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Charity Volunteering Christmas 2014 Waterford

  • 18-12-2014 4:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5

    Hi Guys,

    So last year I briefly checked online to see if I could find anything better and more productive to do with my christmas, as I was aware there is often voluntary charity services serving food to Homeless etc taking place on christmas.

    Could someone point me in the direction of some things in Waterford this year?

    Thanks in Advance


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,857 ✭✭✭TheQuietFella

    Why just Christmas?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 674 ✭✭✭GotTheTshirt

    Why just Christmas?

    Leave it out ffs.

    I can't be of much help op but perhaps contact Saint Vincent De Paul or Focus Ireland?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,857 ✭✭✭TheQuietFella

    Leave it out ffs.

    I can't be of much help op but perhaps contact Saint Vincent De Paul or Focus Ireland?

    I think it's a valid question.

    Is it the feel good factor or just what you can get out of it for yourself!

    I knew a guy who drove for a local charity & he did it solely for the benefits.

    The use of the vehicle & the hot food!

    He didn't understand the meaning of the word 'Charity'

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 Glennc07

    Hey guys, relax.
    It's as simple as I won't be doing anything on that particular day, And I know some people value Christmas more than I do, so if theres a way I can help them then I might aswell. Nothing to do with Benefits :\
