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Christmas 2015 - Your favourite special moment

  • 06-01-2016 11:57pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,917 ✭✭✭✭

    I thought it would be nice if we could all share things we did this Christmas that were really special. Either little or big in scale but something that is a really special memory. For me I think it was our North Pole breakfast. It wasn't something I'd been planning for ages, I just read about it on a parenting forum on Christmas week and decided to give it a go. The idea is that your magical creature, like the Elf on a Shelf, Christmas tree fairy or for us the Tomte, sets up a special breakfast for the family as a goodbye gift. You lay a Christmassy table and have a treat filled breakfast. I could barely sleep the night before as I was nervous about pulling it off. I'd pre-prepared as much as I could but my dogs sleep in the kitchen, so I couldn't get it all done the night before.

    So on Christmas Eve morning, I got up before S, put the dogs out the back, and got the food ready, placed the Tomte and the cookie making kit for Santa out, put on all the Christmas lights and Christmas FM. My husband was under orders to keep S in bed until I was back. Then we got him up. Dressed him in a fleecey polar bear pj set and we went looking for the Tomte as he pulled pranks and set activities every morning of December. S's face was a picture when he went into the kitchen. He was overwhelmed by it all. The tea-pot was filled with hot chocolate, the jug with cream and the sugar bowl with teeny marshmallows. The Olaf tankard was full of fruit salad and the cookie jar with finger pastries. And it was just so nice to sit down together for an hour in the candle and fairy light and talk about what we were going to do that day, what great things we'd done all month with the Tomte and how excited we were for Santa and Christmas day. We also talked a little about my mother in law who fell into a coma that she never woke from on Christmas eve 2013. We told S about her and how very much she loved Christmas and how she would have loved to have celebrated with him. It was just so, so special. Just a nice time for family and reflection and a memory that I'll treasure forever.



  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 25,709 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    This is such a good idea iguana it deserves its own thread.

    And btw your posts are just a joy to read. I genuinely felt like I was at that breakfast. And the last part got me right in the feels.

    I'll post my favourite special moment from Christmas 2015 in the morning :)

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 25,709 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    My special Christmas moment this year was getting to meet my Brother Twin girls, they were born 6 weeks premature so they had been in the ICU and only parents and grandparents were allow visit, it was looking like January before they'd be sent home but the Monday before Christmas they got released home.

    So Christmas Day we had to drop Christmas Dinner out to my brother they had enough on their plates without having to worry about making a Christmas dinner, we got to see the twins and even got to hold them. It was great especially as I didn't think I'd see them until January at the earliest.

    It's crazy to think about how big they'll be for Christmas 2016.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,917 ✭✭✭✭iguana

    That's so amazing. It's such a special moment to meet a new family member at any day of the year but extra special on Christmas. Now every Christmas time when you see them, you'll have such a clear memory of that first meeting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,247 ✭✭✭milli milli

    Bringing my nieces & nephews to see Santa. They've gotten to the age now where they understand what's going on and they are excited by it all.
    Making Christmas cookies with them on Christmas Eve for Santa.
    I suppose this year it was all about them. As an adult I've never really lost the wonder and excitement for Christmas but having little people around just adds something else.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Christmas morning with my boy. He wasn't yet 2 but last year he hadn't a clue what was going on but this year he found and emptied his stocking and was so excited by the gifts and toys. It's such a joy seeing his eyes light up and the excitement of something as simple as a toy farm and a bike. I can't wait for next year to experience it again.

    Also love the North pole breakfast idea!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,889 ✭✭✭Jude13

    Fantastic post #1.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 118 ✭✭mark26ireland

    One of my favourite moments was Christmas eve morning, I usually pick up the Turkey and Ham Christmas Eve morning at about 9am and usually takes 40 minutes to wait, So I got up about 5.30 am before everybody was awake and took the dog on a lovely walk and as I was coming back up through the village at about 6.30 I seen the butchers was open and thought HAPPY DAYS! Soon as I got home I drove back down and not a person in sight, was in and out in a flash! Brought everything home and was able to prep the ham & turkey for Christmas day before everyone was up! And had time to make breakfast for when the wife & kids all came down the stairs, wasn't anything major was just a really lovely quiet morning to get everything sorted before the Chaos!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 155 ✭✭Noahboah2014

    My little boy was 18 months and was so.excited about all the lights decorations and presents. Looking at his little face light up as he ripped wrapping paper off presents was just the best
    Will have baby number 2 for this Christmas & cannot wait
