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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Coast Guard Station Art Exhibitions. Where do I begin?
27-04-12 17:44
17 2.4K
11-05-12 23:38
5 781
West Waterford Bereavement Support Website
14-05-12 12:39
0 378
09-05-12 15:50
3 576
Dungarvan Dentists?
08-05-12 0:43
2 1.8K
cake baker in waterford area???
30-04-12 16:26
7 1.2K
Pieta House Darkness into Light
08-05-12 23:07
0 780
Tramore is bigger than Dungarvan and yet....
23-04-12 16:52
18 5.7K
Tom jordan 5 mile in portlaw 11/05/12
07-05-12 19:14
0 519
Dungarvan To Waterford Railway Line
09-08-08 14:50
16 3.4K
Ladies Soccer - Dungarvan/Youghal Area
03-05-12 20:41
0 540
sky tv problems tramore
02-05-12 21:59
3 771
amusements tramore open this friday?
30-04-12 6:27
5 926
Tramore anyone??
29-04-12 21:29
4 856
Camping in Colligan woods
25-04-12 16:15
4 1.1K
Camping in Colligan woods
25-04-12 15:42
1 721
Clashmore Community Broadband
17-10-11 15:55
9 3.7K
The Ocean Hotel
07-04-12 19:54
14 1.8K
Min of Education visiting Tramore Friday Apr 20
19-04-12 9:40
6 913
Table quiz + raffle with great prizes, Dungarvan - Fri 20th
17-04-12 10:04
0 509
Scaffolding Planks
19-03-12 8:59
8 2.8K
Waterford Festival of Food. Dungarvan
11-04-12 15:36
2 663
Tramore needs to be sorted ASAP!
16-03-12 19:19
13 3.7K
Tidy Towns dog fouling campaign
08-04-12 15:34
0 469
Kilmeaden / Ballyduff Roadworks
03-04-12 12:48
2 628
dingarvan blues festival
04-04-12 16:37
1 631
Public Lecture Waterford Astronomy Society 11/4/12 9pm
02-04-12 18:44
0 363
Blaggarding at the Cappaquin Parade
17-03-12 15:10
10 1.7K
Possible missing dog Tramore Heights area!
30-03-12 16:16
2 736
Where to get a bench made in Waterford for a graveyard
28-03-12 11:14
2 577