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Anti-gay pastor is gay shocker...(ethics of the violating support group confidence)



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,630 ✭✭✭Zen65

    gulf wrote: »

    They're both sexual perversions. All extramarital sex that doesn't involve both a unitive bond the intention to procreate is sinful.

    So no, the church does not specifically target homosexuals like certain homosexual groups like to think (or at least that's what they tell their members). The teachings are very clear: get married and be fruitful. If you wish to live as a bachelor, you should remain chaste and spend what would otherwise be family time, doing charitable works. If you've a calling from God, you should become a priest or join a religious order.

    According to scriptures one of Christ's closest friends was a prostitute. He did not condemn her. Yet strangely many years later, the church deems that unmarried Christians must be chaste, and it condemns extra-marital sex.

    Gandhi once said (I don't have the exact quote, so I'm paraphrasing) - I admire your Christ, but not your Christians, because they are so unlike your Christ. I think he made an excellent point.

    Be at peace,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    Zen65 wrote: »
    According to scriptures one of Christ's closest friends was a prostitute. He did not condemn her. Yet strangely many years later, the church deems that unmarried Christians must be chaste, and it condemns extra-marital sex.

    What scripture would that be? Methinks you've been spending far too much time perusing the top-10 section of your local bookstore. The Bible is free, you have to pay for a Dan Brown best-seller.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    gulf wrote: »
    What scripture would that be? Methinks you've been spending far too much time perusing the top-10 section of your local bookstore. The Bible is free, you have to pay for a Dan Brown best-seller.

    yeah because you cant believe everything you read in books

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    gulf wrote: »
    What scripture would that be? Methinks you've been spending far too much time perusing the top-10 section of your local bookstore. The Bible is free, you have to pay for a Dan Brown best-seller.

    I'd presume he's referring to Mary Magdalene but that's besides the point.

    You've yet to give any 'good reasons' why homosexuality is wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭raah!

    Whether the Pastor is trying not to be gay or not is neither here nor there. He IS gay, and this is against the rules of his religion. So intentionally or not, he is being hypocritical. He can not train himself not to be gay, but he can still train himself to be celibate should he wish.

    You cannot 'treat' homosexuality like an addiction, so these 'groups' are completely nonsensical anyway IMO.

    He is not being hypocritical, the thing he criticises is homosexual behaviour. Unless you can prove that he was referring to just be gay, which there is considerable evidence against, ye need to stop using the word hypocritical.

    The word means an inconsistency with what you say and what you do. The only instance of this in the article is where he says he was on holidays or something and was weak. Even then, it wouldn't be that hypocritical, because of what people said about alcoholics who say alcohol is bad and relapse.

    However you feel about how bad he is or whatever, it's not hypocritical, unless he was saying it about just being gay, which is ridiculous and probably not true. But the word does not apply otherwise, so if you want him to be hypocritical you need to argue that point. Not any others.

    Religious people can "treat" homosexual urges with prayers just like priests can "treat" their heterosexual urges when they take a vow of celibacy. But Lutherans do not necessarily take a vow of celibacy, which suggests that his criticisisms are based around action

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    I'd presume he's referring to Mary Magdalene but that's besides the point.

    You've yet to give any 'good reasons' why homosexuality is wrong.

    It's self-gratifying. As is pornography and masturbation along with many other sexual endeavours that humans gifted with free will have come up with.

    Have you read Humane Vitae?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    raah! wrote: »
    He is not being hypocritical, the thing he criticises homosexual behaviour. Unless you can prove that he was referring to just be gay, which there is considerable evidence against, ye need to stop using the word hypocritical.

    The word means an inconsistency with what you say and what you do. The only instance of this in the article is where he says he was on holidays or something and was weak. Even then, it wouldn't be that hypocritical, because of what people said about alcoholics who say alcohol is bad and relapse.

    However you feel about how bad he is or whatever, it's not hypocritical, unless he was saying it about just being gay, which is ridiculous and probably not true. But the word does not apply otherwise, so if you want him to be hypocritical you need to argue that point. Not any others.

    Religious people can "treat" homosexual urges with prayers just like priests can "treat" their heterosexual urges when they take a vow of celibacy. But Lutherans do not necessarily take a vow of celibacy, which suggests that his criticisisms are based around action

    Indeed. And there are many cases of priests/pastors/monks/friars committing adultery as well as them engaging in homosexual activity. The gravity of the sin is multiplied by at least an order of magnitude when committed by someone who has made a vow to God. You can repent for your sins, but that doesn't mean you won't be held to account by earthly offices. Divine accountability goes without saying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    gulf wrote: »
    It's self-gratifying.

