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FarCry 2

  • 23-10-2008 10:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,093 ✭✭✭

    So some of you lucky so-and-sos will be buying this tomorrow. Just wondering if you could post your thoughts on it at some satge over the weekend. Funds ar elimited so I'll probably ahve to make a call between it and COD5.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    Recieved it 7 hours ago via and haven't put it down since. Once the opening passes, you just get sucked in.

    I also spent about an hour with the map editor and should be publishing my creation tommorrow evening.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,605 ✭✭✭Fizman

    I should be getting this in the letter box in the morning via Gamesnash so i'll let you know what i think after i've played a few hours!

    Something tells me the operation I had last week and the subsequent weeks out of work was well timed! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭colsku

    Fizman wrote: »
    Something tells me the operation I had last week and the subsequent weeks out of work was well timed! :D

    There's never a bad time to get penis enhancement surgery!

    Let us know how it goes (the game)...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭Snowbie

    Contemplating getting this later on, apparently the story differs somewhat from the original storyline so i have been told. Looks good, so does Bioshock, Deadspace, Fracture, Fallout3 so there is a serious FPS type choice for a change.

    Love to hear more feedback on FarCry 2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 535 ✭✭✭Zatoichi

    I'm going to get Dead Space first, complete it then trade it in for Far Cry II.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,174 ✭✭✭✭Captain Chaos

    Zatoichi wrote: »
    I'm going to get Dead Space first, complete it then trade it in for Far Cry II.

    Dead Space is far better than Far Cry 2, imo.

    So far not impressed with FC2, the graphics and presentation are top notch alright but the game play is lacking. The shooting mechanics are very poor for a shooter imo. Compared to games like CoD 4, RS Vegas and Far Cry PC, the shooting in this game does not feel right at all. The AI just run up to close range and stand there while you pump half a mag of 7.62 into them, blood comes flying out but they just stand there not even reacting to the fact that if this was any other game they would be dead long ago.

    Pistols are nearly useless unless you go for the head, and no point in firing from the hip as rounds go every where which is good as it makes you use the iron sights, more tactical and less run and gun which I like.

    The free roaming is great and lets you decide how to fight, but the AI just run towards you closing the distance so it will always end up CQB style.

    Overall I'm very dissappointed, I like the free roaming aspect and wish more shooters had it but I'm going back to CoD4, and Vegas where the AI react to being shot, and don't take 15 rounds to the chest to go down.

    Such a shame could have been great but I'll be trading it for Fallout 3 next week. Not a patch on the first half of FC1 before it got silly.

    All the above is IMO btw;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

    Snowbie wrote: »
    Contemplating getting this later on, apparently the story differs somewhat from the original storyline so i have been told. Looks good, so does Bioshock, Deadspace, Fracture, Fallout3 so there is a serious FPS type choice for a change.

    Love to hear more feedback on FarCry 2.

    Fracture is not an FPS, it's TPS and not worth your time tbh. It's short and very, very average.

    Stick with Far Cry 2. Playing it currently on the PC and loving it. It'll probably be weeks before I'm finished because I'm going to do every side mission.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,605 ✭✭✭Fizman

    Played this for a couple of hours this evening.

    Overall I'm liking it a lot, the free roaming aspect and many different characters/side missions really bring a unique feel to it.

    I'd have to agree with Captain Chaos about the shooting system though. That along with momentary lapses in AI are definately the most disappointing aspects of the game. I started on normal and the first two enemies I came across were wearing littl vests, I riddled a few bullet into their torso and there was only a slight reaction. Took a few more to get them down.

    Respawning is a little annoying too, but so far i've really enjoyed it. Looking forward to playing more of it tonight and over the weekend.

    It does look like a lengthy game too, with 33 main missions and 40 odd side missions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,427 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    I'm beginning to find it really boring...keep comparing it to the original and I'm finding it's not a patch on it...
    I really think i'm beginning to hate open games like this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,509 ✭✭✭NotorietyH

    I'm beginning to find it really boring...keep comparing it to the original and I'm finding it's not a patch on it...
    I really think i'm beginning to hate open games like this.

