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New car, nine days, first scratch

  • 13-01-2005 2:59pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I was wondering how long it's take. New car for nine days, came out to it this morning and a guy had literally parked the front of his car against my back bumper. Nice one inch scratch. B@stard didn't even bother reversing to hide the fact he did it.

    I have his reg. What would ye do in such circumstances (bearing in mind there was a CCTV camera preventing me from venting my anger at the time)?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭FX Meister

    Call the cops for a start to have it recorded and to get value for you tax money, then talk to the guy and tell him he has to pay to get it fixed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭Peace

    Scratch his car, with a baseball bat.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    That's what I was tempted to do Peace!

    Reminds me of the day I parked in the carpark of a posh hotel. A woman pulled up beside me in a Merc with a young lad in the back. I saw it coming ... young lad hops out, baging the door against mine. I looked at her, she saw what happened, but said nothing.

    "You're not even going to say sorry?" I asked her. She ignored me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭AlisonB

    i bumped into the back of a woman at about 2 miles an hour - and supposedly did 1600 euro damage... :) there wasnt a mark on the bumper... i swear to god - if i ever see her in my rear view mirror!!!!!!!! :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26 pablo80

    light a rag and place it under his car.
    He'll learn how to park then in future. :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭e38418

    Buckfast wrote:
    What would ye do in such circumstances (bearing in mind there was a CCTV camera preventing me from venting my anger at the time)?
    would this not have him/her driving into your car on it then?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,660 ✭✭✭Blitzkrieger

    If it wasn't for that CCTV thing I'd cut his balls off and give him an honorary darwin award. People like that shouldn't be allowed to breed.

    If you want to pursue it the fact that it is a new car and the CCTV might help but tbh I wouldn't bother. It'd piss me off to the extreme but repairing a one inch scratch is hardly worth the hassle. I'd give it a good rub with clay and see what a good buffing could do first.

    I remember parking in an almost empty car park once with at least four empty spaces to either side. I came back to find a knackered old corolla parked right next to me with a fat old bint about to get out of the backseat. I disabled the alarm in the hopes that seeing the owner coming towards the car they'd be more careful but no such luck. She threw open the door banging against the side of my car then hit the door into my car again with her ass after she got out. I was furious. An empty car park and I still get dinged. Amazingly there was no mark on my car. I'm still amazed at the stupiditity of it. I mean the car park was empty - there was no reason to park right next me making it difficult to get out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,134 ✭✭✭x in the city

    that sorta **** gets me going.

    generally speaking i park well away from other cars as much as is possible, and i try and park near well looked after (and boy racer even, cos they wont bang their maxed up doors against yours will they :D ) cars.

    truth is, some ppl dont give a flying ****.

    i recently got a 316i, its a 94, and in surprisingly good nick. its metallic maroon, some cat claws-ish marks on it, but nothin major,

    id like to get a total respray, metallic blue. can u do this, is it legal? and how much would it cost. but its a long <very long> shot.

    also, the bmw revs up when its idle and stalls (or tries to) when it in low gear, driving around town. but fine on the main roads......whats wrong.?

    some blockage or somethin......?

    oh, is there a petrol light on this , i cant see any? i know its not good to drive on a low tank, but i havent seen any light yet, tried flashing a lamp as well to see if i could suss out any petrol pump,lol

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,230 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    Irish people (in general) have no respect for their cars in the same way that they do in the UK.
    @ x... - don't hijack this thread - but a differnet colour respray whilst fully legal will look shíte as you will always have traces of maroon (in boot, under bonnet, door sills, etc.)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,033 ✭✭✭Silvera

    sorry to hear about your damage - so annoying I agree !

    You're spot on kbannon, Irish people in general have so little regard when it comes to other people's cars.
    I have lost count of the amount of times people have parked beside me - opened their doors, and banged off my car, when I'm sitting in it FFS !!!

    apology ?
    9 times out of 10 - NO CHANCE !!

    Idiots !!

    *rant over*

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 350 ✭✭Ray777

    AlisonB wrote:
    i bumped into the back of a woman at about 2 miles an hour - and supposedly did 1600 euro damage... :) there wasnt a mark on the bumper... i swear to god - if i ever see her in my rear view mirror!!!!!!!! :mad:

    I think (and I could be completely wrong) that sometimes, the bumper can be damaged inside, thus rendering it less effective (and even dangerous) in the event of another rear impact. The damage isn't always clearly visable - until you take the bumper off...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Dan_B

    If your car is brand new, have the entire bumper replaced.
    No one wants spray and filler on a new car.
    Once they perp has shelled out 6 or 7 hundred notes they'll be more careful the next time.