    That's not a good reason for it being 'wrong'.
    As is pornography and masturbation along with many other sexual endeavours that humans gifted with free will have come up with.

    Have you never masturbated then?

    Have you read Humane Vitae?

    I'm not Catholic, why would I?

    Have you ever read the Koran?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,630 ✭✭✭Zen65

    gulf wrote: »
    What scripture would that be? Methinks you've been spending far too much time perusing the top-10 section of your local bookstore. The Bible is free, you have to pay for a Dan Brown best-seller.

    Mark 16:9

    Luke 8:2 & 8:3

    The reference to "seven devils" is commonly understood to refer to the seven deadly sins, including lust/fornication. My description of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute is in keeping with the RC Church's views of her.

    Never read Dan Brown, not a fan of fiction.

    Be at peace,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    Zen65 wrote: »
    Mark 16:9

    Luke 8:2 & 8:3

    The reference to "seven devils" is commonly understood to refer to the seven deadly sins, including lust/fornication. My description of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute is in keeping with the RC Church's views of her.

    Never read Dan Brown, not a fan of fiction.

    Be at peace,


    I don't need some anonymous punter on the interweb to interpret scripture thanks. I leave that to the experts.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    That's not a good reason for it being 'wrong'.

    Quick question: Do you think masturbation is morally wrong?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    gulf wrote: »
    I don't need some anonymous punter on the interweb to interpret scripture thanks. I leave that to the experts.

    It sucks when people show you up online doesn't it? ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    gulf wrote: »
    It's self-gratifying. As is pornography and masturbation along with many other sexual endeavours that humans gifted with free will have come up with.

    Have you read Humane Vitae?

    what about chocolate. is that also sinful?

    seriously why are so many christians so concerned with homosexuality these days. very little is said on the subject in the bible, more time being spent of what to do when you take a whiz. Also, other early christians such as st columba didnt seem to have much of a problem with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    gulf wrote: »
    Quick question: Do you think masturbation is morally wrong?

    No. Not in the slightest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    Well if you bothered to go beyond the single story posted here you'd find out a little more about this issue...
    MINNEAPOLIS — A Lutheran pastor ardently critical of allowing gays into the clergy is on leave from his Minneapolis church after a gay magazine reported his attendance at a support group for men struggling with same-sex attraction.

    Church officials, however, said Wednesday that the Rev. Tom Brock likely will return to the pulpit at Hope Lutheran Church because he acted in accordance with his faith by attending the group.

    A fixture on local cable access shows, Brock regularly broadcasts conservative views on homosexuality and criticizes the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for liberalizing its gay clergy policy. Lavender Magazine published a story last week about Brock's quiet attendance of the Faith in Action meetings, written by a reporter who falsely posed as a member of the group.

    "The fact that he said one thing publicly, and privately he's a homosexual — that's somewhat inconsistent," said Lavender president Stephen Rocheford.

    "This company has a policy not to out people. The one exception is a public figure who says one thing and does another."

    The Lavender article never explicitly said Brock confessed to homosexual activity.
    It quotes him at one point talking about a recent mission trip to Eastern Europe, of which he says, "I fell into temptation. I was weak."

    Hope Lutheran's executive pastor, the Rev. Tom Parrish, said when confronted with the article, Brock "simply said he indeed has been attending this Christian group, both going there and being honest about temptations he has, and is being held accountable so he never would do anything with that temptation."
    I hope that explains things a bit better seeing as you didn't bother to check the earlier link.
    This is a democracy, and all views should be open to reasoned debate. Instead he attacked the messenger, which is the lowest and cheapest form of journalism. So what if the pastor is being hypocritical?? Indeed the article doesn't even confirm that he is a hypocrite, merely that he himself has gay tendencies.
    No, something a lot lower than exposing a hypocrite is hating who you are, telling others not to be like you, criticizing an institution that allows people like you to join and then going to secret meetings to try to purge yourself of that which you hate, yourself, while maintaining the facade of being normal...

    No matter how many times you guys repeat yourselves saying "it's not hypocrisy" it wont change the fact that it is.

