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The 2011 Boards PW Draft (Evaluation)



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    I am proud to announce negotiations between the television company TV3 and Spongey Wrestling Entertainment (S.W.E.) have concluded and I can reveal that the television station has purchased 5 weekly wrestling programmes broadcasting live from the Spongezone in Sligo, Ireland culminating with the highlight of the wrestling calendar Spongemania which this year will take place at the Showgrounds in Sligo.

    The S.W.E., formerly known as Spongey Wrestling Federation, has been in the news lately having lost a long and costly court battle with the Slick Wrestling Federation over the use of the initials S.W.F. The chairman of S.W.E Mr Spongey in a press conference said that despite the clear corruption of the judge involved, our wrestling company will rise above this setback and continue to provide the viewers with top notch wrestling entertainment.

    The weekly wrestling show will be broadcast live on Thursday nights and is coming soon.

    logo copyrighted by CMpunked

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    April 2010...


    They said we wouldnt do it but we did. A wild crowd of 40,000 filled Semple Stadium to welcome home Gerard.C after his winning effort in the 2010 PW Draft. There were celebrations of which the streets of Thurles, Cashel and Clonmel and never witnessed before.

    That was last year.

    February 2011...


    We have a long road ahead of us.
    Introducing the...




    Premier Wrestling Federation 2011 – The story so far

    PWF World Heavyweight Champion – The Undertaker – Has been champion for 7 months after defeating and retiring Giant Baba in an epic showdown. Since defeating Giant Baba, The Deadman has asked his Manager and Father Figure Paul Bearer to step aside and let him prove that he doesnt need the urn or his help any more. Bearer is constantly reminding The Phenom that he raised him after the fire and he would be lost without him. Taker now seems to have the mental self-strength to disobey Bearer and his urn after all this years, and Bearer is not too happy about this.

    PWF TV Champion - Razor Ramon – The Bad Guy has been PWF TV Champ for 3 months now. He has been dominant in defending his title, but has been angered in recent weeks as wrestlers and fans both began commenting that he hadn’t faced any real competition yet and had only defeated soft opponents. Ramon is not pleased with these developments to say the least.

    Taz – Has been seen hanging around with JTG and Shad in dimly lit street corners listening to Biggie Smalls. They are a group of wise guys. They are very street smart - they wear Baseball Hats, Bandanas around their mouths and Black Sunglasses. Having all grown up on the dangerous streets of Brooklyn, New York, these men have, and will again, do what it takes to survive in a world where they see everyone as an enemy who is out to get them. They call themselves “The East Coast Bloods”. Taz recruited JTG and Shad after he was released from the Pen, he said they was loyal homeboys, and he respects that. Survive if they let you.

    Ken Shamrock – The Worlds Most Dangerous Man has earned quite the reputation since his arrival in the PWF. Loved by fans, and respected by his peers, Shamrock certainly has plenty of momentum with him at the moment. What has he in store? Only one way to find out!

    Abdullah The Butcher – The PWF Parish (We’re not exactly a universe yet like) was shocked to hear the signing of the legendary Abdullah The Butcher. Not exactly in the Winter of his career yet, what can we expect from the legendary Butcher when he arrives THIS WEEK on PWF TV?!

    Abyss – Has been on a war path ever since he found out about Abdullahs imminent arrival in the Premier Wrestling Federation. He cannot hear the name Abdullah without freaking out and putting someone through something. He has promised to confront Abdullah when he debuts on PWF TV.

    Big Boss Man – Yet to appear in PWF

    Giant Baba – Was retired by The Undertaker several months ago. Has been studying the PWF talent ever since his retirement and remained active in backstage duties. Is still widely feared backstage, as a rumours of meetings with members of the Underworld in Japan have created an interest in him once again amongst the members of the roster.

    Homicide – Along with Hernandez, Super Crazy and Psicosis, makes up "La Raza". They is all about the brown. Inspired by the lyrics of Tupac Shakur, they live their lives the best they can, and do right by they mamas. They wear baggy shorts and baggy t shirts, and drink 40’s on their porch in the ghetto. La Raza have been known to smoke the Kush with Cypress Hill. Hernandez was arrested in 2000 along with Dr. Dre for possession of 5 oz of Chronic. Hernandez was future endevoured by Dre, and landed back on the streets while Dre became a household name in 2001, where he hooked up with his old buddy Homicide. Shortly after that, they met Crazy and Psicosis who had crossed the US-Mexico border to learn how to wrestle. Ever since then, La Raza has ruled the streets of LA, and have been a dominant force in the PWF. Homicide is also riding Layla. She was impressed by his rims, and he by hers.

    Rampage Jackson – Yet to appear in PWF

    Michelle McCool – Yet to appear in PWF

    Sabu - Has been out of action for 2 months after injuring himself by going through a table. He is expected back any time now.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    In asociation with NBC studios the BWA are proud to present:


    Jay Leno Opens the show and explains that tonights instalment of his show will be as advertised a Pro Wrestling special, he guarantees that every PW fan will be talking about his show tommorow and that you simply cannot miss what he has lined up for you tonight.

    He then starts his intro by saying that he is a well known Pro Wrestling fan, he has a past that proves it (a few clips of his WCW days are shown) and he says he isnt afraid to admit it. He says that unlike when he was on TV involved in wrestling during what is now known as the "Attitude Era" it is no longer cool to like wrestling. He then suggests that, that all changed forever it seemed a few years back with a very high profile case involving Chris benoit but unfortunatly six months ago when it seemed Pro Wrestling was just getting mainstream acceptance again something happened again On a day he says, when it seemed all the negative fates alligned to seemingly bring about the end of modern PW as we know it with what he now refers to as the "TNA incident".

    a video promo is then shown documenting the incident which took place on TNA's very last ever attempt at a live monday night show. The WWE's monopoly had been broken and TNA once more were trying to take on the big boys with the BWA, WECWF & MNG promotions all already live on Monday night but one man threw a spanner into the works of that nights impact, that man was The Junkyard Dog. The clip then highlights how JYD, aka Sylvester Ritter was suffering from a very bad drug problem, a problem that directly lead to his bizzare antics that night. The Clip then finally shows 3 short segments from the actual show from that night.

    The first sees a clearly high JYD perform an unscripted manuveur known as teabagging on his opponent later that night (Black Tiger) during a backstage segment, this was supposed to be a comedy skit but that, was never, what was supposed to happen live on air. Next some security footage is shown which catches the JYD slurring his words as he seems to be threatening the TNA president in her office. Then finally we a shown a clip from that nights main event, which the narrator explains had the JYD added to it as a result of his threatening behaviour earlier that night. In the bit of the match shown Ritter is a mess and a danger to his opponents safety a fact sadly highlighted when he locks in a ankle lock on Black Tiger whos ankle he broke live on TV by refusing to release the hold until long after a loud snap could be heard. To make matters even worse as Ritter was being take out of the arena by security a fan near the front row threw his soda at him and in retaliation the out of sorts JYD spat into the crowd. Replays on all news stations that night carried photos of the drugged up JYD unintentionnly spitting in a young female fans face as Black Tiger crys out in pain in the ring. A commen question asked by media outlets across the nation the next morning was if Ritter was "The Next Chris Benoit?"

    We return to the studio where after Leno uninetionally makes a joke or two about how ironic the junkyard dog wrestling name is given his drug problems. He does this while highlighting how he us now going to adopt a more serious tone because what we just saw was the reason most professional wrestling shows were pulled from television schedules for the past few months and he says this is a serious topic. Once he is settled he introduces the man the whole controversy surrounded, The Junkyard Dog Sylvester Ritter.

    JYD looks great and credits Rehab and his sponsor for getting him clean & Sober, he tells Jay that he is back training and is getting back Mentally and Physically in top condition. He says that BWA chairman Bounty Hunter personally paid for all of this and he owes him a personal thank you but more than that he talks of his remorse for his actions that night and his actions leading up to that night. He admits that he was on a self distructive path and that he should have never let it go so far. He says he is up nights thinking about what he did to Black Tiger and the wrestling industry as a whole that night. He says that although he is truely sorry he is not going to ask for their forgivness, instead he wants to prove that he has changed and he wants to contribute to the industry that he has damaged before he is deserving of being forgiven.

    Jay thanks JYD for coming here tonight especially as he informs the audience JYD has to head straight off because later tonight he is performing at a BWA house show in his first match back in the ring since the before eluded to incident.

    Leno's mood then changes as he introduces his second guest replacing JYD on his couch, a man Jay describes as a personal friend and a former 2 time world heavyweight champion....Bobby Lashley

    Lashley and Leno have a light hearted chat about the wrestling industry, Bobby's time fighting MMA, including the victory over Bob Sapp who has recently gotten back into PW, the contrast between those two industries and finally about Lashley's own return to Professional wrestling as he announces he has just signed a contract with the BWA.
    pictured above is Bobby Lashley's expression as Leno introduced his next guest

    When asked why he chose to sign with the BWA, Lashley once again brought up BWA chairman Bounty Hunter, he says that he simply made him and offer he couldent refuse and coupled with the kind of person he is as evident by his giving the JYD a second chance in the wrestling business he felt it would be a good fit. Lashley prepares to make way for the next guest but Leno says seing as they are friends he is going to ask him to stick around for a while as the host thinks he will enjoy meeting his next guest...Jenna Jameson

    The world reknown Pornstar gets a great reception from the Audience although some seem puzzled to see her here. Leno says that he can see from their faces not everyone is familiar with her past experience in Pro Wrestling and asks her to explain. He reminds everyone that she knows how to get extreme in more than one way as she made a number of appearances with Extreme Championship Wrestling starting with the PPV Hardcore Heaven '97 as a valet for the Dudley family. She also mentions another appearance at ECW Living Dangerously on March 1, 1998 and talks about the few months where she was ECW's on-screen interviewer. Jay also comically makes light of a 1998 vignette she filmed with Val Venis, a character in the WWE at the time.

    She then speaks about women in the industry today, the wrestling industry that is and she doesnt speak too highly of the current crop of "Divas". She says they have lost their attitude, saying that they went for the Jenna Jameson look to create the illusion of sex appeal but that sex appeal is all about attitude and that without that all you have is a load of talentless bimbos. She says that the audience has realised this and that that is the reason that Divas matches these days are often reffered to as "piss break time".

    This brings her nicely to the answer of Jay's next question which relates to her current involvement in PWA, specifically the BWA. She says that she wants to bring the attitude back to PW and that that is why she has returned to this what she describes as her second industry and it is also why she has brought her man back to the industry he loves. She also then notes that it was ironic that the one big name women with attitude left in the busines Vicky Guerrero had to lose her contract with the BWA to bring about her arrival but says that although Vicky got your attension it got you to switch the channel, but with her she says eyes will be kept peeled to the screne. She is then however pressed about who "her man" is by Leno, which leads her to introduce his final guest for the evening the man she manages and motivates, the (self-proclaimed) Master and Ruler of the World and former 6 time world champion Psycho Sid Vicious

    After Sid emerges from the back Leno plays a clip showing Jenna and his recent arrival in the BWA coming from out of nowhere and interupting a match between former BWA competitors Kerry Von Erich & Muhammad Hussan. With Jameson screaming orders at him and with the elment of surprise to his advantage he impressively took out both men upon his arrival. Both recieving huge powerbombs and being placed on the injured list until their contacts expired. A few quick shots are also shown of him dismantling local jobbers in seconds in the following week once again with Jenna at ringside.

    When we return Sid talk about how good it feels to be back inside a wrestling ring doing what he does best, inflicting pain on others. Leno then asks him if he can sum up exactly why he is here tonight, if there is any one thing he wants to say to the millions watching at home? Jenna however is the one who answers here and says that the previous video clip should say all he viewing public need to know about Sid, he's back and he means business, however she says he does have a message for all the other wrestler contracted to the BWA. Sid steps up out of his seat now and states "Nobody is as dominant as me, nobody is as ruthless as me, nobody is as powerfull as me, and nobody can stand up to what I have to offer. One by one I will take you all out if you stand in my way because nobody can defeat me!!

    Sid's intense glare into the camera as his statement sinks in is interupted though by Bobby Lashley defiantly saying "I CAN!" as he stands up to go eye to eye with Sid. Luckily a number of large security guards break the two of them up beforey the come to blows and eventually at Leno's behest Lashley makes his way to the back avoiding an on air confrontation.

    After everything is calmed down Leno reminds everone of his words at the beginning of the show where he said no PW fan should miss the show as he had a number of bombshells for them the first of which he can no longer wait to announce. He then lets the world know that in 4 and a half weeks time the BWA will hold it's first ever King of the Ring tournament and that at that PPV and during the build up he has signed a deal to join the BWA commentary team. He says he cannot wait to be lined up beside good old JR Jim Ross in the commentary booth and see all the best PW action first hand. He also states that this deal means that each and every week he will have access to the biggest stars in the BWA on his show and will continue to provide the most indept and up to date coverage to the masses of prefessional wrestling fans as a result.

    Similarily to the others he asked tonight he then speaks about why he chose to make this deal with the BWA and once again highlights how negotiating with BWA chairman was a delight compared to his past dealing with PW management but he does admit that the sheer amount of big announcements that the man known simply as Bounty Hunter has afforded him to make did also make his decision much easier, before he starts to make his second big BWA related anouncement but this one he gives a bit more of a backstory.

    He says that since "the Incident" as he had said previously most promotions found TV deals hard to come by and that the BWA were not seperate from this fact but that his own employers at NBC had taken a chance with the BWA on a short term TV & PPV deal considering their reputation was exemplary until the world of PW was rocked by this incident. However that deal like virtually all of the ones secured by promotions in the wake of the TNA incident had certain PG guidlines as a part of it and again like with the other promotions the BWA has admitted recently it has suffered somewhat creatively by having limitations imposed upon it. Therefore he is pleased that his curent employers have allowed him to announce the BWA's switch of programming provider as of the KOTR PPV. He says it is very big of them to higlight such a presticious brand leaving their shores but says he will do his best to bring fans right back her for his show who have watched him on the now home of the BWA as of this night next week, when BWA Raw will go live on HBO

    He talks about how the BWA always saw itself as the HBO of the wrestling scene or so as to speak. They dont pander to the idea that you have to do something non PG all the time because its your hook instead just dont limit ideas and promos creatively and if it feels like someone should drop an f-bomb, give a vicious beatdown or do something else non pg then let them etc once its properly planned and controlled. Dont push blood and hardcore etc but if two wrestlers decide in the heat of a rivalry to do what some critics would call an extra spot that maybe they wouldent do with a majority underage audience because of how it looks, well perhaps let them etc. He says that HBO was an obvious fit for the BWA as it heads into a new chapter in its storied history and that he is proud to be there at the beginning.

    He then aknowledges that he is breaking off from his announcements but now, as a temporary member of the BWA roster, he wanted to call out Eric Bischoff and WECWF on something. He says that over the past few weeks we have heard Bischoff and co. repeat that Vince McMahon left the MNG and Hulk Hogan left the BWA while he was still in the WECWF and according to him this means he won the monday night war. Leno calls this an incredible claim considering both WECWF and MNG were left in the BWAs wake in terms of ratings and PPV numbers last year. If anything the fact that Bischoff is still there while Hogan has left shows that the BWA has continued to evolve while the WECWF just stands still. He also quips that it seems Bischoff cant even control his own promotion let alone monday nights, before going as far as to bring up the results from the WECWF vs BWA vs MNG ppv last year which although controversial clearly did not make good reading for MNG & WECWF.

    He then says his final 2 big announcements can wait till atleast his next show as he instead will play us out tonight with a video recapping how the BWA has evolved this past year. He says that not all his late night shows will be like this but that if fans are watching who wouldent normally tune into wrestling that they should watch this and re-evaluate their opinion on the industry as it's the best of the best.

    Below we have highlighted some of the more important recent developments this video showcases to Leno's vast TV audience.

    The video starts at the top of the card where Rikidozan's dominant reign as WHC is recapped

    it goes all the way back to when he did what everyone else has failed to do and killed Hulkamania when both mens careers in the BWA aswell as the title were on the line. He had done all this and remained undefeated having been victorious over Roddy Piper in his debut at BWA:Re-Awakening and yet he still didnt get the respect he felt he deserved from the BWA fans. This made him bitter and angry, with him taking his rage out on his opponents for the title. Most recently it shows how he stirred up controversy with Jerry "The King" Lawler over considering himself the King of the BWA and how he has been seen to be keeping Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat at arms lenght with Kenta Kobashi among others blocking his path.

    It was actually in that feud that Kenta seemed to finally win over the BWA audience, turning his back on his former leader and his cries to Injure steamboat, as instead the two faced off after a show of respect to see who the better man was. Steamboat won but on another night it could have easily gone the other way. The video also recaps how a month before that Kenta's tag partner Mitsuharu Misawa had gotten injured during a match between them and the current BWA tag team champions the Brisco brothers, however this is done more to higlight that his return from injury is iminent. Misawa like Rikidozan never quite liked having to speak English and used a translater. Although in Misawa's case it was Kenta's broken English that acted as his translater, the video then hints at question of how they will co-exist when Misawa returns now that Kobashi has defied Rikidozan.

    It also then briefly highlights a number of the other new BWA superstars including the IC champ Jushin "Thunder" Liger and the BWA tag team champions The Briscoes.

    As the show ends the NBC studios logo is standing side by side with the BWA logo pictured below indication this was a joint production between both brands.

    After a few seconds the old BWA logo fades out and this newer logo appears beside its HBO counterpart, which replaces NBC... this truely is a new era for the BWA


    BWA Roster 2011:
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Kenta Kobashi
    Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    The Great Sasuke
    Ultimo Dragon
    Sid Vicious
    Bobby Lashley
    Junkyard Dog
    The Briscoes
    Jay Leno
    Jenna Jameson

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE LIVE – Week 1

    Commentator – “Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to SWE Live debut on TV3 with a wrestling extravaganza live from the Spongezone in Sligo in the north west of Ireland. We are fresh from the SpongeWars PPV and all eyes are now focussed on the highlight of the wrestling calendar, SpongeMania, just a short 5 weeks away and what a show we have lined up tonight, The SWE Heavyweight Championship is on the line in a Champion vs Champion match as the SWE Heavyweight champion Lou Thesz defends the title in our main event tonight against the SWE Interprovincial champion Jeff Jarrett and we also have a number one contender match for the SWE Heavyweight Championship in a triple threat match involving Sting, Randy Orton & Terry Funk.”

    In the Ring
    Music interrupts the commentator and out to the ring comes Macho Libre. He grabs the mic. “Buenos Nochas, Oh Yeah, Dig it. Livin La Vida Loca, yeah, livin la vida loca. Say everything twice, yeah, say everything twice, oh yeah. So this is SWE. Ohhh Yeahhhh. Macho Libre is looking to control the Spongezone, yeah, control the Spongezone. Macho Libre is looking to entertain the fans, yeah, entertain the fans. Let me tell you something something something something. Ohhh Yeahhh”

    “EXXXXCCUUUUUSSSSEEEE MEEEEEE” wails out over the speakers. Everyone grabs their ears in agony & dogs are barking incessantly. Then focus is turned to the shapely figure (yes round is a shape) making her way down to the ring. It’s the general manager Vickie Guerrero. As she gets in the ring the whole crowd boos. “Excuse Me” she says trying to get the crowd to stop booing. This only makes it worse. “Excuse Me” she shouts out still unable to stop the crowd booing. She continues to speak despite the constant booing. “You say you want to control the Spongezone. Let me tell you that I am the general manager of the SWE and I am the only person who will ever control the Spongezone. You are a joke. You can’t even come up with an original gimmick. All you need now is a Mexican version of Miss Elizabeth and you’ll be a complete couple” Macho Libre comes back to say “I may not have Miss Elizabeth with me today but we do have Miss Piggy with us”. The crowd laughs and Vickie is mortified and slaps Macho Libre. Macho Libre threatens to strike back but Vickie says “Wait, wait, you cant touch me or I’ll have your ass fired. Just to show how much of a joke you are I’ve arranged an opponent for you to face next” Music starts and out comes Edge and Vickie leaves the arena. As Edge & Vickie pass each other on the ramp they give each other a cold stare.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Edge vs Macho Libre
    Edge comes to the ring carrying the briefcase that guarantees him a title shot anytime anywhere. He gets in the ring and despite an early flurry of offense from Macho Libre, Edge quickly takes control and quickly disposes of Macho Libre with a spear to pick up the 1-2-3. Winner: Edge

    He grabs the mic “After winning the gruelling 6 man ladder match at SpongeWars to win the guaranteed title shot I will wait for the ultimate opportunity to cash in my contract and become the new SWE Heavyweight Championship”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Matt Hardy is showing his new smart phone to MVP
    Matt Hardy: “Isn’t technology great, look at this new phone, it can do anything”
    MVP “What do you need that for, it’s probably got a load of junk on it that you will never use”
    Matt Hardy “It’s got a Magic Eight Ball app that can answer any question about the future you want. Watch this”
    He types the question ‘Will I win the number one contenders match for the SWE Interprovincial Championship tonight?’ He shakes the phone and the phone says ‘Yes you will’.
    Matt Hardy “You see, it works”
    MVP “Wait a minute, you’re fighting me in that number one contenders match”
    Matt Hardy “Oh sorry dude, good luck next time. Technology never lies” and walks away to leave MVP looking bemused.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: SWE Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match – Randy Orton vs Sting vs Terry Funk
    Terry Funk comes out first to enormous applause. The crowd respect his toughness and his ability to dish out and take plenty of punishment. Then comes Randy Orton with a slow and methodical walk to the ring. The crowd jeer him. Last to appear is Sting who gets the biggest cheer. The three of them face off in the ring. Randy goes straight for Sting and Terry Funk goes for Orton. Sting and Funk get the better of Orton and send him flying out the ring. Huge cheers and Sting and Funk absorb it all in. Funk however doesn’t wait around and attacks Sting. He gains control and hits Sting with a snap DDT. He goes for the pin but Orton, who is outside the ring pulls Funk outside to stop the three count. He clotheslines Funk and goes in the ring to try to pin Sting but Sting kicks out. Orton begins to work on Sting but unable to get the pinfall. Funk now gets up on the apron and attempts to come in the ring but Orton sees him, grabs him and sets him up for a rope hung DDT. An attempted pin by Orton on Funk is disrupted by Sting. Sting begins to regain control and begins to wear down Orton. Funk meanwhile rolls out of the ring. Orton keeps kicking out of all Stings pinfall attempts but looks to be on his last legs but out of nowhere he hits Sting with an RKO. The two lie inside the ring unable to move. The crowd cheers loudly to try to get Sting up but Orton crawls over to Sting, drapes his arm over him and the ref counts 1, 2, Sting kicks out unbelievably. Orton cant believe it and remonstrates with the referee that it should have been 3. As this happens Sting is slowly getting up on his feet and Funk gets back in the ring with a steel chair. Funk belts Orton as he is facing the referee. Orton falls to the ground in agony and rolls out of the ring. As Funk faces to turn Sting to hit him with the chair, Sting catches him with a Scorpion Death Drop and scores the pin. The crowd cheer as Sting’s hand is raised as the winner and new Number One Contender for the SWE Heavyweight Championship. Winner: Sting

    * * * * * * * * * *

    In the Ring
    The SWE Tag Team Champions The Rock n Roll Express come to the ring. Robert Gibson grabs the mic “Its great to be here in the SWE” The crowd cheers. Ricky Morton takes the mic “The SWE is where it’s at and we have risen from the bottom, beaten some of the best tag teams and now we stand before you the SWE Tag Team champions. And we welcome all challengers and ….”

    Music sounds to interrupt Morton and out to the ring comes The Dream Team. Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake square up to Gibson & Morton. Greg Valentine grabs the mic “You say you welcome all challenges, well we are here to issue you with a challenge for the SWE Tag Team Championships.” Gibson replies “As we mentioned before we were rudely interrupted we welcome all challengers but you have to prove that you are worthy challengers for these belts. If you can beat us here next week then we will give you a title match. If not you can go to the bottom of the ladder like everyone else.”

    Brutus takes the mic “You’re on” and as Beefcake & Valentine turn to get out of the ring they instead move to strike Morton & Gibson. However the move is telegraphed by Morton & Gibson who block the strike and reply with a few hits of their own and knock The Dream Team out of the ring. Beefcake and Valentine are livid and stomping their fists on the apron. Security staff then usher them slowly up the ramp to the entrance. They keep shouting out “Wait til we get you next week” as the retreat backstage.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: SWE Interprovincial Championship Number One Contenders Match – Matt Hardy vs MVP
    Both Matt Hardy & MVP come out to huge cheers from the crowd. They shake hands at the start to acknowledge the respect they have for each other. The match starts slowly with each wrestler applying holds only to have them reversed. Matt Hardy gets control of the match and gets a close 3 count after a Side Effect. MVP turns the tables though after Hardy missed a moonsault off the top rope. MVP sets Hardy up for his trademark elbow drop and has the whole crowd shout “BALLIN’”. MVP sets Hardy up for a drive by kick but Hardy sidesteps him and gets him with a Twist of Fate and gets the pin to become the new number one contender for the SWE Interprovincial Championship. Winner: Matt Hardy

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Randy Orton paces back and forth showing obvious disappointment at his loss earlier in the evening. His father Cowboy Bob Orton comes up to him. “Son, what happened to you out there?” Randy replies “I don’t know, I thought I had the win” Bob says “Son, you have a greater destiny in front of you. There are plenty of legends in this company and you are destined to be greater than all of them, even me. You need to make a statement and stamp your greatness on this company”. Bob walks away and Randy starts to think to himself and lets a grin out to suggest a plan has entered his head.

    The camera cuts elsewhere backstage to MVP walking, he is again visibly disappointed at his loss earlier in the night. He passes by a poster on the wall and stops. It has a picture of MVP with an X over it and reads. “NOT WELCOME IN THE S.W.E” He rips the poster off the wall and walks away even more angrier.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Main Event Match: SWE Heavyweight Championship – Lou Thesz (c) vs Jeff Jarrett
    Lou Thesz comes out to enormous applause. He has held the championship for 9 months and has been unstoppable against all challengers. Jeff Jarrett appears with his custom guitar and SWE Interprovincial Championship belt. The match starts slow with Jarrett keeping Thesz at a distance. A mistake allows Jarrett to hit with a diving crossbody. Jarrett continues with a slow beating of Thesz but unable to get the 3 count. Jarrett attempts a sleeper hold on Thesz. Thesz weakens and falls forward sending Jarrett into the ref and both the ref and Jarrett fall through the ropes. While outside the ring Jarrett grabs his guitar and crawls back into the ring looking to smash it over Thesz’s head. Thesz ducks however and the guitar hit misses. Thesz grabs Jarrett, gives him 3 german suplexes and then applies the STF to Jarrett. Jarrett immediately taps out but the referee is still outside the ring and unable to see the tap. Thesz grabs the referee outside the ring and rolls him inside. However when Thesz gets back in the ring Jarrett attempts a roll up for a close 2 count. Thesz immediately recovers, gives Jarrett a powerbomb and gets the 3 count to retain the title. Winner: Lou Thesz

    The referee raises Lou Theszs arm as champion but Randy Orton rushes out to the ring and gives Thesz a RKO. Orton grabs a steel chair and hits Thesz several times as he is laying prone on the canvas. Orton slowly retreats out of the ring with a grin to show how happy he is with events just gone. As Orton slips backstage out rushes Edge with his guaranteed contract briefcase and hands it to the referee. Edge orders the referee to start the match and as Thesz stumbles to his feet Edge hits him with a spear and the referee counts a 1-2-3 and we have a new champion. Edge celebrates hoisting up the SWE Heavyweight Championship Belt.

