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Work & Jobs

Work and job discussions.

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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
just one prob
05-04-00 23:01
10 970
Munich fell trough!
04-04-00 13:23
2 739
Esat Diggyfone
03-04-00 7:48
3 727
Job with Training?
31-03-00 18:41
2 776
Looking for employment
29-03-00 23:33
12 961
System Manager
21-03-00 10:20
0 548
strange day
19-03-00 1:37
6 888 - the right job for you?
15-03-00 23:35
3 709
15-03-00 16:34
1 773
what to do if you're caught sleeping in your cube
15-03-00 14:07
0 888
Creative Director Position
14-03-00 16:56
7 821
My name is mud.
14-03-00 14:27
4 1K
12-03-00 22:36
4 943
10-03-00 18:48
1 939
08-03-00 19:09
1 1.1K
What you wish you could say
01-03-00 14:11
0 882
Work vs Prison
27-02-00 13:03
1 1K
for anyone who is jobhunting....
27-02-00 13:01
14 1.9K
The real meaning
23-02-00 0:56
4 973
22-02-00 21:30
6 1.1K
Current Status:
22-02-00 10:42
3 959
The worst job you ever had?
21-02-00 21:19
29 2.2K
How about Munich
31-01-00 20:47
11 1.3K
todays top jobs
29-01-00 0:38
4 1.2K
Work Experience
28-01-00 8:59
10 1.1K
New York, New York.....
26-01-00 0:34
3 1.3K
Domain Name Registration (.ie, .com, .net)
21-01-00 19:42
5 1.2K
Web Programming charges
19-01-00 1:10
4 1K
some fun sites
19-01-00 0:16
5 1.4K