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Tattoos & Piercings

Body art and adornments.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Advice for first tattoo in Dublin?
03-08-11 16:01
4 1.4K
Day of the dead mask
23-08-11 14:43
0 824
Need advice on a tattoo studio.
19-08-11 14:29
9 1.2K
Geisha Girl or Samurai tattoo
22-08-11 1:40
4 1.6K
Tattoo advertisements
19-08-11 19:18
10 2.1K
Japanese motif, small?
18-08-11 12:02
6 1.6K
Skin City
21-08-11 15:33
0 1.4K
New tattoo shops "vtattoo" "pins an needles"
19-08-11 16:55
1 2.2K
Looking for tattoo artist recommendation
19-08-11 7:59
0 581
Looking for a Tattooist for a new shop in West of Ireland
17-08-11 16:13
0 573
Reopen bellybutton piercing
17-08-11 10:55
1 839
Marketing company hiring face painters......
16-08-11 11:50
2 590
Sterilizing Piercings
12-08-11 20:17
1 639
New Tattoo Parlour in Dun Laoghaire
09-08-09 11:18
16 8.2K
Nipple piercing torn...
12-10-06 16:55
29 27.5K
scaffold piercing lumps/bumps/blisters...?
10-08-11 11:54
0 1.4K
Tattoo font
07-08-11 14:02
1 1.1K
Tongue piercing Dublin..
07-08-11 23:17
6 1.6K
Lip Piercing.
03-08-11 23:23
4 2K
Your Opinion on this design !!!
04-08-11 13:44
11 1.3K
Can colour work with black / grey?
26-07-11 3:22
12 1.6K
Sleeve Tips
08-06-11 18:39
1 745
Japanese work.
06-06-11 13:02
7 2.6K
Stomach tattoo and stretching
04-08-11 12:30
6 1.8K
Lip piercing thickness Q
03-08-11 15:05
2 1.5K
Advice please?
01-08-11 18:06
4 780
What shops are in Dun Laoghaire ?
30-07-11 16:31
6 1K
Tattoo under hypnosis
01-08-11 16:32
3 970
Question on a Lip Piercing..:) Plz Help!
27-07-11 3:07
7 2.1K
Tribal but want to go over with a 3/4 Sleeve - Laser?
28-07-11 18:20
2 802