    Commentator – “What a finish to this inaugural episode of SWE Live from the Spongezone. Make sure to tune in next week when we see the events of tonight unfold further. Good night ladies & gentlemen.”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj


    "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels needs no introduction. He is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, the showstoppa, the greatest performer in the history of the sport. This all despite wearing those embarrassing leather pants from Brokeback Mountain and being unique in sporting both a ponytail and a bald patch simultaneously. They'd look cat on anyone else, but somehow HBK pulls it off.

    Michaels' best friend and tag team partner is Marty Jannetty. Jannetty is a hoor for the drink and drugs and has a long history of being fired from wrestling companies for no-showing his bookings. HBK has helped him get back on his feet and to kick the boottle once and for all and Jannetty has never looked better for it. That still doesn't explain the needless tassles he still wears from his elbows though.

    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase has lots of money and always gets his man. Never short of a few pound, he loves nothing more than a short cut to the top. His laugh is beyond epic and flahavaj secretly wants a jacket just like his.

    Stan Hansen
    is a hardy old b*stard. He drinks like a fish and will bayte you if you cross him. His fearsome lariat has been known to stop a prize heifer in its tracks on the Hansen ranch.

    Finlay is another hard man who has never forgotten his East Belfast roots. He loves nothing more than a feed of Harp and to sing songs expressing anti-British sentiments at the top of his voice. Rumours that he once ran guns into Drogheda for Gerry Adams have never been confirmed nor denied.

    The Road Warriors
    are the Tag Team Champions of the World. They have destroyed every team in their path on their way to the summit of the tag ranks and are rapidly running out of competition.

    Masahiro Chono is the reigning IWGP Champion. He has arrived in the NWA as part of their international talent trade del with New Japan Pro Wrestling and intends to raise the prestige of his title by beating he best America has to offer.

    "Superstar" Billy Graham
    is an awful man for the ladies and he loves himself. He's the whole time staring in the mirror flexing his biceps and kissing the guns.

    The Dudley Boyz
    Yet to Appear

    King Kong Bundy is a loveable eegit of a man. Everyone likes King Kong but he's a bit of a lazy so and so who's a bit too fond of the aul do-nuts. He has never fulfilled tthe huge promise in the wrestling world that a man his size undoubtedly has. But don't get him angry. You wouldn't like him if he got angry.

    La Familia del Santo
    arrived into the NWA with huge reputations from Mexico's AAA organisation. The NWA is committed to giving fans the best in international action. The high flying style of the icon Santo and his son have blown everyone away and their two year feud with "Los Rudos" - Konnan and Gory Guerrero - has spilt over the border from Mexico into the US.

    Ricky Hatton
    Yet to appear. He'll probably try and steal Bundy's do-nuts whe he does.

    Gerard C.
    Colour commentator and life and soul of the Irish Announce Table (we couldn't afford a Spanish announce table as we spent the budget on Buckfast) he will join friend and fellow Munster Man the Bauld Flah on commentary in the NWA this year. Jimmy Magee eat your heart out.


    New NWA Colour Commentator Gerard C poses outside NWA sponsors' Supervalu shop in Clonmel.

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,906 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    We are welcomed to the RDS for the next FCW Show . Before the pyro could go off Rey Mysterio's music hits and heads to the ring

    Opening Segment:


    Mysterio cuts to the chase and is out to confront the person who attacked him and wants them to be a man to come out and face him and the consquence . Mysterio doesnt have to wait long as Mercury walks out and makes fun of Mysterio until Rey stops and says he knows it was Mercury who has a shocked face but once again laughs. He says he wanted to be a good friend to Morrison and help him become champion but for some reason he was an un-gratefull.................. Morrisons music hits and runs towards the ring and gives out to Mercury for doing this saying as much as he wanted to become Champion he would have never taken Mysterio to do so and apologises to Mysterio but Mercury just laughs again but Morrisons gets in his face , but Sheamus sneaks into the ring and attacks Mysterio and all hell breaks loose as a big announcement comes on saying there will be a Mysterio/Morrison vs Mercury/Sheamus Main Event as referees had to split them up

    Opening Match Number 1 Contender Match For The IC Championship
    X-Pac vs Lethal
    Pope joins the commentary table with his new pimping IC Championship
    Fast paced match with both men wanting to face Pope for the championship. in the end just as it looked like Lethal was going to hit the Lethal combination but Pac would turn it into the X factor for the win

    Winner and Number 1 Contender for the IC Championship: X-Pac

    X Pac starts to beat down on Lethal adding insult to injury but Pope would get into the ring and make the save , but as Pope was checking out lethal X-Pac would hit a low blow on Pope followed by an X Factor


    Backstage Segment: Tara/Madison/Test are walking towards the entrance ahead of their 3 on 2 handicap match against Gail Kim/Matt Morgan

    Second Match:
    Test/Madison/Tara vs Matt Morgan/Gail Kim/Molly Holly
    As the match was about to start Gail got on the mic to say that unfortunatley for them she has found the third person for their team and Tara you know her very well...............

    It doesnt take long for all hell to break loose with Test and Morgan fighting each other threw the crowd and is no down to the 4 women , Molly is dying to be tagged in while Madison/Tara beat down on Gail , just as Madison came off the the top rope Gail would counter it into a ddt and tag in Molly who went into over gear on Madison but Tara wouldnt get in the ring , Just as Molly hit a Northern Lights Suplex for the win Tara would break up the pin , Molly would take a shot at Molly allowing Madison to gain control and then tagged in Tara who set up Molly on the top rope but as Madison was being detained on the apron Gail would slip in the ring and would hit a kick to head knocking her off the top rope and gail taking out Madison. Molly would step up and hit the Molly Go Round on Tara for the win

    Winners: Molly Holly , Gail Kim and Matt Morgan


    Backstage Segment: We see Morgan and Test fighting all through the backstage area it looks like Morgan was going to hit a powerbomb on test through a table but Albert would hit him with a chair allowing Test and Albert to hit a double chokeslam on Morgan through the table.
    Could we be seeing a re union of T&A?????????????

    Third Match
    Albert vs Monty Brown
    Just as Monty Brown was walking towards the ring Albert and Test would attack him and beat him down followed by another chokeslam through the announcers table .

    No Contest

    Main Event:
    Mysterio/Morrison vs Sheamus/Mercury
    Even before the bell rang there was a lot of tension between both teams , it started off with Mercury and Morrison brawling around the ring until Sheamus would distract Morrison allowing Mercury to get control of the match , lots of tags between Sheamus and Mercury beating down on Morrison. Mercury whispered into Sheamus's ear and they set Morrison up for MNMs Snapshot but Morrison would sneak out of it and make the important tag to Mysterio who flew off the top rope taking out both men , Mysterio would use his speed as his advantage but you could still see Mysterio was not 100% and Sheamus would see that and hit a big boot knocking Mysterio to the outside , Now they had the advantage again but Mysterio would not give up or quit . Luckily as Mercury was on the top rope Morrison would kick him off allowing Mysterio to roll over and tag Morrison who was well rested and cleaned house and hit the Springboard kick on Sheamus but Mercury would break it up , but Mysterio would get involved and take out himself and Mercury over the top rope , Sheamus would hit the Broach Kick for the 2 count and set Morrison up for the Celtic Cross but Morrison would get out of it and hit another Springboard kick quickly followed up by a Star Ship Pain for the win

    Winners: Mysterio and Morrison


  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Main recap from last week

    - Vader attacked Jumbo Tsuruta
    - Ole and Gene Anderson revealed themselves and beat up Barry Windham
    - The Rougeaus debuted attacking Jim Duggan and Magnum, helping the Nasty Boys retain the tag titles
    - Cornette again suggested someone was controlling things behind the scenes
    - The New Age Outlaws walked out on Triple H
    - Christian laid out The Game to close the show

    We are live tonight from Austin, Texas.

    The show opens with HHH coming out who's not happy about the Outlaws walking out and leaving Christian to assault him. He says he thought D-X were tight?


    He also blames Cornette and says the chaos around here is affecting everybody. Hunter says it was a horrible week. He gets beaten up, his friends walk out on him and some internet nerds call him the most overrated wrestler ever. Hunter says it's a load of crap and he is sick of it.

    "Oh you didn't know..."


    The Outlaws come out and say Hunter's ego is to blame and Hunter only cares about himself. Hunter says that's not true and claimed he had pulled some strings to get the Outlaws a number one contender match next week against the winners of the Rougeaus vs Duggan/Magnum match later on. Hunter says he needs to know D-X is tight once again though and wants them to beat Christian in a handicap match tonight to prove themselves, assuming Christian has the guts. Christian's music then hit.


    Christian said Hunter need not worry about his bravery. Christian said he's so brave he made it through half an hour of Hunter's new movie before he needed to leave and take a crap. Christian said he is not afraid to face Road Dogg and Billy tonight but warned them that trusting Hunter was a mistake. Road Dogg said he could be right but they need to be number 1 contenders for the tag titles and are willing to go through Christian to get it. Cornette then came out.


    Cornette said 'son-in-law' is acting like a bigger crybaby than Leno did when Conan replaced him. Cornette said he is willing to make the main event match but wondered how Hunter can pull strings when he has not had a conversation with him? HHH said he doesn't trust Cornette. He accuses him of knowing more than he is letting on and said the crazy stuff going on the last few weeks like the Nasty Boys and the Rougeaus showing up are Cornette's fault. This is why D-X has been suffering. HHH said if Christian wants to talk about trust perhaps HE should be careful about trusting Cornette. Hunter said trust one thing only - at Wrestlemania he will retain the World Title and tonight Christian is getting his ass kicked. We go to commercial.

    Backstage segment
    Christian asked Cornette if he had anything to do with what's been happening the last few weeks. Cornette said no and that son-in-law is trying to make him look bad. Road Dogg and Billy then showed up and said they had no beef with Christian but they needed to beat him tonight. Christian then asked them if Hunter is behind the stuff that's been going on the last few weeks. Road Dogg said they can vouch for the fact that Hunter and the Outlaws were really close and whatever is happening behind the scenes, Hunter isn't responsible. Christian said he believed them. Cornette said he'd made a call to someone to restore order to the show next week, to be revealed later. As he left, the Outlaws said they didn't think Cornette, with his history, could be trusted.

    Match - The Rougeaus vs Magnum TA & Jim Duggan

    J.R. noted the winner gets to fight for the right to be number one contender for the tag gold next week on MNG.

    The Rougeaus came out to their 'All American' theme to large boos. Magnum came out again looking very hurt.
    *Flashback* Brody has been attacking Magnum the last number of weeks for some unknown reason...

    Magnum got on the mic and said Brody and he had a personal issue that he didn't want to discuss as it had no place in wrestling. He said Brody would pay for what he's done the last few weeks and if he showed up tonight, he would make him regret it.

    The match was competitive for the most part but Magnum again started to feel weak so Duggan tagged himself in and then refused to allow Magnum to come in. During the match Brody walked out on the ramp and Magnum took chase after him. That left Duggan on his own and the Rougeaus got the win.


    Winners: The Fabulous Rougeaus

    So the Rougeuas will face the Outlaws next week for the right to be number 1 contenders (as long as the Outlaws beat Christian later).

    Backstage segment
    Afterwards the Rougeaus celebrated with the Nasties and they said hopefully the tag titles will stay with one of the two teams at Mania. Christian entered and asked them if they knew what was responsible behind the scenes at MNG? Knobbs said they were not the kind of guys to gossip and laughed. Jacques said he thought Christian would be cooler being a fellow Canadian but he was 'tres lame'. Christian said he didn't realise he needed to dress up like the guy from Due South to look cool. He said the four of them looked like rejects from the Village People. The Nasty Boys said they would beat his ass right there and then but they needed him to win the handicap match later so as to keep the Outlaws from being in the #1 contenders match next week. They all therefore wished him luck and left laughing.

    Meanwhile, Duggan showed up at his and Magnum's dressing room and on the walls was written 'Payback's a bitch'. Magnum was there and looked dejected.


    Magnum said they'd need to take time off as a team because his head wasn't in the game right now. He needed to shut Brody up once and for all. Duggan asked what Brody's vendetta was about and how could he get payback on the Rougeaus without him? Magnum apologised and said he was on his own now. He left the arena.

    Match - Vader vs Barry Windham (non-title)

    It was announced that Ole Anderson and Barry Windham will meet at Mania for the IC Title. Ole and Gene came out to watch at ringside. Before the match Vader said he didn't know if Jumbo was there but he challenged him to a match at Mania.

    The match was a great hard hitting encounter between the two men. The finish came with Ole and Gene causing a distraction allowing Vader to gain control and win with the Vader Bomb.

    Winner: Vader


    The three men afterwards began beating on Windham but Jumbo Tsuruta came down with a chair and chased them off. Jumbo grabbed a mic and staring at Vader up on the ramp simply said - 'You, Me, Wrestlemania!' The announcers said the card was starting to take shape now.

    Cornette appeared on the titantron and noted the chaos happening the last few weeks. He announced to the Texas crowd that there was going to be a special enforcer here from next week on to try and bring order to MNG and it was a man they knew very well. That man's name is...Chuck Norris! The Texas crowd gave a big pop for oul' Walker himself.


    Main event match - Christian vs The New Age Outlaws

    The Outlaws need to win to face the Rougeaus next week for the right to be number 1 contenders. If Christian wins the Rougeaus are automatically the number 1 contenders.

    The match was fast-paced and The Outlaws were required to tag in and out. HHH was shown backstage rooting for the Outlaws while the Nasties and the Rougeaus cheered on Christian. Christian started strong but the numbers game proved difficult. Christian hit the Unprettier on Road Dogg and looked to have the match won but Billy broke up the pin. The finish came with the Outlaws hitting some double team moves and Billy then hit Christian with a fame-asser off the top rope for the pin.

    Winners: The New Age Outlaws


    Backstage Hunter grinned. The Outlaws now face the Rougeaus next week to determine the number 1 contenders for the tag titles.

    Following the match the Nasties and the Rougeaus ran down and began beating up on the Outlaws and hitting some shots on Christian. Hunter then ran down with his sledgehammer and the Nasties and Rougeaus left the ring.


    Triple H nailed the weakened Christian with the sledgehammer and went to check on the Outlaws. He helped them to their feet - then he nailed Road Dogg and Gunn with the sledgehammer.
    JR: 'What the hell is this about?! Triple H just nailed the other members of D-X for goodness sakes!

    Hunter looked at the Nasty Boys and the Rougeaus and smiled. They came in the ring and all of them hugged.

    Cornette came charging down the ring, brushed past the Nasties and Rougeau and got in Hunter's face. He demanded to know what this was all about. Hunter then told the Nasties and Rougeaus to attack Cornette. Windham, Hacksaw Duggan and Jumbo Tsuruta came down to help but the Minnesota Wrecking Crew - Gene and Ole - then came down and so the heels had a 7 on 6 advantage. Hunter hit the pedigree on Christian and had them all hold Cornette up and he hit the pedigree on him too. He then grabbed a mic as the Texas crowd booed and began throwing things.
    HHH: 'Are you dumb rednecks really surprised? Hey Cornette, you wondered who was causing the chaos around here the last few weeks? Well it was ME. It was me that brought in the men you see standing in this ring - the Rougeaus, the Nasty Boys and the Minnesota Wrecking Crew. It was also me that encouraged Brody to go after Magnum. As for Vader, well he went after Jumbo of his own accord, but that suits us just fine. You want to know how I did it, Jimbo? Think about it - you like to call me 'son-in-law'. Well my father-in-law may not be here any more but who do you think bought him out you dumb son of a bitch? So you, Bischoff, Heyman, that big chinned fool on BWA, and every other promotion need to realise where the power in wrestling really lies.

    We have taken out all of our enemies and will soon have all the gold. They don't call me the cerebral assasin for nothing. As for the Outlaws, walking out on me last week means you don't deserve to be a part of this. What you are looking at here is the most dominant force in professional wrestling and at Wrestlemania all of the gold and all of the power in Monday Night Grappling will remain with us.'

    Hunter adds that he has been leader of Evolution and leader of D-Generation X. However this time it's not about evolution - this is about revolution.
    Show 2 flashback = 'Road Dogg says things are getting out of hand around here but they intend to get those tag titles. Sags says there is an air of revolution about and the Outlaws might get left behind.

    Hunter walks in and glares at the Nasty Boys who leave.'

    HHH says this time they are not degenerates, but are just as extreme. He says they are what you might call a hybrid of the two.
    Triple H: 'You can call us...The R-Evolution X. (T-REX)

    The show goes off the air with Hunter raising the gold aloft and all seven members of this new group celebrating.

    JR: 'This outfit have seized control here. Cornette has been taken out. The contenders for the titles have been taken out. I don't know if anyone can do anything about this. What the hell will happen next week?!

    The credits roll...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Week Four

    We are live in Boston for another Fusion Pro Wrestling show. We are almost ready for our debut PPV King of The Ring and tonight CEO Seán Reid has announced that a number of the matches for the show will be made public this evening. With that The Four Horsemens music plays as Chris Benoit, The American Wolves and Dusty Rhodes make their way to the ring to loud boos from the sold out crowd. Chris has a microphone, but cannot speak as of yet as the loud boos and "asshole" chants from the crowd drown him out. Eventually he gets a chance.
    During the week,the CEO of Fusion Pro Wrestling said he would announce some of the match ups for A New Level. We see this as the perfect chance to strengthen our quest to destory pro wrestling. When I signed a contract with this company, one of the conditions I had was that I would be given a chance to become the first Fusion Pro Wrestling heavyweight champion. Davey and Eddie signed the same dea for the tag belts.

    There is no better way to take wrestling to the grave than by taking the things that every wrestler dreams about holding, and make sure that they cannot be won by anyone again. So at A New Level, The American Wolves will win the Fusion Pro Wrestling tag-belts, and I'll hold that heavyweight title high at the end of the night, and then throw it straight in the trash. Then this company and the vile sport it supports will be burnt to the ground and I, Chris Benoit, will be held as a hero in society, wheter you all know it or not.

    Samoe Joes music comes through the PA system and the crowd are on their feet. He stands at the entrance ramp with Colt Cabana and The Extreme Horsemen and has a mic in hand.
    You know Chris, you and your two cronies aren't the only ones that signed those contracts. In fact, CEO Seán Reid and I had a chat over the weekend and we both thought that you would pull something like this. So at A New Level, you'll get your matches, but it'll be against The Extreme Horsemen and the man who is pro wrestling, Samoa Joe.

    Benoit and the rest of The Four Horsemen look stunned and the fans are delighted. It's offical, at A New Level we will see The American Wolves take on The Extreme Horsemen for the Fusion Pro Wrestling Tag Titles while Chris Benoit will face Samoa Joe for the Fusion Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship!

    Backstage, Claudio Castagnoli is sitting down in his dressing room with Miss Elizabeth. She is going over that if it wasn't for him and Hero not being able to focus then it could have been them in the tag title match. At that moment Hero walks in. He tells Castagnoli that he wants to make the last few weeks up to him, so he has signed him up for a match with a wrestler that he thinks will help establish Claudio as one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Claudio is unsure and wants to know who he will be facing.

    Hero says it's someone that he was had classic matches with. He is well traveled and is straight edged which makes him betteer than us, but CC can prove that he is not in the same leauge as The Kings of Wrestling. The fans, Elizabeth and Claudio are all thining "it can't be..." as Claudio gets his gear ready as his match is next.

    Match One: Claudio Castagnoli vs. ???

    Hero and Miss Elizabeth come out first to join the announcers desk. Claudio comes out and is looking focused and ready. AFI's Miseria Cantare plays through the arena to a huge pop. The fans cannot believe it, CM Punk is here! CM Punk is here! Hero has a huge grin on his face as the crowd suddenly notice that the vocals of the song are a higher pitch than normal. Suddenly it all becomes clear, CM Punk isn't here at all, it's the straight edge chimpunk CP Munk.

    Claudio looks pissed as Hero is laughing his ass off. Claudio wastes no time and levels the chimpmunk with several european uppercuts. Hero suddenly runs into the ring and suddenly hits CM Punk. He then rolls out of the ring as the ref calls for the bell. The ref announces that the winner of the match, due to a DQ from interference, CP Munk!

    Winner: CP Munk by DQ due to interference.

    Hero goes over to Elizabeth, still roaring with laughter that Claudio couldn't beat a guy in a chipmunk suit. Claudio rolls under the bottom rope and turns Hero around. He lays down a challenge at A New Level, him and Hero one-on-one to proove who the best man in The Kings of Wrestling is, and Miss Elizabeth will be the ref to make sure that it's all called down the middle. Hero agrees while Elizabeth is left standing between the two shocked! We go a break.

    Dusty Rhodes is backstage looking into a mirror. Colt Cabana suddenly appears behind him. Dusty turns around and they go face-to-face. Cabana speaks first.
    Look, Dusty, I know you don't want a part of this. I know you don't agree with any of the bull that Benoit has been preaching. There is still time to protect your name and our families name. Leave the group and retire with your head held high.

    Dusty doesn't say anything, but Benoit appears behind Colt.
    It's such a shame Colt that you don't see the message that I have brough to Rhodes here. If you did, then you could be saved to. But I will not stand by and let you try corrupt his mind. Later on you and I in the ring. And don't worry, I'll make sure there is enough left in you for Dusty to finish you off at A New Level.

    Benoit walks away with Dusty who keeps his head down. It's Benoit vs. Colt tonight!

    Necro Butcher $50,000 Challenge

    The Necro Butcher is out with a suitcase contaning the $50,000 prize he has been advertising to the first person who can knock him out. He is in the ring with a mic, as many fans ringsid motion that they would like to have a go against Necro.
    Ever since I started this challenge, I have had people come left right and centre looking to try knock me out. But noone has come close at all.

    A fan shouts El Genericos name
    Who was lft standing at the end of that? The point is none of the men have been able to beat me. So if anyone backstage still thinks they could knock me out, come out now, or else I'll finish this contest and my name will go down as the toughest son of a bitch in wrestling history.

    Suddenly, Aja Kong makes her debut with the company, in her wrestling gear and ready to go. She points at the briefcase and makes a "let's go" signal.
    No dice lady, I'm a gentleman, and I'll never lay a hand on a woman.

    Aja suddenly slaps Necro across the face hard. Necro shakes his head and walks to the back, as Aja kicks the ropes and keeps screaming "Let's go!" as we go a break.

    Match three: Batista vs. Nikita Kolloff

    Kolloff comes out to rubish been thrown at him by the fans at ringside. There is a massive "Olé" chant which pisses him off. Batista makes his way out to a mixed response. Batista jumps onto the apron, but asks for a mic. He tells Kolloff that he was prepared to fight him, but he doesn't want to go into the ring with a man that does what he did to El Generico last week, instead he wants to beat him outside it like the dog he is.

    This answer shocks the fans as Nikita jumps out and the two begin to brawl. Batista goes to irish whip Kolloff into the steel ramps but he reseves it and send him into it. He then goes to grab a chair, but suddenly El Generico jumps onto the barrier and throws a yakuza kick towards Kolloff, kicking the chair into his face. The fans are all on their feet as Generico stands over Nikita. He picks him up and throws him into the ring as Batista gets up and the match officaly starts. Batista hits a Batista Bomb and the win.

    Winner: Batista by pinfall via Batista Bomb

    Generico limps to the back, still selling the attack from last week. Batista begins to follow as Takeshi Morishima comes out. He says that Batista shown a backbone for once, and maybe he can be a great wrestler. But if he wants to prove to Morishima that he is on, he should face him at A New Level. Batista goes face to face with him, and spits on his face. He says he may have stood up for Generico, but that doesn't mean he has changed his ways. He keeps walking to the back and we go to a break.

    Match Three: Colt Cabana vs. Chris Benoit

    Both men come out alone, and have a great technical contest that goes back and forth and stays on the mat. Cabana still uses some comedy to try get into Benoits head, but over all he wrestlers a serious match. Cabana locks Chris with the Billys Goats Gruff, but Benoit rolls out of it into the crossface for the win.

    Winner: Chris Benoit via submission By Crippler Crossface

    Chris doesn't let the move go, as Samoa Joe and The Extreme Horsemen run down the ramp. But the American Wolves jump the barrier and stop the men from reaching the ring as they all brawl. Colt passes out from the pain as Dusty Rhodes comes down into the ring. He stands by Chris and tells him that Cabana has had enough but Benoit keeps going and going. Dusty pleads with him, but Chris stops suddenly stops and slaps Rhodes, telling him he gives the orders and to not forget that he saved him. Dusty shakes his head then walks away. Joe and the Extreme Horsemen have brawled with The American Wolves to backstage as Dusty walks away as we finish up for this week!

    A New Level CARD SO FAR:

    Fusion Pro-Wrestling Heavyweight Championship
    Samoa Joe vs. Chris Benoit

    Fusion Pro-Wrestling Tag Team Championship
    The American Wolves. The Extreme Horsemen

    Retirement Match
    Colt Cabana vs. Dusty Rhodes

    Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli
    Special Guest Ref: Miss Elizabeth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,177 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic

    Show 1: here

    main points from last week...
    Jake Roberts makes a statement of intent and leaves Austin a bloody mess.
    Bob Sapp spears Gorgeous George.
    Tully Blanchard and Brian Pillman, seperately, put the SWF roster on notice that they're out to be successful.
    Muhammad Hassan is frustrated at the lack of a title shot.
    The tag-team champions, Strike Force, were beaten in non-title action.

    We’re coming at you live from Miami, Florida a week on from the shocking turn of events where Austin was made a bloody, crippled mess by Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts. Hello everyone I’m Jim Ross along with Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler welcoming you to another Monday Night Smooth

    The bell rings, signifying our first match of the evening, as Brian Pillman is taking on former Pure Champion, and half of the SWF Tag Team Champions, Rick Martel, in a match to determine the number one contender for Tully Blanchard’s Pure decreed by SWF owner, Mr Slick during the week. Tito Santana has joined JR and The King on commentary.

    As the match starts, a promo from Martel (joined by Santana) is played from earlier where he is speaking of his...
    “...big opportunity to get back into the limelight...”

    Santana looks puzzled in the promo, but we then return to the match.

    A solid 8 minute opener to the night, as the two put on a technical clinic from the start. It’s back and forth the whole way through. But the turning point comes as the ref takes a bump out of the ring after Martel inadvertently gets slung into him. Martel low blows Pillman, and urges Santana to get him a chair. Santana is looking at him very puzzled. Martel then starts really yelling, as he keeps looking over to see if the ref is coming to. Tito gets up, walks over to the ring, arms outstretched, wondering what is going on. Martel puts his head and upper body through the ropes to the outside, and yells in his partner’s face, and points to get him a chair. Santana is still trying to remonstrate, at which point Martel snaps and slaps Santana. Santana can be seen fizzing in anger as Martel continues to point, at which point Santana turns and gives him the title to the head, and Martel turns into a flying spin kick from the ‘Loose Cannon’. He then goes up top, hitting the big splash as the ref comes to and counts the 3.

    Winner, and number 1 contender for the Pure Championship: by pinfall...Brian Pillman.


    Santana’s already up the ramp, not turning back at all as he charges to the back, as Martel lies in the ring. A shot is caught of Pillman celebrating, with that maniacal smile of his...and he decides to exit through the crowd.

    We then cut to a shot of Tully watching a monitor, no emotion in his face after watching the Pillman victory.


    Next up...

    Stone Cold Steve Austin has a cast on his ankle as he limps to the ring (still charging as intensely as he can muster in his imitable style of course), to the usual big pop as the roof comes off the building. He, unsurprisingly, looks pissed. He doesn’t even bother trying to do his four corners schtick, grabs a mic, the crowd still going nuts, he doesn’t give them a chance to calm, and he just starts ranting, in a slightly relaxed mood...

