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Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
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Contracting to Permanent
01-02-21 14:53
1 247
genuinely losing hope
26-11-20 15:29
14 3.7K
advice on redundancy
31-01-21 11:42
13 1.4K
Engineering positions in local councils
28-01-21 6:41
6 515
Who can I talk to professionally to seek career guidance as someone in their 30's?
27-01-21 18:15
23 2.3K
Advice on public sector engineer
05-01-21 23:03
10 722
Staff collecting money
30-01-21 9:53
42 5.9K
Relocating to Kerry from Dublin
29-01-21 0:35
29 3.2K
CV proofreading service - Medical Specific
29-01-21 0:03
1 176
Name being used bills
21-01-21 20:31
14 1.4K
Professional CV writers
27-01-21 15:17
2 230
Graduate Policy Analyst/Economist
28-01-21 12:09
0 150
What in the name of God is Lean six sigma anyway? 12
23-03-19 0:22
75 13.8K
Untaken Holidays - Policy or Law?
26-01-21 21:45
4 495
Is it worth starting a apprenticeship Covid-19
17-01-21 20:23
4 264
Customs officers civil service
21-01-21 20:41
11 1.5K
2nd job
26-01-21 13:22
1 244
Clerical officer Customs trade facilitation
22-01-21 16:11
2 483
HBS Recruit Pre-Emplyment issue
23-01-21 16:09
8 452
2019 AO Competition announced 12...910
01-10-19 14:01
463 111.5K
Panel clearance question
23-01-21 10:52
2 296
Internal Jib's Application
20-01-21 12:15
7 290
An Post online assessment
21-01-21 9:49
0 200
New job, needed on site?
19-01-21 21:29
4 637
Trades working on site Covid-19
19-01-21 13:44
4 333
moonlighting reporting
19-01-21 4:51
10 1.3K
Driver Tester Recruitment Campaign 2017 – 2018 (closing - 5.30pm Friday 5th January) 12...89
03-01-18 19:36
427 68.2K
HSE Promotion
18-01-21 19:41
2 350
Pro rata rate different to salary scale on payslip
19-01-21 10:22
4 301
Work Question?.
19-01-21 11:30
1 223