    This isn't religion, logic is unfortunately involved, and if you need to reread my arguments to see why it makes sense and why all of these rebuttals mean nothing go beat yourself up, but raah I already took great care to explain to you how this was hypocrisy, even addressing the action question in advance so I'm surprised you are just repeating this - it's like you didn't even read what I wrote... and Zen, a doctor giving advice to stop smoking has nothing to do with this - but I'm glad you'd use such a weak argument so I'll address it properly :D

    A doctor telling a patient not to smoke while (s)he smokes is fine because there is a humongous body of knowledge independent of the doctor that shows emirically how bad smoking is for you. The doctor has made a choice to smoke, in full knowledge of it's consequences.
    A priest telling other gay men from his pulpit while being gay is not only completely hypocritical seeing as he is telling other men to purge that which he himself can't even get rid of, it only invalidates your argument further because all of the scientific/psychological knowledge on this subject shows how rejecting ones gayness, or trying to convert, is extremely contrary to human wellbeing and most just revert back or continue to hold these feelings while repressing them. I even posted a study earlier in the thread, if you bothered to even read the post - let alone the links - to avoid having to spell this point out but, again, nobody cares to read up on anything before they let their anger overtake their views...

    I'm fine with the guy being a total hypocrite as long as he keeps it to himself but if he's going to start vocally condemning a part of the population then it's time to challenge that. It's just been so easy seeing as the fool has let his own words completely trip him up, we need only let him continue to speak as he digs his own grave.:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,630 ✭✭✭Zen65

    gulf wrote: »
    Indeed. And there are many cases of priests/pastors/monks/friars committing adultery as well as them engaging in homosexual activity. The gravity of the sin is multiplied by at least an order of magnitude when committed by someone who has made a vow to God. You can repent for your sins, but that doesn't mean you won't be held to account by earthly offices. Divine accountability goes without saying.

    Why be held to account for a sin by earthly offices?? Christ said (as reported in the scriptures, not in any Dan Brown text) that he did not judge, so why should we?

    By who's authority is the gravity of the sin multiplied by at least an order of magnitude when committed by someone who made a vow to God?

    If there is a God, let Him judge sins. Christ delegated only the authority to forgive sins, not to hold our brethren to account.

    Be at peace,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    what about chocolate. is that also sinful?
    That would fall under gluttony. Gluttony damages the body you've been gifted with.
    seriously why are so many christians so concerned with homosexuality these days. very little is said on the subject in the bible, more time being spent of what to do when you take a whiz. Also, other early christians such as st columba didnt seem to have much of a problem with it.
    The Catholic church have published many teachings on this issue over the decades: they have much bigger things to be worrying about than the issue homosexuality which attracts a lot of attention from a certain element of society. Then again, if you're a regular reader of homosexual materials available on the internet, you'd think otherwise. Many documents have been published by the church on the matter. If you wish to wallow in ignorance, not bother to inform yourself, and rely on a crash-course on church teaching, that's your problem, not mine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    gulf wrote: »
    That would fall under gluttony. Gluttony damages the body you've been gifted with.

    Is chocolate in moderation ok?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    Is chocolate in moderation ok?

    Sigh. Chocolate is not created in the image and likeness of God. Unlike chocolate monsters. I'm almost sure the Church doesn't have a position on bumming chocolate monsters. No doubt there's some porn site dedicated to the fetish somewhere...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    gulf wrote: »
    Sigh. Chocolate is not created in the image and likeness of God. Unlike chocolate monsters. I'm almost sure the Church doesn't have a position on bumming chocolate monsters. No doubt there's some porn site dedicated to the fetish somewhere...

    Sigh. :rolleyes:

    I meant eating chocolate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,231 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    gulf wrote: »
    They're both sexual perversions. All extramarital sex that doesn't involve both a unitive bond the intention to procreate is sinful.

    So no, the church does not specifically target homosexuals like certain homosexual groups like to think (or at least that's what they tell their members). The teachings are very clear: get married and be fruitful. If you wish to live as a bachelor, you should remain chaste and spend what would otherwise be family time, doing charitable works. If you've a calling from God, you should become a priest or join a religious order.

    **** that!! No sex simply because I don't get married? And no **** either? That's unhealthy and one of the prime reasons why people do not take the church seriously any more.

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    Is chocolate in moderation ok?

    Yes, but not shrimp. Shrimp in an abomination. Says so in Levitcus.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭raah!

    Unfortunately I did read the article.
    Last summer, leaders of the ELCA met in Minneapolis for a national convention where they voted to let individual churches hire noncelibate gay people as clergy as long as they are in committed relationships. In a TV broadcast, Brock called it a "grievous week" and mentioned that a tornado struck the convention hall where the Lutherans were meeting right as they were preparing to vote.

    "Every time the Bible mentions homosexual behavior, it condemns it," Brock said in the broadcast. "It never adds, it's OK if you love each other."

    When read in the context above, it is more likely that he is criticising homosexual behaviour

    For christians it is the behaviour that is wrong. I may be wrong here, I don't know loads about it. But to me there is more evidence to suggest that he is criticising behaviour, and not simply attraction. In this light, the use of the word hypocritcal is just wrong. What you have done is first assume a certain amount of stupidity in this man, that he could so obviously contradict himself. And then you assumed that he hates gay people.

