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Work and job discussions.

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Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
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Job offer, bonus? OTE?
12-05-21 20:42
4 548
When I apply for a job and it asks for sexuality/etc at the end, why is that? Does it 12
12-05-21 10:43
91 8.1K
Buying into Public Service Pension
11-05-21 9:52
3 636
Cork County Council Staff Officer 2021
06-05-21 8:46
2 306
Apprentice ICT specialists Civil Service - 2 year programme 12
08-02-19 21:06
56 17.6K
Contract Worker & Jury Duty
06-05-21 13:03
1 247
Recent interview, When should i call?
04-05-21 14:12
11 718
In person Staff Officer interview with HSE
04-05-21 22:16
0 300
Cork County Council Clerical Panel
18-04-21 18:48
2 264
Sick Leave - Civil Service
03-05-21 16:40
8 1.2K
Interviewed for roles which were filled by internal candidates
23-04-21 10:34
22 3K
Interview for a pest control technician on Wednesday
02-05-21 0:31
8 636
Question on Remote Working
03-05-21 14:05
1 416
Private vs Public 12
05-03-21 15:27
74 12.9K
Travel/Career/Projects Based CV
02-05-21 16:10
0 125
Civil Service Payroll Period dates
01-05-21 18:46
2 260
Courses - Civil Servants
28-04-21 13:09
10 1.5K
25-04-21 17:03
16 2.8K
Visa Sponsorship by Recruitment Agency
29-04-21 9:24
1 154
Temporary work & Revenue
16-04-21 19:21
10 909
Career Coach with Linkedin Networking Experience
29-04-21 10:57
5 429
Considering a career in insurance, what can I expect?
28-04-21 18:40
5 557
safe pass coarse
25-02-21 12:33
11 562
Possible voluntary redundancy in the public service.
20-04-21 15:09
11 1.7K
Title change
22-04-21 15:15
11 841
Move to civil service?
15-12-19 16:15
44 10.3K
part time - what holidays entitlements
25-04-21 21:02
1 155
Job Search
02-01-21 18:05
4 600
Heading into 4th year of college and unsure what to do next
23-04-21 11:40
5 514
Career Change from Software
23-09-17 21:42
15 2.2K