    I'm inclined to agree. I just rented it out tonight for a couple of nights, but have only played it of and on for a couple of hours, and have no real urge to go back to it. In comparison I got Bioshock on Wednesday night and have already played through it twice and started my third playthrough this afternoon. Can't get enough of it.

    I don't know if it's the open world aspect that's putting me off Far Cry 2, but I just can't get into it. I think after the constant tension and just damn amazing stylishness of Bioshock, this is just leaving me feeling a little 'meh'.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 397 ✭✭cashville

    I got it for the PC but said I'd drop some's crap. Not a patch on Crysis, Half Life 2 or even the first Far Cry.

    It takes too long to get from one place to another, respawning is horrible and you're shooting guys with over a dozen rounds from an assault rifle before you drop them?

    So disappointed...

    (got Fable 2 and Dead Space and they're both great)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,174 ✭✭✭✭Captain Chaos

    cashville wrote: »
    I got it for the PC but said I'd drop some's crap. Not a patch on Crysis, Half Life 2 or even the first Far Cry.

    It takes too long to get from one place to another, respawning is horrible and you're shooting guys with over a dozen rounds from an assault rifle before you drop them?

    So disappointed...

    (got Fable 2 and Dead Space and they're both great)

    +1 fully agree with you except I don't mind getting around the map at all, I don't find it that big plus you run into regenerating checkpoints every 2mins anyway.

    Also another nagging point is that all the guns in the game are the wrong way around in your hand, spent brass comes out the right side, not the left, at least get the basics right that other shooters have for the past 10 years.

    Still trying to give this game a chance but its very hard to find anything other than the nice graphics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,093 ✭✭✭notahappycamper

    Otacon wrote: »
    Recieved it 7 hours ago via and haven't put it down since. Once the opening passes, you just get sucked in.

    I also spent about an hour with the map editor and should be publishing my creation tommorrow evening.


    Off topic - I'm just wondering when did post this to you as lately the games they're sending me are taking 2 weeks when they used to take 3 working days and they are being sent from Budapest now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    Off topic - I'm just wondering when did post this to you as lately the games they're sending me are taking 2 weeks when they used to take 3 working days and they are being sent from Budapest now?

    I'm living in London so that is more than likely the reason.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai

    Please excuse the pun but Far Cry 2 is a "far cry" from the classic original that was released on the pc some 3/4 years ago now. The original game was breath taking in storyline, A.I. and graphics and I still go back to replay it once or twice a year.

    I knew this wasn't a sequel (so why call it far cry 2???) but I thought it might be a worthy successor. BOY AM I DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

    I think the graphics are, at best, on a par with the 4 year old original while the A.I. is ridiculous. Firing a full mag, POINT BLANK, to take an enemy down is stupid. The story is nowhere near as original as the first far cry and for me, after 2 hours of gameplay, it is incredibly boring. I usually make my mind up about a game after the first hour or so and I'm usually right, e.g Uncharted and COD4 were brilliant while Haze and Turok were crap.

    If I could sum this game up, it would be GTA IV goes to the jungle (i.e. flimsy story, little missions, buying and upgrading weapons and making "buddies"). It was nothing short of a con to call this rubbish game after the classic original. Jeez what next, a game with the tellytubbies being called COD6?

    Wish I'd spent the cash on Deadspace or Bioshock.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    Saw that post in the review section, but didn't reply as it would not be my own review.

    I have not passed this game yet, I actually am not sure how far in I am. What I will say is I completely disagree with almost every point you have made above.

    Far Cry, while a brilliant game, had a crap storyline. The 'Carver' character, was a caricature tbh. When the story ventured into
    Tri-Gen territory
    I laughed. I will agree that the graphics and AI were very impressive.

