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  • 18-09-2024 6:59pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,263 ✭✭✭✭

    Looking for recommendations or experiences people have had with counselling service providers in Waterford?

    A friend of mine (yeah I know) is going through a rough patch and I dunno how help him other than call round after work or try get him out of the house for a bit. Wouldn't know how to approach the serious stuff with him and in fairness that's probably something better left to a professional as the old look will be alright in time has it's limits and that's about the extent of how useful I am to him.

    If I could convince him to go for a session or two with someone maybe he would take to it and that would take care of that part and I'll keep trying to get him out and about and keep his mind off things.

    Not gonna give details really but I'm not worried he is going to harm himself or anyone else.

    "People say ‘go with the flow’ but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish."


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,268 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    this is a very difficult one to approach with someone, societally, we re still very resistant to such help, but we truly need to get it to the point, its just like going to the gp….

    ive been very lucky to have access to public mental health services, including counselling, and my experiences have been great, should have done it years ago, when i knew i was in trouble when younger, but it is a difficult realisation to eventually come to

    the only service i have experience of, outside of the public service has been donagh ward

    really nice chap, but its really not cheap, last time i was with him was just before covid, and it was 70 a pop, so….

    after that, it would be recommendations via gp

    best of luck

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,087 ✭✭✭spankmemunkey
