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Dj speakers & amp advice needed!

  • 02-11-2011 4:26pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26

    ok just a few quick questions here that someone might be able to help me with!

    i have a kam kxr 2000 amp, think it is around 670watt rms per channel at 8 ohms and 1000 watt rms per channel at 4ohm. anyway, for a good while i had it running my two peavey st-15 tops and two peavey pro sub bass bins. the tops are 350 watt program and the bass bins are 600 watt afaik. is the amp too powerful for the speakers? they were all sold as a set that i got new on ebay but over the past year 3 of the 4 speaker cones have blown at various stages without really any warning, i keep an eye on the red lights in the amp and turn the volume down if the lights start flashing or flickering.

    so the other weekend i got a lend of some better, more powerful speakers and used them at two teenage disco gigs, where volume was needed! i got 2 wharefdale evp-x12 tops (500 watt program) and 2 wharfedale bass bins, not sure on model but they are 15inch and 800 watt programme. anyway during the gig with the amps channels turned up around 60-65% or thereabouts, i get the odd red flashing light flicker again on the amp (called clip i think?) the red light flashing lights used only come on with the peavey speakers around 70-75%, unusual because the wharfedale speakers are considerably more powerful!

    anyway can anyone shed any light on this? is the red lights flickering dangerous and likely to blow the wharfedale speakers or is that just saying the amp is under pressure? just need a really loud system for the gigs i do and wondering what i need to upgrade, better speakers or better amp, or both (hopefully not financially!)

    any help is appreciated!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34 USERNAM3

    First Clipping is very bad for the amp and also the speakers
    But going by what your saying with it clipping at a lower level thats because your running bass bins & speakers from the single amp so the overall draw from the amp is higher but you get a lower output because its divided between more speakers if you get me ?

    in my experience you can never have enough headroom with amp power wise rather than under powering a speaker which is a lot worse

    My tip would be to buy a crossover for the tops and bins & buy an extra amp and have one just for the bins and vise versa for the tops should stop them clipping and give you a better output


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26 sideways mary

    great, thanks for the reply! i just thought with the amp having such power that it shouldnt struggle with the speakers but i guess its gonna be under pressure when running 4 speakers anyway. might get another amp for the tops them, leave the existing one run the bass bins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34 USERNAM3

    no prob :) . Your best off because youl end up destroying the amp or get very bad distortion over time