    (with you customary ‘Whats’ in the gaps!)
    “You know what...aul’ Stone Cold has dished out a few beatings in his life...and he’s enjoyed dishing out every single one of some level...I appreciated what Jake did last took a lot of leave Stone Cold a bloody mess...not to mention this (points at the cast)...but...(Austin looks dead in the camera) that was only on ‘some level’...because the level that I’m worried about right the one where I am one pissed off son of a bitch...and when I’m pissed can bet your ass somebody’s gona get their ass whipped...nobody...and I mean NOBODY...tries to make a name off Stone Cold Steve Austin and get away with it...Jake, I’ve got but one thing to say to you son...bring your stupid greasy hair...your stupid moustache...your stupid boots...your stupid snake...come to this I can open up the biggest can of whoop-ass that I can find on ya...and that’s all I’ve got to say about that”

    Austin is visibly irate, and gesturing that he wants Jake to come down the ramp now. He’s made wait a good 10 seconds.

    Mr Slick comes out, to a mixed reaction. Obviously everyone wants to see Jake come out.
    “nah, nah, nah, nah,’re not Jake. Get your ass outta here.”
    “Austin, I understand your frustration, now....”
    “You understand my frustration? You understand my frustration? Well, if you understand my frustration you’ll get your ass off that ramp, and leave the way nice and clear for that other jackass...”
    “Austin, I as much as anyone, would like to see justice done. But listen, I’m going to protect you here. You’ve a busted ankle. You’re beat up. So what I’m going to do is this...I’m going to give Jake the chance to earn his way to a one-on-one match with you at Desolution”
    “Well you don’t know what’s good for you right now, with all due respect...if Jake wants a shot at the title, and by association, a shot at you, then you two will have to be in the same ring, when you’re 100% in 3 weeks. But he has to go out and win a triple threat number one contenders match with former champion Ray Stevens....and....Bob Sapp!”
    “well that’s just can protect me all you want...all you’re doing is protecting that bag of crap from the biggest ass whooping of his life...wait, no, that’s not what you’re doing. What you’re doing is delaying the inevitable...what I’m saying is it’s definite...set in can cash the cheque...write it can guarantee your house....your car....your job....your stereo....your LIFE...on the fact that Stone Cold IS going to whip that sorry son-of-a-bitch Jake Roberts’ ass...and that’s the bottom line...cos Stone Cold said so!!”

    The crowd pops.

    Suddenly the crowd then gasps, as they can see, slithering into the ring from behind Stone Cold, none other than Jake, who has a sledgehammer. From behind, he smashes into Austin’s leg with one focused hit; Austin again is writhing in pain. Jake takes a moment to point to his head as if to say...
    “I’m too smart for you Austin...”

    Roberts slithers out and makes his way through the crowd as EMTs race to the ring to check on Austin. He’s stretchered out.

    Slick is seen walking in the back, shaking his head, presumably at what Jake had just done to Austin. Suddenly, a figure steps into his path.

    It’s Muhammad Hassan.


    A chorus of boos can be heard from in the arena. Hassan is looking damn pissed.
    “So, let me get this straight...firstly, you’ve got a guy that I beat only two weeks ago, Bob Sapp. Then you’ve got Ray Stevens, a guy whose old enough to be my grandfather, who I can, and you know this, beat in 5 minutes, and Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, who....well I do respect how he’s going about his business...but regardless of all that, how am I not in that match? How do I not get a shot? How am I STILL overlooked?? Tell me Slick, tell is this not discrimina....”
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s enough whining...I can only take so much in a day. Listen, I took your proposal last week under consideration, and *a light seems to go off in Slick’s head*, you know mentioned beating Stevens in 5 minutes...well, as you know he’s pre-occupied, but I’ve an idea. If you win your match tonight in under 5 minutes, you’ll be the next in line for a title shot after Desolution”
    “This is ridiculous. But, but, I’ll jump through your prejudicial hoops...whose my match against?”
    “Mikey Whipwreck”
    “Pfft, you serious? I beat him while half asleep a couple of weeks ago...”
    “and Tajiri”

    The crowd laughs.
    “and Tajiri. A triple-threat match.”
    “That’s a handicap match.”
    “Don’t be silly. They’re two honest professional athletes. They’ll try to win for themselves. They get a shot too if they beat you in 5 minutes”.
    “This is bull****, and you know it”
    “You’re up next, by the way”

    Hassan walks off visibly fuming, as Slick smirks watching him leave.

    “So, as decreed by Mr Slick, we have a triple threat match now, for the right to face the SWF Champion down the line, whoever that might be. I can’t help but feel this is going to be one wild ride as Hassan is feeling mighty aggrieved at being supposedly overlooked”

    Muhammad Hassan v Tajiri v Mikey Whipwreck

    Whipwreck and Tajiri, even though it’s expected that they’ll team up, are the underdogs as the match kicks off.

    The first 2 minutes we see a lot of double teaming, to the obvious delight of the crowd. Hassan is knocked out the ring – Whipwreck and Tajiri look at each other, shake hands, and as Slick predicted, begin going at it.
    The finish comes from about 4:30 minutes. Hassan manages to isolate Whipwreck as Tajiri has been knocked out. He was tossed out the ring by Whipwreck, and Hassan manages to smack him in the head with a chair behind the ref’s back.

    Hassan has Whipwreck in the Camel Clutch from 4:45, and as the crowd count down, they are willing Mikey to hold on.


    Just on the 5 minute mark, Whipwreck has to tap out. The crowd cheers, but Hassan also celebrates believing he’s won. There is confusion abound, and the ref whispers his decision to the announcer, as Hassan kneels in the middle of the ring, arms aloft to Allah.
    “The referee’s decision is this...Muhammad Hassan has...been timed out, and so this match is a no contest”

    Hassan is in disbelief. He starts wailing and going ballistic. He grabs the referee, throws him into the ring, sticks him into the Camel Clutch, as the timekeeper rings the bell frantically, with referees and officials charging the ring.

    Hassan lets go, and walks to the back, frustrated as ever.

    In the back, Pillman is recovering from his match earlier, holding an ice-pack to the back of his neck. Arn Anderson walks into shot.

    “Brian. Loose Cannon. I have a lot of respect for you. Last week you came out, you made a statement, putting the SWF on notice effectively. But what impressed me wasn’t that, but this week. You backed it up. Martel’s a solid guy. But you got the job done. And that’s what a superstar does. It’s easy to talk. I’ve spent my career talking. But do you know why people remember how I talked? It’s because I backed up every word I ever said...making a lot of money, banging a lot of women, and winning a lot of gold. I see that in you man. I see it...”
    “Why are you giving me this history lesson?”
    “I’m giving you this lecture, because when I see potential, I seize it. Everything in me wants to nurture it, encourage it, embrace it. And there’s just one thing you need, and I can give it to you. Once you have it, you’ll conquer this whole thing man. All you have to do, is say the word”
    “The word? How about piss off. Is that a good enough word for you? Oh wait, that’s 2.”

    Arn Anderson starts backing off, hands up either side
    “Just think about it”

    Pillman watches as Anderson leaves. As he puts his head down and massages the ice pack to his neck...a pipe comes into shot, smacking him in the back of the head. And a close-up is shot of Pillman having shots reign down on him. The camera won’t pan out. The beating finishes, the camera pans out, and Tully is standing there grinning, lightly dabbing the pipe into his hand. He points to himself mouthing...
    “It’s my time”


    The tag team division is a bit of a mess right now. Stevens and Maivia beat the champions last week. Stevens though has a shot at the SWF number one contendership, so that’s on hold for now. Strike Force are themselves lacking in communication, seemingly splintering at the seams, already this week. So we’re going to get this number one contendership sorted out once and for Slick has made a match for this evening...

    The Wild Samoans v Harlem Heat 2000
    A clash of styles, but very entertaining all the same. Nice and stiff. The crowd can be heard pretty much feeling every smack being dished out. The finish comes as Peter Maivia walks out onto the stage, the Heat get distracted, as The Samoans win when Sika hits a violent chop off the top rope onto Stevie Ray.

    Harlem Heat are very pissed after the match. Ahmed walking away from Stevie.

    Winners, and new number 1 contenders, by pinfall: The Wild Samoans.


    A video is shown from last week of Gorgeous George being interrupted by Bob Sapp.

    He wasn’t just interrupted. He was smashed. Whipped like a government mule!!

    Bob Sapp makes his way to the ring in his own inimitable style again. He grabs a mic, as the crowd is right behind him...

    “Last week, I was a man of few words. I saw a guy, I mean a woman, I mean a trans....ok, I saw a person, who, let’s just say, who I just don’t like. He’s arrogant. He’s a twit. He’s a punk. And I’ve got a problem with arrogant punks who act like twits. He thinks he’s better than the rest of us? He thinks he can talk down to the world? Well, let me tell him something...I’ve had that sort of crap most of my life. People who think they’re better than you. Well, you know what I learned? The only way to beat the likes of Goergie Boy, is to stand up to him, and beat him into the ground until he talks no more. You work out, you sweat, you bleed, you learn how to fight, you stand up toe-to-toe, and you fight it out man to man. That’s the only way I know...that, and dance...*as he flashes a grin* that’s why I dealt with it last week. My focus is now on tonight, because in the main event, I get the chance to fulfil a dream. I get the opportunity to kick two guys’ asses, and maybe, just maybe, become World Champion...”

    George comes out, roundly booed of course. He looks relaxed, but confused...

    “ have a problem with me. That’s fine. But you can’t walk away from this as if last week didn’t happen. I’ve met your *cough* ‘kind’ before. Always moaning about the life you’ve been dealt, and how you must fight, blah blah blah, to get anywhere in life blah blah blah, because everyone tries to keep you down, blah blah blah....let me tell YOU something, Sapp, you need to realise, that some people are just plain better than other people. That’s just a fact of life, a fact of evolution, a fact of how the world works. Now, you speared me last week. You see that’s the problem. You’re so frustrated with your inadequacies that you need to act out. You look at yourself in the mirror *George holds up his own mirror to look at himself*, and you know, just by looking at yourself, that you’re not as good as me, at anything”
    “Ok, let me stop you there you smug bastard. The likes of me, have been kicking the asses of the likes of you for as long as I can remember. Now, if you want to try me, I can be a man who needs few words, so come to this ring and find out how good I am. I’ll dance all over your....”

    George holds up his hand, and starts sauntering towards the ring.
    “Ok, ok...I can see where this is going. You’re annoyed. I can get ahead because of who I am, and you can’t stand that. That’s fine. The likes of me will never lose to the likes of you, because of one simple fact. I may not be stronger than you, but what I am, is definitely smarter than you...”

    George points at Sapp, in fact, it becomes clear that he’s pointing behind Sapp, and Ahmed Johnson has appeared with a wrench, and lays Sapp out.


    What the hell is this? What would Johnson want to align himself with George for? Why? Why? We need to know why?
    Johnson hits the Pearl River Plunge for good effect, holds Sapp up, George gets in the ring, in Sapp’s face, slaps him, then spits in his face. He then washes his hands with some handwash that Johnson gives him.

    They saunter off.

    The crowd is in a mix of disbelief, and anger.

    After all those comments by George, why in the name of God, would Ahmed Johnson want to help him out of all people? It makes no sense. Hopefully we’ll get some sort of explanation next week. We damn well deserve it by Gawd...

    Slick is on the phone in his office, wondering what he’s going to do about his main event. Muhammad Hassan walks in.
    “You wanted to see me? I hope what you’re going to say, is that you’re going to overturn that decision from earlier. That was discriminatory crap. I won that match. Tajiri tapped. I should be in line for a shot at the title...”

    Slick interrupts...
    “Hold on a minute...I’ve a proposition for you. That was a close call this evening. So close that I’m going to give you a slight reprieve. Bob Sapp has just been decimated out there, and is in no condition to fight...would you?”
    “...but I’ve already had a match...”
    “There’s a space in the match tonight, take it or leave it. I’m not changing the referee’s decision from earlier, so take this shot, fill in in my main event...and get your shot at Austin in 3 weeks”

    Slick massages Hassan’s ego...
    “You’re one of the few athletes I can ask this of. Please. It’s win-win. I get the main event i promised, you get a shot at getting a title shot”.
    “Fine. But I want conditions. I want to name the type of match”

    Hassan thinks for a couple of seconds, then grins...
    “A no holds barred match, yeah, no holds barred!”
    “Done, you’re up in 5 minutes”.

    Hassan is delighted with himself, as the crowd boo as the camera zooms in on his face.

    Main Event:
    For the number 1 contendership for the SWF Heavyweight Title...

    Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts v Ray Stevens v Muhammad Hassan in a No Holds Barred.

    What is Hassan’s motivation behind making this a no holds barred match? Why? And what of Jake Roberts? He has an opportunity to get at Austin, but does he want a piece of the Rattlesnake with the mood he’s in? And Ray Stevens...the veteran, the sympathetic favourite it has to be said, can he make his way to the very top of the mountain again. It’s all to play for, here on Monday Night Smooth...

    Ray Stevens, as mooted by JR, is the sympathetic favourite with the crowd...though it is intermittent with some unusual cheers for Jake. Maybe they want to see him and Austin?

    Anyway, to the match, and Jake and Hassan start on the same page, managing to dump Stevens out of the ring, but Jake quickly turns on Hassan.

    The finish: Jake beats Hassan (still notably tired from his earlier match) in the corner, hits a clothesline off the Irish whip, then hits his short-arms clothesline, then calls for the DDT. He sets him up, but Stevens breaks it up. Hassan and Stevens make a temporary alliance, and manage to dump Jake outside the ring. Realising he may lose, Jake drags the ref out with him. In ring, Stevens hits a piledriver on Hassan. There’s no ref. Stevens calls for a referee. Instead hooded men charge the ring and beat him to a pulp. Hassan grins, does his ‘Praise Allah’ schtick. He then gestures the title on his waste, then asks the hooded men to leave. He hooks on the Camel Clutch to a lifeless Stevens.

    Dammit, this is why he wanted no holds barred. this is heinous!!

    Everyone is looking up the ramp, cheering and waiting. Austin limps to the ring through the crowd, no less, stuns Hassan, stuns Stevens, and then looks frantically for Roberts. Where is he? Austin is irate, searching the ring area, destroying everything is sight including the announce desk, timekeeping area and just about anything that isn’t nailed down. Officials hit the ring to restrain Austin, and then struggle to bring him to the back.

    A referee has come too during the melee, and Roberts slithers out from under the ring, looking up the ramp giving a sly wave to Austin as he’s dragged to the back...he gets in the ring, covers Hassan...


    Jake 'The Snake' Roberts is the new Number 1 Contender

    Austin breaks free, as Roberts slithers out of the ring, number 1 contendership secured, and makes his way through the crowd, up the steps, as Austin goes absolutely ballistic.

    What is Austin going to do the Jake in 3 weeks? That’s 3 seperate times now Jake has managed to get away from him, or inflict serious harm. Austin will not take this lying down. Why would you anger the Rattlesnake. A shot can be seen of Jake doing is rye grin, with Austin irate, as Smooth goes off the air.


    So Austin v Roberts in 3 weeks.
    Will Austin get retribution on Jake before then?
    Will Austin be 100%?
    Why has Ahmed Johnson sided with Gorgeous George?
    How will Sapp react next week to the attack?
    What of the tension with the tag champions?
    Will The Wild Samoans take advantage?
    Will Pillman get revenge on Tully?
    What is Arn offering Pillman tha will help him?
    Can Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri figure out a way to get out of their slump?

    For answers to these questions, and more, tune in next week...!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE LIVE – Week 2

    Commentator – “Good evening ladies & gentlemen, welcome to SWE Live on TV3 coming this week from the Spongezone in Sligo. We are in for an exciting evening here as the events from last week are bound to unfold further this week. If you recall we crowned a new SWE heavyweight champion in Edge who cashed in his guaranteed title contract to take advantage of a beaten up Lou Thesz. We will hear from Thesz later on in the show but first we have a match scheduled by the General Manager Vickie Guerrero between Macho Libre and Randy Orton.”

    Match: Macho Libre vs Randy Orton
    Randy Orton comes out to the ring first. Macho Libre follows him out but looks very sceptical and worried about getting in the ring. As the match starts Macho Libre tries to go on the attack but to no avail. Randy Orton makes quick work of the match hitting Macho with an RKO to get the pinfall. Winner: Randy Orton.

    Orton goes back up the ramp and out comes the General Manager Vickie Guerrero. “EXXXCCCUUUUUSSSSEEEE MEEE” The crowd boos extremely loudly. “I said excuse me.” The crowd boos even louder. “Macho Libre, you disrespected me last week and I want an apology.” Macho Libre grabs the mic “Apologise? Never, oh yeah, never, dig it.” Vickie fumes at this response “In that case each week you will face another match against a top superstar of my choosing until you decide to apologise to me.” Vickie leaves the stage and Macho Libre looks worried in the ring.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Matt Hardy & MVP are talking in the locker room. Matt is showing MVP his new 3D Camcorder that he got.
    Matt Hardy: “Isn’t this camcorder great. In the age of 3D televisions and films I can now record my own movies in 3D.”
    MVP “I don’t care what latest gadget you have now. Have you been listening to me at all?”
    Matt Hardy puts down the camcorder and asks MVP “OK what’s on your mind?”
    MVP “Last week I saw this poster on the wall saying I’m not welcome in the SWE and earlier I found this in my locker saying “WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE CONVICT. GO BACK TO JAIL WHERE YOU BELONG.” It’s very disheartening.”
    Matt Hardy “Oh man I’m sorry to hear that.” Matt looks around to see his camcorder gone. “Hey, where did my camcorder go? Did you take it?”
    MVP looks disgusted “Man, I thought you were my friend” and walks off. Matt looks confused and starts to search the locker room for his camcorder.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    In The Ring
    Lou Thesz is a man of few words so he grabs the mic “I just have one thing to get off my chest. What happened last week was a travesty of justice and completely unfair. I want my title back and demand a rematch tonight” Edge comes out to the stage. “Unfair. I worked hard to earn that guaranteed title shot and was entitled to cash it in anytime and there was nothing unfair about it. If I had my way you would wait until I was god damn ready to give you your rematch but since I apparently wronged the general manager in our prior relationship a while back she has deemed that later tonight you get your rematch” The crowd cheers. Edge continues “It doesn’t matter though as I will retain my title and you will never get another rematch as long as I’m champion.” Edge retreats backstage.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Terry Funk vs The Sligo Kid
    The Sligo Kid, a local wrestler, is in the ring awaiting his opponent. Terry Funk comes out and paces to ring with intent. He was obviously not happy at his failure to win the triple threat match to become the number one contender for the SWE Heavyweight Championship. He gets in the ring and before the bell attacks The Sligo Kid. The ref quickly rings the bell and the match continues. It is very one sided as Terry Funk is obsessed with inflicting pain more than winning the match. He eventually puts The Sligo Kid in a sleeper hold until he passes out. Winner: Terry Funk

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Edge is walking backstage and runs into Vickie Guerrero. Edge says “Vickie, I know we’ve had some difficulties in our relationship but how could you force me into a match with Lou Thesz tonight?” Vickie responds “Edge I admit that putting you into that match tonight gave me a little enjoyment but I’ve moved on. I found someone else, someone twice the man you are. Now if you’ll excuse me I must go back to my office for some, ahem, alone time.”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: The Rock n Roll Express vs The Dream Team
    The Dream Team come out and are booed. They start shouting back at the crowd which seems to incense the crowd further. The Rock n Roll Express cone out with the SWE Tag Team Championships and the crowd love them. Although the titles are not on the line in this match, if The Dream Team win they will be granted a title shot. Robert Gibson & Greg Valentine square up. Gibson takes early control and tags in Morton. Together they team up to take Valentine off his feet. A mistake by Morton allows Valentine to take control through his superior power game and through several tags between Valentine and Beefcake they wear down Morton. Beefcake has Morton in a sleeper hold and begins to fade. He gets a second wind and begins to slowly step towards Gibson with the sleeper hold in tact. Just as he reaches Gibson, Valentine distracts the referee enough so he doesn’t see Morton tag Gibson. The referee forces Gibson out of the ring but it was enough to break the sleeper hold. Beefcake begins to work on Morton again but another mistake allows Morton a better chance to reach Gibson for the tag. Gibson comes in all fired up and lands hits to both Beefcake and Valentine. However Valentine manages to avoid a hit and send Gibson into the corner. Gibson comes out quickly to attempt a clothsline on Valentine but he ducks and Gibson misses but has to stop quickly to avoid colliding with the referee. Valentine, however, rolls Gibson up for the pinfall victory grabbing a hold of Gibson’s tights in the process. Morton & Gibson complain to the referee about the tights but to no avail. Beefcake & Valentine go back up the ramp smiling, shouting that those belts are coming to us. Winner: The Dream Team

    * * * * * * * * * *

    On The Screen
    Macho Libre has the 3D camcorder recently nicked from Matt Hardy which is showing a live link on the main screen in the arena. “Oh yeah, here we are backstage, dig it. Oh yeah. Everything in 3D, Yeah, everything in 3D. Lets see what we can find, yeah.” Macho Libre comes across a door with General Manager on it and knocks on it with no answer. “Nobody in, yeah, nobody in. Lets go inside, yeah, dig it. What do we have in here, yeah. Another closed door, yeah, another closed door.” We hear voices behind the closed door, a womans giggle followed by “do the noise, ah go on do the noise” A mans voice says “oh ok” and lets out a huge noise resembling a ships horn like that of a tugboat. Macho opens the door and we see a tub with Vickie Guerrero sandwiched between Earthquake and Typhoon with suds covering everyones modesty. Macho jumps back in shock as the 3D version of what was just seen was a scary sight. Vicky screams high pitched in shock and deafens everyone. Vicky shouts “Getttt Outtttt.” At that moment, Earthquake drops the soap into the water and someone lets one rip with bubbles rising in the vicinity of Typhoon. Macho Libre quickly retreats out of the office. “Oh Yeah, I Think I’m gonna be sick, yeah, gonna be sick.” The crowd laugh hysterically.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Matt Hardy vs Don Muraco
    Don Muraco comes out to the ring and the crowd is quiet. Matt Hardy comes out to a loud cheer. Matt beat MVP last week to become the number one contender for the SWE Interprovincial Championship currently held by Jeff Jarrett. Matt Hardy starts off with quick offensive hits that get Muraco off his feet but a mistake from Hardy allows Muraco to hit Hardy with a Samoan drop. Muraco continues a slow beating of Hardy, hits him with a DDT that leaves Hardy prone on the canvas. Muraco gets on the second rope and attempts a diving headbutt but Hardy rolls away. The crowd cheer giving Hardy energy to get to his feet. Hardy hits Muraco with a Side Effect and is closing in on the win when Jeff Jarrett rushes to the ring with his guitar and slides into the ring. The referee stops Jarrett getting any further and ushers him out of the ring with Hardy gesturing to Jarrett to get out of the ring. Hardy’s back is to Muraco who picks up the guitar that Jarrett came into the ring with and smashes it over Hardy’s back. The referee sees the smashed guitar and Muraco standing over Hardy’s body and immediately disqualifies Muraco. Jarrett smiles and comes into the ring. Muraco picks up a weary Hardy and gives him a thumb choke hold and Hardy thrashes his arms about struggling to get out of the hold. Muraco releases him and Hardy lays still on the mat. Muraco leaves and Jarrett is left alone in the ring with Hardy. Jarrett shoves his belt in Hardy’s face gesturing that he will never be good enough to take this title away from Jarrett. He then raises his title in the air with one foot on Hardy’s chest celebrating while the crowd boo loudly. Winner: Matt Hardy

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Cowboy Bob Orton is talking with his son Randy Orton. Bob says “That was an impressive statement you made last week. However it looks like Lou Thesz has not even acknowledged what you did. That shows a lot of disrespect.” Randy says slowly and clearly “Well we will have to make another statement, one that he will be unable to ignore”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Backstage Interview
    Interviewer – “Ladies & Gentlemen I am delighted to have with me the number one contender for the SWE Heavyweight Championship Sting (the crowd cheers). Sting, last week you won the right to challenge for the SWE Heavyweight Championship at Spongemania. Who of the title participants in tonights championship match would be your preferred opponent?”
    Sting – “Well after cleaning my eyes from that bathroom lovefest we witnessed earlier its time to get down to business. On one hand we have Lou Thesz, one of the toughest wrestlers in the business today and on the other hand we have an opportunistic rat Edge. To be honest it doesn’t matter which one I have to face at Spongemania. If I face Thesz I will be in for one of the toughest fights I have ever been and at the end I can truly say the best man won. If I face Edge I will need to watch my back from all angles. When all is said & done however one thing you can count on. At Spongemania I will be crowned SWE Heavyweight Champion.”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Matt Hardy is in the locker room feeling the back of his neck after the guitar shot. MVP comes in to check on his friend.
    MVP “Hey man, I’m sorry about earlier. Just want to check and see how you’re doing”
    Matt Hardy “No worries, I’ll live. Can you do me a favour and get my water from my bag?”
    MVP “Yeah, sure” and reaches down to Matt’s bag to get the bottle but sees an envelope addressed to MVP in his bag also. “What’s this?”
    Matt Hardy “No idea, never saw it before in my life”
    MVP opens the envelope and reads “CONVICT, YOU HAVE ONE WEEK TO LEAVE THIS COMPANY OR YOU WILL FEEL THE FULL FORCE OF THE JUSTICE YOU DESERVE.” MVP gets upset “Is this yours? Why would you do something like this?” and walks off.
    Matt Hardy “Wait, its not mine, I don’t know who wrote this.” But MVP is now out of earshot.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Main Event Match: SWE Heavyweight Championship – Edge (c) vs Lou Thesz
    The champion Edge comes out to enormous boos to see Thesz waiting anxiously in the ring. The early stages of the match involve Thesz going forward and Edge retreating trying to avoid Thesz getting hold of him. Thesz grows frustrated and is forced into a mistake to allow Edge do an electric chair drop and assume control of the match. A few near falls later and Edge prepares for his signature finish of the Spear. As Edge rushes forwards Thesz sidesteps him, grabs him from behind and performs a German suplex. This turns the momentum in favour of Thesz. As Thesz is about to put Edge into a STF Bob Orton comes out to ringside and hops up onto the apron and distracts the referee so that he cant see Edge tapping out. While the referee continues with Bob Orton, Randy Orton rushes in, gives Thesz a RKO and disappears out of the ring allowing Edge to crawl over and pin Thesz to retain the championship. Edge slips out of the ring to recover with the belt leaving Thesz in the ring recovering and looking visibly angry at the two Ortons as they retreat up the ramp. Winner & Still SWE Heavyweight Champion: Edge

    Commentator – “Edge retains the SWE Heavyweight Championship in controversial circumstances. Lou Thesz looks like he’s about to rip someone in half. You will need to tune in next week to see the full ramifications of what has happened here tonight.”


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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!

    The Pyro's go off as JR introduces his announce partner for the forseable future Jay Leno. Leno takes his seat at ringside and talks briefly about how good it is to be here on BWA Raw but it isnt long before the show itself begins to be the talking point for our commentators as Kenta Kobashi's music hits and the Asian superstar makes his way down to the ring with a mic in his hand. He recieves a big cheer from the fans at this time and Leno with his first insightfull comment notes that this is the first time the fans have been fully behind Kenta. During his feud with Ricky Steamboat they recap, he won the fans over, by turning his back on Rikidozan and showing Steamboat the respect the BWA audience believed he deserved and then as the two put on a wrestling clinic. Kobashi doesnt milk the fan reaction though and if anything trys to transfer it immediately to the man whom he quickly introduces using his the best of his english. "Welcome back, my tag team partner and best friend to the BWA, welcome back Mitsuharu Misawa"

    The Introduction puts Misawa over the top and now both men are recieving face reactions from the crowd. As Misawa enters the ring Kobashi hand him the Mic before getting another one as his partner begins to speak in Japanese. After each few sentances Kenta translates the best he can with his broken English....

