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Theatre, Performing Arts & Musicals

All the world's a stage.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Seeking adult dance classes in North Co Dublin
26-05-11 0:38
6 4.4K
Blood Brothers coming to Cork
15-08-11 20:20
1 1.4K
12-08-11 19:51
0 853
Peter Pan in the GCT
16-07-11 22:31
5 1.6K
Dance Performance
05-08-11 19:55
4 769 amateur acting workshops in Dublin
30-07-11 19:12
2 1.5K
Teaching 18 girls how to dance...but I can't dance.
06-07-11 19:30
5 1.5K
How to enter the world of acting?
22-07-11 18:43
9 3.1K
Cois Ceim Creative Steps
30-07-11 23:37
3 1.3K
Ballroom Dancing
05-08-11 12:38
0 1.5K
Sunday theatre
05-08-11 0:03
0 572
Ballet & Tap Classes - Co. Kildare
04-08-11 13:55
0 923
What companies are in charge of plays in ireland?
03-08-11 13:14
3 661
Dublin Theatre Festival
31-07-11 20:46
0 774
Inchicore Tech Course
18-06-11 21:33
2 1.1K
London September advice needed
20-07-11 16:04
6 1.6K
Bardot Bites returns to the Cork Arts Theatre
25-07-11 16:52
0 554
ballet crossdressers
25-07-11 12:32
0 632
fire performance/eating/breathing
24-07-11 16:55
0 529
Drama group in tallaght/Clondalkin area
18-07-11 5:18
2 1.8K
15-07-11 10:24
5 875
Musical Theatre Teacher Wanted!!
15-07-11 14:06
0 515
Musical Theatre Teacher Wanted!!
15-07-11 14:02
0 865
A One Night Stand with Taylor Negron 9pm, Friday July 29th, 2011
14-07-11 15:12
0 556
looking for short plays on subject of bullying or conflict
05-07-11 21:41
2 1.1K
[COMPETITION] Win tickets for 4 for Riverdance 12
04-07-11 13:24
83 6.6K
How easy is it to get a NEW musical performed?
06-07-11 17:40
1 1.4K
Adult dance classes in Dulin
14-02-11 19:48
7 1.9K
Glee 12
28-12-09 16:26
80 12.3K
28-06-11 9:09
2 1.5K