (SuperFly Tournament Semi-Final)
    The Announcers hint at the possibility of Tajiri facing fellow League member Matt Sydal at Turmoil!. Sydal himself debuts a new shirt with “League of Our Own” sprayed across the front. Like the Styles/Michinoku match earlier, this is one of a constant back-and-to, but with few of the long rests you’d see in a heavyweight match. Kidman attempts Shooting Star Press on 6 minutes only for Sydal to roll out of the way. Sydal then climbs the turnbuckles himself only for Kidman to quickly get up and drop kick him off the top backwards onto the mat – Sydal makes it back into the ring after a 9-count. Soon enough the tables are turned and Sydal picks up the win off the back of a Frankensteiner followed by a Shooting Star Press. Both men are exhausted at the end of the match.
    Sydal wins via pinfall and progresses to the SuperFly tournament final at Turmoil!

    Backstage – Michael Cole’s Office
    Cole and Daniels are still having the craic backstage, Regal comes in with a towel around him and a suit bag over his shoulder – he’s just showered! He asks Cole if what Billy Graham said was true. Cole is glazed and stares back at Regal, “So what if it is? I have a plan for him. I have a plan for this company.” He looks fierce, and keeps staring Regal down as the camera pans in on his face.
    Match 4: Shoichi Funaki v. Yoshihiro Tajiri (SuperFly Tournament Semi-Final)
    Tajiri starts dominating the match immediately and visciously – and continues the foot-based offence outside the ring on a very unprepared-looking Funaki, and drags him back into the ring after a Buzzsaw Kick. Funaki kicks out and Tajiri continues in an almost-frenzied attack – hitting moves from the ropes, turnbuckles and standing in quick succession. He goes for the pin only for a figure to slide into the ring – it’s Taka Michinoku! Taka Michinoku slides out of the ring almost immediately with a crazed Tajiri going after him. Funaki gets up bloodied as Taka escapes through the crowd. Tajiri runs back into the ring and Funaki hits a diving cross body followed by a powerbomb – the table is turned! Matt Sydal comes running down the ramp next but Taka appears again out of the crowd and the two of them exchange hard kicks on the outside. Tajiri tries to set Funaki up for the tarantula only to for Funaki to get away, hit another cross body on the way back and finish the match with a spinning DDT from the top rope and pin. Funaki wins! Blood is trickling from above his right eye as he and Michinoku celebrate in the middle of the ring. The Face Announcer ecstatically declares that Shoichi Funaki has made it to the double cage match at Turmoil!, as the man he will face, Sydal, looks on from the ramp in disbelief. The face announcer declares: Kaientai cometh! Michinoku celebrates with his championship and Funaki and he bow to each other as if they were about to fight for it. They both look very happy, and the crowd are popping for them.
    Shoichi Funaki wins via pinfall and will go to the SuperFly tournament final at Turmoil!
    Kaientai backstage with some groupies :p
    [Finding pictures of Kaientai celebrating on the web is hard, because they never had anything to celebrate in WWE.]
    The Darkness will Rise.
    The Chill, that aches your bones, and haunts your dreams, will spread.
    The Plague that has struck a score of souls still Strike again, upon some new.
    The Cold will be the signal of the coming virus. Death will reign again. Souls till be taken, and the soulless will fall. 1... 2... 3...
    Ad Break & Promo for Turmoil! in 2 weeks time.

    The League and Michael Cole are backstage with an interviewer. He asks them what the next big announcement will be, is Cole’s job really on the line at Turmoil! and if so why is Cole so happy? Cole looks like he’s on a coke buzz or something and addresses the interviewer as if he were giving a lecture to a crowd. “Yes! My job is on the line at Turmoil! And yes, Billy Graham won’t be defending his title in the ring... but all will be revealed... after the main event, tonight!” Daniels’ music goes off and he makes the interviewer pass him a martini from a nearby table and toast to his upcoming victory before heading off.

    Announcers comment on the strength of the new alliance between Cole and the League.

    Daniels appears for his time trial match with the martini in hand, which he passes to a lovely looking young woman in the front row – he has 8 minutes to beat. His opponent is revealed when Kris Logan’s music hits. Out comes Logan in an all blue super hero outfit similar to his recent ones, but with a hood. He also looks to have shaved off his trademark “Logan” beard and walking with a bit more swagger than before. The Announcers are arguing over whether it’s unfair for Chris Daniels to face a newcomer like Logan when Styles was up against the SuperFly Champion. But as Logan approaches the ring, the lights go out...
    It’s Larry Zbyszko!

    He’s wearing Logan’s gear, and he’s screaming at the referee to ring the bell – which he does!
    Christopher Daniels v. Kris Logan Larry Zbyszko
    Daniels bolts from the ring, and Zbyszko goes after him, only for Daniels to turn and deliver a mean enzuiguri on the turn. Going into the ring, Daniels optimistically hopes for a countout but Larry obviously is up after 2, and back in. Daniels is complaining to the referee who’s having none of it and keeps shouting back, “It’s a challenge!” Daniels and Zbyszko eventually have a proper wrestling match for a short while before Daniels exits the ring again, about 3 minutes of the match gone, refusing to wrestle Zbyszko. The referee is counting him out and Daniels reluctantly re-enters the ring. D’Lo Brown comes running down the ramp, distracting both Zbyszko and the referee. Daniels again leaves the ring and gets a steel chair. The ref sees him and he drops it. When the ref turns back to order Brown away Daniels reaches for the martini glass and empties it on the mat. Zbyszko slides out to meet him only to be glassed in the face! The referee eventually gets Brown to leave up the ramp before counting Zbyszko out. He gets up on 8 but he can’t see from the blood over his eyes, he’s holding on to the barricade just to stand. The clock reads 4 minutes and 24 seconds when the referee reaches ten. D’Lo Brown looks on from the top of the ramp and lifts his American Championship aloft.
    Christopher Daniels wins via countout and wins the Time Trial Challenge

    Daniels: AJ Styles, you have thwarted on a number of occasions in the two weeks you have been here. Never mind what happened in TNA… this is different… this is my time to be the International Heavyweight Champion and you, AJ Styles, by your very presence, have prevented me from being the clear no.1 contender to the belt that is rightfully mine. This isn’t some lark about who got who pregnant, this is my shot at the gold – a shot I had finally secured at Survival of the Fittest and a victory that has been snatched from me by the conspiracy between yourself and Billy Graham. Last night, with the help of that great pretender, you even had the audacity to perform my Koji clutch on me, to embarrass me with my own signature hold. You could not make it clearer to me that I need to clear my lane on the highway to Grandslam, and that you AJ Styles are directly in my way. At Turmoil!, I will do to you what I did to [the former champion], I will make you tap to the Koji Clutch, and it will be the end of your interference in my affairs. AJ, We will face each other in a Submission Match, and if I win, you will be banned from the Michigan Stadium on the night of Grandslam, and I, as no.1 contender, will be free to claim my championship without you there to thwart me.
    The Face Announcer is livid: this isn’t a stipulation! Daniels is going to bury Styles with this condition, and Michael Cole is going to let him! Bah God, what a travesty! That certainly isn’t fair in any way! Michael Cole’s favourites are running this place now!
    Main Event: William Regal v. Billy Graham (No Holds Barred and No Brass Knuckles Match)
    The only way to be disqualified is to use brass knuckles! These two start off very technical, and the action doesn’t leave the ring for the first 5 minutes, with slow but painful holds being exchanged as well as European uppercuts and Graham’s massive chops (his hands, not his hair!). The Announcers ponder what Cole’s big announcement might be following the match. Graham ejects Regal from the ring with an Airplane Spin in what is a major bump. The two brawl on the outside, and this escalates when Regal cuts Graham’s head on the ring post, to the extent that Graham introduces chairs and Regal reciprocates in a vicious street match style back-and-to. Regal looks like he might pin the international champion but fails. Some minutes later and Graham has the upper hand again, knee dropping Regal on the outside. Seemingly about to win, Graham is assaulted from behind by Tajiri and Sydal who leap from the crowd. Regal himself is then assaulted by Rikishi wielding a steel chair, at which point a whole army of referees comes out to send the intruders away from the ring. An exhausted Graham wins the match with a piledriver and a pin in the middle of the ring, but the pyrrhic victory seems to have taken too much out of both him and his opponent.
    [Ignore the rope!]
    Billy Graham wins via pinfall

    Michael Cole’s Music Hits…
    Cole is with D’Lo and Christopher Daniels as he enters the ring. Billy Graham is still barely able to stand, and leans on the ropes to face him. Cole confirms again that what Graham said earlier tonight is true, and again that Graham won’t be scheduled for a match in the squared circle at Turmoil!. Cole announces that, instead:

    Billy Graham will defend the title throughout the PPV – a 4-hour title defence.

