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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
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Don't like the department I was assigned to is there anything I can do?
04-03-23 17:52
1 492
03-03-23 15:34
0 61
Civil service
03-03-23 14:11
6 531
Second Class Primary Honours
03-03-23 0:48
2 281
Considering the civil service
02-03-23 22:26
15 3K
Giving one week's notice
02-03-23 17:10
1 151
Social Work graduate interviews
02-03-23 11:40
1 145
Housing and One Parent Family
02-03-23 10:44
5 341
EO 2022 Rankings (Executive Officer)
01-03-23 20:23
5 1.9K
In the
01-03-23 18:47
0 81
Taxi job
01-03-23 15:53
0 61
Civil Service Clerical Officer
28-02-23 20:53
5 462
HSE employee transfer
28-02-23 17:00
3 1.2K
HSE Clerical officer transfer to another department, is it difficult to move?
28-02-23 13:10
0 143
Engineer Grade I and II
27-02-23 20:11
1 127
Public Sector Wage Increase
23-02-23 13:59
2 911
What do you wish you had known before joining the civil service?
23-02-23 2:35
0 361
working abroad as a free lancer
21-02-23 15:42
2 101
HSE Support Staff
20-02-23 17:21
28 10K
Career advice needed!
20-02-23 16:27
0 164
Is Secondment done anywhere?
19-02-23 14:35
1 301
MBA: UCD vs Trinity
19-02-23 9:28
5 392
UK NI Number - Irish Citizen with one, but forgotten, but need again !
17-02-23 19:04
1 111
Is it worth getting a printer while WFH?
17-02-23 12:51
27 2K
Should I tell my manager that I want to quit?
17-02-23 4:16
13 1.5K
Settle an argument
16-02-23 18:05
0 171
General Operative Interview Advice appreciated
16-02-23 15:13
0 51
Zoom interview tips.
16-02-23 0:29
3 211
New safe pass renewal
14-02-23 20:17
1 131
Employment contract
14-02-23 13:17
2 171