    Misawa Translated by Kenta: I'ts good to be back in the BWA, Big plans we still have for this place and they begin tonight. We defeated everyone and dominated the tag division, we remained unbeaten for months, and have now even won the fans over. But that all ends now!

    Slightly confused by what he just translated Kobashi continues to speak saying that what Misawa means is that since Injury forced them apart they have once again gotten a taste of singles competition. That they have proven themselves the best tag team in not only the BWA but also the whole of Professional wrestling but now perhaps it was time to prove just how good they are as singles competitors. He says up until know they acted in unison with Rikidozan and never got a chance to fight for the world title as a result but that that too has now changed.

    The Camera focusses on Misawa's face for a moment and he looks like he is staring a hole into the back of Kobashi's skull. Kobashi then begins to wrap up his promo by saying that ever since the announcement that the next PPV would be the BWA's first ever King of the Ring PPV there has been rumours that whoever gets crowned the KOTR 2011 will also be made the new no.1 contender for Rikidozan's title. He says that they intend to be in that tournament and earn the right to face and beat their former leader for the World Heavyweight Championship. He then says that thats why tonight as a team they wanted to pay respect to the fans who have finally accepted them and say goodbye as a tag team. The Camera shifts back to Misawa then who is still staring at Kenta but now it is clear that he looks set to snap for some reason and the moment Kobashi finishes his speach he does to the shock of the crowd.

    Its a sneak attack from behind and knocks Kobashi to the ground where he is subject to a vicious and unrelenting beatdown after which Misawa grabs a microphone and screams the following in Japanese before exiting the ring:
    私は受諾を必要としない! 私は必要としない! 私達の原因のあなたの背部を回せばこれは得るものにである!

    After the commentaters show replays and JR talks about how it didnt take long for business to pick up once Leno joined him we are taken to a Backstage segment where we see Bobby Lashley is hitting on Jenna Jameson who actually asks what would former WWE Diva Krystal think of this, but Bobby can be heard to say "check my wiki if you dont believe me, we dated past tense" as we cut to commercial.

    When we return JR is recalling that he thought Lashley and Krystal had a kid together but eventually decides it matters not and it isn't worth argueing with Leno over (Jay insists his friend Lashley is just being a gentleman with Ms Jameson and meerly paid her a few compliments) and instead starts building up our first match of the night in Which current WHC Rikidozan will aim to acert his dominance once again but this time in a non title match against the Intercontinental champion Jushin Liger.

    Leno then adds that as we are continuing with the all japanese start to his BWA debut show he thought he would share the translation he just obtained of what Misawa had to say to kobashi minutes ago in the ring.
    I dont need their acceptance! I dont need you! turn your back on our cause and this is what you get!

    Match 1: Rikidozan vs Jushin Liger - non title match

    The early goings in this match seem to put Liger over big time with the IC champion surprising the WHC and really pushing him to the limit. However as things developed Rikidozan seemed to get the upperhand with a very physical approach. It was the underhanded tactics that put a sour on this one and took away from what was a great wrestling exhibition, Misawa re-emerged at ringside and while the ref was warning him not to get involved Rikidozan delivered a low blow. It was again saddening to see such a grate wrestler portray such a poor champion when he later raked Ligers eyes to set him up for a piledriver and the 3 count.

    Winner: Rikidozan

    After the match Rikidozan makes a short announcement similar to Misawa's just a little earlier except this time we dont have to wait for Leno to find a translation as his personal translator expalins he is setting down a challenge for Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat to earn a shot at him. He said that he keeps getting accused of avoiding facing Steamboat for the title, that people say he fears The Dragon but nothing could be further from the truth. He states that he doesent think Ricky is good enough to compete for his belt but is willing to give him a chance to prove otherwise tonight. He says that he has organised a match especially for tonight and that if Steamboat can win he will give him a title shot at the King of The Ring but if he doesent he should give up his futile quest for gold and accept that, (this last bit is said as Rikidozan holds the belt aloft in one hand while Misawa raises his other hand) he will never be this good.

    *commercial break*

    When we return we are shown a video recapping the past few months in the lif of the Junkyard Dog, from when he was branded "The Next Chris Benoit" by the media to his recent return to Pro Wrestling with the BWA. It shows how he has fought to get himself back in shape, clean and sober and the huge help he recieved from BWA chairman Bounty Hunter aswell as his sponser Jerry "The King" Lawler who himself went through a serial womanizing phase in recent years as a result of a terrible sex addiction. As we return from the video Leno informs the crowd that the JYD's first match since "the incident" is up next!

    At that point we cut to the JYD's dressing room as Lawler can be seen leaving the room and his sponsee who is clearly trying to psyche himself up for his first taste of live BWA action.

    back at ringside though everyone's attension is taken up by the arrival of Jenna Jameson who quickly introduces the wrestler she once again introduces as her man Sid Vicous.

    Match 2: JYD vs Sid Vicious w/Jenna Jameson

    Leno's personal friend Bobby Lashley joins commentary for this one, at first he is relatively quiet only speaking about his admiration for how the JYD had turned himself around as his attension seems to primarily focussed on Jenna's ass. JYD equits himself well avoiding all Sid's attempted big attacks and taking him down on a number of occasions and each time hitting him with various trypes of headbuts. Something however seems to stir JYD as suddenly he seems transfixed on the crowd completely ignorant of Sid who takes advantage catching him with a big boot which he follows up with a chokeslam. The camera then shows the area of the crowd that JYD was looking at quickly before returning back to the ring but after that glimpse Leno starts shouting about spotting Black Tiger in the crowd! In ring Sid delivers a Release powerbomb and gets the win.

    Winner: Sid

    Sid & Lashley have a brief staredown as Sid gets Jenna at ringside and heads to the back after which Leno makes them show a replay of the crowd where a Tiger Mask can be clearly seen being worn by someone in the crowd.

    When he is able to get up a myriad of emotions can be seen on the Junkyard Dog's face from confusion to depression but he is clearly an emotional wreck as he makes his way to the back helped by his Sponsor Jerry Lawler.

    Backstage interview: BWA tag team champions The Briscoes are angry at having to face mystery opponents for their tag titles tonight, in a match announced last week, but they assure Josh that the belts are staying where they are.

    As the Briscoes wait in the ring to find out their oponents the match is announced as a tag team tables match, a fact which seems to take them by surprise but not their opponents who arrive to the ring with their own table in hand and are the team of Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge aka The Public Enemy

    Match 3 - Tables match for the BWA tag team titles: The Briscoes vs The Public Enemy

    The Crowd are split, normally fans of the BWA tag champs they seem caught up in the momentum of the moment and get behind The Public Enemy who turn this into a brawl early on. moments of dominance seem short lived on both sides though as when they take the time to set up a table their opponents seem to always be back to their feet and on the offensive. Eventually when the action sees all four men in the ring together The Briscoes seem to take the advantage with a Spinebuster (Jay) / Springboard spinning wheel kick (Mark) combination to Rocco Rock, before takng out Grunge with a Pendulum backbreaker (Jay) / Diving knee drop (Mark) combination. The crowd are on their feet and show their appreciation with a "This is Awesome" chant which the Briscoes lap up. Perhaps even letting it go to their head a little as they are almost showboating with their attempted finale as both Mark and Jay attempt simultanious shooting star presses. Unfortunatley they miss as both their opponents roll out of the way at the last moment (perhaps playing possum suggests JR). In an instance the match has been turned on its head with Rock & Grunge getting to their feet as both Briscoes are left writhing in pain. Quickly Public enemy bring their table into the ring and Rocco sets it up while his partner continues the beatdown on Jay Briscoe before tossing him to the outside as his brother groggily gets to his feet only to immediatly get a swift kick to the stomach from Rocco who tosses him onto the table. Rock then climbs the turnbuckle and with the crowd still on their feet Grunge throws Rock into an assisted somersault senton and crashing down onto his opponent who he drives through the table. The place errupts as new tag team champions are declared.

    Winners: the Public Enemy

    The Public Enemy celebrate with the belts then make their way from the ring through the crowd as they continue to celebrate their win. Meanwhile back in the ring Mark helps Jay back to his feet and despite their loss the fans applaud their performance tonight

    Backstage Jerry "The King" Lawler can be seen making his way out to the ring

    *commercial break*

    In ring segment: Jerry bemoans Steamboat getting a shot at Rikidozan before him at the KOTR ppv saying that the main event should be a matter of royalty and that the reason the current champ recently referred to himself as the king of the BWA is because he has risen to the top of the food chain just like Lawler who suggests the main event of the ppv should be to see who the real King of the BWA is... he is however at this point interupted by the unexpected sound of Harley Race's entrance music.

    Race runs down Lawler calling him a joke of a man. Lawler demands respect and says he has earned it citing many of his achievements, he also mentions his sponsoring of the Junkyard Dog at which point Race once more cuts him off. He says that he knows thats not why he is "helping" JYD, he says that everyone in the arena knows that and then speaks about how Lawler always needs someone to back him up. Be it his wife, son or whoever Lawler has always had someone there to help him out, but you know what he says, JYD will be gone just like all of them when he realises your just using him. Again Lawler tries to defend himself only for Race to once more interupt him this time shouting him down with a string of "blah, blah, blah!"

    Race says he isnt going to go through a big spiel to get where he is going, you want The King vs The King so much how about this, you name the time and place and ill be there to kick your ass and prove who the real King of The Ring is! It's not Rkidozan and it sure as hell aint you! he then drops his mic and abruptly leaves.

    Backstage segment: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat is interviewed backstage by Josh Matthews where he says that he isn't going to claim to be the King of the BWA but that he is going to re-iterate the vow he made when he first arrived in the promotion. He says he will become the BWA world heavyweight champion, of that he knows. He also says he knows that he can beat Rikidozan if the japanese superstar sticks to his word, because tonight, no matter who his opponent is, he says he will be victorious. It's at this point that Josh informs the champion chaser that it isn't an opponent he has tonight, it's opponents. Steamboat seems unfazed however and says "wll alright then" as he heads off towards the ring.


    Main Event: Ricky Steamboat vs Ultimo Dragon & The Great Sasuke

    A handicap match this may be but The Dragon's opponents have to tag in and out so Steamboat holds his own in the early going here. Infact he seems to be ontop if anything but as things progress he does begin to tire. Despite this he almost gets a 3 count after multiple chop variations from Ricky have Sasuke off balance at which point he goes for a small package. If it were not for Ultimo Dragons interferance Steamboat would have gotten the win but unfortunatly that became a repeating theme in this one and it seems like Steamboat may be beginning to lose heart. It's at this point that Rkidozan comes out onto the ramp to get a closer look at this match but luckily for Ricky it's also when the first cracks start to appear in his opponents. firstly when Dragon tags himself in against Sasuke's wishes tempers begin to flair and then later when Dragon ignores Sasuke's outreached hand the japanese wrestler loses his cool a fact pushed to the limit when Steamboat reverses an attempt at a Tiger suplex and when behind Dragon hits a big dropkick sending him straight into his tag partner for the night, who in turn is sent tumbling to the floor. Steamboat then ascends the turnbuckle and as Dragon is getting back to his feet hits a big diving crossbody and immediatley goes for the pin. 1, 2, 3 and it looks like we have a new No.1 contender for Rikidozan's WHC

    Winner: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

    As we go off air the last image you see is a brief staredown between WHC champion Rikidozan and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat who is point at the belt in Rikidozan's hand then making a belt gesture around his waste. Will Rikidozan stay true to his word and now finally give The Dragon his shot?

    later that night...

    His interviews with BWA stars tonight were a lot less controversial than last time too as they seem to hear exactley what they want from Leno throughout.

    Firstly he informs The Briscoes that BWA chairman Bounty Hunter has been in touch before he relays a message from him as it regards the BWA tag team titles. He says that earlier tonight the odds were perhaps unfairly stacked against The Briscoes when they had to defend their tag team titles against a surprise team. Not only that but when the team was announced as The Public Enemy, a stipulation was added to the match making it TPE's specialty, a tables match. unlike The Briscoes, this meant TPE had knowledge of both who they were facing and what format the face off would take which obviously would have given them an advantage going into the match so before The Briscoes can even air a griveance to Jay, the chairman says that he apologises for not creating a level playing field for them. Leno then states that, that is why BH went on to say the Briscoes will fight the Public enemy again this week in what will be the 2nd of a best of 5 series between the team where if needed at the King of The Ring PPV a deciding match can take place to crown the undisputed BWA tag team champions. Before finishing Leno adds that the next time they face off against TPE the match type will be their choice.

    Then comes His interview with Ricky Steamboat and tbh this is mostly positive and congratulatory after Steamboats big win tonight (which is briefly recapped). Surely now they say Rikidozan will have to give Steamboat a shot at the world title and the ponder if that could happen at King of The Ring. The one serious moment in the interview comes about when Leno points out that Ricky has never held the WWF, WCW or BWA world titles while talking about perhaps why Rikidozan hasnt considerd Steamboat to be worthy of challenging him until now. Ricky says he has made a vow to change this and says that he strives to be the very best, to put on the best matches for the fans but also to win them and that be it at BWA King of The Ring at Madison Square Garden or Monday night Raw next week in Philly, when he gets his shot he intends to take it and not let that title slip from his grasp once more. He says he could have went to MNG or WECWF and won their titles but he wanted a real challenge and if Rikidozan has the guts he expects to get that in a wrestling classic in Madison Square Garden.
    When questioned about Ricky's quest for the title Paris had this to say "that's hot i'd so f*ck him"

    This is Jay's first PW dominated show that is half a normal show and he does state that on the nights when he doesent follow BWA Raw his shows will remain focussed primarily on current events which dont just revolve around PW, but that even then he assures the BWA fans he will still have a few lil recaps, interviews and announcements to keep you all interested.

    Jay's BWA Guests: The Briscoe Brothers, Ricky "The Dragon Steamboat"
    Jay's Normal guests: Paris Hilton (personal friend of Jenna Jameson) & the comedy stylings of Dylan Moran who does a PW related routine.

    BWA Roster 2011:
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Kenta Kobashi
    Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    The Great Sasuke
    Ultimo Dragon
    Sid Vicious
    Bobby Lashley
    Junkyard Dog
    The Briscoes
    Jay Leno
    Jenna Jameson
    Rocco Rock
    Johnny Grunge

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Main Recap from last week:

    - HHH turned on the New Age Outlaws, abandoning D-X to form The R-Evolution X (T-REX) group. He revealed he was now running the show.
    - Most of the babyfaces including Commissioner Cornette were attacked by this new faction.
    - The Outlaws earned a #1 tag title contenders match with the Rougeaus for later tonight.
    - Magnum told Jim Duggan he needed to end their partnership so he could shut up Bruiser Brody for good.
    - Chuck Norris was slated to appear for tonight.

    Week 1 here.
    Week 2 here.
    Week 3 here.

    We are live tonight from Houston, Texas.

    The show opens with the sound of a Tyranosaurus Rex roar and the theme of Tyrant by Judas Priest as the 7 men of this new faction, The R-Evolution X (T-REX), come down to the ring.

    The leader is Triple H and the other members include the Nasty Boys, the Rougeaus, and Gene and Ole Anderson. They are wearing a shirt with a T-Rex on the front and a slogan on the back which reads 'Our Vision is Based on Movement'. They get a decent reaction from the crowd despite being heels. The ring is descorated with confetti and balloons.


    Triple H says the reign of terror of Jim Cornette is now over. Cornette is not going to be here tonight. Complete power in Monday Night Grappling now lies with him. He said tonight they were witnessing the most dominant force in professional wrestling - T-REX. He said in honour of this new group tonight there would be a Hunter Hearst Helmsley appreciation night. Hunter futhermore added that unlike Cornette he didn't talk the talk but walked the walk and he challenged the BWA, WECWF and any other promotion that has the balls, to face his company head on after Wrestlemania. He then played a promo of his latest movie The Chaperone. The fans chanted 'you can't act'. Hunter said he wasn't going to let them spoil his mood and not even Chuck Norris turning up here tonight (fans cheered) can spoil their mood. Christian's music then hit.


    Out came Christian but he was not alone. With him were the New Age Outlaws, Jim Duggan, Jumbo Tsuruta and Barry Windham. Christian said the T-REX name was appropriate because most of them were a bunch of wrestling dinosaurs. Christian said with Hunter's nose they should have called the group Triceratops. Hunter got pissed off and said they should remember where the power now lies. He said the Rougeaus would later on kick his old buddies the Outlaws' asses in the main event and become #1 contenders, but that other matches needed to be made.

    Christian asked for Hunter tonight as the crowd cheered but Hunter said he's not a bad businessman and that match would wait until Wrestlemania. Hunter grinned and said he had a better idea. Tonight his enemies would face each other. It would be Jim Duggan vs Jumbo Tsuruta and Christian would have to take on his good buddy Barry Windham.

    Christian said he can't do anything about that but the 6 of them feel like going down to the ring NOW and taking their chances against the 7 of them. The babyfaces made their way for the ring as the crowd popped but Hunter called for security and a bunch of security guys surrounded the ring and prevented access. Hunter laughed as we went to break.

    Triple H was backstage with the members of T-REX. Vader walked in and some of the members of T-REX got in his face but Triple H beckoned them aside.


    HHH spoke to him in a friendly way and said he admired Vader. He said he was going to offer Vader a place in their group but he suspected Vader liked to be by himself. Vader said he is a one man monster. He said he wanted Jumbo Tsuruta at Wrestlemania. Triple H said that would be a physical meeting of two legends and so made it a No Holds Barred match. Vader said he liked that and Hunter wished him luck.

    At that point an agent walked in and said 'she' had arrived. Hunter told the Nasty Boys to let Bruiser Brody know his special someone was in the building. He laughed and said Magnum TA won't like this one bit.

    *a trailer played showing Hunter burying a lot of guys. It ran nearly 8 minutes.*

    After the break it was highlighted that the Fabulous Rougeaus had joined J.R. as the co-commentators until their main event match later on. A trailer for Blade Trinity then aired, starring Triple H of course.

    Match - Jumbo Tsuruta vs Jim Duggan

    Both men shook hands before the match which the Rougeaus ripped on. They began making fun of Duggan all through the match.
    Jacques: Duggan is not a great American like us, is he Raymond?
    Raymond: Definitely not, mon frere. He is an embarrassment to our United States.
    J.R.: Aw would you two knock it off? What part of America is Quebec in, you idiots? Duggan is all American.
    Raymond:J.R. I am a former WWE broadcaster and might take over your job if you keep up that attitude.

    The match was a good contest with Jumbo dominating most of the match. The fans were quite mixed but seemed to warm to Duggan more as the match went on. Jumbo however won clean with a powerbomb.


    Winner: Jumbo Tsuruta

    After the match the Rougeaus got in the ring and began beating on Duggan. Jumbo saw this and so beat on the Rougeaus before Vader came through the crowd and attacked Jumbo. He laid him out and told him he would show him who the true legend is at Mania.

    The Nasty Boys entered Brusier Brody's locker room. He went to get up and attack them but they quickly said Hunter had told them 'she' was here. Brody smiled and left the room chanting 'huss, huss, huss'.

    *commercial break - a video for HHH was shown with all his title wins*

    Howard Finkel was then in the ring to introduce the newest member to the MNG roster....Sunny.


    Sunny came down and said that she ought to be thrilled on her first night in the company but things were scary around here. She said the fans had been wondering why Brody had such a vendetta against Magnum TA and the reason for it was down to her. She revealed that she had a brief relationship while on a tour in Japan with Bruiser Brody but was not interested in a long-term relationship, and so the excuse she gave for ending things was that she had fallen for Magnum TA, who she told Brody had pursued her. She revealed Magnum had been involved with her in the past but that was a long time ago and the two of them had not in reality seen each other in years. She simply used this to let down Brody gently. She apologised to Magnum for all the hassle the last few weeks and said she had no idea Brody would wind up here in MNG again. She said it was obvious now Triple H had brought Brody back in as a way of going after one of his rivals. She appealed to Brody to stop his vendetta. Brody's music then hit.


    Brody said Sunny was a liar and protecting him. He said he was willing to forgive her as he loved her, but not Magnum for what he had done. Sunny reiterated nothing happened but Brody got mad and grabbed her. Magnum then ran down clutching a pipe and Brody backed off out of the ring. Magnum said enough was enough and challenged Brody to a match at Wrestlemania.


    Triple H appeared on the titantron and said the match would happen but he needed a strong special referee that could control such a wild situation. That referee would be - Sunny. She screamed no as Hunter laughed. Brody backed up the ramp and said he'd see Magnum at Mania. Sunny apologised to Magnum but he left the ring shaking his head.
    Jacques: This is why you can never trust a woman, J.R.
    J.R.: Why don't you go listen to some Barry Manilow ya damn big mouth.

    Match - Christian vs Barry Windham (non-title)


    Ole Anderson came out before the match with Gene and said he looked forward to his match with Windham at Mania for the IC Title. He said in this battle of the former horseman, the original would win out. He called Windham a chump and a disgrace to the Horseman legacy. The Andersons then joined the Rougeaus at commentary.

    Like earlier both men shook hands before the contest. Ole said that made him sick and was something a true horseman would never do. 'A true horsemen would fake the handshake and hit him with a cheap shot'. J.R. said that seemed like what a jackass would do rather than a horseman but there was so many dinosaur and animal references happening he couldn't keep up. The match with Christian and Windham was competitive and both men had their admirers, although Christian had the largest response. The finish came when Windham went for a backslide which Christian was able to fight out of and turn into an Unprettier for the 1-2-3.

    Winner: Christian

    After the match Hunter appeared on top of the stage with The Nasty Boys and sarcastically clapped. He then signalled to the other members of T-REX to attack which they did. However Jumbo Tsuruta, Jim Duggan and the Outlaws ran down to try and even the odds and we had a mass 6 on 7 brawl. Vader however came down to attack Jumbo and the security guys from earlier also came in to restrain the babyfaces. The crowd booed as the heels took advantage until the Walker Texas Ranger theme hit...


    Chuck Norris came in the ring and 2 security guards went to manhandle him but he dropped them both with some sweet roundhouse kicks. The other members of T-REX went to attack but Hunter beckoned them to come out of the ring. Norris stood in the ring with the babyfaces as T-REX and security stood outside. Norris declared himself the new Sheriff of Monday Night Wrestling as per Cornette's instructions last week. Hunter said that was BS as Cornette was now gone. Norris said Cornette told him he'd be there next week and as commissioner, Cornette retained a measure of power.


    Norris said tonight the main event to determine the number 1 contenders match had still to take place and as the Sheriff, he would see to it that there be NO INTERFERENCE in the match. He declared he would be at ringside.

    The members of T-REX, except for the Rougeaus, left through the crowd as the fans chanted goodbye. It was then time for the main event.

    Match - The New Age Outlaws vs The Fabulous Rougeaus (to be number 1 contenders for the tag titles)

    The fans chanted 'let's go Outlaws' loudly as the Rougeaus looked disgusted to not have their friends at ringside. Chuck joined J.R. on commentary who was now especially keen on seeing the Rougeaus get beat. The match was an enjoyable bout and at once stage Raymond went out at ringside to get a chair but Norris stood up and he taught better of it. The finish came with the Rougeaus going for their finisher but Jacques got crotched on the top and Billy was able to hit the fame-asser on Raymond for the 1-2-3.

    Winners and number 1 contenders: The New Age Outlaws


    The babyfaces came down to congratulate the Outlaws on earning the title shot at Mania. The Rougeaus began to walk to the back heartbroken at their loss as J.R ripped on them hugely. Norris grabbed the mic and said the Rougeaus need not be too disappointed. They would be in a match at Wrestlemania against a guy they have made life hell for since they arrived here - Jim Duggan. And since Duggan's partnership with Magnum TA had recently ended, Jim needed a partner and that partner would be - himself. Since the Rougeaus liked waving the US flag so much, the match would be a flag match.
    JR: Oh yeah! Duggan and Norris are teaming at Mania and they're going to show those two morons what real Americans are made of. Triple H appreciation night has ended in disaster for T-REX. It seems not even a T-REX can stop the mighty Chuck Norris. MNG Wrestlemania is only two weeks away!

    The credits roll...

    MNG Wrestlemania 2011 confirmed line-up thus far:

    Triple H vs Christian (World Heavyweight Title)

    Barry Windham vs Ole Anderson w/Gene (Intercontinental Title)

    Jumbo Tsuruta vs Vader (No Holds Barred)

    The New Age Outlaws vs The Nasty Boys (Tag Team Titles)

    Magnum TA vs Bruiser Brody w/special ref Sunny

    The Fabulous Rougueas vs Jim Duggan and Chuck Norris (Flag Match)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!

    In ring Segment: One of the BWA's younger Japanese superstars starts tonights broadcast and unlike their older counterparts the younger asian stars all have very good English. The Great Sasuke cuts a promo about how he had the world at his feet a few weeks back with all major promotions wanting his signature after he indicated he was once again willing to leave Japan. He goes on then to explain why he chose the BWA, he says unlike others he didnt come here because of the BWA's gratious owner Bounty Hunter although he did mention how much he appreciated the BWA's substantial medical scheme. Instead he says his reasons for choosing the BWA all started with a tweet! a Tweet from the man he was forced to team with last week.

    He says that he didnt know if it was a joke or serious at first but via the social networking site Twitter newly signed BWA star Ultimo Dragon sent sasuke this picture:

    Sasuke says that he thought Asai was only joking but when he suggested as much he got a torrent of abuse back including the following which he tweeted in both Japanese & Spanish. "No im not joking, you can and never will be on my level! I held 11 different titles simultaniously something you could never do as your just a mere wannabe, and one who's ass i'd love to kick one day"

    Sasuke says he doesent know if it was Dragons plan to lure him here to the BWA but if it was, It Worked! He says if you want to talk about titles I've had my fair share (at which point the below picture is shown on the titantron) but there is one title that ive never held and you know what ive noted neither have you. That title is The BWA Intercontinental championship and I plan to challenge Jushin Li.....

    Just then Ultimo Dragon's music hits and the mexican born superstar makes his way out. He makes his way half way down towards the ramp before stopping and taking out a microphone. He says that he has to restrain himself as he already has a match set for tonight, it's up next infact but he says that if Sasuke wants to dispute what he tweeted to him all he has to to do is wait a week, then bring it because like he said he would love to kick Sasuke's ass. Dragon does however aknowledge that yes as he has never held the BWA IC championship and admits that it is what brought him to this promotion and suggests that maybe after he defeats his opponent tonight and Sasuke when he gets the opportunity he will finally be made given his rightfull shot at Liger's belt...

    it's the second mention of his name tonight and this time it brings out the IC champ Jushin Liger to the stage. Liger takes a moment to soak up the very positive reaction he gets from the fans before telling both men that he has been simply loving this so far. The arrival to the BWA of two men he has faced previously in absolute classics both of whom have their sights set directly on his intercontinental title. Both men look a little bit surprised at his delight at their desire of his belt but he goes on to state that in just a few short week it will be time for BWA King of The Ring and that he is not only looking for a challenger and an opponent for him at that PPV but that he is looking for someone good enough to not just be a King but to beat one! At which point he says that if either Ultimo Dragon who is facing Harley Race or The Great Sasuke who will later face Jerry "The King" Lawler can defeat their illustrious opponents then he will let them have their shot at the PPV. Before heading to the back (as does Sasuke a few second later) Liger wishes both men good luck and he says they will need it especially you Dragon as you have to face this man! and with that Harley Race emerges from the back and we are ready for our first match of the evening.