    Graham will defend his championship for 4 hours in the Rogers Centre, Toronto, where he will be accompanied by a referee wherever he goes. Anyone who pins Graham or makes him submit will claim the championship, and they will defend it for the remainder of the night also. If Graham does not turn up to the Rogers Centre, he will have forfeited his championship by failing to mount a defence. Furthermore, Cole says, this has been approved by a vote of the council. This time, Graham will lose his championship for good. Cole laughs in Graham’s bloodied face as he drops the microphone and his music starts playing.

    The show ends, the announcers excited out of their wits at the announcement.

    Confirmed Line-up for Turmoil!
    4-Hour International Heavyweight Championship Defence
    Tag-Team Turmoil Match (#1 Heavyweight Contender and Tag-Team Championship)
    AJ Styles v. Christoopher Daniels - Submission Match (If Daniels wins, AJ is banned from the Grandslam PPV)
    Rikishi v. William Regal (C) (ICW Overseas Championship)
    Matt Sydal v. Shoichi Funaki - Double Cage Match (#1 SuperFly Contender)
    D'Lo Brown (C) v. Larry Zbyszko (ICW American Championship)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    Update from three previous weeks:

    Bret Hart was fired after failing to gain his no.1 contendership after the Shield (Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns) attacked Bret in a match against the Big Show. The Rock insulted the fans. Bret Hart appeared from the crowd and attacked The Rock. The following week Bret attacked The Rock while he was filming Hercules.

    The 2MB Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal lost the tag team belts to the Natural Disasters, who will defend against The Shield (Rollins/Reigns) at Battle-Mania.

    Muhammed Hassan attacked Val Venis; then Marc Mero attacked both of them the following week. The following week Venis take an atheist stance while Hassan took an Islamic stance and Mero took on a Christianity stance, setting up a triple threat match with Hassan's Intercontinental Title on the line.

    The Shield attacked Mick Foley in a match against The Big Show. The Big Show denied any involvement with The Shield. The following week Mick Foley (and the camera) saw the shadow of a very tall man giving orders to The Shield, and again accused the Big Show of being involved with the Shield before an all-out brawl took place. Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose was announced for Battle-Mania as The Shield stood tall at the end of the show.

    PWF Intensity Intro plays.

    Commentator: Hello and welcome to PWF Intensity. We are one week away from Battle-Mania and we have a blockbuster main event here tonight. The team of Mick Foley and The Natural Disasters will take on The Shield!! Will justice prevail? Everyone can't wait to find out!!!

    If Ya Smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll....What The Rock is cookin!!!!!


    The Rock comes out to a mixed reaction.

    The Rock: Finally, The Rock has come back to Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bret Hart, Hitman, The Rock is sick and tired of you attacking The Rock week after week. You've been sacked, so know your role, the title is staying on the shoulder of The Great One and The Rock doesn't need to defend it against anyone, especially you. So Gorilla Monsoon, get your roody-poo candy ass out here.


    Commentator: Here comes the president of the PWF, Gorilla Monsoon.

    The Rock: When The Rock signed a contract to come here, you promised him that you would do whatever The Rock tells you to do. So now the Rock is telling you to sort out Bret Hart once and for all.

    Gorilla: The Rock, what happened last week was wrong. I promise you security is tight and Bret Hart won't get with into the stadium tonight.

    The Rock: He better not, or the Rock will layenth the smackdown on your candy ass all over Sin City!!!

    Gorilla: But you will have to defend the title at Battle-Mania!!

    The Rock: Excuse The Rock? Against who?

    Gorilla: This man.

    It's the two-man band..............


    Commentator: What the...oh come on that's Heath Slater, this is rediculous.

    The crowd boos while The Rock and Gorilla both start laughing.

    Gorilla: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our blockbuster main event at Battle-Mania, The Rock vs Heath Slater!! Here comes a sneak preview.

    Commentator: Rock Bottom!!!! Heath doesn't stand a chance on Sunday.

    The crowd boos. Suddenly the screen shows security outside. Then a car drives into the arena and the security run away.

    Commentator: Oh my God, it's Bret, Bret's in that car!!! And he's driving into the area. Gorilla Monsoon and The Rock are shocked. He gets out of the car.....and there's Viscera.


    Commentator: Viscera was in the passenger seat. Viscera was another man sacked by Gorilla Monsoon. Both men attacking The Rock and Gorilla Monsoon!!!!!!!!!! And now Bret has the Sharpshooter on Gorilla Monsoon, as Viscera holds a mircophone for Bret.

    Bret: Here's the deal...I want my title shot. If I lose, you won't see or hear from me again. But if you don't give me this title shot I will continue to make your life a living hell.

    Viscera: Same with me - I want a chance to get my job back, Gorilla I want you at Battle-Mania!!!!!!

    Commentator: Omg that match is gonna be huge - two 400-lbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will Gorilla accept?

    Gorilla: OK, OK.

    Gorilla signs a contract Viscera is holding.

    Bret releases the hold.

    Gorilla: You're both.....on!!! I can't wait to get rid of you both once and for all.

    Commentator: The Rock is shocked!! Bret and Viscera forming an unlikely partnership!!!!!!!!!! Two absolutely huge matches booked for Battle-Mania!!


    Heath Slater is left alone in the ring.

    Heath: I'm sick of this crap!! I'm better than this. I'm sick of being humiliated. Jinder, get the hell out here!!!


    Commentator: Here comes Jinder Mahal, Heath's bandmate.

    Heath: I'm sick of you dragging me down, man. I've been writing all the songs, what have you done? Nothing!

    Jinder: Hey, I'm crucial to our sound.

    Heath: Nah, I'm sick of you, I'm going solo!!!!!!!!!

    Commentator: Wow, it looks like the 2-man band are splitting due to creative differences!!!!!

    Heath: I will finish you off at Battle-Mania to make sure that there will never be a reunion!!!!

    Jinder: Fine, I will prove who the true star is. It's gonna be a relief to wrestle without carrying your weight on my back!!

    Commentator: And they've started brawling, as we go to an ad break!!


    Val Venis music hits. The crowd cheer.


    Announcer: From Las Vegas, Nevada; Val..........Venis!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Commentator: This crowd loves their local boy done good!!!

    Val Venis: Hello Ladies........You know normally I use innuendo, but this time I'm gonna say it straight out...let's have sex!!

    Commentator: Val Venis in a very direct mood today, as he looks to take on Marc Mero. A triple-threat match between himself, Marc Mero and Muhammad Hassan has been booked for Battle-Mania for the Intercontinental title.


    Mero: Let's have a pray, that the non-believer Val Venis will be saved!!


    Commentator: Marc getting a worse reaction than he got in Alabama last week. And now Val attacking Marc we go!!!!

    Commentator: Back and forth match here...but wait a minute...


    Commentator: Here comes the Bella Twins, Val Venis' friends, perhaps with benefits, I don't know? Brie Bella trying to distract Marc Mero but he's not having any of it - he walks away. And now Brie and Nikki are fighting for the attention of Val, and they've started fighting. Val goes back outside to break up this fight...oh but Marc Mero from behind. Tosses Val back into the ring. TKO!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.......2........3. Marc Mero wins this one. Val can't believe it, and he's blaming the Bella twins. And now the Bella Twins blaming each other....a catfight has broke out here!!!!!!!! Here comes the president.

    Gorilla: You wanna see these twins fight each other? be it, they will go one-on-one for the brand new Women's Championship in the first ever women's match here in the PWF!!!!!!! But with a twist...the match will be hardcore rules!!!!

    Commentator: What a sick man!!


    Sierra! Hotel! India! Echo! Lima! Delta! Shield!


    Commentator: And now its time for our main event. Seth Rollins joined Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose here in the PWF last week. They are a force to be reckoned with. We know Dean Ambrose will go one-on-one with Mick Foley at Battle-Mania and tag-team titles will be on the line when The Natural Disasters defend against Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. What we don't know is who the Shield's leader is?


    The Natural Disasters come out.

    Earthquake: We've got an announcement. Unfortunately, Mick Foley cannot compete here tonight. And he also has decided not to face Dean Ambrose at Battle-Mania.

    The crowd sigh in mass. Dean Ambrose looks smug.

    Earthquake: Luckily, he's picked a replacment.


    Commentator: It's Cactus Jack, and he's got that 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire!!!! Listen to this ovation!!! The crowd are going crazy.

    Cactus Jack: I think it's important to mention that I never accepted Dean's challenged last week. And I will only accept on one condition...........Hell In A Cell!!

    Ambrose: You just made the biggest mistake of your life! Hell In A Cell is a great way for me to administer justice and finish you off once and for all!!

