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Cartilage piercing just not healing

  • 24-11-2007 12:34pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 952 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys

    I'm sure you're sick of reading these threads, and I have looked through previous threads for advice, but am still a little unsure, so thought I would post my own.

    I had my cartilage pierced (helix) about 4months ago now and it just doesnt seem to be healing AT ALL. I know it's still pretty soon in the healing process, but I thought it would be a little better by now!

    I used the antiseptic spray they gave me until it ran out (not religiously I will admit), and have used sea salt and water since , but it is still sore to touch/lie on and there are lumps on either side of it. The back lump is also persistantly getting infected (little pocket of pus).

    I am getting a little worried now. Any advice on what I can do?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 Purple Person

    Hi I'm a piercer at wildcat in St Stephens green. Sounds like you have a couple of keloid scars on that. Try soaking it with a mixture of 1/4 of a teaspoon of sea salt to 1/2 pint of boiled water from your kettle. let the solution cool down to a comfortable temperature so you don't scald yourself and the soak the piercing for about 20 minutes a time 3 times a day. over the course of a couple of weeks doing this religiously you should see the lumps start to shrink.
    Don't sleep on it as this will only make the lumps worse and don't touch the piercing. Always use cotton buds or pressed cotton wool pads when cleaning so you don't touch the piercing. If you have no joy come into the shop and we'll take a look at it and see what your options are, if nothing else your visit will help to calm you down a bit and we can actually see what the story is. I hope this helps! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 952 ✭✭✭Fiii

    Thanks a million, that's a great help.
    I did get it done in Wildcat, so will def pop in if all that doesn't help it!

    Cheers again


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    A good tip is to add a few drops of tea-tree oil to the salt soak. For some reason, every piercer's leaflet says to avoid it like the plague, but plenty of people, myself included, have used it to clear up hypertrophic scarring and such extremely quickly. What I always did was add about two or three drops to my salt solution when it got troublesome, then put on a light film with a q-tip afterwards. It's too harsh for very fresh piercings, but will do the job excellently after a few months.