    As for Far Cry 2, I wanted the story to have absolutely nothing to do with the first one, and thankfully it doesn't, at least, so far, anyway. When they originally said it would be set in Africa, I was happy enough with that announcement as it seemed to suggest a different approach.

    I have never played such an immersive game, except perhaps HL2 and Bioshock. You never leave the atmosphere. Your map, healing, everything is done, in-game. The jamming guns, though when they actually happened, instill panic, eventually put a smile on my face.

    The graphics are awesome. Though I only have the PS3 version, my flatmate has it running on his, rather standard laptop. It is phenomenal looking, not Crysis, but very impressive. You don't need God's rig to run it!

    I am playing it on a high difficulty level and I have no complaints with the AI either.

    My €0.02

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai

    Otacon, guess we'll have to agree to disagree then.

    I've noticed that some new games are going for the "realistic" element, e.g. GTA IV, Far Cry 2. This for me is a complete turn off as I like to get something different from games than you could anticipate in the "real world". Where would we be if it weren't for:
    the Trigens in Far Cry 1 that had you on the edge of your seat as they stalked you in the jungle, or
    the Chimera in Resistance that had the nasty habit of coming at you from all directions, or
    the various demons in DOOM 3 when they spawned right beside you just as you came across an ammo supply, or (and I'm guessing here)
    the aliens in the forth coming Colonial Marines who will no doubt spring out of ventilation ducts to grab you.

    Half Life 2 had its merits but the original was a far better gaming experience that I've now completed at least 10 times. It was a far more original storyline with the outbreak of an alien invasion and the government's attempts to cover it up by wiping out all the evidence. HL2 was good in places but a chore elsewhere. I've only played it twice and it has no lasting appeal.

    Back on topic, Far Cry 2 does not have great graphics or sound (and I have a full 1080p tv with Onkyo 875 amp). For me the original Far Cry's graphics were better - the jungle seemed lusher and the water effects were superior. While the first part of the game was non linear and free roaming, it didn't get boring like Far Cry 2 where you can walk/run (before the malaria gets you which is bloody annoyingly boring) for ages before you come across something to shoot at. It would be more fun if there were aliens after you or at least man eating lions to liven things up.

    I forced myself to sit through another couple of hours of this game last night and my opinion has worsened. For instance, I fired an RPG at a distant mountain (which you could do in Far Cry 1) but nothing happened for a while and then there was an explosion a few feet in front of me seemingly as the game engine didn't know what to do, i.e. the RPG should have blown up on the side of the mountain far away not come down 10 feet in front of me.

    This game is another in a long line of major let downs on the PS3 when I was anticipating an epic sequel to the superb original. Now I'm off to play Far Cry 1 again to brush aside the memory of the awful Far Cry 2.

    BTW, if anyone wants to buy Far Cry 2 from me, pm me please. I'm based in Kildare but work in Dublin if you want to meet up and get this game, that is if I haven't put you off:D The cheapest I've seen it selling in a bricks and mortar shop for is €56 in Harvey Normans but I'll sell it for €40.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    Otacon, guess we'll have to agree to disagree then.

    Thanks for spelling my name correctly. The amount of people who get it wrong, when its written right there, annoys me. Anyway...
    I've noticed that some new games are going for the "realistic" element, e.g. GTA IV, Far Cry 2. This for me is a complete turn off as I like to get something different from games than you could anticipate in the "real world". Where would we be if it weren't for:
    the Trigens in Far Cry 1 that had you on the edge of your seat as they stalked you in the jungle, or
    the Chimera in Resistance that had the nasty habit of coming at you from all directions, or
    the various demons in DOOM 3 when they spawned right beside you just as you came across an ammo supply, or (and I'm guessing here)
    the aliens in the forth coming Colonial Marines who will no doubt spring out of ventilation ducts to grab you.

