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Bose Alto Sunglasses (M/L - w/ Free Lenses) - €99.95 delivered []

  • 19-02-2022 12:57am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 44,306 ✭✭✭✭


    First things first..

    Yes, they have a 3 hour battery life.

    Yes, there is audio bleed when listening to loud music near others.

    Yes, audio is not particularly bass-heavy.

    Yes, they're not exactly high-fashion.

    However.. having listened to a pair in the airport on way back from Brussels before Christmas, they sound pretty damn sharp!

    And I honestly think this is a good price.. they're solid high quality as you'd expect from Bose.

    They were about €92 delivered from Amazon earlier this week for the Small/Medium pair, but buying directly from Bose gives you:

    • a free pair of additional lenses - polarized = silver, non-polarized = blue. I'd opt for polarized as lenses that come with it don't offer fantastic sun protection.
    • 90 day risk-free trial.
    • free delivery.
    • 2 year warranty.
    • the slightly larger M/L model which is currently €150 on Amazon.

    If you're skeptical, this may not be enough to push you into spending €100 but for a walk on a Summer's day, they're absolutely ideal IMO!


