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Theatre, Performing Arts & Musicals

All the world's a stage.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Body conditioning
13-10-08 22:40
0 549
The Year of Magical Thinking
08-10-08 19:16
4 702
Andrew Lloyd Webber Birthday Concert
18-09-08 0:19
5 993
Mini Musical for Voting
03-10-08 10:25
2 767
*** Open Auditions ***
08-10-08 21:46
0 775
Spiderman/American Psycho
24-09-08 21:45
10 979
Someone want to try to play some punk stuff togheter?
08-10-08 13:29
1 560
Open Casting Call
07-10-08 19:26
0 772
Performing in musicals
08-09-08 1:13
31 3.3K
Greystones Theatre
06-10-08 18:34
1 798
Anyone see Beauty and the Beast recently?
13-09-08 11:53
1 713
Comedy tips, tricks & advise.
06-10-08 10:52
0 483
re: Kildare
04-10-08 11:45
1 704
Announcement for Anyone interested in performing in a play in Galway- November
24-09-08 13:35
1 568
Favourite musical star?
19-09-08 22:08
10 1K
exciting opportunity to direct a one act play
03-10-08 17:48
0 565
what to expect at an extr-audition?
03-10-08 9:41
0 644
POD CAST COMEDY looks great, check out the line up (in post)
01-10-08 15:45
0 623
Black Watch Tickets for Tonight!!!
01-10-08 14:00
0 497
Caligula tickets for DTF: Swap wanted
01-10-08 9:49
0 668
dance classes Galway area
29-07-06 17:33
5 12.4K
Spamalot - anyone see it?
25-09-08 9:04
1 598
21-09-08 14:52
1 895
Dublin Youth Theatre Open Day
19-09-08 20:19
0 718
ballet exercises
15-09-08 21:45
3 833
No Mans Land
12-09-08 12:43
5 770
Dublin Culture Night: This Friday
17-09-08 15:37
1 584
Sligo Musical Manhunt
16-09-08 16:18
0 1.6K
Dominique Boivin
13-09-08 21:40
0 610
children's drama classes_killester area
13-09-08 10:42
0 573