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House renovation

  • 13-11-2022 9:58am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1

    Hi there,

    I was wondering if someone else was in similiar situation....

    We wanted to build peragole for our decking. The size should have been about 12m2.

    So I've done some research and found this guy on fb. Got the quote etc.

    He had a great reviews.

    One day he came over to messeure and discuss the project. However he came back with a different quote-100e more for less measurements. I wanted to clarify why is that. They have replied that the price isn't based on measurements. But as a gesture of good will they will give us 100e discount. Which was fine.

    So finally the day came and they started. In the morning he advised me that there will be 5 cm gap between the fance and paragole (we have terrace house). I said that fine as i thoughtit will be needed for the guts or so. He was saying that he cannot build to the fance and only to boundary wall etc. He started saying that the fance belong to our neighbours... anyway I was expecting 5cm gap on both sides. During the day he was very annoyed and keeps saying in his language someting about the 100e and they were laughing. In the afternoon my husband came back from work and noticed that the gap is about 40 cm.

    They started to chat about that and he was again that this is Irish law etc.

    Although we explained that we are unhappy as all neighbours have their extensions to the fance.

    My husband was really disappointed. He repited few times to them that's not right etc but he just ignored us. They said we can put in that gap a brush or shovel lol...As they didn't finished the job the same day they said they will come next day. I've texted them as I've emailed our solicitor about this to check if this is right. I ve checked our land registry of course our property ends with the fance. The builders didn't came back the next day, explained that there is some issue. I've texted them to fix all this as their assumption was incorrect and also they did some damage to our composite decking.

    (What we noticed that in order for him to save materials and make the job easier he actually build the peragole so the 2 sheets of the roof will fit perfectly on it. If he would build it as we wanted he would need to build/cut additional roof sheet etc. )

    They came in the following day. He said he will give us 200e discount however I said no I want it done properly. I've chceckd pictures on his page and he did infact previous projects to the fance. When my husband asked his about this he said that it was different house although it was tarrace house too.

    While he was taking off the walls from the paragole he said that he will fix it in about 2 3 weeks time and because he is leaving the materials he want us to pay 800e deposit today. It was about 5pm however my husband did agreed on it but than again this guys started to saying something in his language abusing us ( my husband understand bit of his language).

    We decided that we dont want them anymore in our property.

    plus They didn't give us specific date when they will fix it, nor nothing... they took the materials and left. When they were packing the stuff again his guys started to abuse me in his language in front of my husband and daughter.

    When I came back home my husband also told me that they took pictures of our property. I've emailed them asking why have they done it as I didn't give them my consent.

    They've blocked me on fb and messenger.

    I've sent official complaint to thier email address and then they unblock me. Saying I've agreed for the pictures being taken when I allowed them in our property....

    I feel awful about this there anything I can do. I wish for them to delete our pictures and pay for the damages...

    Post edited by Spear on


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Help & Feedback Category Moderators Posts: 25,878 CMod ✭✭✭✭Spear

    This nothing to do with DRP. Moved to a forum that's related to the topic instead.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭walterking

    There are many "roofing" companies and "tarmac" companies and "gutter repair" companies on Facebook.

    They all have great reviews.

    Funny, the same names come up very often.

    Don't trust reviews unless they have hundreds