    Cactus Jack: And another thing. We seen your leader's shadow last week, we seen that he is about 7-foot tall so its obvious who it is. So Big Show why don't you get your ass out here and join your friends. That way, we get to kick your ass too!!!!

    Commentator: I don't know if that's wise, Cactus.

    Weeeeeeeeeeellllllll, it's the Big Show!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Big Show: I want to make clear again, I am not aligned with the Shield. That was not my shadow last week.

    Commentator: Does he expect people to believe that?

    Big Show: Tell them Dean, Seth, Roman!

    Seth: Don't tell us what to do.

    Commentator: And The Shield attacking the Big Show; what the hell is going on here??



    Commentator: It's Shaquille O'Neal, laughing; what is he doing here?

    Shaq: Alright guys, put him through this table.

    Commentator: Is Shaq issuing orders to the Shield? And...look at the strength. Triple-powerbomb. The Shield have triple-powerbombed the Big Show through the announce table. And now Cactus Jack and the Natural Disasters attacking The Shield this match has started. There is chaos here at ringside.


    Commentator: Roman Reigns with an absolutely massive spear on Typhoon. 1......2........3. That's it...what a match. But here comes Cactus Jack with that 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. The Shield escaping. Wait a minute, there's the Big Show, he's back on his feet. WMD on Roman Reigns! Cactus Jack attacking Dean Ambrose with that 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire - absolutely sickening. Earthquake and Typhoon taking care of Seth Rollins. The Big Show is in the ring...look at this...


    Commentator: The Big Show and Shaq staring at each other. I've never seen the Big Show look up to someone before. And now he's attacking Shaq...this crowd loves it. Chokeslam!!! The Big Show just chokeslammed Shaq.

    Big Show: I'm gonna finish you off at Battle-Mania, if you've got the balls to accept!!!

    Commentator: The Shield are back on their all-out brawl has broken out. This is chaos; see you at Battle-Mania!!!!!!!!!!!

    Battle-Mania card:

    PWF Title: The Rock (c) vs Bret Hart (Bret's career on the line)
    Hell In A Cell: Cactus Jack vs Dean Ambrose
    14-feet of terror: The Big Show vs Shaquille O'Neal
    PWF Tag-Team Championship: Natural Disasters (c) vs The Shield (Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins)
    PWF Intercontinental Title Religious War: Muhammed Hassan (Islam) vs Val Venis (Atheism) vs Marc Mero (Christianity)
    Over 800 pounds: Gorilla Monsoon vs Viscera(Viscera's career on the line)
    PWF Women's Championship No DQ: Brie Bella vs Niki Bella
    Battle of the Rock star egos: Heath Slater vs Jinder Mahal

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    As previously announced the card for Spongemania III was announced as follows
    SWE Heavyweight Championship
    Eddie Guerrero (c) v "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
    w/Mike Tyson as special guest enforcer

    SWE Tag Team Championship
    Legion of Doom (c) v Matt Morgan & Test

    No Disqualification Match
    Booker T v Desmond Wolfe

    Steel Cage Match
    Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka v Christian

    UFC Match
    Dan "The Beast" Severn v "Dr Death" Steve Williams

    Ladder Match for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship
    Brian Pillman v MVP v Matt Hardy v Ted Dibiase Jr v Chavo Guerrero v Hernandez

    Over the next few days we'll provide a background to each feud as they developed over the five television shows. First up is the No Disqualification Match between Booker T and Desmond Wolfe

    Week 1
    Booker T has a match against a jobber Antonio Banks which he promptly wins with ease. He is in the ring playing up to the crowd and does a spin-a-roonie which the crowd love. Out of the crowd comes a hooded man and slides into the ring and attacks Booker T from behind. He continues to beat Booker until he is unable to get up. The hooded attacker then escapes through the crowd to a chorus of boos.

    Week 2
    Booker T is in the ring saying how cowardly the attack on him was the previous week and calls out the attacker to face him man to man. Music plays over the arena and Booker focuses on the stage waiting for the unknown attacker but instead the hooded man comes into the ring from the other side and again beats Booker to a pulp. This time however he takes off the hood to reveal himself as Desmond Wolfe. The crowd are jeering loudly as Wolfe retreats up the ramp.

    Week 3
    Desmond Wolfe comes out to the ring and introduces himself and claims to be the next big thing and destined to be a great champion and that whoever steps in his way will get knocked on their ass. He goes on to explain his actions over the previous two weeks by claiming that he was disgusted at the attempts of Booker to pander to the **** that are the SWE universe and that he will eradicate Booker from the SWE for good. This does not go down well with the fans and the boos get louder. At that stage Booker comes out to the stage, instantly tells Wolfe that eradicating him from the SWE will not be as easy as he thinks and can he dig that sucka. He rushes to the ring to tackle Wolfe and the two roll around the ring brawling. Lots of security come down to the ring and separate the two. Booker escapes the security and tackles Wolfe again. Security again restrains him and this gives Wolfe enough time to get out of the ring and back up the ramp. Booker is visibly upset and angry in the ring. GM Jim Cornette comes out and announces a match next week between Wolfe and Booker.

    Week 4
    Desmond Wolfe comes out to the ring to a chorus of boos in preparation for his match with Booker T. Booker T’s music sounds and out he rushes to the ring and tackles Wolfe. The two are brawling and the ref is trying to separate them. He is unsuccessful and security comes out to split the two of them. GM Jim Cornette comes out to the ring, grabs the mic and announces that since the two of them cannot have their match tonight then they will settle their differences at Spongemania III and that match will be no disqualification. Cornette also adds that if either Wolfe or Booker puts their hand on their opponent before that match then they will be fired from the SWE.

    Week 5
    Desmond Wolfe has a match with MVP. Booker T is out as guest commentator. The match starts quite technically with Wolfe applying various holds and MVP reversing it to escape the hold. However, a knee to the gut after a reversal allows Wolfe to get control the match. There is nothing technical about what happens from then on as Wolfe delivers blow after blow to MVP. Wolfe has MVP outside the ring, fakes to throw MVP back into the ring but instead throws him directly into Booker T at the commentary desk. Booker is angry and confronts Wolfe. Wolfe is teasing Booker asking him to hit him knowing that if he done so he would be fired. Booker calms down and Wolfe gets back to MVP and rolls him back in the ring. Wolfe also slides back into the ring but as he gets hold of MVP to finish him off, Booker hops up on the apron, distracts Wolfe enough for MVP to roll him up for the three count. Wolfe is angry and Booker can’t stop laughing at what happened.

    Booker T is in a match with Brian Pillman. Desmond Wolfe is ringside acting as guest commentator for the match. Booker T has complete control of this match from the start and in an act of revenge on what happened earlier he throws Pillman into Wolfe at the commentary desk. Wolfe in turn is angry and as Booker throws Pillman back into the ring, Wolfe grabs a steel chair and follows them inside the ring. Wolfe is threatening to hit Booker with the chair and Booker is allowing him to hit the shot as he knows Wolfe will get fired. This allows Pillman time to recover and get to his feet. Wolfe though turns and hits Pillman with the steel chair. This causes the ref to call for the bell and disqualify Booker for outside interference. Booker is upset while Wolfe just laughs as he retreats back up the ramp. Booker follows him up the ramp shaking his head at the loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    Next up on the road to Spongemania is the Ladder Match for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship between Brian Pillman, MVP, Matt Hardy, Ted Dibiase Jr, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez.
    Week 1
    Jim Cornette during his speech at the start of the show announces that there will be a six man ladder match for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship at Spongemania. He adds that over the next 5 weeks he will be monitoring wrestler’s performance and deciding which six wrestlers will get their place in the match. He finally adds that the first man to be included in the title match will be the winner of a match later that night between Brian Pillman and Steve Williams.

    Later in the show both Brian Pillman and Dr Death Steve Williams make their way out for their qualifying match for the SWE Interprovincial match at Spongemania. Pillman’s superior speed gives him an advantage early on. He hits Williams with a diving crossbody, an enzuigiri and a spinning heel kick but each time Pillman can’t get a three count. A mistake by Pillman allows Williams to get the upper hand and he starts a methodical beat down on Pillman. Williams is about to apply a gutwrench powerbomb to finish the match but Pillman reverses it into a DDT which sends Williams hits the mat and is out of it for a few moments. Pillman slides out of the ring and grabs a cardboard cut out from under the ring and sets it up in the corner. Williams still feeling groggy gets to his feet and spots the cut out in the corner. It’s a cut out of Bart Gunn and this causes traumatic flashbacks for Williams and this allows Pillman to catch Williams off guard and hit him with Air Pillman to get the pinfall victory. Brian Pillman qualifies for the SWE Interprovincial Ladder Match at Spongemania.

