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Waterford County

County Waterford.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Amusements in Tramore
28-07-11 15:34
9 2.3K
15-08-11 14:36
0 650
Pebble Beach Holiday Homes Closed
17-01-11 15:49
40 9.9K
Gardai /Search and Recue -Everywhere Tramore since 4.30am
09-08-11 5:38
42 9.9K
Pebble Beach Development
11-08-11 10:37
1 607
Second hand Bicycles
18-07-11 15:17
5 1.3K
reliable plumber waterford county
04-08-11 11:05
3 2.1K
Tramore Art Group?!
05-08-11 14:34
3 1.4K
Household waste collection - recommendations please
30-07-11 1:55
2 866
nail bar in dungarvan??
05-08-11 9:08
1 2.3K
Youghal Ambulance
29-07-11 9:59
2 1.6K
Pub in Dungarvan For a Ciorcal Comhrá.
29-07-11 14:26
3 984
John Halligan
01-08-11 22:02
2 662
Family meal near Dungarvan
29-07-11 17:49
13 1.4K
Waterford man suffers serious head injuries in Galway
01-08-11 1:30
3 1.3K
What ever happened to Larry Griffin?
12-07-11 16:05
16 3.3K
Fireplace Hearths in Waterford County
26-07-11 9:10
3 1.6K
waterford soccer monthly
25-07-11 14:48
3 1.2K
Attempted Abduction.
28-07-11 19:18
18 2.5K
28-07-11 19:26
3 601
Cross, faithlegg.
26-07-11 23:44
2 660
Am I in a fantasy world at the mo or is it possible?
07-07-11 12:57
21 2.3K
missing young black cat with red collar
20-07-11 18:38
4 985
Clodagh Bar Portlaw on Fire ?
25-07-11 11:09
9 2.1K
Dunmore East - old pilots station
20-07-11 13:58
2 881
County Council and City Council set to merge??
18-07-11 12:56
10 1.3K
30th Anniversary of 1981 Hunger Strikes
19-04-11 19:11
10 2.5K
20-07-11 17:18
1 553
Concern for jobs at Glaxo Smith Kline {{Mega Merge}}
06-07-11 16:15
20 3.7K
where has the tommy farrrells thread gone?
13-07-11 7:53
4 685