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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
DIT postgrad
09-07-09 18:25
2 736
Bible Bashers
07-07-09 17:15
13 1.3K
Have DIT posted out transcripts yet?
05-07-09 15:47
7 1.3K
Maths Learning Centre..
24-06-09 15:54
1 665
estimation for drop in points for architecure?
13-06-09 21:51
5 920
Professional cookery
03-07-09 11:48
2 601
Masters course notification?
20-05-09 11:35
1 520
02-07-09 14:55
4 609
advanced entry
29-06-09 19:34
1 668
22-06-09 21:19
8 1K
Moving from Ordinary Degree to Honours Degree
23-06-09 21:14
2 1.4K
25-06-09 11:07
3 582
Pass Lists/Class Lists
24-06-09 10:10
5 2.4K
erasmus problem
13-06-09 0:31
4 1.8K
DT008 - Electronics and Communications
21-06-09 14:02
0 429
results 12
31-05-09 10:30
67 6.4K
Part Time Computer Programming
26-05-09 18:38
2 1.2K
Missed the masters deadline
17-06-09 7:59
8 798
05-06-09 19:04
1 567
Masters acceptance
14-06-09 18:55
3 658
Student assistance fund?
11-06-09 17:57
3 790
Ladder system.
07-06-09 16:18
3 602
Reapplying through the CAO??
09-06-09 17:33
4 932
16-06-09 1:57
2 605
Hons BSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
19-05-09 11:38
2 759
Postgrad in Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems
15-06-09 1:23
0 1K
Master of Arts in Creative Digital Media Technologies
14-06-09 19:56
0 593
What to do when finished ord mech degree??
14-06-09 13:06
0 412
09-06-09 17:45
2 611
What's right with DIT?
02-04-09 14:03
2 854