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Elf Help - Gift location help

  • 30-05-2017 7:13am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,890 ✭✭✭

    I was wondering if the elves here may be able to help me locate a gift, or if anyone remembers this toy as it may be a memory smudged over the years.

    It was my OH's birthday at the weekend and she randomly remembered how upset she was when she lost her favourite teddy. She lost it in a clear out of the house when it ended up in a rubbish bag rather than a keep bag. She cried and searched for days, asking her mum would the Reindeer be okay?

    She brought it up with her mother in her 20's when he mum admitted that she actually threw it out as she was 'too old for it'. To say my OH was p*ssed was an understatement and to this day is still angry about it.

    She mentioned it in a throw away kind of way so I thought it would be a nice surprise to find a replacement. I thought it would be easy with the interweb, simply type a description into google and hey presto, not so.

    It was a Rudolph with a removeable soother (again this may be mis-remembered) it would have been early 90s. Do any elves remember this toy or where to acquire one?

    If all else fails I will get a nice rudolph teddy for her but to get the same one that was 'cruelly' taken from her would be amazing. Cheers all.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 235 ✭✭Skyfarm

    Do you have a pic? if not can you ask your oh while flicking through pics was like that? or her mother

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,890 ✭✭✭Jude13

    I will ask her brother to have a look for some pics of it, I would say most of them are in the attic though, pre digital.

    I would not dare ask her mother, "anything you say may be used against you at a later date"

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 27,834 Mod ✭✭✭✭Posy

    Oh that's so mean of her mam! :mad:

    Yeah, I also think trying to find a photo would be your best bet.

    If you can find a pic and know the general time she had it (late eighties/early nineties etc) you'll have a good chance.
    The All Things Retro forum might be able to help too if you can get more information.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,890 ✭✭✭Jude13

    Cheers Posy, I will get her brother on the case.

    I see you are a mod for musicals, is that partaking or watching stuff in theatres? I have a few pals who are into partaking on an ameteur level, always going on about a thing called 'AIMS' or something.