    I had just had a complete color restore done on my car a few months ago and came out of a shop to find some silly b1tch had rammed her door into my rear quarter panel. Hand to stand and wait for her (took a few photos).

    She tried to get funny, "was you car there when I pulled in".
    One threat to call the guards and she caved in and agreed to pay.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,492 ✭✭✭trotter_inc

    **** - sorry to hear that, that sucks!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭ambro25

    Can't win 'em all, and very sorry to hear the incident on your brand new car :( .

    I get the same problem all the time, especially in the MX-5, because the door panels are curved - one slight door touch from a neighbouring car and yep, it's in...

    I had both doors and rear nearside panel done by a car paint Michael Angelo last year, couple of dings were deep enough to have cracked the paint + colour's particular, ltd edition ("Sparkle Green", wtf :rolleyes: ) - was trembling when he came back with a quote: £355, cash in hand :eek: And the best bit: it's abso-f***ing-lutely perfect, even AA inspector mate of mine couldn't see it.

    Lesson now learnt, I'll usually tour car parks 'til I find a double-space, and park over both, thank you very much. I'd rather have an argument with a busybody than come back from the shops and see yet another f***ing ding! Failing that, as has been posted earlier, I'll try and park near well-looked after cars and AT ALL COSTS, avoid parking near cars with 'big' or 'long' doors (SUVs, MPVs, new-shape Honda Civics, etc.).

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,230 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    Worst place to park IMO is beside obvious family cars or MPVs!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,513 ✭✭✭BrianD3

    Very annoying alright. You have to realise that the majority of the car driving population are sloppy, inconsiderate morons who don't give a sh1t about their own car and certainly don't give a sh1t about anyone elses.

    As already mentioned there are a few steps to take to minimise the risk of damage eg park close to well looked after/boy racer cars and walls/pillars. In shopping centres park as far away from the entrance as possible. Avoid MPVs, jeeps, vans and anything with a towbar like the plague, also stay well away from shopping trolleys. Don't park on the street (i.e parallel parking) if possible as very many people are useless at parallel parking and will hit your car when reversing into a space.

    I don't think taking up two spaces is a good idea though. What happens when the car park is full and the only space left is two half spaces either side of your car. Some soccer mom in her bullbarred Pajero will come along, completely misjudge the width of the space, will try to squeeze in and will only give up after she's whacked your car a few times. I have seen it happen.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kdouglas

    ambro25 wrote:
    ....Lesson now learnt, I'll usually tour car parks 'til I find a double-space, and park over both, thank you very much. I'd rather have an argument with a busybody than come back from the shops and see yet another f***ing ding!

    no offence ambro, but i despise people that double park, 1 space for 1 car, i dont care if your the president, you dont deserve 2 spaces. if people park properly, then there should be plenty of space to get in and out of their car comfortably, obviously you cant open the door to full swing but anyone who really needs to do that to get in/out of their car is either disabled or so fat they could probably get a disabled pass.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,230 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    kdouglas wrote:
    no offence ambro, but i despise people that double park, 1 space for 1 car, i dont care if your the president, you dont deserve 2 spaces. if people park properly, then there should be plenty of space to get in and out of their car comfortably, obviously you cant open the door to full swing but anyone who really needs to do that to get in/out of their car is either disabled or so fat they could probably get a disabled pass.
    true, except for the fact that
    1. many people cannot park properly
    2. many car park spaces are becomming narrower thus lessening the amount of space available to get out without touching the neighbouring cars

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,180 ✭✭✭Interceptor

    Tough break Buckfast - I think everybody has had this happen and it sucks big eggs.

    The two most recent times it has happened to me were in a supermarket car park - the first time was an old Fiesta which had been mashed up against the side on my Mini - I lost the plot and threw a huge pot of natural yogurt into the heater vents of the car. If you don't have enough space to park beside a Mini, forget it.

    The second time was a Corsa which some tit had parked against the Espace and scratched the rear door and quarter panel, jamming it into the parking space - the Corsa had been left open and I shoved it out of the way but opened the bonnet and pulled off all the HT leads and left them on the passenger seat.

