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LOC Signs

  • 08-05-2010 12:11pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 480 ✭✭

    What do these "LOC" signs stand for/represent? I see quite a few attached to poles in Dublin



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 770 ✭✭✭Jayuu

    I'm not saying that this is an example of one but sometimes signs like this are used in film production to direct people to the shooting location.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,025 ✭✭✭✭-Corkie-

    It means LOC is that way:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 997 ✭✭✭Colm R

    Jayuu wrote: »
    I'm not saying that this is an example of one but sometimes signs like this are used in film production to direct people to the shooting location.

    Very true. There were signs all over Cork a few years back with


    Baffled lots of people until The Hand that Shakes the barley came out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,528 ✭✭✭dcr22B

    Was it not "The Wind that Shakes the Barley"??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 997 ✭✭✭Colm R

    dcr22B wrote: »
    Was it not "The Wind that Shakes the Barley"??

    aye, I thought I was wrong on that.!!! ;)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 441 ✭✭Joey Joe-Joe Jr

    1916 wrote: »
    What do these "LOC" signs stand for/represent? I see quite a few attached to poles in Dublin


    As a matter of curiousity, was that photo taken on the corner of Grosvenor Place and Kenilworth Road?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 480 ✭✭1916

    As a matter of curiousity, was that photo taken on the corner of Grosvenor Place and Kenilworth Road?

    Correct, you must have been looking out the window

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 770 ✭✭✭Jayuu

    A quick search of the Irish Film and Television Network site reveals that there is a feature film called "Hound - The Legend of Cuchulainn" being filmed in Ireland during 2010. I reckon these are what the signs are for.

    The film is being produced by Breakthru Films and Pillerstone Productions (the former seem to be a UK/Polish company and the latter an Irish production company) and is directed by Paul Bolger.

    I attach the synopsis of the films from the Breakthru site for what its worth.

    "Cuchulainn, born to the goddess of war and carnage, greatest warrior of Ireland, will become its executioner of peace.

    Buried in the mythic ancient past lies an Ireland where spirits lived amongst their people, a world as much in flux as the present, in a perpetual cycle of war and truce. A clash of cultures and ideas as vital as any in our accelerated modern world.

    In the brutal tragedy of Cu’s life lies the seeds of a united island, and a legend that reverberates down 2000 years of oral and written history to create Ireland’s greatest story.

    BreakThru Films and Pillarstone Productions are creating a multi-platform global franchise based on the extraordinary legend of Cuchulainn and his world."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭dubhthach

    Jayuu wrote: »
    A quick search of the Irish Film and Television Network site reveals that there is a feature film called "Hound - The Legend of Cuchulainn" being filmed in Ireland during 2010. I reckon these are what the signs are for.

    The film is being produced by Breakthru Films and Pillerstone Productions (the former seem to be a UK/Polish company and the latter an Irish production company) and is directed by Paul Bolger.

    I attach the synopsis of the films from the Breakthru site for what its worth.

    "Cuchulainn, born to the goddess of war and carnage, greatest warrior of Ireland, will become its executioner of peace.

    Buried in the mythic ancient past lies an Ireland where spirits lived amongst their people, a world as much in flux as the present, in a perpetual cycle of war and truce. A clash of cultures and ideas as vital as any in our accelerated modern world.

    In the brutal tragedy of Cu’s life lies the seeds of a united island, and a legend that reverberates down 2000 years of oral and written history to create Ireland’s greatest story.

    BreakThru Films and Pillarstone Productions are creating a multi-platform global franchise based on the extraordinary legend of Cuchulainn and his world."

    Well I see Hollywood is taking it's usual liberties with mythology, CuChulainn was not born of a goddess let alone one of the war goddesses (Morrigan/Nemhain/Badb). His mother was Conchobar's sister, though he was the son of the god Lugh.