    I have absolutely no issue with monsters, demons or 'bio-weaponry experiments gone wrong' being included in a game. Of course that's the developer's perogative. One example where I thought it worked really well was
    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
    However, I can't see how you can hold it against a game for not using them? Its not one of the laws of video games that all action games must have unnatural creatures in them.

    I liked GTA IV's new approach. I like Far Cry 2's approach. Realism doesn't make them any better or worse. It can, as I mentioned in a previous post, add to the atmosphere and immersive nature of the game.
    Half Life 2 had its merits but the original was a far better gaming experience that I've now completed at least 10 times. It was a far more original storyline with the outbreak of an alien invasion and the government's attempts to cover it up by wiping out all the evidence. HL2 was good in places but a chore elsewhere. I've only played it twice and it has no lasting appeal.

    While I agree HL was a classic, I loved HL2 just as much. City 17 felt like a real place. The Combine felt more menacing. The use of Alyx was a revelation.
    Back on topic, Far Cry 2 does not have great graphics or sound (and I have a full 1080p tv with Onkyo 875 amp). For me the original Far Cry's graphics were better - the jungle seemed lusher and the water effects were superior. While the first part of the game was non linear and free roaming, it didn't get boring like Far Cry 2 where you can walk/run (before the malaria gets you which is bloody annoyingly boring) for ages before you come across something to shoot at. It would be more fun if there were aliens after you or at least man eating lions to liven things up.

    Again I have to disagree. The visuals in Far Cry 2 are spectacular, especially the fire effects.

    As for the introduction of aliens, I have talked about that already.
    I forced myself to sit through another couple of hours of this game last night and my opinion has worsened. For instance, I fired an RPG at a distant mountain (which you could do in Far Cry 1) but nothing happened for a while and then there was an explosion a few feet in front of me seemingly as the game engine didn't know what to do, i.e. the RPG should have blown up on the side of the mountain far away not come down 10 feet in front of me.

    The RPG may have misfired. It happened to me once. I was ambushing a group of mercenarys. I had a plan to use a nearby Jeep as an explosive. I tried firing an RPG round at it but it misfired. I had to run like hell to get away from it. It annoyed me at first as I was then pinned down by them but afterwards, I appreciated it.
    This game is another in a long line of major let downs on the PS3 when I was anticipating an epic sequel to the superb original. Now I'm off to play Far Cry 1 again to brush aside the memory of the awful Far Cry 2.

    Are you comparing the graphics of the PS3 version of Far Cry 2 to the PC version of Far Cry? If so, I am not sure that's fair. You can still run Far Cry on a new machine and get better visuals than a lot of today's releases on PS3 and 360.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai


    Thats a detailed reply and I appreciate your views but I'm just not getting the kick out of games like GTA IV and Far Cry 2 that I was eagerly anticipating. I have all the previous GTA games (incl the PSP versions) and I love them all. However, I disliked GTA IV almost from the word go and I gave up on it after completing about 30% of it. The fun of the earlier versions is missing, and I found it to be dark and dreary.

    As for Far Cry 2, its supposed to be a next gen shooter that I'm playing on a full HD tv but the graphics just don't look as good as the original Far Cry that is 4 years old and that I play on a home pc that is now pretty much obsolete.

    I don't get a buzz from the firefights with teh other mercs in Far Cry 2 that I got in the original and the absence of mutants is disappointing. Its just not for me I'm afraid as I was kinda hoping for soemthing along the lines of the original. My choice of games would include the likes of Resistance, Bioshock, Dead Space and Uncharted (my number one ps3 game btw). So you can see that Far Cry 2 is not for me. Guess I should have waited a while and read the reviews before I bought it. Gamespot agreed with my comment that Far Cry 2 was like GTA IV in the jungle. Wonder if I could sue them for plagiarism:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    Gamespot agreed with my comment that Far Cry 2 was like GTA IV in the jungle.