    Edit: To clarify
    The important issue here is that the man criticizes the church for being lenient in it's acceptance of homosexuals while he is himself homosexual - that is blatant hypocrisy, is it not?

    Nowhere in the article does he mention "homosexuals" and if he did, we could still assume in the context, that he meant, practising homosexuals. Also in the article, it talks about liberalising the existing policy, which is probably a reference to the acceptance of non-celibate gay people as priests. This is what he was talking about.

    I'm sure you can understand, how, given this interpretation, he wasn't talking about simply being gay, and the word hypocrite cannot be used here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    gulf wrote: »
    Sigh. Chocolate is not created in the image and likeness of God. Unlike chocolate monsters. I'm almost sure the Church doesn't have a position on bumming chocolate monsters. No doubt there's some porn site dedicated to the fetish somewhere...

    You know, it's not always about sex ;)

    I thought you guys weren't supposed to be constantly thinking of, and referring to sex...?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    gulf wrote: »
    That would fall under gluttony. Gluttony damages the body you've been gifted with.

    The Catholic church have published many teachings on this issue over the decades: they have much bigger things to be worrying about than the issue homosexuality which attracts a lot of attention from a certain element of society. Then again, if you're a regular reader of homosexual materials available on the internet, you'd think otherwise. Many documents have been published by the church on the matter. If you wish to wallow in ignorance, not bother to inform yourself, and rely on a crash-course on church teaching, that's your problem, not mine.

    jaysus, im not brining you to a party.

    your second paragraphy just states what i said, that a lot of christians are obsessed with homosexuality. I for one do not read a lot of of 'homosexual materials ' because im not obsessed.

    why, if theres not much mention in the bible

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,090 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    lola t it being hypocritical to try and stop doing something you believe is wrong and seeking help about it

    (even if it is deluded)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    gulf wrote: »
    Sigh. Chocolate is not created in the image and likeness of God. Unlike chocolate monsters. I'm almost sure the Church doesn't have a position on bumming chocolate monsters. No doubt there's some porn site dedicated to the fetish somewhere...

    wait...are you saying god is a chocolate monster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    what about chocolate. is that also sinful?

    seriously why are so many christians so concerned with homosexuality these days. very little is said on the subject in the bible, more time being spent of what to do when you take a whiz. Also, other early christians such as st columba didnt seem to have much of a problem with it.

    Probably because such a vast amount of priests have been found to be gay, have had gay exploits, have had gay relations with children etc

    Also, because homosexuality is broadly accepted in most western nations these days, yet not by the church. This goes against their Cults rules / regulations and therefore lessens the influence of their 'power' among the masses if there is such a disagreement on such an important subject.

    The Church has been losing following and credibility by the bucket load the past 20 years. Give it another 20 and the only ones left going to church will be devout bible bashers.

    As I said before, society has moved with the times, the Church remains most definitely dark ages.

    I do however think they preach one thing while doing another, and has been proven over the years.

    The church is a money making racket, and has conned millions of people over the years. How they got away with it for so long is beyond me.

    Its amazing people here slating fiction, while at the same time believing everything stated in the bible and scripture.

    Maybe that is the biggest hypocrisy of all?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭gulf

    Probably because such a vast amount of priests have been found to be gay, have had gay exploits, have had gay relations with children etc

    Also, because homosexuality is broadly accepted in most western nations these days, yet not by the church. This goes against their Cults rules / regulations and therefore lessens the influence of their 'power' among the masses if there is such a disagreement on such an important subject.

    The Church has been losing following and credibility by the bucket load the past 20 years. Give it another 20 and the only ones left going to church will be devout bible bashers.

    As I said before, society has moved with the times, the Church remains most definitely dark ages.

    I do however think they preach one thing while doing another, and has been proven over the years.

    The church is a money making racket, and has conned millions of people over the years. How they got away with it for so long is beyond me.

    Its amazing people here slating fiction, while at the same time believing everything stated in the bible and scripture.

    Maybe that is the biggest hypocrisy of all?

    Ooh look - a Sunday Independent reader who hasn't been to Mass in 20 years.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    gulf wrote: »
    Ooh look - a Sunday Independent reader who hasn't been to Mass in 20 years.

    what does that even mean? the choclate monster would be very disapointed in you

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,231 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    gulf wrote: »
    Ooh look - a Sunday Independent reader who hasn't been to Mass in 20 years.

    As opposed to the Sunday World readers who go every day??

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.