    These are both illegal and I have committed an offence but would have no hesitation in saying that I felt no remorse afterward - mess with my car, I mess with your head.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 964 ✭✭✭Boggle

    many car park spaces are becomming narrower thus lessening the amount of space available to get out without touching the neighbouring cars
    Who is responsible for damage done in carparks - especially if the parking space is unsuitable for anything more than a bicicle... Someone tole me once theat the signs saying " Management accept no liability..." and such have no legal bearing - is this true?

    What about if it a paid car-park?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭samo

    ambro25 wrote:
    Lesson now learnt, I'll usually tour car parks 'til I find a double-space, and park over both, thank you very much. I'd rather have an argument with a busybody than come back from the shops and see yet another f***ing ding! Failing that, as has been posted earlier, I'll try and park near well-looked after cars and AT ALL COSTS, avoid parking near cars with 'big' or 'long' doors (SUVs, MPVs, new-shape Honda Civics, etc.).

    To be honest, your a brave man if you double park, I saw some eejit do this in Liffey Valley during Xmas week and he had a lovely key mark down his door for his troubles!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,179 ✭✭✭samo

    ambro25 wrote:
    Lesson now learnt, I'll usually tour car parks 'til I find a double-space, and park over both, thank you very much. I'd rather have an argument with a busybody than come back from the shops and see yet another f***ing ding! Failing that, as has been posted earlier, I'll try and park near well-looked after cars and AT ALL COSTS, avoid parking near cars with 'big' or 'long' doors (SUVs, MPVs, new-shape Honda Civics, etc.).

    To be honest, your a brave man if you double park, I saw some eejit do this in Liffey Valley during Xmas week and he had a lovely key mark down his door for his troubles!! :eek:

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,230 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    samo wrote:
    To be honest, your a brave man if you double park, I saw some eejit do this in Liffey Valley during Xmas week and he had a lovely key mark down his door for his troubles!! :)
    How do you know he got keyed there?
    Anyway, assuming it did get keyed there:-
    This is a quote from Pulp Fiction >>:
    Vincent takes his works out of his case and, as the two continue to talk, Vince shoots up.
    LANCE: Still got your Malibu?
    VINCENT: You know what some f**ker did to it the other day?
    LANCE: What?
    VINCENT: F**kin' keyed it.
    LANCE: Oh man, that's f**ked up.
    VINCENT: Tell me about it. I had the goddamn thing in storage three years. It's out five f**kin' days -- five days, and some d**kless piece of s**t f**ks with it.
    LANCE: They should be f**kin' killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.
    VINCENT: I just wish I caught 'em doin' it, ya know? Oh man, I'd give anything
    to catch 'em doin' it. It'a been worth his doin' it, if I coulda just caught 'em, you know what I mean?
    LANCE: It's chicken s**t. You don't f**k another man's vehicle.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 579 ✭✭✭edmund_f

    very good quote :).

    just out of interest, what exactly is the width of the standard car space?, or what were they. Know our company recently bought and renovated an old factory. We had to repaint all the lines as _no_ car would fit inside the spaces (my accord at the time had either mirror protruding over the lines). perhaps cars as well as getting longer and higher, are also getting fatter?, thinking of SUV's here.

    Also good point about the boy racers (PC car modifiers)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Dan_B

    Who is responsible for damage done in carparks - especially if the parking space is unsuitable for anything more than a bicicle... Someone tole me once theat the signs saying " Management accept no liability..." and such have no legal bearing - is this true?

    What about if it a paid car-park?

    The idiot who causes the damage is responsible.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭ambro25

    :mad: Funny you'd quote that...

    I hear what you guys say, re. double-parking/keying/etc. BUT... anybody doing that will be on CCTV, thank you very much (I tend to avoid parking where there isn't any).

    Car park management does decline responsibility all the time (tried it twice), and in fairness if anybody except car park employees messes with your car, it's not exactly the car park owner's/management fault. However, they don't usually have a problem handing out an extract of CCTV tape (unless they do over here? :confused: ).

    The 3 times (in 16 years) I've dinged someone, I've offered to pay for damage. I've been taken up on it once. BUT the last person I caught dinging my car, to whom I politely asked what they intended to do about it, also 'laughed' and went off (as per earlier post in this thread). Only pblm for him is I tailed him, waited til he'd parked with no CCTV/ppl nearby, then keyed every last panel incl. roof down to metal. Mofo.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭[CrimsonGhost]

    ambro25 wrote:
    Lesson now learnt, I'll usually tour car parks 'til I find a double-space, and park over both, thank you very much.

    Pick one, they're all applicable. And I don't even use parking spaces as I drive a bike. Hope wherever you're parking clamps you.