    I guess this is where we will disagree. While I agree it is almost like GTA IV in the jungle, desert and savannah... I actually think that's a good thing.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai

    Otacon wrote: »
    I guess this is where we will disagree. While I agree it is almost like GTA IV in the jungle, desert and savannah... I actually think that's a good thing.

    It would be if the lions morphed into aliens with phase blasters that cut your limbs off - oops, getting carried away again :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Mongo_Solo1984

    I was a massive fan of the first Far Cry for PC. The visuals,the world created,the overall gameplay was brilliant and you found it scary at times entering a large part of the jungles knowing there could be guys around any corner. the ending was great too. overall the balance between atmosphere and gameplay was perfect.
    I dont think i've ever had as much fun on multiplayer as a sniper.Needless to say i played that ALOT. alot of the levels were massive, and people that made there own maps made some great ones for all out war.

    The new one, i was really lookin forward to because of the experience i had with the first. It seemed like it was recreating the atmosphere of the first but on a larger better scale. However i was VERY dissapointed.
    I bought this for my PS3. and having played it for a few hours i started to realise this was very different to the original. For one thing, the name...FARCRY 2...its just a sales ploy, to attach a name to sell more copies to the people who were fans of the original and newcomers alike. It bares no relation to the first game (Unfortunetly).
    After 15 hours of play im getting through it now just for the sake of finsihing it..and the hope it might get better.
    Some areas in terms of graphics look good. At night, it doesnt look that great. Needless to say they arent exactly cutting edge. In saying that, we all no graphics arent everything. It seems like alot of those who make FPS forget to get the fundamentals of gameplay correct. In this,there is not crawl or peaking around corners. Things that in my opinion should be a given in next gen.
    yes the world is vast and impressive at times but it sometimes becomes more of a chore than an adventure getting from mission to mission. Sometimes if you dont have a jeep it takes you so long to get from one point to another.
    And when you do have a jeep or car i find myself constantly looking at the map to ensure im going the right way. the GPS is crap.
    When travelling to a mission the militia outposts are a hinderance after a while and they get repetative having to get out and fight the below average AI enemies in order to continue on to the real mission.
    As for the multiplayer, its mediocre. Nothing to keep me playing more than a few times. Put it this way, its not on par with Call of Duty 4.
    needless to say i wont miss thre game when im done. I dont get why people are giving this 5 stars in reviews. Its not a tap on the original

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai

    Jeez, I've finally found someone who agrees with my opinion of this game. Now if you're feeling brave Mongo, move to the "game" forum and see the Far Cry 2 thread where I got slagged off from a height for stating comments very similar to your own, i.e. I too have the original on pc and Far Cry 2 on my ps3 and there is no comparison, Far Cry 1 is the far superior game. However, this viewpoint is not very popular on the "game" forum.

    Far Cry 2 is heading for the trade in as soon as I get the time. I haven't got the patience to finish this tedious game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    Anyone found any good maps in the Map Editor section? I have seen a few COD4 maps that were recreated.

    I tried to make Dust2 but lost patience with it. Making overhead walkways seems difficult.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,045 ✭✭✭Rev. Kitchen

    Otacon wrote: »
    Anyone found any good maps in the Map Editor section? I have seen a few COD4 maps that were recreated.

    I tried to make Dust2 but lost patience with it. Making overhead walkways seems difficult.

    You prob know this but when you are dropping in an item such as overhead walkways if you press R1 rather than X or R2 you can then move the object around and raise/lower or spin it in any direction, makes making bridges etc quite simple.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Mongo_Solo1984

    oooh ill deffo post it there

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    You prob know this but when you are dropping in an item such as overhead walkways if you press R1 rather than X or R2 you can then move the object around and raise/lower or spin it in any direction, makes making bridges etc quite simple.

    My issue is more with the fact you can't scale the objects.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,045 ✭✭✭Rev. Kitchen

    Otacon wrote: »
    My issue is more with the fact you can't scale the objects.

    Yea true its massive but also limited at the same time still a good effort at it though.