    Week 2
    Brian Pillman calls into Jim Cornette’s office to discuss the ladder match at Spongemania. Cornette is in a panic and can’t discuss it as he has enough to deal with in the controversy over the SWE Heavyweight Championship title. Pillman sympathises with Cornette and as he has already qualified for the title match offers to take over the selection of the other five competitors in the ladder match at Spongemania. Cornette agrees and ushers Pillman out of his office.

    Brian Pillman is backstage and is approached by Matt Hardy and MVP. Both have found out that Pillman is now in charge of the ladder match at Spongemania and both want in. Pillman tells them that he is taking the job very seriously and can’t just allow them into the match. He does however tell them that he will give each of them a match tonight and if they win they will be allowed into the ladder match at Spongemania. Hardy and MVP are happy with that and walk away.

    Ted Dibiase Jr is seen in his own private locker room. There is music playing and plenty of scantily clad women enjoying Ted’s company. A SWE employee interrupts the party to bring Ted a parcel delivery. The card says “To help with the party, Viva La Raza” Ted smiles when he opens it to reveal what looks like a kilo of cocaine.

    Matt Hardy is in the ring waiting to find who his opponent is for the chance to qualify for the ladder match at Spongemania. MVP’s music sounds and out comes MVP. Hardy is visibly surprised as is MVP. They now realise they have to fight each other to get into the ladder match at Spongemania. The two shake hands before the match and lock up. Hardy has MVP locked up in a hold which MVP gets out of by use of an elbow to Hardy’s face. MVP takes control and hits Hardy with a few suplexes. Hardy struggles to the corner but that only allows MVP to hit Hardy with a Running big boot. Hardy falls into the centre of the ring allowing MVP to play up to the crowd with his signature Ballin’ Elbow. MVP sets up Hardy for the Playmaker finish but Hardy reverses and gets in some offense of his own including a moonsault from the top turnbuckle and a diving elbow drop. Hardy gets MVP set up for a Twist of Fate but MVP reverses it and applies the Play of the Day to get the pinfall victory. MVP joins Brian Pillman in the ladder match at Spongemania.

    Week 3
    Matt Hardy meets Brian Pillman backstage and demands another chance at getting into the ladder match at Spongemania. Pillman initially rejects the request but after a few moments he gets an idea of a ladder match between Hardy and Ted Dibiase Jr with a briefcase hung over the ring. Inside the briefcase will be a contract for the ladder match at Spongemania and whoever gets that briefcase will be entered into the ladder match at Spongemania. Pillman leaves and MVP joins Hardy. MVP doesn’t like the fact that Pillman is making people jump through hoops to get in the ladder match.

    Matt Hardy and Ted Dibiase Jr are in the ring for their match. The briefcase is hung above the ring and there are ladders surrounding the ring. The match starts and both men immediately leave the ring, grab a ladder and set it up in the ring side by side. Both men climb up and meet each other at the top and start hitting each other and trying to grab the briefcase. Both men have hold of the briefcase and start pulling it to get hold of it completely. The briefcase snaps open and instead of a contract in it there is a white powder inside and it flies everywhere covering Hardy and Dibiase Jr. This causes the two wrestlers to lose control and fly into a fit of rage. They grab whatever weapons they can get and start battering each other as hard as they can. Security and medical staff comes out to the ring to restrain the two wrestlers, strap them to the stretcher to get them to the hospital for the severe drug overdose they are about to experience.

    MVP confronts Brian Pillman backstage angry at what match he arranged for his friend Matt Hardy. Pillman pleads innocence and says it was just a bit of fun. MVP pushes Pillman and Pillman shouts at the top of his voice “Help, I’m being assaulted”. At that stage several police officers come in and arrest him. Pillman adds that MVP has a criminal record and should go straight to jail. The officers drag MVP away.

    Week 4
    Brian Pillman is in the locker room and is confronted by Ted Dibiase and his two bodyguards Matt Morgan & Test. Dibiase is angry at Pillman for what he did to his son and demands Pillman makes up for it. Morgan & Test then pick up Pillman to intimidate him further. Pillman is scared and agrees to Dibiase’s request that his son be included in the ladder match at Spongemania. Ted Dibiase Jr joins MVP and Brian Pillman in the ladder match at Spongemania.

    Matt Hardy meets Brian Pillman backstage and is angry at what he went through last week and demands to be put in the match at Spongemania. Pillman apologises but says he can’t put him in the match at Spongemania without proving yourself. Hardy says he is not wrestling another match for him. Pillman is ok with that but says if Hardy completes a challenge in the ring later then he will be allowed entry. Hardy agrees and leaves.

    Brian Pillman is in the ring and invites Matt Hardy to come out for his challenge. Hardy comes out and sees a large ladder in the ring with 2 tables set up on top of each other beside the ladder. Hardy is confused but Pillman tells Hardy that he has always admired his brother Jeff’s high flying abilities and could never understand why Matt couldn’t do the same stuff. Therefore his challenge was to do a Swanton Bomb from the top of the ladder onto the tables. Hardy is angry but realises this is only way into the ladder match at Spongemania so goes up very slowly to the top of the ladder. He takes several moments to compose himself and throws himself off the ladder. He botches the Swanton Bomb completely and dives headfirst into the table. Pillman is laughing at Hardy laid out in the ring and announces that Matt Hardy joins MVP, Ted Dibiase Jr and Brian Pillman in the ladder match at Spongemania

    Week 5
    Brian Pillman is in the locker room and is confronted by Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. Eddie says he is disappointed that he has not received payment for the kilo of cocaine Pillman used in his ladder match a couple of weeks ago. Pillman is scared and says he’ll have it soon. Eddie offers him an alternative form of payment and tells Pillman to include Chavo and Hernandez in the ladder match at Spongemania. Pillman agrees but asks that Chavo and Hernandez be provided as protection as he is expecting some backlash for his antics over the last few weeks. Eddie agrees. The line-up for the ladder match at Spongemania is complete as Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez join Matt Hardy, MVP, Ted Dibiase Jr and Brian Pillman for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship.

    Brian Pillman is in a match with Booker T. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez are ringside as protection for Pillman. Desmond Wolfe is also ringside acting as guest commentator for the match. Booker T has complete control of this match from the start and in an act of revenge on what happened earlier he throws Pillman into Wolfe at the commentary desk. Wolfe in turn is angry and as Booker throws Pillman back into the ring, Wolfe grabs a steel chair and follows them inside the ring. Wolfe is threatening to hit Booker with the chair and Booker is allowing him to hit the shot as he knows Wolfe will get fired. This allows Pillman time to recover and get to his feet. Wolfe though turns and hits Pillman with the steel chair. This causes the ref to call for the bell and disqualify Booker for outside interference. Booker is upset while Wolfe just laughs as he retreats back up the ramp. Booker follows him up the ramp shaking his head at the loss. Pillman is recovering in the ring and out come Matt Hardy, MVP and Ted Dibiase Jr and the three get in the ring. Pillman is pleading with them to leave him alone. Chavo and Hernandez slide in the ring to get in between Pillman and the three to protect Pillman. Now Pillman gets cocky and starts taunting Hardy, MVP and Dibiase Jr. Chavo and Hernandez see this, shrug their shoulders and step aside while gesturing to the three that they are free to attack Pillman. They do so immediately and start launching hit after hit to Pillman. Pillman manages to squeeze loose and escapes through the crowd licking his wounds and understands he will not have any friends in the ladder match at Spongemania.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Fusion Pro Wrestling

    Week Two - Special Event Organized by The Age of The Fall
    We open up with The Age of The Fall (Jimmy Jacobs,Tyler Black,Kevin Sullivan and Necro Butcher) making their way out to the ring. They soak up the boo's as Jimmy stands in the middle with a mic.

    "Since last week, people have been asking me what The Age of The Fall is all about. I understand on first glance, it seems like something that has been done before, but we are not just another wrestling stable. Every single one of us has a problem with this so called sport. Tyler Black has been tipped as "the next big thing" for years, but no one with power would listen to him. Every company looked at his long hair, they heard his lisp and thought it would not make them any money. Companies passed this man over because of a lisp? That alone shows what this business is actually about. The days of talent are long gone, instead it's all about aesthetics. Which brings me onto our next outcast, The Necro Butcher.

    Necro here wrestles a hardcore style, which this company knows all too well ;they booked him two years ago for their debut PPV. And what did they do with him? They booked him to fight a woman! No disrespect to Aja Kong,but that's a huge spit in the face of a man as talented as Necro! Then they have the nerve to not keep him in the company? While their pretty poster boys fly high, get bigger pay days and fame, just because they wrestled a "safer style".