    Edit: And I've just read your post above. They really are all applicable to you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭ambro25

    Constructive :D

    I hope for you that when (if) you go 4-wheels, toil like a slave to eventually -after many years, in my case- afford a nice set of wheels, and some cretin with a single-digit IQ thinks nothing of causing in excess of €200's worth of damage to your doors and THEN show a total absence of moral fibre/sense of responsibilities, you'll prove yourself to be as good-natured as you have so remarkably demonstrated above. :rolleyes:

    Oh BTW (to be practical), I'd have thought the half-spaces I leave would be adequate for two wheels, no? ;):p

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,230 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    unnecessary crimson (who is just saying that because of a lack in his vocabulary! :) )

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭[CrimsonGhost]

    Oh, and how much damage do you think you caused? And in your case it wasn't a case of "thinks nothing", but rather pre-meditated.

    As for parking my bike next to a car. Not unless there is something I can chain it to. Too easy for a van with four lads to pull up and lift the bike into it and be gone in <10 seconds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭ambro25

    Educational purposes, I suppose - but then you're probably going to find me far too cynical :rolleyes:

    It is unfortunate for him that I elected for the moron to pay for all the others, conceded. At the end of the day, I estimate he did about €200 out of the €560 or so it's cost me to get all my panels de-dented and re-sprayed (all dents of which were by car park morons, might I add).

    And then again, his car was worth all of €1,000 or so (which might explain this or that: a not particularly well looked-after, 7-year old Golf). Mine was well in excess of €15,000. Don't tell me you're the kind that thinks "it's alright" because "he can afford it" & walks away?

    Moreover, I don't particularly subscribe to "lending the other cheek" (litteral translation, here), in this day and age. As my Dad's always said - For an eye, both eyes. For a tooth, the whole face. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭Squirrel

    Theres some nice dings on the shoulder line of my hyundai sonata, all of them on the drivers side and after a car had been parked facing the same way. F*cking passengers

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 66,122 ✭✭✭✭unkel
    Chauffe, Marcel, chauffe!

    kbannon wrote:
    2. many car park spaces are becomming narrower

    No, you keep buying bigger cars ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,134 ✭✭✭x in the city

    read all these posts, interesting............!

    the bottom line about all this, is that car repairs cost too much for some brainless morons to do unnecessary damage to cars, irrespective of their cost.

    but, alas, some people as mentioned dont give a flying **** about the car they own (which they prob never get serviced) or others. these people should pay for their ignorance. :D

    coming back from whatever it is what you were doing (buying top gear, etc!) and finding a dent, blah blah on your car is cat alright.

    car parks are probably getting more narrow to make 'more' money, ignorant motorists are not the only people who dont give a flying **** about peoples cars.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    What really fcuked me over aboout this incident is that I parked in a strange space, kind of double length parking space, away from the main painted spaces purely to avoid the other cars.

    It would be the length of about two and a half cars, so plenty of room to manouvre — all he had to do was drive into the space, which is what the cnut literally did.

    With regards the incident with the Merc, I wanted to gauge reactions before telling the rest of the story ...

    I waited for her to go into the hotel, go out of my car, and went looking for some "files" on my back seat. Well lo and behold if my ar5e didn't go into some sort of spasm and continually force my back passenger door againt the rear drivers door on the Merc, and make a nice deep dent about the size of an old (old) 10p piece.

    Well, accidents do happen.

    And as for the person who had the misfortune to have an 'old bint' park beside him/her ... same thing this afternoon. I parked in a Dunnes carpark, at least around 20ft away from any other cars. Came back and someone is right next to me. No marks, thankfully.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 120 ✭✭test999

    Buckfast wrote:
    I was wondering how long it's take. New car for nine days, came out to it this morning and a guy had literally parked the front of his car against my back bumper. Nice one inch scratch. B@stard didn't even bother reversing to hide the fact he did it.

    I have his reg. What would ye do in such circumstances (bearing in mind there was a CCTV camera preventing me from venting my anger at the time)?

    You kick in one of his cars door panels, or smash his headlights to pieces....
    or, use your keys to leave a two foot long, very deep scratch in his car...
    but first you'd have to grow a pair.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33,518 ✭✭✭✭dudara

    On the footpath in front of our house, there's a dip to allow residents to park their car on the footpath. (it's about 10feet wide). Often some muppet has parked in front of this dip despite the white lines and the sign on the footpath, blocking all the residents. As these drivers obviously can't see, they won't need their wing mirrors. I've often "leant" on a few mirrors and thrown them into a neighbour's wheelie bin.