    Match 1: Ultimo Dragon vs Harley Race

    Ultimo Dragon starts this one strong showcasing a number of big kick combinations but Race's power soon beccomes a factor in the contest as a high knee strike steals tthe momentum. He follows that off by hitting a vertical suplex on Dragon before ascending to the top rope, a rarity for him but he is obviously thinking about going for his diving headbutt. He stops however as he notices Jerry Lawler making his way out towards the ring. He jumps down snd goes straight over to the ropes near Lawler and starts shouting at him. A rookie mistake from this seasoned veteran though as Ultimo Dragon has now recouperated and grabs him from behind in a roll up pin, 1-2-3! and we have a winner.

    Winner: Ultimo Dragon

    Dragon makes his way out of the arena as Jerry Lawler laughs, race looks seriously pissed in the ring though so Lawler does not wait around for a reaction from him and as JR says he hightails it outta there.

    Backstage segment: JYD is in a frantic state watching and rewatching his match from last week trying to get a good look at the figure in the crowd that appeared to be wearing a Black Tiger mask. Eventually when he returns to their dressing room his sponsor Jerry Lawler calms him down by reminding him that the man that he injured, the man who wore the Tiger mask in TNA with him isnt on the BWA roster. He convinces JYD that it was either his mind playing tricks on him or meerly a fan wearing a mask lasst week before turning the topic to his own troubles primarily what to do about Harley Race who will no doubt seek retribution against Lawler. However he cant dwell on that thought too long as he has a match later tonight that he says he must prepare for.

    Elsewhere backstage Sid Vicious can be seen entering the arena solo and asking a number of production hands/security personal at the entrance if they have seen his manager Jenna Jameson anywhere as he's looking for her. One smart ass replies he has seen all of her but then when Sid shoots him an angry look he immediatly points down the corridor and sheepishly says "she was down that way a while ago"

    Video Recap: We then get a video recap of Jay Leno's big announcement with regards the tag team titles on his monday night late show last week and how we now find ourselves in the midst of a best of 5 series between The Public Enemy & The Briscoe brothers. As we return from it Leno reminds us that as was said in the clip the Briscoes had the choice of stipulations this week and its just been announced that it will be a Falls count anywhere tornado tag match. JR says that perhaps the younger, faster & more agile Briscoes think that they will be better suited to using the arena to their advantage in such a match, lets see if he is right...

    Best of 5 series for the tag team titles match 2: Falls count anywhere tornado tag - The Briscoes vs The Public Enemy

    Once again the crowd seem split down the middle for this one although Leno suggests that a lot of that may be because its so hard to dislike them consider they have the hotstepper ( as their entrance theme.

    This is another real back and forth contest but if we fast forward to the end Rocco and Mark are brawling by the annouce table while their partners are just getting back to the ring after fighting through the crowd. Rocco tries to suplex Mark into the ring post but the Briscoe brother resists and reverses it into a suplex of his own dropping Rocco onto an announce table. Meanwhile in the ring there is a second reversal as Johnny grunge goes for a bulldog on Jay Briscoe and ends up getting tossed through the ropes landing at Marks feet who then suplexs Grunge right onto his tag partner ontop of the table. "how is that table still standing" says Leno but JR says that BWA announce tables are build of strong stuff emphasising how much those moves must have hurt. "dont think it's going to last much longer though" says Leno as his namesake Jay Briscoe ascendes the turnbuckle before hitting a frog splash simultaniously hitting both his opponents. Jay rolls off in pain, really selling the move as Mark makes the pinfall on the outside.

    Winners: The Briscoes - now tied 1 win each

    Backstage segment: Sid is still searching for his manager but it seems he's found her at last as he hears her voice coming froom a dressing room door so we see a big smile of relief on his face. This quickly changes though as he hears her cry out and he quickly opens the door. On the other side is not what he expects though as he is greeted by the lit up face of Jerry Lawler who is enjoying a mvoie on his laptop. Sid gives Lawler a look of disgust before turning and continuing his search down the hallway, it seems the self proclaimed master of the universe doesent appreciate Lawler's way of preparing for a match.

    Match 3: Jerry lawler vs The Great Sasuke

    This one follows a similar format to the first match of the night with "The King" growing into the match after some very impressive early moves from his opponent including a Sasuke Special II ( Cartwheel into an over the top rope corkscrew moonsaul) early on. Then just as Lawler seems to be getting on top out comes Harley Race to return the favour from earlier. He looks seriously annoyed and charges towards the ring but Jerry rolls out of it on the opposite side before he gets there. Race circles the ring trying to get to Lawler who is now standing by the rampway as the referee starts to count him out. Lawler notices this and after a few moments where he seems to be considering getting back into the ring he turns his back and heads up the ramp. He dissapears behind the curtain momentarily as the ref counts to 10 and announces via Disqualification The Great Sasuke the winner.

    Winner: The great Sasuke

    Lawler then re-emerges with a microphone in his hand and says that yes because of his actions early tonight he was kinda asking for Race to come out here but since he is here now its time he learns the consequnces for his actions last week. He then reminds everyone how Harley Race interupted his staking a claim for a title match last week including him asking for Lawler to name the time and place for an ass kicking. Lawler simply states that although that is a comical notion it's easily done. 3 weeks, King of the Ring, Madison square Garden, never has a PPV name been more fitting he says before ala Race from last week he just drops the mic with a thud and abruptly leaves..

    *ad break*

    Backstage segment: JYD is trying to return the favour from earlier tonight and relax his sponsor Jerry Lawler who has just returned to the lockeroom. That is until he opens his locker to see a Black Tiger mask hanging in plain view which immediatley causes him to freak out.

    Elsewhere Sid finally finds Jenna Jameson in a corridor talking to Bobby Lashley. Before he arrives Lashley says his goodbyes and gets out of there but it doesent seem to matter as Sid immediatley blows up over his presence. Sid questions why Jenna seemed so cosy with Bobby Lashley last week, and why he couldent find her anywhere yet here she is talking to him again. Jenna however simply says that he needs to trust her, she was acting in his best interest and says that Lashleys close friend Jay Leno would reveal all on his show later tonight. the two continue to talk as they walk down the corridor out of earchot as the cameras return to ringside so the commentaters can start bigging up tonights main event which is next!

    before the main event begins Rikidozan & Mitsuharu Misawa make their way out to the ring, microphone in hand and translater by there side. Rikidozan talks about how he was almost impressed last week by Ricky Steamboat but he still doesent think he is worthy of challenging him (this gets a big Booing from the crowd). He says that if not for the obvious anamosity between Ultimo Dragon & the Great Sasuke we wouldent have had a chance and says that frankly his choice of tag partners tonight also does not impress him. Despite all that he says he is willing to face him in this match tonight to give him one final chance to prove his worth. Go, on change my mind Steamboat, prove there is someone worthy of facing the Great Rkidozan.

    Main Event: Rikidozan & Mitsuharu Misawa vs Ricky Steamboat & Kenta Kobashi

    This is an even contest throughout but Steamboat is kept away from Rikidozan the entire bout with Misawa tagging in anytime "The Dragon" is in the ring. The match seems to be two seperate battles at times one where Rikidozan has the slight upper hand on Kobashi and another where Steamboat seems to have the edge over Misawa, yet all the while each man perhaps possibly Rikidozan seems desperate to get their hands on their other tag opponent. The finish comes after Rikidozan removes the turnbuckle cover in his corner while Misawa and Steamboat go at it in the ring. Then after Misawa drives Steamboat into the exposed turnbuckle Rikidozan tags in and faces the Dragon for the first time in the ring. He slowly waits for Steamboat to rise to his feet while signalling that it's time for his Rikidozan special piledriver but as he trys to pick up Steamboat, Ricky gets a sudden burst of energy grabbing his arms and blocking him as his eyes light up at the realisation that he finally has his hands on the champ. there is a flurry of right hands between the two but Steamboat actually comes out on top chopping Rikidozan so hard he makes him stumble back into his corner. Steamboat then hits a big dropkick sending the champ flying into the exposed turnbuckle and the crowd into raptures. Misawa tags himself in and it seems Rikidozan has been cut open as he rolls out of the ring immediatly throwing to stop blood from gushing out of his forhead. Misawa charges Steamboat but is caught in an armbar takedown which while Steamboat temp holds with 1 arm he reaches up and tags in Kobashi before quickly going back to a two armed armbar. Kenta immediatly jumps onto the top turnbuckle and performs a diving leg drop to his former tag partner and as Rikidozan looks on from the apron gets the 1-2-3.

    Winners: Ricky Steamboat & Kenta Kobashi

    Thats the first match Rikidozan has lost in over a year in the BWA, he's gotta rate Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat now! says JR as BWA goes off the air.

    ...Later that night

    Jay has two BWA guests tonight the first of which again is his friend Bobby Lashley. This is used to recap the interaction between him and Sid Vicious the last time Bobby was on the show after which Bobby re-iterates that he can defeat Sid. Leno then jokingly questions him about his flirting with Jenna Jameson as clips are once more shown from the past two weeks of Raw of the talking, Sid's reaction to this and finally Jameson's announcement that she was meeting with Lashley to help Sid and that all would be revealed on tonights Show. Therefore Jay is proud to be able to make another big BWA announcement and say that the first match officially booked for BWA King of The Ring would be Sid Vicious w/Jenna Jameson vs Bobby Lashley with him, Jay Leno, in Lashley's corner. He says that Jenna knew, and he agreed with her, that this is the most high profile match either man could have as it seems that Ricky Steamboat is next in line WHC. Lashley seems to be relishing it saying it will give him a chance to prove his word and beat Sid.


    Later in the show Harley Race Is interviewed and talks about the disgust he feels for the man he says is masquerading under "The King" moniker. He runs down all his past indescetions of which there are many starting with the times he was fired and culminating with all his problems with the ladies. He says that at the King of the ring he will prove who the real King of the BWA is, when he takes on Lawler at King of The ring, where he says the sex addict will be made pay for all these indescretions at once.

    Leno takes this chance to make his second big announcement of the night as it relates to Race and his comments. He says that the BWA chairman has just announced the tournament matches for the KOTR 2011 and that in the now 2nd and 3rd official matches at BWA KOTR we will see Harley Race vs Jerry Lawler & Kenta Kobashi vs his former partner Mitsuharu Misawa for the right to compete over the title of King of the BWA, a title which will carry with it a no.1 contenders position.

    This point in the show would usually signal the end of Leno's BWA announcements and a move back to general main stream stories and celebs like on a normal night. Hoever he instead chooses now to once more aknowledge the BWA chairman Bounty Hunter for allowing him to continue to make these big announcements, especially the next one. He then says that he has been told that at BWA King of The Ring he will be given the green light to make his biggest announcement yet, when he will reveal the identity of Bounty Hunter himself to the BWA roster and worldwide audience.

    He then says that it may not be too much of a surprise to some that he has now decided to reveal his identity as only recently the man who's true identy remains a mystery even to his employees joined the social networking site twitter and as these two recent tweets show he is both ready to become more vocal and keeping an eye on the competition.
    looks like 2 King of The Ring tournaments are going head to head this year, fusion pro doesent stand a chance! BWA KOTR 2011 FTW

    ha Oprah just tried to buy a stake in the BWA, told her that MNG or WECWF might be more in her price range, cant afford the main event tho!/BWABountyHunter

    It's the 2nd of those quotes that he uses to once again slip some BWA talk in amongst his non wrestling talk with his later guest.

    Oprah: "I Tweeted Bounty Hunter about buying a stake in the BWA but he wasnt interested"

    Leno's BWA guests: Bobby Lashley, Harley Race
    Non BWA guests: Oprah and the RHCP providing music

    BWA Roster 2011:
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Kenta Kobashi
    Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    The Great Sasuke
    Ultimo Dragon
    Sid Vicious
    Bobby Lashley
    Junkyard Dog
    The Briscoes
    Jay Leno
    Jenna Jameson
    Rocco Rock
    Johnny Grunge

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,732 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 1

    Show 2

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    Friday Night Ignition

    The show kicks off with a recap of the last week’s wedding ceremony. GM General Manager Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring with new husband Desmond Wolfe. Stephanie talks about Jericho’s jealousy and ruining her ceremony. She says that her “new husband Dessie is more of man than Jericho will ever be”. She talks about their picture spread for OK magazine and how she is one the most powerful women in sports entertainment. She also mentions that she and Dessie will be attending the royal wedding of Kate and William and that has invited them to the next LWE PPV Mayhem to watch from the VIP section. She looks at Dessie and kisses him. He takes the mic. The crowd are shouting loud for Jericho and calling Stephanie a beast. Wolfe tells them to shut up and that they are all f*cking ****. He says he deserves to be the world champion and he will be. He says that he has “two huge films in the pipeline one with Guy Ritchie and one with Sylvester Stallone who has been begging for ages to sign me for Expendables 2 to take over from the idiot Jason Statham”. He says he “is so big a star even got that fool Mr. T thrown off a movie”. He also says he will beat Jericho tonight but Stephanie takes the mic back and says that she has a better idea and that “at the PPV Mayhem Jericho will be defending the titleagainst him and that tonight whoever wins the main event match can decide the match and stipulations and that main event will be Jericho and a partner of his choice against him, Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams”. Stephanie and Dessie leave the ring.

    The announcers discuss the main event tonight and who Jericho will take as a partner.

    The first match up tonight is Carlito V Chavo Guerrero. Alberto Del Rio the current IC champion comes out during the match to distract Chavo but Chavo pins Carlito and gets the win. After the match Del Rio and Carlito double team on Chavo but the returning Texas Tornado hits the ring and makes the save.

    Taylor Wilde is shown backstage talking with Magnus she asks him “why he took Stephanie out of the ring last week and not her after all she is suppose to be his girlfriend”. Magnus ignores this question and instead sweet talks Taylor and tells that that tonight she will have a match with Hamada for the Women’s Title and he will be at ringside to watch her win.

    Chavo goes to see Stephanie and asks for an IC title match with Del Rio, she tells him that next week he will face Carlito and Texas Tornado in a triple threat and the winner of that match gets an title match at Mayhem. Chavo says it is his time and leaves.

    We see that Jericho has arrived at the stadium. Todd Grimshaw backstage informs Jericho about the match Stephanie arranged for later tonight, Jericho tells Todd he must go and get a partner and hopefully it will be someone very rowdy.

    Up next is Hamada V Taylor Wilde for the Women’s Championship. Brutus comes out with Taylor to support her. Brutus gets involved in the match and costs Taylor the win as she is disqualified. Taylor slaps Brutus and leaves by herself.

    Backstage Primo asks Carlito why he cancelled their tag title match tonight against the tag champions The Motor City Machine Guns. Carlito says “he has had enough of being in a tag team and now he is only out for himself and next week he will win a shot at the IC Title”. Primo tells Carlito “If that is way it is then he too should look out for himself”. Primo goes to see Stephanie and asks to be added to the number 1 contender’s match next week for the IC title but she refuses. He then sees the vacated Cruiser X title asks about it she reveals “next week all will be revealed” and tells Primo to leave.

    The current tag champions The Motor City Machine Guns make their way out to the ring. Shelley says that “last week Williams was afraid to face him and since he is already in a match tonight and their tag title match against Primo and Carlito is cancelled that the Guns have no problem defending their tag titles tonight but who to face maybe Billy Kidman and Paul London”. This brings out London and Kidman. Stephanie comes out and they can have their match but it won’t be for the tag titles. Kidman picks ups the win with a cheeky role up on Shelley. [/COLOR]

    Up next is the main event and out to the ring first is Desmond Wolfe, Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams. The WHC champion Chris Jericho comes out next and he announces that his tag team partner is Roddy Piper who is out next. Wolfe looks annoyed in the ring. Piper asks Jericho if he can start the match first and he and Williams start off the match. Piper has the upper hand on Williams until Magnus blind tags in and both double team Piper. Piper eventually tags in Jericho and he takes down Williams and throws Brutus out of the ring. He throws Williams into Wolfe’s corner so he will tag in. Wolfe comes in and he and Jericho exchange blows. Jericho hits the Lionsault on Wolfe. Magnus comes in with a chair but the ref stops him and takes the chair in the process the ref is knocked out. Jericho knocks Magnus out of the ring. Williams comes in with another chair and Piper stops him, he takes the chair and nails his tag partner Jericho with the chair. Another ref comes down and counts as Wolfe covers Jericho for win. Williams, Wolfe, Magnus and Piper all stand together in the ring.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,906 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Once again we are welcomed to the RDS for FCW LIVE!!!! as the Music and Pyro go out .

    We are shown a recap of what happened last week

    Opening Match
    Gunner & Murphy vs Lethal & Al Snow
    The newest members of FCW are in action straight away agains the unlikely team of Lethal/Snow . Unfortunately it would be known that Lethal/Snow were not as polished as a team as Gunner and Murphy who would use this as their advantage with numerous double teams . Snow would make the tag to Lethal who would clean house , just as Lethal hit the Lethal Combination and was on the top rope Snow would tag Lethal as he came down with an elbow drop, Lethal would be confused as it looked like Snow wanted to hit a his own version of the elbow drop . As this was happening Murphy would throw kick lethal in the rope following up with Snow falling off the top allowing Murphy to hit the Assisted Suicide for the win

    Winners: Gunner & Murphy

    Backstage Segment
    Morrison and Mysterio are shown arriving in the arena. As they came in Sheamus and Mercury come behind them and a brawl errupted between all 4 men until security broke it up[/I

    2nd Match:
    Monty Brown vs X Pac W/Albert
    Once again it wouldnt take long for Browns match would be interupted since just as he was about to hit the Pounce Albert would get involved causing a DQ. As the beatdown happened The Pope would hit the ring and even up the score. Pope said lets make this a tag team match unless Luis Walsh is still in town so X-Pac/Albert can finally make it big on the X-Factor...............they could be the new Jedward although if you combine both you would get Mary Byrne:eek:

    Match Restarted as a Tag Match
    Pope/Brown vs X-Factor
    Match didnt last long as Monty brown would get his revenge as Albert was on the outside of the Apron Brown would hit the Pounce knocking Albert throw the announcers table as payback. Pope would follow up with a DDE on X-Pac also as revenge for last weeks attack for the win

    Winners: Monty Brown & The Pope

    ***It is announced that FCW will returning to the AVIVA STADIUM IN MARCH for WRESTLEMANIA***

    ***Also Matches Will Be Announced Soon***

    Backstage Segment
    Molly Holly is shown walking with Gail towards the ring as she faces Madison Rayne

    3rd Match:
    Molly Holly W/Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne/Tara
    Madison tries to run away from Molly but she is always catches up with her but as Molly is getting back in the ring Tara would grab her foor allowing Madison to take control . Madison would start to get cock as Madison was setting up for her finisher and talking crap to Gail , Molly would counter it into a ddt and both women were down. Molly got up first and took it to Madison. Molly was about to hit the Molly Go Round but Tara would get up on the apron but when Gail seen this she got up so Tara pretended to get down so the ref went over to Gail , Tara would hit a Superkick on Molly knocking her off the rope and allowed Madison to get a quick roll up for the win

    Winner:Madison Rayne

    4th Match:
    Matt Morgan vs Test
    Morgan comes to the ring ready for the match . Test's music hits but to no avail no sign of Test , He is shown backstage relaxing in the Foggy Dew with his VIP Area saying he wasnt in the mood tonight so he gave himself the night off , He said he will let Morgan no when he will face him and he will talk to him later.

    Winner Via Forfeit: Matt Morgan , who doesnt look happy


    Main Event
    Mercury vs Mysterio
    Mercury tries his best to run away from Ray since its the first One on One encounter after Mysterio found out it was him who attacked him. Mysterio would lose his control and snap on Mercury leaving the ref no reason but to DQ Rey

    Winner Via DQ:Mercury
    After the match Rey would not stop attacking Mercury until Gunner/Murphy hit the ring and attack Mysterio allowing Mercury to gain control to beat down on Rey until Snow/Lethal hit the ring to even up the scores which was followed by Sheamus then Morrison as all HELL BROKE LOOSE

    As this was happening on the big Screen the matches for WRESTLEMANIA were announced

    Elimination Tag Match
    Gunner & Murphy vs Lethal & Al Snow

    4 Way Ladder Match for The FCW Womens Championship
    Madison Rayne vs Tara vs Molly Holly vs Gail

    Tables Match
    Albert vs Monty Brown

    Singles Match But If Test Does Not Show Up He Will Be Fired

    Intercontinental Championship
    The Pope(c) vs X-Pac

    Falls Count Anywhere Grudge Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Joey Mercury

    FCW Championship Match
    Sheamus (c) vs John Morrison

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,478 ✭✭✭Bubs101

    Stampede Wrestling show 1

    Show opens with GM and owner Stu Hart coming to the ring to Going Blind

    Stu announces to the crowd that he has cancer and the time to pick a successor is here. He announces the qualities that the leader of the HArt family should possess. Wrestling skill, leadership, selflesness etc. After a vintage boring Hart family speech he announces that his successor will be ... His son and champion Bret Hart

    Bret and Stu exchange compliments until Owen comes to the ring. Bret offers his hand and attempts to hug him but instead Owen grabs the microphone. He explains that it's been him who's protected the Hart family and not Bret. He's been the one to shoulder the less talented members of the family in one sided tag teams, he's been the one to try out Stu's new gimmicks and he's been number one contender 5 times during Bret's reign and has never challenged him out of decency alone. He points out the amount of help and protection he's given Bret and says that without him Stampede would have a different Champ. Bret laughs

    Stu agrees and says that while his decision on succession is final he'll grant Owen a title shot tonight. Just then Booker T's music hits and he points out that he beat Owen for a shot at the title and that Stu's never played favourites before so why should he now. He's first. Stu concedes so announces a triple threat title match tonight and an election for the new GM to be held today

    1st match.
    Khali vs. Taka

    Khali squashes Taka. After the match however Funaki crouches behind Khali and Taka pushes Khali over and Funaki covers him for a 123. FUnaki exclaims that just like coffee and fags, together they are unbeatable and challenges the Steiners for the belts.

    Backstage: Scott and Rick laugh at TaienKai when Rick Rude approaches Scott and encourages him to run for GM. Rick and Rick both tell Scott he's got their vote.

    Next match: Jim Brunzell vs. Bam Bam
    Bam Bam squashes Jim. Post match Bam Bam grabs the mic and appeals for DDP to reform the Jersey Triad (sensa dead gay). While on the mic Sheiky comes up behind a prone Jim Brunzell and proceeds to pretend to **** him in the ass. Bam Bam, appalled asks Sheiky what the **** he's doing and Sheiky proclaims he'll **** anybody up the ass unless they vote for him for GM.


    Voting continues with a desolate Brian Blair showing his voting card to the camera proclaiming Steiner and telling Sheiky to calm down and get real. At that time Stu closes the booth and says that after a performance by house band KISS the announcement and main event will begin.

    In the ring: The roster surrounds the ring as Stu counts the votes. After a minute of suspense Stu announces theres a tie. he invites Scott and Shieky to the ring and they both challenge the other to settle it in the ring. Stu however points out that being GM has nothing to do with wrestling prowess and instead announces a series of three debates to be judged by a panel of him and KISS to begin next week.

    Main Event: Title match between Owen, Bret and Booker T.

    Match begins with Bret and Owen refusing to hit each other and working in tandem on Booker. Bret goes for a pin but Booker kicks out. Bret tries again but once again Booker makes a late kick out. Bret then goes to the top as a prone Booker lays in place but Owen Hart throws on a Sharpshooter. Bret watches from the top for 20 seconds and just before Booker taps Bret knocks out the ref from behind. Owen, furious, argues with Bret before going outside to grab the belt. The two exchange words not picked up by the camera before Owen throws the Belt down at Bret's feet. As Bret goes to pick it up he's scissor kicked by Booker on the belt. Booker goes for the pin. Owen looks back,but then continues to exit the ring as Booker wins the match and becomes the new Champion.

    Bret lies prone in the ring as Booker celebrates. Backstage Stu is shown crying looking at a picture of the two as the show goes off the air

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    [Embedded Image Removed]
    We open the show with Vince McMahon in the middle of the ring he looks steamed as we see highlights from the ends of last week’s show where he and Kevin Nash were subject to a beat down at the hands of Nexus, Vince begins to address the crowd.
    Vince McMahon: Last week we found out that the maggot that is Vince Russo is behind this little Nexus reunion and he made the biggest mistake of his life last week laying his filthy hands on me but before I get to them let me call out Kevin Nash,( Nash comes to the ring )
    Last week Kevin I tried to tell you I was not behind the Nexus but would you listen no instead you chokeslams me to the canvass, but guess what Kevin I am going to let it slide why you may ask simple next week is CWA Revolution and I want you to destroy Wade Barrett.
    ( Just then Vince Russo and the rest of Nexus make their way to the ring )
    Russo: Vince Kennedy McMahon well well well long time hasn’t it Vinnie , But you should be on your hands and knees that Vince Russo and Nexus in your company but instead you threaten us like we are some spoilt kids
    McMahon: It’s funny you mention hands and knees Russo as at next week Revolution it will be KEVIN NASH vs. WADE BARRETT and if Nash wins you will be re-joining a club that you were the number one member of for so long, that’s right the Vince McMahon kiss my ass club
    Russo: What…..and if your man loses he will do what you should have been doing for so long and kiss my ass if it was not for me McMahon you still be having Clowns face Dustmen, There never would have been a Stone Cold only a ringmaster so at the end of Revolution not only will you kiss my ass you will thank me for the pleasure..
    Vince McMahon: Is that so Russo and there was me just about to order a pole and see if David Arquette is up to anything but instead tonight we are going to a have a warm up match Barrett, Dibiase and McGillicuty you will be facing Nash and a couple of his friends.

    [Embedded Image Removed]
    Rikishi Vs Grandmaster Sexy
    The show opens with the return of Grandmaster Sexy before the match begins we see highlights from two weeks ago when an unknown accilaint attacked Yokozuna from behind and then last week when a fan with dark glasses hit Rikishi with a chair Brian Lawler looks at the screen showing the footage and laughs, Big mistake as Rikishi attacks him from the off it’s a very physical match up with Rikishi getting the upper hand in most parts although Lawler does show some glimpses of getting back into it that all ends though when Lawler tries to climb the rope only to be caught by Rikishi who hits him with the Samoan death drop, Yokozuna then comes to the ring followed by Scotty 2 Hotty it all breaks down in the middle of the ring before refs and security separate them.
    Winner: Rikishi


    Vince McMahon is in his office when Drew McIntyre enters McMahon tears shreds from him for not coming to his aid last week he tells Drew not to forgot who has given him the chance to come the CWA champ and if really is the chosen one then he has to prove it tonight as he teams with Swagger to go against Anderson and Inoki.
    ***don’t try this at home***
    Drew McIntyre & Jack Swagger Vs Inoki & Mr. Anderson
    A great match up that swings both ways , Swagger shows his amateur back ground by taking Anderson to the mat a couple of time, but is hesitant to get into the ring when Anderson tags Inoki, It looks like Inoki is going to pick up the win after a couple of close pin counts but McIntyre runs in for the save , Anderson now also gets in and when McIntyre goes to clothes line him he ducks and ref gets it instead after the ref gets knocked out all four men battle , Swagger hits Inoki with a low blow goes outside and gets his universal title he throws it into McIntyre who hits Anderson with it and bust him open , Drew then kicks him out of the ring Swagger gets back into the ring and locks the ankle lock on Inoki , Drew shakes the ref to wake him up while Inoki is doing his best to fight out of the ankle lock he has no other choice to eventually tap out and Swagger and McIntyre pick up the win,
    Winner: McIntyre & Swagger

    After the match McIntyre grabs a mic a looks at a busted open Mr. Anderson and tells him to get used to the taste of his blood as at CWA revolution it will be a first blood match.

