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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
DT 444 Culinary arts (catering for health)
01-09-09 16:29
5 608
Looking for gym buddy
17-01-09 0:47
18 1.9K
Gaming club
01-09-09 14:49
1 321
hey everyone
01-09-09 15:57
0 330
missing first week of term?
01-09-09 14:41
1 415
Areas for Accommatation
31-08-09 22:31
3 461
PLC Professional Cookery
01-09-09 11:20
1 482
01-09-09 14:08
0 326
College....FOR WHAT??
30-08-09 18:07
9 778
How do I get into my old Dit mail?
31-08-09 14:12
2 531
Setting up a sports club
31-08-09 16:30
1 528
DT249 - Repeat exams timetable?
30-08-09 16:29
0 505
International Business and a Language
24-08-09 10:19
5 595
30-08-09 9:55
2 429
Thoughts on the Student Accomodation
19-08-09 2:32
7 854
DIT Info Letter
27-08-09 11:42
12 977
DT408/2'ers from 2009 - HELP (hospitality/Hotel)
29-08-09 7:59
0 348
Masters in Journalism
01-06-09 20:48
29 7.2K
Airsoft Soc?
26-08-09 22:51
8 551
DT212 Science-what's it like?
27-08-09 22:11
2 583
New Society
24-04-09 10:31
5 620
Web design.
16-08-09 0:49
4 683
DT104/DT110 (Auctioneering/Property Economics)
30-06-09 19:58
7 1.4K
Conservatory of Music
27-08-09 0:49
0 471
music in D.I.T
11-01-09 11:02
9 1.7K
Exam Repeat Dates?
21-07-09 20:57
8 1.2K
what is kevin street like?
16-08-09 0:29
17 2.1K
Parking in DIT Kevin Street??
26-08-09 8:10
1 722
Know your DIT's 2008/2009 123
18-08-08 0:23
126 21.2K
22-08-09 21:28
1 450