    And I'd do the same if anyone dinged my car!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    Nine days is nothing !! With my first new car( Ok it was secondhand but really shiny) I was driving out of garage when I was hit by a car reversing off a car transporter. I needed a whole new front panel :D As for car parks, just say a prayer , the most dangerous place in the world for a car :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    AlisonB wrote:
    i bumped into the back of a woman at about 2 miles an hour - and supposedly did 1600 euro damage... :) there wasnt a mark on the bumper... i swear to god - if i ever see her in my rear view mirror!!!!!!!! :mad:

    Did you get alternative quotes ? I had a bang from a van at less than 15 mph. It was his fault but because he hit me at a weird angle the boot had to be straightened as well. Assessor agreed to £2,500. Maybe this is what happened in your case.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭stratos

    Wow I thought it was just me, I drive my wife mad, tooling around car parks vetting the spots for potential damage. Sizing up the size of the space and the nearby cars and their potential owners. I heard a story from a friend told me lady hit his car door with a shopping trolley. It damaged the door really badly. He challenged her and she said " there's no way a trolley could do that damage", he replied "well try it on your own car" . To his surprise she did, stoved her own door in, and paid for the damage to his door. :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 596 ✭✭✭DirtyDog

    ANYONE who key's a car, for revenge or not deserves the s*it kicked out of them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    DirtyDog wrote:
    ANYONE who key's a car, for revenge or not deserves the s*it kicked out of them.

    Do you know what it feels like to have a brand new car damaged?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,017 ✭✭✭lomb

    yeah but a car isnt new for long is it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 596 ✭✭✭DirtyDog

    Buckfast wrote:
    Do you know what it feels like to have a brand new car damaged?

    Yep i had a car less than a week (brand new) and it was keyed in temple bar car park - but if I had of caught him, I'd not follow him to the next car park and do the same, I'd have been on the evening news for murder.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Johnny Storm

    Some scumbag kicked a big dent in the side of my car while it was parked on Botanic Avenue on Friday night. At lease someone dinging you by opening a door might be an accident this was plainly done on purpose.
    The dent is about 12 inches by 6 inches and 1.5 inches deep. The side of the car is very curved at that point. Does anyone have an idea how much that might cost to repair ? I'd like to have some idea before I get ripped off at an accident repair shop.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,017 ✭✭✭lomb

    u might be able to pop it out if u can get behid or pull it with a sucker. as long as the metal isnt creased it might work

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Johnny Storm

    lomb wrote:
    u might be able to pop it out if u can get behid or pull it with a sucker. as long as the metal isnt creased it might work
    Thanks Lomb.
    Its kind of almost creased - it looks like it would crease if you pushed it out if you know what I mean. I think I will take it to a repair shop because I would probably make it worse.
    If anyone could give me a kind of ball park figure then at least I will know if I am being ripped off or not. Which would be much appreciated.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,017 ✭✭✭lomb

    what car is it and where is the dent. also what colour is the paint.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭ambro25

    DirtyDog wrote:
    ANYONE who key's a car, for revenge or not deserves the s*it kicked out of them.
    DirtyDog wrote:
    Yep i had a car less than a week (brand new) and it was keyed in temple bar car park - but if I had of caught him, I'd not follow him to the next car park and do the same, I'd have been on the evening news for murder.

    Better to murder someone than key his car back? :rolleyes:

    Need to look at your priorities, some, methinks - or get treatment for psychosis :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,992 ✭✭✭Johnny Storm

    lomb wrote:
    what car is it and where is the dent. also what colour is the paint.

    Following the excellent advice of Mr Lomb I took off the internal panels of my car and pushed out on the dint. Following a loud pop it popped back to 90% of normal. Now it just looks like a bad door ding. When I get the appropriate torx driver I'll be able to get the rear speaker bracket off and hopefully bate out the last bit of dint. In other good news when I took off the rear seat squab (to use the testicle term) I found a pair of wire snips that had obviously been there since the car was built in 1997.

    The bad news is that the side of the car has "flexed" in a vertical line about 4 inches aft of where the old edge of the dint was. This is where the rear bulkhead behind the seats runs and I suppose the flexing force on the metal of the car has had its effect here. There is a straight line which is quite visible and the paint has cracked there (although only slightly so far).
    Any thoughts or advise on this would be appreciated.

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