    Jerry Lynn is in the ring he issues an open challenge that if any wrestler out there thinks they are extreme enough to face him then come along to CWA Revolution for an old fashioned street fight..
    Nash & Young & Jordan Vs Nexus
    Kevin Nash comes out first and waits at the top of the ramp and is then joined by Orlando Jordan who is eating a banana and Eric Young who is wearing saying I saw Amman in Jordan ??, When the match gets on the way Young starts things off then tries to tag in Barrett who looks totally bemused, When the match gets into full flow there was a couple of close pin falls which Eric Young decided to count , Nash eventually loses patience with Young and starts to argue in the middle of the ring given Barrett the chance to hit the wasteland from behind Orlando Jordan runs in for save only for Eric Young to block him off telling him that he was the ref, the real ref counts to 3 and Nexus pick up the win.
    Winners: Nexus

    Vince Russo comes out to celebrate with Nexus as they look up at the CWA Revolution sign Russo looks into the camera and says next week Vince get ready to pucker up.

    Card for CWA Revolution PPV
    CWA Heavyweight Championship: FIRST BLOOD MATCH Mr. Anderson Vs Drew McIntyre

    CWA Universal title: Jack Swagger Vs Antonio Inoki

    KISS MY ASS CLUB MATCH: Wade Barrett Vs Kevin Nash

    Semi-Final Tag team tournament
    Too Cool Vs Rikishi & Yokozuna
    Young & Jordan Vs McGillicuty and Dibiase

    CWA Tag-Team Championship: Winner Match A Vs Winner Match B

    Extreme Street fight : Jerry Lynn Vs ????????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    NWA International Summit Match 1

    Belfast Brawl: Dave Finlay vs Ricky "The Hitman" Hatton




    Background: Finlay is one of the toughest men in the NWA. The straight talking brawler is immensely proud of his Irish roots and is known to wax lyrical nostalgically about the homeland.
    Week 1: “Jesus bai that cheek of that ugly yoke Hatton" – Gerard C on commentary.

    Hatton is shown in the audience while Finlay wrestles Stan Hansen. Just off a losing fight with Manny Pacquiao where he got an unmerciful hiding, Hatton is enjoying some down time. He has his feet up on the guardrail and spends the entire match laughing and joking with his scummy looking entourage. He shows little or no interest in the effort sof the wrestlers and even can be heard drunkenly declaring his derision for these “fake fighters.”
    Week 2:

    “Be gor I haven’t seen Finlay that angry since they let the Brits play rugby in Croke Park”
    – Gerard C on commentary.

    Finlay is backstage in his Antrim jersey trying to listen to the Ulster Final on long wave radio when approached by intrepid backstage reporter The Flah. They exchange pleasantries where Finlay tries to keep a straight face at Waterford’s All Ireland prospects. Then the Flah hits him with the hard questions about Ricky Hatton’s apparent lack of respect the previous week. Finlay cuts an impassioned promo, detailing the blood sweat and tears he has shed in making it as a pro grappler. He names the friends he has lost, the injuries he has suffered and the sacrifices he has made and he issues a challenge to the cocky Englishman

    “Hatton you rat bastard, you call yourself a fighter but you sit at ringside like a slob eating kebabs and guzzling porter like the lager lout that you are. I wouldn’t take that abuse from anyon, but by Christ I won’t take it from an Englishman – ye tried to keep us down for years but ye couldn’t bayte the Green Machine. I’m issuing a challenge to you to buy a ringside ticket to teh NWA show nest week and you can say to my face what you really think of pro wrestlers."
    Week 3: “Jesus Flah the bloods up now, its like the Battle of the Boyne.”

    Hatton shows up at the NWA TV show with his entourage of beer bellied Man City fans, the disappointment of 34 years in the doldrums etched all over their miserable faces. Seated in the front row, he spends the whole night shouting abuse at the hard working wrestlers i the ring, until the bauld Finlay has enough.


    He makes his way to the ring on horseback, his trusty rifle on his shoulder. He confronts Hatton. Who cowers behind his overfed minders. Finlay threatens to box the head off him but Hatton wants none of the enraged Irishman and skedaddles for the exits to the derision of the NWA faithful.

    Week 4:
    “This is gonna be better than Euro 88 bai.”

    NWA Statement:
    NWA Officials have been in meetings with TV Network HBO who are deeply concerned at the behaviour of Ricky Hatton. Hatton has a 5 fight deal with the network and they are most concerned that Hatton’s cowardly display last week will lead to a lack of interest in his upcoming PPV fights. As such we are ordering Hatton to appear on NWA TV this week and face Finlay like a man.

    Later in the show, Hatton, looking more serious than he has in previous weeks makes his way to the ring where he calls out Finlay. The Belfast Brawler makes his way to the ring, hurl in hand ready to rumble there and then. However Hatton has a proposal for him. He challenges him to a Belfast Brawl at “NWA International Summit.” Finlay is only too happy to accept and eyeballs the boxer with a glint in his eye.

    “We’re going to settle some old scores on Sunday son, make no mistake. It'll be a bigger masacre than anything ye ever tried on Bloody Sunday."

    Hatton to his credit appears to have gotten the eye of the tiger back that he had back when he used be actually able to win boxing matches.

    Later in the show, messages of support for Finlay from major political leaders on the Island of Ireland are aired. An Taoiseach Mr Adams has put every red cent in the country’s coffers on Finlay to win with Paddy Power. Not only can Finlay defeat the Englishman to salvage the pride of pro wrestling and Ireland, but we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to clear our sovereign debt!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    IWGP Heavyweight Title:

    Masahiro Chono (c) vs Stan Hansen

    Chono has come to the NWA as part of its global expansion programme determined to prove himself stateside. He is a top class wrestler who could pin anyone in the world on any given day. The hard drinking Hansen is one of the most fearsome wrestlers on the roster and his no nonsense approach has endeared him to NWA fans.



    Week 1: “Jaysis Flah, that fella’s cooler than Richie Kavanagh eating a tangle twister. He's no Kenzo Suzuki anyway bai.”

    Chono is introduced to NWA fans with numerous highlight packages weeks before his debut. He makes his much awaited debut on NWA TV, and is given the superstar treatment, with a lavish ring entrance, dramatic classical music and spectacular fireworks display. There can be no doubt this man is a big deal. He makes his in ring debut and contemptuously dismisses a local jobber within a few seconds.

    Week 2:
    “This man is to pro wrestling what Eoin Kelly is to hurling or The Flah is to ridin’ – a pure natural.”

    A backstage video of Chono is shown where he declares himself the “greatest in the world.” Like everything else about the man his English is perfect. Later he again destroys a local wrestler in a short time. Stan Hansen is shown backstage drinking a slab of cans and shaking his head ruefully.

    Week 3:
    “Stan Hansen is locked the lucky bastard!”
    Chono again completes his now familiar routine of destroying an opponent of little ability and takes to the mike to declare his greatness for the world to hear. However he is interrupted by an irate Stan Hansen, who storms the ring swinging his bullrope around his head like a lunatic. The smell of drink off him is phenomenal. He grabs the microphone and goes into a drunken rant about how Chono is a coward and a flat track bully and wouldn’t last long in a fight with a real man. He is about to leave the ring when Chono, who obviously hasn’t understood a word of his slurred ravings, asks him to speak a little more clearly and enunciate every word. Hansen takes one look at him before destroying him with his fearsome lariat.


    “I bet he understood that Flah, jesus he nearly took the head clean offa him.” – Gerrard C on commentary.
    Week 4: “Oh lord all that lovely whiskey, ‘twould break your heart.”
    NWA Officials have announced that at NWA International Summit it will be Stan Hansen vs Masahiro Chono for the IWGP Heavyweight Title. Both men are nmost anxious to settle their differences in the ring.

    Later that night the contract is signed on a specially mounted table in the middle of the ring. Stan speaks of his desire to become the New Japn top dog having been the most feared foreigner in All Japan in years gone by. Hansen brings his ever-present bottle of whiskey to the ring with him, but in a totally uncalled for move, Chono smashes it over his head and leaves him a bloody and whiskey-soaked mess in the middle of the ring.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    Superstar Billy Graham vs King Kong Bundy




    Graham is the ultimate ladies man and is immensely proud of his incredible physique. Bundy meanwhile has massive potential and is a fan favourite but he has never seemed to have the motivation to be quite as good as he should be.

    Week 1:
    “Jesus Flah look at the arse on yer wan in the jacuzzi, I’d eat a mile of her sh*te to get a sniff of her hole.”


    Backstage segment with Billy Graham in a hot tub with a half dozen fine looking women. He has them rubbing olive oil onto his biceps and other kinds of disgusting stuff. King Kong Bundy passes with his nose in a bag of doughnuts as per usual. Graham whispers into one of their ears and she struts over to the big man and starts to flirt with him, seductively licking the sugar off one of his doughnuts. She leans in as if to kiss him but just when it appears the unthinkable will happen she shoves the doughnut into his face, much to the amusement of Graham and the other birds. Bundy skulks off mortified only to scuttle back to pick the mangled doughnut off the ground.

    Week 2:
    “Bethalord hokey Flah those baps are even bigger than Bundy’s!”

    Bundy is in the middle of a match when Graham saunters to ringside with the usual bevy of beauties on his arm. He motions to one of the girl to jump up onto the ring apron where she proceeds to flash him her not insubstantial titties. Bundy is transfixed which gives his opponent the time to roll him up from an embarrassing defeat for the crowd favourite. Bundy again does nothing except slink to the back looking sorry for himself.
    Week 3: “Jesus Flah, I’ll be back in two minutes, those boots are too nice to go to waste!”

    Bundy is sitting backstage as per usual stuffing his face when Billy Graham passes and tosses a pair of his cowboy boots to him. “Hey fat-boy, give those boots a polish for me, I’ve a hot date tonight.”
    Bundy sadly begins to polish his boots, only for an appalled HBK Shawn Michaels, who has witnessed the entire scene to take him in hand. He slaps him hard across the face to knock the big man out of this cloud of self pity

    “Bundy you’re the biggest man on the roster, you could knock most men out with one punch. Its about time you got off your arse and started to stand up for yourself. Are you a man or a mouse for Christs sake?”

    Later that night Bundy is shown throwing Graham’s boots into the bin and heading to the gym.
    Week 4: "Ber Gor he's like the Incredible Hulk when you get him mad!"

    Graham is in the ring cutting a promo running down Bundy. The big man runs down to teh ring to interrupt. He goes off an a huge rant, calling Graham a bully and saying that al his life he has been a doormat.

    “Well Graham, thanks to my good friend HBK, those days are over. From this day onwards King Kong Bundy is no-one’s doormat! I’m sending out a message to the entire NWA, that the big man is to be messed with no more!”


    With that he picks a shocked Billy Graham up over his head and tosses him effortlessly from the ring and into the front row. He grabs the best looking of Graham’s entourage of girls and plants a long slow kiss on her lips before throwing her over his shoulder and bringing her dressing room to do God knows what to her, with the cheers of the crowd ringing in his ears!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    Santo vs El Hijo del Santo: Father vs Son - Mask vs Mask




    Los Rudos (Konnan and Gory Guerrero) vs Real Hazard (SHINGO and BxB Hulk)




    The NWA has this year committed to become a truly global operation and has concentrated on securing most diverse intenational roster in the 2011 draft. Father and son team, Santo and El Hijo del Santo (La Familia del Santo) have been waging war on the evil heels Los Rudos for nearly two years in Mexico now. A talent exchange with their home promotion AAA saw all four wrestlers travel to the US to continue their feud on American soil. Real Hazard have also joined the NWA in a talent sharing programme with Dragon Gate and are determined to prove they can mix it with the very best in the world with their spectacular high flying style.

    Week 1:
    "Bah Gor Flah, these boys hate each other more than I hate Kilkenny!"

    Los Rudos take on La Familia del Santo in a bloody Main Event on NWA TV. After a brawl that takes the four men all over the arena, the faces take the win, despite a needless suicide dive by the younger Santo almost costing his team the match. Later that night the father and son team are shown having a minor disagreement backstage with Santo apparently trying to explain the need to get the job done to his son rather than using self indulgent high flying moves.

    Week 2:
    "Ah FFS why did they ruin that ring entrance, he's some dancer!"

    Los Rudos come to the ring during BxB Hulks ring entrance which has beome very popular with American fans. They attack the young Japanese wrestler and clear the ring of his dancers. Konnan, the evil genius behind the dastardly team takes to the mike, running down the American fans and insulting the Santo family, who they have taken to their hearts. Santo rushes to the ring to defend his honour, only to be double teamed by the heels. El Hijo del Santo rushes to his father’s aid. However h attempts a ridiculous splash from the top rope but miscalculates and crashes and burns to the outside, leaving his father to be destroyed by the rabid Los Rudos.

    Week 3:
    "Jaysus if I did that to me aul lad he'd bayte the lugs offa me!"

    Los Rudos take on La Familia del Santo in a cage match. The heels quickly gain the upper hand and handcuff Santo to the turnbuckle. With his son isolated it seems as if another beatdown will ensue. However in a shocking turn of events El Hijo del Santo approaches his father and kisses him on the cheek, before joing Los Rudos in beating him down! The crowd is stunned as the beatdown culminates with the younger Santo tearing the bloodied ask from his father and carrying it like a trophy from the ring in the ultimate insult.

    Week 4:
    "They're gone buck wild in Mexico!"

    Konnan interviews the newest member of Los Rudos to explain hbis actons. Instead of the traditional white mask that signified the purity of the Saint that his father represented, he now wears a black mask. He explains that he is sic of loving in his father’s shadow, of having to curb his natural instincts to help his father in a fight with los Rudos that was never his doing in the first place. He sees Konnan as the true great of Mexican wrestling and thinks that he can reach new heights without his aging father holding him back. At International Summit he challenges his father to a Mascara contra Mascara Mask match, where for once and for all he will put the “old man” as he refers to him into retirement.

    Footage is shown of the reaction in Mexico later in the night to the younger Santo’s heinour betrayal .Women are shown weeping, there have been riots in the streets. This match up will be the most eagerly awaited in mExican wrestling history.



    Later that night, Santo is shown in his hospital bed. Despite his injuries he promises the Mexican people that he will make it to International Summit to beat some respect into his rebel son and defend the name of El Santo.
    NWA Officials have banned Los Rudos from ringside and have also put them in the opening match of the PPV against Real Hazard in an international dream match that will surely get the night off to an explosive start.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    NWA World Tag Team Titles

    Road Warriors (c) vs The Dudley Boyz




    The Road Warriors are the dominant team in the NWA and have destroyed everyone in their path. Can anyone even come close to challenging them

    Week 1:
    “3D – Could that mean what I think it means?”
    The Road Warriors confirm their status as the premier team in the NWA by beating the Rockers on NWA TV. Later that night they are angered to find that their dressing room door has be daubed with the cryptic graffiti simply saying “3D.” What could this mean?

    Week 2:
    “Wheoever did that has balls like a baboon, no one blagguards the Road Warriors and gets away with it bai”
    The Road Warriors cut their usual amazing promo issuing an open challenge to any team in the world to come to the NWA and take them on. Before they can leave the ring, the lights go out and when they come back on both Road Warriors have been put through two tables, with the letters “3D” sprayed in pain on their chests.


    Week 3:

    The Road Warriors are in action against Real Hazard when their match is interrupted by some very familiar theme music. The fans erupt as the Dudley Boyz, Bubba Ray and D-Von enter the arena through the crowd.


    The atmosphere in the arena is absolutely electric as both teams go eyeball to eyeball in the centre of the ring, the greatest team in history face to face with the most decorated team ever for the first time. The Road Warriors waste little time in getting straight into it with their attackers of the previous week: however the Dudleyz are clever and experienced campaigners and they bail from the ring, leaving the Road Warriors furious and frustrated. Bubba Ray and D-Von smirk and tap their foreheads knowingly as they retreat backstage.

    Week 4:
    “Its gonna be a slobberknocker bai. Have the Road Warriors met their match?”

    NWA Statement:
    NWA officials have signed the biggest tag team match in pro-wrestling history for International Summit- The Road Warriors vs The Dudley Boyz. However we have ruled that such is the violence that could potentially ensue that both teams are banned from laying a finger on each other until Sunday night. If either team fails to comply they will never wrestle for this promotion again.

    The Road Warriors are shown destroying their dressing room. The mind games of the Dudleyz have pushed them to absolute boiling point. They cut a deranged promo, detailing their proud history in the business and how they’re not going to be beaten by some “gym hall indy goofs” for their coveted titles.


    The Dudleyz on the other hand are the picture of calm. They have handled this feud perfectly thus far and cut a measured but intense promo about how rattled the Warriors seem and how this betrays that they’re running scared.

    All roads lead to International Summit where fans are absolutely dying to see the two greatest teams in history finally get it on in a wrestling ring!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    NWA World Heavyweight Title

    Shawn Michaels vs “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase




    HBK is the current NWA Champion. He is adored by the fans. He also tags somewhat regularly with Marty Jannetty, who he has helped overcome his chronic drink and drug problems and helped get back into top condition after a period out of the business. Sherri Martel is the Rockers’ manager. Ted DiBiase is the top heel in the promotion who loves to take short cuts to the top.



    Week 1:
    ”Here DiBiase bai, meself and the Flah are open to an aul bribe too ya know!”
    The Rockers are beaten by the Road Warriors in a tag title match after a gallant effort. DiBiase later wins a battle royal to become the number one contender courtesy of some highly dubious officiating. The suspicion lingers that DiBiase has been lining the pockets of certain officials in his route to the top of the promotion.

    Week 2:
    “F*kin women bai – you can never trust ‘em!”

    HBK, accompanied to the ring by Sherri is embroiled in a non-title match with Billy Graham. In a shocking turn of events, Sherri knocks her long term partner out with a purse leaded with a metal bar to give Graham the easy win.


    Later that night Sherri is shown in her dressing room touching up her make up. She has removed the hearts that she traditionally wore on her cheeks and is replacing them with dollar signs! The camera pans out to reveal the Milion Dollar Man laughing his incredible laugh while placing an expensive diamond encrusted necklace around her neck.

    Later that night DiBiase addresses his newest “acquisition” in the ring. He plays back an old clip from Superstars in 1993 where Sherri left him to become Shawn Michael’s (at the time an up and comer in the business)manager.

    “Shawn Michaels, I have a very very long memory. Back when you stole the sensational Sherri from me I had bigger fish to fry. But I stored the memory and the anger away in the bank for future use, just like I do all my assets. Did you really think that a man of my means, a man of my calibre would stand idly by let such an affront to my dignity pass unnoticed? You see the Million Dollar Man, always gets his man, and in this case he’s gotten his lady back! But Shawn I’m not going to stop there. I’m not going to stop until I take everything you hold dear - and top of my list is that solid 10 pounds of gold you carry around with you Shawn – the NWA Title. Because gold is my colour and what the million Dollar man wants, the Milion Dollar man gets!”

    Week 3:
    ”Be Gor he jumped though that mirror – what an idiot!!!”

    Sherri is shown backstage admiring herself in a huge mirror, when she is confronted by Shawn Michaels who is appalled at her betrayal the previous week. HBK is enraged and seems about to put manners on her with the encouragement of the crowd when he is stopped by his friend and tag team partner Marty Jannetty.

    “Shawn, you’ve gotten me back on the straight and narrow the past few months and you’ve taught me to do the right thing even if its the most difficult thing in the world.”


    He puts his arm around HBK and seems about to lead him away, but instead of doing so, he puts HBK head-first through the mirror in a scene reminiscent of the famous Barber Shop incident all those years ago.

    DiBiase emerges from the shadows laughing and hands a giant Cuban cigar to Jannetty and a huge wad of money.

    “Revenge is a dish best served cold eh Marty? Welcome to the Million Dollar Corporation!

    Like I said Shawn, slowly but surely I’m taking everything you own. First I took your lady, now I’ve taken your partner, on Sunday week I’m taking your title. You’ll regret the day you crossed the Million Dollar Man!”

    He stuffs a dollar into the mouth of the unconscious Michaels as the screen fades to black.

    Week 4:
    “Jaysus Flah, how am I gonna wait till Sunday!!!”

    An unshaven, HBK cuts a promo from a darkened room, addressing Ted DiBiase directly.

    “DiBiase, you’ve come into my life and taken everything I hold dear. You took Sherri away by waving some jewellery in her face over a petty grudge you held for a decade. You took my best friend Marty Jannetty by filling his head with resentment over something that happened a lifetime ago – a man to whom I’ve repaid my debt a million times over by helping him in his personal struggles. And let me make one thing clear – I don’t hold a grudge against Sherri or Marty, their heads were always easily turned. No Ted, I hold you responsible – and on Sunday night, as God is my witness I will make you pay.”

    Later that night, DiBiase is in the ring with an “important announcement.” He addresses the crowd,

    “I have just come from a meeting with my good friends on the NWA Board and they have agreed that a match of the magnitude of Sunday’s Main Event, needs a strong referee, a man who is comepletely a utterly impartial, a man who’ll call things straight down the line.
    Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you the special geust referee for Sunday’s world title match – Mr Marty Jannetty.”

    Jannetty makes his way to ringside, milking the boos and jeers of a crowd disgusted at what is yet more evidence of DiBiase-led corruption in the NWA.

    An irate HBK makes his way to ringside infuriated at this latest event that tilts the title match firmly in DiBiase’s favour. He attacks DiBiase and sends him and Sherri scuttling from the ring to the back. He is left alone in the ring with Jannetty. They staredown as if for an eternity, with the tension building in the arena. Finally with a sad shake of his head HBK makes to leave the ring. However as only he can he suddenly rears around and nearly takes Jannetty’s head off with his patented superkick, to the approval of the crowd!!!


    How will HBK make it out of International Summit with his title intact? How will Jannetty bring himselfdo the right thing after HBK’s actions tonight? What role will Sherri play at ringside?

    Tune in to NWA International Summit on Sunday to find out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Read part 2 here

    With NWW Crush Hour only a couple of weeks away, things are hotting up. Mr. Perfect’s title reign now doesn’t appear as concrete as it might have a few days ago. A defiant Rock made a huge impact last week but with that said, Perfect Incorporated looks a force that even the Great One may struggle to cope with. What is clear is that Perfect, Strong, Aries and Stratus have been quick to make enemies of a significant level such as Rhyno and Christopher Daniels. Also, will Chris Masters accept the challenge of Lex Luger? A full, dramatic show is ahead of us.


    The tag team champions are in the house. Killer Kowalski and Big John Studd make their way to the ring as we get ready to see them defend their belts. Their opponents are none other than Perfect Incorporated’s Strong and Aries who defeated the team of Christopher Daniels and Rhyno last week. They are accompanied by Trish Stratus. ‘S&A’ chants can be heard from one corner of the arena.

    Match One: NWW Tag Team Championship Match

    Big John Studd & Killer Kowalski v Roderick Strong & Austin Aries

    The champs are in a dominant mood. Studd throws Strong around the ring with ease. Things change though when Stratus gropes Kowalski causing a distraction. Aries comes from behind with a shoulder dive to the back of the leg, bringing the big man to the ground. What ensues is a master class in tag team work. Again, Stratus is irritating Kowalski and he’s had enough, he chases her around the ring but she runs into it, hiding behind the referee. The referee instructs her to get out of the ring. This causes him to miss a key tag that Studd and Kowalski made and the referee insists that Studd remain in the ring. Aries locks in the Horns of Aries, Big John Studd is trying to fight it off with the help of the crowd who are now on their feet clapping for him. Eventually he tosses Aries over his head and makes the tag to Kowalski. The long overdue freshness of Kowalski turns the match in the favour of the champs. He sizes Strong up for a piledriver and it looks to be good enough but Stratus is up on the apron again. Kowalski’s in no mood for this. He grabs her by the hair, outside the ring, studd is levelled with one of the belts by Aries. He climbs onto the apron and hits a crucifix driver on Kowalski. Strong manages to cover him for the three count.

    Winners and new NWW tag team champions: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

    Stratus raises their hands in victory, Perfect Incorporated now hold a substantial amount of gold.

    The screen cuts to Captain Lou Albano is his office watching them. He slams down a beer on the table and picks up the phone.
    ‘Yeah it’s me, put him on…. Yeah it’s Lou, listen, you were right about this place, it needs a stern enforcer of the rules and unfortunately I’m just too damned busy to manage everything. Can you be here next week? Good.’

    He slams the phone down and throws an empty beer can at the TV.

    The ring is set up for the Masterlock Challenge and there’s a huge sense of hype around the arena. Thus far, nobody has been able to get out of Chris Masters’ patented move. He tells the crowd that Luger’s attempt to steal his spotlight will not work, that he is the best physical condition of his career and that he’s not going to let a has-been steal his sunshine. With that, the Lex Express arrives.

    The pop from the crowd is immense as Lex flexes his guns for them. Masters asks him to take a seat. Lex is clearly confident and openly awaits Masters’ grip. It never comes however; instead, Masters removes brass knuckles from his boot and levels Lex from behind. He then applies the hold to an unconscious body, nearly tearing his arms off. A big statement from Masters, showing that he does not want to be upstaged.

    Match Two: Christopher Daniels v Rhyno


    These two are back in singles competition after their brief teaming up last week. Just before the bell rings however, Captain Lou Albano arrives out to the arena. He tells them that he knows they’ve had a rough couple of weeks with the irritation of Perfect Inc. disturbing their aims to climb the ladder. He assures the winner of this match a nice reward. He opens a briefcase which contains a brand new title. He says that the winner of this match will be awarded the NWW Television Title.

    With that, the bell rings. It’s a gruelling match but Daniels takes it in the end. Rhyno’s attempted Gore sees him crash into the corner pole and Daniels hits Angels Wings to secure the title.

    Winner and new TV Champion: Christopher Daniels

    Our commentary team is excited as we crown our second new champion of the evening. They comment that this could be the stepping stone that Daniels has been looking for. We learn that our main event tonight will be a stern test for The Rock. Who his opponent is has not been revealed at this time though.
    We go live to an interview with the man who will meet Mr. Perfect at NWW Crush Hour in a few short weeks. Asked about his return last week despite receiving a heavy beating the week before, he tells the NWW Universe that The Rock guaran-damn-tees that he will soon be the new NWW Champion. He claims that no matter how many henchmen Hennig recruits, The People’s Champions will just keep coming back at him. He’s fired up, he’s determined and he turns his attention to tonight. He claims that it doesn’t matter who his opponent tonight is and invites Perfect out to watch The Rock in action. He’s staring into the camera directly now and he’s addressing the world champion. He tells him that he knows why he’s surrounded himself with Strong and Aries, it’s because he knows deep down inside him that he’s far from perfect.

    Speaking of perfect, Trish Stratus stands in the hexagonal NWW ring. Self praise is no praise but try telling that to this one. She claims that there’s a reason why there isn’t a Women’s division here in NWW. She says that she is the only woman who can actually survive in a man’s business. Strangely, Evan Bourne’s music plays. He comes out with a coy smile on his face. He tells Trish that the only reason there is no women’s division is simply because nobody wants to have to listen to her bitch and moan and complain. By now, Evan is in the ring. She calls him the whipping boy of the NWW and slaps him in the face. Evan Smirks, he tells Stratus that he has found someone who’s quite keen to shut her up. Stratus says that even if he has, it couldn’t be anyone in her league. It’s at this moment that the first big debut of the night occurs.


