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TEFL CELT course Drogheda

  • 02-09-2011 9:02am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1

    Need new qualifications?
    English language is a booming industry all over the world, especially in Ireland. The TEFL gives you the opportunity to work both in Ireland and many countries abroad!
    Anyone here has done or is thinking of doing a TEFL CELT course?
    We'd like to know about your thoughts and experiences!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 141 ✭✭GoGoGadget

    Just to add to that I did my TEFL Teacher course here and found them excellent.

    Starting back to college this year but defo lots of opportunities abroad, everyone that was in my class has a job teaching in Ireland and abroad.

    I was researching a course for a while and found a lot of cheaper online courses, when it comes to getting a job though most places look to see if you completed a face to face course. It's an intense course so no way you could do it properly online/over a weekend.

    Excellent instructors, great environment and highly recommended!
