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Structural Warranty

  • 05-07-2022 1:54pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 553 ✭✭✭

    I've been ringing around today trying to secure a quote for a self build structural warranty. Here's how I've done so far:

    Homebond - Yes but they require a registered (with them) Builder. I'm going direct labour BUT my timber frame builder will provide a structural certificate, I assume I could take out a homebond insurance package but need to check if he's registered with them.

    Self Build Zone = McDonald Dwyer Reddy & Byrne -> no longer do this product in ROI

    Zurich - couldn't get through - they do it UK, no sign on IE website

    Fingal Insurance - cover big developments only - had a nice chat with Ray in there.

    GlobalHomeWarranties - UK only (for now) via Guide of Master Craftsmen - they are revamping this but its geared to extensions/attics/kitchens not full self builds

    JD Insurances - no answer

    Arachas - don't offer this product

    If anyone has found a provider please update this post / let me know. It should cost around £3K. This post isn't to debate the merits of one but to point people interested in the few remaining post brexit warranty providers open to individual self builders in the ROI. If any outside homebond still exist!

    Post edited by mike_2009 on