    Which leaves us with this guy over here, Kevin Sullivan. Kevin was a man I loved watching grow up, which is why is upset me so much to see his good name pissed away because of one man...and that's you Chris Benoit. You destroyed this man's life by stealing from him the woman he loved. His name was forgotten, while you rode higher and higher. Kevin had to sit in my apartment with a frozen dinner watching you hug your wife and son at Wrestlemania after reaching the top of the mountain. He cried Chris, he cried "That should have been my wife, and that should have been my son!"

    And what did you do Chris? You became selfish and took them both away from this world with no regard for the thoughts of anyone else! Now don't get me wrong, I did watch two years ago were in this very ring, you said you were a sick man. I listened as you declared war on pro wrestling,vowing to destroy the sport that took away so much from you.

    Yet here we are, two years later, and you are still in this company,holding the world heavyweight title and still wrestling. Admit it Chris;you haven't embraced your hate, because if you had this company would be gone. So I offer you Chris, join us. Join The Age of The Fall and we will unleash the anti-venom and destroy the poison on this world that is pro wrestling."

    Benoit's music play over the PA and he makes his way out to the entrance ramp. For the first time in two years,he actually looks shaken.

    " know I have never been a big talker,so let me make this quick. You're right, I haven't accomplished my goals. Maybe I do need help...but the problem is me.I damage those around me.I could even keep the Four Horsemen around me after I set them up, they became destroyed by myself.So while I support your groups cause...I won't be joining you."

    "Chris,I understand,and I respect what you just said. But how about, before you leave that ramp,you do help us out. The thing restraining you from carrying out your own goal of destroying wrestling is that thing around your waist; The Fusion Pro Wrestling World Title. While you hold that belt, you still hold onto that small part of you that respects the sport. So let it go, and hand it over to us, and we will leave you alone and set off on our goals."

    Chris looks at the belt, clearly thinking about what Jimmy has said, when Ricky Steamboat's music plays and he makes his way out.

    "I knew it! I knew there was something fishy about Jacobs and his quest, but now it's all clear! You never actually said why you set up The Age of The Fall yourself..but it's so clear! Your jealous. You have seen men you trained and wrestled with move onto bigger and better things than wrestling in front of 20 people in a school gym. Instead of hard work, you just want things handed to you. So you have brain washed some other people that you can use as protection and just want to steal that belt. Well Jacobs,it's time you woke up and realized something; I'm the number one contender. And even if Chris does the wrong thing you will have to go through me at Unscripted.

    But Chris, Jimmy is right about one thing. There is still some good inside you, and a part of you that loves this sport. So in 4 weeks time, let's put the past in the past and move forward to recovery. You go back to being the Chris Benoit we all know and we put on the greatest wrestling match this world has seen."

    Steamboat and Benoit lock eyes while Jacobs and his men talk amongst themselves. Steamboat goes to shake hands with Benoit but Chris just walks backstage.

    Next week we return to our normal show. As we close CEO Seán Reid has announced two new matches, including the just announced World Title match and a new match up. Since Necro is complaining about fighting a woman two years ago, Reid has announced he will present him a real challenge, in the shape of Masato Tanaka!

    Fusion Pro Wrestling Presents: Unscripted

    FPW World Title

    Chris Benoit (c) vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

    Rey Mysterio & Marafuji Naomichi vs. Low Ki & Homicide

    KENTA vs. Tyler Black

    The Briscoe Brothers vs.Terry Funk and Kensuke Susaki

    Necro Butcher vs. Masato Tanaka

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    Next up on the road to Spongemania is the Steel Cage Match between "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka and Christian.
    Week 1
    Christian is hosting his popular talk show the Peep Show and introduces his guest Superfly Jimmy Snuka. The crowd love seeing the WWE hall of famer. Christian tells Snuka that he wanted to share with the SWE universe some of Snuka’s highlights. Again the crowd cheers at this gracious gesture. The first highlight Christian shows is a match between Snuka and Bob Backlund in 1982 for the WWE Championship in a steel cage. He shows a moment where Snuka jumps off the top of the cage and misses Backlund who goes on to escape the cage and retain his title. The crowd cheer at this amazing act but Christian goes on to mock Snuka for his inability to win the match by escaping the cage while Backlund was out of it but instead jumping off the cage and losing. This angers Snuka but he keeps his cool. The next clip Christian shows is from Wrestlemania VII and his defeat by The Undertaker. Christian again mocks Snuka at his inability to end the streak before it even began. Snuka is getting angrier but manages to restrain himself. The last clip Christian shows is from his famous appearance on Piper’s Pit. This infuriates Snuka and he is pacing the ring trying to calm down. Christian backs off and attempts to cool the situation by offering Snuka a peace offering. He reaches behind the couch to get the gift but instead comes back with a coconut in each hand and proceeds to smash them over Snuka’s head. He grabs the chair in the ring and proceeds to beat Snuka with repeated chair shots to the back. Eventually security comes out to drag Christian off and he retreats back up the ramp grinning at the damage he has done to Snuka.

    Week 2
    Christian has a match scheduled with Dan Severn. Dr. Death Steve Williams is with Severn as the two have developed a teacher pupil relationship in MMA. The match starts off slow and is very technical with both wrestlers reversing holds and unable to control. After a diving head-butt from the top rope Christian is stalking Severn ready to apply the Killswitch. Jimmy Snuka’s music comes over the arena and out rushes Snuka towards the ring. Christian does not hang around and quickly escapes through the crowd. Snuka is livid in the ring at his missed opportunity to get back at Christian.

    Week 3
    There is a singles match between Christian and Snuka. Snuka starts off with a frenzied attack and Christian has to escape the ring several times to get away from Snuka. Snuka is annoyed and follows Christian out of the ring and chases him. Christian slides back into the ring and gets to kick Snuka as he gets back into the ring. Christian has control now and continuously beats down Snuka. Christian feels ready to end it and goes to apply the Killswitch. Snuka avoids it by pushing Christian into the ropes and clotheslining him as he comes off the ropes. This allows Snuka time to recover and get in some offense. He gives Christian a few knife edged chops which the crowd love. Soon after Snuka gives Christian a scoop slam which leaves Christian on the mat. Snuka points to the top turnbuckle and the crowd cheer. They are about to see the Superfly Splash. However, before Snuka can even get to the top rope Christian slides out of the ring and retreats back up the ramp. Christian is counted out and Snuka is declared winner.

    Week 4
    Jimmy Snuka is in the ring with the mic. He’s calling Christian out demanding he come to the ring and fight him like a man. Christian appears on the screen backstage laughing. He says that he doesn’t need to prove his masculinity to anyone let alone an island savage like Snuka. Snuka gets angry but composes himself enough to say that his request for a match with Christian at Spongemania has been approved and that match will be in a steel cage. Christian is mad and gets up and throws furniture backstage obviously upset that he will be locked in a steel cage with the island savage.

    Week 5
    Jimmy Snuka is backstage being interviewed saying he can’t wait to get Christian inside the steel cage as there will be nowhere he can run and hide inside the steel cage. Snuka is then attacked by Christian and beaten badly by Christian. He keeps saying that being inside a steel cage with him is the worst possible thing that could happen to Snuka. Christian also throws in some mock impersonation of island savages. The crowd boos very loudly in disapproval. Christian walks away proudly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    Next stop on the road to Spongemania is the UFC Match between Dan "The Beast" Severn and "Dr. Death" Steve Williams.
    Week 1
    Steve Williams has a match with Brian Pillman where the winner gains entrance to the ladder match for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship at Spongemania.
    Pillman’s superior speed gives him an advantage early on. He hits Williams with a diving crossbody, an enzuigiri and a spinning heel kick but each time Pillman can’t get a three count. A mistake by Pillman allows Williams to get the upper hand and he starts a methodical beat down on Pillman. Williams is about to apply a gutwrench powerbomb to finish the match but Pillman reverses it into a DDT which sends Williams hits the mat and is out of it for a few moments. Pillman slides out of the ring and grabs a cardboard cut out from under the ring and sets it up in the corner. Williams still feeling groggy gets to his feet and spots the cut out in the corner. It’s a cut out of Bart Gunn and this causes traumatic flashbacks for Williams and this allows Pillman to catch Williams off guard and hit him with Air Pillman to get the pinfall victory. Steve Williams fails to qualify for the SWE Interprovincial Ladder Match at Spongemania and appears not to be over his traumatic loss to Bart Gunn in the Brawl For All in 1998.

    Later in the show Steve Williams is backstage visibly angry at his loss earlier. Dan Severn comes up to him and tells him he needs to get his head right if he ever wants to be successful in wrestling or MMA. He offers to help Williams teach him the skills he needs. Williams accepts Severn’s offer.

