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Star wars the force unleashed DEMO!!!!

  • 26-08-2008 9:23pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 200 ✭✭

    Now usualy when i see a new star wars game it never gives me a big nerdy stiffy and when i saw this i sighed a lil cause i thought ugh not another overhyped star wars game and like a swift kick to the sack i really dont like star wars games but for ****s and giggles i thought hey why not lets go lucasarts u get 2 swings for free one practise shot and then the real thing and in an odd turn of events as if my nuts were breifly made of steel it performed one of the most impressive kicks ive seen and i thought WOW thats good enough to actualy not make me cry infact NOW i cant wait to see the real thing anyway long story short i was suprised and it was a KICK ass game so does anyone else agree with me on this?????


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,339 ✭✭✭✭tman

    Ah cool, didn't realise it was up on the PSN as well... Didn't really fancy renewing my xbox live sub just so that I could download a demo:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 200 ✭✭bassbomber

    tman wrote: »
    Ah cool, didn't realise it was up on the PSN as well... Didn't really fancy renewing my xbox live sub just so that I could download a demo:mad:
    yeah lol doesnt sound like its worth it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,509 ✭✭✭NotorietyH

    I thought it was alright, was fun enough but I could see it getting a bit repetitive after a while. I might rent it out some night. There's too many good games coming out over the next couple of months for me though, so I'm gonna save my cash for those and give this a skip I'd say.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,400 ✭✭✭Vyse

    Thought that the demo was really good, one of the better games I've played lately. Will be added to my shopping list!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,753 ✭✭✭qz

    Busting down the doors with the force or throwing your enemies at eachother can never get old :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,656 ✭✭✭norrie rugger

    qz wrote: »
    Busting down the doors with the force or throwing your enemies at eachother can never get old :)

    Forget that, rip tie fighters from the hanger and throw them at the troops!!

    OP, I really hate grammer police; especially as I can neither spell or structure my posts properly but can you please break up the post a bit. Struggled to understand what you were saying

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,721 ✭✭✭Otacon

    This is certainly a game I am very interested in. However, I really hope the force powers become a lot stronger compared to what they were in the demo. I'm not expecting to be able to pull Cruisers out of the sky(!) but I just hope that they can be upgraded more than push further and grab things further away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,656 ✭✭✭norrie rugger

    Otacon wrote: »
    This is certainly a game I am very interested in. However, I really hope the force powers become a lot stronger compared to what they were in the demo. I'm not expecting to be able to pull Cruisers out of the sky(!) but I just hope that they can be upgraded more than push further and grab things further away.

    Target lock also needs to be adjusted.
    I stood looking up at a docked tie fighter and kept locking on a drum to my left. Annoying when you are trying to quickly crush multiple opponents (who have no trouble locking lasers on you)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,656 ✭✭✭norrie rugger

    I loved the little things like, pulling out support beams into open air to trap the tie fighters shooting everything

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 200 ✭✭bassbomber

    qz wrote: »
    Busting down the doors with the force or throwing your enemies at eachother can never get old :)
    Too true

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai

    Can someone please tell me how you kill the imperial walker (the two legged metal thingy that arrives on a lift from some place) in the demo. I've blitzed through the demo on all levels open to me but cannot get past this stage. I've tried hurling objects at it - no effect, I've gotten up close and carried out all known combo moves - no effect and even got the "increased damage" powers but still can't destroy this thing.

    Any hints or tips would be appreciated as I like the demo but won't buy the game if I'll get stuck at this point.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28,128 ✭✭✭✭Mossy Monk

    Jump and hit him with your light saber repeatedly. That is what I did.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

    Can someone please tell me how you kill the imperial walker (the two legged metal thingy that arrives on a lift from some place) in the demo. I've blitzed through the demo on all levels open to me but cannot get past this stage. I've tried hurling objects at it - no effect, I've gotten up close and carried out all known combo moves - no effect and even got the "increased damage" powers but still can't destroy this thing.

    Any hints or tips would be appreciated as I like the demo but won't buy the game if I'll get stuck at this point.


    The walker can only be destroyed by a bleedin quicktime event when you get its health really low. Once you've got its health down fairly low you can run up to it and you'll be prompted to press the "square" button, then the "x" button then "square" again... I think.

    That bit pissed me off also as I kept trying to force push it off the ledge but it never worked (obviously because they want you to endure the excellent quicktime event) :rolleyes:

    If you play through the demo on Sith Lord difficulty the best way to defeat is just to throw crates at it. I ran back to where there was a stockpile of crates, knocked all the storm troopers off the ledge then just started chucking crates at the walker whilst running in and out of its range of fire (up close on Sith Lord difficulty its nigh on impossible as pretty much one barage of laser fire from it will kill you)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,509 ✭✭✭NotorietyH

    I blasted the IMperial Walker with force lighting, seemed to frazzle it for a bit giving me time to saber him.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    ah those damn wookies :D

    penny arcade...still going strong as ever

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,426 ✭✭✭Roar

    L31mr0d wrote: »

    ha ha, that really made me laugh!

    on the demo itself, its quite enjoyable, can see that it's going to get repetitive though.

    the camera annoyed me as well, and the context sensitive boss battle didnt exactly fill me with hope for later boss fights

    gonna pick it up anyway..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    yep..those stupid context moves..when do they ever learn..numerous occasions in the demo it entered this mode and back out because I had pressed another key beforehand..looks like the muppets forgot to put in the controller button flush for these scenes.
    I can see myself now screaming at the idiot on the screen to do what I wanted to do and force pushing my ps3 controller through my tv :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Meh, very unimpressed with the demo ... the controls seem not very well thought out and the camera was a bit annoying

    I have a feeling the game is going to end up very average ... shame really

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Meh, very unimpressed with the demo ... the controls seem not very well thought out and the camera was a bit annoying

    I have a feeling the game is going to end up very average ... shame really
    + 1

    Have to agree, thank god for the demo because if I went out and bought this I'd be regretting wasting my money on it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,894 ✭✭✭TinCool

    I played through the demo last night and me too, I was pretty much ... meh..

    It kind of plays like lego star wars without the lego and is therefore not as much fun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,093 ✭✭✭TelePaul

    Pretty disappointed with are so-so, gameplay is fun but I guess it could get quite repetitive. The force pull is cool but there's such a lag between when you press L2 and when you actually lock on to a target. Jedi Knight is a much better game!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,403 ✭✭✭The Gnome

    Otacon wrote: »
    This is certainly a game I am very interested in. However, I really hope the force powers become a lot stronger compared to what they were in the demo. I'm not expecting to be able to pull Cruisers out of the sky(!) but I just hope that they can be upgraded more than push further and grab things further away.

    Well the demo seems to be the first mission for Vader's apprentice so I'd assume he gets more powerful as he goes on. The clips at the end seemed to show him pulling down a Star Destoyer but I'd say that just a set piece...

    All in all it was a fun demo but from all the promo material released I was hoping for more destructable environments etc. Needs more tweaking control wise for me to really invest.
