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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
18-08-11 15:27
3 611
DIT Architecture or UCD Architecture?
30-04-11 15:10
9 5.2K
Aungier Street SU shop
18-08-11 9:21
3 508
Transfer to UCD
01-06-11 13:32
5 1.3K
january exams 2012
04-07-11 22:34
13 2.4K
Is DIT library in Aungier st open?
16-08-11 14:20
1 479
help for september
03-07-11 10:43
3 1K
Can you defer a postgraduate?
31-07-11 10:01
1 652
First Year
13-08-11 13:37
2 914
DT 009
20-06-11 20:07
12 2.8K
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Building Services Engineering)
10-08-11 1:43
1 709
09-07-11 20:28
27 4.5K
07-08-11 23:06
4 899
what to do ?
08-08-11 16:03
0 413
Does DIT do any sort of Bike Scheme or grant
07-08-11 21:10
6 1.2K
DIT: Clinical Measurement
19-06-08 18:11
7 6.8K
07-08-11 0:18
0 677
So where is everyone starting DIT in Sept 2011 getting accommodation?
10-07-11 1:55
18 3.6K
Marketing in DIT... recognized/reputed outside Ireland?
03-08-11 3:23
1 1.9K
Former DIT Aungier ST student search?
04-08-11 5:23
3 950
DIT Fantasy Football
27-07-11 15:51
3 1.4K
03-08-11 16:37
1 578
MSc in Applied Computing for Technologists DT090A and MSc in Engineering Computation
03-08-11 12:36
0 863
Dissertation Survey
02-08-11 19:39
0 581
Photography in DIT
30-07-11 13:02
7 996
Msc in Quality Assurance & regulation
27-07-11 19:11
0 575
automobile assesors course DIT
13-07-11 20:45
1 654
Defer first year
20-07-11 0:45
7 1.8K
Degree Classification
22-07-11 17:37
6 14.6K
Academic Qualifications
24-07-11 23:52
0 466