    The Glamazon, Beth Phoenix arrives to a huge ovation. Stratus isn’t looking too confident now. She scurries through the crowd, showing no will to confront her. Beth grabs the mic from Evan, saying that if Trish wants competition, it just arrived. She slams the mic down as her music plays again. Bourne is celebrating for some odd reason. He does his two finger salute to the crowd.

    As we gear up for the main event, we are told that NWW Crush Hour sold out in under 4 minutes this morning. The PPV will take place in the Ford Field Stadium, Dallas. What we don’t know yet is who The Rock will face. Mr. Perfect’s music plays and he joins our commentary team at ringside, accepting The Rock’s invitation to come and watch. In the ring, The Rock awaits his opponent…


    Out comes Shinsuke Nakamura. He is vastly unknown to the NWW Universe but our commentary team comment how this is a massive coup for the brand. Mr. Perfect sounds pleased, stating that while he isn’t perfect, he’s going to push Rock right to his very limits, which pleases him. Nakamura is a multi-time champion in Asia and one of the hottest talents on the planet. How much does Rock know?

    Main Event: The Rock v Shinsuke Nakamura

    Perfect is quick to point out that Rock will have had no time to prepare for this mentally but Matt Stryker argues that Rock is always ready for whatever challenges come his way. Nakamura’s gets some fine early offence in, hitting a calf kick as well as a springboard-crossbody. There’s a bloke in the front row of the audience wearing a Celtic jersey who’s clearly confused him with an old Parkhead favourite. He can be heard shouting ‘He eats chow mein and he votes Sinn Fein.’ Rock is struggling to make an impact here, Perfect is constantly applauding Nakamura. A rolling armbar has Rock in a tough position but he manages somehow to escape. Perfect is screaming now that Rock is not in his league, that Nakamura is dominating when out of nowhere, Rock hits a Samoan Drop and jumps back to his feet HBK style. He makes brief eye-contact with Perfect before preying on Nakamura for a Rock Bottom. He manages to fight his way out of it but Rock reverses his Irish whip and nails a spinebuster. Everyone knows what’s coming next. The People’s Elbow connects and Rocky gets the win.

    Winner: The Rock


    Perfect is standing up now and gives a sarcastic round of applause to The Rock as the show draws to close.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!

    As Raw hits the Air we are shown a recap of last weeks action ending with Jay Leno's announcements later that night on his Show which includes the first 3 official matches for BWA King of the Ring (below) and the fact that Leno has been allowed to reveal the BWA chairmans identity at the same PPV:
    KOTR Semi-Finals:

    King vs King: Jerry Lawler vs Harley Race
    former best friends/tag partners: Kenta Kobashi vs Mitsuharu Misawa

    Bobby Lashley w/Jay Leno vs Sid Vicious w/Jenna Jameson

    When we return the Pyro's go off as JR welcomes us to Monday Night Raw and almost immediatley Jenna Jameson's music hits and the most famous porn star on the planet makes her way out to the ring. Jenna singles out Leno on the announce team saying it seems he isn the world class journalist he claims to be as she says the man who will be in the opposing corner to he at the King of the Ring forgot there was already a challenge made for a BWA title for the next PPV a number of weeks back, before his involvement with the BWA even began. She says she is of course talking about the BWA Diva's, the division that Jenna said she aimed to bring the attitude back into. At this point she introduces another recap video but this time one which recaps the past year in the BWA womens division stretching all the way back to BWA:Re-Awakening.
    At BWA:Re-Awakening the following match took place with Aja Kong winning the BWA unified womens belt (It was unified with MsChif's shimmer title at the time)
    Aja vs Awesome Kong vs Ms Chif vs Cheerleader Mellisa vs Lacey Von erich

    After winning an impressive submissing match against Awesome Kong MsChif earned the right to try and get her title back as she became the no.1 contender. Around the same time Lacey was posing for Playboy (a few months later Lacey was fired for a lack ot in ring talent).

    MsChif then defeated the then longest serving BWA wrestler Aja Kong for the gold at Summerslam/ She was once again cvery impressive but many said she wouldent have gotten the win if not for her Melischif partner Cheerleader Melissa.

    In the following months MsChif reigned as the womens champion but started refering to herself as The Queen of the BWA, or The Dark queen of the Divas. Then at Survivor Series MsChif championship was put on the line in what was to be known as the first Quit or Queen match. It was an I Quit match where the winner would walk out the Queen of the BWA while the loser would simply have to walk out of their BWA contract. It was a rematch against Aja Kong and this time the Dark queen proved herself worthy of her title beating her opponent while Melissa was banned from Ringside. The following month She faced Awesome Kong in the same type of match and again was victorious however this time she did need her tag partner to interfere in the match to get the job done.

    After that the team of Melischif continued to team and together won entry to a international tag tournament being held in Tokyo (The reason for their absence the past 2 weeks) but when they were in the BWA MsChif refused to give Melissa the only other remaining active Diva on the roster a shot at the championship, instead bringing in top talent from the indies to beat once a month on PPV. Eventually this became too much for Melissa and her frustration boiled over a few weeks back as the team of Melischif essentially ended. The two came to blows in the ring after MsChif informed her she would once again be taking on an indie talent and not her at the next PPV, and after the altercation Melissa challenged MsChif to a Quit or Queen match at the next PPV. The clip then ends briefly showing how in perhaps their final ever outing as a tag team Melischif won the Tokyo tournament before brawling all over the arena once they were announced champions.

    As The Video ends Cheerleader Melissa makes her way out to the ring minus the cheerleader getup but as JJ later says is looking hot. Jenna hands her the mic and exits the ring as Melissa directs a message directly towards MsChif. She says she beat her ass all over the Tokyo dome last week and she will beat her ass all over Madison Square Garden in 2 weeks at KOTR if she has the guts to face her. She says she wants an answer to her challenge tonight, but first hopes MsChif has a tag partner ready as she plans to beat her ass all around the arena tonight too. The Crowd seem to have really gotten into her promo as her intergender tag partner for tonights opener makes his way out to the ring Kenta Kobashi

    Match 1: Kenta Kobashi & Cheerleader Mellisa vs MsChif & Mitsuharu Misawa

    The real anamosity between the combatants in this match up is clear to see from the get go but this is a relatively even encounter for the most part with neither side looking to have any major psychological advantage as we approach the King of The Ring PPV. That changes however with the finish which she's MsChif and Melissa going at it in ring. MsChif catches Melissa with her "Desecrator" Scissored DDT but doesent go for the pin and instead tags in Misawa. Once that tag is made under BWA rules Kobashi is now the legal man also as Intergender contact is forbidden and he rushes into the ring to protect his tag partner. However as he enters the ring MsChif catches him with her Green Mist and he is sent blindly stumbling into Mitsuharu Misawa and his Tiger Driver, 1-2-3 and we have our winners.

    Winners: Ms Chif & Mitsuharu Misawa

    After the match MsChif and Misawa continue to beat down on their opponents until Security force them out of the ring, before departing MsChif poses above Melissa holding her unified BWA womens crown (title). MsChif then grabs a mic and screams "you want an answer tonight, you want an answer from me!, The Queen will make you quit at King of the Ring, there is your answer!

    *commercial break*

    Backstage segment: Jenna Jameson is backstage talking to Cheerleader Melissa who informs us that Kobashi twisted his ankle in the beatdown we just witnessed but she is uninjured and seeking retribution). Melissa says she is inspired by Jameson who she describes as a Strong Confident woman and says that she too wants to bring the attitude back to the BWA Diva's. Infact she goes as far as to state that in honour of the BWA's move to HBO at the King of The Ring PPV when she beats her former partner mschif she vows she will strip in the center of the ring to celebrate. Jameson looks shocked but impressed as the BWA crowd can be heard going mad at the concept she is proposing. It's clear to see who's corner they will be in as the BWA goes live on HBO for King of the Ring.

    Elsewhere Junkyard Dog is frantically searches through the backstage area babbling something about how he is looking for Black Tiger. Once again it is up to his sponsor Jerry Lawler to calm him down.

    In ring segment: The Public Enemy make their way to the ring and talk about how after they easily took the tag team titles slamming Mark Briscoe through a table 2 weeks ago, maybe just maybe they took the briscoes lightly last week. They say that wont be the case tonight!

    3rd match in the best of 5 series - Straight Tag match: The Briscoes vs The Public Enemy

    Another very tight match up which showcase how little there seems to be between these teams and when a winner does come it happens so sudden and unexpectidly that most people dont quite understand what happened, it is however replayed on the titantron as the commentaters explain the refs decision. It seems that after targeting Mark Briscoes back (which the commentators suggest could still be hurting after going through that table) with Diving Leg and Elbow drops, Rocco locked in an armbar. Briscoe tried to elevate himself to relieve the pressure and then much to everyones surprise the ref counts to 3 and declares The Briscoes victorious, only in the replay is it properly shown that both Rocco's shoulders were on the mat as he locked in the hold.

    Winners: The Briscoes

    Grunge & Rock are livid as THe Briscoes taunt them over the victory, it's now 2-1 in the best of 5 series for The Briscoes, could the former champs be about to get their gold back.

    backstage segment: Jerry Lawler & JYD on their way to the ring, Josh Matthews tries to get a word from JYD but Lawler cuts him off and says that Ritter is focussed on his match next and says that they will do their talking in the ring, which they then make their way out to and wait to see who will face them tonight. It isnt long though until that question is answerd and their first oponnent makes his way out in the form of Harley Race.

    Race ribs Lawler about some of his past indescressions and when Lawler tries to defend himself by mentioning that he is now the JYD's sponsor Race suggests that nobodys buying it. He says that most people believe that he is using the JYD as he needs someone to have his back. He uses this as a segway to introduce the man that has his back tonight and says that this is one surprise announcement that Jay Leno isnt going to make, his partner tonight is Black Tiger

    Match 3: Jerry Lawler & The Junkyard Dog vs Harley Race & Black Tiger

    JYD is in complete shock for a moment or two before he seems to be gripped with fear and immediatly turns his back and climbs out of the ring. He is shaking from head to foot at the sight of Black Tiger and at the announcement that he will face him at KOTR. I't looks like he is watching as a terrible ghost from his past makes his way down to the ring says Leno and as Black Tiger approaches it becomes clear that it is all too much for the JYD who jumps the barricade and without looking back leaves Lawler all along by heading through the crowd to avoid his troubled past in the ring. The ref trys to get him back into the ring going to the barricade and calling after him but it's too late as Lawler is getting double teamed in the ring. a double suplex and double DDT later and Lawler is in serious trouble as the ref gets back and officially starts the match, a match which doesent last long as the prone lawler is then subject to a Harley Race piledriver as his KOTR gets a pinfall victory over him.

    Winners Harley Race & Black Tiger

    Black Tiger quickly dissapears backstage as Race celebrates in ring. This cant help Lawler's mindframe heading into the PPV

    *Commercial break*

    Backstage Segment: Josh Matthews catches up with Ultimo Dragon backstagen and says that he has something to tell both he and... but he's interupted as The Great Sasuke intentionally smacks his shoulder into Ultimo Dragon. The two immediatly begin to brawl only to be eventually broken up by security and backstage personal as Josh finally tells them that they have been chosen to be Lumberjacks in tonights main event.

    In ring Segment: Before tonights main event which we have just found out is going to be a Lumberjack match Rikidozan comes out as usual flanked by his translater. He cuts a promo on Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat saying that, until last week we thought Steamboat wasnt good enough to beat him and now after being in the ring with him he knows he isn't. He says to put it simply Ricky is nothing more than "a 2nd round draft pick", he says that Ricky simply isnt good enough to join the prestigious list of former BWA champions like Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sanmartino & Rikidozan himself. However he says he is going to give in and give Steamboat his match at the King of The Ring because last week things became personal. Despite not being on Rikidozan's level, last week Steamboat pinned Mitsuharu Misawa which meant Rikidozan suffered his first ever loss in a BWA ring. Rikidozan says Steamboat will pay for that mistake, suggesting that payback starts tonight as he has hand picked the lumberjacks for tonights match. They include Misawa who he says has a lot to make up for after last week and Ultimo Dragon and The Great Sasuke who he says similarily owe him for screwing up against Steamboat the previous week. He then lets out a sinister laugh as Jushin Liger's music hits and we get underway.

    Main Event- Lumberjack Match: Ricky Steamboat vs Jushin Liger vs Sid Vicious

    Along with the above named Lumberjacks Bobby Lashley comes to ringside but he joins his friend Jay Leno on commentary.

    Steamboat starts this one strong but as the match progresses and as wrestlers get knocked to the outside he gets worn down as he has to withstand an attack from all the Japanese superstars on the outside, Liger does suffer somewhat due to what JR calls Ultimo Dragon & Sasuke taking their agression towards each other out on the IC Champ. Meanwhile Sid stays relatively fresh with only Lashley going near him when he was on the outside and those two only squared up to each other without actually coming to blows. The finish comes when Steamboat gives Liger a irish whip and when he is rebounding off the ring ropes Sasuke pulls the top rope sending him crashing to the outside where Ultimo Dragon is already on him. Meanwhile Sid and Steamboat are exchanging rights in ring and eventually a big clothesline from Sid sends them both to the outside also. Sid intimidates the Lumberjacks once more and gets straight back into the ring while the vultures circle Steamboat on the outside. On the side of the ring Dragon accidentally hits Sasuke while attacking Liger and the fight becomes a three way as Liger seems totally out of the match. Following Rikidozans orders Misawa then sets Steamboat up against the ring steps and rams his knee into Rickys head. At this point Rikidozan grabs Steamboat and the WHC tosses his KOTR opponent back into the ring where he is prone for attack by Sid, who after a big Powerbomb gets the 3 count in a dominant fashion.

    Winner: Sid Vicious

    Sid has a big celebration in the ring then starts pointing at Lashley and starts taunting him, goading him into the ring, Lashley takes the bait and is momentarily on the apron which is when Sid charges him going for a big boot. Lashley avoids this though and Sid goes crashing to the outside. The two then start exchanging punches at a frantic rate and eventually their confrontation spills out into the arena as they fight through the fans.

    There is carnage everywhere, Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Liger & The Great Sasuke have fought there way up the ramp and into the back. Sid & Lashley are now out of sight and Ricky Steamboat is lying near inconcious in the ring. Unfortunatley his night isnt over as we go off the air to the sight of Mitsuharu Misawa and WHC Rikidozan continuing their assault on him while screaming at him in Japanese.

    ....Later that night

    After the big return of the BWA Divas it's no surprise that Leno's first guest again the woman claiming she is going to bring the attitude back into the BWA womens division, Jenna Jameson. He says that JJ must have a retort to what his personal friend Bobby Lashley had to say about Sid Vicious last week on his show, he also questions why she wasnt at ringside tonight for her man's match tonight.

    She says that Sid didnt want her out there amongst all the Lumberjacks but that she knew he could handle himself and as far as Bobby Lashley goes, Sid will refute all his claims in the ring. She does however say she has another big announcement for Leno one more than worthy of joining his recent big announcements (she mentions a few including how Leno has been given permission to announce the identity of BWA chairman Bounty Hunter at KOTR. Leno bites and ask what she is taking about at which she brings the focus back to the BWA Divas and most notably Cheerleader Melissa's vow tonight that if she wins the title at the PPV she will strip infront of the live HBO & Madison Square Garden audience. Jameson then announces in a show of solidarity that if Melissa is sucessfull in her quest then she would join her in her "Celebration". Leno looks amazed and can only utter "wow" at first before re-iterating his sentiments from earlier tonight about how The crowd is going to be 100% in Melissa's corner come KOTR thats for sure.

    "If Melissa wins, you see what made me famous"

    Later in the show The Public Enemy are on the show and after getting everyone in leno's audience to dance to their entrance theme, here comes the hotstepper but after Leno questions how they are 2-1 down in the best of 5 series with The Briscoes they get serious. They say that they guarantee they will beat The Briscoes next week in what they have just learned will be a cage match because they say they are going the distance and at King of The Ring they will retain their newly aquired tag titles.

    Leno then changes topic from the tag titles to another big announcement that he is sure Rock & Grunge will be interested in and like on the first night he broadcast as a BWA contracted star he brings up something said on another promotion. He brings up the challenge from MNG promotions and their leader HHH. As he does this he also reminds everyone that he has promised to reveal the identity of the BWA chairman Bounty Hunter at KOTR but for now he says he needs no more than a tweet from the man.!/BWABountyHunter
    have MNG forgotten how badly they got beaten in the ratings & ring last time. Time to remind em i guess Monday NIght Wars 2 baby!

    That concluded the BWA portion of Leno's show tonight but as per usual Leno did quiz his non wrestling related guests on their opinions of PW.

    Berry:"I don't think I could do what these BWA Diva's do

    BWA Guests: Jenna Jameson & The Public Enemy
    non BWA Guests: Halle Berry & music from Eminem


    BWA Roster 2011:
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Kenta Kobashi
    Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    The Great Sasuke
    Ultimo Dragon
    Sid Vicious
    Bobby Lashley
    Harley Race
    Junkyard Dog
    The Briscoes
    Jay Leno
    Jenna Jameson
    Rocco Rock
    Johnny Grunge
    Cheerleader Melissa

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE LIVE – Week 3

    Commentator – “Good evening ladies & gentlemen, welcome to SWE Live on TV3 coming this week from the Spongezone in Sligo. What an evening we are in for tonight. If you remember from last week Edge successfully defended his SWE Heavyweight Championship against Lou Thesz with a little help from Randy Orton. How will Thesz react, I’m sure we’ll find out later on. Also last week The Dream Team defeated the SWE Tag Team Champions The Rock n Roll Express to earn themselves a championship match at Spongemania. This is bound to be a fierce battle between these two tough tag teams. But we’ll start off the show with our SWE Heavyweight Champion Edge.”

    In The Ring
    Music sounds and Edge comes out to the ring locked arm in arm with a beautiful woman. He grabs the mic “Since winning the SWE Heavyweight Championship two weeks ago I have found the rewards of being champion to be very bountiful. The money, the women, ah the women. Speaking of women, let me introduce you to my new valet. This is Stacy Keibler and I’ve hired her to look after all my needs and I mean all of them.” The crowd gives a mix of boos and wolf whistles. At that stage Stings music sounds and Sting comes down to the ring to enormous applause. Sting grabs the mic “Look at you, living it up as the fake champion that you are. Fake popularity, fake fame, fake money and fake women (looks at Stacy) and I mean fake.” Stacy gets upset, holds her chest and shouts at Sting that these are real. Sting says “Yeah baby, keep dreaming.” Edge goes to hit Sting with the belt but misses and drops the belt. Sting goes to strike back with his baseball bat but Edge & Stacy scamper out of the ring. Sting lifts the belt and hoists it aloft to raise the roof with cheers. Edge is outside with Stacy shouting at Sting to give him his belt back.

    Commentator – “Ladies & Gentlemen we have just heard that tonight’s main event will be a tag team match between the Rated R Superstar Edge and Randy Orton against Lou Thesz and Sting. What a main event that will surely be”
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Backstage Interview
    Interviewer – “Ladies & Gentlemen I am delighted to have with me the former SWE Heavyweight Champion Lou Thesz (the crowd cheers). Lou, we have seen over the last two weeks unprovoked attacks from Randy Orton. What are your thoughts on this?”
    Lou Thesz – “We have heard from Randy Orton that he wanted to make a statement and that he wants to be a ‘legend killer’. Well Mr Orton you have certainly got my attention and now you have a problem. You see legends are legends for a reason, because they have heart, strength, courage and fortitude and you will see that my legendary status will not be easy to destroy. I’m issuing you with a challenge to face me at Spongemania. As for tonight, you better watch out because when I get my hands on you, you will discover first hand the true meaning of the word legend” Lou walks off.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Jeff Jarrett comes across Don Muraco.
    Jeff Jarrett “That was an impressive display last week against Matt Hardy”
    Don Muraco “Thanks but that was nothing compared to what is yet to be seen here in the SWE”
    Jeff Jarrett “I like that, maybe you and I can come to some sort of arrangement”
    Muraco grins and the two of them walk off together in deep conversation.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Robert Gibson vs Greg “The Hammer” Valentine
    Greg Valentine comes out accompanied by his ‘Dream Team’ tag team partner Brutus Beefcake. Robert Gibson follows him accompanied by his ‘Rock n Roll Express’ tag team partner Ricky Morton. The Dream Team defeated The Rock n Roll Express last week to earn a championship match against The Rock n Roll Express at Spongemania. The match is a mix of fast paced moves from Morton and slow powerful moves from Valentine. Gibson’s speed is too much for Valentine and he takes control going to the top turnbuckle to hit a missile dropkick on Valentine. As Gibson is going for the pinfall Beefcake hops up on the apron and distracts the referee enough that he doesn’t see the pinfall. Morton rushes around the ring and pulls Beefcake off the apron and a brawl ensues. The referee tries to stop the brawl and does so and then tries to urge Morton back to the other side of the ring. This leaves Beefcake time to slip in the ring unseen and give Gibson a stunner and exit the ring quickly. Valentine crawls over to Gibson and the referee gets back into the ring to count the 1-2-3. Valentine and Beefcake retreat out of the ring and up the ramp with their arms raised in celebration and then gesture to the Rock n Roll Express that the titles will be theirs soon. Winner: Greg Valentine

    * * * * * * * * * *

    In the Ring
    The SWE Interprovincial Champion Jeff Jarrett comes out to the ring with his customary guitar. He grabs the mic “I am the greatest Interprovincial champion of all time. There is nobody that can compete with me athletically, intellectually and not to mention musically (pretends to strum a few chords of his guitar). In fact what you can say is that I am better than everyone else back there in the locker room and that includes you Matt Hardy. You see you may be the number one contender for this here championship of mine but that’s as far as you will go. This title will remain around my waist and there isn’t anything you can do about it.”
    Matt Hardy’s music sounds and the crowd are ecstatic. He comes out to the ring to confront Jeff Jarrett. “What I see here is someone with a big ego. Someone who is all talk and all show. In fact I bet you that you can’t back up those words of yours. Everyone knows that guitar of yours is for hitting people with and I seriously doubt you can even play the damn thing.”
    Jeff Jarrett is getting angrier “Of course I can play this guitar. If I wasn’t the greatest SWE Interprovincial Champion of all time I would be the greatest guitar player of all time. In fact if you doubt my ability then maybe next week I challenge you to display your guitar skills against mine. I doubt if you can string two chords together and we’ll see who is all talk.”
    Matt Hardy grins and nods “You’re on.” At that stage Don Muraco runs out to the ring but Matt Hardy spots him and gets ready for him. This however means his back is turned towards Jeff Jarrett who promptly hits him with the guitar. Jarrett laughs and says to Hardy “How’s that for guitar skills, see you next week.” Jarrett retreats up the ramp with Muraco. Hardy is left in the ring nursing his back and neck after that guitar shot.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Macho Libre vs Terry Funk
    Macho Libre is waiting in the ring for his opponent. He has been involved in a personal rivalry with the General Manager Vickie Guerrero who has put Macho in matches with Edge & Randy Orton in previous weeks. This week she has scheduled a match against the hardcore legend Terry Funk. Macho Libre waits nervously for his opponent who paces quickly to the ring. Terry Funk is still upset at missing out on the number one contendership for the SWE Heavyweight Championship two weeks ago. The match is a quick affair with Terry Funk dominating Macho Libre finishing him off with a piledriver. Winner: Terry Funk

    Just as Terry leaves the ring, music sounds and out come The Natural Disasters followed by Vickie Guerrero. Last week Macho Libre showed the viewers embarrassing footage of the three of them in a bath. Vickie instructs Earthquake and Typhoon to destroy Macho Libre. Earthquake first performs an Earthquake Splash on Macho followed by Typhoon performing a Tidal Wave on him. Vickie is laughing hysterically in the ring as the crowd boos. Terry Funk has not left the arena and is looking at the destruction of his opponent Macho Libre. He decides enough is enough, grabs a steel chair and slides in the ring. He belts both Earthquake and Typhoon who both exit the ring sharply. The Natural Disasters are angry and shout at Funk as to why he got involved. Terry Funk checks on Macho Libre as the trio retreat up the ramp.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Matt Hardy is backstage engrossed in his Nintendo DS when MVP comes up to him.
    MVP “ Hey man, what you up to?”
    Matt Hardy “Nothing much, just trying to get past this level.”
    MVP “Listen, I’m sorry again for the way I reacted last week, I know you wouldn’t have done that.”
    Matt Hardy “No probs, I’m glad that you’ve ignored the message and standing your ground here in the SWE.”
    MVP “Yeah, I don’t know what to expect in my match next, can I rely on you to have my back?”
    Matt Hardy “ No worries, I’ll be there.” And MVP walks off for his match to leave Matt Hardy playing his video game.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: MVP vs The Sligo Kid
    The Sligo Kid is waiting in the ring as MVP comes out to the ring. He’s looking very serious conscious of the fact that someone has been sending him nasty messages and the week he was given to leave the SWE is now up and he is still here. MVP is in no mood to mess about and quickly takes control. He sets The Sligo Kid up for his signature Ballin Elbow but he picks his opponent up instead as he is not in the mood to play up to the crowd. The main screen then flashes a message “YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED” followed by “YOUR TIME IS UP CONVICT.” The Sligo Kid tries to take advantage of the distraction to attempt a roll up on MVP but fails. MVP gets up gives the kid a drive by kick and gets the pin. Winner: MVP

    MVP then turns his attention to the screen and the ramp expecting someone to come out. However an unknown figure hops out of the crowd with a hoodie and scarf covering his face so nobody can identify him. He has a kendo stick with him and smacks MVP from behind. He gets a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and cuffs MVP to the top rope. He then continues to attack MVP with the kendo stick until MVP is near unconscious. The attacker then gets a can of spray paint and sprays “GET OUT” on his gear. The attacker retreats out of the ring and up the ramp with the crowd booing very loudly.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    Main Event Match: Edge & Randy Orton vs Sting & Lou Thesz
    Edge is first out accompanied by Stacy Kiebler and the crowd boos. Randy Orton is out next accompanied by his father Cowboy Bob Orton. The commentators reveal that Randy Orton did indeed accept Lou Thesz’s challenge for a match at Songemania. Lou Thesz comes racing out next and immediately Edge & Orton clear the ring. Next out is Sting and the crowd go mad with excitement. The match starts off with Sting in the ring with Randy Orton. Lou Thesz pleads with Sting to tag him in which he does only for Orton to scamper back to his corner to tag in Edge. Edge slowly takes control of Thesz and finds Orton much more eager for a tag to get in the match. Orton continues to beat down Thesz but a mistake allows Thesz to give Orton a German Suplex and both men are lying in the centre of the ring. Sting claps his hands furiously getting the crowd excited trying to urge Thesz to get to his corner to tag him in. Orton reaches to tag Edge in but as Edge tries to cut off Thesz, he leaps forward and tags Sting. Sting comes in and Edge backs off pleading with Sting not to hit him. Sting lays hit after hit on Edge taking complete control of the match. Meanwhile outside of the ring as Thesz is recovering, Bob Orton sneaks over and tries to hit him with the ref not looking. Thesz sees it coming and Bob Orton slowly backs off Thesz. As Thesz walks forward threatening to hit Bob Orton, Randy Orton comes from behind and hits Thesz. At this stage the two of them brawl and make their way up the ramp and backstage. This leaves Sting alone in the ring with Edge. Sting comes off the ropes only to have his leg grabbed by Stacy. This distracts Sting enough to allow Edge give Sting a spear and get the 1-2-3. Edge slips out of the ring and is helped up the ramp by his valet Stacy. Sting looks miffed in the ring. Winner: Edge & Randy Orton

    - SWE Heavweight Champion Edge (c) w/Stacy Keibler vs Sting
    - SWE Interprovincial Champion Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Matt Hardy
    - SWE Tag Team Championship The Rock n Roll Express (c) vs The Dream Team
    - Lou Thesz vs Randy Orton w/Cowboy Bob Orton

    Commentator – “Things are heating up between Edge and Sting, not to mention between Lou Thesz and Randy Orton. And will he find out who the unidentified attacker on MVP. Tune in next week where we will update you on developments between these superstars”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Introduction to PWF 2011 -

    PWF Week One – Live from the Toyota Centre in Houston, Texas

    Welcome everyone to Premier Wrestling Federation - “Up The Premier!”