    Week 2
    Dan Severn has a match scheduled with Christian. Dr. Death Steve Williams is with Severn as the two have developed a teacher pupil relationship in MMA. The match starts off slow and is very technical with both wrestlers reversing holds and unable to get the upper hand. That changes when a low blow behind the ref’s back gives Christian control. After a diving head-butt from the top rope Christian is stalking Severn ready to apply the Killswitch. Jimmy Snuka’s music comes over the arena and out rushes Snuka towards the ring. Christian does not hang around and quickly escapes through the crowd. Snuka is livid in the ring at his missed opportunity to get back at Christian so much so he does not see Steve Williams come from behind and puts Snuka in a guillotine choke hold. There is intensity in Williams’s eyes as he does not let go of the hold. Severn gets back in to the ring and gets Williams to break the hold allowing Snuka to escape the ring. Severn is gesturing at Williams wondering what was going on.

    Later in the show Dan Severn catches up with Steve Williams and confronts him about his attack on Jimmy Snuka. Williams apologises and explains that he was testing out the MMA skills that Severn had taught him. Severn tells him that he needs to get his head sorted and learn control. Severn walks away.

    Week 3
    Dan Severn and Steve Williams have a tag match against the SWE Heavyweight Champions Legion of Doom. Williams is about to square off against Hawk when the crowd start chanting “You are bonkers” repeatedly. This is agitating Williams and Severn is trying to calm him down. Hawk sees his chance and attacks Williams. Hawk and Animal use quick tags to maintain their dominance over Williams before they eventually finish him off with their Doomsday Device finisher for the victory. Hawk and Animal leave the ring to leave Williams nursing his injury. Severn confronts Williams in the ring telling him again that he needs to get his head right. The crowd start up their chant of “You are bonkers” and this puts Williams over the edge and he attacks Severn. He keeps beating Severn until he’s helpless in the ring. He then applies the guillotine choke hold and Severn is unconscious. The crowd boo repeatedly as Williams retreats out of the ring.

    Week 4
    Dan Severn is in the ring and has the mic. He tells the crowd of his anger and disappointment towards Steve Williams. His anger that Williams would use the moves he taught him against himself and disappointment that Williams could not control the demons in his head. Severn then adds that although he taught Williams a lot about MMA there was plenty more to learn and Severn will show him at Spongemania when the two will fight inside the octagon of a UFC arena. Severn finally says that Williams will regret crossing paths with him.

    Week 5
    Dr Death Steve Williams has a match with local jobber High Voltage. The match is dominated by Williams as he shows the SWE universe his new skill set of MMA moves. Eventually Williams forces GI Bro to pass out with a choke hold and he wins the match.

    After the match Williams grabs the mic and asks Dan Severn did he watch what just happened because once he gets hold of Severn in the octagon the same thing will happen to him.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,907 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Draft Week 3

    We are now only less than 2 weeks away from FWC’s biggest PPV and things are starting to heat up on tonight’s show.

    Backstage Segment:
    Edge is shown arriving to the arena and walks straight into Joseph Parks office , he demands that he be taken out of the triple treat match and WM , he says its not fair he is being treated like this just because Park has a vendetta against him , but before Park gets to answer Storm comes in and interrupts both Edge/Park and wanted Jericho tonight but Edge told Storm to get lost as Park is dealing with the FWC champion so get inline or move on . Storm tells Edge he doesn’t want to piss off a cowboy . So Park says he has had enough and will not be giving either man what they want tonight , but he did say that Edge will face the Cowboy James Storm and its next!

    Opening Match: Non Title

    Edge (c) vs James Storm

    Great opening match between these two . Storm starts off by going straight for Edge after the bell rang. Storm would be in control for the beginning of the match with getting numerous near falls but Edge would gain control after trying to throw the ref infront of storm, which allowed him to work over Storm. Edge would beat down storm for the majority of the match , Edge was looking to get the win by setting up Storm for a spear but luckily Storm could move out of the way and hit a backbreaker as a reversal . Both men would get back to their feet and try to once again regain the momentum but storm would gain it by hitting a clothesline on Edge followed up by a powerslam . He would also set Edge up for the eye of storm but as edge was being thrown he would hit the ref with the back of his boot and knocking the ref to the outside . Storm would go for the pin but didn’t realise the ref was down , so he went outside to check on the ref but as he was getting back into the ring Jericho would come out of nowhere and hit the codebreaker on Storm and pulled Edge onto storm . Jericho also through the ref into the ring but by the time he got into the ring Storm was able to kick out just before the 3 count , Edge would pick Storm up but he would hit a ddt on Edge , but just as it looked like he was about to hit the last call superkick , Jericho would pop up on the apron to distract Storm but would end up getting hit with the superkick and being knocked off the apron . This allowed Edge to capitalise and hit the spear for the win

    Winner : Edge


    Post Match: Jericho would get back in the ring and lock in the Walls of Jericho on Storm until security could drag Jericho off storm. Storm is then helped to the back and looks injured


    Second Match:
    Gail Kim vs Kaityln

    This match doesn’t even get started as both Gail and Madison attack Kaityln and beat her down . Both Gail and Madison would pose over Kaitylns body and smile .

    No Contest


    Backstage Segment: Park bumps into Jericho as he is smiling after what he has just done to Storm , so he informs him that if he remembers he did’nt grant Storms match to fight him tonight and Jericho agrees that finally he has made a decent decision , but because of his actions he has announced that Storm will get his match in 2 weeks at Redemption against Jericho . Park walks away as Jericho goes crazy that he has to face Storm at Redemption

    Third Match:

    Robbie E vs Abyss

    Before the match it shows Harris talking to Robbie E to say he needs his help to beat Abyss tonight not Robbie T’s , Robbie E agrees and tells Big Rob he go this tonight and tells him to stay here and watch him show everyone why Abyss and everyone else is not on the list BRO!
    Match starts off with Robbie E trying to out power Abyss who just doesn’t feel anything and doesn’t move . Eventually Harris would cause a small distraction allowing Robbie to take Abyss down and try to weaken Abyss down . Sadly this did not really work because as Robbie was setting up Abyss for the elbow drop from the top rope , Abyss would make it back to his feet and try knock Robbie of the top rope , but Robbie would counter with a kick to the face but as he came off the top rope Abyss would counter it into a Black Hole Slam for the win

    Winner: Abyss


    Post Match: Robbie T is shown watching the match and laughing

    Fourth Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs Kenny King

    Both men tie up as the bell rings , but its not long till both men are trying to use their aerial attacks on each other to each other . Kofi was about to hit a springboard dropkick until King would met Kofi in mid air with a roundhouse kick for a close 3 count with Kofi just getting the arm up in time . King would be up to his usual cocky ways for the rest of the match . Although King would get angry with the red after he hit Kofi with the rolling wheel kick but Kofi would kick out , this made King mad and started to argue with the ref , but as he turned around he would get hit with the trouble in paradise but sadly for Kofi , King would fall out of the ring much to Kofi’s dismay . This didn’t stop Kofi as he saw King getting to his feet on the outside and would run and hit a diving crossbody onto King from the ring . Kofi would get King back into the ring and start to build up momentum and eventually hit the Boom Drop and was setting up for another Trouble in Paradise but King would be able to counter it and set up for The Coronation , but as Kofi was coming off Kings shoulders he was able to counter that into an SOS for the win

    Kofi Kingston


    Main Event
    Chris Jericho vs Austin Aries

    This match starts off with Jericho and Aries trying to outdo each other but sadly for Jericho Aries would keep cutting him off which started to annoy Jericho who kept going to the outside . Aries noticed this and went for the diving shoulder but Jericho was just faking and moved sending aries into the barricade . Jericho would throw Aries back into the ring for a 2 count . Jericho would keep on the beat down on Aries by working over his back which landed against the barricade . He came close for another pin when he hit the lionsault but again Aries would kick out . Jericho would start to get desperate so he quickly tried to lock in the walls of Jericho but Aries would counter out of and lock in the Last Chancery but Jericho was able to get to the ropes to break up the submission . This allowed Aries to make a comeback and gain the momentum again and went for the IED in the corner and went for the Brainbuster but Jericho was able to counter and throw Aries into the corner and hit the double powerbomb followed by the Walls of Jericho . Aries was crying in pain trying to get to the ropes but Jericho dragged him back to the middle of the ring . Then we see Storm driving down on his beer mobile to hand out the crowd , this caused a distraction on Jericho allowing Aries to hit the brainbuster for the win

    Winner: Austin Aries


    Post Match: Storm would hit the ring and start beating on Jericho until Edge would hit the ring and make it a 2 on 1 assault . Aries was looking back from the top of the stage but just stood there , Jeff Hardy would come running from the back hitting into Aries to get out of his way. Jeff would help Storm out but Aries would hit the ring and go straight after Hardy after what he bumped into him , Aries and Hardy would brawl to the outside and into the crowd which left Storm against Jericho and Edge who would hit a double conchairto leaving Storm in a pool of his own blood as Jericho and Edge possed in the middle of the ring


    Backstage Segment: You see Aries and Hardy battling all around the arena and in the backstage area until security had to break them apart as the show goes off the air

    ****Redemption Line Up****

    FWC Championship
    Edge(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries

    James Storm vs Chris Jericho

    4 Way Ladder Match for the IC Championship
    Kofi Kingston vs Kenny King vs Sin Cara vs Lance Storm

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,435 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC



    The show starts off in the backstage area as Zack Ryder walks into the dressing room. Out in the crowd, there’s quite a bit of cheering. Ryder may have screwed John Cena out of a win last week, but that has only made him a hero in the eyes of many.

