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Cushion for bench seat required

  • 30-12-2010 2:16am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,351 ✭✭✭

    We recently brought a dining table along with a matching bench seat and are now in need of a long cushion for it. Has anyone had experience with getting one of these made up in Dublin?

    Are there any online websites where we can order one to size or alternatively does someone have an upholsterer they can recommend.

    We would even consider sourcing the foam and material if needed to ensure we get a high standard of finish but at the same time don't want to be paying silly Celtic Meow prices.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 76 ✭✭chuchyface

    Would you not consider making one your self ? It's very easy - cut a piece of board/mdf to the same size as seat, place piece of foam the same size on top of it, place fabric over it and staple fabric to the underside of board pulling tight as you go then trim of excess and cover bottom of board with another piece of fabric (big enough to cover the the raw edge of the previously attached fabric) turning under the edges as you attach it, then cover the staples with some trim if your really fussy or leave as it is as no one will see the underside anyway). Using the board makes it easier so need for zips and hems and all that and it also helps keep it shape much better.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 430 ✭✭littlemis

    Using the board method is handy, but is easy to slide off bench.What I did for a friend, was to get foam the legnth of bench and whatever thickness you want, make a sleeve rather like a pillow case type pattern,easy to pull on and off for washing.I then attached elastic at each end to go near the bench leg, to wrap under the bench to prevent from falling off. If I lived near you I would make it for you ,actually thats an idea if you know anyone near you that sews ask them to give you a price to make the sleeve.and if you supply the materials if should not cost a fortune.Good luck and let me know how you get on...
