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Interesting Monuments/Buildings Landlord era

  • 07-02-2011 7:08pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭

    The cenotaph in the grounds of the former Browne Estate at Raheens, Castlebar, stands approximately 25 metres high (80 feet). Dodwell Browne had the magnificent monument built in 1809 to commemorate the death of his wife Maria, the second daughter of Sir Neal O’Donnell of Newport.

    According to local lore, Marie became seriously ill, and her doctor referred her for treatment to a Dublin hospital. As she was starting the journey to the capita, from her home in Raheens, an extraordinary thing happened; the horses drawing her carriage shied at a bend in the avenue and refused to pass. The carriage driver whipped them repeatedly and eventually succeeded in forcing them to continue. Sadly, the journey proved to be of no avail, and shortly after arriving in Dublin, Maria died. It is said that Dodwell, presumably thinking that the incident with the horses was an omen, had the monument built beside the spot where the event occurred.


    Also on the grounds is a ruined mansion from one the landlord era