    The show opens with a miserable, wretched looking Paul Bearer making his way to the ring to a chorus of boo’s from the PWF Parish. Bearer demands that The Undertaker come out to the ring immediately and apologise for his actions over the last few weeks. He says that there would be no Phenom if there was no Paul Bearer, and the whole world knows it! The lights go out and the Toyota Centre erupts. Undertaker appears on the big screen. He says it’s over. He says that he has come to terms with what happened the day he lit the fire that destroyed his family, and Bearer can no longer control him. He says if Bearer cannot move on, then he too may have to Rest In Piece.

    Bearer drops to his knees. He gently says “come back Undertaker… don’t make me do it…. Don’t make me do it…”, as we go to commercial.

    *commercial break*

    We’re back, and its time for our first match of the evening.

    Match #1 - Non-Title Match

    PWF TV Champion Razor Ramon vs Local Jobber

    Ramon picks up the victory quickly with the Razors Edge, not before embarrassing his opponent by flicking a Tooth Pick at him.

    Winner via pinfall – Razor Ramon in 1:17

    Razor makes his way backstage, as the backstage interviewer catches up with him. He asks Razor when is he going to face some real competition. Ramon grabs him up by the scruff of the neck and shouts DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT I DID TO THAT GUY OUT THERE? Razor is visibly frustrated, as he makes his way to his locker room. As he enters his locker room, Layla walks down the corridor. She’s looking well. Taz approaches her and says he hears shes been dating some Mexican immigrant bum. The look on Taz’s face changes, as Homicide and the rest of La Raza come to Laylas aid. They ask “whazup now home boy?” Taz says nothing and retreats, taking out his mobile phone as we go to commercial.

    *commercial break*

    *A video plays hyping the PWF debut of Abdullah The Bucther later tonight*

    Backstage, a camera slowly creeps down the hall, and eventually stops at a door that reads “PWF OWNERS OFFICE” What could this mean?

    Match #2 – Homicide w/Layla vs JTG

    Good fast paced match up between the leader of La Raza and a member of the East Coast Bloods. Layla provides cheerleading for her man, Homicide. After several minutes, Taz and Shad Gaspard make their way down to ringside. Taz grabs Layla by the arm and wants to know what happened backstage. Layla screams, and Homicide looks pissed. This distraction allows JTG to roll up Homicide for the pin.

    Winner via pinfall – JTG in 11:37

    Taz throws Layla to the ground and pulls JTG from the ring as the rest of La Raza come running down to the ring. Their attempts are in vain, as the Bloods escape through the crowd shouting “JEAH, EAST COAST BABY!” at the Latinos. Homicide looks like he is about to explode.

    *commercial break*

    We’re back, and its time for the debut of the legendary Abdullah the Butcher. Abdullah’s music hits as the PWF Parish rises to their feet in awe of the Iconic Abdullah. Abdullah makes his way to the ring, greeting fans and scaring the life out of the small children in attendance. Before he can enter the ring he is attacked from behind by Abyss. Abyss relentlessly beats down the Butcher, as blood flows freely from his already disfigured forehead. Abyss screams “THIS IS WHAT YOU GET BUTCHER, THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE”. The Toyota Centre comes to a stunned silence with the assault of Abdullah the butcher.

    Backstage, La Raza are sitting around listening to California Love by Tupac. Hernandez says that was crazy, yo, what happened out there man, as he passes the joint to Psicosis. Homicide says aint nobody treats my mami like The Bloods did yo. He says next week he is going to get the Bloods.

    We see the interview guy backstage cautiously approaching Razor Ramons locker room again. He knocks. Razor answers with an unwelcoming “What?” He asks Razor, now that he has cooled off, what does he have to say to those who doubt him. Razor says if you want to see the bad guy, you will see the bad guy.

    Match #3 – Ken Shamrock vs 2 Cold Scorpio

    Stiff match with the crowd torn between their beloved Shamrock and the
    Ever popular Scorpio. Shamrock goes for the belly-to-belly on Scorpio, but Scorpio reverses it into a German Suplex. With Shamrock down, climbs to the top rope and goes for a huge leg drop. As he comes flying through the air, Shamrock manages to catch his ankle and turn the leg drop into the ankle lock and the gallant 2 Cold Scorpio is forced to tap out to the ankle lock from the former Ultimate Fighter.

    Winner via Submission – Ken Shamrock in 9:08

    Backstage, the camera has now entered the PWF Owners office. A man with a Tipp jersey destroys in Guinness stains is in the chair, on the phone. It’s the PWF Owner, Gerard.C!! “Jesus I dunno what I’m going to do, there’s wicked rumblings that he’s going to show up next week lad. I did you that favour with the commentary number, you wouldn’t give us a hand next week in case he shows up will ya? Good man, I never doubted ya. We’ll see ya then Flah boy”

    *commercial break*

    We return to the Toyota Centre and, just like when the show started, Paul Bearer is making his way down to the ring. He echoes what he said earlier in the show. “Please Undertaker, come back, don’t make me do it.”


    The PWF Parish is on their feet as the conscience of professional wrestling makes his way down to confront the closest thing he has in life to a father. Bearer cowers in the corner. Undertaker grabs Bearer by the neck, as Bearer utters a phrase to The Undertake that he has only ever said once before – “He’s alive Undertaker!” The Undertaker looks incredibly confused. Bearer reaches for the urn and says “You drove me to this Undertaker. I brought him back!” We hear static echo throughtout the arena. The Undertaker releases the grip he had on Bearer and turns to look at the titantron. As the static continues, many blurry, unclear images appear on the screen before it becomes clear what the image is


    As The Undertaker stares in confusion, he is attacked from behind by the Big Bossman. Bearer raises the urn, screaming “He’s alive!” as the show ends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    CWM Revolution Week 3!
    Live on Tv3.

    Recap of last weeks show plays:

    Santino being counted out of the match with Beautifully priceless, Sky looking back as priceless walk up the ramp.
    Nexus being forced to stay in the parking lot.
    Hogan and Cena facing off and agreeing to the match of the century.
    Ravens match with RVD, nexus beat down on Raven and becoming the Co-Hardcore champions.
    Our intro music plays and Michael Cole welcomes us to CMW, The shortest running weekly episodic wrestling show on television!
    “We are live tonight from the dirty, dirty south; Birmingham, Alabama and probably the rowdiest crowd so far!”
    He hypes the biggest contract signing wrestling has ever seen coming up later tonight for WrestleZones main event. A graphic shows on the screen and King points out that CMW has acquired a few new members to the roster:
    In The Ring:
    Shane McMahon:

    Shane says that tonight is a big night, we are only 3 weeks away from WrestleZone, and tonight we have the arrival of 5 new wrestlers to CMW, 5 men who are celebrated in their own unique ways, 5 men who will indeed shake up CMW starting tonight.

    “But first I want to speak to the ‘co-hardcore’ champions before we get started tonight. Nexus, get out here..”
    The tron is silent. But Nexus appear on the big screen with *via satellite* in the corner. “Sorry we cant be there yet Shane, weve just finished having a good chat with a new friend of ours. “
    “As CMW wrestlers, you are under contract by ME, and if you want to keep hold of that cmw belt you better get here tonight. I did not allow you the night off. I have big plans-“
    “Shane, Don’t worry, we will be there. But you should know that a part of Nexus is already in the building tonight. See you soon boss!”
    The feed cuts. Shane is laughing. “Im not scared of you, You think I wont fire your asses, one wrong move on the wrong person and you.. and whoever else is a part of NEXUS is out the door.”

    “But enough of them. Back to tonight.
    Tonight our new wrestlers will be in a series of matches against opponents who you already know and love. With a very big main event to finish it all off.
    And all that action, starts right now!!”

    First Match:

    Hardcore Holly vs ?????
    Hardcore Holly’s music Hits! Holly walks out to a unbelievable pop.
    “The hometown hero is back and what a reception he is getting!”
    Shane himself does the introduction. “Hailing from slama-alabama!”
    …And his opponent…
    Dashing music plays and Cody walks out and looks at himself in the mirror. Holly smiles in the ring while King points out that Cody is from only down the road in Georgia himself.
    Cody gets in the ring and stares down Holly. Bob holds his hand out to shake hands but cody just steps back, looks at the camera and smiles.
    Bob mouths and takes a run at cody, backing him into the corner when he clotheslines him. The ref rings the bell and our first match is underway!

    Hardcore Holly vs Cody Rhodes.
    Hardcore just lays into cody sitting back down in the corner, ref pulls him away as the commentators speculate the fact that Cody is out here on his own.
    Holly lifts cody up and unmercifully whips him across the ring into the opposite corner. Bob waits for cody to make it to his feet, bounces off the ropes to hit another clothesline but cody sees it coming hits a dropkick. He picks Holly up and kicks him in the stomach, Cody attempts a piledriver on holly. With an amazing show of strength still in him, Holly lifts cody up and over his back and in position for the alabama slam!
    He spins Rhodes around. With that Ted DiBiase hits the ring and kicks holly in the nuts, holly drops to his knees and releases cody from his grip. The ref rings the bell in a disqualification and awards the win to Holly. Ted rolls Cody out of the ring and is supporting him while they run up the ramp. Holly only makes it back to his feet when they make it to the top. He stands holding his spuds. His other hand is raised by the ref as the winner of the match. Holly salutes the crowd to end this part.

    Winner (by DQ) at 6.20: Hardcore Holly

    Part 2:
    Backstage: Hardcore Holly and Matt Striker
    Hardcore holly is shown walking backstage and stopped and interviewed by Matt Striker.
    Holly says how it is great to be in CMW, and he cant wait to get to wrestle at WrestleZone. Striker asks what was it like to wrestle in front of a homestate crowd. “Well it was great man, we southerners are very respectful to those who have done well. I wish I could say the same for my opponent. He was once a good kid who could have gone far and now –“
    He is interupted by Rob Terry who is walking by. “Oh boo hoo old man. Pack it up and go home, sit on your porch and drink some lemonade. You americans are all the same. But you southerners are even worse. Why don’t you watch the next match and see how a real wrestler tears his opponent apart.”
    As Terry walks away his spits “Hardcore my arse!”.

    Terrys music hits and he walks out to the ring. The crowd show him their disgust at him by actually pelting him with rubbish as he makes his way to the ring. A woman is standing at the corner of the ring booing. Rob walks past and points at her while flexing. Her boyfriend tries to get in his face but terry pushes him lightly, knocking him back onto his chair. Terry laughs as he gets in the ring.

    Second Match:
    Rob Terry vs ?????

    Santinos music hits to a big cheer. Santino walks to the ring and lifts his tag team belt over his head. He hands the belt to the ref and the ref rings the bell. Santino doesn’t hear it and gets up on the first rope to pose for the crowd. Terry simply walks over to santino and applies the full nelson lock on santino. Santino is then thrown round and slammed in the middle of the ring lifelessly. Terry pins santino and gets the 3 count easily.

    Winner at 25 seconds: Rob Terry

    Terry gets up and screams at the crowd. He walks up the ramp as the commentators hype how dominant of a debut that was for terry, that santino looks to be really hurt. Some medical assistants and referees attend to santino as we go to a break.

    Part 3 and 4 coming up soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,849 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE LIVE – Week 4

    Commentator – “Good evening ladies & gentlemen, welcome to SWE Live on TV3 coming this week from the Spongezone in Sligo. We are just 2 short weeks away from the Spongemania PPV and things are hotting up in the SWE. This week the SWE Heavyweight Champion will host his talk show The Cutting Edge and his guest will be his challenger at Spongemania, Sting. However this week kicks off on the stage where SWE Interprovincial Champion Jeff Jarrett is set up for his guitar contest with his Spongemania challenger Matt Hardy.”

    On the Stage
    Jeff Jarrett has the mic “Ladies & Gentlemen I said last week that no one can compete with me at anything and I will prove that once again tonight with an unbelievable display of my musical abilities but before you prepare your ears for the finest music you will ever hear, I would like Matt Hardy to come out and witness this masterpiece first hand.” Out comes Matt Hardy and the arena erupts. “Well Jeff lets see what you have to show us.” Jeff Jarrett starts to play a country and western number but the chorus of boos drown out the noise. Matt Hardy mock applauses Jarrett as he’s finished “Now lets show everyone what I can do.” He ushers out someone from backstage to bring out Matt’s equipment. He stands in front of it to set it up so nobody can see what he’s doing and then a huge noise goes out across the arena. He steps to one side to reveal a PS3 and the Guitar Hero controller. He is playing the song School’s Out by Alice Cooper in perfect tune and soon the whole crowd starts to sing along. Its like actually being at the concert. Just as Hardy finishes though Don Muraco comes from backstage and hits Hardy from behind. He gets Hardy up and holds him steady as Jarrett grabs his guitar ready to hit him. However Muraco can’t keep Hardy steady and he breaks free and escapes down the side of the stage as the crowd cheer his escape.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Ricky Morton vs Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake
    Brutus Beefcake comes out accompanied by his ‘Dream Team’ tag team partner Greg Valentine. Ricky Morton follows him accompanied by his ‘Rock n Roll Express’ tag team partner Robert Gibson. Morton starts off determined and Beefcake can’t handle his relentless attacks so has to escape out of the ring for a rethink. He slowly gets back in the ring and as he’s about to re-engage with Morton he knees him in the gut and assumes control of the match. What follows is a slow beat down of Morton. Gibson manages to rally the crowd from outside of the ring which seems to give Morton a second wind and he starts to fight back. He hits Beefcake with a flurry of shots and Beefcake is struggling. Morton hits Beefcake with a diving crossbody and goes for the pin. The referee begins to count but Valentine comes into the ring to disturb the count before the count of 3. The referee immediately disqualifies Beefcake for the outside interference. Valentine continues to beat up Morton but Gibson comes in to attack Valentine. Beefcake at this stage slipped out of the ring, grabbed the title belt and came back in the ring to hit Gibson who is knocked out of the ring to the floor. This leaves Beefcake and Valentine in the ring with a weary Morton. Beefcake grabs his barber kit and gestures to the crowd that he’s going to cut Morton’s hair. Valentine holds Morton steady as Beefcake attempts to cut Morton’s hair. Gibson recovers from outside the ring, breaks up the attempted haircut and pulls Morton out of the ring to safety. The champions retreat up the ramp but Beefcake and Valentine are smiling in the ring holding aloft the lock of hair from Morton and gesturing that they will be champions soon. Winner: Ricky Morton.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    MVP is walking down the corridor with bandages as a result of the attack last week. Matt Hardy comes up to him. “Hey man, I’m so sorry I didn’t get down there to help you last week, I was distracted by the video game I was playing. I promise that won’t happen again and I’ll have your back tonight.”
    MVP “I’m not in the mood to accept your excuses. I needed you last week and you weren’t there. You know I’ll be there if you needed it”
    Matt Hardy “I will make it up to you.” And MVP walks on.

    The camera reverts to Randy Orton & Bob Orton talking. The crowd boos.
    Bob Orton “Now that you’ve accepted the challenge from Lou Thesz you can start your legacy by beating one of the greatest legends of all time.”
    Randy Orton grins “Yes, he is just after making the biggest mistake of his life and when I am through with him there will be nothing legendary about him.”
    Bob Orton “Now I don’t want you to have all the fun so I’ve set up a match tonight between me and Lou Thesz so I can soften him up for you.”
    The two of them grin with anticipation.
    * * * * * * * * * *

    In The Ring
    Macho Libre & Terry Funk come out to the ring to great applause. Macho Libre takes the mic. “Oh yeah, Macho Libre has a new friend, yeah, has a new friend, dig it. Macho Libre has upset the General Manager somehow, yeah, and now Macho Libre has a friend to protect him, yeah, dig it. Macho Libre & Terry Funk, the greatest partnership in SWE history, yeah, in SWE history, dig it.”

    “Excuuuuussssseeee Me” is heard through the arena. Vickie Guerrero & The Natural Disasters come out to the stage. “You embarrassed me last week, Macho Libre, and you need to pay for it. Can you dig that?”
    Macho Libre replies “Macho Libre does not need to apologise for anything, yeah.”
    Vickie Guerrero “Well in that case since you show me total disrespect I have decided to arrange a match for the upcoming PPV Spongemania. It will be these hunks behind me The Natural Disasters against you Macho Libre and your new best buddy Terry Funk.” The crowd cheer. “But if you lose Macho Libre you will be fired and since you like to say everything twice, you will be fired.”
    The crowd boos and Macho Libre looks shocked but then says “And what do I get if I win?”
    Vickie Guerrero replies “Absolutely nothing because you are not going to win. Do you see the finely tuned athletes I have behind me, they will crush you into tiny little pieces. But I am a fair woman.” The crowd boos louder. “If your new buddy Terry Funk can defeat The Natural Disasters in a 2 on 1 handicap match tonight then I will allow you to decide what you get if you somehow win at Spongemania.” Vickie laughs.

    Match: The Natural Disasters vs Terry Funk
    The Natural Disasters stomp there way down to the ring with Terry Funk waiting on them. Earthquake & Typhoon double team Funk before the bell goes and wear him down before the referee can get Typhoon out of the ring. Earthquake maintains control and The Natural Disasters are close to finishing this contest off after Typhoon first gives Funk a body splash followed by Earthquake. Funk collapses to the mat. Earthquake prepares Funk for an Earthquake Splash but Macho Libre starts to approach Vickie Guerrero. Vickie is retreating trying to usher Macho Libre away. Typhoon comes down to intervene and the referee is distracted by this. While the referee is not looking Funk gives Earthquake a low blow which sends Earthquake to the mat in agony. Funk pins him to get the win. Macho Libre leaps around in celebration before helping Funk get to his feet and out of the ring. Typhoon and Vickie Guerrero are trying to comfort Earthquake through his painful ordeal. Winner: Terry Funk

    At the top of the stage Macho Libre grabs the mic. “Oh yeah, we won the match, yeah, won the match, dig it. What do I want now, yeah, if we win at Spongemania? If we win, yeah, then I want to be the General Manager of SWE, yeah, dig it, yeah.” The crowd is ecstatic and Vickie is absolutely stunned.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    In the Ring
    MVP is in the ring and in no mood to enjoy the cheers from the crowd. “Now over the last few weeks I have been subjected to a vicious hate campaign that culminated in an unidentified man assaulting me last week with a kendo stick. Yes I’ve been to prison and yes I’ve done some bad things in my life but I’ve paid my debt to society and now wish to make something of my life.” The crowd cheers. “I’m out here now to call out that mysterious individual so we can sort this out the way it should be, face to face.” MVP waits and for a minute or so nothing happens. Then out comes the hooded assailant to the ring. “Look at you still hiding, are you ashamed to show your face?” At that stage the assailant takes off the hood to reveal himself as ……..Pedro Morales.

    Pedro grabs the mic “Ashamed? I don’t think so. I’m proud of who I am. I’ve obeyed the law, paid my taxes and been a good man all these years only to see you, a convicted felon who served 9 years in prison, make the same living as I do. I just can’t accept that and need to do something about it. So it’s simple. You will either leave the SWE the easy way and have all your bones intact or the hard way and trust me, the hard way will be worse than what happened last week.”

    MVP replies “You think that scares me. That isn’t a patch on what I went through in prison so you will have to do a lot better than that to scare me out of the SWE. In fact I’ve discussed this with our General Manager and she agrees with me that we should settle this on the grandest stage of them all Spongemania.” The crowd cheers. “And to make it even sweeter it will be a no disqualification match so I’ll be able give you the beating you truly deserve.” The crowd cheers louder.

    Morales laughs “That suits me down to the ground as when I look at you I don’t think I would be able to stick to the rules of a wrestling match.” As Morales is talking, Don Muraco sneaks in behind MVP and goes to hit him. MVP telepgraphs the move and starts hitting back at Muraco. Morales though gets his hit in and MVP falls to the ground. Matt Hardy rushes out to the ring and both Morales and Muraco flee the ring to avoid the confrontation. MVP is happy that Hardy came out to help him knowing their friendship has been restored.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Match: Lou Thesz vs Cowboy Bob Orton
    Lou Thesz comes out to the ring looking eager to get fighting. Cowboy Bob Orton comes out accompanied by his son Randy Orton. The match starts off slow but as Lou Thesz rebounds off the ropes, Randy grabs his leg. The referee sees this and immediately banishes Randy Orton from ringside. Randy goes beserk while the crowd cheers loudly. Bob Orton remonstrates with the referee but Randy reluctantly retreats back to the locker room. Thesz systematically beats Bob Orton not even attempting to get the pinfall. Seeing Orton’s lifeless body in the ring, he applies the STF to Orton who immediately taps out. Thesz after having his hand raised as winner slides out of the ring, grabs a steel chair and gets back in the ring. Randy Orton quickly rushes out to the ring but does not get in the ring as Thesz threatens him with the chair. Randy then watches as Thesz beats Bob Orton repeatedly with the steel chair. He then places Bob Orton’s arm in the chair and stomps on it. Bob Orton writhes about in complete agony as Randy gets enraged outside of the ring. Thesz leaves the ring to allow Randy Orton get in to check on his father who looks to have a broken arm. Thesz smiles as he retreats through the crowd taking in all the cheers of the crowd. Winner: Lou Thesz

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Main Event: The Cutting Edge
    Edge & Stacy Keibler are in the ring which is kitted out for his chat show ‘The Cutting Edge’. “In two short weeks at Spongemania, I will be defending my SWE Heavyweight Championship and would like to introduce my opponent. A man who would be better suited to the major leagues considering he carries around a baseball bat all the time. Ladies & Gentleman I give you Sting.” The crowd cheer as Sting makes his way down to the ring and enters the ring with his baseball bat resting against his shoulder. Edge welcomes Sting to The Cutting Edge. Sting says “Thanks for having me”. Edge replies “We face each other in two weeks time for the SWE Heavyweight Championship but surely you know that you don’t have a chance to defeat me. You see now that I have this belt and all the benefits attributed to this belt (he glances over at Stacy) I’m not ready to give it up and will do everything in my power to keep the belt. You will also realise that if you use your baseball bat you will be disqualified and I will retain my championship.” Sting comes back “I don’t need to use my baseball bat to defeat a coward like yourself.” The crowd start to shout ‘Coward’ repeatedly. Edge gets angry “Coward, how dare you call me a coward on my own show. I am not a coward.” Sting grins “If you think you are not a coward then you won’t mind me selecting an opponent for you to face next week.” Edge, still hearing the coward chants from the crowd shouts angrily in Sting’s face “You’re on” calmly steps back and says “On one condition, I get to pick an opponent for you next week as well.” Sting agrees but fails to notice Stacy sneak around the back of him and grab his baseball bat. Sting turns around quickly but fails to get back the bat, turns back again quickly to face Edge again only for Edge to hit him with the spear. Sting lays on the floor with Edge knelt over him shoving his title belt in his face intimating that he’ll never get hold of his title.

    SPONGEMANIA Final Card
    - SWE Heavweight Champion Edge (c) w/Stacy Keibler vs Sting
    - SWE Interprovincial Champion Jeff Jarrett (c) w/ Don Muraco vs Matt Hardy
    - SWE Tag Team Championship The Rock n Roll Express (c) vs The Dream Team
    - Lou Thesz vs Randy Orton w/Cowboy Bob Orton
    - General Manager vs Job: The Natural Disasters w/Vickie Guerrero vs Macho Libre & Terry Funk
    - No disqualification match: MVP vs Pedro Morales

    Commentator – “What an ending to the show we’ve witnessed here tonight and next week in the final SWE Live before the Spongemania PPV we will have a Pick Your Poison match where Edge and Sting will pick each others opponents. Tune in next week to watch this personal feud get nastier”

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    The last show before the PPV
    RAG WEEK!!!!

    Now that I have your attention on this Rag Week welcome to the show. Vincent Browne comes out. Why is he here? We couldn't find Charlie Sheen and the cocaine that we told him to mind. The crowd looks fairly locked this March evening (well more ****faced than usual). Maybe because of the free shot of poitín with every ticket purchased but we'll never tell. Browney tells us that Diabhal is out celebrating (in aid of charity obviously) and is busy for the night. Vincent is our GM for the night. He tells us that Miz and Awesome will pick each other's opponents for the main events. A good chance for a warm up before the main event of "Gráinne Seoige World Title Life or Death" match at the "Randy Orton is really ****" PPV. Miz comes out and about how awesome he is. The crowd boo as if he was Aisake O'hAilpín. Just as he is about to say his catchphrase Mike Awesome comes out to the ring. He looks pissed.

    Miz will face adopted Galwegian ONITA. The crowd goes mental as Onita chases Miz out of the ring like he's a farmer shooting a tinker. Miz looks mad and he says that Awesome will face two men in a "Sligo mtahc" (handicap match) against Dr Death Steve Williams and New Jack.

    Awesome is blindsided by New Jack. As the match starts New Jack pulls out a knife and says he'll kill Awesome. Dr Death holds him up as a familiar face makes the save. ITSPERCYWATSONYAKNOWWHATI'MSAYIN?????? The crowd loses their **** and raise the roof. Watson throws both men out of the ring as he match ends in a double DQ(Not DieselQueen LOL). Watson gets on the mic and challenges New Jack to a "Who's the cooler black guy" match at "Randy Orton is really ****" PPV. Vic Grimes goes to New Jack's aid and holds New Jack back from potential gayness at the hands of Watson. Like a Mayo-man New Jack pussies away from the fight.

    A Battle Royal match for the no.1 contendership for the Galwgian Cruiserweight Title. To discourage anorexia Vincent Browne decides to make any weight class eligible for the match. Teddy Hart, Doink, Iron Mike Sharpe and making his debut in DBR from the inferior WalterSobchak promotion: SABU!!!!!!!! The match ends quickly after Sabu puts all men through tables on the outside. A new number one contender. But wait!!!!!!!! Mike Tyson is here. The crowd boo due to his strong Kerry links. He knocks Sabu the **** out. He throws the unconcious Sabu out. An obese fan runs up to the ring but Tyson cheapshots the rotund retard and spits into the crowd. He issues the challenge to "That little ****** Disco Inferno" and Disco runs out the ring (in the form of interpretive dance obviously) and is only held off by the always reliable Diabhal Beag security. The crowd screams to let them fight as many bottles of Sambuca are thrown at Tyson.

    As Tyson leaves the real Iron Mike tackles him to the ground. The crowd are loving tis former jobber destroying the best pound for pound fighter of all time. As the two are pulled off each other Vincent Browne announces a triple threat for the Galwgian Cruiserweight Title. The winner also gets the use of the name Iron Mike forever.

    A new arrival is announced by Marty Morrisey. The crazed lesbian Mickie James is here. She claims she's above all the fans in the Diabhal Dome (she may well be right judging by the average fan's appearance consisting of long hair and a Saw Doctors sleevless t-shirt from 1997) and poor Marty runs away crying. She says that she will make an impact on the "Randy Orton is really ****" PPV.

    Now for the main event. ONITA vs Miz. ONITA wins by DQ after Miz forces him to listen to Aslan while he is unconcious. A cruel thing to do to anybody with ears. Awesome tries to save ONITA but it's too late. ONITA despite limited English has now heard Crazy World. Miz runs away knowing he's going to hell for such a horrible crime. Awesome looks even more pissed as the show goes off the air.

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