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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
General advice for a mature science student.
18-08-14 19:52
0 446
General science
18-08-14 16:05
1 438
Masters Timetable
16-08-14 15:05
4 801
DT 028 transport operations and technology
01-08-14 18:17
6 1.4K
HDip in Computer Science - Maths Question
16-08-14 16:37
2 547
Logging in to DIT email account
16-08-14 12:47
2 651
DT504 Film and Broadcasting DIT
15-08-14 13:01
0 688
Marketing @ DIT
05-03-14 20:56
7 1.7K
MA Child Family and Community Studies
14-08-14 16:14
0 364
Print and Digital Media Technology Management
13-08-14 12:59
0 337
Diploma in Professional Cookery Skills
07-08-14 18:23
0 339
Use of SPSS for Masters
05-08-14 9:48
0 389
Health & Nutrition for the Culinary Arts
20-05-14 12:26
4 860
Dit rathmines accommodation
25-07-14 16:37
0 108
How do you book a room at Aungier Street?
25-07-14 16:35
0 168
Wanted BIMM Accommodation
25-07-14 16:35
0 211
Heavy Vehicle Mechanics Phase 4 in Bolton Street
24-07-14 20:47
0 481
Focus Group Participants Needed
24-07-14 15:04
0 490
DIT Grading System
23-07-14 15:39
3 5.8K
Need help! First time building a gaming pc
19-07-14 21:50
1 685
DIT Accommodation 2014/2015
11-05-14 16:36
7 1.9K
Anyone doing Film and Broadcast
05-04-14 22:02
3 1.2K
Tourism Management
01-07-14 22:53
3 956
Anyone doing Visual and Critical Studies this year?
04-07-14 18:37
0 504
Dropping out of college
01-07-14 21:05
5 1.4K
Management Science subject
11-01-11 13:54
11 1.2K
Mathematics in DIT?
10-06-14 17:36
5 1.6K
Biomedical Science? 12
11-01-09 23:26
51 25.1K
Accommodations for 1st year
26-06-14 21:43
0 673
question about the English proficiency test
16-06-14 15:01
1 857