    An interview is conducted, and Ryder states that he wanted Cena to feel his pain somewhat. Ryder knows he doesn’t have the best win/loss record. And Cena has not either since he arrived on Castle Island. He says that Cena is only getting a small glimpse of Ryder’s Reality now. He says he enlisted the help of Deuce and Domino to help prove the point, and thanks them for that. He says now that he has Cena’s attention though, Ryder has some comments and a challange for Cena, but that he’ll deliver them later, out in the ring.
    Naomichi Marufuji vs Santino Marella

    A short squash match as the Japanese wrestler makes his debut in Castle Island Wrestling, hitting his Perfect Inside Cradle on Santino in under a minute. After the match, Santino displays quite a bit of frustration, leaving the ring while shaking his head, forgoing his usual crowd pleasing antics.

    Winner: Naomichi Marufuji

    Backstage, Dave Shadow and Chuck Norris are watching a monitor when Brodus Clay and Zema Ion approach them. The duo say they they want a match at the pay per view against the three members of Planet Jarrett. Dave agrees on the condition they find a partner. Zema says they’ll take Akebono. Clay wonders if they should ask him first, but Ion insists Dave book the match. He obliges. Dave says tonight’s main event though will determine what type of match the six men will have. More importantly, it will give the power to one team to make that decision. Dave says it’s a six man over the top battle royal, and that the winner will get to choose the match type that they’ll fight in on the pay per view.
    Deuce and Domino vs Delerious and Hallowicked

    A straightforward match as the masked duo clash with the Greasers. All four men take turns tearing strips out of each other, trading hard hitting moves, but keeping things more or less basic. The end comes when Deuce gets distracted by the antics of Delerious, who goes a bit crazy outside the ring but allows Hallowicked to roll him up for the three count.

    Winners: Delirious and Hallowicked

    After the match, the camera stays with the two as they make their way back through the curtains, only to be blindsided by Killer Kowalski who shoves them into a wall. Still tired from the match, they are unable to resist his attacks, as he beats them down. Kowalski then rips the masks from their faces, and throws them on the ground before leaving, the two left lying out, exposed.

    Moving to another part of the arena, Goldberg walks up to KENTA backstage. Kenta tenses up and raises his fist. Goldberg shakes his head. He simple stares at Kenta, neither saying a word. Eventually, Goldberg extends his hand. Kenta takes it, the two men showing respect for each other.

    Goldberg finally speaks. He says that he’s going to rip him apart at the PPV. Kenta grins back, and simply responds. “Try.” Goldberg laughs. The two men may be set to fight at the pay per view, but it’s clear they respect each other and can’t wait to test each other.
    Bobby Roode vs Monty Brown vs Jeff Jarrett vs Zema Ion vs Brodus Clay vs Akebono.

    Clay was right. They should have asked Akebono before getting him inserted into the match. As the bell rings, it’s clear he’s not overly interested in a team up, as he walks to the corner and watches the action. The monster has no interest in helping as Clay and Ion throw themselves at the trio who make up Planet Jarrett.

    Clay’s size and Ion’s speed does help them put up a good fight, but it’s still three on two. They go back and forth, fighting and teasing eliminations, but no one wants to go.

    After a few minutes, Brown hits a POUNCE out of nowhere onto Ion, but sends him flying into Akebono. He catches Ion and flings his own team mate over the top. Clay starts screaming at Akebono, who gets angry and eliminates him too.

    Planet Jarrett are thrilled as the laugh at the duo being eliminated. The laughing only enrages Akebono who strides towards them. Planet Jarrett are caught out, as Akebono throws Jeff Jarrett over the top rope. Brown goes for another Pounce but it barely moves the monster who throws Brown out as well. Roode lasts a bit longer, putting up a fight, but even he succumbs to the sumo’s power.

    Winner: Akebono

    JR and Lawler remark on how amazing it was that Akebonon eliminated all five men, and ponder what type of match he’ll choose for the six men to have at the pay per view.

    Ryder comes out to the ring alone. He says that he has a challenge for John “Superman” Cena. He admits that he knows he is not on Cena’s level as a wrestling personality, in terms of fame and credibility. But Ryder says all he wants is a chance to prove it.

    Cena comes out and stands at the top of the ramp. The crowd are actually behind Ryder, booing Cena. Cena acknowledges it, and says they all love an underdog and Ryder is the underdog. Ryder laughs it off and nods. Ryder says that he wants to prove he can beat Cena, but he doesn’t want Cena holding back. Ryder says he knows that if laughy-jokey Cena beats him or he beats that Cena, then the result won’t matter. Ryder says he, like everyone else, wants to see Serious Cena at the pay per view. Ryder says he guesses he’ll have to do something serious to make sure that Cena shows up.

    Behind Ryder and slightly off camera, there’s a commotion. Deuce and Domino have snuck through the crowd, right behind the commentators desk. Deuce smacks Jerry lawler in the back of the head with an elbow, as Domino grabs JR by the shirt. He throws him into the ring and only lets him get to his knees, while Deuce follows him in. They set JR up for the running boot but stand, waiting. Cena makes a move down the ramp, but Ryder warns him to stop. Ryder says if Cena comes to the ring, they’ll take JR’s head off. Cena stops and listens.

    Ryder berates Cena for always thinking everything is a joke. Ryder argues that while everyone might think he is the joke, he thinks Cena has done more to make the wrestling industry a joke than anyone else. He attacks Cena’s shirts and merchandise, his “Never bothered” attitude, his inability to do anything but take a beating and then fluke his way to victories. Ryder says that John Cena has taken all credibility out of the wrestling industry.

    Ryder, on the other hand, tried to revolutionise the industry. He spotted how powerful social media could be, and exploited it. He helped the industry develop millions of new follows through the power of the internet. And what he did get for that? Sure, a small group of people loved him. But he got laughed at. He got mocked.

    Some of the audience murmer in agreement, but everyone is uncomfortable as JR squirms in the ring, still detained by Deuce and Domino.

    Ryder demands a one on one match with Cena. Serious Cena. Credible Cena. The Cena we rarely see. Ryder demands it for the credibility of the industry. Cena agrees. Ryder thanks him.

    And nods to Deuce.

    The running boot to the side of JR’s head sends him rolling on the mat. Cena runs in but it’s too late. Ryder and his henchmen exit the ring and run quickly away, as Cena and a recovering Lawler enter the ring. The crowd are in shock as JR lies unconscious on the mat.
    No one is cheering for Zack Ryder any more.


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 6,773 Mod ✭✭✭✭connemara man

    first show.

    Trump Industry Wrestling presents is second show
    opens on a look back from show 1

    The ring is set up for Miz TV


    The Miz walks down to the ring in his suit belt over his shoulder siling smugly to the crowd walks into the ring to a ring of booooss


    "really really"

    "Ladies and Gentle men i have been graciously awarded the oppurtunity tho entertain the masses with this famous show of mine. "

    a chorus of boooss again

    "please let me introduce my first guest the our owner and GM the esteemed the talented Donald Trump"


    DT "thank you very much for having me here Miz after your victory last week i couldn't not give you your show also as its your show I will introduce a signing I was able to achieve a true fighter and man that will change the outlook for our company"

    Steve Blackman walks down with the Hardcore belt on his shoulders to a very bemused crowd

    MIZ "to all you confused people here I have secured footage from earlier on today"

    A video package shows Taz entering the changing area with langston behind him befor E can get in the door shuts and a locker blocks it of Steve Blackman hits Tazz repeatedly until he falls calls the Ref over 1..2..3.. New Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman.

    DT "You see people the Best know who supports them you hold onto dreams of wrestling I give you a champions that you can be propud of. thank you Steve you can relax now"

    Booss ring out as Steve walks back at the top of the Ramp he passes Daniel Bryan.

    DB "Miz! I will have my rematch NOW!"

