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ICO's going to London Ambulance Service

  • 25-05-2015 12:30pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32

    I'm just curious are there many NAS EMTs going for the LAS jobs?
    The ESTI in dublin were taking on applicants and a source said that about 50% of the NAS Emts applied.

    I have stuck in my application because im sick of transfers.

    People interested should go onto the NHS website and apply. Closing date is the 31-5-15


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 248 ✭✭TomJoe Wallace

    navaradave wrote: »
    I'm just curious are there many NAS EMTs going for the LAS jobs?
    The ESTI in dublin were taking on applicants and a source said that about 50% of the NAS Emts applied.

    I have stuck in my application because im sick of transfers.

    People interested should go onto the NHS website and apply. Closing date is the 31-5-15

    I'm on the ESTI side of this application. I'm just wondering if there are many others going for it my route?

    I got accepted for the initial application and I had to apply then through the NHS Website stating I was going through ESTI. Is the next step the interview or do I have to be successful with the NHS to proceed?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 54 ✭✭Donadea lad

    I'm an emt here in Ireland. I put in my application, just have to wait for a date. I'm just worried about the wages and cost of living over there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 248 ✭✭TomJoe Wallace

    I'm an emt here in Ireland. I put in my application, just have to wait for a date. I'm just worried about the wages and cost of living over there.

    I'm in the same predicament as this. If I get accepted id go from a well pay job to a significant pay loss with a high cost of living. Very worried. But I was talking to a lad that did it before he said it's worth it for the experience you get from it!
