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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Piracy on Campus
11-03-08 18:30
8 1.4K
Settings for receiving DIT mail with email client
22-02-08 10:39
29 7.7K
DIT News and
06-03-08 17:53
17 2.2K
Televisions in Kevin Street Library
15-04-08 18:35
9 1K
Exams Good Luck thread!!
02-05-08 0:57
0 450
Exam Papers from home
27-04-08 14:05
5 829
Passing the year ...
28-04-08 17:31
4 768
CA results.
28-04-08 17:09
7 868
10-04-08 16:18
5 1.1K
Student Union Shop in Cathal Brugha St?
17-04-08 21:03
1 653
carry subjects???
24-04-08 12:42
1 638
Assignment regulations
02-04-08 19:24
10 1.1K
16-04-08 13:41
4 771
Night Course in Advertising - Creative
20-04-08 16:46
0 561
Graphic Desginer/Journalists
20-04-08 8:45
0 550
Thesis binding
17-04-08 13:30
2 943
Re: Fees
11-04-08 13:40
9 1.2K
Photocopying a Book
17-04-08 19:53
0 617
To the IT guys - Sun Microsystems Posters in Kevin Srt - Anyone know anything?
08-02-08 13:51
14 1.7K
Postgrad Fashion buying-anyone doing it???
08-04-08 20:40
0 733
Journalism or Media Arts?!?!
02-04-08 19:44
3 723
DIT Comedy Soc present ANDREW MAXWELL
19-03-08 19:41
10 1.3K
How do u access U: network drive from home?
02-04-08 2:46
12 1K
LAb opening hours in kevin st
04-04-08 1:14
0 474
DT089-Electronic and Computer Systems
23-03-08 23:19
3 982
Library opening times: Aungier St
24-03-08 13:00
6 886
IT Colleges want university status
15-03-08 14:05
12 1.6K
Sabatical elections
29-02-08 19:53
12 1.3K
Event Management and Maths???
13-03-08 14:16
1 557
14-03-08 14:34
0 462