    Miz shrugs it of
    DT " no rematch but you two will fight next in a non title bout"

    AD Break

    We come back the ring just cleared with the Miz and Daniel Bryan in the Ring as the bell rings the two men circle each other touching hands to grapple feeling each other out. they lock up and break and again Miz slides out of the ring picks up his belt 1 and walks up the Ramp Daniel Bryan stands there 2 dumbfounded he slides out of the ring Ramp side to cut him of 3 Miz looks at him and walks past him hitting of his shoulder 4 5 DB grabs a mike "do you want this fight to go ahead" crowd yes" 6
    DB " what" 7
    crowd "Yes!"
    DB WHAT?
    Crawd "YES!"
    DB "YES YES YES" he runs up the ramp for Miz miz turns just as he gets there and bang cheap shot with the belt as he turned. The bell gets rung "the winner by DQ is Daniel Bryan who is getting attention from the REF he waves him of gets the mike "I'll get you yet Miz"

    Back stage Big E and Tazz are bickering over Tazz losing his title Big E picks up a chair folds it up as Tazz looks shocked he waks at Tazz eyes him up walks around him around the corner where The sandman is failing an attack on Steve Blackman he smashes Steve over the Head and then goes after the Sandman as steve starts to pick himself up a carry case rolls into him and hes down a ref still there counts the Pin as Big E turns around annoyed .
    Tazz "good work kid"

    In the Ring The Hurricane is standing there Rosey by his side capeless with a mike in his hand.


    "Hunico Camacho we are coming for you. my fight tonight proves how serious we are about getting our stuff back"


    Colt Comes down to a cheer the two men shake hands before the bout two fan favourites getting to show of what they have to offer the wrestling universe.
    a good to and fro matc Rosey staying out with some good aeriel maves from hurricane. and Colt puts in some big offensive the crowd really into this match the two really going at it as the Titantron lights up and a live feed of the carpark comes up and Hunico and Camacho are there cycling around wearing the capes Rosey rushes out as Hurricane stands there outraged as hes looking Colt gets a quick roll up 1..2..3 for the win Hurricane stands there out raged Colt offers a hand that hurricane begrudgingly shakes just as Rosey is jumped outside the stadium.

    Hunico "hey oombre your friend doesn't look like hes feeling so super now" laughter as the feed falls and Hurricane runs out.

    Back stage

    Bryan" I cant believe I'm fighting again tonight"
    Kane "you feeling ok though"
    Bryan "yeah itll take more than that idiot to stop me I didn't break a sweat"
    Kane "good I can't wait to get my hands on them tonight"

    second last bout of the night

    Jey uso vs Morrison
    Jimmy uso accompanies Jey and they wait in the ring as Morrison comes down he looks back as if hes expecting Miz but no joy the bell rings and Jey an morrison start their bout a tenous start they really have a hard match to follow after the earlier fight they nicely pick up a bit of pace to the fight with the two getting in nice bits of offense but no decisive control. The Miz walks down the ramp during the bout and Morrison watches him annoyed as he walks to Commentary Jimmy escorts him over as a gaurd to Jey nothing happens in the ring during this.

    The Miz "sorry for being late I know after Miz tv you couldn't wait I was to busy getting that idiots face imprint of my title" a chuckle

    The action gets underway again Morrison starts to get an upperhand and builds momentum Miz stands up and decides to leave the usos
    Morrison hits the moon light dive 1..2..3.. winner Morrison

    London And Kendrick stand at the top of the ramp and watch Miz go by the usos and morrison in the ring

    London "we have watched nearly everyone in our competition compete clearly we have nothing to worry about"

    They exit

    JBL and Farooq are back stage before the final bout of the night

    JBL "everything set"
    Farooq " nearly got ruined earlier but were good for later"

    Kane and Daniel Bryan walk down to the ring and wait for the APA

    down walk the APA but JBL is in his suit as he walks into the ring Kane looks cofuse seething after last week he starts after him the Ref intervenes and Kane goes back to his corner. JBL grabs a mike

    JBL" Ladies and Gentlemen give last weeks events and that Kane is now no 1 contender my esteemed partner Donald Trump has arranged so we dont face each other just yet"

    Kane has to be restrained

    JBL "so let me introduce my replacement Steve Blackman"

    the crowd react confused as he enters and as JBL walks to commentary

    JBL"well as i made the effort to be here"

    the match starts with the two injured parties in the ring they really go at it the anger from earlier still seeping through the two the two styles of the men lead to a great opening to the fight. Steve Black man manages a small bit of control and gets the tag Farooq comes in and slows the tempo with some heavy offense Bryan looks jaded in the center of the ringas farooq goes for a big boot he duck out of the way and scrambles to Kane and just manages to get the tag Kane comes in and its some battle the two big men taking and giving big hits outside JBL rises and grabs Bryan from the tarp and hits him with the clothes line from hell. the ref spots this and calls the for the bell. he stands up on the apronand steps in Steve Blackman steps in and with Farooq they circle Kane and start the beat down Kane gets some offense in but the three are to much. Kane lies there in the ring with JBL over him raises the belt with farooq and steve Black man either side

    End Show

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  • Registered Users Posts: 85,763 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 3

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment presents

    Friday Night Ignition

    The show opens with GM Bobby Heenan in the ring talking about the WrestleMayhem PPV. He says tonight we will found out who is to face Mr. Perfect for the LWE world championship. Heenan says that in a special elimination main event match tonight will involve, Wade Barrett, Scott Hall, Austin Aries, Daniel Bryan, The Pope D'Angelo Dinero and Drew McIntyre. William Shatner comes out and says he needs to speak with Heenan. He tells Heenan something is missing from here and Heenan agrees and tells yes something is missing from here, Shatner's brain. Shatner says he has a new mission and that is to take over as host from Jay Leno of The Tonight Show and he could prove himself by having his own talk show segment on Ignition. He says he even has a name The Shat Show. Heenan says tonight he is a good mood and will allow him to have his show. Shatner says as it is first show he needs a big guest and he wants the LWE world champ Mr. Perfect. Heenan says he will make it happen. Shatner is dancing in the ring as Heenan leaves laughing at him.

    First match up is the tag champions The American Wolves - Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards Vs International Airstrike - Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel. The match ends when Richards pins Gabriel for the win after he blind tags in. After the match Kidd and Gabriel argue and Kidd walks off.

    Scott Hall is backstage talking with Velvet Sky.

    Austin Aries approaches Tyson Kidd backstage and tells him that he should be in the main event tonight instead of carrying Gabriel as a tag partner and listening to that old man Malenko. Kidd walks off while Aries shout is could be Kidd time.

    Shatner is in the ring with two chairs from ringside. He welcomes everyone to The Shat Show. He welcomes his guest Mr. Perfect. Shatner apologises and promises next week a proper set will be arranged for his show. Shatner asks Perfect how he feels about the ppv and who he would like to face. Perfect takes the mic and says he could face any of them and beat them but of course he thinks Scott Hall should get another chance at the title. Perfect says he thinks Heenan has gone too soft giving the likes Drew McIntyre a chance to compete to face him. Shatner says one thing he admires about Perfect is his hair. Shatner talks about his days working on TJ Hooker with Heather Locklear and says she too had gorgeous blonde hair and that Perfect reminds him of her. Perfect says he has had enough of this sh*t and goes to leave the ring but turns around and spears Shatner and then leaves.

    Stephanie enters Heenan's office and asks him if he decided if she could be his assistant. Heenan tells her he is still thinking about it as another candidate has thrown her hat into the ring. Stephanie asks if it is McCool and Heenan says it is. Stephanie tells Heenan he would be a fool to hire McCool and leaves.

    Next match is Velvet Sky Vs.Michelle McCool. Sky picks up the win and Layla is shown backstage watching.

    Pope D'Angelo Dinero meets Davey Richards backstage, he tells after he becomes No. 1 contender for WHC tonight he is going to make history because he also wants the tag titles and he is going to get them. Richards attacks him and refs break them apart.

    Next match is Frankie Kazarian Vs Derrick Bateman. Kazarian picks up the win and after the match Bateman is having a break down in the ring screaming and shouting no no no no. Refs come out to him but he wont leave the ring. Heenan comes out and gets Bateman to leave the ring.

    Up next is the main event which is an elimination match
    Wade Barrett Vs Scott Hall Vs Austin Aries Vs Daniel Bryan Vs The Pope D'Angelo Dinero Vs Drew McIntyre
    The last two left in the match is McIntyre and Hall and Perfect comes down the ring. Heenan comes out and orders him to the back, Perfect looks to be going to hit Heenan but doesn't instead he stands up the top of the ramp and watches as McIntyre eliminates Hall so he will be facing Perfect at WrestleMayhem PPV as the show ends.
