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What's your Christmas Day itinerary?

  • 19-12-2017 12:57am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭

    Was reading a Mums net thread on how everyone does Christmas , and its nice to see peoples way of doing things. For eg what's normal for me and my family would be : All the family stay together in grandparents house, auntie, uncle and wife, me, mum, and grandparents turkey sandwiches Christmas Eve, a few drinks, open a present, then Christmas Day open all presents early morning, snacking on chocolate, more extended family come to Granny's, the typical irish christmas dinner about 4-5. Family friends visit.

    Its really just a time to get together, give presents, drink and eat a lot!

    What happens on your Christmas Day?

    I read crazy stories on mumsnet, but I presume in Ireland the majority of us do things the same?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 789 ✭✭✭jimd2

    Was reading a Mums net thread on how everyone does Christmas , and its nice to see peoples way of doing things. For eg what's normal for me and my family would be : All the family stay together in grandparents house, auntie, uncle and wife, me, mum, and grandparents turkey sandwiches Christmas Eve, a few drinks, open a present, then Christmas Day open all presents early morning, snacking on chocolate, more extended family come to Granny's, the typical irish christmas dinner about 4-5. Family friends visit.

    Its really just a time to get together, give presents, drink and eat a lot!

    What happens on your Christmas Day?

    I read crazy stories on mumsnet, but I presume in Ireland the majority of us do things the same?

    No mention of mass? I am sure at least some of ye guys go at Christmas. Kind of loses a bit of meaning without it.

    For us we have similar enough Christmas Day but certainly not turkey sandwiches on Christmas Eve :), kind of cart before the horse.

    Christmas Eve in our house often dominated by external factors such as time myself or the wife finish work, needs to help the parents, last minute presents, food prep.

    In recent years we get a few visitors throughout the morning but I try to minimise snacks and alcohol. Usually dinner at around 4:30 to 5:0pm.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭twowheelsonly

    This year we're planning on Chrstmas Dinner on Christmas Eve as I have to work Christmas Day. I'll have a few hours off on the day itself but to save all the rushing and planning we'll have the 'main event' the evening before and head out to the pub for an hour or two afterwards.
    Christmas Day itself will be the usual up early to dish out the presents, big fat fry breakfast and call to see the mammy for 10. Off to work soon after that and won't be home 'til 8 which would be too late for the full dinner ritual so better to get it done the day before.

    We did this again a few years ago when I was due to work but I subsequently got the day off at the last minute. Made for a great Christmas day with no pressure on herself and no roaring and screaming for the day !!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,512 ✭✭✭baby and crumble

    We’re still feeling our way in our Christmas timetable. When I was young/ college so going home to my parents it was church the night before, home for chats and maybe a drink.

    Then up next morning, Santa presents first (when we were young) and helping with dinner. Dinner around 2.30, then opening presents (one at a time, in turn). Then snooze/ movie/ chatting/ grazing on sandwiches and chocolate etc.

    For a while after my Mum died I was going to my brothers house who was living near my (now) sister in laws family, so kinda had to adapt to that- way more people, manic day, presents all ripped open within minutes... was an adjustment.

    Now, we host my wife’s family. A few of the family have intellectual disabilities so our day is really dictated by that. It’s not really a case of having a long dinner or taking time with anything, and I’m just not used to having so many people in the house! When I was young it was my mum and dad and me and my two brothers and a great aunt who lived with us. No visiting anyone else, my Dad always wanted it to be about us as a family not the extended one.

    This year we’re trying something new again and will have dinner around 1.30, then drive across the country to spend the evening with my two brothers and their wives.

    Long story short i still want to do Christmas the way I was brought up but circumstances mean I can’t. I’m a huge Christmas fan but I’m starting to realize I don’t actually like Christmas Day because I can’t do what I want. So I focus on Christmas Eve and Stephens Day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 850 ✭✭✭tickingclock

    As an adult with a child it's up about 8 open presents and get very excited about Santa!!
    Breaky with the inlaws in our house.
    We go to mass at 12 and meet lots of people we know after mass so it's pleasant. We then go to the cemetery.
    Home to tidy up as Santa presents are played with. We then go to my parents very close by for dinner. We all help organising it. It's divine. No starter to leave second helpings for dinner!!
    Presents are opened one by one after dinner and all this time my child is happily playing with Santa presents.
    Home about 8 or 9. We have ham and turkey sambos just like Christmas Eve. We relax together as toddler sleeps. We watch the Mrs. Brown special. I then ring a friend who's alone on Christmas night and have a long chat to him. More wine, chocolates and sweets and possibly some cheese if I've room with lots of red wine.
    A great day that I enjoy immensely. Can't wait!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    This year our routine will change as it's the first year we'll be staying home all day.

    Up with the toddler about 7, open gifts and a buffet brekkie, chocolate etc.
    Spend the morning playing with new toys, short dog walk

    Then dinner at about 1. Long walk then home for dessert and film, snacks and a drink or two.

    Toddler to bed at 7 and then more drinks and the late night leftover sandwich. My favourite meal of the year!

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,223 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Depends on which county we're in/are we in Kildare or Kerry. Mass on Christmas Eve. Kids up at 6 the next morning. They'll bring the pressies up to our bed. A fry would be wasted on me, give me a bowl of porridge and an early dinner. In Kildare we do the goal mile, home for dinner at 2. In Kerry, early dinner and a walk on the beach after.

    I'm hosting my family this year. Might have a glass of wine with dinner, but generally don't, as drinking while the kids are awake is a complete buzz killer. Bed early, as back to work 26th.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭dartboardio

    Yeah, forgot mass! Granny usually goes off to mass Christmas eve and brings someone with her, and we get away with not going...ssshh

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,005 ✭✭✭✭Toto Wolfcastle

    Great idea for a thread.

    If we’re with my family, we’re out of bed and opening presents by 10. Then breakfast and a lot of lazing around until dinner. More lazing around after dinner with whatever is on TV.

    If we’re with my in-laws, we’re usually up by 9. We wake up in our own bed, open presents and have a really indulgent breakfast with bubbly. (Well I do, he’s on driving duty!) Then it’s over to the in-laws for drinks followed by dinner. That lasts for hours and then the lazing around starts! No TV though. Mainly chatting.

    Basically we do lots of sitting down.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 359 ✭✭Oldira

    Mass on Christmas Eve
    Open Present first thing...Santa in house
    Throw out bales and feed
    Put on Dinner
    Visit Mam in Nursing home (Demerntia)
    Visit Sister in Care Home (Severly intelluctually disabled)
    Visit neighbour in hospital who has no family and always came to us for dinner (in her late 90s)
    Collect uncle for Dinner who is in a wheelchair
    Eat dinner
    Drop Uncle home
    Visit in laws
    Home at 9pm to get drunk

    Miles driven that day....90-100. Three visits are in different towns 20 miles each apart.

    All in All a day that passes by.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    For the last few years it’s been different every year. Three years ago we were at my parents, then we did Christmas at our house for my family and last year we were at the in-laws. This year, who knows as I’m currently overdue our first child. Next year will be the first proper Christmas with the baby so we’ll be starting new traditions for our family then.

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